#demetri alexopolous x reader
magewritesstories · 1 year
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[ ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴛʀɪ ᴀʟᴇxᴏᴘᴏʟᴏᴜꜱ ] ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
summary:  Headcanons for getting into and being in a relationship with Demetri when you’re a semi-popular cheerleader. TW: none note: I love the popular x nerd trope and he’s the definition of my type so, kinda self-indulgent but whatever.
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I imagine it’s set up by Moon because she knows literally everyone
You needed help with a subject, and she said that she knew someone that could definitely help
Cut to Demetri ver nervously waiting in the library for you, wondering who Moon’s mysterious friend that needed help was
When you show up he’s a little thrown off, he was suspecting it was someone popular— because that was most of Moon’s friend group— but he wasn’t expecting it to be you
He did know who you were, the two of you had worked on a small project all the way back in freshman year, afterwards you always waved at him in the hall or made small talk whenever he was close
Thankfully that meant he didn’t have to do the whole awkward introduction he’d rehearsed in his head a hundred times
The two of you sit down and start working, and somewhere along the way, Demetri makes a small Star Wars reference because he’s a nerd and can’t help himself
Absolutely horrified when you offhandedly say you hadn’t seen the movies
You seize the opportunity and say that maybe the two of you could watch ‘em together sometimes
He literally malfunctions, and you couldn’t help but laugh, but hey you couldn’t just let that opportunity slide
So, the two of you make plans to watch the first three movies at his house next Saturday
After that your little crushes turn into full blown feelings, and one of you has to confess or you’ll both explode from feels— or Hawk will just grow impatient and tell you both to make out and get it over with
So Demetri asks, well more like forces, Robby to be his training dummy as he practices asking you out
He would’ve asked Hawk, but his constructive criticism isn’t really constructive, and Miguel’s too nice to give any criticism at all
He has a very elaborate plan on asking you out, but it all kinda goes to hell
Instead he ends up just letting it slip in one of your conversations
Now it was your turn to malfunction, but after the initial shock, you played it off and agreed to go on a date with him
It was all uphill from that moment on
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““Hey, Eli! I’ve Got Something of Yours!”
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Reader
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(Gif not mine)
Requested? No
Summary: It’s not easy finding your soulmate. It’s even harder when they don’t use their real name…
soulmate au: Once you turn exactly 16 years old a tattoo will appear on your wrist with your soulmates name. (If your soulmate turns 16 first, your tattoo will appear when theirs does)
Warnings: starred out swear words, alluded to violence, assault, warring karate dojos, mildly OOC Demetri Alexopolous
Pairing: Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
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“Happy birthday, man!”
“Gonna throw a killer rager for you tonight, you in?”
“Yeah, dude, it’s gonna be sick!”
Eli Moskowitz, or Hawk as he was more commonly referred, offered his friends a brief smile, thanking them for their well-wishes on his big day, but much too preoccupied with his own thoughts to give them any more than that. His focus, regrettably, was far more so on the phone in his hand. The device, though not unlocked, still displayed the time just fine, and that was, after all, what had been encompassing his attentions.
You see, Hawk had been born almost exactly sixteen years prior, at 11:49am. This particular fact meant that, in precisely two and a half minutes, his life would change forever. Because, at 11:49am today, his soulmate’s name would appear in permanent black ink on the inside of his wrist.
“Guys, leave him alone. He’s clearly not paying attention to you.” Tory said, smirking a little and gesturing towards her own wrist, which was blank, but got the message across just the same. Hawk made a face at the girl, but wasn’t really annoyed. Nothing could ruin his mood today.
“When are you supposed to get your tattoo?” Mitch asked, joining into the conversation. Hawk didn’t look up from his phone as he answered.
“Minute and a half.” He mumbled, running his thumb absentmindedly over the empty spot on his arm. Mitch’s eyes widened across from him, the others’ following suit. No one has known the exact time. That is, until the Mohawk-clad boy had just said it. Mitch spoke up for all of them.
“D*mn, dude. Well, good luck.”
