#terence is Struggling
tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
Hold still... (for Terence from Olivier “can’t really treat wounds” Lesage)
@cinderella-gurei | Send "Hold still..." for your muse/s to treat my muse/s wounds
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Terence winces at the boy's demand ━ and the way his "treatment" only agitates the wound on the palm of his hand further. No, the young prince truly knows naught about how to best care for an injury, but why would he? He'd never be sent to the front of a war unlike his brother, and his mother is ensuring that no harm comes to him. Terence wouldn't be surprised if Olivier never as much as even scraped his knee with the way she hovers ever so closely around him. The dragoon does wonder how the boy managed to escape her eyes and make it to the training grounds.
"Your Highness, this truly isn't necessary, I ━ you needn't concern yourself with someone such as myself. There is a healer closeby, I shall ━ …" He inhales sharply when Olivier, again, prods rather roughly at the injury. He seems rather determined, and Terence thinks that, perhaps, he should let him do as he pleases. Not that he has much of a choice considering their positions.
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alerraia · 1 year
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"would that you were my emperor..."
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rydiathesummoner · 10 months
Why Dion's character arc doesn't feel complete (IMO)
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I know most likely the DLCs will cover Leviathan and Cid, but honestly, I'd rather see a Dion DLC over Cid. The reason? It feels like he's only halfway through his journey.
As we saw in the story, his life below the surface wasn't as golden as it seemed. His family never loved him. He was a tool like any other bearer. He had no mark on his face, but his father insisted on adorning him with the poisonous flower used to make the brands. And Dion's last acts were trying to atone for his acts in the Crystalline Dominion.
That seems pretty complete right? He atoned. But to me he's really just getting started. I'm talking about his emotional journey.
Dion was your typical gifted kid. By saying that, I mean that like "gifted" kids in the real world, he was born with a lot of talents that happen to be very beneficial to the world as it is, and the people running it. Dion is great at military tactics! He's brilliantly smart! He can nuke entire armies! What a blessing to his people he is!
Throughout the story it's clear to us that his father doesn't love Dion, he loves Bahamut because Bahamut helps him achieve his ambitions. Dion cares for his people, but it's unclear if the people love him for Dion, or for the protection Bahamut provides. The only way Dion knows how to get love is being useful via Bahamut.
This is a really, REALLY hard cycle to break. This sounds awful, but Terence's love is not enough to pull out of the cycle of perfection. It's a long-ass journey. It's a journey Dion didn't even start. His last words were still trying to please his father. He never realized the cycle he was stuck in, that nothing he did would ever be enough for his father to love him. He only showed the beginnings of realizing his father was shitty without needing Ultima or Anabella for it.
I wanted to see him learn that he's great because he's Dion, not Bahamut. I wanted to see him fully accept Terence's love and realize he deserves it (which is REALLY hard to do when you're in the mentality that you made a mistake therefore you are awful and deserve nothing). I wanted to see him fulfill Harpocrates's symbolism with the purple flower growing its own hue. I wanted him to fully realize that no matter when he did, it wouldn't be enough for his father and I wanted to see him learn to live with that. I wanted to see him learn to live with what he did to his people, and learn to forgive himself.
And most important of all, I wanted to see a reunion scene with Dion and Terence because that would be SO. FUCKING. CUTE.
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murderboisblog · 8 months
I'm prepared if YOU'RE prepared to hear about how Andrew Lloyd Weber utterly shafted most of the characters in The Phantom of the Opera due to hyper-projecting on Erik and being in love with Sarah Brightman who played Christine, in exhaustive detail with several tangents about Philippe de Chagny and how he gets screwed over in every adaptation that remembers he exists
Bestie! I would love to hear about Phantom of the Opera, might actually kick my butt into watching/reading it so I can understand what you're on about
Also being in love with Sarah Brightman 🤝 I may not be a Broadway fan but I was 100% Repo The Genetic Opera trash
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funforahermit · 2 years
first fic of my life update: still rewriting the setup, still too chicken to move on to the smut
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Pro-tip: Terence’s The Self-Tormentor is way funnier when read aloud in a group. That’s probably true for most ancient comedies, but seriously. Way funnier that way.
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milotraflgkl · 4 months
Ma Belle
note: THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! content: fluff, angst, sanji being a sweetheart, sanji also being a simp, sfw, reader is slightly insecure. WC: 1078 song: Ma Belle Evangeline - Jim Cummings, Terence Blanchard
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Yet another victory for the straw hats, your crew had gathered around a beach nearby and started up a campfire. A few people from the town you had saved were there to celebrate and thank Luffy for protecting them and practically saving them. You stood off to the side and watched as everyone was enjoying themselves. Usopp was near the fire telling several children and a few adults about his adventures, as well as saving a group of people. You let out a small laugh, as the children watched in amazement and disbelief that he was that strong and capable whilst the adults had all their brows furrowed.
