#defend ph sovereignty
catdotjpeg · 1 year
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A day before the last day of the Balikatan military exercises, the Amihan National Federation of Peasant Women joined multisectoral organizations in a protest at the Embassy of the United States of America in Manila today to oppose the ongoing joint military exercises and the planned revival of the Cope of Thunder, a large-scale air exercise from May 1 to 12 in Clark Air Force Base in Pampanga and demand for the scrapping of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). 
"Hindi na nga kapaki-pakinabang itong Balikatan exercises na ito sa mga ordinaryong Pilipino, may plano na namang panibagong air exercise. Ilang dekada nang inilulunsad ang Balikatan pero naagaw pa rin ng China ang teritoryo ng bansa sa West Philippine Sea. Sinasamantala lang ng US ang bansa para lumikha ng tensyon sa pagitan sa China para sa kanilang geo-political interest.  Habang sunud-sunuran si Marcos Jr. sa dikta ng US, naiipit lamang tayo sa gera ng malalaking bansa," Amihan national chairperson Zenaida Soriano said. (These Balikatan exercises are no longer useful to ordinary Filipinos, there is a plan for another air exercise. Balikatan has been launched for several decades but China still seized the country's territory in the West Philippine Sea. The US is just taking advantage of the country to create tension between China for their geo-political interest. While Marcos Jr. was submissive with the dictates of the US, we are only stuck in the war of big countries.)
"Peasant women should unite with the Filipino people to defend the country's national sovereignty against the continuing military intervention of the US government. We should not allow these dangerous military trainings that hinders the livelihood of farmers and fishers, damages our lands and seas and causes fear in peasant communities especially among women and children," Soriano added.
"We urge the Filipino people to denounce Marcos Jr. for being a US puppet and oppose the Balikatan exercises and the US military presence in the country," Soriano said.
"Ang EDCA at Balikatan exercises ay paglabag sa soberanya ng mamamayan o kalayaan natin para sa kapayapaan, at patunay na ang gubyerno ay papet ng imperyalismong US. Dapat na manindigan ang mga Pilipino na lumaya sa pagiging mala-kolonya ng US at makamit ang mapayapang resolusyon sa Asia-Pacific," the group ended. (The EDCA and Balikatan exercises are a violation of the people’s sovereignty or our freedom for peace, and proof that the government is a puppet of US imperialism. Filipinos must stand up to free themselves from US colonialism and achieve a peaceful resolution in the Asia-Pacific.)
-- “Amihan call on peasant women to oppose another military drill with US, defend PH sovereignty,” Amihan National Federation of Peasant Women, 26 Apr 2023
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rxshl · 3 months
US-China Relations
1. You said the aggressiveness could be directed towards the resupply missions. I read a comment that pointed out Vietnam's similar weaponization but China's lack of aggression towards this. The commenter surmised that the "US bases, including the 9 EDCA sites from the PH, are signals of US meddling with Asian affairs and thus this meddling of them is the root cause of China's recent actions." Is this is a strategic tactic by the US to protect Taiwan from Chinese invasion? Is this what you meant by your mentioning of the Thucydides Trap?
2. Following the design of the Thucydides Trap and how it keeps reappearing throughout history (I looked it up and the articles that I encountered emphasized how 12 out of 16 cases resulted in wars), do you think a war between US and China is inevitable? (Apparently, the dedollarization is an inevitability. The establishment of BRICS further poses a threat on this. But on a similar vein, recent articles rejected this possibility.)
China-PH Relations
3. About the WPS. Shouldn't China's signing in the UNCLOS render their aggression illegal? On what grounds can they keep executing this aggression? Is salami slicing a strategy carried out to aid them in bypassing the law?
4. Duterte's Term. According to another comment that I read, Duterte negotiated with China because during his term, Trump was the US President and Trump wanted to decrease military exposure. Thus, Duterte focused instead on BBB projects while he took loans from China. Nearing the end of his term, he started negotiating with the US with Biden as its new president because unlike Trump, Biden supported the military industrial complex. Is this true? (I'm trying to see where exactly does Duterte stand on this dispute.)
PH-US Relations
5. Marcos's Term. Duterte was against the construction of EDCA sites from the outset as he anticipated that this would lead to China's aggression. Does Marcos's permission of building them strips off the country of its "independence" (if it really 𝘪𝘴 independent) and that it is an indirect message that the PH sides with the US? If so, do you think Marcos has an ulterior motive?
6. Ulterior motive. According to some, Marcos's enforcement of our rights to the WPS is the right thing to do (disregarding its subsequent effects on geopolitics) as it exercises and defends our sovereignty (this is included in Leni's foreign policy as well.) However, most are convinced that this move is related to his family's ill-gotten wealth. Others specified that this could be a tactical maneuver for the declaration of martial law.
7. How would the PH's next steps affect this? If shots are fired and this causes casualty on the lives of PH Navy soldiers, would that activate the MDT? What is the possibility of China firing? (Are the ships they command to encircle the shoals just warning signs?) If the US will not come to our aid, would there be a war between PH and China? Or is this all an oversimplification owing to the complexities of geopolitics (trade in particular)?
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kennethrey · 5 months
ITL BLOG 2 "Boundaries Beneath: The Enigma of Ownership in the South China Sea vs. West Philippine Sea"
The unending debate of the aquatic boundaries between the West Philippines Sea and South China Sea were still existing up until to this date. Many sources have existed between the two parties as to whether their country is deserving of this aquatic territory. However, I also have my own research and my own narratives for this issue. As we conclude, China's claim of this territory was traced back to the historical context. They concluded that their claim would be traced back on the 9 dash line Chinese historic rights. China uses a demarcation line known as the "Nine-Dash Line" to maintain its historical claims to a large portion of the South China Sea. It is made up of nine lines or dashes that cover an extensive portion of the sea and create a U-shape that stretches south from China's southern coast. China bases its South China Sea claim on historical records, especially old maps and documents that the Chinese government claims show China's historical presence and authority over the area. However, the international community, as well as neighboring countries including Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Taiwan, contest the validity of these claims. Due to its overlap with other countries' exclusive economic zones (EEZs) and territorial waters, the Nine-Dash Line has been a source of tension and conflict in the region.
