#definitely wanna do more kerri designs
necr0mancers · 1 month
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au where kerri is adopted too
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elvenbeard · 11 months
I have so many mod ideas I don't even know where I wanna start once I'm back home again xD
I have a design for a meme-y shirt half ready
Definitely still would love to tackle the merch idea I had (band shirts and whatnot for in-universe artists)
Moar fancy neokitsch recolors for some of my fave ingame clothes
I wanna learn how to refit clothes... cause it bugs me that Kerry has no ass no thighs and Vs clothes fit him, but not 100% xDD
In general now that I have a better understanding of custompathing I'd like to make him more outfits in different colours and structure my clothes mod for him a bit better (cause atm... it's working but a little all over the place xD)
Top surgery scars for Vince!! I also wanna do some myself for reasons, now that I've settled on a look in my head xD and dont wanna Photoshop them in every time
Custom body hair for Kerry cause 👀 reasons...
Aaaaand... I'd also love to do poses, because I have some very specific ideas (not even horny, just fluffy) but hhhhhh I feel like I'm so far away from getting into that still xD
Custom body texture for Vince, maybe... I love the vanilla body texture so much, but it's iffy in combo with the amazing transmasc vag mod, and I'd like both to look nice at the same time xD but that also requires some research first
Aaaaand a few more that I'm forgetting now but will add later xD
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saevus-brutalis · 3 years
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why start new projects or finish the old ones when you can just redraw your old art pieces because you start hating it lol
my social anxiety’s been acting up and i haven’t checked any tumblr notifications or asks for over 2 weeks so sorry if my lack of response came off as me ignoring you. i’m not - just too scared to check 🤡
nothing new with Vincent’s design just improved my art style i guess. added some new tattoos and yeah. currently working on a big detailed full-body reference sheet of him and some pictures of him and Kerry which i’m pretty excited to post once i finish them lol.
as always, more (updated?) info about him below the cut :^) now brb in two weeks again after i post this bc i’m too scared of people’s feedback (to see it and shit) even though it’s nothing but positive. y’know just mental illness tingz 🤪
Do not repost my artwork without permission.
STATUS: Wanted | THREAT LEVEL: Red | REWARD: 8900€$
Full name; Vincent Elijah Vigo
Alias; V
Nicknames; Vince, Eli (if you wanna have your teeth knocked in)
Age/DOB; 28 / 31-11-2049 / 4:24AM, Wellsprings, Night City, North California
Zodiac sign; Scorpio ☼ / Capricorn ☾ / Scorpio ↑
Gender/Pronouns; Male [he/him]
Nationality/Ethnicity; American/White
Spoken languages; English (native), Spanish (C1, advanced)
Occupation/Affiliation; mercenary/Afterlife
Myers-Briggs personality type/Alignment; Logistician ISTJ-T/True Neutral
Sexual/Romantic orientation; Raging homosexual/demiromantic
Charges (to name a few);
Aggravated assault
Arson (duh, it’s his favorite pastime activity)
Drug possesion and manufacturing / MIP
First degree murder
Vandalism (of corporate property)
Some trivia:
a) personality traits;
remember when i told you he’s super oblivious that he’s flirting with someone? nah man, now he’s just an unapologetic flirtatious bastard and a bold one at that. when drunk he’s super annoying and pushy but never steps over the line when someone says no. people in his life say he’s the biggest flirt in all of Night City that they know of. this man has absolutely no shame. he loves pushing people’s buttons wherever he goes - whether it be a work environment, a buzzing club, a rave or a party he wasn’t invited to.
only hsd two moods. a total party beast, the life of the party or a grumpy party pooper. and there’s no in-between.
he’s hot and he knows it. uses his looks to his advantage.
total asshole. the biggest jerk you’ll ever meet. especially at work. scoffs and rolls his eyes at people like here’s no tomorrow. undermines other people’s (mercenaries’) competence and doubts their skills. you won’t have his respect at the first meeting, not even at the second one. his respect is hard to earn and cannot be bought - unlike his services *wink, wink*. even though he acts like he has a god complex he’s pretty down to earth when it comes to his abilities. he will step down when a job is way beyond his skills but won’t say no to a challenge and a fat stack of cash.
he’s kind of unhinged
b) general things about him;
has over 40 piercings all over his body (including 4 genital piercings)
he is or was a serial heartbreaker and only a ‘one night stand’ kinda guy. a little bit of a sex addict too. definitely a sex freak - has some extreme kinks and fetishes and a plain vanilla sex just isn’t for him.
his hair is actually curly and sometimes sleeps with little hair rollers. normally he slicks them back with a hair gel but the baby hairs keep falling on his forehead.
absolutely adores his cat. has a big soft spot for her. spoils her rotten.
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cadomoisspokenfor · 3 years
Legion Rewatch Notes,
Chapter 5:
Everything You Wanna Be
Pre-amble: Farouk’s showing David how to use (and how he thinks he should be using) his powers. There’s a lot of self-absorbed moments from David, and as we know from future episodes Farouk desire is for David to have the same God complex he does. It’s likely he’s attempting to push him down that path all throughout the ep. It even culminates with him attacking Amy just like he did in s2. Only he doesn’t actually end up killing Amy here, though if I had to guess... he would’ve if the others weren’t on their way. Farouk sees killing Amy as “setting David free.” He’s trying to make David hate her (hence forcing Amy to reveal her secrets) so that he’ll start to see the world the way Farouk does. Hypocrites, liars, cheats. “The world will never respect us, therefore we deserve to be as selfish as we want.” Sound familiar? I think David’s actions are explained by Farouk trying to gradually instill these thoughts throughout the episode.
(Post ep addition, pretty sure I was right)
His actions here could be interpreted as more attempts to be helpful, just poorly approached. He tells Melanie he met her husband. His face looks smug, but he could also be smiling cause he thinks she’ll be happy about it. He does look confused when she walks away, as if he’s not sure what he said wrong. Alternatively, Farouk encouraged him to be callous, but after he said it his empathy kicked in and he wondered if maybe it was too mean.
David seems more at piece here than at any other point in the show, and this despite just getting Kerry shot by targeting the wrong person.
Syd seems very concerned about Kerry. The first thing she tells David is that they stopped the bleeding. David then cuts her off from going into what they discovered on their mission.
Small addition: what was Syd gonna tell David about the mission? What was she gonna say they may know now?
“I’m The Magic Man.” Very Shadow King of David to give himself a prestigious nickname.
Another moment of David trying to overcome Syds condition for his own desires. It’s still possible he thinks Syd wants this too. And if the latter’s the case, then it’s also another incident of David trying to be helpful and coming off as creepy unintentionally. From his perspective, he can finally give everyone what they want. What he thinks they want (And they’re all gonna owe him for it).
“It’s all an illusion. I see that now. Why’d I fight so hard?” “They’re signals, that’s all. Impulses sent from nerve endings. Electricity in the brain. Real, fake, it’s all the same.” ~Is that what one has to believe to properly understand the astral plane? Is there no way around solipsism for powerful psychics? Or is it just Farouk’s influence?
Syd is the first one to go in for the mouth to mouth kiss.
Cary seems to mistrust David a little bit this episode. Or at least be apprehensive about him. When Melanie says he could bring Oliver back he stays quiet and looks to Kerry. Melanie also looks to Kerry and seemingly understands his apprehension. Kerry getting shot happened specifically because David intervened. At least, that’s my interpretation of the subtle acting there.
