#delighted we are mutuals also your username shoots up my spine like a lightning bolt love it
zombiesun · 2 years
Top 5 places to wander around ?!
the local graveyard. it's absolutely beautiful and if you walk there before the sunsets and sit under the ornate overhang that sits in the middle you can watch the sun bleed over the mountains. I go there to smoke weed, to take naps, and to do rituals or petition the spirits to help me (subconsciously) bury someone that I was unable to do on my own. it's my sanctuary and the place I feel quietest and often safest. also all graveyards ever. I try to visit a new one whenever I can and wherever I travel.
tunnels. all tunnels but the deeper and darker the better. for contemplation, meditation, exploration - there's something very holy in there for me. they peak my curiosity and give a chance to be alone and surrounded by something. also graffiti museums. my sister and I recently found one that we haven't finished exploring but we're going to bring some speakers and a few friends and film something down there.
I worked at a summer camp in California last year that was on a large piece of property up in the hills and at night it was so peaceful and dark. there were smoking benches near the slaughterhouse that my friend and I would smoke at under the stars and then when we parted ways I would walk past all the sleeping animals, through the dark woods, following the paths until I reached an end or something new. it was very peaceful and big. not necessarily a place that made me feel safe all the time but something that always expanded me. I don't miss working at the camp but I miss the place.
I worked at a hostel on Venice beach last year after the camp and it was right next to the canals which were the best place to endlessly loop either for self-held conversations or private walks. in the mornings the ocean fog would roll in and it would be a great place to smoke. at night the lights would all be illuminated for the holidays and it was just a display of lights and novelty boats shaped as various animals. I really miss them.
of all the cities I've gone to I think Chicago was the best one for wandering. partly because you could very literally take the train to anywhere at anytime to anyplace. it was so easy to navigate it and so sprawling that there was so much to see. I visited a friend for a week and while she was working I'd visit as many place as I could in a day and then bleed it into the next. I could have explored so much more, but it was a wonderful place to wander until you found something interesting.
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