#star wars catalyst
air-mechanical · 11 months
Catalyst Reading Continued III
Grand Vizier Amedda: You just can't stop fucking up, can you Krennic? First you get scammed and allow months of work on the battle station to be destroyed. And now your team test firing the weapon are so useless that they blew their facility up and set off a nuclear meltdown.
Krennic: None of that is my fault.
Amedda: Don't interrupt, I'm not finished. We're bending over backwards to give Galen Erso money and resources and he still hasn't joined the team. What do you expect me to give him next? The shirt off the Emperor's back? His actual shirt?
Krennic: I-
Amedda: Imperial troops aren't your personal playthings. You can't just order them about. The chain of command exists for a reason, and it's time you learnt that.
Krennic: You told me to do what it takes to get the job done and now you're bitching at me? For following your command?
Amedda: I'm sick of this shit. Focus on building the weapon. We're bringing in Tarkin to take over everything else.
Krennic: I hear what you're saying. Don't worry. I have the perfect solution to fix everything.
Amedda: Which is?
Krennic: Promote me.
Amedda: ...what?
Krennic: Rear Admiral will do for now.
Amedda: What?
Krennic: Any time today would be good, thanks. I have to get my new rank plaque coded with access codes. That takes longer than you think.
Amedda: ...you can have a promotion to Full Commander. Perhaps. And only if the Emperor agrees.
Krennic: heh heh heh
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ominouspuff · 2 months
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izloveshorses · 30 days
i'm not used to people sticking around when things go bad. welcome home. and she knew she was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
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uwingdispatch · 7 months
Pssssssst Rogue One girlies I finally made you Krennic earrings. Come and get him!
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Shop is here. Love youuuuuuu 💜
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deathtrooper1602 · 2 months
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
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jaguarys · 2 months
By far one of my favorite sub-categories of Star Wars character is the vaguely-to-outwardly-stated queer villain with a slight obsession with their narrative foil
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enaelyork · 10 months
Orson Krennic’s wedding - [Reader Aesthetic]
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Request open for : Aesthetic - Fanfic - Headcanon
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air-mechanical · 1 year
Catalyst Reading Continues
Tarkin: I spent several weeks in a Separatist facility called the Citadel. Were you tortured, Dr. Erso?
Gaken: No, I wasn't. You were?
Tarkin: Repeatedly.
Galen: I'm sorry-
Tarkin: Fortunately I was rescued before my jailors could do their worst. Had the torture continued, well, who knows?
There's not a chance Tarkin would have spilled secrets to his torturers. He would have died first. Death before dishonour. And shut up with any sympathy towards him, he doesn't want or need that. Tarkin's only throwing this fake scenario out to Galen to see if it sticks, and is the thread that pulls Galen on side. If Galen had been tortured - physically, emotionally or mentally - Tarkin would understand. He wouldn't blame him. Admit your troubles to me, Galen. Lay them down at my feet. Let me burn them. There's no judgement here. Just a chance for a new beginning.
Galen: You're beginning to sound more like a weapons specialist than a legal authority.
Tarkin, smiling: A passing interest.
Catalyst Tarkin is a great interrogator, I love him. Catalyst Krennic is also a smooth operator when it comes to getting people to do what he wants, knowing how to get Poggle [Poggle the Lesser what a name] to work on his death star.
And then Krennic has to sit through days of blood sports and smells in the special visitors' box on Geonosis, hoping that they're not all going to get eaten.
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99tech99 · 27 days
cant make up my mind!!
just picked up catalyst from the library today!! do i read cannon krennic or keep working on my own krennic fics??
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jewishcissiekj · 1 month
my main conclusion from Cloak of Deception so far is. Palpatine-Valorum-Tarkin polycule
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kantyy77 · 10 months
I got them! Catalyst and Talos came today to my house 💖 I'm so happy 😭💖
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viintagetulle · 2 years
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Books I've Read (2/?): Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel by James Luceno
Galen stared into the depths of the pellucid stone. Could it be cut? Could it be faceted? Could dopants be applied to heighten its conductivity and power output? Could its surface energy be altered? So many questions, so many questions, so many questions...