Cary also told Melanie the episode before not to get her hopes up. That could also be what his look meant.
David’s stated multiple times he cares more about Amy than anything. Now he’s confident in his powers and Melanie’s STILL trying to keep him from going. That might be why the David side of this mind-meld goes along with the coming cruelty.
I think David’s definitely a little mad at Melanie for still telling him he can’t save his sister. I guess the connection is they both have someone they want saved, and if Melanie won’t let him save Amy, then he’s not exactly motivated to save Oliver.
Syd makes fun of Melanie's sadness about Oliver. “How long has he been in there? The astral- whatever 🤔🙄😴?” She was more empathetic when she wasn’t around David.
When Melanie says Oliver’s been lost for “21 years” Syd’s disposition changes. It looks like she maybe reconsiders her mean girls approach, a pang of guilt probably.
David seems to also be making fun of her a bit. I guess thinking about it, Lenny does always tell David not to trust them. The whole of Summerland I mean. Maybe David’s taking her advice on them since she did help get him out the astral plane. Or maybe Lenny’s just exerting more control in those moments.
Everyone in the room picked up on Davids hostile stance. I think... perhaps David’s reviling in the sense of power he feels right now. He no longer feels the need to listen to anyone but himself. With his powers, he can do whatever he wants. This is all by design, Farouk wants him to experience this specific feeling. It all go towards his goal of turning David into someone like him. A power broker with a God complex.
Despite Kerry being the protector in their relationship, Cary always end up taking on her wounds anyways.
The first “Who teaches us to be normal when we’re one of a kind.” Followed by “Promise me if you get lost, we get lost together.”
She says the latter fresh off of hearing Melanie's story about Oliver, who got lost and left Melanie alone. She also says it off the heels of discovering Davids past and his previous violent incidents. All throughout her journey last episode Ptonomy was trying to convince her that David was mentally unwell. Therefore “lost” in this since could mean both literally lost as in lost in the astral plane, and metaphorically lost as in losing your mind. And in combination with “who teaches us to be normal”, Syd’s essentially saying, “I’m no stranger to regretful past incidents. Just take me with you if the cookies start to crumble.” David would not end up taking her with him. Not that she wanted to go by that point anyways.
Additional note: This is the first recounting of Syd’s big mistake. Though, based on her tone, it seems like she knows what she did? Later in the series she’ll justify it more and twist it to place herself in more of a victim role. But here... the story is framed like an admittance.
David doesn’t want to leave without the others, Lenny convinces him otherwise.
It’s unclear when Lenny full takes over David. David’s had maniacal moments before that point, but not that bad. And the personality he shows in the D3 raid seems closer to his personality when talking to Amy in their old house later. That is to say... not his personality. He’s fully taken over by Farouk in the house, and scared out of his mind. Though... it’s still possible he just doesn’t want Amy to be hurt. Even before he and Farouk started merging, David was no stranger to remorseless killing. In ep 1 a D3 guy grabs him by the neck, the camera pans, a loud SNAP is heard, and suddenly David’s further down the path. No D3 guy in sight. And as pointed out in my notes for previous episodes, he does compulsively keep secrets even before s2. All-in-all, it being ambiguous is definitely the point.
David intentionally left earlier than he said he would. Summerland was clearly preparing for the raid, but Lenny convinced him to leave them behind. Everyone’s trying to help David, but Lenny keeps isolating him, and encouraging him to be cruel. And because of the situation with Amy, he’s more inclined to listen to Lenny than anyone at Summerland.
BIG NOTICE: Ptonomy says, “You don’t think I have a sister. Or a girlfriend. Or a mom?” Because of the next episode, we know he lost his mom when he was little. If he’s stretching the truth about her, maybe he’s stretching the truth about the girlfriend and the sister. He might just be frustrated with all the trouble around David and is putting forth any and all arguments to try and get the others to see reason, whether or not it’s relevant to his actual life. Like Devils advocate.
Ptonomy gets real harsh this scene. “This war is bigger than some guy named David and his sister” is probably relevant for future episodes. But making fun of Melanie's Oliver grief? It’s starting to feel like everyone’s doing it at this point. And she’s very offended by it.
Syd very sweetly says, “He found a way for us to be together. A place.” It meant a lot to her. Remembering the white room puts Syd in a certain mood, as discussed below.
Syd’s been acting like this all episode, or post-white room at least. She’s “love drunk.” “All animals need physical contact to feel love.” While that’s not exactly accurate, Syd’s first experience with non-power-activating touch is very impactful. But even despite this she’s not completely impenetrable. After the couch scene earlier, the affects started to wear off. She seemed worried looking at David as he flanked Melanie like a predator. And she pulled back on her cruelty after hearing how long Oliver had been lost. But this scene is after she’s had another hit. And similarly to the couch scene, she pulls back after hearing Melanie’s concern. This pattern will continue in later seasons of the show.
ALSO ALSO, as noted in the previous episode, David’s life falling apart pre-clockworks was in part because of bad influence from his friend “Benny.” And now in the present he’s making tons of dangerous decisions again because of the bad influence of his friend “Lenny.” In both cases Davids actions will be considered his own, regardless of who influenced him. I’ll just leave it at that.
Syd can’t think of a retort to Melanie’s statement. David’s acting completely differently than the David she knew before. She doesn’t know what to think of him right now.
Everyone’s been doubting David’s capability all episode, but now for the first time they see the absolute power he wields. And it’s horrifying. It wasn’t just doable for David, it was easy. It was too easy. It’s starting to become clear why Ptonomy asked David, “What are you?”
Everyone they meet in D3 is a potential enemy, even prisoners like Kissinger. This mindset makes them seem very unheroic.
The first attack we see David do in the security footage is that bright light pulse attack. It doesn’t turn them to shadows, but it definitely instakills them.
If Farouk wasn’t fully in control... why would he show up on the infrared? He normally hides himself inside David’s head, no?
Cary hears scary Farouk generated noises even when David’s not physically around. It seems like Farouk’s hauntings naturally infect people, like a virus.
I think Cary may have left the room when Farouk started fully messing with David. That’s probably why he hadn’t seen this footage before.
David leveled their entire forces in ways never before seen, all to get Amy back. “This war is bigger than some guy named David and his sister.” Evidently not. David is the most powerful being on Earth. And because of that, he’s the most important too. Or at least... that’s what the show repeatedly implies.
David is once again implied to be inhuman (not the actual marvel classification, just... un-human). In this case we could attribute it to them seeing The Devil With Yellow Eyes come towards them on infrared. But it will still be reapplied to David later on.
Through the discovery of Farouk, David’s previous actions are all forgiven. This mutant parasite has been the one rewriting his memories and influencing his actions for as long as David’s been alive. Ptonomy has a look of understanding, as do Melanie, Syd, and Rudy. It all clicks now, every little action. So now all they have to do is get Farouk out of his head, and everything will be hunky dory. I’m trying to say, the goal is clear for the first time.
A very disturbing scene. David’s lost control completely, and all his nightmares are guarding the exits to his mind. The situation may be clear, but that doesn’t mean this will be easy, or harbor no long lasting affects.
Amy fully admits she knew and was too scared to say anything. Knowing that Farouk later kills her for Davids sake makes this all the more dreadful.
When “David” says “You know something about me,” Amy shakes her head at first.