You watched as people began to dance along with the soft music that was playing, you smiled for a moment before you glanced around. Everyone was so distracted with their own thing and yet here you were, stood alone. You swallowed suddenly the thought that everyone was whispering and staring at you for being alone filled your thoughts, you harshly looked down hoping to find something more interesting about the ground than what was standing upon it a few feet away from you.
Sanji had finally run out of food to serve and was done for the night, he wiped his hands off on his towel and then placed it off to the side. A few girls came up to him and urged him to dance, he almost gave into their begging before his eyes saw you. A pain ran through his chest as he saw you standing there alone, you looked amazing and he was shocked that no one had come up to ask you to dance. The girls in front of him snapped him away from you but it only made him realize, why wasn’t he asking you?
“Sorry ladies, I've already gotten a dance partner.” He smiled to him a soft smile, hoping they’d give up and walk off. They didn’t so he resorted to simply walking away from them and going towards you, they followed after him spewing out a few more pleas before they spotted you and froze.
Sanji smiled as he approached you and heard the girls’ voice stop almost instantly, his hands kept in his pockets as he finally stood in front of you. “Evening love.” He spoke out, your eyes darting upwards immediately and being met with his ocean-blue eyes. “Oh… Sanji.” You spoke out, you glanced around to see if you had zoned out long enough that everyone was leaving but to your dismay, you saw that everyone was still partying and enjoying their time.
His eyes studied your face, taking in every single feature about you before you connected your eyes back with his. “Why aren’t you out there flirting with another lady?” You ask him, attempting to shove down your thoughts you put a mischievous grin on your lips. He laughed at your comment before he spoke again, “That’s what I’m trying to do right now.” The way he said it so calmly and quickly made your heart flutter, your grin had dropped and your eyebrows raised. “Me? You are trying to flirt with me?” You asked in disbelief.
He smiled at you and nodded, “I mean, I am talking to you, no?” He asked you, his head slightly tilting to the side as he then brought his hand up to hold it out for you to take it. “So will I have the honor?” He straightened his head back up. You swallowed heavily as you stared at him taking a moment to process what he had just asked of you before your eyes slowly moved down to his hand, you felt yourself smile softly. “I think you will.” You say as you place your hand in his looking up to see a small glimmer of excitement in his eyes.
He leads you to the group of people dancing and slowly brings you closer to him, his hand letting go of yours and instantly attaching them to his hips. You felt your heart do a little flutter yet again your eyes struggling to keep eye contact with him, so you kept your eyes stuck on his shoulder. He took notice too this and took a moment before one of his hands lifted to gently redirect your face to look towards him, “Nervous?” He asked you, you swore you could hear a small purr at the end of the word.
You let out a soft laugh as you looked down at your feet, Sanji began to shift the two of you side to side along with the music. You take a moment before you let out a soft sigh, “Just a little…” You take a moment before you blurt out the truth “I never thought I’d be here dancing with you.” You say, then looking up at him to meet your eyes with his. God his eyes were beautiful, you’ve always thought the ocean was beautiful but as you stared into his eyes you couldn’t help but think they were almost… more beautiful.
The two of you stared into each other's eyes and you watched as his eyes slowly moved down to your lips, your stomach began to tighten with anticipation. I wonder if his lips are as soft as they look. You thought as your eyes looked down at his lips, you weren’t sure but you were 50% positive that he had tilted his head and was beginning to lean in closer to you. You found yourself moving closer getting caught in your own thoughts and belief that Sanji would ever want to kiss you.
“[Name]!” You heard your voice being called and you turned your head to look over at Luffy, He ran over excited to show you a new thing he found somewhere off near the water. You immediately scolded him for getting so close to the water without anyone else around, not realizing that you had pulled away from Sanji. Sanji watched you get dragged away from him, he almost kissed you… and of course, the moment had to be ruined. Nami walked over to Sanji and nudged him, “That almost hurt to watch.” She teased him, Sanji looked at her and pouted internally before he found a response “Just, it wasn’t the right time.” He says a small smile on his face, Nami walks away laughing leaving Sanji to pout alone.
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thestitchywitchy · 2 years
Future Spouse: First Impressions Pt. II
Hey all! By popular vote, here is the the second part to the Future Spouse: First Impressions 😊 this one is going to be your first impression of them. Hope you enjoy! Please leave feedback 💜
To book a reading with me, please DM or send an email to [email protected] with your inquiry 💌
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Here we go! Shake it out, take a breath, close your eyes, and choose an animated couple that calls out most to you. This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you feel inclined to choose more than one group, please feel free to do so.