 China rejected the Permanent Court of Arbitration's 2016 finding that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) did not support China's claims based on the Nine-Dash Line. China is still asserting its rights in the South China Sea. Like some of other nations that border the South China Sea, the Philippines has challenged China's broad claims to the area. The Philippines' main contention has been that China's Nine-Dash Line claim crosses over into its own territorial waters and exclusive economic zone (EEZ), especially in the vicinity of the Spratly Islands and Scarborough Shoal. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which gives coastal governments sovereignty over their EEZs that extend up to 200 nautical miles from their borders, the Philippines has highlighted its rights. In order to refute China's claims, the nation has also taken legal action, submitting a lawsuit to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2013. The Philippines claimed in its action against China that China's claims, which it claimed were based on historical presence and the Nine-Dash Line, were illegal under UNCLOS and infringed upon its rights to its territorial waters and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). China's claims were declared illegal by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in 2016, in favor of the Philippines. This decision was made in accordance with international law. China, however, disregarded the decision and is still making claims in the South China Sea. Generally, the Philippines has worked to settle issues with China and other claimant governments in the region amicably while simultaneously attempting to defend its maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea through diplomatic, legal, and multilateral means. In context, the PH has the sovereign rights of this aquatic territory and not China.
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paperbackriot · 5 years
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4.9.19 // #AtinAngPinas protest, Day of Valor
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davidshawnsown · 5 years
Ladies and gentlemen, to all the people of the United States of America, to all our remaining living veterans of the Second World War of 1939-1945 and of all conflicts past and present and their families, to our veterans, active servicemen and women and reservists of  the entire United States Armed Forces, to all the immediate families, relatives, children and grandchildren of the deceased veterans, fallen service personnel and wounded personnel of our military services and civil uniformed security and civil defense services, to all our workers, farmers, fishermen and intellectuals, to our youth and personnel serving in youth uniformed and cadet organizations and all our athletes, coaches, judges, sports trainers and sports officials, and to all our sports fans, to all our workers of culture, music, traditional arts and the theatrical arts, radio, television, digital media and social media, cinema, heavy and light industry, business and the press, and to all our people of the free world:
One hundred and fifty four years have passed since the historic victory won by the United States Armed Forces against the Confederate States in the American Civil War, in which our people triumphed against the forces of racism and slavery and restored the unity of the whole of the United States. Thus, today, Memorial Day, which began as a day of remembrance for the thousands of men who perished during one of the more memorable periods in the history of this our great country, and the traditional beginning of summer in this country, is a day in which not only we remember the great victory won by the blue-shirted forces of the Union against the Confederacy and the end of slavery among African Americans, but also of the millions of men and women of our armed forces who perished in the defense of our country’s independence and sovereignty from the outbreak of the Revolutionary War to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, overseas deployments to friendly and allied countries, and disaster relief operations at home and abroad. Millions of our men and women in the armed forces, both active and reserve, have died in the defense of our country and people in times of war and peace, in operations at both home and abroad, and this day is dedicated to honoring their ultimate sacrifice at the altar of our free and independent homeland for the sake of her people and the future of our country and our children.
Today, in the changing conditions of both our country and the world, the role played by our Armed Forces together with our people cannot be changed, for together we all share the responsibility of national defense, economic and cultural development and national prosperity and progress, as well as the protection of global independence, friendship, cooperation and progress with our allies abroad. It is all the more important not just for the armed forces but also for the millions of Americans that the traditions of bravery and courage in which the millions who perished in the battlefield and in civil relief in home and abroad ought to be continued by the generations of today and the children of the generations of tomorrow, thus it all the more important for us to uphold forever the memory of these men and women who gave with their own lives and blood the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independence of our eternal homeland, our United States of America.
As we mark today with a sense of remembrance of our fallen men and women of our country, who perished in the defense of our country’s independence and sovereignty against domestic and foreign aggression, and have enabled our country to thrive and prospect as a strong, progressive and independent nation, with a prosperous economy, wide environment, diverse people and culture that we have shown and will show to the world, we always know that the United States Armed Forces, armed with the best and modern military equipment mostly of national manufacture, together with the reserves and united with our people, will be always ready to defense not just our country’s independence and sovereignty, but also the freedom of millions of people all over the world, who trust in the faith and hope that our Armed Forces, together with the armed forces of our allied countries and of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, will be united in the defense of our common independence and freedom against threats at home and overseas as well as in civil relief in times of need, especially in natural and man-made calamities everywhere.
Today, more than ever, we remember today and every day the sacrifice of those who perished in the uniform of our Armed Forces in the defense of the independence of our nation, the first of the free republics of the modern world, and with the legacy of such men and women in our hearts, our nation and all of us will march on as one united people onwards the road of our national destiny as a democratic, capitalist nation that is strong, independent and prosperous, and a nation that is truly worth defending today and for generations to come!
2445h, May 27, 2019, the 243rd year of the United States of America, the 244th year of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps, the 125th of the International Olympic Committee, the 123rd of the Olympic Games, the 101st since the conclusion of the First World War, the 80th of the beginning of the Second World War in Europe, the 78th since the beginning of the Second World War in the Eastern Front and in the Pacific Theater, the 73rd since the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and the victories in Europe and the Pacific, and the 72nd of the United States Armed Forces.
Semper Fortis
Makati City, PH
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thembnko · 3 years
The Witsun Julian Felipe Reef
THE Witsun or Julian Felipe Reef involving the Philippines and Taiwan is a source of much focus by the Philippines media and politicians (https://globalnation.inquirer.net/195010/us-warns-china-cites-pact-to-defend-ph-in-case-of-attack) seeing China which deployed its military ships on the reef as an aggressor. Politicians especially see China as "a bully" pretending to develop fishing. Sovereignty and freedom is a right. International law must protect it. Philippines and Taiwanese politicians and the media therefore have a rightful claim over their territory. But inviting the US to protect is risking a world war. A US war against China will invite South Africa, Africa and Russia to the side of China. The entirety of Europe except Russia will be on the side of the US. In 2019 the US already mobilized Israel, Turkey, Australia and India including Japan against China. It was over Covid-19. That mobilization stayed after President Joe Biden was inaugurated. He kept it as Operation Freedom.
We are establishing a Covid-19 National Information Centre which is about enabling churches to heal and prevent Covid-19. Churches can
• reveal prophecies God has given about Covid-19 and the post-Covid-19 world or economy
• pray and preach
• share knowledge and increase compassion
• be the conscience of the poor
• unite churches
• issue Covid-19 alerts
• speak against corruption and advise governments
• heal divisions already opening up in countries like Canada
The details are on my Facebook page for the Stop The US War Against China Group and the Church Covid-19 National Information Centre. These groups are because of a prophecy about what is to come regarding Covid-19. If the war - a Third World War - breaks out it will be followed by lies as was the First World War and the Second World War.
In a few weeks I am to publish two books each detailing separately what the true origins of the wars were. Britain will be forced to establish a commission of inquiry on both the First World War and the Second World War including the United Nations. This is because on both lies were for 110 years now told to the world. The world's current education system suffers those lies and there is poverty, famines and a spread of diseases.
