#definitely Johnshi fluff
snapghoul · 8 months
Mk 1 story but Johnny has little 7 y/o Cassie. Cris washed her hands of her child and left her with Johnny after their fight. Since he’s a “responsible”father he brings her with him when he leaves with Liu Kang because he can’t leave her home alone, there no way he’s leaving her with a babysitter without a set date and Cris is out of the picture.
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apocalypseafic · 9 months
Hi would you ever do more Johnny Cage and reader fics?
Your last one was super sweet <3
Thank you for the ask 🫶
I would ABSOLUTELY do more Cage x Reader fics. I have been enjoying fluff fics lately so I think a date with him then back to the HOTEL MOTEL HOLIDAY INN (🥵) would be a good next fic I’d love to do.
I am currently working on a Johnshi SMUT fic but I will def. Put your suggestion up to do.
I also started nursing school this week so while I make time for my writing I may be busier and not write as frequently as I have been. But yes I will definitely make this.
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ghostherlig · 8 months
hi hello i want to lead with the fact that ur literally my favorite johnshi writer i am so excited when i open ao3 to see you’ve posted!
so this request is sort of specific and obviously i don’t expect u to write it if for whatever reason u don’t want to, but i haven’t found a single johnshi period fic and i am in desperate need of one 🙏 like maybe johnny doesn’t want to bother kenshi with it so he doesn’t mention it at first, but kenshi realizes something is up so johnny eventually tells him and let’s him take care of him!!!!!!!! would also be super cool if smut was included but also totally fluff is fine too since i know not everyone is into that lol (but i am requesting that if ur ok with it!) and yeah that’s all again this is very specific but trans johnny is so extremely special to me
feel free to share this request if u want and whether u write it or not, thanks!
aaaaa thank you so much!! im SO down to do a period fic, i will definitely be adding it to the list <33
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