***Disclaimer: these readings are for entertainment purposes only.***
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Pictures from Pinterest, editing done by me.
Pile One - Linguini & Colette
The Sun, The Devil, Queen of Swords
Hi Pile 1, welcome to your reading! Your initial impression of your future spouse is that they come off as complex, with many hidden layers. Your FS is highly energetic, optimistic, and charismatic. You will be swept away by their charm. They may have a magnetic personality and make others feel comfortable and at ease around them. Something about their smile just warms you down to your core. You can’t help but be intrigued by them. They exude positivity and warmth, and their presence can be uplifting and inspiring. But I do see you having a moment of doubt. Like, “ is this too good to be true? Surely, someone can’t be this perfect all the time?” And of course you’re right, they’re only human after all. So give them the benefit of the doubt, because yes, this charisma is one of the ways that helps them protect themselves and their inner world. But with that said, they are an incredibly friendly and social individual.
Your FS definitely has a darker or more complex side to their personality. Layers to them that they don’t feel comfortable sharing right off the bat, but you can sense the depth of this person the more you observe or talk to them. They may have struggled with temptation or addiction in the past. It makes them a lot more cautious opening up to people and you can sense that. Your FS may give you just enough information to get them by, but they definitely aren’t going to be revealing too much to you at this time. I see them wanting to impress you, so they’re going to try to remain a bit mysterious. They may also be currently grappling with difficult choices or inner demons. So it’s possible that they’re going to do their best to keep you at arm’s length for the time being. They may have a rebellious streak and may be drawn to experiences that push boundaries or challenge social norms. I see you definitely feeling their “bad boy/girl” vibe lol like, “hmmm what kind of trouble can we get into?” Ok pile 1, I see you! 👀
This person is highly intelligent and analytical. I mean, you don't become that dastardly charming by being a dumb dumb, amiright? 😈 Your FS may possess a sharp wit and be able to cut through complexity to get straight to the heart of a matter. Their ability to read people, including you, exceptionally well may intimidate you a bit. Their piercing eyes will cut right through you if you allow it. Independence is of the utmost importance to them at this point of their life. It may be hard to get them to be open to the idea of settling down, but eventually you will open them up to the possibility. They may be assertive and decisive, able to make tough decisions with ease. However, they may also come across as emotionally distant or aloof, prioritizing logic over emotions. This may be hard for some of you to get pass in the long run, because I see a lot of you are quite an emotional individual. Nothing wrong with that, you just need to find a middle ground with them. Hope you liked your reading!
Pile Two - Terence & Tinkerbell
5 of Cups, Page of Pentacles, and Knight of Swords
Hey pile 2! Here we go... Your initial impression of you future spouse is that they are a complex and emotionally intense individual.
You may think that your FS may be feeling sadness or more so disappointment in this case. They may also seem to be focused on what they have lost rather than what they still have. I'm getting that they could have been snubbed for a promotion or didn't get a job they applied for. For a good handful of you, they lost a significant amount of money in stock trading or something a long those lines and they are pissed off about it. But they still have an air of wealth to them so it's not something they'll be worried about for too long. Very much career oriented. They may give off an initial impression of feeling down or carrying a heavy burden. A lot of weight falls on their shoulders. Over all, you most likely will be meeting your FS when they're having a bad day and they're trying to blow of some steam. Kind of a pessimistic vibe and you'll wonder if they're always like this.
But even with all that said, your FS is grounded and practical, with a strong focus on building a solid foundation for their future. I think they're practicality is what will stand out most to you. They may be diligent and hardworking, with a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Lol for some, I'm hearing "a duty to their mama, more like", so they can be a Mama's boy/girl and family oriented as well. Could even want to be a provider. I can see them talking about their job/career a lot. It looks like they're going to try to impress you with how much money they earn and quite a lot of you will take the bait. They may also be eager to learn and explore new things. So they will question you a lot too.
Your FS is highly intellectual and may be prone to quick thinking and may have to make hard decisions on a daily basis. Ok, this person is Do-Mi-NANT! They tend to be the boss at work, in social situations, and most of all, in the bedroom! This isn’t an 18+ reading, but it needed to be said lol. They may be sharp-tongued and assertive with the tendency to speak their mind without hesitation. And you better believe they're going to be assertive in showing their intentions with you 👀 You may get intimidated if they come on too strongly, but they're doing it in order to test you. They may be drawn to conflict or competition and may thrive under pressure. If they see you having other suitors present, they're going to make those suitors have a run for their money. The type of person who likes the chase because they know they have the tendency to get whatever they want. You'll be attracted to their power and the way they carry themselves. Hope you enjoyed the reading!
