#demise 2 sona
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"If only she could had met you little one..."
I've got an concept for my Sona, an Alt version who lost 2 Bugs very dear to him and isn't processing his losses well Wich lead to him pushing away and unintentionally hurt the ones he does have left. He lost The Godseeker to the Shade Lord and only found out about her demise upon finding her Void filled Carcass, leaving behind a lone egg he now had to raise without her. The Hatchling causes him pain for he's reminded of who he lost and that they don't have their mother anymore and yet he raises them as well as he can, for her.
Disclaimer, that's a Mask not part of its face must be something Seeker's Tribe did as some tradition among her kind or sum I'm not sure yet tbh but Mossy wants to raise them right and how she would had done it
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v0id-necr0mancer · 4 years
Mirror Self
Helsona, anyone?
Sar didn’t think of much of it when they went to the Nether for resources. It was usually a quick trek to get some quartz, soulsand, and sometimes some glowstone before heading back to the Overworld. Their void-touched status didn’t change much for them when changing dimensions, nor did it impede them from any normal player functions. However, they didn’t exactly stop to ponder if the change affected someone else as well…
Sar went around a group of fires constantly burning due to the netherrack, wary of the flames and not wanting to be set on fire today, thank you. They continued on to find a vein of quartz in the ground. They took out their pick and started mining, hoping for a good haul so that they could go back to the Overworld sooner rather than later.
As they worked away at the white crystals embedded in the netherrack, a shadow crept up unbidden behind them. With a swift hit to the head, the void-touched human was made unconscious with a bruise surely to form where their assailant had knocked them out. The figure didn’t say anything, only taking up Sar’s arms and dragging them away, making sure to pass over sharp rocks and gravel.
The person dragged their haul far, deep into the Nether. They finally stopped at a nether fortress, none of the mobs paying any heed to the strange duo. The mystery person brought Sar to a sealed off room, chaining the passed out human to the far wall. They then took out a clipboard and papers, noting down some notes as they waited for the one from the Overworld to wake up.
Time passed, and after a while Sar woke up. As they regained their senses, the first thing they regained was touch. They could feel manacles around their wrists and the stifling heat of the place they were in. After that came hearing and the scratch of pen on paper as well as the clicking of distant bones belonging to skeletons.
Opening their eyes, their vision was hazy for a moment before clearing up. In front of them was a person, with black hair and dark greyish skin. Tall red horns poked out from the other’s head, bigger than Sar’s own light purple ones. Their only visible eye was a bright yellow, surrounded by a dark red colour, not dissimilar to the Overworld player’s void-touch. The person had a two-toned red waistcoat with a black button-up shirt underneath.
The other also wore some purple headphones, the speaker on the right side of their face. They had dark grey slacks and black shoes. All in all, they looked very business-like and composed, compared to Sar’s messy hoodie and demeanour. Seeing that the person was writing things down on a clipboard, they were probably more organized too.
“you’re awake, finally.” the other remarked, a slight echo to their voice. They hadn’t looked up from their writing, not pausing in their note-taking.
“guess I am. Who do I have the honour meeting then?” Sar jokingly asked, hoping that their slightly cheerful attitude wouldn’t betray their nervousness of this situation.
“you may call me Raz. I suppose I should explain who I am, though it shouldn’t be too hard to guess, even for a peasant like you” the stranger, now named Raz, answered. Sar raised an eyebrow at this Raz individual. Peasant, huh?
“Ok then, Raspberry” they replied, giving a little smirk at the affronted sound Raz let out “I might be guessing here, but you’ve probably got something to do with the Nether…? I mean, it’s just a guess, really-“
“yes, yes, I have to do with the Nether, you may stop guessing now” Raz irritably interrupted, a frown taking the place of their previously deadpan expression “and I’d rather you not call me a fruit, it’s rather undignified”
“Mmmh, nah, imma still call you Raspberry” Sar retorted, grinning at the irritated Raz “anyways, what are you, really? Can’t say I remember anything about Nether beings kidnapping people lately”. Raz let out an exasperated sigh, pinching their nose as if they were getting a migraine from just interacting with Sar. They started explaining once their hand fell back to their side.