Farouk scares Amy into spilling the truth. “My whole life is a lie. I just need to know... who am I?” After Amy says it, “You were adopted,” Farouk allows the real David to come forward again. He wants him to feel this for himself. The feeling of betrayal, never being told his real origins. An outsider in every way imaginable. His ideas about himself all have different context now. His fondest memories throughout the series were with his parents and sister as a little kid. And now he’s not biologically related to them. He understands what Farouk meant now. His “whole life is a lie.” Amy knew this and kept it from him for decades. His adoptive parents never told him. Everyone’s in on it except him.
Syd is thinking of the white room on her way to see David.
“I don’t have an illness!” Farouk is succeeding in his goal of making David rethink his relationship with Amy. Perhaps in the moment... he no longer feels much compassion for his sister. She didn’t just hide the adoption after all, she also contributed to the societal gaslighting around his powers. I’m starting to see why she’s portrayed the way she is in the next episode...
“He’s not crazy, this is much, much worse.” What once were thought of as delusions are now being validated as completely real. David is no doubt traumatized, but he doesn’t have paranoid schizophrenia (according to the show at the moment). What he does have is a mutant-ghost that needs busting.
With David’s relationship with Amy permanently changed, Farouk moves on to messing with his Summerland friends. The goal, again, is to isolate David and convince him of his philosophy. “We are Gods. Gods make rules, they don’t follow them.”
Syd sheds a tear out of fear after being jump-scared by The Angriest Boy. She’s scared as all get out, but keeps moving forward for David’s sake. Syd is once again willing to risk everything for David. Or... is she just risking it for the idea of him? What’s the difference?
Walters abilities are still unclear to me.
Cary almost played charades with Melanie to tell her about the crown (or halo in this iteration?)
Kerry can either summon or just store weapons inside of Cary.
David’s very upset that he can’t stop Lenny. And he still thinks Lenny is a part of himself. We know better. But it does seem clear hear that David didn’t want any of the things that happened that day to happen. I think I feel comfortable clearing him on all charges for the D3 raid. For now...
David’s the one that first puts him and Syd in the astral plane. Farouk just seizes the opportunity takes control of the simulation. No doubt to multiple ends.
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havingphung · 4 years
Mystery/Dark Academia
Dark Academia and Mystery novels have some of my favorite novels, and they are novels that centre on an academic setting. The term Dark Academia, is an unofficial name for the genre, as they, at least in literature, are called campus novels or academic novels. I’m also including mystery-centric novels here as well. Some of these are modern and some of these are period based, but the connecting factor is that there’s usually something they’re trying to solve or unravel. 
Some may also have fantastical elements in them (ex. ghosts) but I personally think they make more sense on this list than a YA Fantasy list. Some of these are YA and some aren’t. I’m just gonna put it all together. 
**Personal Favorites
Stalking Jack the Ripper Series** (4.5 Books) by Kerri Maniscalco: This is one of my new favorites series because it is great in both the mystery department and the romance department. I’ll be honest, the two leads (Wadsworth and Cresswell) are great at deducing things and picking up clues, but they’re not the *greatest* at actually solving the mysteries until the solution is literally right in front of them. I’ll forgive them though because we love a good relationship and men that support their badass girlfriends. Also mysteries about serial killers are especially exciting because they are always on the clock. 
Truly Devious Trilogy** by Maureen Johnson: So this is written with alternating timelines: the past when the murder occurred and the present where Stevie Bell, the protagonist is trying to unravel the mystery of what happened so many years ago. Along the way there’s more murder and a tiny bit of romance but this is a great cold case mystery that happens concurrently with a crime in the present. Also, boarding school. We love that trope. I just saw there will be a fourth standalone novel in this series next year so I’m hyped. 
The Night Circus** by Erin Morgenstern: I’ll be honest here. This book can be confusing AF. Like when I was reading it, I was kinda like what the fuck is happening but then in the end, I was like, “yo, that was cool.” There is *so much* detailed description in here and it really does rely on context clues to gauge what’s happening, but regardless it’s a beautiful book (literally, the book design is A1) but definitely more high level than my other recommendations because it’s actually not YA. It’s one of those books I recommend when I wanna sound pretentious and well-read. 
House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig: Not gonna lie, this one was a little spooky. It’s a retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses and it’s definitely more inspired by Grimm than it is by Barbie. If it was a horror movie, I’d be scared watching it, but I really enjoyed reading this book. I loved how dark it was and I kinda felt myself going crazy with the protagonist. It’s part horror, part mystery, part ghost story, part love story, and I’m all for it. 
Verity by Colleen Hoover: I 100% always have mixed feelings about Colleen Hoover. I’m not a big fan of the New Adult genre she writes for but I’ll admit this was a good book just for the plot. This book had me guessing till the very end about what the truth was, so yeah, I don’t like Colleen Hoover, but I would recommend this book any day just because of the story. 
Shades of London Series by Maureen Johnson: Again, something about hunting Jack the Ripper really intrigues me. Except this time, it’s with ghosts and ghost hunters. I’m still anxiously awaiting the fourth book but I think MJ got distracted with Truly Devious so I’m not too mad but damn. Anyways, read if you like mystery, danger, ghosts, people that can see ghosts, and murder. There’s also a splash of love. (also one thing I really appreciate Maureen Johnson doing well is that she can so easily switch up the love interest but you’re just so on board with it). 
Olivia Twist by Lorie Langdon: OKAY, I’ll admit that retellings of classics are not always great but as someone who CANNOT read classics, I’m okay burning in literary hell for enjoying some of them. Anyways it’s basically Oliver Twist except gender bent because she’s forced to live as a boy to survive. Quick and simple read with a satisfying love story and I have nothing to compare it to the original, so pure enjoyment. I just love period pieces. 
To Read List: 
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Dublin Murder Squad Series by Tana French
One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
Shades of Magic Series by V.E. Schwab
A Mad Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller
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abstract-apocalypse · 5 years
tagged by @mojave-musing!!
answering as kerry long, my ghoul oc whomst i only have one picture of
1. What is your name?
Kerry Long.
2. How old are you?
245 years old. All things considered, I think I look pretty good.
3. What do you look like?
Crispy, mostly. Tall, kinda lean, no hair, beef jerky complexion.
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
I'm from Cambridge, and now I live in Sanctuary Hills. The Commonwealth, Massachusetts, whatever you wanna call it, it's my home.
5. What was your childhood like?
Not too bad. That was before shit really started to go downhill for America.
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
I'm a Minuteman, I take care of repair work and engineering for them. The Railroad aren't bad, I like their commitment to equality. We could've used some of that in the years before the War.
7. Tell me about your best friend.
There's so many important people in my life, it's hard to name just one. Audrey Anderson was frozen in Vault 111, so she gets me on the level of being from before the War, and she's a lovely person. Anytime I'm in Diamond City, I have to go see her. Lynn is an amazing woman, and such an inspiration-- without her the Commonwealth might still be a lawless wasteland.
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
My parents are long dead, and I don't have any siblings, but Nellie is basically my daughter. I love her to death, she's an amazing kid and I'd do anything for her. Gwen too, see above photo.
9. What about a partner or partners?
Sturges. He's pretty great.
10. Who are your enemies, and why?
The Institute, they're terrorizing the Commonwealth and the Minutemen won't stand for that shit. And on a more personal level, the Brotherhood bug me for ghoulish reasons.