Pile Three - Mavis & Johnny
8 of Cups reversed, The Magician reversed, The Hierophant
Hello pile 3, welcome to your reading. Your future spouse may give off an initial impression of them feeling stuck in life, lacking direction, and/or disconnected from their inner power. They may have a guarded, distracted demeanor all around so they may not even notice you at first.
Your FS may have a reluctance to let go of old patterns or situations that are no longer serving their needs. They may come across as feeling unfulfilled or unhappy with their current circumstances and may be hesitant to take action to change them. Somewhat of a people pleaser whose pretty much over everyone, but won't do anything beyond that point at the moment. It's likely that you're going to meet them as they're struggling to transition careers or after a break up. For the majority of you, it will be after a break up. Ok, let's get real a moment... for a good number of you who chose this pile, they may currently be in a relationship that they're not happy/satisfied with and it shows and you can see the unfulfillment written all over them. Rolling their eyes, huffing when someone speaks, arms crossed, all around closed off… Their current person may be there with them when you meet them for some of you, so heads up. Let their situation play out. Don't be the one to throw a wrench in the mix or you'll bring a lot of unnecessary drama in your life.
Your FS isn't all that great at expressing their intentions or manifesting their desires. Just all around really bad at flirting 🙈 how adorable lol. Most of you will find this really cute and endearing, but there are some of you who will think that they may not be interested in you even though they really are. For the ones who are meeting their FS when they're taken, your FS will try to block this connection, but obviously that isn't going to work for them in the long run lol.
Your FS may come across as lacking confidence in their abilities. They come across as well mannered and really shy as well. Also, they aren't that creative in their approach because they may feel like they don't stand a chance with someone like you. Your FS is pretty much just winging it at the the moment. They may seem to be lacking a sense of direction of what their intentions are, that's because they arent entirely sure what they want right now.
They seem like they are wanting to venture out and do their own thing. Pretty tired of the opinions of others, but not entirely confident enough yet to put a snub to certain situations. The situations will be different for each individual. At first meeting, you may not be entirely sure how you feel about your FS. You find them to be smart but also quite stubborn in their approach to life. You are attracted to them, but you may be concerned with their lack of current stability. Only time will tell... Hope you enjoyed your reading!
All rights reserved to @thestitchywitchy. Thank you for participating in this pick a card reading 😊
If you enjoyed your reading and would like to look into this topic further, please DM me for a $7.77 extended reading.
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Autumn, 1900
For the rest of the day, Winifred worked quietly; still rather disoriented from her train being delayed that morning. Those sorts of things always seemed to put her in a strange mood, and Francis' genuine reassurance over her insecurities had only made it worse. She had never intended to lie to her coworkers about who she was; it was an honest mistake — when she filled out her application; she signed her maiden name, Monet, instead of Baudelaire and didn't notice until she was proof reading before handing it in; and she had truly had intended to change it. However, for a fleeting moment she thought, 'why can't I be someone else for a while? It would only be like playing a part,' and soon, she was posing herself as a 30-something year old spinster trying to make her own way in the world. There at the Windenburg Daily, she was not just Mrs. Baudelaire, a rich man's life, or a mother struggling to exist outside of that title. Of course, she considered the idea of explaining the mishap and coming clean. Except that, when she thought of how angry JJ, Terence, and especially Francis would be, she could never bring herself to try. As the years passed by, her double life had brought her the sense of self she'd been longing for. But she was no fool. She knew it was not a matter of if her folly would catch up to her, but when; and all she could do was hope that at the very least, she might publish a few stories beforehand and it would somehow be worth it.
next / previous / first
transcript below the cut
*click* *click* Winifred: oh, bullocks! *panting* I'm sorry I'm late, guys. My train was delayed Terence: Relax, Winnie; he isn't here yet Winifred: But, I hate- Francis: He's right, Win; you need to learn to relax a bit <the day goes on> *typewriter clicking* Francis: The days just get longer & longer. Winifred: Shhhh!!! Terenece: Here comes- JJ: *groggily* Good morning everyone. *in unison* Morning, JJ! Winifred: *mouthing* I forgot the coffee. JJ: Winnie, dear, my coffee? Winifred: Um, yes, I- Francis: She wanted you to try the coffee next door! Terence: She was just waiting for you to arrive. JJ: Ah, what a splendid idea! Winifred: Well, you know, I just thought with it being so chilly and all. JJ: Good thinking; Francis, go along with her. Francis: Yes, sir. Winifred: We won't be gone long. Francis: It smells so good in here. Two coffees, please. *liquid pouring* Winifred: I don't think I make a very good secretary. Thank you for covering for me back there. I don't know what I'd do without you and Terence. Barista: Two coffees, to-go! Francis: You know we like having you here, right? JJ, too. He likes you a lot. He's just... Winifred: Uptight? Francis: Well, I was going to say particular, but I suppose that is part of it, yes. And you're not a lousy secretary, okay? Terence and I understand it's a hard life for a spinster, but we don't see you that way. Always remember that. Winifred: Yeah...I-I will...
