#definitely a chicken + rice + broccoli gym bro
birgittesilverbae · 2 years
@dearsheroozle you're gonna give me brainrot with that "#they're together they're sharing a first they're in LOVE" tag
- first visit to switzerland (ava)
- first apartment (both)
- first paid job (both)
- first time (properly) swimming (ava)
- first drink (bea)
- first jealousy (both)
- first time writing in cursive (ava)
and for your consideration:
- first time sharing a bed with each other
- first time knocking elbows while brushing their teeth side by side
- first time starting a kitchen fire trying to make pancakes (bea)
- first time waking up first (ava) (bea was sick) (ava made the worst soup known to mankind)
- first time caring for a houseplant (ava) (it went poorly)
- first time reading aloud to someone (bea)
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do-u-ever-just · 8 months
Single dad Sasuke and his babysitter, Naruto. Sasuke has realised his feelings for Naruto are getting a little beyond professional, so he tries going on a first date to quell his suddenly active hormones. Obviously, it doesn't work.
This came out of me in a rush! I've decided to put all my time into finishing Drum Sticks and Rose Quartz first, but this is a fun little project you can expect more of!
Tags: SasuNaru, Age Gap, Single Father Sasuke, ft. the return of Sasaki!
Sasuke busies himself in the hallway mirror.  Fixing his hair.  Tugging his shirt straight.  Adjusting the black and silver rings on his fingers.  
“Woa, you look smart,” Naruto comments.  He’s picked Sasaki up and is windmilling him around the kitchen.  Sasaki giggles in utter delight.  “Another date night, huh?”
Sasuke bites his lip.  “Yeah, another date night.”
Naruto pauses.  “And you sound so excited about it.”  Sasaki is already pounding Naruto’s shoulders with his fists, demanding he keep spinning.  Naruto does.
Sasuke only shrugs.  “Would you think I’m cringe if I said I feel too old for first dates?”
Naruto laughs.  He stumbles, and grips the back of a chair to steady himself.  “Hey, I’m like nine years younger than you, and I feel the same way.”
“So, that makes me ancient?”
Naruto nods.  “Yeah, guess it does.  So you should be grateful you’ve found anyone in your old age.”
“Har har.”
Sasuke hopes he hid how hard his chest twinged at the reminder of their age gap.  Not that Naruto is underrage, god no.  He’s twenty-three, spry, and started babysitting for some extra cash while he attempted to finish his personal trainer course.  Sasuke found his name through a friend of a friend.  Truly, some gym-frat-looking-bro showing up on his doorstep was the last thing Sasuke had wanted of someone who would be put in charge of his son, but he had been desperate and unable to say no.
Naruto proved himself sent by angels.
He was clean, neat, polite (the bare minimum).  But he never drank alcohol in front of Sasaki, or even when Sasaki had been put to bed.  He would do his homework at the kitchen table until Sasuke got home.  He wasn’t a great cook, his meals mostly consisted of rice, chicken and broccoli, but he was always kind enough to make Sasuke a serving for his lunch the next day.  
Most importantly, Sasaki loved him.
Naruto would show him all the cheats on the video games he was playing, but kept it to a good ninety minutes at night, and never any time before bed.  He would teach Sasaki new words, read to him if he was having trouble sleeping, and had taught him how to play soccer in the courtyard just outside the townhouse.  
He walked him in the park, rugging him up on colder days, and bringing spare water on the hot ones.  
And he never accepted tips.
All Sasuke could do in return is pass his name on when others enquired about anyone good to babysit their own kids, which Sasuke was loathe to do.  He knew Naruto needed all the work he could get, but Sasuke felt a strange sense of possession over him, which was unowed and definitely unwarranted.
And Sasuke, a normal, human male with two perfectly working eyes, could never stop noticing how attractive Naruto was.  And how that was only enhanced everytime Naruto rushed to Sasaki with a tissue whenever he sneezed.  Or when Sasuke came home and the vacuuming had been done.  Or when Naruto cut his rate in half when Sasuke had mentioned he was hard for money.
