#deciding to invest means unleashing your goal to be an entrepreneur.
onecent369 · 2 years
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luovita · 5 years
You are in control, realise where you are, change your habits, achieve your goals and unleash yourself
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Are you in control of your success? Is having an ideal lifestyle considered success?
  Yes, combined with the right attitude, you can be successful in any areas of your life.  Here are few tips to help you control your success and start a life you always wanted. There are several ways on how to control your success like changing your habits as you continue to achieve your goals and unleash yourself to the world of endless possibilities.
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        Maybe it’s your fitness you want to improve and have a healthy lifestyle habits, maybe you’re looking to enhance your career and work with flexibility as you travel the world, or perhaps you want to live in modern lifestyle and probably have a passive income such as making money online, all of it boils down is to what I call LifeStyle Design.       Now, there is nothing wrong with having many goals, but it is also true that many of us lack the necessary skills and expertise to convert those into reality. This renders us somewhat powerless when it comes to choosing the trajectory of our lives. We’re out of shape because we don’t know how to stick to a training program, we lack motivation and consistency in doing the necessary then at the end fail with our goal to have a healthy lifestyle habits. We’re in jobs that are unexciting because we don’t know how to get out of our career ruts and are unable to earn enough money to travel or do leisure activities when in fact there are ways to make money fast from home. We have forgotten what it is to go out and have fun and live the ideal lifestyle you've been dreaming. The really bad part of the matter is when we tell someone how we’re going to quit smoking, write a book or get into shape, and they just roll their eyes and say “sure.” What’s worse? We ourselves don’t fully believe it. It’s time to change all that and be a new person. It’s time to come forth and take control of your life. Let’s look at how we can make it happen.  
Success is for everyone
Realize the real success within yourself
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          For you to really understand the meaning of success, you must have your own definition of it that relates to your personal life. Success is way too far as most people defines it. What is success for you? What does success mean to you? OK let me share a little about me as a kid. I am honestly not so happy  whenever I received awards in school? There’s a distinct feeling of joy and excitement to eat out with my family and get all the attention, however shockingly, getting awards was never the wellspring of my joy. Not the grades that I want to celebrate but the the journey I had to get those good grades. Sleepless nights, projects, tiring days studying for exam, and the support I get from my family. That for me is a real success.     A lot of individuals long of getting a luxury car, working high up in an extravagant organization, gaining bunches of cash, making money over the internet and having the capacity to do what they want and what they need. They work so hard, they eat less, they invested more energy slaving over a long stretch of time of reports, books, and stress; just to get to the best. Give me a chance to ask you this, however: does being on top mean you are successful? Success is the feeling of finding a sense of contentment and inner happiness. Inner happiness is priceless, it is being optimistic despite the life challenges, and failures we may encounter in life. Success for me is living the ideal lifestyle.   Reality is, many of us have different perception about success.  
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  Some people measures success in the amount of money you have in the bank, some people look up to those who knows where to make money, to those who are good in making money ideas. Some feels like being in the elite circle is a representation of a successful life journey. Sad to say that our concept of success is ruled by the pictures of wealth, distinction, and influence. We invest too much push to accomplish that idea and what do we get in return?   Are we truly satisfied, did we genuinely feel happy having all the glamour or even the attention we get from the others? If not, then that isn’t truly a success. Success is not tangible. It's a feeling that we get from exerting our effort and having that peace.   Let me share my experience, I am a work at home mom but prior to this new career I have a good career in corporate world. I already moved up my ladder to get a good position at work. I have honed skills that clients and my company appreciates the most. In short, I already have that value in the company.   However, after getting married I already conditioned myself that once we decided to have a baby, I will give up my career and focus on being a full-time mom. I wanna be there in every milestones of my baby.   Then I got pregnant, guess what? After 8 years working with my company I am ready to give up everything just to fulfill my promise, because I know, that will give me the real happiness.   Now, I am with my baby 24/7, watching her grow and ensuring she gets the best that I can give. I may be the best team lead that my agents would have, but I wanna be more of the best mother for my baby because she only deserves all the best in the world.   While I am a full-time stay-at-home mom, I am also working as a virtual assistant where I make money online. I am into writing also as I learned that I can make money by blogging. I have dreams and future plans. I want to have my own home business so I can start making extra money online.   Material things are not forever so as our lives.   While we still can, invest more on real happiness and peace. Material things are there to use but the happiness we could get in the love of our family, peace of having nothing to be worried about, that moment that you can sleep peacefully at night, those are priceless and not everyone are given that chance. Yes, go for your goal in achieving your healthy lifestyle habit, be fit and be healthy. Or if you always dream working at home and making money online, then go for it! No on is stopping you to do what makes you happy but just make sure you will live your life.   Again while you still can, invest on those things that will make you truly happy, things that money can’t buy.      
Time Invested Wisely leaves to Your Dreams
  Lifestyle ideas make one to dream, act and achieve his aspirations in life. The more you spend your time wisely the more potential you can achieve your dreams, may it be an ideal lifestyle, or if you want to build your own home business to make money online, or maybe you want to take full money control and life control. Time is precious and should be spent wisely for your dreams.    
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    Invest your time wisely because a time wasted will never return. One should study the best ways to invest your time, time wisely used for leisure, for work, for family and for making money ideas so you can support the needs of your family.   Last Friday, I met with someone, who had just started with his own home-based networking business that gives opportunity to make money online. Being an entrepreneur, I believe that this particular venture can truly be an effective method to attain a great financial success which is one of my lifestyle ideas.   My advice to the person was to plan the work in a simple way. Some projects can be lengthy, but while executing them, you should always keep your patience and never quit the job until achieving your ultimate goal.   It is like setting up home business to make money online, at first you may not get much traction nor clients but if you study well through online education learning and you also put dedication and passion to your online business, then I won't be surprised that one day you are already a successful entrepreneur who make money working online.   What if, your fellow teammate or business partner is giving an excuse of a lack of time? Be the leader and emphasize to them the value of Time. My stance on the phrase - “I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME”, is that it should be deleted completely from your vocabulary. A day consists of 24 hours, which is consistent for all. For the next 7 days, keep a detailed track of your invested time.   This simple task will help you to understand your loopholes and will assist you to utilize your time properly and effectively.   God has blessed everyone uniformly with the Universal currency- Time. But, only those who invest in time sensibly, prosper. A successful person, with loads of work can easily give an excuse of time limitations, but he won’t, as he knows the secret to win in life.   To progress in your endeavors and attain your dreams and live your ideal lifestyle, you must look into your soul and perceive the value of time, which is considered as the greatest gift from God. So, make sure to use this to maximum effect by investing it judiciously.   Today, most of the people are impatient and find their job exhausting, when compared to others. But, you must realize that there is a very thin line between winning and losing the game. The way you set your mind, determines your success. Thus, I always suggest my readers to ignore what others say. Listen to your inner-self and choose the right path that leads you to your ideal lifestyle and be successful.   I believe, you and everyone else can live up to their dreams, by simply wiping off the negative thought that you do not have any time.   We all are familiar with the proverb “You reap what you sow.” Take this slogan to your heart and sow your time wisely to live your dreams perfectly.   Whatever the situation is, be affirmative and never say that you are running short of time. Trust me, no other investment can make you richer and happier than investing your time wisely.       Learn more about the truth about living your life.    
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      Next Step - Change Your Habits
  Change your habits so you can live more freely. Change is constant, and changing your habits can help you start living your ideal lifestyle.    