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esperfruit · 3 months
More short TTTE Human AU refs
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Victor de Cèspedes
Age: 42
Height: 183 cm
Victor is a mechanic and engineer from Cuba. He came to Sodor after he was recruited by Sir Topham Hatt, who heard about his famous skills after the company Victor worked for went bankrupt. He had a lot of trouble shortly after his arrival because he couldn't speak English at first. The first English word he learned was "red" when he chose his new uniform. His primary job is the repairs of machines, there is almost nothing he can't fix.
Despite being busy and strict, he has a charming and accomodating personality and wants to create a good work atmosphere for everyone. He earned many sympathy points with people after he told off Spencer and embarassed him. In an accident, he feel down a cliff but miraculously survived. After he went missing for a while, he cleared up the misunderstanding that Luke might have killed him. Victor has a clumsy assistant named Kevin, who tests his patience on a daily basis but Victor knows he's a good guy.
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Charlie Wardle
Age: 20
Height: 177 cm
A young man from the city, who just entered the work life. Before that, Charlie was partying all the time and was very popular. He has an easy-going and fun-loving personality and loves making others laugh. Unfortunately he has the bad habits of being careless, easily distracted and often doesn't treat things serious enough. The younger ones like Thomas, Percy, Rebecca and Paxton see in him a good friend and fun to hang out with while on the other hand most older adults like Gordon, Henry and Cranky find him, annoying, unfunny and view him as a general nuiscence.
After Charlie got into a lot of trouble due to his carelessness, Edward took him in as his apprentice because he saw how Charlie felt genuine regret for what he did. Charlie feels a lot of gratitude towards him and started endearlingly calling him "Eddie".
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Trevor Foster
Age: 63
Height: 171 cm
The principal of the school Thomas, Percy, Rosie and Philip attend. He his very good-hearted and likes children, he wants nothing but the best for them. Trevor is usually polite and peaceful but he will take any measures to make sure everyone, who hurts a child will be punished.
Outside of school, he helps out at the local church by taking care of its orchard. He owns a steam tractor in which he often gives rides with. Trevor is also good friends with Terence and Bertie. The three organized a big party once to earn enough money so children could go to the beach during summer vacation. He also became a close friend of Edward after the latter brought him to the hospital when he collaped once. Even since then Trevor looks after Thomas in school for Edward.
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Terence Crawler
Age: 33
Height: 190 cm
A local farmer, who owns a caterpiller tractor. He usually uses it for ploughing but on request he can fulfill other jobs. Similar to Bertie with his bus, Terence has a strong atattchment to his tractor as he was willing to do anything to save it from falling into a lake when ice under it cracked. He is assertive, helpful and always eager to do a job. He has the saying: "You have to be sensible if you want to stay safe." and he easily forgives other for getting cheeky with him. Despite being very friendly and good-natured, a few people such as James find him quite unsetteling because he always has"that smile"...
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Kenji Shima
Age: 17
Height: 169 cm
A high school student from Japan, who took in an internship with an inventor during summer vacation. He accompanied his superior to a science fair on Sodor and was helping out with presentations. When members of a smuggling ring failed to steal secret and valuable blueprints, they held Kenji hostage to get away but he was saved by Sonny, who betrayed the ring.
Kenji is from a family of scientists and his parents have high expectations for him to become their sucessor but there is one severe problem: Kenji struggles with technology. Regardless, he studies hard to learn and adapt skills and knowledge. Kenji is determined, organized and clever but also a bit anxious as he hates being alone and he fears dissapointing his family if he doesn't become scenentist like them.
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blueopinions49 · 3 months
Enneagram 1 Subtypes Explained
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Social 1 "Rigidity"
As a Social type they put their focus on the external world and how they can better it. They do this through showing their integrity and taking on moral responsibilities. Enneagram 1 is known for their ideals and their need to help others. In the case of the social 1 they do this through helping the world Bia creating a moral standard others and themselves can follow. A healthy social 1 will move past their need for moral superiority and perfection and will set a real, achievable moral standard that can benefit the world. An unhealthy social 1 will become detached, more rigid and judgmental from others. Becoming detached and forcing their inflexible moral standards on everyone. They can often resemble an E5 due to their competency focused approach to morality. Or a E2 due to their need to help people.
