#definitely trying to not think about how pissed off annabella would be.....
tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
Hold still... (for Terence from Olivier “can’t really treat wounds” Lesage)
@cinderella-gurei | Send "Hold still..." for your muse/s to treat my muse/s wounds
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Terence winces at the boy's demand ━ and the way his "treatment" only agitates the wound on the palm of his hand further. No, the young prince truly knows naught about how to best care for an injury, but why would he? He'd never be sent to the front of a war unlike his brother, and his mother is ensuring that no harm comes to him. Terence wouldn't be surprised if Olivier never as much as even scraped his knee with the way she hovers ever so closely around him. The dragoon does wonder how the boy managed to escape her eyes and make it to the training grounds.
"Your Highness, this truly isn't necessary, I ━ you needn't concern yourself with someone such as myself. There is a healer closeby, I shall ━ …" He inhales sharply when Olivier, again, prods rather roughly at the injury. He seems rather determined, and Terence thinks that, perhaps, he should let him do as he pleases. Not that he has much of a choice considering their positions.
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mageintime · 8 years
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The real reason Mary is pissed off it actually just because this group took all her colour saturation 
This one is a little weird because I’m going to have to go back and draw the other outfits for the Litem here later but oh well
Terrell is Luke’s Litem, and is missing for about 95% of the story. I don’t mean this as in a “Why isn’t here there? Where did he go?” way but like in a “Was reported missing and was probably kidnapped” kind of way. And by probably I mean definitely. What I’m saying here is that despite his storm based abilities and extreme agility, he gets kidnapped fairly early on and is thus absent for a stupidly long time. Also, side note, he’s kind of an asshole and Tori resents him. 
Lucielle is Kolena’s Litem and a tiny ball of sunshine and energy. Generally upbeat and excitable, she tries her best to lighten a lot of situations. This energy does hide a lot of sadness and regret, but to say it isn’t mostly genuine would also be false. Of the Litem, she is closest to Terrell, Noche, and Annabella, and is absolutely terrified of Mary (Though this may also be mixed with some shame for having asked her to kill her former Master). She is ecstatic that Kolena is her current Master and the two get along fairly well. Additionally, her powers currently reflect those that Kolena has as a MG (Pyrokinesis). 
Noche is Tori’s Litem and perhaps one of the shyest Litem, to the point of being selectively mute. Despite a lot of reluctance around many social situations, she is very active when playing with Lucielle and Annabella, and to a lesser extent with Terrell. Interestingly, “Noche” is not actually her name, as she doesn’t have one proper; while most Litem are named after the soul Kamilla used for them, the Noche are a seperate set of Litem characterised by a few features. These include the relative earliness of their creation, the fact that their souls were highly altered or manufactured by Kamilla, and the fact that the majority of them were cursed by Mitcheal to remain asleep during the day (Hence their group name). Some Noche are given monikers by their masters, while others simply use their creation number (Tori’s Noche is number 11). As “Noche” was the only thing she could say to Tori during their first meeting when Tori asked her who she was, Tori has been calling her that ever since. Noche, like Lucielle, derives her abilities from Tori’s MG abilities, and thus has the ability to manipulate gaseous matter. 
Annabella. You know that one kid when you were growing up who was kind of edgy and probably destined to grow up to be a goth? Annabella is that kid. She hasn’t discovered metal music yet, but when she does that’ll probably be the solidifying factor. Sah Kana’s Litem, she spends an inordinate amount of time either asleep or half-asleep, but during her waking hours enjoys spending time with her friends and tending to her collection of pet reptiles. Her powers are bit odd in that she is able to summon a scythe that subsequently summons snakes from any cut she makes with it, which she also has power over. Despite being kind of a weird ability, they kinda fit for a burgeoning edge meister. 
Sah Kana is a mer, which is to say she’s a mermaid. Hailing from an almost entirely water covered world called Islass, she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, with a step-brother named Fihsk and a half-sister named Roeh. Despite the social position she occupies, she tends to be fairly down to earth and supportive friend, with a low BS tolerance and a curious nature. Roughly 17 by the time her third year with Annabella finishes, she passes her trial with some injury, and returns to Islass where she later shelters Kolena, Luke, and Tori during their run from Suede. This is possible due to the fact that her father’s wealth allows him to own multiple above water properties, one of which she has been given responsibility of. This is similarly convenient as Annabella can’t exactly live underwater, and the two had agreed to stick together until Annabella is old enough to live alone. Apart from the mermaid thing, she’s probably one of the most normal people involved in the Hawthorne section of the story, which is saying a lot. She’s also pretty tight with Luke, since they both spent an inordinate amount of time together at Hawthorne. 
Also, side note #2: I’ve written two separate pieces on the culture of Islass and how a group of Anarchist Mer factor into it.
(Here’s a sample of one)
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Luke is a normal guy. Totally normal. Definitely not a half demon. Nope. His dad? Definitely not an incubus. Man, it sure is weird that Suede has been following him around, invading his dreams and trying to push him to become a full demon. He’s just a normal kid with anxiety and self esteem issues who was abandoned by his parents and sent to live with his Aunt who now thinks he ran away since he left for Hawthorne without telling her. He’s an average kid with a love of electronics who enjoys frankensteining devices together out of scraps he finds, as well as hanging out with his best friend who happens to be a mermaid. Completely ordinary.
(For the record, his shirt totally says “Son of Hell” on it)
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