#definitely not as fond of it as painting but I'm quite proud of it
melit0n · 4 months
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I made a little comic based on a convo a few friends and I had.
Time taken: 6 hours and 5 minutes.
What took the longest? Slide 7. Those book designs brought me to the brink of insanity (1 hour and 44 mins).
(Notes under the cut)
Before anyone asks, yes, I know Canus Major typically appears behind Orion, however, I was running out of space, so please forgive the inaccuracy.
For anybody wondering what on Earth the third drawing is, it's a interpretation of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft's Pale Blue Dot, which was taken on February 14th, 1990.
Slide 8 represents the red string theory. In most literature, the red string is attached to two people, typically romantic lovers, who are intertwined by fate to meet. However, it can also just be a string that connects a person and all the people they'll connect with in life. It's an embodiment of fate; everybody is interlinked.
Slide 10 is one of my own photos taken from my bedroom window. I originally planned on drawing it out, however, after two hours of fiddling about and trying to make it look right, I gave up and just put the photo there; I hope it fits in fine.
@moonchild-in-blue @tonguetyd @hookedhobbies @branches-in-a-flood thought you four might like this!
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seventeenytiny · 6 months
♡ Stray Kids as Dads ♡
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Word Count: 637 Author's Note: As always this is just for funsies, feel free to add on your own ideas ♡
Bang Chan
He's such a girl dad and I don't think anyone will disagree with this. His daughter is the apple of his eye, the most precious thing he has ever seen. Everything he does in life is for his daughter and family. He will always do his best to take time off work to not miss big milestones and events. I can imagine him smiling ear to ear watching his child's first choir concert, even if it sounds bad he is still so proud of his baby girl.
Lee Know
I can't quite explain why I view him as a father of twins but I just do, it'll be one boy and one girl. When the two of you found out you were having twins his immediate excitement for it took away all your anxiety. If you choose to breast feed he will do everything he can to help you such as cleaning your pumps and changing diapers so you can rest. When the kids get older he will take great pride in making them healthy and yummy homecooked meals.
Girl dad 100%, you can't convince me otherwise. He became very protective of his baby girl the second he saw the ultrasound. He does as much as he can while the baby is a newborn to help develop a bond. This includes things like skin-to-skin cuddles, diaper changes, and baths. When his daughter gets older he will always be picking out the cutest outfits for her.
Honestly, I could see him as both a girl and boy dad but I think his first might be a girl. I can see him as the dad who plays dress-up with his daughter. He'd let his girl paint his nails, do his hair, and put makeup on him and he'd do the same to her. They'd also do crafts together, once his daughter develops better motor skills he will definitely teach her how to paint.
Baby girl is the father of a baby girl. He loves spending one-on-one time with his daughter. He will take her to the park to play while also allowing his partner to have some quiet time to themselves. When his daughter is a little bit older he will take her on "dates" so she can learn how a man should treat her. By dates, I mean things like daddy-daughter dances where he will bring her flowers, open car doors for her, and treat her to dinner.
I have a feeling if he decides to have kids he would like to settle back down in Australia. He would love to take his son to all of the places he has fond memories of in his hometown. I'm sure he would be thrilled if his child showed interest in doing taekwondo as well. Everyone will be wondering if his son will have that same signature deep voice he has.
I think he would really like having a child he can play sports with and roughhouse with. Obviously, he can do that with either a girl or a boy but I think he ultimately would like a mini him to play with. He'd love playing catch with his boy and taking him out to sports games. They'd probably play outside all day, rain or sunshine, and always come back in covered in mud and ravenously hungry.
Like Seungmin, he also can't wait to have a mini him. He and his child will be so mischievous together, they will always be doing stuff like playing pranks on each other. Jeongin also has two brothers so I could see him and his bros taking his son on a classic boy's trip. He will also teach his son how to be the perfect gentleman, the two of them will always come back with flowers for mom.