Now this comment, while certainly well-meant, earned a sudden frown from the birthday boy. He’d been so excited to find out who he was to spend the rest of his life with, that he hadn’t even considered the other possibilities; that they might be one of the unlucky pairs who didn’t live near one another, or God forbid, never even met…
The alarm on his phone went off, knocking Hawk from his nerve-wracking and unwelcome thoughts, and the boy looked at the time.
+ + +
“‘Eli Moskowitz’? Who the he*l is ‘Eli Moskowitz’?” (Y/n) took in her now ink covered wrist, shocked above anything else at its sudden appearance. Her birthday wasn’t for another few months, but she guessed it wasn’t so weird that he would be older than her. Didn’t stop her from being completely blindsided, though.
All (Y/n) had wanted that day was to get through her math class in one piece. Getting her soulmate mark randomly five minutes before the bell rang was not exactly high on her “to-do list.”
“How am I supposed to know? I didn’t even know it was your birthday today.” Her best friend, (Y/f/n), fired back, clearly annoyed by the lack of information she’d been given. (Y/n) was quick to correct her.
“It’s not.” She reassured, not wanting (Y/f/n) to think she’d been keeping things from her. But, it seemed, the thought couldn’t leave the other’s head fast enough, as another swiftly took its place.
“Ooooooh so he’s older. Sexy.” She commented with a smirk. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. That was clearly not what was important at the moment.
“You’re not helping.” She complained, her eyes returning to the loopy letters on her skin, trying to pick her brain for anyone she might know with a matching name, or perhaps with a birthday today, but ultimately coming up short. Who could it be?
The bell rang loudly, distracting (Y/n) from her thoughts, as she moved to collect her things. (Y/f/n) did the same, before turning to wait for the newly minted soulmate of one “Eli Moskowitz.”
“Come on, it’s lunch time. Maybe we can ask around there.”
+ + +
“(Y/n) (L/n)”
Hawk was just about 100% convinced he was going to lose his sh*t. It was 12:30, almost forty minutes since he’d gotten his tattoo, and he still had absolutely no idea who his soulmate was.
Not from a lack of trying, of course. The boy was glad he’d had lunch that period, for he was certain he wouldn’t have paid attention in any of his classes, his mind completely overtaken with questions about (Y/n).
He’d searched every social media site he could think of for anyone whose name matched his soulmate’s, but either she didn’t have any accounts, or she didn’t use her real name; a fact that, Tory kept reminding him, wasn’t too strange of a thing to do. But if he couldn’t find her online, what was he supposed to do?
“You could ask around?” Mitch offered, him and the rest of the Cobra’s getting tired of watching their unofficial-official leader pout like a toddler.
At this point, Hawk felt like an idiot. Why hadn’t he come up with that idea himself ages ago? It seemed so obvious now that someone had put it out there.
He stood from his chair so fast it almost fell over, teetering dangerously on its hind legs behind him, not that Hawk would have noticed, nor cared if it did, his eyes far too focused on searching the cafeteria for anyone he deemed “suspect”…
+ + +
“I mean, you could always go ask someone over there.” (Y/f/n) gestures towards the other side of the cafeteria where the football team and the warring karate dojos sat; the “popular kids,” for lack of a better term, and the only people (Y/n) had yet to bug about the mysterious “Eli Moskowitz.” (Y/n)’s eyes widened to the size of saucers at the idea.
“I’m awkward, are you crazy?” She all but screamed. Though, with the entire high school population currently packed into one room, each and every one of them talking over one another, she doubted anyone cared all that much for her volume. (Y/f/n) rolled her eyes at the girl’s dramatics.
“You will be fine…” But suddenly, she wasn’t looking at (Y/n) anymore. Her gaze having zoned in on something over her best friend’s shoulder, and a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head. Needless to say, (Y/n) was considerably concerned. “Here, I know Demetri. Let’s ask him if he’s heard of him.”
And before (Y/n) could argue with her, (Y/f/n) was waving down this “Demetri,” who quickly made it to their table with an awkward smile, and a dorky t-shirt to rival even the best of the nerds (Y/n) had been prodding for information just moments ago. In the nicest way possible, Demetri didn’t look like he belonged with the cool kids…
“Hey, do you happen to know an “Eli Moskowitz?” This one got her soulmate tattoo randomly today and we can’t for the life of us figure out who he is.” (Y/f/n) spat out in one breath, but (Y/n) didn’t have time to be either impressed or concerned about that, as she watched Demetri’s eyes widen in shock… and recognition.