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    Change your habits, change your life. Everyday matters a lot to us, it gives us hope, a new beginning, a brand new start. But imagine yourself doing the same old stuff that isn't making your life better? How do you feel about each day doing the same exact old routine and lifestyle habits and at the end of the day accomplish nothing new nor better for your life. Think about it, you may be doing something that must end by now. It doesn't mean closing your door to change, but you are allowing change to come into your life. Allow us to make you realize that breaking your old habits will bring so much improvement in your existence that will make you live your ideal lifestyle. How many years are you doing the same things, thinking and worrying about the same things, telling the same story, being the same way to all the people in your life and never fully going after the dream that is burning inside you? How many years are you making excuses for why you have not step up yet? How many people try to inspire you to step up and yet you tell them excuses after excuses of why you’re too old, why you’re too young, why you’re not educated enough, why you’re not smart enough, why you’re not good-looking enough, why you don’t have the experience, How many excuses have you made in your life that had held you from fully going after your purpose, you're missing your dream, the thing that brings the fire out of you and inspires those around you. How long and how much longer are you going to hold yourself back, lay small, play it safe, stay comfortable, not hurting one’s feelings. How much longer are you going to play a safe life and never ever doing anything that leaves a mark on this planet. This is your wake-up call, this is the moment you decide, you have a choice every single breath, every single time your heart beats. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle habits, start reading and researching about healthy lifestyle tips. Am I going to move towards my dreams or am I going to waste another breath, waste another heart beat and allow my fears? My insecurities, my stupid stories that I have going in my head over and over that I’m not worthy enough, that I’m not good enough, smart enough, that I’m not ready enough, that I don’t have enough experience holding me back? From fully opening your heart, expressing yourself and living like a human being on a mission to change whatever it is that you want to change and live the way you want to live. This is your wake-up call and you have a huge decision right now. If you want to make big money, then step up and make a move. Try looking for answers, maybe building home business to make money online is the answer, or maybe you can make money fast from home. There are online education learning available everywhere. It's really up to you when to grab it. I’m calling you forth to get out of your comfort zone, whatever you normally do on a day to day basis you’re going to do the complete opposite for the rest of this day. Live in modern lifestyle and feel your freedom. If your usually quiet, you’re going to be outrageous. You are going to be loud. If you usually loud and crazy you’re going to be reserved and quiet and you're going too open your ears which you never really opened and going to listen to the people around you. If you don’t feel worthy, you’re going to walk around like the worthiest person in the world. As if you’re so worthy and deserving that everything you want, feel and experience are just for you. If you dress conservatively, you’re going dress wild, if you dress wild you’re going to dress conservatively. Whatever is on your mind right now and you think that if you would do that I would be so crazy and uncomfortable you’re going to that the rest of this day because that is going to move you towards your dream. Whatever is on your mind, regardless how wild, how timid, how adventurous, how laid back, it will be totally fine because this is your chance to move towards your dream. Do what you want and do it for yourself. The only way you gonna get closer to your dream is doing things that are going to make you feel so freaking uncomfortable. You must be uncomfortable in order to achieve your dreams of living your ideal lifestyle, get the woman or men of your dreams. In order to have a family, the relationships, the health you want, you need to get uncomfortable. If you’re gonna stay comfortable this day that probably you’re gonna stay comfortable for the rest of your life, you have a choice, this is your wake-up call. What are you willing to do to get uncomfortable right now in order to start moving towards your dreams? What decision are you’re going to make right now in order to step up your life and move towards your dreams? Live fully, follow your dreams and make a worthy living, we can have it all in life, we can live a rich life              
Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
  In modern lifestyle, there's so much to do and time is so important, that's why structuring your goal and making your plan is the first thing we should do in order to leverage ourselves in reaching success.    
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      If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Goal setting will lead you to your success. We start with dreaming about ideal lifestyle, then we make a plan, we execute and finally harvest what we planted.       Step 1. Visualization    The first and most important step is to visualize what you want and to really understand what you want. Visualizing helps you identify possible steps you need to undergo as you try to reach your goal. It will boost your motivation as you see the picture of your ultimate goal. It also stimulates your creativity that allows you to create ideas. This is proven approach in order to achieve goals. As you know most companies have vision which they also entails to their employees. If you plan to build a home business, you must visualize the future. Why do you want to build an online business, is it just to make money online or to have a long term success where you can have financial freedom. It depends on goal but still visualizing it can help you achieve. Step 2. Assess your situation   Making an honest appraisal of your current situation is a very important way to assess your current situation. Analyzing helps you better understand all aspects of your goals from planning until reaching them. Allowing yourself to identify possible hiccups and how you could possibly avoid them. Say for example, a home business to make money online you must have an intelligent assessment of your current situation. Do you have the means? Do you know exactly where and how to invest money in online business? Never go to a battle without your weapon. Always be on top of your game.     Step 3. Formulate a plan   Formulate a plan on the basis of your current situation where you want to be and what options you have available to you. You go in a battle with all your weapons including your strategies. Making a plan will also serve as a guide and reminder for you to keep on track. You have now assessed your situation in building a home business, now you can start planning how to attack the situation. If there are challenges, how are you going to deal with them? Have you done your research through online education learning or read about online money investment topics. Plans will make you ready which will bring you to your success.     Step 4. Phrase your goals in small steps    No one is rushing you, every small steps you achieve is already an achievement and you should continue striving for your goal. If you aim to lessen your weight by undergoing physical exercises and strict diet, then every improvement you see and feel must serve as your motivation to continue. You are praising yourself for a job well done regardless how big or small the improvement was. If you have a home business, it's not magic to earn million dollars right away but appreciating every movement on your sales and setting it as a guide in making more money through your online business.   DON'T GIVE UP. This system can be applied anywhere as it helps also for you to really know what you want and make those aims concrete and tangible.         You can watch the full video here : Structure goals and make your plan  
To be successful, start with a the basic life goal.
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        Many people asked me what the secrets are behind achieving a goal in Life... And you are surely aware that most of the goals created are not fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems that we are living in a world of fantasy. Entertainment is the way most people use in order to escape from the happenings in the real world, well I’m really against it, Life and Time are so precious. Well, at least, some gain gratification (short term) from this form of entertainment… What about the reason behind this act of fantasy and the implications that they bring? You need to have an unbelievably responsive mind to be able to observe that you are always eliminating or adding something, which is the act of constantly fantasising. Living in a world of fantasy will not let you have a chance to see the real world as it is. If you go in dept you will know that your fear and greed is responsible. These are habitually the reasons behind the way most people react about life. I, myself like to dream and fantasize a lot, get out of seriousness, love to navigate through time and space imagining situations, what would be my life if I were living so and so, doing and having but then I say to myself, some of these could be reality and are achievable. My advise, don’t take everything to serious, believe in yourself, listen to your feelings (gut feelings) and analyze if it feels OK or not and most important, take action, every day one step froward… This is your life experience talking to you, called subconscious mind, just imagine everything you experienced until now, was it for nothing? Surely not, so what do you do with all this, you ask (or how do I apply this)? My response, listen to your inner voice, focus, don’t bullshit yourself, don’t lie to yourself, don’t get trapped in fantasy land, I mean I like being there but its also exciting to see what you can apply in this world. Like saying to yourself, what if I approach this situation in this way… you be surprised… I leave you thinking about this, back to our goals. What I learned is that sometimes what we want is the outcome or the feeling associated with that outcome, well this is a complex issue but it can be simple. We have tendency to complicate thing…first hand experience. It happens to me all the time, I must really put an effort to simplify tasks, the advantage is that you have a better overview of whats going on and change is easier, not to mention reactivity to situations. Very important, set up a system where you feel organized, where you find things easily, this will help clear your mind. Being a goal-oriented person will help you a lot in achieving the goals that you aspire in life. It has been given very much importance during the old times but later on its has become more and more loosen in our society, what I mean is we never talked more about it but never done less? If You want to learn more about the main purposes of being a goal-oriented person AND ACHIEVE, Welcome to the club! But before reaching your desired goals in life, setting them up first is essential for achieving and the long term view. It lets you concentrate and focus more on the long run objectives as it gives you the opportunity to think on how your present actions will affect your life in the near future. The things that you are doing now to develop yourself will surely determine who you will be and what kind of life are you going to have in the future. This is something that you should give enough importance as you go along in this process of attaining your goals and you must acquire a goal-mindset. Everyone has their own dreams and goals in life. But it is very apparent that most people just keep on dreaming and never tries to do something to attain those dreams. I, personally remind myself all the time, THIS IS MY LIFE! I’m responsible and everything I do will give me MY future, like a script in a film, I’m writing my script. We have 3 Main Projects / Courses and each one of them starts by knowing yourself better, its essential to pass this stage, no matter what you want to do in life. If you haven’t achieved your goals yet, you need to do something different in order to make your goals come true. Let me assure you that you have a greater power within you which surpasses your imagination. Lets discuss Visualization. The daily routine of visualizing the dreams that you have in life helps you in achieving such dreams, ambitions and goals in a faster way. Setting your goal can be a nice way for you in improving your performance because it stimulates you, reminds you, gives you a direction to follow. Have you ever been working for a goal within a short period of time limitation and confused on what you are about to focus, which often result to the not fulfilling your goal? And when that time comes, you wish that you have put in more effort in order to obtain that objective? Maybe the main reason for those failures is that you shifted your focus to the other things that interests you instead of the goal that you have, well its called distractions. Believe me, this world is full of distractions and wants to distract you, generally its hard to maintain focus all the time or at all. That's why visualization is essential, just try to imagine your goal in front of you all the time and like in a battle, just defend yourself but keep going, treat every distraction quickly and keep going, don’t give it to much attention, don’t fight to much, guard your energy, keep going, don’t let your goal out of sight, like your enemy is in front of you and peace or your goal behind, you must pass this battle. Well, I know what your thinking, why bother, let someone else fight! Because its your life! You have the privilege to be in this world and if you fight your fight its an unbelievable experience of achieving, helping others and gratitude, love and inner peace. You should have one goal at time only. Having much more, will confuse you and upon concentrating on one will make it difficult for you to achieve the other one. Just by leading your life you show others that you really can achieve something which they thought of being impossible. You will experience abundance and wealth (not only the physical!) that the other people never realize. Of course there is a lot more to say and to know about and Creating Goals, this is why its part of the LifeStyle Attitude Course and has a Chapter of his own, and as you probably aware this course in Evolutionary and will Grow.    