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wombywoo · 9 days
for your OCs: 👕 1 & 12; 🌥 14; 🎲 2 & 7; 🤝 2; and 💓 1 from the most recent ask game <3
sorry if this is too much, i'm just very interested in them
thanks so much, seriously I don't mind at all 😭it means so much that people are interested 🙏
1 has been answered~
12. Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
Quinn--well, there was the emo phase, lol. I think every teenage boy in the 2000s sported that unfortunate haircut, but it was time to let it go in the adult years, god bless 🙏As for personal style, he's pretty basic; not much to change when he's wearing standard-issue stuff most of the time. Maybe Vincent can help spruce him up though 👀
Vince has gone through multiple style changes over the years. He likes to stay up to date with trends, so he goes through an overhaul every decade. I'd say currently, he's sticking to more of an old-fashioned look, mayhaps out of nostalgia. But yeah--he does like to experiment with his look 💅 Helps that he looks good in everything ✨
🌤️Weather and Nature
14. Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Vincent definitely prefers cold weather (for obvious reasons ☀️💥) but if he layers up with vampire sunblock and a shady hat, he doesn't mind the warmer seasons. Quinn doesn't really have a preference for either--he hates extremes, and prefers something in the middle
🎲 Hobbies and Activities
2. Does your character have a secret hobby?
Vincent has had an ongoing DnD campaign at his house with his buddies for over 30 years (no, Quinn does not know about this.....yet)
Quinn has been actively trying to paint with mixed results. Some of his 'works' are absolutely terrible, others are terrible but in a way that looks pretentiously artful (almost always accidental)
7. What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Vincent has quite a nice singing voice, but he's a lil shy about singing with an audience (he's still proud of it, as his mother was fond of listening to him when he was younger).
Quinn....has no gag reflex, lmao
🤝Community and Relationships
2. What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Vincent looooves a good dinner party, bonus points if there's a theme! ✨(oh wow I bet he'd through the best murder mystery parties...)
Quinn prefers the pub or club scene, the darker the better. He's not overly social, but get a few drinks in him and his flirtiness awakens
💓Mind, Body and Soul
What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Quinn has his fiddling with his ears thing that Vince is secretly obsessed with 🥺 He also tends to scrunch up when he's sleeping into a little ball, even in odd places (makes him look like a kid, Vincent has told him)
Vincent tends to sniff things pretty intensely. Quinn's hair, his skin, his clothes. Kind of like an elongated sigh; a deep inhale and a slow exhale. He almost always sniffs a food item before using it in a recipe and Quinn once asked him if he could 'smell the quality of the ingredient' which he swears he can!! 😤
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kat-hicks-art · 6 years
Textured art
I had bought some Decoden Bling phone stiff which I thought was silicone but given the lack of ingredients and the way it dried I don't really know what it is.
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It started with me trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, I'm very much someone who doesn't like it when I paint a single colour and it comes out streaky so I intentionally painted my canvas with the biggest streaks I could make and they don't all go in the same direction and to be quite honest I hated it and it lived on the floor under my desk for a couple of days before I did anything with it. I realised that I could sort of cover it up by seeing how the 3D Decoden paste worked.
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The paste was surprisingly fun to work with due to how the consistency of it made it easy to create little peaks. The photos I have are from before I added the final touches but there's th refried canvas for that to be looked at. The paste was too liquidy to try and write in at first but after about an hour I used a bent out paper clip to add texture to some of the peaks looking at different ways I could manipulate them and also wrote some of the phrases from my moleskine word doodles. The writing didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, for one it was difficult to bring out the letters in the first place having to change how I was 'writing' for each of the letters most notably e, and for two the paste was still pretty liquidy when I wrote the letters in and the paste must have settled a bit before drying as the letters are far more subtle than when I made them. I wouldn't try writing in the paste again as even if they had dried as I made them it would be a lot of effort for not that much as the lettering didn't look that good anyway. It's definitely something I wanted to do more work with though.
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Reduced lines painting of the tree in the garden next door as seen from my bedroom floor.
Using Decoden paste, acrylic paint, acrylic ink.