11. Have you ever heard of the Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
I'm pretty familiar. Can't say I'm a fan, what with their superiority complex to the common people, their attitude towards ghouls, synths, and anyone who's different from them, their technology obsession... They remind me of all the worst parts of Pre-War America.
12. What about The Enclave?
I remember back when they were the actual government, and they started out evil and only got worse. I'm glad they're gone.
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants?
Mixed. Obviously I'm not a fan of the ones who kill humans, but I get that it's tough to be an ex-human as it were, and some are nice. I wish FEV had never existed, though, that stuff is a crime.
14. What's the craziest fight you've ever been in?
I do my best to avoid crazy fights, but once I happened to be at Sunshine Tidings, on the roof of one of the buildings working on a turret, when some raiders decided that was a good time to attack. So I had to try and not get shot in this extremely visible position, while shooting at a way longer range than I'm comfortable at. I still don't know how I managed to get out of that alive. Not the craziest story ever, but I try to avoid that kind of stuff.
15. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
Hell no. I like being alive and having all my limbs attached.
16. Do you like fighting?
No. I hope someday we can forge a world where people won't need to kill each other anymore, until then it's a dirty chore.
17. What's your weapon of choice?
I don't like to fight directly, does a turret count? If not, then I guess just my 10mm pistol.
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what's your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?
At the risk of tooting my own horn, I'm smart as hell. I can build and repair just about anything. I'm pretty lucky, too, as evidenced by not being dead.
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
I have. They're definitely a mixed bag. It's good that people survived to rebuild and move forward, and the vaults helped with that, but they were very exclusionary about who got in. That means only "great Americans," wealthy, obedient, willing to toe the line and not question anything too hard. Heck, I only got in because they knew they needed an engineer to take care of the vault systems, otherwise they never would've accepted anyone Chinese.
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
Well, I didn't exactly "beat it." I was late getting to the vault, and we were far enough from the blast that it didn't kill me, but I got to be a firsthand study on ghoulification. Now radiation's not a concern for me at all.
21. What's your favorite wasteland critter?
I like dogs, do they count? If it has to be something new, then I'd say brahmin. They're useful, gentle, and some of them are downright cuddly if you give them a snack.
22. What's your least favorite wasteland critter?
Bloodbugs are just annoying, and don't even give a decent amount of meat.
23. How do you feel about robots?
They're a tool, and how I feel about them depends entirely on who's using that tool. The government before the war used them to oppress people, so those robots are bad, but the Minutemen use turrets and the like to protect the people, so those ones are good.
24. How many caps do you have on you right now?
200. I don't travel much without warning, so I usually leave my main stash in Sanctuary.
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
I haven't had a Sunset Sarsaparilla since before the war, so I'm gonna go with Nuka Cola.
26. Do you do chems?
Never. I've fought long and hard to stay alive, I'm not ready to risk that for some short term benefits.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
All the time. Mostly what we can do this time around to avoid falling to the same fate.
28. What's your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
Hard to say.
29. What's your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
My biggest achievement so far is the work I've contributed to building the Commonwealth. Lots of the turrets, generators, and utilities you see around Minutemen settlements are my design. In the future, I'd like to keep working towards a better world-- one that won't make the same mistakes as before the War.
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
How ambitious can we get? Ideally, I'd say an end to violence, universal prosperity, everyone just being safe and happy. I probably won't live to see that happen, and maybe it never will, but I can try and get us a little bit closer.
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smolvoidling · 6 years
jaggardsauvagess replied to your post: // to be fair she has more ‘clothes’ than i...
Those “clothes” are actually a symbiote suit. inb4 hentai
// honestly it doesn’t even take a ‘symbiote suit’ to get ppl to draw r18 of a character, and that’s being damn generous i feel. there’s just,,, better ways to indicate corruption/a symbiot-host duality, even if you wanna keep the character ‘attractive’.
i give the porn a day at most before i see it on danbooru or pixiv
Kerrigan from Starcraft is honestly one of the best examples i have for this-- her and Stukov are rly great examples of what I’d expect ‘void corruption’ to look like on ppl who aren’t Malz/Kass/Voidbringer Illaoi, because most people just do not have the mental or physical strength and fortitude to withstand void corruption. And Kerrigan is, arguably, still very ‘waifu-able’, and in something of a ‘symbiote suit’ herself. Kerri’s design is still far from perfect but I feel like it’s definitely a very nice step in the “alien-altered femme fatale” trope that many ‘space aliens from beyond’ seem to have in their ranks.
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someraesofsun · 7 years
Hey I feel bad if you're getting hate, I honestly wanted to send a writing thing but I was like eh you don't wanna hear from me. But anyways what if like there were these two artists. One did photography and the other was a painter and they argued about which was better and eventually they find out they like each other because the photographer has secret pictures of the painter painting and the painter has painted the other while they were working. Hope that's decent.
Hey I made this Giles because you literally cannot stop me. Also sorry this took ten years. 
Title: In the Eyes of the Beholder
Pairing: Geoff/Miles
Word count: 3,874
Rating: E, some cursing 
There was always one person in your circle of friends that you just could not bring yourself to like. One person at least that you kept at an arm’s distance for their personality alone. For Miles, that person was Geoff. Among his found collective of artists, he met a variety of different creators that he would have never even known existed if not for the wonders of the internet. There was Kerry, a sculptor. Mariel did murals and graffiti art. Then of course there was Lindsay, a knitter, Michael, a cake maker with the most beautiful designs. Mica danced and Matt was a digital artist, Barbara designed clothes and Kyle wrote. All of them made such amazing, creative, inspiring things that in their own special way, affected Miles’ own photography work in positive ways.
Then there was fucking Geoff.
The first time Miles met said ‘fucking Geoff’ was at their first face-to-face meeting after weeks of talking with one another on a local forum started by Mariel to reach out to new fellow artists. Her original intention was to meet street artists, specifically. But instead, she was pleasantly surprised at the diversity of talent she brought together. Not a single one of them had the same talent. Everyone was so varied in what they not only considered art, but how they expressed that interpretation. It began a lot of discussions, it unified a group that would otherwise not talk to one another. Miles was proud to be a part of it.
Miles never liked Geoff much in internet form. He was a painter, and one that hardly took his own skill seriously, so why would he bother thinking much about anyone else’s? Well, that wasn’t exactly true… he was always quick to compliment Mica’s videos, Lindsay’s new knitting projects, Kerry’s realistic looking busts. But he never had anything to comment on with Miles’ pictures. What was the deal with that!? Miles wasn’t usually the type to take offense to ‘ghosting’ on the internet. But serious, what the hell!?
He got his answers at their first meeting. The coffee shop. The first time he ever laid eyes on Geoff’s stupid face which had probably the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, but that was beside the point. Those eyes belonged to a horrible, ignorant man. A fraud of an artist. An absolute dick.
They all dragged a couple high tables together to accommodate for their large party. Some people he immediately recognized, like Mica, who showed her face in her dance videos. Some people he had no idea on. Was that the elusive Kerry, elusive sculptor extraordinaire who turned scrap metal into one of the most haunting modern pieces of the decade? Was he sitting next to Matt, who knew his way around a muted fall color palette like nobody’s business? Everyone recognized Mariel, she posed with all her work in her pictures of it. Everyone mumbled out introductions amongst themselves. The man next to Miles turned out to be Michael, not Matt. He gave Miles a shoulder shove and spoke in a loud, matter-of-fact voice.
