#deffo have done some selling on Etsy about it
quillyfied · 2 years
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Going on a journey with some beauties. I’ve been reinking dice again lately after a couple years of Not Doing That, and have been happily acquiring new pound of dice friends that I completely overlooked before but with a fresh coat of paint are now snazzy and going in the collection (more on that later probably). This, though, is a long-held wish of mine I finally acted on, thanks to the information that Chessex is (I think?) retiring the Gemini Astral Blue set. My local Barnes and Noble had some that I passed on just a week before finding this out, so I absolutely and obnoxiously drove there and went in right at opening to snag a set. And a set of its sister, Black Starlight. They’re beauties in the nude. The Starlight set I’m going to ink in purple. I have no idea what I’m going to do for the Astral set (once the other three pieces finish soaking and giving up the rest of that eye-catching but ultimately unwanted red). Any thoughts?
(And to let potential future dice customizers know: I soak my dice in LA’s Totally Awesome cleaner from Dollar Tree. My bottle is a couple of years old now, but it’s safe to use on dice in my experience and absolutely takes the paint off. Unless you’re a pearlescent purple generic set that has somehow fused permanently with its garish gold inking despite literal months in a bath of this stuff, followed by as gentle a scraping with a metal pick as could be managed without damaging the dice.)
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