Not being able to do writing still I made more work using the 3D paste but decided to use other mediums wet alongside it. I didn't like the background of the first canvas so I left this one plain and used copper and vermilion acrylic paint to add accompaniments to the paste lines. I like how the way that the copper paint came out of the bottle making swirly patterns that still go along the lines but I feel that the vermilion paint came out too thick and overpowering for what I wanted to be an accompaniment. The acrylic ink was added due to how the canvas is a box canvas and I wanted to make sure that not all the sides were bare so the ink was to drop around them.
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There weren't as many ink dribbles as I was expecting but the way that the ink going over the paint staining it is rather beautiful and led me to not mess with the ink more than letting it it dribble down. This does mean that only the bottom has ink on it and I'm not sure how I'll feel about it if I looked at it up on a wall but the most striking thing that I don't like is how harsh the white background looks against the colours and I with I'd painted the background- I think a light dusty blue could have worked.
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Lifting up the canvas to see how much ink had come off I was surprised to see how much ink there was in the bag so I used the same kind of postcard blanks as I did at the start of this projects and used the bag as a sort of pallet which I wasn't the most fond of but the reigns on the postcards are so variable that I am proud of myself that I used up as much of the ink as I could. The bag itself has a personal quality to it now and I have kept it as a sort of sign of personal growth I've gone through in this project.
0 notes
kat-hicks-art · 6 years
Textured art
I had bought some Decoden Bling phone stiff which I thought was silicone but given the lack of ingredients and the way it dried I don't really know what it is.
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It started with me trying to push myself out of my comfort zone, I'm very much someone who doesn't like it when I paint a single colour and it comes out streaky so I intentionally painted my canvas with the biggest streaks I could make and they don't all go in the same direction and to be quite honest I hated it and it lived on the floor under my desk for a couple of days before I did anything with it. I realised that I could sort of cover it up by seeing how the 3D Decoden paste worked.
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The paste was surprisingly fun to work with due to how the consistency of it made it easy to create little peaks. The photos I have are from before I added the final touches but there's th refried canvas for that to be looked at. The paste was too liquidy to try and write in at first but after about an hour I used a bent out paper clip to add texture to some of the peaks looking at different ways I could manipulate them and also wrote some of the phrases from my moleskine word doodles. The writing didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, for one it was difficult to bring out the letters in the first place having to change how I was 'writing' for each of the letters most notably e, and for two the paste was still pretty liquidy when I wrote the letters in and the paste must have settled a bit before drying as the letters are far more subtle than when I made them. I wouldn't try writing in the paste again as even if they had dried as I made them it would be a lot of effort for not that much as the lettering didn't look that good anyway. It's definitely something I wanted to do more work with though.
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Reduced lines painting of the tree in the garden next door as seen from my bedroom floor.
Using Decoden paste, acrylic paint, acrylic ink.
Not being able to do writing still I made more work using the 3D paste but decided to use other mediums wet alongside it. I didn't like the background of the first canvas so I left this one plain and used copper and vermilion acrylic paint to add accompaniments to the paste lines. I like how the way that the copper paint came out of the bottle making swirly patterns that still go along the lines but I feel that the vermilion paint came out too thick and overpowering for what I wanted to be an accompaniment. The acrylic ink was added due to how the canvas is a box canvas and I wanted to make sure that not all the sides were bare so the ink was to drop around them.
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There weren't as many ink dribbles as I was expecting but the way that the ink going over the paint staining it is rather beautiful and led me to not mess with the ink more than letting it it dribble down. This does mean that only the bottom has ink on it and I'm not sure how I'll feel about it if I looked at it up on a wall but the most striking thing that I don't like is how harsh the white background looks against the colours and I with I'd painted the background- I think a light dusty blue could have worked.
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Lifting up the canvas to see how much ink had come off I was surprised to see how much ink there was in the bag so I used the same kind of postcard blanks as I did at the start of this projects and used the bag as a sort of pallet which I wasn't the most fond of but the reigns on the postcards are so variable that I am proud of myself that I used up as much of the ink as I could. The bag itself has a personal quality to it now and I have kept it as a sort of sign of personal growth I've gone through in this project.
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