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the-obiwan-for-me · 2 years
Satine Week, Day 5: Alternate Universe
Duchess Satine Kryze survives Maul's attack and witnesses the rise of the Empire while once again rebuilding her home, this time with the help of her long lost sister, and the son that she calls "nephew." Along the way, she meets an unlikely ally of sorts, and finds herself questioning everything in the name of Mandalore's preservation.
This is a long time in coming. I have been SO excited to share it with the greater world, though it may take some a while to warm up to the idea and where it may lead. But, there’s a lot of people (ok. Like 10) who think it’s a great idea! Don’t forget to click through to the next chapter. The link is to a prologue, and the first chapter follows it. 
Also, please admire the mood board my beloved @mg024 made for this momentous occasion.
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enaelyork · 8 months
Sympathy for the devil - A Krennic x F!Reader fanfiction - Part 1
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Pre Rogue One Fiction - Lyra best friend's reader - Krennic x F!Reader - +18 DNI
TAG LIST : @anundyingfidelity
Please ask for tag, thx
Prompt : After hearing some very good news from your best friend, you decide to drown your distress in a bar and meet a strange person there...
Tw: Quick sex, P in V, Unprotected sex, Alcohol.
Nb : I write with "you" point of view and it was very...Strange...So sorry if it's strange too for you.
Banners by @saradika
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- I met someone.
You couldn't believe your ears.
Besides, it took you a while – a few seconds – for the information to reach your mind and travel around it. She held your hands in hers, your sparkling glasses next to you in a warm atmosphere and her eyes seemed like a starry sky.
- You do... what ?
- Yes I know. That sounds a little crazy to you.
A little crazy? That was the right word. It's hard to believe what you just heard. You've been friends since at least the dawn of time (maybe you were even friends before you were born) and never, ever had she been interested in any man. Not that she didn't attract attention: a girl like her, pretty and intelligent at the same time, had enough to arouse the interest - and fear - of the male gender. But this was surreal.
- You don't look happy, are you okay?
You needed time to digest the information and you saw fit to pass it on with a big sip of your drink (in fact, you drank the whole thing). Difficult after such news to tell him that your life had turned into a fiasco in recent months, that your lifelong companion had decided to cheat on you in your own apartment and that you had taken up residence with your mother to escape this reality.
- What ? Well of course. Lyra! Damn it ! It’s just…Wow! Who is the man who seduced you in a rubber boot?
She giggled with her endearing crystalline laugh. Damn, she looked really in love with her cheeks flushed with emotion more than alcohol.
- Well, that's why I wanted to see you. I'd like to introduce him to you next weekend and...Oh my goodness, Y/N, are you okay? Are you sure about it ?
Yes. Perfectly. Your best friend had just told you the best thing that happened to her in life after her science degree, you weren't going to spoil the mood. So, instead of bursting into tears and remembering that you were alone, soon to be on the street – because you loved your mother but definitely couldn't live with her anymore – you had another drink, and a third too, history to accept.
- Everything is fine. I am incredibly happy for you. I'm just celebrating in my own way.
- You always exaggerate with this, you really need to stop. Sincerely.
- Tell me about your man then. What attracted you? Damn, I can't believe it. Lyra is in love. I thought I wouldn't live to see it.
- Oh, please. It's not because the majority of men are stupid that there isn't one who stands out from the crowd. His name is Galen, he is…Different.
- I imagine.
- He's a big dreamer, shy too...But when he talks about what he likes, damn Y/N, you should see it. It is…
You didn't need to see him, you understood just by listening to her talk about him. It was obvious that she loved him and probably was going to marry him one day. Not right away, although Lyra was no longer one extravagance away.
- And you present it to me…This weekend?
- Yes. His home. I'm the one who cooks. He also has someone to introduce to me and I thought it was important to do the same on my side. Damn, Y/N, if you only knew how happy I am to share this with you.
And you are too. Really. Even though you barely touched your food, even though you probably drank a little more than you should have, you were happy for her. When you leave, she makes sure one last time that you are okay, you reassure her before heading to the nearest bar. At this point, there was no way you were going to return to your miserable reality and remember what a mess your life was. You weren't drunk, just a little drunk but not enough to not let yourself be sucked in by the warm and lively atmosphere of this trendy bar in the capital. You squeeze through the bodies dancing eagerly to reach the bar and order a lighter drink, hoping it will soothe the bitterness gnawing at your stomach.