The Church Covid-19 National Information Centre has as its first task to help countries come out of Covid-19 to end the war the US already envisaged in 2018 against China. The Stop The US War Against China Group on Facebook was established with that motive. We are mobilizing funding to establish and fund diplomacy groups that will have bilateral meetings with countries at war similarly as churches. Adequate publicity and outreach and direct intervention cannot yet happen because of the funding we are waiting for. In the meantime we advise the Philippines and Taiwan to desist from calling on the US for support against China
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trendingph · 3 years
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Lorenzana: Duterte right, no need for arbitral ruling to defend PH sovereignty MANILA, Philippines—The Philippines can assert its rights in the West Philippine Sea even without the 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague, Defense Secretary Delfin ... https://trendingph.net/lorenzana-duterte-right-no-need-for-arbitral-ruling-to-defend-ph-sovereignty/?feed_id=217760&_unique_id=6093ae51d9072 #arbitral #defend #duterte #lorenzana #philippinenews #philippinesnews #ruling #sovereignty #trendingph
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freenewstoday · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/03/25/philippines-duterte-raises-concerns-with-beijing-as-220-chinese-vessels-moor-at-reef-in-manilas-territorial-waters/
Philippines’ Duterte raises concerns with Beijing as 220 Chinese vessels moor at reef in Manila’s territorial waters
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The Presidential Palace has spoken of its leader’s “concern” after hundreds of Chinese boats, reportedly manned by maritime militia, anchored in Philippine waters. Beijing says “bad weather” forced the vessels to seek refuge.
“The president said we are really concerned. Any country will be concerned with that number of ships,” presidential spokesman Harry Roque told a regular news conference on Thursday. 
According to Roque, President Rodrigo Duterte had raised the issue with the Chinese envoy to the Philippines and Beijing said the ships had been forced to move into the Philippines-claimed territory because of “bad weather.” 
“There is no controversy over the vessels because China is not fighting for unlimited time to stay there,” Roque said, adding that “in the spirit of friendship, we expect them to leave.” The spokesman said the president stands by his policy of protecting the Philippines and its territory through peaceful means.
The country’s National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea has disputed the Chinese claim that bad weather had forced the ships to take refuge in Philippine waters. Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying has defended the vessels’ presence in the reef and denied claims they belong to the militia. Photos released earlier this week show hundreds of Chinese ships, reportedly 220, moored at the Julian Felipe Reef, also known as the Whitsun Reef. 
Chinese militia vessels are still in Julian Felipe (Whitsun) Reef in the West PH Sea, 15 days after they were first reported by the Coast Guard. AFP chief Lt. Gen. Sobejana says “183 CMM vessels” were spotted from the maritime patrol conducted by the Air Force this morning. pic.twitter.com/B9Tn0J0ofe
— Frances Mangosing (@FMangosingINQ) March 22, 2021
The V-shaped reef sits on the northeast perimeter of the Union Banks in the hotly contested Spratly Islands of the South China Sea. Until the 1990s, the reef was mostly submerged but the development of dunes in the late 20th century made territorial claims possible. The Philippines says the reef falls within its 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
Speaking on Thursday, Vietnam’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang claimed China’s move in the reef, which it calls Da Ba Dau, infringed on Vietnamese sovereignty. “Vietnam requests that China stop this violation and respect Vietnam’s sovereignty,” Hang told gathered reporters. 
Both China and Vietnam have staked a claim to the now 100-meter-long sand bank, mirroring competition over small islands and reefs throughout the South China Sea.
In 2016, UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas) ruled against China and its nine-dash line which states 90% of the South China Sea belongs to Beijing, thus dismissing Chinese claims to the reef, a point which was highlighted by Roque on Thursday. The waterway sees more than three trillion dollars-worth of trade flow through it each year, while under the seabed the area is touted to be rich in hydrocarbons.
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phgq · 4 years
US to defend PH vs. armed attacks in SCS: Biden admin
#PHnews: US to defend PH vs. armed attacks in SCS: Biden admin
MANILA – The United States will defend the Philippines against any armed attacks in the Pacific, including in the contested South China Sea, State Secretary Antony Blinken said Thursday as he underscored the importance of the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) in the two nations' alliance.
The pledge was made during a call with Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr., a day after Blinken's confirmation as America's top diplomat under the Biden administration.
"Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke today with Philippine Secretary of Foreign Affairs Teodoro Locsin Jr. Secretary Blinken and Secretary Locsin reaffirmed that a strong US-Philippine alliance is vital to a free and open Indo-Pacific region," a readout from the State Department said.
Blinken cited the MDT's importance "for the security of both nations, and its clear application to armed attacks against the Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the Pacific, which includes the South China Sea".
Blinken also rejected China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea "to the extent they exceed the maritime zones that China is permitted to claim" under international law.
"Blinken pledged to stand with Southeast Asian claimants in the face of PRC (People’s Republic of China) pressure," the statement further read.
"The two secretaries committed to continue building upon a relationship founded on shared strategic interests and history, democratic values, and strong people-to-people ties," it added.
Washington's policy on the disputed South China Sea is a continuation of the previous US administration's position to reject Beijing's vast claims under the nine-dash line, which was invalidated by the Permanent of Court of Arbitration.
Blinken's pledge to defend Manila against aggression in the region also comes amid a new China law that empowers the Chinese coast guard to fire on foreign vessels or individuals it deemed infringing upon its sovereignty.
On Wednesday, Locsin issued a diplomatic protest against the said legislation, citing the areas it may include in the South China Sea, where both China and the Philippines have contesting territorial claims.
Any armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the South China Sea will trigger Article IV of the 1951 MDT. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "US to defend PH vs. armed attacks in SCS: Biden admin." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1128805 (accessed January 28, 2021 at 09:30PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "US to defend PH vs. armed attacks in SCS: Biden admin." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1128805 (archived).
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kerahlekung · 4 years
Pak Lebai Kaki Putaq...
Pak Lebai Kaki Putaq....
Ulasan surat lebai Hadi yang pertahan gomen pintu belakang...
ALLAH tunjukkan ciri utama seseorang ‘Ulamak itu adalah tatkala mereka takutkan Allah, iaitu takut lakukan dosa-dosa, apatah lagi jika dosa besar termasuklah dosa pembohongan atau dosa khianat; إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاءُ  (Sesuangguhnya hanyasanya ‘Ulama itu adalah mereka yg takut Allah)[alFatir : 28 ] Semalam terdapat pimpinan Islam luar Negara menghubungi seorang AJK Biro Syariah Amanah, nyatakan mereka sungguh terkejut tatkala menerima surat melalui media sosial kepada mereka yg menggunakan letterhead Pas, dan tertera nama Haji Hadi Awang, Presiden Pas.
