#deer reads bluestar's prophecy
the-owl-tree · 7 months
part of me is surprised they gave this scene to crooked and blue instead of to oak as to build up their relationship more, but i genuinely like crookedpaw trying to crack jokes to try and ease cats into staring at him less. the two are fun to read interacting and i one hundred percent get why people feel crookedblue would have been more interesting for canon
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
knowing how young stormtail preyed on moonflower in goosefeather's curse makes their interactions so sad, especially with how uninvolved he's been in their kits lives to this point
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
hawkheart: wtf why are there babies here
bluepaw: im not a baby >:(
hawkheart: oh shit okay put em up then
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
top ten things to say to a kid who's mom just died and her deadbeat fucking dad is nowhere to be seen
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
idk how intentional it is but i like the way that there's some foreshadowing or at least build up to why snowfur and thistleclaw would get together. i generally like the reading that his nature further radicalized her but i think it's worth mentioning that thunderclan plants those seeds pretty early on and influences her.
the two kits sit in on the meeting where windclan is believed to have stolen from them and i think you could argue that this meeting and hearing the way the cats talked influenced how they begin to see clan battle culture as a whole
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
absent fathers in warrior cats always make me chuckle because how on earth do you manage to be SO distant with your children when you're both in the exact same clan. it's almost comical at how much effort it would take to be *that* avoidant. how has this happened more than once.
it's such a funny recurring detail but literally every fucking scene with stormtail is just him walking as fast as he can from his children after having to talk with them. the strategy really is just get the fuck away from them before they can try and keeping talking to him LMAO even when they're next to their moonflower's dead body bluepaw just sees him walking away
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
wait hang on hawkheart novella when
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i wish the "forced into become a medic" plotline wasn't so overdone because i kind of love the idea of them haunting him scrooge style with his past, present, and future of being a fierce warrior and that changing his path is the only way for him to stop it. erins please he could be so interesting.
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
interesting detail i like: adderfang switching from snorting at goosefeather's visions to demanding others respect him when he says something that supports adderfang's desire to retaliate against windclan
chapter 2
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versus chapter 7
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with adderfang being consistently portrayed as more of the battle-ready clan-first type, this feels intentional. he'll take whatever leverage he has to get pinestar to act.
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
i think i could genuinely argue that bluepaw not resenting her father for what happened during the windclan attack is out of character, or least ooc for her during this period. she's snapping at everyone, blaming goosefeather for the sign and even being hostile to her own sister. you're telling me this character wouldn't harbor any resentment to the dude who didn't help her mother and didn't even bother approaching them when they were curled up to her dead body?
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
cats with the prefix hawk: I'm going to be so fucking mean today, I'm going to explode on the first cat I see
Cats with the prefix moon: hm today I feel like dying
moonflower's impact on children was so devastating we never got another clanborn character with the suffix moon-
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
man what the fuck
(bluestar's prophecy)
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(goosefeather's curse)
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
bluestar's prophecy
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into the wild
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
no wonder the moonflower death scene wrecked everyone as kids lol there's just so much happening
bluepaw looking around for her father and once again being let down by him, recognizing her mother being let down by him again
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bluepaw being restrained and forced to watch hawkheart throw her to the side and creep even closer, no one helping her...
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the cherry on top of it all being for naught, that even hawkheart finds the idea that they'd raid the idea based on goosefeather's word to be ridiculous
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
i like how much you could interpret this battle affecting Bluepaw even before Moonflower's death. The way she sees the politics of the Clan firsthand, that the leader's choices are not unquestioned and even her own apprenticeship could be seen as a ploy to distract the Clan from thoughts of war. I like how much she seems to learn from Pinestar, even if she's not recognizing it.
The sign as well is super interesting because we never really know how real it is, or if the battle-hungry Clan was more than happy to take whatever shred of evidence they could to raid WindClan. Was it real and was StarClan at the time divided? Did the TC cats of StarClan send it? Was it real because Moonflower's death was needed to set Bluestar on her path? Did Goosefeather misinterpret it? Or was there never a sign? I like the ambiguity of it, you can have different readings of the scene depending on where you are in the books and how much you know about StarClan.
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
man i forgot how stiff the early dialogue of the series was. but on the other hand it is incredibly funny that they wrote a one day old baby talking like this
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the-owl-tree · 7 months
pinestar spending all morning with jake only to come home and be too awkward to handle his wife going into labor is something
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