Characters: Princess Bubblegum, Hermione Granger, Robb Stark, Light Yagami, Leto Atreides, Li Shang, Storm and Chun Li
Self-Preservation 1 "Worry"
The simplest way to understand the SP1 is through "personal choices". While the SO1 is focused on helping others to find morality. The SP1 focuses on their inner moral to find morality. They focus on what makes a person good through the hyper fixation of their choices, believes and lifestyles. In my personal opinion they tend to be the most obsessed with the idea of perfection. Often having a black and White view of what is morality and what makes a person good. They can Resemble an E6 (anxious about the world and scared to be perceived as impure) and IMO they can also resemble an E4 due to their self obsession and focus on the self.
Characters: Kikyo, Claude Frolo, Rick Grimes, Alicent Hightower, Jill Valentine, Stefan Salvatore, Kurapika, Skylar White
Sexual 1 "Zeal"
While the focus of the SO1 is being through helping and the SP1 is being good through personal choices then the SX1 is about being good and perfect through inter personality. They look for another that can fulfill their inner most desire for perfection. Their ideal partner doesn't have to reflect their personality but the ideal traits they desire in another. Unlike the other ones they are much open to express distaste and anger. They might often struggle due their perfectionistic standard to truly fuse with another. They can resemble type 8s due to their openness with anger.
Characters: Batman, Nolan Grayson, Tywin Lannister, Terence Fletcher, Kate Sharma, Miguel O' Hara, Princess Biscuit Krueger and Queen Ramona
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Jacqueline Mansky and Mike Barnes at THR:
James Earl Jones, a commanding presence onscreen who nonetheless gained greater fame off-camera as the sonorous voice of Star Wars villain Darth Vader and Mufasa, the benevolent leader in The Lion King, died Monday. He was 93. Jones, who burst into national prominence in 1970 with his powerful Oscar-nominated performance as America’s first Black heavyweight champion in The Great White Hope, died at his home in Dutchess County, New York, Independent Artist Group announced. The distinguished star made his big-screen debut in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) and was noteworthy in many other films, including Claudine (1974) opposite Diahann Carroll; Field of Dreams (1989), as the reclusive author Terence Mann; and The Sandlot (1993), as the intimidating neighborhood guy Mr. Mertle.
For his work on the stage, Jones earned two best actor Tony Awards: for originating the role of Jack Jefferson — who was based on real-life boxer Jack Johnson — in 1968 in Howard Sackler’s Great White Hope and for playing the patriarch who struggles to provide for his family in a 1986 Pulitzer Prize-winning production of August Wilson’s Fences. Jones, the recipient of an honorary Oscar at the 2011 Governors Awards and a special Tony for lifetime achievement in 2017, was one of the handful of people to earn an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony and the first actor to win two Emmys in one year. “You cannot be an actor like I am and not have been in some of the worst movies like I have,” the self-deprecating star said when he was given his Academy Award. “But I stand before you deeply honored, mighty grateful and just plain gobsmacked.” Jones’ rise to become one of the most-admired American actors of all time was remarkable considering he suffered from a debilitating stutter as a child.
[...] Jones, of course, also was known as the “voice” of CNN. “I just emptied my mind, then filled it with the thought of all the hundreds of stories — tragic, violent, funny, touching — that could be following my introduction,” he said when asked about his motivation. “And then I said, ‘This is CNN.’”
James Earl Jones, who provided the voice for Darth Vader in Star Wars and provided CNN with the “this is CNN” line, dies at 93.
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anamoon63 · 7 months
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While Cynthia and Jaycen struggled with Riley downstairs, Terence went to check on Davy because he wouldn't stop crying and the nanny seems to have no idea what to do. (Like practically all the nannies in my game, lol).
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Terence: Hey, honey, why are you crying, are you hungry? Well, I'm afraid mommy is busy and can't come feed you, so daddy will take over this time, okay? Davy: *Still crying*.
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Terence has no idea how to prepare David's bottle, and the nanny does nothing. Terence: Wow, this nanny is useless, and she still charges, not cheap by the way. I guess it's time to replace her.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
GREENWOOD, Dist. – On the 102nd anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, the Tulsa Community Remembrance Coalition honors unknown victims with a solemn soil collection ceremony at Standpipe Hill in the Historic Greenwood District. The gathered soil, collected from both Standpipe Hill and Oaklawn Cemetery, honors those whose lives were tragically lost during this dark and painful moment in history.
The exact number of victims who perished in the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 remains unknown. However, estimations range from 300 to upwards of 500. The event, which took place over a two-day period from May 31 to June 1, resulted in widespread destruction and loss of life in the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, also known as “Black Wall Street.” However, due to the chaotic nature of the massacre, the destruction of records, and a lack of comprehensive investigations, an accurate and final count of the victims has never been determined.
Recent efforts to uncover the full extent of the tragedy continue, including through forensic investigations and testimonies from survivors and their descendants.