Lyra met someone.
It was awesome and scary at the same time. Scary, because Lyra had never met anyone. That she had always been there for you, with you, and that now you were going to have to share her with someone. What if he wasn't the man for her? What if he hurt her? Were you able to support her if she were to fall from her pedestal? To bury his corpse?
Your stream of thoughts is suddenly interrupted by the strange sensation that someone is watching you.
A strange feeling that slides down your spine and instead of freezing it spreads a strange warmth along your spinal cord.
You look up, hoping to quickly meet the gaze of the person who is looking at you, but it's not the case. You try to convince yourself that it's just an illusion, just an illusion that you create to forget the disorder in your head.
And that's when you see him.
He's there. On the other side of the bar. His face is vaguely familiar to you and yet you are certain you have never seen him. Unlike you, he is far from alone but he doesn't pay attention to any of the girls around him. It was a bit as if the world had stopped spinning between the two of you and time had frozen to give way to a dull stillness. Out of the question of looking down, always challenge him. From where you are, perched on your stool, you undeniably notice his potential seduction – almost as much as these women who circle around him like bees around a flower. He wears an Imperial uniform but you have never seen one like this since your return to Coruscant, it was something new, mysterious, just like the azure gaze that pierces yours as he sips his glass.
He wants to play.
Now is not the time, but you tell yourself that a little seduction could take your mind off things. You give him an arrogant, almost mocking smile before turning your head and leaving your place, determined to drown yourself in the crowd on the dance floor.
It wasn't a good idea, you knew that. There was a little too much despair in your soul, a little too much bitterness and hatred for the evening to be under control. You knew you were dangerous to yourself and your dignity when you had nothing left to lose and tonight you felt like you had lost everything. Your expectations, your self-esteem, but also Lyri... The one who has always supported you and who this evening was far too happy to listen to you.
You danced with the ghosts, lasciviously swaying your hips in the strobe light. The music intoxicated you much more than the alcohol and unfortunately you were not drunk enough to escape the melancholy. Some bodies collided with you, but you were no longer with them, you were alone, as you had never been.
Disappear, disappear, disappear...
- Can I ?
Who ? Who dared to come and interrupt you when you were finally switching to something soothing, who could have such a warm voice and smell so good? You open your eyes, about to yell at this asshole that it’s time to get out of the way when his face petrifies you on the trail.
It was him.
His hair had once been dark, but today the darkness already revealed the grayness that was spreading across his scalp.
He was there, standing so close to you that you could smell his delicate perfume, of unparalleled distinction, like his elegance. He looked back at you, and their blue eyes made you want to drown.
- Don't you have anything else to do?
What a retort, Y/N. Don't you have anything else to say to him to send him off? The man chuckled before glancing back to where he was before joining you.
- I am one of those who chooses their priority.
-And I’m part of it?
He hesitates, his lips split into an ironic pout that would melt the coldest iceberg. This guy is handsome and worst of all he knows it well enough to abuse everyone. That’s what you think as his claws are about to close on you. You feel like trapped prey and you find yourself loving the idea.
- For tonight, anyway.
When you didn't pull away, didn't slap him, and your eyes lowered as if to signal that the barrier between you and him was up, his hands slid to your hips. It was like an electric shock that brought you back to life.
Why did this have to happen today? This evening ? NOW ? You weren’t sure what you wanted or didn’t want except for this dance. Your arms framed his shoulders and you began to sway your hips. Your hips rolled towards his slowly, like a hypnotic movement aiming to put prey to sleep. But who was hunting? Who was the victim of this curious game of seduction? You had never been the type to end up in a stranger's bed on your first night, but you were starting to really consider it.
His eyes didn’t leave yours. Not a word, nor the desire to get to know each other. He was what you needed him to be: a lifeline that you decided to hold on to. He had left his charming company for you, as much as he was not disappointed by the spectacle. The music had become slower and smoother when you turned your back on him, pressing your buttocks to his pelvis following the rhythm imposed by the dance. He was touching you, his hands were now caressing your hips, going up to your stomach as if to embrace you, drawing you even closer to him, from the erection that you could sense through his pants and which was sending incandescent waves through you. You felt them, his lips that passed over your skin without breaking it, his breath that was a mixture of mint and luxury alcohol. He reeked of money and power and corruption, and never had this scent been so attractive.
