#decided it'd make sense to repost the cover on it's own so that i can link back to it
cat-astrophe-comic · 1 year
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Hi. Can i request a aegon ii x rhaenyra's daughter. Maybe they marry in secret after the dinner of episode 8.
Of course you can, dear stranger! Hope you like it:)
Marry you|Aegon II Targaryen xTarg!Reader
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Warnings: Explicit language
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
A/N: Tumblr decided it'd be funny to mess with me and the first version didn't save. I've learned my lesson but tbh, it huuurt. Anyhoo- for the sake of this whole thing, let's pretend like she's didn't leave with her mother to Dragonstone, but instead stayed in King's Landing. Don't ask, I have no idea of how or why something like that would work either. Oh also, him and Helaena are still married to eachother. However, I didn't make it a point to mention their kids, so... Do with that as you wish. Cheers!
The prince stole a quick glance at his niece as he reached for the wine decanter that just so happened to be placed right in front of her. She didn't even acknowledge him, too busy laughing along with Princess Baela at something her younger brother,Jacaerys, had just said to the two. The jealousy was eating him alive. Why? He had no idea, earlier that day the princess Rhaenys had announced the betrothal of Jacaerys and Baela Velaryon. Not to mention, Aegon himself was a married man. He had no right to feel jealous. Even so, he couldn't stop himself from drumming his fingers on the wooden table in annoyance. His brother was quick to notice, considering he sat not that far from him. Prince Aemond gave his older brother a knowing look, his usual smirk on his face.
"Oh Jace, you haven't changed one bit!" The princess said, hand now resting on her brother's shoulder as she wiped at the happy tears that pricked at her eyes.
His nostrils flared, lungs expanding to their full capacity. His heart was beating so fast, Aegon was afraid it was going to shatter all his ribs in attempt to get out. That damn bastard, he thought to himself.
The silver haired man was quick to pour the contents of his glass down his throat. As he placed his cup back on the table, he looked around. A certain pair of eyes had already been staring at him. A smile flashed on the Rogue Prince's face and dissappeared just as quickly. His attention turned back to his wife, leaving Aegon to drown in jealousy and resentment.
Aegon Targaryen, second of his name, wasn't the type that would get flustered easily. And yet, his hands were starting to sweat. He brushed his palms on the fabric that covered his thighs, then got up. He circled around his niece and nephew that were talking about Gods know what and stopped between Jace and Baela. His hand extended out towards the wine decanter. He poured himself another glass.
"I..." Aegon hesitated for a second there. He was sure he'd get an earful for what he was about to say, from both his mother and niece. "I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer."
The attention of everyone around the table had turned to him. They could all sense it, he was about to say something extremely idiotic and inappropriate.
"But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask."
Two pairs of hands slammed down on the table, both brother and sister rising to their feet. A sharp "Jace!" could be heard coming from lady Velaryon. Everyone heard it, except Jace. And his sister. The two stared down the young prince as he went back and took his seat, each for their own reasons.
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"Pray tell, Aegon, was any of what you just did out there really necessary!?" She practically yelled as she slammed the doors of his chambers shut.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" He yelled back. Of course he was drunk. Has there ever been a time when he wasn't...
"You brat, I haven't seen my family in ages!" She shoved him hard. "Leave it to you and your brother to ruin everything..."
"I am your family, aren't I?" The prince croaked, his throat had gone as dry as a desert.
"Don't you fucking dare, I refuse to play this little game with you, you-"
"Do you love him?" He interrupted.
The young Targaryen girl in front of him frowned, her face twisting in disgust.
"He's my brother, you arse."
"That doesn't answer my question now, does it?" He was pushing it. Really pushing.
"He's my fucking brother, Aegon! My baby brother! How could you even ask me such a thing with a straight face?!" Her small hands landed a hit after hit to his chest.
"Because I do." The prince caught her hands mid-air, eliciting a shocked gasp out of the girl.
"I love you." His whole body shook as the words spilled out his mouth. " I think I've always loved you..."
His hands went back down to his sides, letting go of her. Aegon was quick to turn his back to her, letting the tears and sweat run down his face freely. He could feel it, he was about to vomit all over the floor.
"Oh, you insufferable twat!"
In the blink of an eye, Prince Aegon found himself facing the woman once more. His whole world melted seconds after.
A pair of soft lips crashed rather violently against his. Two gentle hands gripped each side of his face, still not sure whether or not they should claw his eyes out right where he stood. His found their way around her midsection as they fell, knees slamming into the cold floor.
She pulled back as he tried to deepen the kiss.
"I hate you so,so much...You complete and utter moron." The woman huffed as she brushed the silver locks off of his sweaty forehead.
"Marry me" it was more of a statement that it was a question.
"You heard." His nose brushed against hers, a smile on his face.
"But...Helaena. And my mother. And your mother-"
"I've made my choice already. And you?"
She kissed him again, this time much softer. She'd made her choice long ago.
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