2 Steps to Stay on Track and Achieve Your Goals
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        Have you thought about what you really want to accomplish in life? Do you have any specific set of goals? Are you clear about how you can support your goals? How will you ensure you are following the desired path towards success? Thinking about staying on track to achieve your goals, LuoVita gives you the most efficient and proven to be effective steps to stay on track. It’s extremely easy to get veered of course, get wrapped up in the hassles of everyday life. Trust me, I know as I have faced the same. The real question is, with so many distractions in your vicinity, how do stay you on track? It’s crucial to have a “vision”, and strategy or realistic ambitions to achieve that. When your goals are clear, they become easier to fulfill. Have a look at your life. how does it feel? How is “today” panning out? At the end of the day, can you feel satisfied that you have done enough to reach your goals? No? Then, how do you stay on track?    
Here are 2 steps to stay on track towards your goals:
  1. Hire a coach or mentor   This is one effective way to stay on track towards what you desire in life.Your life coach can guide you in the right path. Their job is to help you overcome any sort of fear or self-doubt that may persist. They will tweak your game, arming you with added incentives and motivating your journey towards success. Most successful people have life coaches. From Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams to Leonardo Di Caprio, everyone has attributed their success to their life coach. There are various types of life coaches, providing guidance for weight loss, relationships, business etc. You just need to find the one that suits you the most. Now, if you cannot afford one, you can always turn to someone you trust. They will help ensure that you follow the desired path to reach your goals.   2.Join people that have a goal similar to yours   There are many individuals, or organizations in your own community, who might share you views, and your goals. If you can’t find one in your area, check online, or through social media. The more you get successful individuals, who share a common goal around you, the more pressing problems you will solve. You will improve your life and of those who share your expertise, and all of this is possible with the correct attitude, accelerating your steps towards your desired goal. You will become accountable, and also bringing in reinforcement. Think of your goal as a dream, albeit, with a deadline. When you gain that desired level of clarity, it automatically puts power behind your goals and ensures that you measure your progress more often and take appropriate actions. You are an amazing person, it's your life. No one should be in control of your own life other than you.    
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        I wish you a lot of courage, persistence and prosperous achievement, Life is Precious and Time is passing, don’t waste time anymore, its never to late, take it from me…   Jose    
  We ask ourselves what success in life means. Sometimes we tend to compare our life status with others to reassure we are doing just fine. Are there really best tips for achieving anything you want in life? Is it as easy as money management then you are already successful when you can make money working online.
    https://luovita.com/lifestyle-design-free-book/   https://luovita.com/develop-deep-insights-in-your-life-overcome-tough-times-and-discover-your-journey-to-a-better-life/   https://luovita.com/start-your-day-with-a-positive-powerful-approach-meditate-and-appreciate-who-you-are/   https://luovita.com/time-management-tips-and-strategies/   https://luovita.com/how-to-think-about-wealth-and-achieve-it/       Check out our shop with all these resources:  
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Are you tired of being an employee? Are you starting to consider opening up a small business later this year?
Studies say that over 670,000 businesses open every year. Sounds promising, right? However, 595,000 of businesses fold annually.
Though 80% of small businesses survive the first year, only half of them make it through the fifth year. But what if your biggest roadblock is your lack of capital? How do you even begin?
Continue reading below as we answer the question of “how to start my own business with no money?”
The Challenges of Starting a Business
Lack of capital is perhaps the biggest problem people face when starting a business. On top of this problem with funding, there are other bumps that you will likely encounter.
Before we address the question of “how to start my own business with no money,” let us first discuss the other common problems you may need to hurdle along the way:
Getting the Right People
Starting a small business may be manageable with you at the helm and a couple more by your side. But once your business starts to grow, you will need to increase manpower. Hiring the right people is one of the toughest challenges you will go through.
With so many applicants vying for the job, interviewing each one of them may take a toll on you. Moreover, you need to screen them one-by-one to ensure if they are fit for the job.
Technological Updates
Though technology can make your life easier, its dynamic nature can also pose a challenge. If you wish to maximize technology to your advantage, you need to keep in step with the latest updates.
This means implementing an IT strategy for your business. This also highlights the need to invest in scalable tools.
Creating Traction
Since nobody knows your brand and products, you need to work your way into relevance. You need to put the work in and make some traction.
Unfortunately, some business owners do not know how to make noise. If you have the right tools like social media and a well-designed website, you can come up with content and attract more customers.
How to Start My Own Business With No Money
As we mentioned earlier, the lack of capital is one of the biggest problems that deter people from taking the road to entrepreneurship. But not having enough capital shouldn’t mean saying goodbye to your business plans.
Check out this guide to starting a business with little to no capital on hand:
1. Unleash Those Ideas
The first big step to take when deciding to move from employment to business is unleashing your business ideas. To do this, brainstorm with a couple of people you trust. Your focus is to identify viable business ideas that you can pursue.
Start by identifying the current needs of people. From there, brainstorm on the different ways you can fill their needs.
You can either introduce a new product or something that improves an existing idea. Amid your brainstorming, you must also consider your passion. Your passion is what will help motivate you and push you to continue during tough times.
2. Create a Business Plan
After deciding on the type of business that you want, you can start writing a business plan. This applies even if you are a sole owner. The business plan is like your blueprint that will keep you on the right track.
A solid business plan must come with all the essential elements. These include an executive summary, a company description, a market analysis, and the organizational structure.
Moreover, your plan must also have a breakdown of your products; your sales and marketing strategies; your financial projections; and your funding request.
Be sure to put all the key details in each of the sections. The executive summary is a clear and concise overview of your business. As for the company description, include your mission statement.
Meanwhile, your market analysis must feature the results of your extensive research. Your research must cover the industry, the target market, and your direct competitors.
As for your funding request, indicate how much money you need to launch your business. Moreover, include the amount that you want to maintain until your profits and cash flow become more consistent.
In case you choose a business in staffing or security, you need to ensure the salaries of your employees come on time. Hence, consider looking at business funding solutions to keep your people happy.
3. Identify What’s Free
Since your goal is to kick-off your business with little money, identify the things that you can do or get for free. To do this, find out what is essential to your business. From there, look for items of services that you can use without shelling out money.
Are you active on social media? Then consider creating a Facebook page for your business.
Do you know someone who knows website design? Then talk to that person and offer a trade. Identify your skills and find someone you can barter in place of payment.
Furthermore, maximize the power of the internet. It is a place where you can find free resources that you can use in building your business.
4. Explore Funding Options
Whether you like it or not, there will come a time when you will need to spend to keep the ball rolling. But this doesn’t mean touching your emergency savings. Thus, you need to explore different funding options.
A good option is connecting with venture capitalists. These are companies that invest money in start-up businesses that showcase the potential to become big. Venture capitalists pool funds from different people, which they will invest in a start-up.
Another option is through angel investors. They are similar to venture capitalists, only that they are private, high net-worth individuals. They will give you the funding that you need in exchange for equity or convertible debt.
Crowdsourcing is another promising option worth considering. This works by collecting small amounts of money from hundreds or thousands of people.
The key to a successful crowdsourcing drive is to offer a product that people are willing to support. Check out the website Kickstarter for more ideas on crowdsourcing.
Last but not least, you can talk to some of your closest friends and relatives to boost your funding. Additionally, if you have a day job, don’t resign just yet.
5. Beef Up Your Savings Account
Part of building the foundations of business is securing your family. This means beefing up your savings account to cover any emergency expenses.
Your goal is to save up to six months’ worth to cover such expenses. This is crucial especially when things don’t pan out the way you want them to. This ensures that your family won’t need to worry about food and other overhead expenses.
The rationale behind the six months’ worth of savings is that you will only begin to see real cash flow after the first six months of your business.
6. Complete All Documentation
Another way of keeping your expenses low is to complete all legal documents early. Doing this will also keep you away from delays and legal complications in the future.
First, you need to register your business name. You will also need to get a trademark for the name. This allows you to use the name for branding purposes.
The next order of business is to create an employee agreement. This is the contract that will lay down the obligations and expectations of both your company and your employees. It will also be the arbiter in settling possible disputes in the future.
There is also the non-disclosure agreement that you need to draft. This will serve as protection to your company’s best-kept secrets. It will also foster trust between you and your future employees.
7. Build and Organize Your Assets
After completing all the key documents, you can now start creating all the business assets. These are the tools and platforms that you will use to launch and grow your business.
Start by creating your digital assets, particularly your company’s website. The cheapest way to go about this is to create one using WordPress.
You will then use your website to publish your blogs. You can also use it to launch videos of your products or services.
