#deep sea mer techno makes brain go brrr
"You know you brought this upon yourself, right?" Wilbur said.
Techno sighed, gills flaring in annoyance. He wasn't exactly being subtle about hiding his irritation at the situation, but it paled in the face of how weak he felt. "You promised," he complained.
"No, I promised not to say 'I told you so'. And I didn't say that." With a laugh, Wilbur curled his tail around to the side so he could reach for the poultice. "I said 'You brought this on yourself'. Which you did and you know it."
"You're a horrible nurse," Techno said. "Your bedside manners suck."
"Harsh words coming from somebody who can barely lift a fin," Wilbur smiled down at him. "Admit it, you're glad to have us. I shudder at the very thought of you living without a pod for over a month, it's a surprise you didn't die."
"I was fine," Techno said.
"Yeah?" Wilbur's webbed fingers ghosted over the scar on Techno's shoulder left by the harpoon, leaning forward to place the wrapped seaweed herbs on his forehead to chase away his aches and hopefully keep down the fever.
Techno was never going to admit it out loud but Wilbur was right, he did bring this on himself. He knew that swimming too close to the surface was going to make him sick. His scales felt too tightly set in his skin, digging uncomfortably into his nerve endings. A deep sea mer like him wasn't made for that heat or the abundance of oxygen so high up. He was supposed to stay down in the ravine.
But also, they needed more anemones for the nest. Phil and Tommy were on a trip and Techno didn't want to leave the chore up to Wilbur by himself. He wanted to help his pod.
He wanted to be useful to them, care for them. Like they had for him.
"Don't tell Phil," he said. "He'll ground me."
"You're an adult," Wilbur responded.
"So? Do you think that will stop him?"
Wilbur brushed Techno's hair out of the way while chuckling. "Well, Tommy and Phil aren't around anyway. If you get better before they get back, I won't snitch on you. Twin's honor."
They weren't even related.
"Pod's honor," Techno said.
"I'll get you to say it sooner or later," Wilbur hummed. He could be stubborn about these things. Then his expression turned more serious. "Don't do it again though. Please."
Techno closed his eyes but didn't answer. He wasn't going to lie to Wilbur. That would be worse.
And in the silence that followed, he could tell Wilbur already knew.
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