#decepticons being their typical decepticon selves of mistrust defensive and... well- deceptiveness not withstanding
whatudottu · 1 year
My own personal idea regarding how Blitzwing got his different faceplates: one of the more…shall we say, “eccentric” scientists working on the Triple Changer project saw Blitzwing developing his alters as a result the trauma he experienced along with the mental strain of becoming a Triple Changer, went “Hey Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today”, asked each fronting alter to draw how they saw themselves, and basically forced Blitzwing to undergo a second surgery to give each one their own face just to see what would happen if a system was given the ability to switch near-instantaneously. Needless to say, things didn’t go nearly as well as what they had originally anticipated.
Blitzwing thought being asked about his alters would've made their experience go on an upswing but unfortunately it was Surgery 2: Electric Boogaloo 😔, and that was only the fronting alters- The system would have very good reasons not to trust anyone with a medical or science degree...
I also see that 'each fronting alter' you wrote and I also like to imagine that Icy, the presumed original Blitzwing due to his preference for a jet mode, is also an alter but one that acts as either 'host' or otherwise 'the face that identifies the closest with the designation Blitzwing'. Like- the original Blitzwing is an alt in the same way a little is for an a) childless species and b) a DID-like dissociative disorder occuring due to triple changer coding plus abuse; an original frame alter who doesn't front (or is gatekept from fronting) because by proxy of being pre-BETC, being completely fucking rebuilt not once but twice will NOT go too well for his mental health.
Certainly a little more logical than 'triple changers transform new faces without intervention', and this little explanation fits with the TFA Autobot's ideology of 'you are cog in the great [Autobot] machine'; labeling your little cogs and gears goes a long way to making them 'function'.
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