You also need to build your social media presence. Create a Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram account. Use these platforms to promote your brand.
Last but not least, invest in a few printed materials. An effective way is through stickers showcasing your company logo. Give out these stickers to everyone you know and instruct them to stick them in their cars and laptops.
The key is to create a buzz that will turn into a loud noise announcing your company’s arrival.
Become Better in Business
Resolving the question of “how to start my own business with no money” is breaking the first major barrier in the life of an entrepreneur. But once you get the ball rolling, there are hundreds of other lessons you need to learn to succeed.
Hence, we invite you to learn more about business through our other articles. We provide tips and tricks that will make you become a better business owner.
The post How to Start My Own Business With No Money: A Guide appeared first on Florida Independent.
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topicprinter · 5 years
Before I became a mother, I was a Personal Trainer, and so once I had recovered post birth, I decided to head back to the gym to catch up with clients, show Caden off, and do a bit of a work-out. As I was working out, Caden got fussy, so I went to feed her and this is when my ‘ah-ha’ moment came about! I battled my sports bra, trying to pull it up over my breasts to feed. Once I finally managed that, my boobs were then being squashed by the tight band. Milk was being pushed down and coming out too fast for Caden. It was a mess, and I was left infuriated. “This is impossible! There’s got to be a better way!” I thought. So, as soon as I got home, I went online to look for some quality nursing sports bras. There was nothing. “Why has no one thought of this? How can mothers be expected to keep active and breastfeed when there’s nothing practical out there to do it in!”I decided there and then if no one else would make the gear mums/moms needed, then I’d give it a go! I had absolutely no experience in fashion design, but I knew what was needed, so began drawing...Flash forward 19 months, and Adam (my partner in life and business) and I have just welcomed our second baby girl, Ryan into the world!  Four days later, $20k of nursing sports bras arrive from China, and are emptied onto our front lawn…here we go!In 2020 we’re set to turn-over close to $7 million. Cadenshae (named after our first born Caden, her middle name is Shae) now employs 20 staff and is recognised as the leading activewear brand for pregnant and nursing mothers, worldwide. Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the USA and Canada are our target markets.Why did you choose the maternity niche?I didn’t really ‘choose’ it, it chose me! I stumbled across a niche market that wasn’t being serviced, so I decided to try service it! And luckily...for all involved, it turned out to be a profitable decision.How did you validate the idea?You mean validate starting the business? Easy. I went online when I desperately needed a nursing sports bra...there was nothing available, and I thought if I am struggling to find activewear that is affordable, practical, stylish and colourful during this time in my life...then I bet there are other moms/mums out there who are struggling too! Starting this business to me was a no-brainer...there was such a huge need.Primarily, our demographic is pregnant women and new mums/moms. However,  we have now launched a new range called ‘LEVEL,’ which is our non-nursing range, so just ‘normal’ activewear for our mothers who are no longer breastfeeding, but love our products and still want Cadenshae in their lives!‍The co-founder is my gorgeous husband Adam, and if you must know, we met on a dance floor in a bar years ago! ;)Did you have any experience/expertise in the area?Not really! I had a little bit of business experience, but I had no fashion design experience, and no idea about the apparel/retail/maternity worlds to be honest! But I backed myself to be able to start this company,  because I was so passionate about what we were doing. I truly believe if you’re passionate about something, and you have the ‘fire in your belly, ‘ then you’ll succeed. If you want something bad enough, you’ll make it work. Also, the research I did after thinking up the idea proved there was a huge shortfall in this market...so I thought if we did this right, we couldn’t go too wrong? I am a practical person and I love problem-solving, so this was so exciting to me, and I knew I could do it with the awesome support crew I had around me as well (now husband, parents, friends etc).Have you raised any money? How much?I had $20k which I invested to buy the first lot of stock (bras). That was completely my money which I had earned the old-fashioned way! Hard work! I sold my shares from a gym I partly owned in Australia a year or so before-hand, and the money from that was the initial investment for Cadenshae.Any tips for finding first employees?Yes. You have to go with your gut, trust that. Many people look good on paper, but they may not be right for the role. You need to find people that you connect with instantly, and people who are willing to learn, take direction, but also take initiative too once they know exactly what they’re doing and what is expected of them. Adam does most of the hiring for our business as he has a gift for judging a person’s character and work ethic based on one meeting. He hasn’t been wrong about anyone we have employed yet as they’re all absolute guns!  Yes, get someone who has experience in what you need, yes, get someone who has the skills you need, but above all else - hire on their personality and what your gut and your intuition is saying - it’s always right.Did you run any companies prior?Sort of. I was a part-owner/manager (there were three of us) of a health and wellness centre/personal training gym. I’d never gone solo before. Previously, I was a medic in the NZ Army, a beautician and a personal trainer.Business ownership is just something I’ve always wanted to do.  I like the challenges involved in launching something and making it work. Before starting out, I could see that working for yourself has a lot of bonuses, a lot of stress for sure, but a lot of pros...so I wanted to do it. Working for other people doesn’t really fit my personality type to be honest! I’m a creative thinker, so I want the ability to think of something and see it come to fruition, not have to jump through hoops for someone else, or implement other people’s ideas...that’s not for me!Family were behind us from the start, they knew we could do it. Friends weren’t too sure what to make of it all, but were supportive none-the-less!What motivates you when things go wrong? What is the end goal?The fact that something has gone wrong motivates me! I am a problem-solver, and I like things done quickly...so I stop whatever I’m doing and fix whatever needs to be fixed as quickly as I can. Our end goal is to remain the best in the business. We are currently, but we have to maintain that lead.Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?Invest with your own money and bootstrap it if you can - that’s if you want to remain in complete control, like we do. Trust your gut. Realise that sometimes profit isn’t always ‘King,’ and make decisions based on your heart - ‘heart over profit,’ if you will! It might cost you initially, but in the long run, you’ll be winning...consumers want more from their brands these days, they want them to stand for more, be more, give back...so aim for more than just profit - seek out what your customers would appreciate and give it to them.  Give the people what they want!What has driven the most sales? We have a very strong social media presence, and we put a lot of time and resources into that. We work hard to be ‘available’ to our customers and to establish a genuine connection with them. We wanted to create a community of supportive mothers/parents who can all help each other out, and we have done that by being open, honest, real, and available. We put ourselves out there and it truly does result in repeat sales and customer loyalty - no doubt. People feel they know us personally, and they know what we stand for and what our brand is about…I feel like we have a special bond with our customers, and this is priceless to us, in so many ways! What is stopping you being 3x the size you are now?Money. Isn’t it always money? Investment. If we had a few million invested into the business we could be much larger, and we know that. We have toyed with this idea before, but having investors means you can grow as a business, but you lose complete control, and I’m not sure we want to do that just now. There’s also the DTC (direct to consumer) v stockists debate, should we remain DTC or expand into shops? We’re toing and froing on that one too...these decisions take time and need a lot of consideration...so that’s what we’re doing right now...considering our options.How do you protect yourself from competition?To be the best, you have to work the hardest, and I know we do. Also, we do not stinge on quality...the quality of our products is essential. We work the hardest, we create the best gear with the best materials, and we invest time to connect with our customers...that’s how we protect ourselves.What apps could your business not run without?Unleashed - for our inventory.Asana - for general business planning.Starshipit - for our shipping management.What are the next products you’re working on?We have just launched our ‘Shine Bright’ leggings which are made out of recycled plastic bottles, they are gorgeous and environmentally friendly! We want to make more items out of this material and try to help the world to reduce waste, and do so in a positive way.Our other range we are focussing on is ‘LEVEL,’ the activewear for moms who are no longer pregnant or nursing...but just want to stay in our gear because it’s that good. ;)Are there any releases you can tell us about? We’re working on something a little different for next year, and I’m pumped about it! It’s called the ‘Kiardi” (a kimono and cardigan combined)! We’re also working on a merino range which will be so great for the colder months!Where do you see the company in 5 years?I see us turning over around $30 million, maybe more annually. I see us having a far larger presence in the US, Canada and the UK...we have a presence there now, but we want to be bigger and be as large in those countries as we are in Australia and New Zealand. I see a staff of 50, not 20. We sponsor the fabulous Alysia Montano, but by then we’d like to sponsor a few more professional athletes as well. I have so many ideas, I’m just hoping that in five years time, we’ve pulled off a good hunk of them.What is current revenue? If you don’t mind sharingBetween 4 and 7 million. ;)Would you ever sell?Potentially, for the right price! But it would have to be to someone we fully trusted and who would hold on to the same morals and values we have...someone who would stay grounded, take care of the customers and give back to others who need it - that’s just so important to us.If you enjoyed this interview, the original is here.
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lifecoachlondonuk · 7 years
11 powerful ways to make 2018 successful & fulfilling!
Dear Reader,
As the New year is fast approaching, I am sure like me you are eagerly anticipating the extraordinary things that lie ahead & the change that a new year brings.