Surat 7 mukasurat itu ditulis dalam ‘Arab, bertarikh 22 Mac 2020. Sasarannya pasti pada pimpinan Arab. Maka saya yakin, surat itu jika benar ditulis oleh Hj Hadi Awang iaitu Presiden Pas, ianya ditulis 10 hari sebelum beliau ditabalkan habuan wakil rasmi PM ke luar negara bertaraf Menteri, jawatan yg kerap digunakan oleh Umno/Najib sebagai habuan politik buat penyokong yg berjasa, tapi tak berpeluang masuk dalam kabinet. Jawatan yg sama dibuat TunM masa pemerintahan Pakatan Harapan (PH) dengan lantikan pimpinan berbangsa Cina sebagai wakil rasmi PM untuk hubungan dgn Negara China yg pada masa itu memerlukan pelbagai negosiasi semula project raksasa oleh regim Umno/BN tree terdahulu. Tapi lantikan PH itu tidak sesekali bertaraf Menteri seperti yg dikecapi oleh Presiden Pas melalui amalan Umno dan Mahyuddin hari ini yg kerap dibantah keras oleh Pas sejak sekian lama. Tapi semalam bila Mahyuddin angerahkan taraf Menteri itu pada Presiden mereka, tiba-tiba Timbalan Presiden yg samalah terus mengucapkan tahniah pada Mahyuddin. Sifat hipokrit sungguh! - Ahmad Sayuti Bashiron
Penyokong PAS selalu berbangga dengan jawatan naib presiden Persatuan Ulama Sedunia yang Hadi pernah pegang. Dari segi sejarah, Hadi dapat jawatan tu atas rekomendasi Anwar. Asalnya persatuan tu nak lantik naib presiden dari Timur Tengah.
Anwar kata, kalau persatuan tu lantik dari Timur Tengah saja, depa hilang peluang untuk mengetengahkan ulama dari Nusantara.Kebanyakkan orang tau benda ni. Anwar yang rekomen, tapi walaun yang fresh keluar dari lubang taik kata fitnah. Itu semua usaha dakwah tghaha sendiri. Oleh demikian, Hadi diketengahkan. Aku tak cakap la Anwar tu hebat sangat. Saya percaya surat tu bukan Haji Hadi tulis sendiri tapi ada beberapa orang PAS yang lain turut terlibat.... Maksud saya bukan Hadi seorang saja suka berbohong tapi PAS itu sendiri adalah parti pembohong... Orang PAS dari atas sampai ke bawah memang kuat bohong.
Soalnya 2 juta ni berhimpun kat mana? Fantasi lebai2 kot...
Saya beranak dalam lubuk PAS, saya tahu lah.... Tapi berdasarkan pembacaan aku pada (terjemahan) surat tu, lebih banyak dinukilkan fantasi Hadi berbanding kebenaran yang sebenar.  Ingat, syeikh Yusuf Qardawi pun pernah di fitnah kata pekak oleh Guru Tebok Atap. Dah la kita ada trust deficit dengan negara luar, dapat pula duta kaki adu domba, habis pula politik kebencian akan di export ke luar negara - f/bk
Naratif walaun: "semua ni mula bila TunM resign. Jangan salahkan orang lain." Walhal proses berkomplot, memujuk, menghasut, bersemburit antara kleptokrat, parti lebai, PNkhinat dan kartel bermula jauh lebih awal dari tu.. Cuma babak tu disembunyikan..Sheraton disusun SEBELUM dari TunM resign bahkan majlis itu diadakan pun dengan harapan TunM telah bawa PBBM lompat keluar dr PH yang mana ditolak oleh TunM. Paginya meeting PBBM untuk desak TunM bawa PBBM keluar dari PH. Petangnya pertemuan kelompok ini dengan Istana telah dibuat nak maklum kabinet baru. Malam umum di Sheraton.  Sehari sblm retreat Umno - Pas di janda baik. Semuanya disusun.
Ini dilakukan ditengah-tengah Negara dan Kerajaan PH sedang hadapi ancaman wabak COVID-19 yang membunuh ni. Terbaru tersebar surat kepala lebai kepada pemimpin gerakan Islam. Dia akui sendiri parti lebai yang mulakan komplot jahat ini seawal pembentukan kerajaan PH. Surat penuh pembohongan, penipuan fakta dan Prasangka jahat. Jijik.Bukankah antara ciri munafik adalah berbohong dan ciri ulama pula bercakap benar? saya pun dah terkeliru. Patutlah 10Mac2020 Dr Yusuf Qardhawi up status fb "ulama bersama gerombolan zalim". Untuk elakkan sejarah ditulis secara salah oleh PNipu, PNkhianat, PNyamun, saya rakamkan - f/bk
How Hadi's first statement to middle east translate as an envoy on a global perspective.... 
Mind-boggling to many, but this statement from PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has surfaced right upon his appointment as Middle East Envoy with Minister’s status by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin. The statement, dated March 22, was a lengthy seven-page statement written in Arabic, allegedly aimed at the Muslim movement in the Middle East nations he is soon to engage with. Friends of Harapan Jordan had translated the script into Bahasa Malaysia. We then translated that into English. The global press, along with those who are non-Muslims, may want to take note of Hadi’s perspective on life, especially since his ascension to power in Malaysia and now jettisoned to the international stage as envoy to the Middle East.
Below is Hadi's letter  to the Gerakan Islam movement adapted from the translation to Bahasa Malaysia from Arabic by Friends of HARAPAN Jordan...Make your own judgement... PEACEFUL REFORM MOVEMENT, NOT A COUP D’ETAT AND REVOLUTION Praise be to Allah, who has all power in his hand, and He is the All-Powerful in all things. Say: “O Lord of dominion, Thou givest the kingdom to whom Thou wilt, and Thou takest the kingdom from whom Thou wilt. Power over everything: Welcome and greetings to our great leader, leader and example of the Prophet Muhammad, who brought blessings and light, as well as to family members, His companions, and those who received guidance until the Day of Judgement.” Malaysia has been fascinated by the plots left by the British colonialists on issues of thought, culture, politics, economy and society, which have been practiced by the government and its leaders on a regular basis, as well as against multiracial and religious communities. Although the Muslim community is a majority, their current situation has deteriorated, in terms of community structure and population planning, due to the narrowing of the current state of the Muslim community in dealing with non-Muslim communities. The colonists had set the terms of independence, including having to accept citizenship for non-Bumiputeras entering the country as workers and laborers in cities, while the majority of Muslims lived in rural areas with limited infrastructure. The imported solutions were implemented and then forced upon the people in the form of ideologies of secularism which resulted in the inability of a powerful government to maintain the sovereignty of Muslims in their own country. Later, (the government needed to) face the challenges of government administration under the influence of other races in education and economy, and the government was plagued with issues of destruction, embezzelement, corruption and more. Indeed, corruption, embezzelement, and mismanagement of state treasures have been widely debated by the media for decades in the country, not just during Najib Razak’s leadership session. It is the result of illnesses that have afflicted the previous government for so long that it has led to its weaknesses. It had become increasingly critical that it led to political strife between the thieving leaders among the indigenous people which led to the split of the Muslims due to the conflict within the government itself. Then their political downfall made the country fall into a precarious situation in the recent General Elections with its decision in favor of a non-Muslim majority in the government (Pakatan Harapan) who had used Tun Mahathir, the former Prime Minister and an experienced politician, to bring down Najib Razak. He was used because of his advanced age and his weak party. They made him a stepping-stone towards taking the lead in politics irrespective of the composition of the Muslim majority in the country, which has increased by more than 69% over minorities of various races and religions, which further encouraged internal strife. In addition, there are also opportunities for interference by foreigners who are hostile to Islam and Muslims as is the case with other Muslim countries such as Arab countries. After examining past experiences in the coalition from a positive and negative angle, PAS had taken a stand to form the Third Block without accepting or agreeing with Tun Mahathir’s invitation to join Pakatan Harapan to overthrow Najib Razak’s government and change the new government under his leadership after the previous government was overthrown. Likewise, without accepting or agreeing to Najib Razak’s invitation to his Barisan Nasional coalition under his leadership to defend the existing government that had led decades of dangerous opposition.