Miles was interested in the man with the blue eyes and the tattoos all over his arms. He sat across from Miles and kept glancing back at him. Each time he looked over, Miles felt his heart pound. Something about those eyes, he’d love to get a few pictures of the man. Maybe a number, a dinner date that ends at someone’s place, a marriage proposal and-
“Alright guys! Looks like everyone’s here! Time for the formal introductions.” Mariel stood from her seat and turned to her left, motioning to a blonde woman with a smile. Yeah, Miles wouldn’t mind a date with her, either! What’s her name? “We’ll start with you.”
“I’m Barbara, hi. I’m Blawndee on the forum. I see some of you are even wearing my designs today, so that’s really neat.” Barb! Wow, Miles had no idea Barb was hot. Why didn’t he wear anything she made for him today? Stupid move! He definitely blew all his chances with Barb the second he didn’t wear one of her shirts. Oh well, there was always tattoo man…
Next to Barb was Lindsay, also really cute. Miles was smart enough to wear a Lindsay-made scarf. Then came Kyle, cute. Matt, cute. Mica, who was really cute and laughed at the end of a lot of her sentences nervously which only made her more cute. He’d met Michael already and that left…
Oh, he was next. Oh. Social anxiety was suddenly haunting him. He stood from his seat, looking on at all his friends. Talented, wonderful friends who were also all far too attractive for his liking. “Um. Hello! I’m Miles, lunatic24 on the forum. And I’m the photographer!” He held up the camera looped around his neck for effect. Across the table, he heard a snort.
A snort!?
Nobody else got a snort!
Miles looked towards the direction of the snort, as did the rest of the group. All eyes laid on the tattooed man fidgeting in his seat. He did move around a lot, and cover his mouth with his paint covered hands to hide his smiles. As cute as the gestures were, Miles was no longer seeing a future with him. “Um, hi! Who are you?”
“Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to… ha! Sorry.” He looked erratic with how much he shifted in his seat. “Just… photography.”
“What about it?” Miles said defensively, the rest of the group went silent.
“No, no. It's just that… well come on, I can't be the only one here that thinks it's such a bullshit art.” Geoff looked around the table to very blank faces.
“You probably are, asshole. What the hell do you do? Who the fuck are you?” Miles glared, well, if he thought he was getting a date and marriage proposal, the tattooed dickwad sure had another think coming!
“Geoff. A guy who actually makes shit instead of capturing it.” Geoff rolled his eyes. “Don't take it so personally. It's not like you do much anyway.”
“Geoff-” Mariel was about to intervene, until Miles cut her off.
“Says the guy who probably hasn't picked up a camera in his entire life, but sure, go on.”
“Miles-” Mariel’s irritation grew with the interruption. Still the two continued to bicker.
“Oh buddy, I was a journalist in the army and took pictures of shit that would keep you up at night if you saw it in person. I can take pictures. It took me a week to learn how to do it decently? Not art.”
“If you learned properly, how could you possibly not consider it art!? The rule of thirds, the color theories and shit, it takes time to line up and get the perfect shot-”
“Bah! It's nothing! Taking a picture is easy! You press a button and there it is for you-”
“-A perfect shot which may never even-”
“-Have you ever even tried to paint a tree? No! You haven't! You just point a lens at one and-”
“-You truly know nothing if you're gonna compare two completely different-”
“-You take a stupid picture and you call it avant garde while I spend weeks-”
“-two complete different forms! Both of which are valid and-”
“GUYS!” Mariel's voice boomed through the cafe, her first slammed on the table, causing everyone's cups to slosh around and clatter. Silence once again. “I… I think we've had enough debate time for today. Before everyone even got to introduce themselves. So how about we just let it the fuck go. Yeah?”
That was the first time they met. They had since debated even more of whether or not Miles was a true artist. Something about the camera just put Geoff off. He was happily willing to accept knitting and writing as forms of expression, but he refused to ever see photography as anything other than taking pretty pictures of stuff that hardly matters on its own. Unread of his pretentious opinion that all Miles did was document. He didn't contribute to the beauty. He didn't create anything from what wound up on his film roll. It was all happily provided to him by nature and the grace of god and all he had to do was take the snapshot of it. Geoff, he argued, was a creator. He took the paints and the canvas and he transformed it. Barbara took yards upon yards of fabric and made it into something wearable. Lindsay knew how to tie yarn together in such a way that she made practical items. But Miles? He didn't even make the film. He was a spectator. He was a hobbyist. He was never an artist.
Every trip out, Miles was reminded this. Days out to the park were met with Geoff behind his easel, painting a stupid still life of a stupid flower while spouting off his stupid opinions. His way of capturing the beauty of the flower was far superior, far more crafted than Miles’ way. Art gallery trips were met with his distaste that they even had a photography section, as he went on and on about the value of real, fundamental art. It was always the fundamentals with him. Every pompous statement he had was met with gav rise of anger from Miles. Deep down, Miles knew that was exactly why he said all those things. To get a rise out of him. And yet here Miles was, giving him exactly what he wanted each and every time. From the red in his cheeks to the bite in his responses. All Geoff did when he got this way was smile. It was infuriating every single time!
Miles wanted to prove him wrong. He wanted to take his camera and create a photograph so perfect, it was like a painting on its own. All he needed was a subject, and the perfect lighting, manufactured by him of course, and the right mood. An unedited shot that showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was not only an artist, but a talented one at that. He talked in great detail about his mission among more polite company. He'd grown close with Barbara and Lindsay, in particular. They knew all about his struggles with the tattooed painter. All they had to say about it was just how concerned they were getting for the man's health.
“I'm concerned for your health,” Lindsay said over lunch one day with Barb. “You worry too much about what one guy thinks about your artform. So what he's got something against photography? He's an ass.”
“You do tend to obsess over everything he says. I don't think taking a really nice picture is going to sway him.” Barbara glanced at Lindsay with a frown to match her own. “It's… stupid to dwell on him.”
Miles narrowed his eyes at the two. “You think I'm obsessed with him? Oh no, this isn't obsession. Don't you see? This is drive. He wants an artist, I'll give him an artist.”
“He never said he wanted an artist out of you. He just said that you weren't one.” Lindsay pointed out.
“Well he's wrong, because I am. And I'm going to show it.” Miles said through gritted teeth. He looked too crazed for the comfort of the blonde and the redhead.
“Um... So. You've heard this sort of thing before, I'm sure. We all have. You're not a real artist. This isn't a real job. This is a hobby.” Barbara paused, choosing her next words carefully. “Why is it… different when he says it?”
“Well he's one of us! He shouldn't even be thinking like that! It's a betrayal to the arts, it's-”
“His own stupid, useless opinion.” Lindsay interrupted, eating a forkful of pasta. “Miles, he's literally doing this for a reaction. You're an idiot.”
Despite his inability to counter statement, Miles continued his pursuit of upstaging Geoff. For days he searched for that perfect picture. Rolls of film all used up as he furiously took pictures of everything and anything he could find. Nothing was just right enough, though. He struggled to find that perfect snapshot into life that would blow Geoff's mind.
It was bumming him out!
It wasn’t until one day, when the group all came out to help Mariel with a street Mural, that Miles finally found the perfect shot.