But sometimes, the hardest challenge can be starting the New Year with gusto, grace, elegance and ultimately having ‘the best start’ we possibly can.
The trap many fall in to is waiting for the new year to come before deciding how we truly want life & business to be. It’s not the worst strategy but can often leave us reeling out of control & very ungrounded as the busy-ness of change kicks in.
Lets Dive in to Deep and Know : How to Make 2018 Successful
In todays read, I want to share with you 11 very easy to implement steps and strategies that you can begin doing now to ensure you have a more successful & fulfilling year ahead of you.
If you are reading this article during any other phase of the year, you will find these practices are very applicable for you too.
1. Spend time on Self Awareness & Reflection
Self Awareness truly is the first step to a breakthrough and if you want to harness the power of the new year that is coming, one of the best practices you can do is to reflect and create awareness on how you feel the year has been, what has worked & what the key areas of improvement are.
Whether you want to take your business to the next level, create more free time for yourself or do better in your career, reflection & awareness which ultimately means identifying your blindspots is absolutely the one of the first critical steps forward for transformation.
I often ask myself
What am I proud of from the year that has just been?
What would I do differently if I were to start the year again?
What could I do differently to be my best for the coming year?
Hindsight is truly a powerful thing and as they say, ‘good judgement comes from experience & experience comes from bad judgement’.
Leverage the learnings from 2017 and may they add to the foundations of a new extraordinary year!
2. Plan & Envision
A new year is here, so what do you want?
It’s a powerful question but what is the vision for the new year? What do you want to create, achieve and accomplish that would make 2018 extraordinary and truly fulfilling for you?
Be the visionary of your own world and define, dictate and commit to the results you want.
So what will your vision be? What does 2018 hold in store for you?
3. Develop Your Growth Plan
Growth is the life force that feeds who we are. Our being, our character & and the impact we have in the world both personally & professionally.
Once you have identified your blind spots and potential obstacles from the reflection exercise (point 1), design a growth plan for the year tailor made for you.
What books will you read?
What courses will you take?
What are the knowledge gaps you want to fill?
How many skillsets will you be enhancing?
In the Japanese culture, they have a concept called Kaizen which means constant and never ending improvement. CANI isn’t just a mindset but a powerful way of life that fosters creativity, innovation & high performance.
Design your growth plan according to the opportunities you wish to seize this coming year & your future self will thank you for it.
4. Get clear & make extraordinary decisions
Is there anything right now in your world that you are doing with a 50/50 effort mentality, a 5/10 consistency or a serious lack of conviction?
If so, why are those activities or tasks on your list. One of my coaches often said that if there was anything in my world I was doing that wasn’t a clear HELL YES from me… it should be a HELL NO.
At times we have to do what we find challenging or difficult, but if there are any activities or situations you find yourself in that doesn’t call out the best version of you or your passion & creativity, is it time to let go?
Less is more & freeing up the time to give your best to what is most important to you can be the most needed new years gift in disguise.
5. Prioritise your values
I was truly inspired when I heard about a practice Anthony Robbins implements in his company Robbins Research International.
At the beginning of each year, he asks all the workforce to plan their holidays and recreation time in the annual calendar first well in advance before work duties officially kick in.
The challenge many high performers face is with so much to do personally & professionally, everything tends to come first and they themselves then naturally come last.
It’s very easy to become a slave to time but to avoid this trap, create the space, time & the environment to honour everything that is important to you.
Along with your career/business whether what you value is family, connection or travel, honour your needs as much as possible and this is excitingly a huge secret to avoiding stress and burnout too.
To give your best to the people around you, you must first…. be your very best.
6. Qualify your environment
Who you spend time with is who you become.
Is your peer group and the people you spend the most time with serving you, or holding you back?
We often forget how powerful our environment can be on our thinking, focus & decision making capability. High performance engines are created in the highest quality settings.
If you want to soar, perform at your best & have the impact you desire in the New Year, qualify your peer group and ensure they are adding immense value to your character and your vision & you doing the same for them.
Keep building relationships with people that inspire you too & inspiration will never leave you.
7. Contribute
As Tony Robbins says ‘The Secret to Living is Giving’ and when we can find a means and way to help those in need, we are rewarded in truly fulfilling ways.
If you want to find a way to reach real fulfilment for you now and in the future, spend time serving people and communities in need and being part of a mission much greater than any one person.
Give your time, energy & support to people in underprivileged situations that may not be able to do anything for you in return and watch the magic unfold.
The impact of doing so never goes unseen, unheard or unfelt by the people you gift your time to.
8. Develop your own Morning Ritual
If you look at the top performers in any field, you will find that the level of success they have is no fluke or accident.
The reason they are the top performers is because they have certain habits, routines and rituals that allow them to unleash their potential.
Similarly, one of the best practices high achievers adopt to ‘own their day’ and get the best from the time they have is to create a morning ritual that serves them powerfully throughout each day till the next.
If you want to find out more about morning rituals and how to create your own, I recently wrote an article I am sure you will enjoy here http://bit.ly/2E2MQeO
I challenge you to create a morning ritual that works for you and you’ll be amazed by how much impact this will have for you on your performance and effectiveness.
People often forget that we create our future from what we do each day. If we aren’t winning or consistently loosing each day, what future are you creating?
9. Health First
Another challenge I see with high achievers, leaders & Entrepreneurs is that is can become very easy to neglect your health in pursuit of success and professional excellence.
As I said very easy to do and I have personally been down that road myself years ago, but health is truly wealth.
If you want to have a better work life balance, perform better in your business/career & have the energy to do the things outside of your professional life that inspire you, energy, vitality & health are the key.
Is your health currently at the level you are satisfied with and serves you well?
If not, NOW is the best time to make it happen because if you can’t implement the strategies today, it is very unlikely to happen tomorrow.
Only 8% of people make it past the 1st month who set New Years Resolutions.
Shocking I know…
but if you want to be a member of this 8% club, don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today with regard to your health.
By setting your health system/routines in place now and before the new year begins, you will be approaching your goals from a place of commitment versus setting resolutions because of what the masses do which is why they are setting themselves up to fail from the very beginning.
Health is wealth!
Give yourself the energy & vitality you deserve to lead an extraordinary and fulfilling life.
10. Be you, be fearless & speak your truth
I grew up being a people pleaser and wrongly had held a belief that the more I can please others, the more successful I would become. This way anything but the truth as you can probably guess.
It’s scary how many of us at times live our life, run our business & act in a way to please or not hurt the people around us. Showing up to situations looking for approval, validation or recognition without taking in to account what is true to us in the moment.
The most interesting thing about putting others before our own needs, is that this does anything but win trust, build powerful connections & create magnificent relationships with the people around us.
I challenge you to be bold this coming year & speak your truth (gracefully of course without ego), to own what you feel, think and know from one moment to the other.
This may change or alter the number and quality of relationships you have, but this is always for the better.
Whether you are in the board room or at home, BE the extraordinary you!
11. Hire a Coach to unleash your potential
As a coach, it is very easy for me to say hire a life coach…..and over the last year I have personally invested in some of the best coaching talent to ensure I can be my very best and deliver extraordinary coaching and results for my clients.
The reasons I hire my own coach & pride myself in doing so is because a coach will push your comfort zone, help you see where you are holding yourself back in your life/business, identify what your blind spots are, call you out when you are making excuses or not achieving what you have set out to do, hold you accountable & provide you with a third person perspective that very few people are willing to share with you out of fear.
A coaching conversation is high flame, intense, powerful, life changing and not for everyone.
Having a coaching conversation is by far one of the most powerful conversations you will have where everything you envision personally & professionally starts becoming an inevitable reality.
If you want to truly unleash your potential in 2018, find a coach you resonate with & get ready for a phenomenal year.
So there you have it…. 11 steps and strategies you can start implementing immediately today that will ignite your potential for the very events and experiences that lie ahead of you.
Enjoy and I hope this article has served you powerfully. Comment below and i’d love to hear from you with what you will personally implement now and in to the new year to make 2018…..your best year yet!
Here’s to your continued success & if there is anything I can do to serve or support yourself and/or your business or if you have any questions about my latest article then please feel free to reach out to me here or at [email protected].
Live Empowered,
Your friend and Life coach London,
Raghav Parkash
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So the week has started out just great!!! My Bestie and I are walking around teary eyed lol. Usually our breakdowns switch, when I’m down she helps me through it, and when she’s down I’m tagging and sending all types of spiritual posts and tying to remind her what an amazing woman she is. Not this week though. If we still lived in the same city I can imagine we would be in our onies, passing each other 2 liter buckets of ice cream and stuffing our faces with pizza.
So what’s really going on? I have no fucking idea, I’m confused. Not sure yet, but everything just looks a mess from all angles. As for my bestie, I don't know and I don't think she knows either so yea.
