kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan’s pro-life views ‘almost like Sharia’
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/chris-matthews-paul-ryans-pro-life-views-almost-like-sharia/
Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan’s pro-life views ‘almost like Sharia’
Chris Matthews just said Romney/Ryan is trying to implement their own kind of Sharia law. #smh
— Right In Academia (@RightInAcademia) October 17, 2012
Yep. He went there. Don’t believe Matthews could possibly be that big a jackass? Check out the video and see for yourself.
A couple of tingling liberals applauded Matthews’ screwy hyperbole:
I love that Chris Matthews is referring to anti-choice “personhood” bills as Christian Sharia Law. #debate
— Zack Ford (@ZackFord) October 17, 2012
Chris Matthews just played the Sharia card, appropriate way to define Republicans’Taliban views on women’s reproductive rights.#Debate2012
— michelle celarier (@hedgeygrl) October 17, 2012
Appropriate? On what planet?
Chris Matthews makes a good point. Rs are so freaked about sharia; their attempt to run country on religious principle is no different.
— Jen Hintz (@jen_hintz) October 17, 2012
Uh, no. Comparing Republicans’ desire to assign personhood to and protect the unborn to a murderous theocratic law is not only ridiculous, it’s downright vile. The only point Matthews has ever had is the one that’s on top of his head.
Twitterers with a firm grasp on reality were thoroughly disgusted:
FOOL > Chris Matthews : ‘Personhood’ Amendments ‘Almost Like Sharia’ shar.es/c1O4Y No Obama – Vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan
— WiseUPLibs (@WiseUpLibs) October 17, 2012
Matthews pulled the #sharia card…he’s desperate. #MSNBC
— Brent (@brento76) October 17, 2012
So much stupid… “@buzzfeedandrew: Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.””
— Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) October 17, 2012
Is Matthews off his meds again??? RT @buzzfeedandrew Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— SydVid (@SydVid) October 17, 2012
There’s no medicine for stupid.
Let this be a lesson kids: Gin isn’t a breakfast food RT: @buzzfeedandrew: Matthews says Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— DrewM (@DrewMTips) October 17, 2012
Y’know what’s almost like Sharia? Sharia. RT @buzzfeedandrew: Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— Film Ladd (@FilmLadd) October 17, 2012
Creeping tingle up his leg. RT @buzzfeedandrew: Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— Jake Beckman (@jakebeckman) October 17, 2012
Bc he’s a dolt. RT @buzzfeedandrew: Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— Eddie Rawls (@rawls) October 17, 2012
Jesuits educated this man. RT @buzzfeedandrew: Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) October 17, 2012
You’d never know it by his religious bigotry.
Please tell me this is a sick joke RT @buzzfeedandrew: Chris Matthews says Paul Ryan’s abortion position “it’s almost like sharia.”
— AlexaShrugged (@AlexaShrugged) October 17, 2012
If only. But this sort of insane verbal vomit is exactly what we’ve come to expect from the raving hack. Matthews himself is the sickest joke of all.
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/16/chris-matthews-paul-ryans-pro-life-views-almost-like-sharia/
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di-st0rted-thoughts · 12 years
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casamarcela-blog · 12 years
I can't even look at this debate anymore because I'm so anxious.
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ideasallday · 12 years
I don't really care about your party affiliation, I just want you to party with me!
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keeplookingupp-blog · 12 years
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Oh dear....
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Lib misogynists drooling at the prospect of ‘slutty’ binder Halloween costumes
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/lib-misogynists-drooling-at-the-prospect-of-slutty-binder-halloween-costumes/
Lib misogynists drooling at the prospect of ‘slutty’ binder Halloween costumes
As Twitchy reported, lefties are creepily obsessed with Mitt Romney’s remark about the “binders full of women” he and his staff looked through when considering potential female employees for his cabinet. They’re convinced that Binder-gate will singlehandedly destroy the Romney campaign, because, clearly, Romney is nothing more than a misogynist who refuses to see women as women. Funny, then, that these same liberals are positively giddy about the potential for “binders full of women” Halloween costumes:
Mitt Romney’s debate achievement -deciding what Halloween costume every woman will choose- Binder Full of Women Costumes Everywhere #debate
— Comedy Muse (@ComedyMuse) October 17, 2012
I can only imagine how many girls are getting their binder costumes together.
— Brendan Jaharis (@DrunkSocialite) October 17, 2012
Number of people in my Facebook feed claiming to plan binder full of women Halloween costumes: 12, but it’s early in the day.
— Andrea Peterson (@kansasalps) October 17, 2012
Bitches, I better see some of you in binder costumes on the 31st. It’s the Chilean miner equivalent for Halloween 2012.
— Jeremy Elder (@shapeandcolour) October 17, 2012
How many people are working on their “Binder Full of Women” Halloween costumes this weekend?
— Dustin Glick (@Dustinland) October 17, 2012
These pathetic lefties, so quick to lob the misogynist label at Romney, can’t wait to witness the impending Halloween parade of women in “slutty” binder costumes:
Idea for the ladies: slutty binder costume for Halloween.#Debate2012
— Chad Kesler (@Chadmmmk) October 17, 2012
I want to see a binder of slutty women costume come #halloween. Get on it ladies! #debate2012
— John T Wren (@jtdub21) October 17, 2012
I want to be in that binder “@carodgz: revising my Halloween costume: slutty binder of women.”
— Sondy Bojanic (@sondybojanic) October 17, 2012
How are us ladies gonna figure out a slutty binder costume for Halloween??
— Jessica Lin (@jesswlin) October 17, 2012
Attn costumeshops: the must-have ladies costume is now Slutty Binder. Put some office supplies in those big baggies you like and go! #debate
— Blacktress (@Blacktress) October 17, 2012
Anyone want to help me figure out how to make a binder costume slutty?