“You know him?” She asked hopefully, knocking the boy from his stupor. He nodded quickly, though there was a weird look in his eye. (Y/n) couldn’t fathom why, but she didn’t necessarily care all that much to figure it out either. Demetri knew Eli…
I’m gonna meet my soulmate…
“C’mon. I’ll take you to him.”
Now, (Y/n) wouldn’t say she regretted accepting Demetri’s offer to introduce her to Eli. Knowing what she does now, she doubted she’d ever have had it in her to go up to him on her own, but she wasn’t necessarily the fondest of being blindsided, especially not for the second time that day. Demetri’s grip on her arm tightened, and his loud voice boomed across the cafeteria, calling out tauntingly to a boy (Y/n) was certainly not expecting. She contemplated whether or not she’d ever been speechless before, deciding this would quantify as a first, as Demetri’s words met her, and everyone else’s, ears…
“Hey, Eli! I’ve got something of yours!”
+ + +
Hawk turned at the sound of Demetri’s voice, not understanding what he could mean. That is, until his eyes met the girl, who’s arm was held tight in Demetri’s vice-lick grip. Could it be?
“This is yours, right?” Demetri asked with a cheeky smirk, holding up her wrist to show, clear as day, “Eli Moskowitz” inked on it. And Hawk’s heart stopped.
She was so beautiful. Her bright eyes, and soft-looking hair; the boy practically swooned. All he wanted to do was wrap her up in his arms and never let go. This girl was his; the universe said so, and he wanted her to know just how excited he was to spend the rest of his life with her.
But, presently it seemed, she was rather held up…
“Demetri, get your hands off her.” Hawk ordered, through gritted teeth. He was trying to stay calm. He didn’t want to scare (Y/n). Not to mention the fact that she was still very much in the line of fire. If she got hurt Hawk didn’t know what he would do with himself. Demetri grinned, condescendingly, back at him.
“I don’t think I want to just yet.” He commented, his fist tightening around her wrist. (Y/n) looked up at him nervously.
“H-hey, that hurts…” she mumbled, but he ignored her. Hawk’s blood was practically boiling.
“Demetri, I swear-“ He started, but the other boy wouldn’t let up. He was playing a dangerous game with the little “hostage situation” he had going on…
“You can have her, when you swear to stop messing with Miyagi-Do.” He demanded. It was clear Demetri hadn’t thought this through. Hawk knew, the minute (Y/n) was out of harms way, his fist would be making a sizable dent in Demetri’s face. He didn’t care what he had to promise to get it there. It was happening. And once Demetri didn’t have Hawk’s soulmate as a human shield, there would be absolutely nothing to stop him.
“Hands off first.” He ordered, trying to catch (Y/n)’s gaze, if only to reassure her, but her eyes were glued to Demetri’s hand on her, where she was currently trying very hard to pry his fingers away, but to no avail.
Hawk figured, in any other context, he’d find her inability to do something that involved physical strength quite adorable. He*l, he was already daydreaming about being called over to her place to help her move furniture or open pickle jars (what can he say? He’s a simple guy), but, right now, it wasn’t cute. Now, it was dangerous.
Demetri looked at Hawk, visibly trying to decide whether or not he should believe him, but, though he tried hard to hide it, the worry on Hawk’s face was clear as day. And so, he let go…
+ + +
This was definitely not what (Y/n) wanted to do today. Yesterday, all she had to worry about was turning in her English paper on time. And now, whether she liked it or not, she was in the middle of a gang war.
But, she also knew she wouldn’t trade the way today went for anything in the world. She found her soulmate, and, even though he had strange spiky red hair, and an entourage of cronies ready to fight all his battles for him, Hawk was perfect, and he was all hers.
And she would certainly much rather be in his tight grip right now then Demetri’s. Hawk, for starters, wouldn’t be in the process of leaving a handprint shaped bruise on her arm, like Demetri was, either knowingly or unknowingly, doing at that moment. She figured knowingly, as her pleas and attempts to escape went on deaf ears.