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Greg Robinson, a member of the Tulsa Community Remembrance Coalition, emphasized the significance of gathering at Standpipe Hill. “It is amazing that we honor those unknown who were lost in the Tulsa Race Massacre. That we do it here on truly sacred ground – that actually represents the greatness of what Black Wall Street was, is and will be into the future,” Robinson shared. He then honored the American World War I veterans who lost their lives. “It is not lost on us that we honor veterans on this day as well,” Robinson added. 
During the ceremony, Kristi Williams, a member of the Tulsa Remembrance Coalition and a descendant of the massacre, delivered a poignant reading. Through her words, she reminded everyone in attendance of the historical significance of the Tulsa Race Massacre and shed light on the countless victims whose identities have been lost to time, emphasizing the need to remember and honor them.
“Less than two dozen victims have been documented by name, but research has estimated that hundreds of Black men, women and children died in the massacre,” Williams sternly explained. 
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During Williams’ address, she shared an intriguing detail about the majestic hackberry tree standing tall on Standpipe Hill. She then revealed that this remarkable tree possesses a special ability to grow thick bark over the areas that were once damaged by fire, creating a protective shield against future harm, explaining that its resilient characteristic serves as a metaphor for the community’s ability to heal and endure in the face of adversity.
Williams proceeded to recount the heroic tale of Horace ‘Peg leg’ Taylor, a World War I veteran. She described how Taylor courageously positioned himself atop Standpipe Hill, wielding a gatling gun, and valiantly defended the hill for hours, providing a vital shield for the residents of Greenwood as they sought to escape from the violent White mob.
US Veteran Kenneth ‘K.Roc’ Brant, who works for the Terence Crutcher Foundation, shared a deeply personal reflection on the mental struggle he faced during the Centennial of the Massacre back in 2021. 
He recounted the challenge of honoring both the victims of the Tulsa Race Massacre and the veterans during the centennial commemoration, which coincided with Memorial Day weekend. 
“That weekend weighed heavily on me. [I was] torn as a Black military veteran and a Black man living in Tulsa,” Brant shared. At the ceremony, Brant recited a poem he wrote called “Holding Space” to express the thoughts and feelings he experienced. “This weekend, we remembered that some gave all. Here in Tulsa, we remembered that some took all. How do I hold space for both?” Brant said.
Brant’s individual story sheds light on the emotional and psychological battle he endured during his time in service and while navigating the complexities of what Black soldiers experienced during the Massacre upon their return to Tulsa after WWI.
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akimojo · 1 year
man it bothers me so much when people feel the need to reduce our perception of vanille and fang’s relationship as romantic to “just a headcanon” when there’s so much more to it than that 
obviously we’re all aware that they’ve never been confirmed as a canon couple, and NO we are NOT trying to devalue dion and terence’s relationship just because we don’t personally see them as the FIRST gay rep in final fantasy (every bit of representation matters ffs). when we talk about fanille being the “real” first gay couple we’re not trying to take away from the fact that ff FINALLY has confirmed queer rep, it’s just a half-joking way to point out that homoromantic SUBTEXT has been around in the franchise for longer than people think, and we believe fang and vanille are the most prominent example of that 
the reason why we see them as having a romantic relationship is because their actions can easily be interpreted as such solely from what we’ve seen in canon, without the need for headcanons or made-up scenarios to piece it together. square could’ve literally made them kiss at any moment in the games out of nowhere and we’d just be like “yeah, that seems about right” because the build-up is there
it’s not about whether the writers actually intended for them to be a couple. frankly, the fact that fang was originally going to be a man, but was changed into a woman just so their relationship wouldn’t be mistaken as romantic, says volumes about how difficult it must’ve been to try and write their bond WITHOUT romantic connotations. they had no problem making noel and yeul share a more sibling-like bond (you could see them as having romantic subtext as well, but nowhere near to the same extent, and with much less support from their canon interactions), and yet they struggled so much with fang and vanille that they had to take (heteronormative) measures in an attempt to stick to their original intentions? would a good writer not accept that that’s the natural direction of the relationship dynamic they themselves came up with? 