Before I get into what I really think might be the cause of all this, Id like to give an intro to my blog. I’m Samantha, 29, Calgary based and an entrepreneur. I am not a writer, but I have some things to say that I don't usually talk about. I do think this will be a good outlet to just speak my mind and try to make sense of my life in general. I will be talking about LOVE, SPIRITUALITY, BEING SELF EMPLOYED, and most likely WEIRD SHIT that i wouldn't necessarily talk about openly. It would be great if whatever I do talk about helps someone else, or even just make you laugh when you are thinking to yourself that this girl is nuts.
As for the mood swings, its a full moon tomorrow night. Plus mercury has been retrograde for the past 3 weeks or so. Oh yea, should I mention the eclipse season :( I think at this point you are starting to wonder about me and my beliefs.....lol shrug
Lets talk NUMEROLOGY for now:
What is numerology? It is the branch of knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate. (http://www.astrology-numerology.com)
That sounds creepy doesn't it? lol, let me explain.
My family is christian. For as long as I can remember, church wasn't an option. So every Sunday, the entire family would go to church. I was baptized in the Roman Catholic church, even though my family on my mom’s side is Methodist. I loved going to church as a kid, the music was good. Music in general helps me express my feelings, so for me, that was how i connected with God more than through the word of the bible. Fast forward to when I was a little bit older, to be honest I didn't like it. It didn't really do anything for me spiritually and I especially hate the whole fellowship thing of getting to know other church members. And it’s not like I’m that much of a BITCH, I’m pretty sure I have social anxiety to an extent. The only reason why I survive going to events or the club is because there’s alcohol involved. I don't think if I didn't drink Id be out as much as I usually am. The day after any major outing where there is a lot of people, I end up depressed for the next 24 hours to a week. So i am trying to cut down on socializing, for emotional and mental reasons but that’s another topic.
Now back to Numerology. Since I was a kid i always found astrology to be interesting and through astrology I learned about Numerology. Most horoscope websites you go on usually have a section on Numerology. Let me make this very clear, I would not advise you to hang onto every single thing that you hear about Astrology or Numerology. The reason why I like reading them is because I tend to overthink a lot all the time. And I know It sounds like I should be speaking to A psychologist but its really not that serious. I find it helps me sometimes when I have doubts or maybe worried about life in general. These two topics could also make it even worse depending on what’s going on, so i would advise that you assess what you are reading and if its making you feel even more negative, stop right there and go to your doctor and get a reference for an experienced counselor. You need it, just saying!!!
While it’s hard for some people to resonate with Numerology, I do find it to be accurate and especially when it describes your personality and interests. As an individual, there are different numbers for every aspect of your being but the LIFEPATH number is the most important. It’s a general outlook of who you are, but it does get deeper with soul urges and karmic numbers etc.
So far, my favorite website is www.numerologist.com.
 After you fill out your name and birth date it will calculate your numbers and tell you a bit about you for free. Now you might be thinking, why the hell would i ask a computer to tell me about myself. Just do it, you will probably like it and its quite thought provoking: http://numerologist.com/portal/
You can also go to www.tokenrock.com and they will tell you your number.
CALCULATOR: https://www.tokenrock.com/numerology/life_path/
I hope these links work for you. You can believe it if you want or you can have fun with it. Decide what works for you. I am not affiliated with these people so it’s just an honest reference. If you do end up actually tying this out, I’d love to hear your opinion on it, so come back on this article and lets discuss. It’s one of the reasons why I started this blog so we can talk about things that are not usually a topic of interest.
My Numerology number is #22. It’s explained on the bottom if you would like to read it.
Down below are some characteristics and description of each number (The descriptions for the numbers below are from (www.gaia.com) You can calculate manually if you like but just use the calculator and save yourself the headache.
Ones: The Father
The number one is a spiritual and primal force. It is the root that all numbers stem from. This is perhaps why Ones tend to be doers. If you are a One then you are aggressive and energetic. You look to produce results and you will not be limited by anyone or anything. Your innate urge to be a protector and your dedication and passion to achieving your goals make you a natural born leader and show why this number is related to a fatherly role. Even the shape of the number 1 is a strong reflection of its meaning. The 1 is a spearhead, always at the lead and often forceful. It stands upright, unwavering in its pride and purpose. You are courageous and willing to try anything new if you see promise, even at great danger.
However, Ones are also very individualistic, which can lead to loneliness. Your primal urge to be a leader often makes you resent those with more power and your inflated view of self makes you less likely to heed advice. Ones also generally have issues with trust. You believe if you want something done right, then you must do it yourself.
Ones feel entitled to respect and can become demanding and domineering when it’s not given. When this happens, Ones turn into warriors and will attempt to force their values and opinions and will not listen to anyone else. You are a pragmatist and can often have a hard time relating to other’s emotions. You see through charm easily and you will not stand for hypocrisy. However, if Ones can harness their natural instinct to protect into compassion and understanding, they will earn unlimited loyalty from followers.
Twos: The Mother
The number two is thought to be a feminine number, with its power and strength consistently underestimated. Twos tend to be artists of sorts, always gentle, understanding, and diplomatic. If you are a two, you are a natural born peacekeeper, whose innate urge is to diffuse situations rather than fight. However, as we said, Twos are often underestimated.
Twos are the ultimate survivors. You are extremely resilient and often the backbone of a family. The shape of the 2 is thought to resemble a person with their head bowed and on bended knees, a natural sign of servitude. However, this position also represents strength. While Ones represent power and pride, unwilling to bend at any price, they will break and shatter when enough pressure is applied. In contrast, Twos are able to bend in order to carry crushing weights. This flexibility allows Twos to bounce back easily when the weight is removed. Twos are often the real power behind the throne, controlling the outcome of events through gentle force or persuasion without notice.
You are incredibly devoted, and you expect that same devotion in return. Beware when Twos are betrayed or mistreated. While your tactful manipulation is able to avert most disasters, you are still possessive and easily made jealous. If Twos feel under attack or crossed, they will unleash a side that is vengeful, cruel and unrelenting. You will do whatever necessary to destroy your opponent and you will not feel regret or remorse when the battle is over.
Threes: The Talented Child
Threes are natural born salesmen, with a natural gift for gab and overflow of charisma. If you’re a three, you’re the star of the party and liven up any room without even trying. You have a natural gift for creativity and you are well aware of your talent. However, Threes are also a bit like spoiled teenagers. They are disorganized, in need of constant guidance, and blissfully unaware or ungrateful for the efforts others go through to protect them.
Your powerful need to express yourself coupled with your extroverted personality will most likely lead you to a career in the arts or sales (a verbal art, if you will). Your charm, wit and sense of humor will get you everywhere and it often helps others to forgive or overlook your less desirable traits. You are a natural optimist and people are drawn to your positive energy.
However, for Threes, your greatest asset is also your greatest weakness. Because your charisma and natural talent come easily, you find it difficult to understand and relate to the struggles others. While you are always well liked and have a large group of friends, you may find it hard to form deeper relationships, especially with a romantic partner. Your need for expression and your natural creativity cause you to often lack focus and procrastinate. You find yourself involved in multiple projects at a time, abandoning the old for the new with no regard for others involved. By placing their attention on the sunny exterior and failing to form spiritual depth, Threes easily succumb to difficulties or challenges.
To become well rounded and happy, Threes must learn discipline and put constant effort into maintaining deeper relationships.
Fours: The Organizer
Fours are orderly and methodical and base their lives in logic. If you’re a Four, you are the epitome of stability. You use hard work and reason to establish a solid foundation and believe any problem can be overcome with a proper plan. Often thought to be a more masculine number, the 4’s shape says it all - hard linear edges with no room for flow or flexibility.
Fours are trustworthy and patient people. While always dependable, their constant obedience and commitment to discipline can also make them seem boring. However, Fours often possess an entertainingly witty and dry sense of humor. You find happiness in your proven accomplishments, favoring results over any sort of reward or recognition. You are humble and can be overlooked easily, even when you are the foundation to others successes. But you don’t mind. Fours dislike public attention and are quite happy to keep doing what they’re doing. However, your rigidity and stubbornness also make you a fierce soldier when defending your territory.
Due to an under-developed sense of imagination, Fours often have narrow-minded or conventional views. You have an aversion to the unexpected and see no reason to stray from something that already works. Because of your dislike for change, you hold rules as sacred. You feel safe and secure when things are predictable, and even small changes have the ability to throw your life into chaos. While Fours may not end up being the CEO of a company, their hard work, loyalty and dependability will certainly carry them far in their career.
Fives: The Free Spirit
Fives are a whirlwind of energy, constantly in need of change and stimulation. If you are a Five, your family and friends probably view you as independent and unpredictable. You’re always up for an adventure and aren’t averse to taking risks. While you are surprisingly loyal, you can also be selfish, thoughtless and irresponsible, leaving a wake of damage for others to clean up.