It was a sweltering hot day, the blank canvas came in the form of a brick wall in Central Austin. The only person who looked like the wanted to be there (and oddly, the only person who wasn’t a sweating mess) was Mariel, but it was good experience to see just how the artist made all her amazing designs reality. Everyone helped in painting in an already sketched out design. Mariel drew it out like an elaborate paint-by-numbers project, each individual sketched out spot was given a specific number for which places to shade and where what color went. Miles put himself in charge of the easiest looking parts, the light blue sky. Minimal change in colors. And he got to draw in the birds.
By 3 o’clock, everyone was exhausted from the heat, splayed out on the grass of a nearby park and taking advantage of the shady trees. All but one, Miles realized. For across the street, at the big brick wall with a half-done mural, was an tattooed man in cargo shorts, covered in paint, still taking a smaller brush to the wildflowers that lined the bottom corner of the mural. Miles watched him for the longest time, he sat up and after hastily wiping his hands on his own shirt, he pulled out his camera and snapped a picture of what he saw.
There was something compelling about what he captured. Geoff, all alone and still painting. The incompleteness of the mural. How the paints faded to red brick in unfinished places. When it was edited and printed, Miles couldn’t stop looking at the finished project. It told a nice story of commitment to work or something of the like, or maybe it just looked nice. Miles couldn’t decide what he liked about it, but it had to be one of his favorite shots.
Thus began a very strange fixation with taking pictures of Geoff when he went out with the artist group.
He carried his camera around his neck everywhere he went, still on the quest for more and more perfect shots. He couldn’t dare to use any pictures of Geoff to one-up Geoff, oh no, that was his pride on the line. But Geoff was quickly becoming his favorite subject. A night in playing cards with the artist group turned into a portrait Miles took from across the room of Geoff peeking up from behind his cards, a glint in his eye seconds before he laid down a flush. At coffee shops with him leaning against the wall, tall latte in hand, talking with Michael about something or the other. Snapshots of him in mid laugh so full of life, you could hear his trademark laughter if you looked at the photo long enough. By the end of five weeks, Miles had pictures of nothing but one pretentious painter and his beautiful, intricate tattoos. Geoff had no idea just how well-documented he was by Miles.
Also in those five weeks, Geoff was… less cruel. He wasn’t exactly nice, but he no longer tried to get under Miles’ skin. Miles didn’t understand it, nothing had changed much. Except that he talked less to the Geoff and the group overall. He was invested in his own project, finding that shot. Getting it on camera. Show Geoff how wrong he was about photography. One barbeque dinner on a gloomy day at Lindsay’s, Miles felt the gaze of someone while he was on laying on his stomach, taking a picture of a cat that had wandered into the woman’s yard. He turned and looked up, catching Geoff staring at him from the porch. For the longest time, the both of them were still, then Miles smiled, getting up and pointing his camera up at Geoff. He snapped a picture. It was all it took to snap Geoff out of his gaze.
“Argh! Don’t do that!” He broke eye contact with Miles, rolling his eyes. “I.. was supposed to check up on the ribs. Everyone went back inside, isn’t it cold out for you?”
“Kinda. But look. Kitty!” Miles let his camera hang off of him while he bent down and picked up the gray tabby cat. “He’s really fat, isn’t he? He’s collared though.” The cat mewed, as if offended that Miles would point out his figure.
Geoff looked briefly conflicted before he sat down at the abandoned table and chairs. “You ever thought about just… leaving that damn camera at home for once?”
“Nope.” Miles carried the cat over to Geoff and sat down next to him. He scratched behind the tabby’s ears, which was responded with a low purr. “Taking pictures is what I do! And this cutie was too cute to ignore, he’s so photogenic.”
“He looks pissed off.” Geoff replied flatly.
“That’s because you’re here.”
Miles dodged an arm swat with a laugh, and for a second, they might have at least appeared friends for a second. Geoff had a look in his eyes that Miles couldn’t place the meaning of. “You know, now that I think about it, taking pictures is about all you do. What’s up with that?”
“Well, uh,” Miles shrugged, faltering. “I guess I just see a lot of beauty in a lot of things. I wanna capture as much as I can, knowing that it’s not going to last forever. That’s why I like it so much. It’s quick. Painting takes time, you might miss a detail or something might slip by you. But a photo is, well, I guess you’re kind of right. It’s easy. You can capture an exact moment and it’s going to stay alive with you forever. The hard part is making sure you catch those moments before they get away. Kind of like catching butterflies in a net or something. You only have so many chances.”
Geoff didn’t say anything for a while, looking at Miles and taking all of what he said in. “That was beautifully put.” He looked away, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his thighs. His hands fiddled about and he stared straight ahead. “When I was in the army, the stuff I saw through a lens was rarely pretty.”
“I can imagine reporting for the army wasn’t all… wildflowers and cats.” Miles swung mindlessly swung his feet before setting the cat back on the ground and removing his camera from his neck. He handed it over to Geoff. “Here. Try it now. There’s plenty of pretty right here if you look for it.”
Geoff looked at the camera skeptically, but took it and held it up to his face. He glanced around the yard for a few seconds, zeroing in on a stray dandelion in the grass. The camera clicked and he looked at the preview screen.
“Huh. Not bad.” He mumbled, tilting the camera towards Miles. “Wanna see?”
Miles looked at the picture and nodded. “Good. Yeah. A little out of focus… but good!”
“Oh shut up, Luna.” Geoff laughed and pulled the camera away. “What other shit you got on here?” He opened up the gallery, scrolling through all the different pictures. Miles was suddenly on high alert. He definitely had an old SD card in there.
“Oh, you don’t want to see any of my-”
“What the fuck is this?”
Geoff was stopped on a picture of none other than himself. Mid-laugh and taken today at the barbeque. He scrolled through and saw even more pictures of himself. All taken at different events and get-togethers. “...Holy shit dude, are you stalking me?”
“No! No, no! Not really! Fuck, shit! That’s what it looks like but no!” Several bells were going off in Miles’ head. He panicked and struggled to think of an explanation. “I just take pictures of things I like looking at, and you’re very… aesthetically pleasing. The tattoos and the eyes and… hair. Messy hair. I like it, I like taking pictures of… it.”
“My… hair.”
“No! Not just your hair! All of it, you, all of you. I just like your… look. That’s all. And you always seem to be the subject of some of my best work, so I developed this weird… fixation. Or something.”
“I’d call it obsession, but tomato, to-mah-to.” Geoff only seemed slightly phased. He shrugged and handed the camera back to Miles. “Well… thanks. I’m flattered, a little freaked out, but also flattered. I guess I can’t even fucking talk…”
“What do you mean?” Miles asked, confused.
Geoff sighed and pulled out his phone. “This isn’t some artsy bullshit picture, but I’m sure you’ll get a kick out of it anyway.” He opened up his gallery and scrolled through it, flashes of progress photos of unfinished work flew by until he stopped, tapping on what looked like a complete painting on an easel. He handed the phone over to Miles.
It was a portrait. A smiling man with eyes half-closed and a wrinkled flannel, holding a camera. It was Miles. “...You painted me?”
“I paint things I like looking at. You take picture of things you like looking at. There. Now we’re even.” Geoff mumbled. “Now I won’t immediately go to Kerry and Kyle and tell them that you’re my own personal paparazzi, if you make sure Michael never fucking knows about this painting. He thinks we’re going to hook up or something, teasing me relentlessly over it.”
