#deeply glad this hellsite has been such a hellhome
astriiformes · 2 years
Sort of a funky post to make especially since I don't want it to come across as a humble-brag, but I hit a somewhat noteworthy follower milestone the other day and I just want to say thank you all for hanging around here <3
With certain, uh, other websites in the middle of crumbling I've been thinking a lot about how grateful I am this has been my main internet hangout spot for almost a decade, as well as how I've met some of my best friends on this site, how much I love my little circle of mutuals (and a bunch of my other followers whose urls I recognize and who I love chatting with in replies/asks/messages), and how there are people here who have helped me immeasurably when my brain has been bad, when I needed to crowdfund a move across multiple state lines, and even now when Scribe's chronic health issues are hitting us both hard.
You're all a pretty cool crew and I'm glad this corner of the internet has been such and important and encouraging place for me. I have no idea what my life would look like if I hadn't made an account here when I was 16, but I don't think it would have been nearly as bright as it's turned out to be. I know that this year especially there have been times when I haven't been the most fun and I'm touched that people are still clicking the follow button, whether it's because they like my fic, or cosplay, or they think my jokes are funny, or even something else entirely. Thanks to all of you who have hopped on board because we shared one interest or another sometime in the last decade, and especially to those of you who've stuck around through my many evolving ones. I owe you one.
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