— Flannfry (@mediacrity) October 17, 2012
Well, I think it’s pretty clear what my Halloween costume will be: a slutty binder full of women.
— Kristen (@ludakristen) October 17, 2012
Obviously “Binder Full Of Women” is going to be the slutty costume of the year
— Zac Little (@zacharylittle) October 17, 2012
Halloween costume idea:Slutty Binder.#thanksGovernorRomney!
— Kristy Eriksen (@kristyeriksen) October 17, 2012
RT @tashfoolery: Do you think China can turn around enough slutty “women in a binder” costumes in time for Halloween!? #debate #realtalks
— ryan lacquement (@lacquement) October 17, 2012
Best/Worst thing still to come from last night’s debate: the “slutty binder” Halloween costumes. #bindersfullofwomen
— Novem (@grimm_punk) October 17, 2012
I didn’t watch the debate last night but thanks to twitter I got the highlights. So there’s going to be a rush on slutty binder costumes?
— Aurore (@MlleAuroreB) October 17, 2012
Ok, ladies. Let’s see your slutty binder costumes for Halloween this year. #BinderFullOfWomen
— Frank Zurbano (@fzurbano) October 17, 2012
I expect slutty binder Halloween costumes by the end of the week.
— Todd Nickel (@toddnickel) October 17, 2012
Can’t wait to see all the slutty binder costumes this Halloween.
— Verdell Wilson (@MissRFTC) October 17, 2012
See? Objectification of women is totally cool when liberals do it!
A website for the costume has already sprung up:
@ssigafoos This costume website has done the Romney Binder thinking for you: headlinecostumes.com/products/binde…
— JD Beebe (@jdbeebe) October 17, 2012
Complete with more misogyny and racism:
Way to go, liberals.
Anti-Mormon bigots: Romney has ‘binders full of women’ to keep track of sister-wives
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/17/classy-lib-misogynists-drooling-at-the-prospect-of-slutty-bindersfullofwomen-halloween-costumes/
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instaconservative · 12 years
Who won the final Presidential Debate?
After careful deliberation and analyzation of notes, I have determined that the incumbent president, Barack Obama, has slightly archived victory in the final presidential debate. This debate lacked flagrant argument and was rather mild for both sides. Each side has several one line attacks, but based on the overall forcefulness and Romney's strategy of playing it safe, it can be said that Obama just came out on top. The mainstream media has completely blown up the debate, saying that Obama won by a landslide. That's no surprise. MSNBC said that Obama handled Romney pretty well the first debate. We all know the facts to the contrary. The slight right-winged Fox News is split on the debate. Some say that both Romney and Obama prevailed on different issues. I agree with those assessments, and don't believe that either side 'tore up the floor'. The big question will be, who won the debates in general, did the debates have any impact in the polls, and who will come out victorious on Election Day? I guess we'll all find out on the 7th. Everybody go to the polls on November 6th and cast your vote!
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nine-toedsloth · 12 years
Maybe one of the most disappointing things about last night was all the talk about who has nukes. It was all very Cold-War-esque.
Meanwhile, they didn't say a word about cyber security, which is interesting given the recent massive attack on banks. I guess bombs are just more interesting than internet warfare.
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doistayordoigo-blog · 12 years
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Mitt Romney attempts to explain geography to America (via NYMag.com)
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smoothzone · 12 years
The Final Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy 2012: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney
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maicho · 12 years
Post Debate Thoughts
It was definitely an interesting debate tonight. Way too interesting. I called it interesting not because the President obviously came back from the previous 2 debates. It's interesting because I am starting to get confused with both candidates' policies and the party's belief.
First Romney was clearly confused by tonight's debate theme. Well, I truly believe he was until the latter part. For quite a few moments, Romney was actually endorsing President Obama. He agrees Obama on the issue of Afghanistan. As much as you tried not to show your agreesiveness on Televised Debate, and I am not that great of a debater, I still dont think you should agree with what your opponent said during a debate ?
Second, Romney totally showed he's weak on foreign policy. What does he actually know about foreign policy. I would actually say nothing. It's great you have an amazing plan in place to restore the U.S. economy (which will include bankrupt Detroit), creating more jobs, implementing the Massachusetts model nation-wide (please excuse my ignorance, what actually triumphs from Massachusetts that he cannot stop bragging about ?)
AND the most interesting part I found is the post-debate polls. According to the CBS poll on the issue of national security and terrorism, the President won by 64-36. I recalled 4 years ago when Obama ran the election against John McCain, it was the Republicans' strategy to attack Obama on his lack of experiences in these matters. Afterall, it was George W. Bush who started to "war on terrorism", how he put America in War. Republicans triumphs those works. And tonight, we see another Republican candidate totally reveals his weakness in that area. The fact how Obama attacked Romney on his poor knowledge of today's US military shocked me - best moment when Obama said " Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military' has changed." Is this really a strategy from the GOP on ashaming its own candidate on this issue tonight ? Thought they triumphed themselves for created a "Safer" and "stronger" U.S.A. under the Bush's regime?
After tonight debate, it will be really hard for someone to convince me Romney actually knows Foreign policy and its a great Presidential candidate. I won't rule out the fact that Romney may be a good political leader but if his attributes and wisdom only focus on domestic/ national issues, he should stay as a governor, just not quite enough to lead the whole United States of America.
As little as Obama knows little about foreign policy, tonight Romney tells us he knows even less.
Two best quotes tonight :
1. Romney: "Govt doesn't create jobs and the greatest threat is a nuclear Iran ... But let's talk about China"
2. Bob Schieffer: "Let me get back to foreign policy," - Whats better after that ? Romney kept on talking about school tests in Massachusetts.
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