Or the one time he had come home to Naruto, shirtless, feet hooked under the couch and doing sit ups in his living room.
Sasuke had almost passed out with the rush of heat that went straight to his groin, and an unfortunate realisation had come over him.  He wasn’t just physically attracted to Naruto anymore.  Which, in of itself, was its own problem.
Hence, the first date.
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joshslater · 6 years
Unrivaled pt. 6
Continuation of part 5.
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At first Trevor had thought the behavior modulation sessions had been nothing but relaxing. Mostly it was just him sitting in a chair with a headset on, repeating out loud whatever was being said. The words and sentences were often part of a theme, sometimes everyday phrases like "Please, be quiet" or "I'd like to order", and sometimes pretty vulgar stuff like "Do you kiss your mothers cunt with that mouth?" and "I'll shit in your mouth if you don’t shut it!". It would just repeat the same phrase until he got the intonation right, so he discovered it was easiest to just think as little as possible and repeat the sounds he heard. Less frequently he got to sit in front of a monitor and just watch movies, typically of people in gyms, beaches and other places with groups of people. Only once more had he got back into the pilot helmet, and there he blacked out again like the first time.
He had loved the relaxed feeling after any of the sessions. How he was chill with everyone and everything. It wasn't until two weeks in that he realized he called everyone "bro" or "dude". First he was surprised by it. Kind of like when you first see the arrow in the FedEx logo and wonder why you have never seen it before. After that it is impossible to unsee.
Once he started to pay attention he realized that his speech pattern were deteriorating. It was grammatically incoherent, laced with swear words and punctuated with "bro". He could speak correctly, with effort, but it was like talking a different language. He had to work to find the correct words and putting them in order. But now that he had started to notice, instead of improving he just winced on the inside immediately after he’d spoken.
Once he had realized the changes in speech, he started to look for other changes. He realized was pulling and adjusting his clothes more than he used to, perhaps. He was definitely scratching himself more than before. The frustrating thing was that he couldn't be sure if these were changes or if he had always done them. Even worse, he knew that he was blind to many changes. He had only discovered these because he looked for them. Every time he caught himself with his hand up his shirt or down his shorts, he wondered what small things had he not caught.
But other, more alarming and more obvious changes were taking place. He had seen the trickle of hundreds of small changes accelerate to a stream over the past few months until the dam broke some weeks ago. He wasn't "gaining muscle" or "adding weight" anymore. He was exploding. Every day he could lift heavier than the day before, hold it longer, push harder. The meals couldn't come soon enough and he practically inhaled oat meal porridge, tuna, chicken, broccoli, brown rice, protein goop or whatever else he was given. He repeatedly got handed clothes in new sizes. He realized that even if he still could dance, no one would cast him for any role based on his looks.
His biggest source of despair however started on Monday. Mr. Thompson held his usual weekly performance review and dropped the bomb that Trevor had failed to keep his cardio values above punishment threshold, despite a warning the previous week. He presented again a chart showing how Trevor’s times on cardio had been slipping across the board. Trevor knew it was happening, but couldn't fathom why. Since the warning he had pushed himself harder than ever before, but the numbers Mr. Thompson showed him spoke the truth. It was like he could only run shorter and shorter distances before exhausting himself, despite getting larger and stronger.
- We clearly must set an example, so you don't get any ideas of slacking off. At the same time we want to be reasonable, so we'll adjust the limits post procedure.
- What procedure?
Trevor was taken to one of the procedure rooms, where he was told to strip and lie on the table. Having done so, a doctor Trevor had never seen before applied some cold, transparent gel to his dick and balls with gloved hands. He could feel his junk shrivel by the cold, but also a weird sensation of numbness. After a minute the doctor plunged a syringe with milk white contents into one of his balls and injected its content there. Trevor had braced for the pain, but to his surprise didn't feel a thing. The doctor did the same on the other ball. He then picked up a device that looked like a small, black flash light with a slightly bent chrome tube at the end. He carefully inserted it into Trevor’s dick, made a few checks that it was positioned correctly and then pressed a button on the device. It made a hissing sound, not unlike when you open a well shaken soda bottle. And that was it. The doctor removed the device and Trevor was told to resume his schedule.