Reasons for our stand: Pakatan Harapan: Tun Mahathir’s party, the United Indigenous Party of Malaysia (BERSATU) which is a UMNO fragmentary party (the backbone of the ruling party) is a newly formed party, practically a weak party. Joining him is the party of Anwar Ibrahim (Parti Keadilan Rakyat, PKR) which is a pragmatic secular party comprising members of various races and also have ideological differences such as the Malay Muslim secular and also groups of non-Muslims from the Chinese and Indians, most of them being Christian. Also together is The Democratic Action Party (DAP), which has a predominantly Christian majority Chinese membership, a remnant of a banned communist party and liberal thinkers. Together with them are the liberal-secular Islam-oriented National Trust Party (AMANAH), formed by Anwar Ibrahim and DAP leaders to fight for PAS’s popularity especially among Muslims and to break their unity, by bringing together opposition groups including bringing in hasty and opportunistic groups that have left PAS. Behind this block are external support groups that benefit Anwar’s presence in the block. Then after Pakatan Harapan succeeded in changing the government with their victory in the election, there was an internal attempt to nominate Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister by the DAP, PKR and AMANAH to oust Tun Mahathir, with the support of the United States, Europe, Singapore, Zionists and even Freemasons. Mahathir’s candidacy was purely against Najib’s use of his popularity but at the same time, they rejected Tun Mahathir’s hold on what he considered to be an overstatement, especially in his attempt to reject a reconciliation with the West and his views on issues of Palestine, Kashmir, Myanmar and Uighur. Pakatan Harapan finally won the last election. PAS had withdrawn from the alliance that it had been involved with from 1999 to 2012 due to the attitude of those who violate the agreement that is in line with PAS principles and objectives in serving Islam and Muslims. The UMNO, MCA and MIC (Barisan Nasional) government parties are working to defend the Najib Razak-led government that has brought and inherited damage from previous governments such as corruption, governance failures and more. PAS was with the block of these parties from 1973 to 1979. From this experience, PAS is aware of the disadvantages of the Barisan Nasional. Based on PAS’s experiences in coalition with various parties, be it the government or the opposition, PAS had decided to set up a third block between Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional, which is also joined by small parties and supported by Islamic NGOs and national (using the name of Gagasan Sejahtera) who practice politics with the principles of co-operation for good and piety, not for evil and for hostility. PAS has already participated in the 14th General Election in 2018 and won two states (Kelantan and Terengganu) with a two-thirds majority. While the majority of the seats in other states were won by some opposition parties. At the parliament level, PAS won 18 parliamentary seats, making PAS part of the opposition bloc in parliament and at the same time a government party in two states. Then the central government collapsed and lost all its power led by Najib Razak and his allies in the Barisan Nasional. Pakatan Harapan won and was given the mandate to form the government and the Cabinet Council led by Tun Mahathir. So now let’s touch on the developments that have taken place after this event.
Wrestling in the Federal Government Pakatan Harapan, the party that nominated Tun Mahathir as Prime Minister through the support of the non-Muslim majority at the Federal Government, and appointed him Prime Minister on a provisional agreement that was merely verbal in a press release, had decided that Anwar Ibrahim will be appointed as Prime Minister after 2 years of government, without the consent of Tun Mahathir, in which he himself thinks the agreement does not bind any party either legally or by Syariah. The Barisan Nasional (including the UMNO party within it) had won two states, and it was the opposition that won the most seats in the House of Representatives. Several parties from Sabah and Sarawak, predominantly Muslim, had declared themselves out of the Barisan Nasional and decided not to join the Federal Government. Later, several Sabah-based parties joined the parliamentary seat of Tun Mahathir. Likewise, some MPs from UMNO stepped down from the party and joined the ruling coalition to strengthen Tun Mahathir’s position in the Federal Government. Later, some parliamentarians from PKR led by Azmin Ali had split in full support of Tun Mahathir. However, the number of Muslim MPs from both the Government and the Opposition had not reached a majority in Parliament (the House of Representatives) as a whole. Muslim intellectuals, bureaucrats, members of the military and police were alarmed after the entry of Non-Muslim and Muslim Liberal MPs into the new Government trying to undermine Islam, Muslims and Bumiputeras, in an attempt to amend the Constitution, the educational and tertiary systems, mass media and so on in politics and economics which had shocked Muslims and they saw the dangers of their situation. Thus, PAS took the political step of cooperating (Taawun) peacefully. PAS has chosen relations with Tun Mahathir because of his nationalist attitude and his passion for defending Islam. And PAS rejected cooperation with Anwar Ibrahim’s group because of his uncertain character and morals and its dangerous pragmatic political stance. And together with Anwar Ibrahim, is a liberal Islamic faith, based on the support and stance of Western embassies that support him in terms of strategy, media and finance. We also rejected total foreign intervention, despite our meetings with these delegates who came to meet us to try to build a friendly face, especially the American delegation who invited PAS to join Pakatan Harapan and help Anwar Ibrahim overthrow Tun Mahathir. We met with Tun Mahathir shortly after the General Election to understand the post-election dangerous situation. Then Prime Minister Tun Mahathir, after discussing with us, sought to improve the position of Muslims from within the Government with the help of us, the Opposition, Islamic and Non-Members of Parliament – The moderate Muslims who cooperated with us in the face of their plans, some of which were to amend the Constitution and so on, which later led to fierce clashes, as extremists from the opposing Government parties were with Western support through Anwar Ibrahim who tried to oust Tun Mahathir from taking the leadership of the Government. Thus, last year, PAS had convened a rally of the Unity of the Ummah to protest against any call for religious equality, but PAS did not reject tolerance between religion and its freedom. Based on PAS’s popularity among the people, nearly 2 million Muslims had joined the gathering.