She was ignoring the conversation happening around her, putting most of her energy into readying herself to snitch and scream for a teacher, when suddenly Demetri’s hand was gone. (Y/n) looked up between the two boys, wondering what she’d missed but deciding it wasn’t worth it to stick around and find out. Her wrist hurt and her soulmate was right in front of her. She had more important things to worry about.
“(Y/n)?” And that was all the prompting she needed, her body moving faster then her brain was, and when they caught up to one another, she was already hiding in her Mohawk boy’s chest, his arms wrapped around her back protectively, which she greatly appreciated.
“Get lost while you have the chance.” Hawk suddenly spoke threateningly, and (Y/n) figured he was talking to Demetri. She didn’t even look up to see if he had heeded the warning. Demetri whatever-his-last-name-was had officially made the list of people (Y/n) didn’t care what happened to. He was a jerk, and the girl would definitely be questioning (Y/f/n)’s judgment on being on a first name basis with him, but all that could wait. The confrontation was winding down, which meant, (Y/n) would finally be able to talk to the boy she was meant to spend forever with…
+ + +
Hawk was still breathing heavy as he watched Demetri scurry off back to the rest of the Miyagi-Do p*ssies, all his confidence gone now that he’d lost his leverage. Idiot…
But the, slightly unsteady, rise and fall of a chest against his own was enough distraction to get his mind off the subject and onto something much more important… or, rather, someone…
“You’re okay now… I won’t let him touch you.” He promised, knowing that the pair of them most definitely had gained some onlookers, wondering what the he*l was going on, but Hawk didn’t care in the slightest. If they made fun of him later for being protective of his girl, he’d just beat the crap out of them like always.
“I believe you…” (Y/n) mumbled into his shirt, her sporadic breathing having calmed immensely, or at least returned to somewhat normal. Hawk let out a sigh of relief at the realization, but before he could even think about saying anything, she was speaking again. “I didn’t wanna-I mean-I wish we didn’t meet like-like this…” She continued to talk directly into his chest, though Hawk heard her just fine, and his heart clenched at how sad she sounded. He wanted to rip Demetri’s head from his shoulders for doing this to her, because she was absolutely right. This wasn’t how they were supposed to meet one another, but it was too late now…
“I know. But, hey, we met, right? That’s what’s important.” He said, running his hands up her arms in what he hoped was a comforting manner. She nodded slowly in agreement, the top of her head brushing against his chin when she did.
Hawk smiled a little at the motion, still completely floored by how absolutely perfect she was. Her height, he was now noticing, perfect for hugs, a fact he would most certainly be taking advantage of from this point forward. Well, no time like the present… “C’mere you!”
(Y/n) shrieked in delight, a loud laugh leaving her body, as Hawk’s grip tightened around her waist, the Mohawk-clad boy spinning her in his arms with a wide smile of his own. That laugh… God, he could get used to that.
“Eli! Put me down!” She cried out, and Hawk, who didn’t think his smile could get any wider, was promptly proven wrong.
He didn’t let anyone call him Eli. Ever since the new look, he’d been “Hawk,” and anyone who thought differently was greeted with a swift fist to the mouth. That is, until the small word left (Y/n)’s lips. Hawk decided then and there that he never wanted to hear her call him anything else.
“Seriously, I’m wearing a skirt!” She complained, though she didn’t sound all that angry. Hawk was quick to do as she asked anyway, his hands moving to the bottom of said skirt to make sure it was sitting right, as her own straightened his top.
“Hey, Eli?” She said after a moment, her eyes once again meeting his. He nodded for her to continue. She dramatically pouted, an expression Hawk knew would trick him into doing anything she wanted over the course of their forever together.
“I don’t know if I’m gonna make it through Spanish class after all this.” She said with a sigh, to which Hawk chuckled, leaning in to whisper back to her.
“Don’t tell Señor Chang, but you’re definitely not going to Spanish class after all this.” He punctuated his statement with a suggestive wink and (Y/n)’s gasped, smacking his shoulder lightly, though her uncontrollable giggles did away with any semblance of annoyance.
“Shut up!” She managed to get out, before tucking herself back into his chest, probably to hide her quickly reddening cheeks, though Hawk didn’t mind in the slightest, as his arms wound back around her waist. It felt so right, like they were always meant to be there.