For Fives, change is a necessity. You have an uncompromising need for freedom and you will not be told what to do. This often makes careers a struggle. You may flit from job to job before finding your path, and even then there is no guarantee. You do best in environments that suit your need for change and independence such as consulting or owning your own business. However, once you put your mind to something, friends and family are impressed by your dedication and focus.
You are adaptable, smart and progressive and your respect for independence is reflected in your tolerant nature. However, this tolerance also makes you more likely to trust the wrong people. Fives are a poor judge of character and are often drawn to eccentric, unstable people. Your desire for instant gratification is usually your downfall, but with discipline and a stable family-like structure this can be avoided.
Sixes: The Caregiver
Nicknamed the motherhood number, the Six is a fixer. You are naturally caring and protective and you dedicate your life to fixing the problems of those around you. Sixes are the glue that holds families and communities together and they will protect their loved ones at any cost.
Sixes have a strong sense of moral justice and the role of counselor or advisor comes naturally. You have a down-to-earth wisdom that makes you genuinely well liked and respected. Considered the most harmonious of the numbers, Sixes are non-discriminative and open to forming relationships with all. You are well balanced and therefore well equipped to ground others in times of trial. However, this can also make you a bad judge of character, leading you to sacrifice yourself to the wrong people, even as those around you tell you to do otherwise. Sixes have a strong impulse to create an environment of peace and they dislike anyone who disrupts it.
This is where your dark side shows. While Sixes are the most stable of all the numbers, when plunged into discord they become the most volatile and destructive. Your loving openness makes you easy to take advantage of and your sacrificing nature will allow this to happen – however, you have your limits. Beware a wronged or angry Six, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Your practiced warmth makes it easy to keep a friendly smile as you destroy your enemy.
For Sixes, you must be careful in how you choose your partners. Do not let sentimentality cloud your judgment. You must learn to discriminate between those you can help and those who are made weaker by your love. There is a fine line between supporting and enabling.
Sevens: The Philosopher
Sevens are naturally curious and as a result find themselves devoted to investigating the unknown. However, you possess all of the skills to handle this challenge. You have a refined and analytical mind that is capable of great insight. Where others see only broken pieces, Sevens see a puzzle waiting to be solved. You are a strong mix of intellectual creativity and practical logic.
When your life is stable, you are the life of the party. You are charming, witty and able to present a unique spin on conversational topics. Your holistic perspective makes you an incredibly interesting dinner guest. Sevens have a natural ability to learn, analyze, and seek answers to life’s important questions, which will carry them far in life.
However, this same analytical and inquisitive mind can also lead to a life of solitude and loneliness. You need uninterrupted time to contemplate your ideas without other people’s thoughts clouding your judgment. Sevens prefer to work alone, valuing their space and privacy. However, when given too much space, Sevens can develop an egocentric, selfish and conceited streak.
Sevens have the potential for enormous growth and to go far in life. Invest time and effort into companionship and deeper relationships. Social interactions enhance your perspective on yourself and on life and should not be undervalued.
Eights: The Professional
Eights place emphasis on career, business, finances and authority. You are spiritual, but maintain a practicality and realism to your spirituality. You know the difference between make-believe and genuine realizations. However, you are also perfectly balanced and are a force that creates as easily as it destroys.
Eights focus on money, however, this is not as simple as it seems. You see money as a measure, not an end-result. You find happiness in luxury and believe your career success will lead to a more comfortable life. You are ambitious, efficient, organized and disciplined and willing to take on any task. You enjoy counseling others and sharing your wisdom and often find yourself in a “coach” type role.
However, Eights can only flourish when supported. While your ambition may make you a great leader and mentor, you are lost if you have no followers. Eights who become too independent or are not given the necessary support at a young age rebel against everything that they are. Often choosing a path that is limited and has no room for growth. This leads to frustration, anger, dissatisfaction, and hate.
You are a pack animal and you do best when part of a team. You are naturally balanced and must surround yourself with people who maintain this. You have great potential for success, however, with too much independence or ego, you have an equal potential for failure.
Nines: The Humanitarian
From a numerological perspective, Nines are by far the most interesting. When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit (as you did with calculating your Life Path Number), it result will always be a 9. For example,
9 x 5 = 45 = 4+5 = 9
In multiplication, this happens with every number, no matter how large. However, when looking at addition, the exact opposite happens. When you add 9 to any number, and reduce the result to a single digit, the outcome will always be the original number, as if nothing was added at all. For example,
5+9 = 14 = 1+4 = 5
The math behind the number Nine touches at the core of its symbolism. Nines have an unending flow of love to give and they offer it to the world at large. They understand the connection between all mankind and have global consciousness. Nines are humanitarians and when it comes to helping they see no difference between a close friend and person they’ve never met. However, you have a difficult time understanding why others do not share your views and will often preach your opinions. Nines are always tolerant and are the least judgmental and most conscious of the life path numbers. You never ask for credit and will stop at nothing to rectify an injustice.
In this we see the symbolism of the math behind the number 9. In multiplication, the 9 will convert other numbers into a 9. In life, Nines have a strong sense of morality and feel a need to convert others to their ways for their own good. In addition, it’s as if the 9 was never added at all. In life, Nines have a strong urge to help others, adding back what others have lost. However, they never ask for credit or recognition – as if they had done nothing at all.
As with any number, Nines also have a dark side. You are often disappointed with the realities of life and especially with those around you. You have difficulty in deep or romantic relationships, as you have trouble showing your true heart. A Nines focus and dedication to their goals often make those closest to them feel neglected and unappreciated. You see their complaints as selfish and unwarranted and you do not understand why their needs should come before something that you hold dear. This can make you withdraw and turn cold and apathetic quickly. When this dark side emerges, Nines can become condescending, egotistical, and cruel, feeling no emotion as they maliciously cut out or tear into loved ones.
You lack the perspective that would otherwise allow you to enjoy life more fully. You have trouble accepting humanities natural limitations and therefore keep pushing, often sacrificing your own happiness to do so. You have a gift for examining the world objectively. Apply this to your own life and be honest with yourself. While it’s easy to withdraw, you must openly face your own shortcomings to better understand and appreciate love.
Elevens: The Energetic Visionary
Elevens are the most intuitive of all Life Path Numbers and can sense a great deal about what’s going on behind the scenes. They have an innate understanding of others and are easily able to pick up on deeper cues. As a master number, Elevens have similar qualities to Twos, only amplified. You are dedicated and loyal and are likely to marry young. This amplified intuition is fueled by an unyielding energy, which makes it hard for others to sometimes keep up.
Because of your natural intuition and constant energy, you are likely to live a life of extremes. You form deep relationships easily, often at the bewilderment of others. However, this life of extremes is also driven by an inner restlessness. You are a visionary with energy to spare and when you become bored you plunge yourself into the next great idea. This gives you both power and emotional turmoil.
However, you possess more potential than you know. You have a natural ability to develop deep and accurate insights without ever going through a rational thought process. This is often misunderstood at a young age, leading many Elevens to be self-conscious and self-criticizing.
Your sensitivity and high-energy make you prone to anxiety and stress. While you are always tactful and diplomatic, your anxiety can make you quick to feel slighted or attacked. You often envision ways to fight back, however, your intuition will usually keep you from making any sudden movements. Take care to give yourself ample time to decompress when faced with stressful situations. You must find balance between the extremes to find your calm.
Twenty Twos: The Master Builder
If your Life Path Number is Twenty Two, you have the potential for extreme success and power. You are well disciplined, ambitious, confident and pragmatic, all of which make you naturally able to turn dreams into realities. As a master number, Twenty Twos share a lot of the same characteristics as Fours. You are hard working and rooted in logic, breaking down complex situations into step-by-step solutions. However, unlike Fours, Twenty Twos have a natural gift for intuition and independence, which allows them to overcome social anxieties (I’m getting there)
As a Twenty Two, you are able to see the beauty of an idea as well as the logistics to make it a reality. However, your sound common sense also makes it easy for you to see the limitations of an idea. Your hard work and dedication to analysis help you understand complex scenarios, such as the intricacies of a large organization or global network. While others may not always see your vision, your intuition and realism make it easy for you to build trust. You are a dreamer and a pragmatist all in one.
Unfortunately, Twenty Twos are often the most unfulfilled in life. You are aware of your potential, however you are also your own harshest critic. You often set impractical and unrealistic standards for yourself, placing a constant self-imposed pressure to succeed. You have great difficulty accepting failure of any sort and usually blame yourself, even when it’s not deserved. When unchecked, your ego can also lead to distrust of others. You see yourself as superior and therefore lack faith in the ability of others.
Twenty Twos are dedicated and disciplined visionaries. However, you must learn to accept that ideas may change and transform as they come to fruition. Variations from your original vision are opportunities, not failures.