Miles barely heard anything Geoff said, he was stuck looking at the picture of a wonderfully done painting. He captured his likeness perfectly, all while still flattering him. He smiled. “I like it. I love it, it’s amazing! I won’t tell anyone about it, yeah... “
“Great. thanks.” Geoff rubbed the back of his neck, red blush blooming on his cheeks. “...You take good pictures. Really good. I haven’t seen something with my face on it look so nice before. I guess you got some kind of talent in you kid.”
“You… you mean that?” Miles grinned and began to feel bashful. “Well, I mean, I spend so much time on angles and candids like that are pretty complicated, I’m still new to the idea and-”
“Put your number in my phone.”
Geoff laughed, elbowing Miles in the rib. “You heard me! Put your number in my phone, i’ll call you up for dinner sometime. You can tell me all about angles then. For now, I should really check up on the chicken. It’s probably all burnt and shit because you distracted me with your stupid cat photoshoot.”
“I… okay. Yeah. Number in phone, you handle the chicken. Yep.” Miles closed out of the gallery, putting his number into Geoff’s phone with a small smirk. He looked up while Geoff tended to the food on the barbeque. “It’s a date. Don’t tell Lindsay I said that. It’s a date.”
“Sure. it’s a date.”
The chicken was very much burned.
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prepxn · 7 years
84 questions tag
@medicallyinduced thanks for the tag! <3
1. Drink: Coffee
2. Phone Call: My mom
3. Text Message: My friends
4. Song you listened to: I Wanna Be Your’s by the Arctic Monkeys (still stuck in a very real and unrelenting Vauseman vortex which causes me to listen to strictly love songs.
5. Time you cried: 3 days ago
6. Dated someone twice: No
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No
8. Been cheated on: No
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes, but it was very temporary 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
12. Purple
13. Green
14. Orange
15. Made new friends: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes :/
19. Found out who your friends are: This is worded weirdly but I guess ??
20. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No
21. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I know of all of them but I wouldn’t consider myself close friends with the majority. 
22. Do you have any pets: Yes, a lynx-point siamese named Zoey
23. Do you want to change your name: Nah
24. What did you do for your last birthday: Went out to eat with my friends at a colonial style restaurant
25. What time do you wake up: Usually around 7-8
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping :*
27. Name something you can’t wait for: Going to the beach
28. When was the last time you saw your mom: An hour ago
29. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My god awful anxiety
30. What are you listening to right now: The air conditioner
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: This is really weird but in 7th grade I ooVoo’d a boy in 6th grade named Tom
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: My anxiety/not being able to keep up a conversation
33. Most visited website: Twitter
34. Mole/s: One to the left of my nose and a few on my arms
35. Mark/s: A few scars from my cat and from the time I fell on the concrete whilst running to a water slide because I saw the line was short
36. Childhood Dream: That I would write a book
37. Hair color: Dark brown, some say it’s black, but it also sometimes looks red in certain lighting idk
38. Long or short hair: Long but because it’s so curly you can’t tell until it’s wet
39. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah I’m in pain 24/7
40. What do you like about yourself: LOL definitely nothing physical but my tendency to do the right thing and my creativity 
41. Piercings: none
42. Blood type: I’m pretty sure B+ but don’t quote me on that
43. Nicknames: My close friends call me Henya and I’m not sure how it started
44. Relationship status: *sobs* single
45. Zodiac: Virgo
46. Pronouns: she/her
47. Favorite TV show: TWD & OITNB
48. Right or left hand: Righty
49. Surgery: Idk if this counts but I had the gap between my two front teeth cut away
50. Hair dyed in different color: Never
51. Sport: I used to play soccer 
52. Vacation: I go to Delaware a few times a year to visit my grandparents but my one actual vacation was to England, Italy, and France with my school
53. Pair of trainers: omg this is a british questionnaire and my favorite is a pair of adidas that have a floral design
54. Eating: fave food is ice cream which i just had and now i’m content
55. Drinking: if we’re talking alcohol my go-to is beer and if we’re talking anything else i love ginger-ale
56. I’m about to: sleep hopefully
57. Want: my immediate want is a relationship and my future want is a family with a job i love
59. Career: I hope to teach English at a university level/write a novel/work for a publishing house
60. Hugs or kisses: both i’m a sucker for love
61. Lips or eyes: eyes
62. Shorter or taller: Shorter because I’m literally only 5′1″
63. Older or younger: Either the same age or older, and honestly could be at the most 10 years older
64. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms
65. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
67. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
68. Kissed a stranger: no
69. Drank hard liquor: yes
70. Lost glasses/contacts: no
71. Turned someone down: yes
72. Sex on the first date: no
73. Broken someone’s heart: hope not
74. Been arrested: no *does the sign of the cross*
75. Cried when someone died: yes
76. Fallen for a friend: eh
77. Yourself: trying
78. Miracles: hell yeah
79. Love at first sight: YEP
80. Santa Claus: no but one of my friends does hardcore
81. Kiss on the first date: sure
82. Current best friend name: Kathie, Emily, Michelle, Kerry
83. Eye color: Brown
84. Favorite movies: The Sound of Music, The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby, Alien, Dead Poet’s Society, Good Will Hunting
LOL i can’t think of 20 people to tag so here’s a few off the top of my head:
@alexhvrt @edwardshannah @dianevause @fandomsandgaystuff @heynew-glasses @obrienxwesley
Don’t feel obliged to do this; it literally took me an hour and I don’t want to trouble any of you fine folk
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carishio-blog · 7 years
Favorite Overall Character
So yesterday, I reblogged a post by @vexpercy​ that included an entire list of favorite things about RWBY. I said I wanted to do it as a chance to talk about one of my favorite pieces of animation and to let my followers (current and new ones to come!) get to know me a little better about the show. So, the first thing on the list was “Favorite Character Overall”, and this was a tough one to limit it down to. There are so many characters that I absolutely love when it comes to RWBY, and picking one was a difficult task. However, when I looked at every option and factor, there was really only one character that came to mind:
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Qrow Branwen!
To make things fair, I thought it would be fair to look into the entire process of figuring out my favorite, making a small little list that would help people see why I love him so much. So, with that being said here is the list:
-Voice Acting
-Interaction with other characters
-Importance to the Story
-Personal Beliefs (Head canons, art, fan fics etc.)
1. Voice Acting
Now for those that know RWBY, Qrow’s voice actor is Vic Mignogna. His most notable role was voicing the Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric in both the 2003 adaptation and the 2009 version, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Vic already came into the show with a very impressive resume, so throwing in him playing Qrow is nothing small. According to RWBY Wiki, Rooster Teeth approached him at an Australia convention where they showed him the overall style of the show, which he was really impressed with! He received a follow up email a few weeks later and BAM! You’ve got yourself the VA for Qrow.
As opposed to the adorable, squeaky voiced Ruby or the more professional, whimsical voice of Professor Ozpin, Qrow adds a certain flare in his speech with his deep, drunken drawl (think most voices for any Wolverine i.e. Hugh Jackman or Cal Dodd in the 1992 animated incarnation of the X-Men.)
While it is debatable about how good the impression is, I personally love it. The tone Qrow speaks with is one filled with a level of confidence and cockiness. He carries himself in a way where he knows that he’s better than you and is not afraid to show it. I would delve further into this, but that shall wait until we get to Interactions with Other Characters. But all in all Vic delivers another amazing performance in my book that leaves me wanting more every time I see him on screen.
