#deborah margaret gallagher thank you for all that you’ve done i’m sorry you get treated like actual shit
m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
The list of things Debbie did for her siblings while they treated her like an annoyance, so hurtful.
She ran the daycare for Fiona
She looked for Ian with Lip
She took care of the house while Fiona was going through a downward spiral
She managed the household when Fiona left
She kept Ian and Mickey's wedding from being ruined and missed it on top of that
She got Lip and Tami an RV to live in, I think she even put in some money on it.
Debbie isn't as selfish as the writers tried to make her out to be. None of the siblings are what I'd call outright selfish. But Debbie is the one who gets slapped with that label and it makes me feel so bad for her. Everyone stop being mean to Debbie. 💔
i mean, debbie has been annoying on several occasions, but so have all of the other characters. i think that all of the “annoying” things she has done are relatively justifiable. and not to throw anyone under the bus (i love you fiona i’m so sorry for this) but fiona can be just as annoying as debbie.
it honestly saddens me how poorly debbie has always been treated, she really has never had any ill-intentions towards her family members, she’s very helpful and yeah, she can be controlling and a little much, but really all she wants is a family that will stay together.
every “selfish” thing she’s ever done really wasn’t that selfish. like, some people say that keeping franny was selfish and she only did it “to spite fiona”, but we literally saw why. derek’s sister-in-law said that having a kid gave her a new family, she literally wanted a kid so that she could build a family, she specifically said she didn’t want fiona to hate her/she didn’t want more issues with fiona- franny wasn’t created as a “fuck you” to fiona and debbie did it ALL on her own. fiona didn’t raise franny at all.
and honestly? debbie deserves to be selfish at times. she’s spent so much of her life doing things for others and just getting hurt over and over again, so let her be selfish from time to time.
but like seriously she does so much and is treated like a nuisance. ian should be thanking her for all that she did for the wedding, fiona should be thanking her for all that she did while she was having a breakdown, tami should have thanked her for spending her hard-earned money on the rv, she just deserves a big thank you because she really cares.
the fandom decided one day that they hated her and then the writers went off of that, but it was complete bullshit. you can’t convince me that all of the gallagher’s hate debbie because they don’t. they love their sister. argue with the wall.
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