#dedrik tag
gorepill · 4 months
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my wrist. is dead. and this isn't eve a full compilation because it's missing ancestors + unmade dancestors + guardian versions of ocs etc etc...but watever Halwave is also Dirk's sprite since Equius is now in Jeri's <3
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cowboyvillainz · 4 years
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local mad scientist does not listen to his boss
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sartorially · 4 years
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I made a real quick reference for my boy and son and lad, Cerulean Dirk! He’s fun and I appreciate him. DO NOT USE without permission.
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mr-saavik · 3 years
Midyear book freakout tag
(Because I did it last year)
1) Best book
To my own disappoint, not because the book is bad but because its fans are. Something. , its The Secret History by Donna Tartt because GOD is it well written, just gorgeous prose. I also highly recommend the audiobook to anyone considering it because Donna Tartt's voice is so beautiful.
2) Best sequel
Being pretty much the only sequel I'm going to say Mutiny at Vesta by R. E. Stearns, such a fun sci-fi with lgbtq characters, though I didn't like it as much as the first book Barbary Station
3) New release you want to read
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides! I've read the Silent Patient by him and I've heard The Maidens is a dark academia so I'm excited
4) Most anticipated release
All's Well by Mona Awad because I liked Bunny and also. Shakespeare. C'mon
5) Biggest Disappointment
Lords of Chaos by Michael Moynihan and Dedrik Soderlind which didn't tell me anything I didn't know and just seemed to drag on
6) Biggest Surprise
Wonder Woman vol 1: the Lies by Greg Rucka, I don't tend to read mainstream superhero comics nor had I known anything about Wonderwoman, but I saw it at my library and decided to pick it up anyone and really enjoyed it
7) Favorite new author
Andy Weir! I read both The Martian and Artemis so far this year and both were great, super accessible sci fi stories with a light hearted tone (which I usually don't like), and they were both just a pleasure to read so definitely Andy Weir
8) Newest fictional crush
I don't do book crushes especially because I love reading books about shitty people
9) Newest favorite character
Ampersand from Axiom's End by Lindsey Ellis. Love that funky alien
10) A book that made you cry
Surprisingly, Wytches by Scott Snyder. Surprisingly because its a horror comic about supernatural witches hunting down a girl which doesn't scream tearjerker BUT there is a really sweet moment in a flashback between the protagonist, who struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, and her father who says he wouldn't want to have any other daughter. And as someone you feels like a shitty kid for being mentally ill. Oh boy I cried
11) A book that made you happy
Transforming by Austen Hartke, hearing about other trans Christians always feels good
12) Most beautiful book you've bought or received
I only have two books to chose from because I mainly go to the library or listen to audiobooks and I'm going to go with Animal Man book one, especially because the 30th anniversary hardback edition has cool art under the dust jacket. (Pictured below)
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13) What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
Well the 3 I'm reading now, A Memory Called Empire, Special Topics in Calamity Physics, and House of Leaves, but besides that it could be literally anything (pros of having little to no physically owned tbr). Probably going to pick up Jurassic Park next though so. That too. And as far as goals go I've already surpassed my 100 book goal and am way ahead on the upped 150 book goal so I'm doing pretty good
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hetaliafandoms-blog · 7 years
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((Good morning everyone!!))
 Gilbert is on a walk through town, just being bored. Dedrik walked beside him, giggling and pointing at cool things.
 Laura was home alone, humming to herself. But then she got an idea! Maybe Annette could come over... She grabs her phone and texts her lovely girlfriend.
 Raivis is eating his breakfast at the table, reading the newspaper.
 Oliver is a bit..Shaken up from Kuro’s visit yesterday. He sighed as he sips his freshly made tea..Tea will calm his nerves, and it will be like nothing even happened! That made him smile a bit. But he knew he should probably tell Francois...
 ~ Prussia(+Dedrik), Laura, Latvia, 2P!England & Admin Tay  (Source: http://amelval.tumblr.com/tagged/2p-england)
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nelrunari · 5 years
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Character Name: Gero Eichel
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 27
Trigger Warnings: Sexual Content (mentioned only), Violence, and Death
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-About 5’11” / 180.34 cm
-Aquamarine eyes
-Blonde with red gradient
Reliable - Gero becomes rather fond of others easily and is willing to help out anyone in need as much as he can because of it. Would go through most troubles if his friends are in danger.