Yeah… Eli decided. I could definitely get used to this…
Part 2?
Tag lists are open!!!
Tags: @electriclcvewp @kaqua
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magewritesstories · 1 year
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[ ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴋᴀɪ ] ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ɪ.
summary: a few blurbs of the original miyagi do’s and what happens when they meet your parents. (Cobra’s will be up soon as well) TW: none, just cute fluff note: i feel like i’m getting back into my cobra kai phase— btw i will definitely write full fics of these if someone wants them! and sam’s blurb’s family dynamic is most definitely based off of ant-man lol. Oh and, there’s a note at the end too!
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ʀᴏʙʙʏ ᴋᴇᴇɴᴇ — ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇʀᴠᴏᴜꜱ ᴏɴᴇ
Robby looked at his clothes; plain jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue flannel. To say he was nervous was an understatement. The brunet had spent an hour practicing with his friends how to greet your parents and answer questions they might have for him beforehand. 
The boy in blue knocked on your door three times and waited patiently for someone to answer. He really hoped you would be the one to open it.
“Hello,” An older woman greeted, she was wearing a white sweater and some comfortable pants, “You must be Robby,” She said with a smile, as she ushered him inside. She had your smile— or well, you had her smile, he supposed.
Robby smiled, holding out the box of chocolates Demetri had made him buy (“It gives off a good impression!”) and nodded.
“Y/N, Robby’s here!” She shouted, making her way towards the kitchen counter. That’s where Robby found the next member of your family; your dad was sitting at the marmer counter scrolling through his phone.
He stood up, and Robby realized he had the same warm look in his eyes as you always do. The man held out his hand, “Robby, pleasure to finally meet you.” The brunet shook his hand, “Pleasure’s all mine, sir.”
You came storming into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around him in greeting, giggling slightly as Robby turned and leaned down to hug you.
“Gross, get a room!”
The entire family turned to the person sitting on the couch, headset over his head, eyes still trained on the TV-screen in front of him, where there was a large screen displaying Watch Dogs on it.
You rolled your eyes, “You’re just jealous,” You replied, sticking your tongue out at your older brother.
“Kids, behave,” You’re mother said sternly, although there was a smile on her face at the look of her children’s antics. You nodded, dragging Robby over to the couch, making a point of accidentally bumping your sibling’s should as you sat down. 
Robby listened to your back and forth teasing— quietly, of course, so that your mother couldn’t hear— and laughed slightly. Your dad joined you on the couch, as he teasingly told your brother he would be so much better at the game than him.
Robby laughed along as your family teased each other or laughed and told the others stories over dinner. He could definitely get used to this.
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ꜱᴀᴍᴀɴᴛʜᴀ ʟᴀʀᴜꜱꜱᴏ — ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ꜰᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ
“Oh, Sam, you’re such a sweetheart,” You’re mom smiled, as the brunette helped set the table. You rolled your eyes as your mom sent you a mocking glare, “This one over here never helps around.”
Your stepdad laughed, “Now, now, honey, that’s not true,” The older man came to your defense, “Y/N helps out plenty.”
You sent him a grateful glance, turning to your girlfriend, “I can’t believe you’ve been here for two hours and you’re already the favourite,” You huffed, pouting slightly.
Sam let out a sweet laugh, putting down the last piece of cutlery. “Don’t worry, sweetie, you’ll always be my favourite,” Your dad said, sending you a super cheesy grin.
“Sam knows how to make pizza.”
“Sam, you’re my favourite daughter-in-law.”
“Dad!” You protested loudly, cheeks burning bright red at the suggestion made by your dad. Sam giggled— although her cheeks were red as well— and replied, “I’m your only daughter-in-law, Mr Y/L/N.”
At this point you were certain you were as red as a cherry. Sam’s hand brushed slightly against yours as you both reached for the meal. 
“Sam, now that you’ve reached favourite child status,” Your stepdad piped up, “Would you like to know about the time Y/N electrocuted herself?” 
“Which one of the three times?” Your mom added laughingly. You groaned burying your face on your hands. Your parents continued to tell your girlfriend about some embarrassing stories, and you felt like sinking in to the ground. Sam on the other hand was laughing loudly at the aneqdotes. 