“I am your opposite, your mirror, your negative polaroid. I am you, yet not. I am what you aren’t, with a large emphasis on the less good and moral side of you. In layman’s terms, or I suppose, idiot’s terms, I am your evil self” Raz explained, deadpan the whole time.
“…honestly, that’s just really cool” Sar admitted after a few seconds of contemplation “I didn’t really think I’d have an evil self but here I am I guess”
“you know, I watched you through mirrors and portals, but your stupidity really astounds me. Especially now that we’re in person. Well, as much of a person as I can be, I suppose…” Raz had muttered the last part, which piqued Sar’s interest ad curiosity.
“you aren’t a person?” They asked, tilting their head inquisitively.
“well, not in the physical sense, I suppose. I don’t exactly have a body” Raz explained, shrugging lightly. They went over to a wall and put their arm, up to the elbow, through the wall. Their form shimmered, became more transparent until they pulled their arm back to themselves. Raz had always been slightly transparent, Sar quietly realized to themselves, they just hadn’t noticed because people aren’t usually very ghostly like that.
“so, if you’re me… do you also have a newspaper?” Sar asked, grinning at their slightly taken aback evil self.
“I just demonstrated my situation of not having a body… and you ask me if I also have a newspaper?” They said, dumbfoundness colouring their tone instead of the usual deadpan “i knew you were strange but…” They shook their head, composing themselves for a few seconds before answering the question.
“Yes, I do also have a newspaper, called the Heralding Demise. We’re currently in competition with the bigger and more popular Heralding Hermit. I will say though, that the piece I wrote about the campion of Hels being our saviour was much better than the piece the Hermit did. I can sway the population much better than they can…” Raz explained, ranting slightly about how their newspaper was the superior one.
“wait, that sounds like propaganda” Sar interrupted, frowning at Raz.
“of course it does. That’s because it Is propaganda” Raz replied matter of factly.
“Raspberry, how dare.” Sar said, looking at Raz disapprovingly “the press shouldn’t be biased, it should be neutral and used to inform the populace on all sides of the story! How could you write propaganda!”
“Bribes are nice, I can use those things people give me to write to bribe other people” Raz replied, shrugging “also, stop calling me raspberry.”
“Raspberry. Anyways, what were you even planning to do with lil old me? You had to have kidnapped me for a reason, right?” Sar asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
“Ah, yes, finally a sign of intelligence. Now that you’ve asked, it’s time to get to business. I plan to take your body and use it to go to the Overworld. Then, you’ll be the one stuck here as I kill all of your friends” Raz monologued.
“yikes, slight complication with that, mirror self. One of them is kind of an elderich being, one of them is already dead, and lastly I’m gonna escape from here so you can’t do that” Sar said, shrugging with a smile saying ‘what can you do?’. Raz frowned, not comprehending how their good self could escape… until Sar bashed their head against the wall.
“what the-“ Raz let out, taken completely off guard “what are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?!”
“Yep!” Sar cheerfully replied with a grin, a stream of blood going down the side of their face as they hit their head again “see, if you really are my mirror, a complete swap of my personality, then you’ll be orderly as hell. I’m chaotic as everything, so you won’t ever be able to predict what I’ll do, which is great for me, not so much for you!”
Then, the chaotic void-touched human slumped over, eyes emptily staring forward as they disappeared in a poof, all of their items scattering on the floor. Raz stared at the single stain of blood on the floor, a drop of blood from Sar’s head wounds.
They put a hand up to the right side of their face, where the red Nether matter crept up to their eye, a mirror to Sar’s own Void matter. It had appeared a small while ago, as the Overworld dweller became void-touched. Raz sighed, shaking their head as they let their hand drop back down. It seems like acquiring a body would be much harder than they anticipated.