It was stupid, maybe even dangerous, but you grabbed his hand. You squeezed him so hard you could have broken his bones and dragged him off the track. You needed to breathe and you needed to have him to yourself. You would have thought that he would have held you, that he would have tried to escape from your embrace, believing that the game had gone on long enough, but it was not the case. He followed you without taking his eyes off you, without taking his eyes off your body and in the mirror of his irises you saw the desire burning there.
Something that made you mad enough to take the fire exit and drag him into the back alley with you. It didn’t take more than a few seconds for his lips to find yours once you stepped outside.
Slowly, you gave way to his tongue which slipped into your mouth with a frenzy that galvanized you. You sighed with contentment, with desire, refusing to let this kiss stop, holding his face in your hands while he felt your thighs, lifting your dress to the height of your hips.
What were you doing?
Was he drunk? Did he really want it?
Were you really going to fuck a complete stranger in an alley behind a bar just to forget how bad your life was? Yes, damn it, that’s exactly what you wanted. And him too. His hand sliding inside your panties, the groans that escaped his mouth between kisses left no doubt about what he wanted to do to you. He pulled away from you, enjoying the soft moans he made as his fingers caressed you. Your hips rolled onto his hand harder and harder as his thumb mauled your sensitive spot. That was delicious. No man had ever touched you like he did and you were sinking into a madness from which you never wanted to escape.
- Please, please, please.
You panted hotly, making him lose all self-control. His lips kissed the tips of your breasts through the fabric of your dress, teasing them with a few well-placed bites and blindly you tried to undo his belt. Desperately. Eagerly. You were trembling as the orgasm approached, tearing your insides as it swelled inside you. Then he stopped, coming to lend you a hand to free himself from his restraints.
- This is what you want ?
He murmured these words in a short breath, his pupils dilated by desire and alcohol. Her lock of hair waving against her forehead. You have never seen something so sexy.
- Yes.
- Ask it again.
He was playing with you, even if his gestures betrayed his impatience he wanted to hear you beg him. The tip of his cock slid between your flesh without ever desecrating it, not until he heard you do it.
- Please.
- Please what?
- I want you, now. Shit come in me please.
And that is what he did.
His hips ground into yours with a groan he wanted to stifle. You could be surprised at any time and you didn't dare imagine the faces of those who would see this spectacle. You brought your fist to your mouth to muffle the sounds as he thrust back and forth unceremoniously.
He had ended up abandoning all control of himself, all distinction to give you what you had asked of him. He held you like he was trying to kill you, nibbling your neck, caressing every inch of skin you offered him. Your nails caught on the fabric of his uniform, would no doubt leave marks on his skin but you didn’t care. You were about to come and nothing else mattered except this pleasure that was reaching out to you. You felt him cum inside you at the same time as your orgasm contracted your flesh around his cock, his hand firmly placed on your mouth to muffle the cry that had tried to escape. Then suddenly, the silence around you seemed unreal. You stood there for only a few seconds before panic gripped your stomach.
What had you just done?
Your eyes met his for a brief moment before you pushed him away, picking up your panties from the floor as you pulled down the sides of your dress. You had to run away before he asked you awkward questions like knowing your name.
You had to flee before he caught you, before there was any exchange that would lead you to want to know him more. You felt his seed leaking between your thighs when you finally got dressed to leave. It was madness, suicide even. There was no way this would ever happen again.
- Waits.
You heard behind you. You decide not to answer him, hesitating for just a few seconds before bursting through the door and drowning yourself in the crowd again. Flee. Flee. Flee. It took you a few more seconds before you realized he hadn’t followed you. A few more seconds before leaving the bar and hurrying towards your room. Everything was still spinning in your head, Lyra, your ex-boyfriend, your mother who will no doubt be asleep when you walk through the door. And him.
His eyes, his scent, his body.
And the desire that could not disappear.
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bosquedemel · 1 year
ok i'm reading catalyst by james luceno (back on my bullshit) and this isn't even subtext - krennic IS obsessed with galen in a homoerotic way
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