She looked stunning, smiling as your dad told her about the time you’d ran into his house in the middle of the night because you’d finished the Song Of Achilles and needed someone to rant to.
“You know she did that with me too,” You mom spoke, as your dad finished his story. You all turned to her questioningly, “What’re you talking—” You started, but you quickly cut yourself off, realising what she was talking about, “No!”
It was too late though. You mom jokingly told Sam about the time you’d stormed into her room, exclaiming that you’d kissed Sam, and had no idea what to do next.
“I’m starting to regret this,” You mumbled, as you grabbed some ice-cream. Sam smiled at you and placed a quick kiss on you cheek, “Don’t, I’m having a lot of fun.”
You sighed, smiling at the sight of your girlfriend and family enjoying their time together. This was nice.
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[ ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴛʀɪ ᴀʟᴇxᴏᴘᴏʟᴏᴜꜱ ]  ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀɪᴇᴅ
“So you’re not worried at all?” You asked incredulously, staring at your boyfriend sitting at the wheel. Demetri shook his head, “Nope.”
You stared at him in surprise. The two of you were on your way to a super fancy restaurant your dad had insisted on, so that Demetri— your boyfriend of two months— could meet your parents.
“Why not?” You asked, remembering how nervous you were about meeting his mom and little sister. The black-haired boy smiled, “I was a delight to have in class,” He replied, “You’re parents are gonna love me.”
You laughed at the comparison, slightly shaking your head. He wasn’t wrong though; your mom liked all your boyfriends ( “If they make you happy, I like them.”), your dad was a different story.
He hadn’t liked any of your previous boyfriends— although now that you look back, you didn’t blame him. All of them had been trouble. But Demetri wasn’t like that, you were fairly sure the boy— despite doing karate— was incapable of hurting a fly.
Once Demetri’s car, which was really his mom’s, was parked, the two of you made your way to your parents.
The restaurant was small, despite being fancy, and your parents had chosen a small table on the terrace. Your mom was the first one to greet you both, speed-walking her way over to you.
Demetri held out his hand in greeting, but she swiftly ignored it, wrapping her arms around him instead. Your dad opted for a curt nod before looking back at the menu, “I hope you two don’t mind we ordered appetizers.”
You sighed at your dad’s apprehensiveness; Demetri didn’t seemed to mind the cold behaviour, opting to happily answer all the questions your mom bombarded him with.
At an offhanded mention of karate, your dad perked up “Karate?” Demetri nodded, “I started it during sophomore year out of self-defense, but it’s become somewhat of a hobby now.”
Your dad sent you a meaningful glance, but your mom quickly cut in before he could continue, “Speaking of school,” She said, clasping her hands together, “Where are you planning on going to college?”
You couldn’t help but grin. You were hoping someone would ask this question— preferably your dad, but you couldn’t be picky— this was your ace, after all.
“I got into Cal Tech and MIT, but I’m not sure which one I’m going to yet,” Demetri replied, a slight dust of red coating his cheek. 
Your mom clapped excitedly, “Oh, that’s amazing!” You dad seemed surprised as well, although he was much better at hiding it. “Something wrong, dad?” You asked smugly.
“No, nothing, those are very prestigious universities,” He replied, “But they’re not exactly neighbouring Berkeley.”
“Well, you and mom did three years of long distance,” You shrugged, “We’re planning on breaking your record.”
For the first time that night, you’re dad actually smiled. You felt a sense of victory wash over you, and clearly so did Demetri as he grabbed a hold of your hand under the table. If the adults noticed the movement, they didn’t comment on it.
By the end of dinner you were smiling happily, and Demetri had even managed to get a few laughs out of your dad with his dumb jokes. Once the two of you reached your car, Demetri turned to you, “So, how’d I do?”
You smiled even wider— if that was even possible— and replied: “They loved you.”
Demetri grinned, “Told you they would.” You rolled your eyes at his smugness, but you couldn’t help the sense of relief taking over your body. The night had gone well, and your parents, both of them, liked Demetri. What more could a girl want?
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word count; 1400 words note; I hope you liked it, leave a comment if you did or if you just have something you wanna say. My inbox is always open to requests! links; part ii, my cobra kai masterlist
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