PAS then began working with UMNO to form a unity of religious and national unity. Then this coalition created an alliance called Muafakat Nasional in the opposition bloc. Next, from the government, Bersatu was responsible for collecting Malay organizations in collaboration with student associations, professors, academics and thinkers, for organizing the Congress of Malay Dignity (Kongres Maruah Melayu) as a platform to review the current position of the Malay Muslims. The organizers of the Congress have given a special invitation to the Muafakat Nasional to attend the congress. Tun Mahathir as Prime Minister at the time was invited to deliver the opening speech at the Congress. Later, the Congress had passed a resolution which inter alia mentions the importance of unity among the Malay Muslim community to confront the current challenges while celebrating statehood rights of all races in the country. Subsequently, PAS took a peaceful approach and avoided any form of demonstration. PAS sought an audience with His Excellency the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (YDP Agong) who leads the Council of Rulers and consists of the sultanates of each state based on their respective constitutional positions, to clarify dangerous situations and the country’s need to change the government through a democratic channel through parliament. PAS had also successfully mobilized Muslim MPs from Sabah and Sarawak as well as the non-Muslim Bumiputras to collect signatures (Statutory Declaration) among MPs by securing a majority of 133 out of a total of 222 MPs. When we received the majority, we placed our confidence in Tun Mahathir to lead the new government after implementing a proposal to resign from the government and step out of the Cabinet to form a new government. Therefore, the YDP Agong had solicited oral declarations directly before him one by one from each member of parliament. Then there was a counter-movement of Pakatan Harapan in support of Tun Mahathir only to represent a form of deception by the Anwar Ibrahim, AMANAH and DAP groups. They had gone to meet Mahathir in the morning, weeping just as the Prophet Joseph’s brothers did upon throwing him into the well, to hand Mahathir the proposal of forming a unity government. Indeed this cunning strategy was to break the unity of the Muslims with the right words but what they required was a lie! Later, PAS was invited to join the government under Mahathir’s leadership and we had been nominated to the Deputy Prime Minister’s seat and also appointed to serve in several ministries. All this had been done in secret. MPs were threatened with anti-corruption protests, abductions, and threats against all lawmakers were coming in exchange for support. Apparently, Tun Mahathir was deceived by this very cunning scheme. Later, he went to meet the YDP Agong with the signatures of all parliamentarians. However, some MPs had turned their backs on Tun Mahathir in support for Anwar Ibrahim. A number of Muslim MPs stood up against this secret deception by nominating Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is Tun Mahathir’s second man in his party to be prime minister by giving the YDP Agong a list of parliamentarians backing their nomination, along with their signatures. After the YDP Agong met with all the leaders of each party to determine who had the most support, it became clear to the YDP Agong after carrying out and implementing every process through democracy and by constitution. Their move had failed despite the intervention of Western ambassadors and Freemasons and Zionist advisers. Then, a new government cabinet was formed, led by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin under the name of Perikatan Nasional (National Alliance), predominantly Muslim. The coalition comprises several component parties namely UMNO, PAS, UN, GPS, some PKR leaders, MCA, MIC and component parties from Sabah and Sarawak. Later, the Cabinet Council was formed without involving the individuals who are still facing charges in court. This was done to win the trust of the people. This is what Islah is meant to be, peaceful without any demonstrations, with the support of the people, government officials, the army, the police, and the Council of Kings. All praise to the Lord God of the Worlds. He who loves you, Abdul Hadi Awang | President, Islamic Party of Malaysia (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia) 27 Rejab 1441/22 March 2020
Our Health Director-General Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah is from Sungai Pelek, Sepang Foochow kampong. He came from a poor Chinese family and was adopted by a Malay family at the age of 14. He can still speak Foochow. Many people have commented on his excellent management skills to control the COVID virus in Malaysia. Unlike most of them in his position, he has been very busy and active to keep the public aware of the virus and make them realise the importance of personal safety measures they should take daily to distance themselves and remain at home.  Looking at him in TVs and the media almost daily is reassuring for all Malaysians as a stalwart knight to help us to continue our fight against the virus. In fact, he is the sole representative of the government today who is the most active link to all Malaysians to safeguard ourselves in this pandemic.- David Ong
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Sumber asal: Pak Lebai Kaki Putaq... Baca selebihnya di Pak Lebai Kaki Putaq...
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anakbayannewyork · 5 years
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TAMA NA! SOBRA NA! OUST DUTERTE NOW!! . Photos above: People's State of the Nation Address (PSONA) rally in front of the PH Consulate NYC on July 22, 2019 // PC: @jiminkim_photo @dianosaurs @areff.io @ruthiemaria . #REPOST statement by @malayamovement // "Despite the rain or 100 degree weather, over a thousand Filipinos and allies took to the streets across the United States to denounce President Duterte’s 4th State of the Nation Address delivered in Quezon City, Philippines on July 22, 2019. The Malaya Movement called for a National Day of Action in which eight protests and events took place: Washington D.C., NEW YORK, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Honolulu. The U.S. actions also join the more than 25 international actions worldwide. [...] . “The increasing unity among Filipinos of differing politics is undeniable. More and more of us are heartbroken and angry with what is happening to our people, and we are ready to oust President Duterte,” said Ariana Rodriguez, a rally organizer and member of the Malaya Movement. “We’re fed up with this murderous, traitorous, lying administration. We demand a stop to the extrajudicial killings of the poor and human rights defenders. We demand the protection of Philippine sovereignty against China and the US who are both currently on sovereign Philippine territory. We demand the ouster of this dictatorship that’s put Mindanao under bloody martial law and caused the nosedive of poverty with TRAIN law and the rest of his anti-people policies. We’re calling on all freedom-loving Filipinos to rise up to oust Duterte.” . For full statement check out @malayamovement and also malayamovement.com . . . ***** WHAT'S COMING UP NEXT? ***** . ABNY General Assembly Date: Thur, Aug. 8th from 7-9pm Venue: Please DM for more info + fill our our interest form at tinyurl.com/joinabny . ND Summer School Week 4: Mass Campaigns & Propaganda Date: Sat, Aug. 10th from 2-5pm Venue: People's Forum NYC . #StopTheKillingsPH #PeoplePowerNa #RevolutionaryArt #DareToStruggle #DareToWin . For more info: tinyurl.com/abnysummerschool19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0mBBbSAUhD/?igshid=goenzwi2wqmm
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amnonjakony · 7 years
Meeting between Pakatan, EU ambassadors jeopardises Malaysia's sovereignty: Anifah
Meeting between Pakatan, EU ambassadors jeopardises Malaysia’s sovereignty: Anifah
KUALA LUMPUR: Issues raised during a meeting between Pakatan Harapan (PH) leaders and European Union (EU) ambassadors last Thursday (Jan 25) have jeopardised Malaysia’s sovereignty and dignity, the country’s Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said. 