Alright, so the post ended up being much longer than I anticipated. What Life path did you get, does it sound like an accurate description of you? Your thoughts before and after? I hope it was interesting atleast, or you learned something and maybe one day when you are bored, you read up more about it. Feedback feedback.....I love questions!!!
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
Image: samasource
As the trend of social entrepreneurship takes root in economies around the globe, future-focused impact investors are stepping up to the plate to help build a better world for generations to come.
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 objectives to tackle global issues like hunger, joblessness, poverty, climate change, and food waste, among others. Below, we’ve selected six young people as examples of entrepreneurs bringing us closer to turning the UN’s SDGs into realities.
Brendan Carroll, founder of Skycision
Despite the fact that the average U.S. farmer spends around 1,000 hours a year manually scouting fields for signs of disease and other areas of stress, around 6% of annual crops are lost due to undetected threats, explains Brendan Carroll, the founder of Skycision. In developing nations, this number can be as high as 35%. Experts predict food production needs to increase by 70% in the next 30 years to accommodate rising population levels so these losses are particularly concerning.
Skycision helps farmers collect and analyze aerial imagery taken via drone and satellite to detect potential crop issues faster and more efficiently. Carroll came up with the idea as a student at Carnegie Mellon while studying commercial drone use; he realized there were more noble uses for drones than same-day toothpaste delivery. Long term, Carroll envisions a world in which Skycision can help tackle macro issues affecting global food security.
Image: skycision
“Skycision’s mission is to help maximize the potential of land under harvest to help feed the world,” he explains. “While our efforts are largely domestic today, we see massive opportunities to make impacts in developing countries that can drastically enhance their productivity, while also helping poor rural growers become more economically viable.”
“To really make a substantial impact, we need to be thinking global.”
To begin making progress on the UN’s SDGs such as developing sustainable agriculture practices and eliminating hunger, it’s crucial to think on a global scale.
“The social need is prevalent and obvious; the challenge is how to make it accessible. We need to come together as an industry to innovate solutions that overcome [these issues],” says Carroll. “Today, we are just scratching the surface, but it’s our mission to make this technology accessible to the most dire and underprivileged regions of the world.”
Analisa Balares, founder of Womensphere
Analisa Balares’ organization, The Womensphere Foundation, is just one example of a group trying to make the UN’s SDG of gender equality a reality.
Balares created Womensphere to empower women and girls around the globe. The organization focuses on scaling education on a global level, creating mentorship platforms, and encouraging continuous learning and the leadership and entrepreneurial development of women.
Balares, who was born in the Philippines and eventually went on to pursue an Ivy League education and prosperous career path in the U.S., says she “wanted to replicate and spread this type of empowerment to women and girls across the world.”
Image: Analisa Balares
Womensphere has five cornerstone initiatives: Leveraging technology and media to educate and empower; developing programs to unleash women’s potential; advancing the next generation of women leaders; mobilizing the global community; and recognizing world-changing innovators at the Womensphere Global Awards. Balares says that this “ecosystem” and community-focused approach differentiates Womensphere from other similar organizations.
Womensphere also relies on partnerships with rural communities to spread the word to parts of the world that may not have reliable internet access.
“Womensphere is building a global network of incubators designed to empower women and girls to create the future,” explains Balares. “This is the most important investment we can be making as a society: Unleashing the full potential of half the worlds population.”
Analisa Balares is part of the UBS Global Visionary program. Read more about her story and learn about other young entrepreneurs making an impact around the world.
Boyan Slat, founder of The Ocean Cleanup
In the middle of pursuing a degree in aerospace engineering, Boyan Slat dropped out of university to tackle one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time: The pollution of our oceans. Slat, appalled at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and other collections of plastic pollution littering our oceans, devised a way to take action.
The Ocean Cleanup, founded by Slat in 2013, is a pollution collection system driven by ocean currents. It’s estimated that the project could remove up to half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods (like vessels and nets), in a fraction of the time. A prototype deployed in June of 2016, and the first working pilot system is set to launch later this year.
The program ties in nicely with the UN’s SDG to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.”
“We’re driving the largest cleanup in history,” says Slat. “The way the clean-up system works is that we let the plastic come to us, using the ocean currents in our advantage. We can now clean up 50% of the patch in just five years’ time.”
CNBC & UBS – An Ocean of opportunity (Ocean Cleanup) from Fred Crohem on Vimeo.
Slat’s efforts have earned him numerous accolades, including being named the youngest-ever recipient of the UNs Champion of the Earthaward.
“There’s no better feeling than having an idea and then seeing that become reality,” says Slat.
Atif Javed, founder of Tarjimly
In an article published earlier this year, Mashable covered Atif Javed‘s startup Tarjimly and how it’s helping refugees around the globe. The company instantly connects refugees, non-profits, and immigrants in need of translation services (like medical or legal aid) to translators around the world.Today, the company boasts a community of more than 2,200 translators as well as 15 partner organizations.
“Our mission is to put a translator in the pocket of every person in need by building the future of person-to-person translation,” explains Javed. “Our vision is a world where refugees are no longer statistics in our minds, but real people that we talk to and help every single day.”
The initial inspiration for the project, says Javed whose resume includes companies like NASA, EdX, Tesla, Apple, and Oracle was “the raw feeling of helplessness that we [cofounders Aziz Alghunaim and Abubakar Abid] felt about the refugee crisis over the past six years.” Javed explains that communication is one of the biggest problems refugees face while stuck in limbo in camps, navigating safety routes, or resettling into a new home.
Image: tarjimly
The initiative fits perfectly into the UN’s SDG number 16, which seeks to “promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.”
“Our long-term goal is to empower a whole new economy around person-to-person translation in every language,” says Javed, explaining that in the future the company aims to became a “world-class technology company for social good… pushing the boundaries of language and refugee research.”
Rachel Sumekh, founder of Swipe Out Hunger
The idea for Swipe Out Hunger, explains Rachel Sumekh, was sparked by a friend’s simple CTA on Facebook: He asked fellow UCLA students to donate their unused dining hall funds to the hungry. Today, the movement has grown to a full-fledged non-profit dedicated to raising awareness about homelessness and collecting donations to end hunger.
In 2015, the organization shifted its focus to specifically concentrate on student hunger, which, says Sumekh, is a surprisingly common problem especially among students who rely upon financial aid.
Image: Rachel sumekh
Financial aid covers tuition, it might cover your housing, but food is the first thing that gets cut [when money is tight],” she says. “We decided we want to lead this movement.
The organization runs “Swipes drives” (events where students can choose to donate via “Swipe machine,” paper sign-up sheet or online). Donations are then distributed to meal voucher programs on campus, campus “food closets,” and local community partners.
To date, more than 10,000 students have donated at more than 16 schools nationwide, and more than 120 universities have expressed interest in developing a Swipes program of their own. The progress is a great start on the UN’s SDG of eliminating hunger.
Sumekh says that in the long term, the organization hopes to have an impact on the cycle of poverty. “The impact that having a college degree has on your lifetime earning is massive,” she says, adding that the cost of just a couple meals can help enormously. “You can’t imagine what it’s like to go to class and have to concentrate when you’re starving,” she adds.
Leila Janah, founder of Samasource
Sama is the foundational concept behind Samasource, a non-profit founded by social entrepreneur Leila Janah in 2008; In Sanskrit, the word means “equal.”
The company helps provide jobs to marginalized women and young people in some of the most impoverished parts of the world (in countries like Kenya, Uganda, India, and Haiti), connecting low-income job seekers to dignified work in the tech sector and for big-name companies like Google, LinkedIn, and Microsoft. The company has also branched out to include Samaschool, an organization that provides digital skills training to low-income individuals.
Image: Samasource
Janah says that the company has helped transform the lives of more than 34,000 people around the world, increasing workers’ income from $2 per day to $8 per day. And that’s just the start.
“In the next decade I want to get us to more than $100 million in sales and move more than 100,000 people out of poverty permanently,” says Janah. “Reaching self-sustainability was always a major goal for Samasource. A non-profit that’s able to run off earned revenue and become less reliant on big grants and donations is pretty of unheard of, and we reached this milestone just a few months ago.”
To accomplish the company’s ambitious goals, Janah says she’s currently focused on making Samasource’s impact sourcing model a more mainstream practice among big corporations. This would be a major milestone for the UN’s SDG to “promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.”
“It’s said that the ‘Global 2000’ spend $12 trillion on goods and services annually,” explains Janah. “If those companies allocated even the tiniest percentage of their procurement budgets to impact sourcing, or changed their hiring or procurement practices to ensure that low-income people are included in their supply chain, imagine the impact that could have.”
Want to learn more about how to support organizations and social entrepreneurs like those profiled here? Find out more about impact investing.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2vul9Xc
The post 6 social entrepreneurs whose companies are bettering the world appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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