Cheerful - He usually comes off as someone who’s happy-go-lucky, and would always have a smile or a grin on his face. He’s usually easy-going with others, making him a bit laidback, making sure he doesn’t give others a hard time.
Playful - Tends to be lighthearted with anyone and his playfulness tends to turn into flirting. Has a habit of teasing others a lot.
Coward - He fears taking any risk if it would end up costing his own life. Forcing him want to do something less risky, or even try to find a way to escape
Regretful - Sometimes he finds himself wishing he could have done so much more and be more responsible before his untimely death.
Secretive - Tends to keep a lot of things such as how he actually feels, and everything he found out to himself while pretending it’s nothing.
Gero came from a village not too far from Iathe and wanted more than a simple farming life. So with his best friend, Dedrik they decided to become sellswords. The young man enjoyed the new life he decided to take on, but when he and Dedrik joined a guild called Wolf’s Bane, things turned worse for Gero. He and his best friend got into an argument over the shady business the guild was dealing with. He felt disgusted by it and as well at his friend. No longer wanting to be a part of it, the man left the guild and Dedrik altogether.
With nowhere else to go, the man went on to pick up any work handed to him to make a living. It was decent, but wasn’t enough to live off of. Later on he met Edith the guildmaster of Volatus and joined her guild after she learns of his situation. It was the best decision of as he was able to live life so much better and to do something he enjoys.
However, it was also his worst… three years later the guild had recruited a boy who was dropped off by the former guildmaster named Fin into their ranks. Gero didn’t quite understand why the guild let a kid who would be so terrified of everyone was joining them. Until he realized the actual reason after witnessing Fin went out of control. The boy frightened the man who he saw as a monster who could easily kill anyone. To make things worse for Gero, Edith had him watch Fin and to take care of him if he couldn’t be stopped.
He didn’t want to do anything with Fin, but he felt guilty due to how much he felt as if he had to make it up to Edith after he took him in. Not only that, whenever he would see this boy alone by himself, he couldn’t help but want to be there for him, despite his actual role. It made him conflicted over his role, his fear, and actually wanting to be there for Fin the more he hung around. Things didn’t get any easier for Gero the more that he was involved with Fin’s life. Having to run into people from the young man’s life that were either trying to kill or take him back.
There was a moment where he contemplated whether or not he wanted to leave the guild for his own safety. It wasn’t until he became acquainted with one of Fin’s friends, Elysia, who he ended up having a causal relationship with the woman. He decided to stick around even longer knowing how the woman was so fond of Fin. The more Gero and Elysia got together the more they both wanted something more serious than what they were given. It took the two a while to initiate a more serious relationship as Gero felt that Elysia deserved more and, perhaps, better than while. As for Elysia, having learned of her past relationship, it was hard for her to believe she was worth the effort. It was like a moment of respite where he could forget all of the trouble that kept coming.
However years later it became his end… Thoughts of Fin’s actual nature slipped passed his mind as he slowly forgot about his role of being the young man’s watcher. Then it happened… The young man suddenly went out of control and went on to attack everyone who moved like a monster. Unable to stop him in anyway his fears became true. He had to take up his role as an executioner and strike the young man down. But he couldn’t do it. He wanted to escape and have someone else take the reigns for him.
It wasn’t until Elysia, now pregnant with his child couldn’t escape. Then he ran, and stood in front of her with his broadsword trying block off these incoming spikes of ice that headed straight for the woman. The man knew it wasn’t enough to stop the attack, but he was enough to protect his beloved and to bring Fin back. The attack was devastating as his insides were slowly freezing. People tried to help him, but nothing worked.
He could see the faces everyone had, especially Fin’s. He could see the guilt on his face, and so Gero gave him one last smile. Something the other would always remember him for. As he told him, this was never his fault and to never blame himself when he should have done so much more as his friend.