In a statement on Sunday (Jan 28), Anifah said that the meeting invites foreign intervention and impacts Malaysia’s efforts to defend the national palm oil…
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phgq · 4 years
PH still asserting sovereign rights vs China: Panelo
#PHnews: PH still asserting sovereign rights vs China: Panelo
MANILA – The Philippines continues to assert its sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea against China amid the prevailing coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo said on Monday.
In his commentary show “Counterpoint” aired on state-run PTV-4, Panelo hit critics anew for saying that the Duterte administration is not doing enough to assert the tribunal ruling which found no basis for China to claim the entire South China Sea.
Panelo rejected these claims, saying Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro “Teddyboy” Locsin Jr. sees to it that diplomatic protests are immediately filed against China in instances they violate international maritime law.
“Hindi totoo yung sinasabi niyo na tayo ay walking parang dahan-dahan pag involved ang China. Nakikita niyo naman, kita niyo si Secretary Teddyboy Locsin, pag bumanat ka diyan, gumalaw ka diyan sa South China Sea, banat kaagad, may protesta kaagad (It’s not true what you’re saying that we’re taking slow steps when China is involved. You can see Secretary Teddy Boy Locsin, if they do something, take action in the South China Sea, he would immediately file a protest),” he said.
Panelo said he could not understand what else critics wanted the Duterte administration to do.
“Pinagpipilitan nila na assert sovereignty. Ano pa bang gusto niyong assertion? Pag nagkrelamo ka doon sa galaw laban sa ating claim, e you’re already asserting (They keep insisting us to assert sovereignty. What kind of assertion do you want? If you file a protest against what they did against our claim, you’re already asserting),” he said.
According to Panelo, while other countries with claims on the disputed waters have been more aggressive in asserting their claim, they have yet to convince China to respect the arbitral ruling as well.
“Nakuha ba nila yung gusto nila? Hindi rin. Paulit-ulit lang. E di mas maganda yung ginagawa ni Presidente (Did they get what they want? They didn’t. It’s a cycle. Then what the President is doing is better). We are asserting our claim over the place at the same time nakikipag-usap tayo diplomatically (we are dealing with them diplomatically)” he said.
Panelo defended Duterte’s remark that asserting sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea would entail going to war with China, saying that China is “capable of guarding their claimed territory”.
“Yun ang ibig sabihin ni Presidente, na hindi rin sila papayag kung papasukan sila at papakialaman mo yung kanilang claim din. Lalabanan ka rin nila. Yun ang iniiwasan nga ni Presidente (That’s what the President is trying to say, China will not allow the Philippines to interfere on their own claims. They will go into war. That’s what the President is trying to avoid),” he said.
He also echoed former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, saying it was easy to criticize Duterte since they’re not the ones in charge.
“Kayong mga armchair general, tingin niyo napakadali. O sige, maupo kayo bilang Presidente (You armchair generals, you think it’s easy. You should try being President),” he said.
In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, Netherlands invalidated China's nine-dash line, a geographical marker Beijing invoked to assert its extensive claims in the strategic waters.
The tribunal decided in favor of the Philippines’ arbitration case filed against China in 2013 but Beijing rejected it as null and void.
Duterte, last year, made true his promise to invoke the arbitral ruling won by the Philippines against China after temporarily shelving it to make way for friendlier relations but Chinese President Xi Jinping stood pat on his decision not to recognize the ruling. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PH still asserting sovereign rights vs China: Panelo." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1111786 (accessed August 11, 2020 at 01:15AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PH still asserting sovereign rights vs China: Panelo." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1111786 (archived).
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phgq · 4 years
Protecting PH sovereignty, territory key goal of Duterte admin
#PHnews: Protecting PH sovereignty, territory key goal of Duterte admin
MANILA – Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana on Wednesday said defending the country's sovereignty and territory is a priority of President Rodrigo R. Duterte's administration.
"Defending national sovereignty and protecting territorial integrity is a paramount priority of this administration," Lorenzana, head of the Security, Justice, and Peace Cluster, said in a pre-SONA forum aired over state-run PTV-4 on Wednesday.
Lorenzana said this is now possible as the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has improved its identification, detection, and interdiction efforts through its newly-installed air defense surveillance radars along with the conduct of wider air and maritime patrols.
These efforts were further aided by the construction of additional detachments in strategic locations, he added.
With these improvements, Lorenzana said the Philippines can now monitor its airspace and maritime territories against encroachments.
He added that the country is continuing to boost its defense capabilities through the ongoing AFP Modernization Program of which the highlight for this year is the acquisition of the Navy's first-missile frigate, the BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), which was commissioned last July 10 in Subic Bay, Zambales.
The ship is capable of conducting surface, sub-surface, anti-air, and electronic warfare operations.
Lorenzana also said that additional combat support aircraft are now for delivery to the Philippine Air Force within the year.
Also, AFP personnel are expected to get more training with their American counterparts as Duterte has ordered the deferment of the abrogation of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with the United States.
"This allows our Armed Forces to continue engaging the US forces in joint military exercises," he added.
The decision to suspend the abrogation of the VFA was officially communicated by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to the United States Embassy in Manila on June 1.
The VFA, established in 1999, provides a framework for a defense forces cooperation that allows joint exercises between the Philippines and the US, the country's top military ally.
On February 11, the Philippine government officially sent the notice of VFA termination to the US Embassy in Manila. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Protecting PH sovereignty, territory key goal of Duterte admin." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1109717 (accessed July 23, 2020 at 01:33AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Protecting PH sovereignty, territory key goal of Duterte admin." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1109717 (archived).
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phgq · 4 years
PH to defend sovereignty amid Covid-10 pandemic
#PHnews: PH to defend sovereignty amid Covid-10 pandemic
MANILA – The Philippines will continue to defend its sovereign rights at the West Philippine Sea (WPS) even as it grapples with the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) health crisis, Malacañang said on Thursday.
In a virtual presser, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque expressed support for the move of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to file two diplomatic protests against China for violating international law and Philippine sovereignty.
“Yung filing of diplomatic protest, ginagawa po ‘yan basta kinakailangan gawin. Ke Covid, ke wala, tayo po ay mananatili na poprotektahan at itataguyod ang ating national territory at ang ating sovereign rights (The filing of diplomatic protest, we will file them if they need to be filed. With or without Covid, we will continue to protect and defend our national territory and sovereign rights),” Roque said.
On Wednesday afternoon, Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. said the Philippines filed two protests against China for pointing a radar gun at a Philippine Navy ship and declaring a Philippine territory as part of Hainan province near the Philippine-occupied Rizal Reef in the Kalayaan Island Group on Feb. 17.
Roque defended the government’s move amid criticism questioning the timing of the filing of two diplomatic protests amid the pandemic.