Once the numbing started to wear off during the day he got more and more conscious of how tender and swollen his dick and balls were. He had to take much more care as he performed his exercises, and all forms of cardio was a torture. Running was the worst. The tenderness slowly went away over a few days, but the dick and balls remained as swollen. If anything they grew a bit more and firmed up. His balls were like chicken eggs and his flaccid penis was easily as large as his erections used to be.
It didn't hurt anymore though, but it really bothered him that he had to readjust his balls every time he sat down or changed stance. The change really hit him when he went to his first behavior modulation session after the procedure and sat down in front of the monitor. Unlike all of the various benches and gym equipment he jumped between daily, this was a normal, common office chair. And he simply couldn't sit like normal in it. His thighs squeezed his balls, almost painfully so, and the arm rests were in the way to spread his legs. He scooted forward in the seat, slouched and let his legs spread as far as needed. He almost blushed thinking how vulgar he looked.
He made an effort to sit properly by pulling his junk up and out, shuffled in the seat, back straight up, legs straight down, and let go of his dick and balls. It was really uncomfortable, and to his great disappointment looked perhaps even more lewd with the large mass protruding straight up from his groin. Dejected he shuffled back into the relaxed position and started the video session.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Everything You Could Possibly Want To Know About Protein Powder
Everything You Could Possibly Want To Know About Protein Powder
Projected to swell to $21bn globally by 2025, the protein supplement market is a growth industry. Shots of “gunpowder” are downed by pro athletes, massive dudes at your local gym and, increasingly, normal guys who play a bit of sport or want to get fit or be in better shape.
But do protein powders actually work? And even if they do work, do you need to take them? In which case, what type is best? Whey, casein or plant-based? Concentrate, isolate or hydrolysed? When should you take them? And how much should you take?
You can write a scientific journal on this stuff, and indeed scientists – not bro ones – do. We’ve tried to keep it as brief, understandable and unarguable as we can. The science isn’t always 100 per cent conclusive, as it often isn’t, but that’s what comments sections are for. Digest this meaty protein powder guide though and you’ll definitely know what supp.
Do Protein Powders Work?
There’s more scientific proof for the efficacy of protein powders than you can shake a shaker at. Among others, a 2007 study in the journal Amino Acids (more on those later) showed that subjects who consumed whey protein before and after lifting weights increased size and strength over 10 weeks more than participants who took a placebo.
At the same time though, protein powders are not magic. “I haven’t seen any compelling evidence at all that protein powders are better for muscle gain than food is,” says Kamal Patel, director of examine.com, an independent website that assesses nutrition and supplement research. “It’s simply a matter of convenience and people liking to make shakes more and more as the years go by.”
Onboarding pretty much any quality protein source after your workout will do much the same trick. Most studies compare protein powders to other powders, carbs or placebos, not food. And protein powders can also work out more expensive than food. Funny, that.
Do You Need To Take Protein Powder?
No, you don’t need to. The clue’s in the word “supplement”. If you’re already meeting your protein needs from food, then powders will be superfluous. Where they can come in useful is when your protein need is elevated – for example, in order to recover from intense exercise, build muscle or both – and you struggle to meet it with food.
“‘Protein’ comes from the Greek word proteios meaning ‘primary’, and you could argue in the case of an exercising individual that having enough protein is the primary goal,” says performance nutritionist Matt Gardner.“There’s growing agreement that higher protein intake supports performance, with evidenced-based guidelines of 1.4-2g protein per kilogram of body weight per day recommended.”