It was the last thing that he ever said to Fin as everything went dark and cold…
Handknitted Scarf - Given by Elysia and her last gift to him
Natural Abilities:
Power History:
Prefers heavy weapons
Was learning more on how to craft and do blacksmithing to with aether shards more. Made a hairpin for Elysia once he was able to
Has a pale scar on his chest and his back
Got into flowers and such because of Ely
Enjoys cheesy romance novels for fun
Learned how to sew a little to help patch some things for his adopted siblings
Taught Fin how to fish to use it as a way to calm the young man even if he doesn’t catch anything
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Circinus
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: Box
Contact: @boxsuukoi
Age: 27
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them
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syzygy-002 · 7 years
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                           🎶 μουσική (26)                     Indicaciones: 💫 publicar su actividad en onrol/mars 💫 actividad con reto 💫 no hay límite de entrega 💫 en caso de que la actividad no sea de tu agrado, desiste de ella. 💫 tag en tumblr: #mus26 💫 dudas, quejas y sugerencias con administración.           Actividad: 💫 Agradezco desde ya a quienes comentaron sus canciones en la publicación indicada. Vamos a experimentar con las canciones, podrán salir cosas geniales y no tan geniales, pero creo que todo dependerá el modo en que sea aplicado a su trama.      Canción 26: Eminem - 3 a.m. https://youtu.be/hAuo8IOFNuE
Créditos a Cosmos por su recomendación.
Creo que hay una parte que puede utilizarse como prompt, aunque para algunos sería más un plot, dice así:
"A las tres de la mañana La llave en la puerta estaba Cuerpos regados por la morada Y no recuerdo cómo llegaron pero supongo que los he matado los he matado". Créditos a Dedrik por la traducción u-u.
Y para quienes no deseen narrar con esto, pueden tomar el tema de "3 am" en donde realicen una actividad propia a esa hora, tal vez sólo beber café o ver televisión.
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gorepill · 3 months
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yayyyy. need to do a god tier verison also but that can wait old troll maker version made using Troll Maker
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gorepill · 6 months
you know for how intrinsically tied together they are, I really don't think about Norrex and Dedrik interacting as often as I should past the maiming!!! Which, mind you. He only managed to maim her by catching her off guard, + she was a sweetie at the time (maiming set off the dominoes of her turning into a cunt,) and now there is NO way he would be able to beat her ass in a fight. He'd get his ass beat for sure, and be both horny and shocked; cause she's a fucking mutant gold, and he's a high blood. I mean say what u want abt Gagore but he definitely trained Norrex well in fighting bitches <3
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gorepill · 5 months
Dedrik desperately trying to serenade Norrex to get her to feel red for him
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hetaliafandoms-blog · 7 years
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((Good morning everyone!!))
 Gilbert is still by his brother’s bedside.. In all honesty he was kinda scared to leave him there.. He knew Ludwig was strong, there’s no doubt about that! But he still worried for his little brother..
 Laura is watching Dedrik so Gilbert didn’t have to worry about him.
 Raivis is out on a stroll through town. It was a cold day, so he had a coat and a light scarf around his neck on. 
 Oliver is making a cup of hot tea, wanting to warm up.
 ~ Prussia, Laura(+Dedrik), Latvia, 2P!England & Admin Tay  (Source: http://yosb.tumblr.com/tagged/aph-prussia)
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hetaliafandoms-blog · 7 years
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((Good morning everyone!!))
 Gilbert is on a walk through town, just being bored. Dedrik walked beside him, giggling and pointing at cool things.
 Laura was home alone, humming to herself. But then she got an idea! Maybe Annette could come over... She grabs her phone and texts her lovely girlfriend.
 Raivis is eating his breakfast at the table, reading the newspaper.
 Oliver is a bit..Shaken up from Kuro’s visit yesterday. He sighed as he sips his freshly made tea..Tea will calm his nerves, and it will be like nothing even happened! That made him smile a bit. But he knew he should probably tell Francois...
 ~ Prussia(+Dedrik), Laura, Latvia, 2P!England & Admin Tay  (Source: http://amelval.tumblr.com/tagged/2p-england)
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