2. Writing
Writing for characters in RWBY is always a touchy subject. Most of them are very well written, while others sometimes leave a bit to be desired.That being said, I still 100% appreciate the work Miles and Kerry put into the scripts and have not been disappointed in them at any point really. So with that, how do they handle writing Qrow? Referring once again to the RWBY Wiki, both of them have been on record as saying that he is their favorite character to write.
And boy does it show.
A lot of the interactions we get with him are either hilarious or draw you into the story and lore even more. Along with the great voice acting to go along with it, we really get an interesting character to discuss and listen to.
From the first four volumes, we’ve learned very little about his backstory or even relationship with people from his former team. All we get are little bits of dialogue telling us that him and his sister Raven are part of a very deadly clan, little bits of silent interaction and development with Ruby and Yang’s father Tai in the Volume 3 finale and an image of a photo of his old team that can really be depressing to look at once you look closer at it.
It’s very easy for a character to show all of their cards when they’re first introduced, however the CRWBY have done an excellent job at giving us bits and pieces at not only his backstory, but Team STRQ as a whole. They’ve definitely caught my interest and will be keeping me hooked for however long the show runs (which is hopefully a long time <3)
3. Design
RWBY has always been a show about colors. Colors are everywhere you look in the show, from names of character to the names of teams. Each outfit someone wears along with their aura and name basically suit the overall personality of the character. So what do we get from Qrow?
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If it wasn’t obvious enough, Qrow is based of a crow, most notably one of Odin’s birds from Norse mythology, Huginn (I’m not 100% sure about this one. If anyone does know, feel free to let me now!). The colors of his outfit and hair show give us that feel of a relation to the bird he’s named after. Along with that,  the messiness of his clothes and how tattered his cape is give us the vibe that this is man who has seen his fair share of skirmishes and most likely a few bar fights along the way. The crooked cross around his neck also gives us some great symbolism that help show Qrow is not exactly the greatest of people either. However it could be a clever nod toward Norse culture once more, as that usually shows that someone is currently in mourning of someone they lost who was close to them (maybe Summer???).
To top it off, Qrow brings one of the coolest weapons to the table in my opinion. His weapon is a combination of a scythe, a sword and a shotgun. While everyone else has two weapons in one, he’s so cool his mom lets him have THREE! Each one is a joy to see in battle, and the idea of him being the master scythe wielder in Remnant was a statement passed around by Ozpin and Ruby. While we haven’t seen him use it a lot, when he has it has produced devastating results to his opponents. The sword was awesome to see him use in his fight vs Tyrian and Winter, and the shotgun is a nifty little weapon for him to use up close against opponents to chip away at their aura. All in all, his weapon is a great part of his design and just adds to one of my favorite character designs in general. Hopefully we’ll see him use that scythe more in the upcoming future.
Finally, he also gets my favorite semblance in the entire show: misfortune. It’s a semblance that cannot be turned on and off, and it affects those around him. Highlighted in the fight with Tyrian and the song “Bad Luck Charm” that gives me feels every time I listen to it, you get the perfect semblance for the perfect guy (even if it does make me wanna hug him and tell him everything will be alright).
4. Interactions with Other Characters
For someone who carries themselves around the way Qrow does, you’re expecting to get some really entertaining moments with other characters. But before we get to that, I want to establish one of my favorite partnerships and duos in the entire show: him and his niece Ruby
While the bond between him and Yang is very strong (as shown when he offers to help her find her mother and his sister Raven), the bond between him and Ruby is where things really shine. It has been mentioned and implied that Qrow is Ruby’s mentor, the Obi Wan to her Luke Skywalker if you will. He was the one that taught her how to use Crescent Rose and helped her design it, and the bond between the two is heart warming. In all of Volume 4 when she is out with RNJR trying to get to Mistral, he is the one watching over her and making sure she’s safe. Ruby jumps in to help him fight Tyrian (even tough she should’ve stayed back), and watching her try her best to get him medical help after he gets poisoned is something heart wrenching to see. The care for each other is amazing, as he truly does represent the cool uncle trope perfectly.
Besides Ruby, we get some amazing interactions with Winter, Glynda, Ironwood, Oz, Tyrian and even Jaune! From those, we get some really great fight scenes that let him show off his best skills and assets, funny moments and lines such as “He’s always drunk”, and some much needed release of anger that ends up getting directed at him. All in all, the entertainment we get from him interacting with others along with some of the more serious ones with Ozpin, Raven and RNJR keep me personally locked in and focused on what he has to say.
5. Importance to the Story
Qrow is by no means a main character in RWBY, however it is fair to say that he is an important side one. He was the one responsible for training Ruby and helping her become the young woman she is growing up to be, someone in Ozpin’s inner circle that has a great understanding of the world around him and the person that will most likely be helping Oscar become the next “Ozpin” (I don’t even know what to call that. Grand Wizard? The next Wiz? Gandalf the Great?). He gives us a lot of world building in the form of his story about the two gods and the fan favorite World of Remnant shorts. Qrow will be around for quite some time in my opinion, so maybe his role will grow even further as the plot progresses. But for now, he is a pretty important character that has brought some great dynamics and information to viewers and fans of RWBY.
6. Personal Beliefs
Last but not least, we have the section where we talk about fan stuff! Qrow was probably the first character that I really started developing head canons for, and along with RPing it became very easy to find me looking for all sorts of art, fan fictions and more pertaining to him. Along with that, we also have everyone’s favorite topic: ships! I found myself having to really think about who would work well with him in a romantic setting, and only two people really keep in mind (DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion. You can have a different one than me without attacking me about mine. I would actually love to hear your’s, but please remember to be respectful)
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(Art by @ellelehman​)
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(Art by @reikiwie-art​)
My two favorite Qrow ships are Flown North/Hummingbird (Qrow X Summer) and Snowbird/Qrowin (Qrow X Winter). While I much prefer Snowbird, I really love Hummingbird as well, as not only has @ellelehman​ basically given me a small addiction to it (that she feeds by making more awesome art!), the relationship that I can imagine with them is also just oh so adorable. While Qrow has basically made it clear that he is not a family man, I would love to see a relationship involving him in the show at some point. Ships aside, some of my favorite Team STRQ head canons revolve around him as well. The best example I can give you is the picture that I mentioned earlier. 
(For some reason I cannot post the picture without it not letting me post the entire post, so here’s a link to Google images to show you exactly what I’m talking about.)
If ypu look at it very closely, you will notice a coffee mug stain around summer and tear drops near Tai and Raven. Seeing that really breaks my heart, as I cannot even imagine the pain and guilt he must feel, especially when it comes to his semblance. I get really emotional when thinking about it in general and imaging certain scenarios happening in my head, like if Ruby got seriously hurt and he wasn’t there to help, or if he was saving Winter’s life mid fight and getting flashbacks of Summer, pushing himself to his absolute limit to save her so history does not repeat itself. It’s just a blast for me to think of and drabble these ideas down, as it really connects me more to the character and make me enjoy watching him even more.
Anyways, that’s all for today! I hope you all learned a bit more about me and Qrow as a whole, as it was fun to really talk about my favorite character from one of my favorite pieces of animation. I know it was long, so hopefully I can try and shorten it for tomorrow (no promises though ;3). Anyways, tomorrow I’ll be going over my favorite female Beacon student, which most of you might already know. But with that, I thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a great day! (Thanks to @vexpercy​ once more for the awesome list again!)
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