“Kung kinakailangan mag protesta gagawin po natin ‘yan (If there is a need to file a protest, we will do that). We need to do the correct thing even if it’s unpopular. Hindi po popularity contest kung anong dapat gawin ng DFA pagdating po sa usaping national territory (What the DFA does when it comes to national territory should not be a popularity contest),” he said.
He said he has not heard of reports of reclamation in the disputed territories but expressed hope China would fulfill its promise to stop reclamation activities in the disputed waters.
“Wala po akong nakalap na balita na gumagawa po sila ng mga bagong imprastraktura pero uulitin ko po na ang pangako po ng Tsina na tayo po ay umaasa na tutuparin nila, wala pong bagong reclamation na gagawin (I have not heard of reports that they’re constructing new infrastructure but I am hopeful that China will fulfill its promise that there should be no further reclamation activities),” he said.
In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, Netherlands invalidated China's nine-dash line, a geographical marker Beijing invoked to assert its extensive claims in the strategic waters.
The tribunal decided in favor of the Philippines’ arbitration case filed against China in 2013 but Beijing rejected it as null and void.
No proof China violated international law
Roque, meanwhile, shrugged off Senator Risa Hontiveros’ call asking China to shoulder Philippine expenses in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.
He said there is “no proof” that China should be liable to pay reparations to injured states over its failure to promptly notify the world of the outbreak as required by the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organization (WHO).
“Bilang isang propesor din ng international law, yung issue po ng state responsibility depende po ‘yan kung mapapatunayan na merong nilabag na obligasyon ang Tsina either be it treaty-based or customary-based na obligasyon sa international law (As a professor of international law, the issue of state responsibility will depend on whether there is proof that China violated obligations either be it treaty-based or customary-based obligations in international law),” he said.
Roque also pointed out that China would most likely reject any possible arbitration to take place concerning the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Ang pinaka importanteng katanungan, sinong tribunal ang magdedesisyun ng ganyan dahil ang world court po, ang International Court of Justice, ay may hurisdiksyon lang ‘yan sa mga bansa na tumanggap ng hurisdiksyon ng korteng ito at hindi po tinatanggap ng Tsina ang hurisdiksyon ng ICJ at hindi rin tingin ko papayag ang Tsina sa kahit na anong arbitration (The most important question is which tribunal would make the decision because the International Court of Justice only has jurisdiction in states that accept their jurisdiction and China doesn’t. I think China would not allow any arbitration),” he said.
Asked if the Philippines would hold China accountable for Covid-19, Roque said it would depend on whether there is enough evidence.
“Depende kung merong napatunayang paglabag sa obligasyon ang Tsina. Sa ngayon po, wala pa akong nalalaman na paglabag ng obligason ng Tsina (It would depend on whether there is proof that China violated international obligations. At present, I do not know of any obligation violated by China),” he said.
Hontiveros said China should pay the Philippines’ Covid-19 response as reparation for the country’s losses due to China’s damage of Philippine reef ecosystems for over six years now, estimated at over PHP200 billion.
She said the money, which is past due, could go to government efforts in fighting the pandemic.
The Chinese Embassy, however, dismissed Hontiveros’ statement as “ridiculously absurd and irresponsible” as China and the Philippines are both working to curb transmission of the highly-infectious disease. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PH to defend sovereignty amid Covid-10 pandemic." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1100808 (accessed April 24, 2020 at 03:43AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PH to defend sovereignty amid Covid-10 pandemic." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1100808 (archived).
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phgq · 4 years
PH 'deeply concerned' over sinking of Vietnamese boat in SCS
#PHnews: PH 'deeply concerned' over sinking of Vietnamese boat in SCS
MANILA -- The Philippine government has expressed its "deep concern" over the recent sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.
"The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) expresses deep concern over the reported sinking on 03 April 2020 of a Vietnamese fishing vessel in the South China Sea. Our own similar experience revealed how much trust in a friendship is lost by it; and how much trust was created by Vietnam’s humanitarian act of directly saving the lives of our Filipino fishermen," the agency said in a statement.
The Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) earlier confirmed that Vietnamese fishing boat No. QNg 90617 TS "was hindered, rammed and sunk by a Chinese Coastguard vessel" while carrying out normal fishing activities in the waters of Paracel Islands.
Relating to the June 2019 Reed Bank incident where 22 distressed Filipinos were rescued by a Vietnamese boat, the DFA underscored that Manila "have not stopped and will not stop" being grateful, hence the statement of solidarity.
READ: Clinging on plastic barrels: Vietnamese recounts rescue of Pinoys
"The DFA values the maintenance of peace and stability in the South China Sea and notes that such incidents undermine the potential of a genuinely deep and trusting regional relationship between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China," the DFA said.
Vietnam has filed a diplomatic protest with a representative of the Chinese Embassy in Ha Noi requesting Beijing to investigate the vessel's sinking.
Eight fishermen were on board the boat when the incident happened. All the passengers "have safely returned," Vietnam MOFA spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang said citing relevant Vietnamese agencies.
Citing the positive momentum on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) negotiations, Manila said it is "crucial" that such incidents be avoided and that "differences be addressed in a manner that enhances dialogue and mutual trust."
While it acknowledged the need to defend respective sovereignties and regional peace especially amid the global coronavirus pandemic, the DFA underscored "there is never a good time to indulge in provocations."
In addition, it said the creation of "new facts in the water" will never give rise to legal right anywhere or anytime.
"Covid-19 is a very real threat that demands unity and mutual trust. In the face of it, neither fish nor fictional historical claims are worth the fuse that’s lit by such incidents," it said.
The South China Sea where Paracel Islands and Spratlys are located is contested by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, China, and Taiwan. In 2017, China and the ASEAN agreed to start negotiations on the COC.
Regional relations
Both China and ASEAN, on the other hand, were urged to continue strengthening regional relations to fight the pandemic as pledged during the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on Covid-19 last month.
"ASEAN stood by China in that meeting witnessed by all the world. ASEAN’s support proved well merited as we had no doubt it would when China extended extensive assistance to countries like the Philippines and as far afield as Italy to combat Covid-19. We remain deeply appreciative. In our small way we had helped when the crisis in Wuhan was at its worst," the DFA said.
"The Covid-19 crisis is a crisis like no other in the past; not just in its potential calamitous scale, but in the hope to contain and stop it by unstinting cooperation and fullest trust between all countries, on the realization that if any of us fails the rest will follow; and if any of us succeeds that success must be extended to the rest of the world. Or again all of us will ultimately fail and suffer the consequences. Its solution is still distant and must extend to everyone or no one," it added. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PH 'deeply concerned' over sinking of Vietnamese boat in SCS." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1099264 (accessed April 09, 2020 at 04:50AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PH 'deeply concerned' over sinking of Vietnamese boat in SCS." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1099264 (archived).
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