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elytra · 4 years
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re-did my sona ref for demise 3! it's still me :] PLUS some bonus alternate outfits!!
(i am a person of colour, please draw me as such! don't lighten my skin etc! 💜 & click for quality!)
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might-be-judas · 4 years
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@goose-bxrry was slain by Judas using @reipinto Don’t ask about what kind of conversation led to me deciding I wanted to use Isaque as a bat. Anyways, whack!
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sweebread · 4 years
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there can only be one trader, and thats me >:)
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stackofeggs · 4 years
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since i’m taking a crack at demise 2, this was the eggcellent opportunity to update my e(gg)-boy minesona :] @mossy--cobble
other info n stuff below the cut
man, i really went japhers style on this sheet
demise 2 related info:
team pogcell !
i’m okay with gore, just make it creative or cool i guess haha
would wear boots as their only armor. i may die easily, but at least i got my gucci diamond boots on babey
lore info:
just kidding! i have no lore! i only have the vague idea of it!
they’re from the End. they can’t remember how they got there, but they sure adapted to it. the Overworld sure is cool though! with all the plant life and stuff...
that’s it, that’s all of my lore
probably a demon
weapon of choice: diamond axe (did you know that a wooden axe does the same damage as a diamond sword?? wack)
i headcanon that elytras are customizable for every person...which is why they’d only have a plain looking elytra. classic is good
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liz-zardii · 4 years
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@heyitsroby said that someone should draw the convo that @cyberpunkjinx and i had in the demise discord, so i will deliver it myself
(click for better quality)
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carsonlikespie · 4 years
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Updated my sona for Demise @mossy--cobble
cant wait to beat people with my stick.
i also keep getting shorter wtf. im literally like 3ft tall now. My hermitcraft discord buddies have banded together and created Team Pogcell. except we’re all dumbasses. yay!
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rayhantochtli · 4 years
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uhh, ref for the demise thing going on?? 
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birch-forest · 4 years
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Joining the demise 2 server when ur still alive was probably a bad idea
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1captainjordan4 · 4 years
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My refsheet for the upcoming Demise game of hermitblr!
I couldnt choose an outfit, so just draw me in whatever, just make it iconic.
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rocketspleef · 4 years
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Here's my minesona ready for Hermitblr Demise 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Some pointers for those planning on drawing him:
He has no mouth. At all. Any sound he makes comes out of two speakers on the sides of his neck.
His suit is a point of pride for him, especially the bowtie. If you want to show him at a particularly low point, rip his suit a bit.
He doesn't look conventionally like a robot like some of the Hermitcraft cyborgs - the only hint you'd get from his appearance is either the speakers on his neck or his weird face.
Hair is optional, but if you include it then it'll be either white, neon blue, or neon green.
The skin tone can also change - in the Picrew and in the backstory I'm writing he's kind of pale, but I'm thinking his skin tone changes with every respawn. (It's always kind of desaturated though). (So basically draw him with any kind of desaturated human-like skin tone you want.)
He thinks he's a normal human and that everyone else is weird, despite being from the End and constantly needing repairs.
I'm okay with his demise actually being shown as long as it isn't gory. So, for example, you can show him falling from the sky Bdubs-style, but you can't show him getting bitten by a zombie. I hope everyone has loads of fun in Demise 2, and I'm very curious to see how everyone's minesonas will be interpreted :) (I already have a couple of targets planned - you'd better watch out!)
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v0id-necr0mancer · 4 years
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this be my Helsona, their name is Raz Raspberry, and you can read Mirror Self to learn more about them! They also have melanism to contrast against Sar’s albinism. They’re actually competent too
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elytra · 4 years
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well, since i'm dead dead, i'll wear the gray skin with pride 😌
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goldenenderman · 4 years
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Hehe time to die I guess :DD
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sweebread · 4 years
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oh, @mint-bees did nobody tell you? dont take drinks from the merchant ;)
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