The optimal amount of protein for building muscle, on the other hand, is furiously debated in scientific circles and men’s fitness forums. But as a rule of thumb, aim for the higher end of that scale. “There’s research on going higher, but for the average person, that’s a good place to start,” adds Gardner. Not least because you’ll probably find it difficult initially to consume that much protein if you’re in not already in the habit of carrying Tupperware containers of chicken, rice and broccoli at all times.
While nobody wants to be that guy, spreading your protein throughout the day does have advantages: namely, ensuring a steady supply of muscle-building nutrients, without which your body will down tools. A 2014 study in the Journal of Nutrition showed that protein synthesis was 25 percent higher in subjects who hit 30g of protein at each of their three daily meals, compared to participants who ate the same total amount but the lion’s share of it at dinner. Meanwhile another study in the Journal of Applied Physiology showed that subjects who consumed 20g of protein six times a day added muscle and lost fat – whether they trained or not. (NB We strongly recommend training.)
You probably don’t want to eat six meals a day either. But three meals and one or two high-protein snacks, say, might be more feasible and palatable. (The actual composition doesn’t matter so much as the quantity and frequency – whatever fits your lifestyle.) Despite how they’re marketed, shakes are not adequate meal replacements, but they can be a handy, portable way of keeping the “gain train” on track until the next helping of food, or topping up the protein content of a meal that’s lacking in said macronutrient.
“A protein shake is a tool to add into your nutritional toolbox on a training day, or on non-training days if you don’t have a whole food protein source readily available, in order to meet your needs,” says Gardner. “For example, 100-120g of meat or fish usually yields 20-25g of protein and a typical protein shake contains around the same.”
Not to mention that mixing a shake is distinctly less antisocial than stinking out your workplace by microwaving the aforementioned tub of chicken, rice and broccoli.
What Type Of Protein Powder Is Best?
A good one. But we’ll come to that.
The most widespread protein powder is whey, which (along with casein) is one the two proteins derived from milk. It’s a byproduct from making cheese which previously went to waste or to feed piglets, which is maybe something to consider before putting any old powder in your body.
Proteins are made of 20 amino acids, nine of which can’t be produced by your body and have to be consumed in food. Whey contains all nine of these so-called “essential” aminos acids, including a decent whack of leucine, the signal molecule for protein synthesis. It’s also more quickly digested and absorbed than other forms of protein (although the significance of that is a moot point that we’ll explore in more detail).
There are three different types of whey, with varying price points. “Concentrate” is the cheapest and most plentiful, typically containing 80 percent protein with some lactose, water and fat. “Isolate”, which has all the lactose and fat and is therefore considered to be fancier, contains 90 percent protein. The most expensive is “hydrolysed”, which is pre-digested by enzymes so that your stomach doesn’t have to do as much of the heavy lifting.
Do any of these distinctions really make a difference though, or is it just marketing spiel to justify charging more money? “Isolate is better if you have strong lactose intolerance,” says Examine.com’s Patel. “Hydrolysed is better if you have certain gut issues, as it needs less breaking down.” The idea that being more quickly absorbed makes a protein powder “better” is however a less legitimate selling point: “You most definitely don’t need to drink a shake within the minutes or hour after working out, and hydrolysates don’t build muscle better than normal whey.” (Again, we’ll get onto timing in a minute.)
It’s not as simple as higher protein percentage equals front-row gun show tickets. “Isolate goes through an extraction and processing method so harsh that it can’t be certified organic,” says Joe Welstead, founder of Motion Nutrition. “It can also remove some highly beneficial nutrients such as CLA, a naturally occurring healthy fat found in dairy.” Nor is removing lactose, a sugar, necessarily a good thing (unless you’re intolerant). “Your absorption can benefit from a slight insulin response,” continues Welstead. “So having your whey protein with a little carbohydrate may enhance your gains.”
The other protein derived from milk is casein, which is digested and absorbed more slowly than whey. Because of this, it’s considered a “slow-release” protein best taken before bed to drip-feed your muscles overnight. A 2012 study by Maastrict University showed that consuming 40g of casein half an hour before bed increased protein synthesis by 22% and improved recovery. (Although again, this was compared with a placebo.)
