#definitely blunt but I figure it was more a jab at Omochao himself than anything truly proving about Silver's personality
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
One thing I find very interesting about Silver is that we, as far as I am aware, have never seen him lie or be deceitful to others. Everything he does is with an incredible amount of blunt honesty, and I would even reason it seems he expects people to be similarly honest back. Regarding the first point, in '06, he does not try to get close to Sonic such as through showing him friendliness before attacking him while his guard is down, or even walk up to him in a normal manner to strike him in the back. He literally flies in and denounces Sonic the Iblis Trigger who will destroy the world and therefore must be destroyed, initiating a genuine battle (where everything would be in his best interest to dispose of Sonic as quickly and backhandedly as possible instead). When Sonic asks him who he is, he answers with his actual name and overall goal:
Silver: I've been looking for you. You're the Iblis Trigger. Your actions will condemn us all. Sonic: Who are you? Silver: My name is Silver. For the future of the world, I will destroy you!
The same happens in Sonic Rivals, where Silver gets goaded into a fight thrice by Eggman Nega (against Sonic, Metal Sonic, and Metal Sonic 3.0) instead of taking the fight directly to "Eggman" and defeating him instead (though that could be a limitation of the text-box cutscenes). Secondly in Rivals 2, Silver outright responds to Espio that yes, he does expect Espio to believe his story (which the rest of the characters perceive as all-but-insane) about needing to protect the Chao to stop the Ifrit from becoming invincible:
Silver: Agh! Where did Eggman Nega take off to? Espio: Silver... What is this about saving our world? Silver: If you want to save your world, we have to hide the Chao in a safe place. Espio: You want me to believe that? Silver: Yes, why? Espio: Unbelievable as it may seem... For some reason, I trust you. Silver: Are you going to help then, or keep getting in my way? Espio: I'll help. Silver: Good, you can start now.
And regarding my second point of Silver believing that others are similarly honest as he is, he trusts Espio immediately when Espio states he trusts Silver in turn. It's based on nothing! Silver hasn't shown any cooperation to or been shown cooperation from any of the other characters so far in the game, fully by his own doing and his snappiness and big mouth. Yet, when Espio indicates he trusts Silver, Silver is immediately down for a team-up without asking any questions about why Espio wants to join him all of a sudden. And of course, it's seen in '06 as well where Silver doesn't question Mephiles' motives or story in the slightest, gullibly trusting that surely everyone has the world's best interests at heart and wants to destroy Iblis as much as he does. His trustfulness is endearing and indicating of his positive and hopeful mindset, but it brings him right into severe trouble in '06.
So generally, Silver seems like an incredibly honest person, to the point of bluntness, and we see that he rarely devolves into dirty tricks and hardly, if ever, lies. Only in Sonic's story in '06 does Silver get a cheap shot in after Sonic has defeated him which sways the victory back in his favour; other times he tackles the battle head-on even if it is directly to his own detriment to do so. I feel like this is also a part of him being overly honest, namely trusting that everyone is going to be treating the battle as equally important and necessary as he does following his (often lacking) explanations as to why he is doing something. But it makes sense to him, so he honestly and bluntly states what he is here for, and if others don't understand or don't believe him, he sees it as their loss. At most, he brushes off questions when he's got other things on his mind and continues with what he was doing before:
[After defeating Sonic in Silver's story in '06] Silver: Hmph! Is this a joke? How could someone like you cause the destruction of our world? Sonic: What do you...mean? Silver: It doesn't matter. For the sake of the future, the Iblis Trigger must be destroyed!
[When meeting Knuckles in Rivals 1 and learning Eggman Nega stole the special camera] Knuckles: You...! What are you mumbling about? Silver: Got no time to explain it to someone like you... See ya! Knuckles: "Someone like me?" Hey, I'm Knuckles! Haven't you heard of me? How rude! Asking questions without having the gall to introduce himself! Silver: Like I said before, I don't have time to deal with you right now. See ya! Knuckles: You little... Get back here!
Also here he is incredibly blunt, sharing his rude opinions on Sonic ("joke", "someone like you") and Knuckles ("someone like you" again, not even for any reason this time!) in a brutally honest manner and without trying to soften the blow of his words. And what I find especially interesting is that the "Yes, why?" from Rivals 2 above shows to me that Silver is surprised Espio clearly indicates he has trouble believing his story. After all, he is telling the truth (and we as players know he actually is!), so why wouldn't he be believed?
It is a bit of characterisation I really like about Silver. It fits in with his positive and determined attitude, yet at the same time, it opens up a massive pitfall where his brutal honesty and desire to be just actively work against him and make him uncooperative, naive, gullible, and almost blind to the fact the world is not as nice and ideal and just as he imagines it or wants it to be. He mouths off people for nothing, he blindly trusts those who offer help without having a good grasp on their motives and desires just because they say what he wants to hear (and got played like a fool at least once), and his refusal to do things back-handedly make attaining his goals far more difficult for himself. It's a really nice blend of a desire for justice and honesty being taken too far at times and causing Silver trouble that is to be expected, in my opinion.
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