#dehydrating for tarkin krennic interaction
air-mechanical · 1 year
Catalyst Reading Continues
Tarkin: I spent several weeks in a Separatist facility called the Citadel. Were you tortured, Dr. Erso?
Gaken: No, I wasn't. You were?
Tarkin: Repeatedly.
Galen: I'm sorry-
Tarkin: Fortunately I was rescued before my jailors could do their worst. Had the torture continued, well, who knows?
There's not a chance Tarkin would have spilled secrets to his torturers. He would have died first. Death before dishonour. And shut up with any sympathy towards him, he doesn't want or need that. Tarkin's only throwing this fake scenario out to Galen to see if it sticks, and is the thread that pulls Galen on side. If Galen had been tortured - physically, emotionally or mentally - Tarkin would understand. He wouldn't blame him. Admit your troubles to me, Galen. Lay them down at my feet. Let me burn them. There's no judgement here. Just a chance for a new beginning.
Galen: You're beginning to sound more like a weapons specialist than a legal authority.
Tarkin, smiling: A passing interest.
Catalyst Tarkin is a great interrogator, I love him. Catalyst Krennic is also a smooth operator when it comes to getting people to do what he wants, knowing how to get Poggle [Poggle the Lesser what a name] to work on his death star.
And then Krennic has to sit through days of blood sports and smells in the special visitors' box on Geonosis, hoping that they're not all going to get eaten.
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