Like arguments over rest times or multivitamins, whether whey is better than casein or vice versa depends on which studies you want to put more stock in, and whether you believe it’s important to quickly digest and absorb protein post-workout, but both are beneficial. (Some powders contain a mix of the two.) There are also fancy caseins such as hydrolysates, which kind of cancels out the slow-release-ness, and micellar, which forms a globule in your stomach that takes longer to break down, making it extra slow-release-y, to use the technical term.
Or you can just get casein from food such as cottage cheese, Greek yoghurt or the milk that it came from in the first place.
What About Plant-Based Protein Powders?
Plenty of carnivores have been converted to the growing number of vegetarian and vegan protein powders on the market, either because they’re cutting out dairy, reducing it or just not wanting to consume any more than they already are, or because they’re suspicious of the quality and provenance of whey supplements.
“The advantage we see with plant-based protein powders is that so many people find them much easier to digest than whey protein, and that they feel and taste more ‘real’,” says Damian Soong, co-founder of dairy-free supplement brand Form. “That’s before you even consider environment, sustainability or animal welfare issues.” Various studies have shown plant-based protein powders such as rice, pea and soy to be as effective as whey, although men are often recommended to avoid soy because of the potential estrogenic effects of compounds called soy isoflavones. (Most of these are removed from soy protein isolate.)
The disadvantage of getting protein from plants is that you need to eat more of them to get the equivalent payload from an animal source. Plant protein sources are also not “complete”: that is, they don’t contain a full amino acid profile. But it’s possible to make a complete protein by mixing several plant sources together, as quality powders tend to do. “We do this with Form by combining pea, rice, hemp and algae,” adds Soong.
“For some, a plant-based protein powder can be easier to digest,” seconds Motion Nutrition’s Welstead, who manufactures both whey and vegan supplements. “I think this will mainly be true for lactose-intolerant individuals, or if the whey protein you are using contains many additives, making it harder to digest. It may also have a smaller carbon footprint, but this is not as straightforward as it seems, since the amount of plants required to end up with one serving of protein is much greater than the amount of dairy.”
Plant-based protein powders are not necessarily cleaner ingredients-wise either: “Because of their unappetising flavour and texture, brands tend to load these products up with even more sweeteners, thickeners and flavourings than whey protein.”
So What Makes A Good Protein Powder Then?
As we said at the outset, the major keyword is quality. “A rookie error is to think maximum protein for minimum spend,” says Motion Nutrition’s Welstead. “While this may seem like a bargain, your body will respond poorly, defeating the whole purpose.”
“Good protein supplements often have few ingredients, potentially even leaving out sweeteners altogether, although that’s not necessary, and lacking random stuff thrown in there,” says Examine.com’s Patel. “Some are cold processed whey, which can increase glutathione production. Others are grass-fed, which hasn’t shown nutritional benefits but should indicate that the cows are less likely to be treated terribly.”
Motion Nutrition’s protein powders are all certified organic, requiring extensive hoop-jumping, with ingredients traced back to the respective farms (which can’t be too close to polluted areas). But Motion’s capsules can’t be certified organic because they’re fortified with vitamins and minerals, which gave Welstead an eye-opening glimpse into you can can get away with. “If it weren’t for the high standards we set ourselves, there would be no rules ensuring quality or bioavailability,” he says.
“Unscrupulous brands will use cheap sources of ingredients with low absorption rates,” Welstead continues. “They will bulk their products with binders. They will fake mouthfeel with thickeners. And they will cover this all up with sweeteners and flavourings, which have proven negative effects.” Yum. Aside from checking the ingredients list, buying certified organic is one way to avoid all of this, and ensure your whey is at least 60% grass-fed. (“Grass-fed” alone has no binding definition.) Even then, take a second glance before buying organic products imported from the US, where regulation is less strict.