part of our reasons for thinking of fang and vanille as canon lesbians, even without confirmation from the creators, is essentially a big ol “fuck you” to heteronormativity.... but also, there’s nothing sisterly to us about clutching your homegirl’s hands, pulling them to her chest as you hug her from behind, and whispering in her ear about how not even death can take her from you, but i digress
using square enix’s description of them as having a sister-like bond to prove they’re not a couple rings hollow to a lot of us because homophobia and heteronormativity has muddled any potential queer rep in games for decades, even in this case where the writers themselves have essentially admitted that it was next to impossible for them to write their relationship without romantic undertones. whether that says more about their ability to write a platonic relationship than it does about fang and vanille is up to you, of course
it’s also worth pointing out some hypocrisy among the ff fanbase. take tifa and cloud, and aerith and cloud, for example. neither ship has been confirmed as canon in any of the games, but (despite the ship wars lmao) the vast majority of the fandom can agree that both of these relationships were written with romantic undertones, whether intentionally or not, and that viewing them as “canon” is perfectly valid because of that. and yet when we view fang and vanille as a couple it’s outrageous unless we specifically call it a headcanon and denounce any and all possibilities of it holding any weight in canon. i don’t want to make any accusations as for why, but it’s worth noting 
i also just want to clarify that the main theme of the final fantasy xiii trilogy IS family, and it makes perfect sense to see fang and vanille as sisters if you choose to interpret their relationship via more traditional family values, but it also includes found family (a group of people that are as close as family, but don’t adhere to conventional family roles and values, and usually consists of outcasts of some kind), which is not inherently romantic, but is also not strictly platonic, and is a trope that is especially important and relatable to the LGBTQ+ community, so of course we’re going to interpret these things in a different light compared to how people outside of the community would
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harpagornis · 1 year
Kizazi Moto review
Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire is an anthology of animated shorts from studios all over Africa, with the theme of afrofuturism and science fantasy (mixing frequently indigenous spiritual beliefs with the tech, and many shorts are actually about gods or spiritual beings). It's a shame that the project is attached to Disney, because this is one of the best anthologies I've seen in a long while.
So let's review the individual shorts.
By Uganda's Raymond Malinga, this portrays the story of a boy trying to join a band of herders, which harvest kyber crystals from cyborg cows and are under constant attack by spirits (read dark side hyenas). It's a good start to the anthology; the CGI is bright and makes good use of color, and it has a nice twist at the end.
Mkhuzi the Spirit Racer
By South Africa's Simangaliso Sibaya and Malcolm Wopé, this one bears a bright and joyous 2D animation. It features a half-human half-something boy who struggles with his Zulu identity, and that all comes crashing down in a race against gentrification. It's a delightful short with beautiful visuals and actual incorporation of cultural themes into the narrative.
By Nigeria’s Shofela Coker, this is a pretty bleak looking CGI short not out of place in Love, Death & Robots. Long ago, soul stealing giants forced a woman to construct magical machines by giving her son's heart to the gods; this is about the summary you're gonna get without getting into heavy spoilers. A delight if you're into mythology as there's quite a few allusions to Nigeria's folklore, but I can see people getting a bit confused and the visuals can be grating at times.
Surf Sagoma
By South Africa’s Nthato Mokgata and Catherine Green, in a future where sea levels rose and mutant octopi lurk in the depths a boy is peer pressured into surfing in dangerous waters. I have to say, while this has a happy ending it is rather bleak and the CGI visuals are not particularly pleasing.
First Totem Problems
By South Africa’s Tshepo Moche, we're back to 2D, this time more Disney-esque. If I had to describe this, it'd be like a mixture of the first half of Brother Bear and Coco. It's pretty fun, though a bit lacking in substance and the family feuds can get grating.
By Zimbabwe’s Pious Nyenyewa and Tafadzwa Hove, an influencer desecrates Great Zimbabwe, only to be taken to a timeline where it never fell to colonialism and became basically Wakanda. The concept alone is amazing, though the story itself is rather generic.
By South Africa’s Terence Maluleke and Isaac Mogajane, this is by far my favourite of the shorts, it features the tragic conflict between merfolk and humans, with a Black Panther 2 reveal at the end. With stellar 2D animation and allusions to Dogon mythology, as well as a good solid plot where the reveal has just the right amount of foreshadowing without becoming obvious.
By Egypt's Ahmed Teilab, I had the highest expectations for this one, being the only Middle Eastern short in the mix. It's an alright story, I really loved the science fantasy twist on astrology by just being handed a "destiny" in a tube with stars inside. The protagonist naturally choses her own fate over the manufactured ones... though getting there is quite spoilerific.
You Give My Heart
By South Africa’s Lesego Vorster, this is another return to 2D animation and the second one about influencers amusingly enough. The plot kicks off in a competition in which the human contestants can ascend to godhood. Godhood is very much treated like being an influencer, and amusingly one of the previous contestants was demoted by typing in all caps. Overall pretty fun and the animation is gorgeous, though the characters designs can get a bit ugly.
By  Kenya’s Ng’endo Mukii, the final short is done in a CGI mimicking stop motion, which combined with the stellar coloration and lighting makes for a stunning visual experience. This too deals with the divine, this time the young Enkai seeking to become a creator deity like her mother. There is a big plot twist that I will not spoil, and recontextualises the whole short.
I give the overall anthology 9/10; barring a few hiccups, these are wonderful stories from Africa's many creative voices. Again, pity Disney has a grasp on this.
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