Quality isn’t just about the crap you leave out, but the (non-random) goodies you put in. “Protein powders can be a lot more functional now,” says Form’s Soong. “We include curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, which is a proven anti-inflammatory, and black pepper extract, which aids absorption. You’re not what you eat – you’re what you absorb.”
When Should You Take – Or Absorb – Protein Powder?
This brings us to the third of the three nutritional Ts: Total, Type and Timing.
You may be familiar with the concept of the “anabolic window”, which largely originated with some research in the late 1980s. The gist of it is that if you don’t consume protein within seconds of finishing a workout, your gains will be impaired, which in turn is a major selling point for quickly drunk and digested powders. Hence why you see guys in gyms dropping weights and scrambling to grab shakers like their biceps depend on it.
Like a Photoshopped physique, this has been greatly exaggerated. A 2013 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that the anabolic window post-workout is more like 4-6 hours, depending on how long before your workout you last ate, as your body may still be working its way through that: more like anabolic patio doors, then. The researchers admitted that delaying your protein re-up might make a small difference (science can’t yet say definitively), but as long as you eat something in the hour or two following your workout – a shake or a meal – your precious gains should be just fine.
There’s another reason not to frantically shake your protein powder and neck it in one. “By doing this, you’re blending air bubbles into your drink, and potentially causing bloating and discomfort,” says Motion Nutrition’s Welstead. “There’s really no rush.”
How Much Protein Powder Should You Take?
A 2009 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (using egg protein) identified that 20g of protein post-workout was enough to maximally stimulate synthesis. Sure, you could consume more, but there doesn’t appear to be much point: a 2009 University of Texas study (using beef patties) showed that consuming 90g of protein didn’t stimulate synthesis any more than 30g. As discussed earlier, you’re better off spreading your protein throughout the day in 20-30g “pulses” to maintain synthesis.
Another answer is that you shouldn’t take as much protein powder as you might think. “Some people veer into meal replacement territory, with half or more of their protein coming from powder,” says Examine.com’s Patel. “This can predispose them to having a bad diet, although it isn’t causative per se. Protein powders are fine, but unless you have a specific reason you’re taking them, eg you’re on the go, then you might want to just eat food instead. It has more nutrients, is more filling and usually tastes better.”
Many protein powders pack extra calories in the form of sugars, which could end up on your abs, not your arms. “Make sure to pick a powder that is 1g or less of sugar per 30g serving,” says nutritionist Gardner. “Then you can dictate when to add carbohydrates – for example, banana and oats.” Low- or no-calorie sweeteners, even natural ones such as stevia, can also be counterproductive. “You may find yourself craving sweeter foods and jumping on sugary snacks,” says Motion Nutrition’s Welstead.
A third and final answer is that you shouldn’t take as much as much protein powder as some manufacturers would have you believe. We said “some”. “It might seem strange for us as a nutrition company to advocate a food-first approach,” says Form’s Soong. “But this is something that people, often men, forget: supplements are supplements.”
The World’s Gain-Changing Protein Brands
The focus at Sunwarrior is to keep it as natural as possible and as well as taking protein from traditional sources like hemp seeds and pea, it also uses the lesser known superfoods goji berries and amaranth. The calories and content are around average and there is a disappointing lack of flavours on offer but this is a lifestyle drink first and foremost, promising a chain of amino acids and organic ingredients that will elevate you to full-on yogi level.
Buy Now: £44.99
Motion Nutrition
Alongside a range of supplements and nootropics (healthy and naturally produced ‘smart’ drugs), Motion Nutrition sells whey proteins made from organic milk blended with specific superfoods like cacao and coconut, while it’s vegan blend contains ingredients you didn’t even know existed like red banana and yellow pea. Protein level is comparatively low (as mentioned above – it doesn’t need to be high), and its products come in at a lesser price point.
Buy Now: £22.49
The high dairy and milk content in some protein powders can turn those people with digestive problems off while alternative vegan blends have a reputation for funky smells and a sawdust taste. Form is changing the game, creating vegan products that actually taste good with flavours like chocolate salted caramel and added probiotics to help you digest your protein intake. The packaging also contrasts with how the industry used to be with mindful images of beautiful forestry – no buffed up gym bros making you feel insecure here.
Buy Now: £24.00
The bold and eye-catching packaging on Innermost products does well to summarise what the protein brand is all about – mainly powdered blends that don’t bamboozle you into wondering quite what you’re taking. Keeping it simple, there are three main powders available – ‘The Strong One’ for the gym bunnies, ‘The Fit One’ for cardio types and ‘The Health One’ if you’re keen on your detox.
Buy Now: £30.00
This is protein packaged by way of Shoreditch in a brown paper bag like one out of a bygone era. Founded by two former pro swimmers, Neat takes its protein, like the packaging, back to basics with simple vegan and whey blends and the added extra of matcha green tea in its lean protein acting as a slow releasing caffeine source making it an optional substitute for your morning coffee.
Buy Now: £34.00
If you’re not sure about the whole space-age feel of chomping down on powders, then Purition is a great option as it offers a whole food blend of seeds and nuts instead along with the protein and real food flavourings like vanilla pods. Mix them up in a blender with milk or do as we prefer and sprinkle them on your breakfast cereal. The protein intake is low compared to others but at least you’ll feel like you’re having some real food.
Buy Now: £22.95
The Organic Protein Company
Protein from organically sourced cow’s milk has been spilt all over the marketplace now, but one of the originals was The Organic Protein Company. The price is reasonable as is the protein intake and the powder also has a low carbohydrate intake. It also sells an interesting raspberry and baobab flavour which works well stirred into porridge, while 25p of every pack sold is donated to the charity Compassion In World Farming.
Buy Now: £24.99
Sold in packaging that looks more like a biscuit tin for shortbread as opposed to anything that is going to turn you into a beast in the gym, Nutristrength comes in at a premium price point but does offer an unorthodox solution to those who suffer from an allergy to cow’s milk by using goat and sheep milk instead. Even if you aren’t allergic, the different casein structure and fat composition still make it easier to digest than your average cow milk-based protein powders. At least that’s the claim.
Buy Now: £34.00
Vega Clean Protein
It just isn’t enough to have your standard pea and hemp vegan blends anymore, as Vega can attest to by offering protein sourced from alfalfa (a legume usually grown for livestock) and pumpkin as well. The protein content is high and the carbohydrate levels reasonably low, with a full amino acid profile making Vega an attractive choice, besides the fact that they only offer two basic flavours.
Buy Now: £26.99
Alongside pre-workout, creatine and everything else in a bodybuilder’s kitchen cupboard, BioSynergy has one of the widest range of powders on this list. Everything from vegan blends, mixtures of protein and rice for those looking to refuel their energy levels after a heavy workout and high powered protein blends with 30g of protein per serving. However, it is important to note most of its blends are high in carbs which is great if you’re looking to replenish your body but not so great if you want to cut weight.
Buy Now: £29.99
Founded by personal trainer James Duigan, Bodyism started life as a gym and is now sold and packaged as a philosophy and way of life. For many people, a daily protein powder is now akin to getting your five a day, so powders come into this lifestyle, although it’s mainly aimed at the female market. The brand does offer a ‘male testo’ package of exotic ingredients though (Siberian ginseng anyone?) that promises to boost your testosterone along with providing you with a dose of pea protein for the day.
Buy Now: £30.00
Optimum Nutrition
Sold in the old school big tub packaging we most readily associate with protein powders, Optimum Nutrition does exactly what it says on the tub offering 100 percent pure protein and not much besides. While it might not have all your probiotic blends, the award-winning brand does have a high protein intake and BCAAs to aid your workout along with 24 different flavours that read like the dessert menu. We’ll have a key lime pie and the blueberry cheesecake, please.
Buy Now: £22.49
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