#the void creates
voidwolf · 2 days
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i saw the original image and was like damn. it’s them your honor
original under cut:
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v0id-necr0mancer · 2 months
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urfavstargirl · 3 months
you could have your desires by now.
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just think about it. remember when you joined loablr- was it days? weeks? months? years??
imagine if after the first post you saw that "really made it click for you", you just stopped scrolling. you stopped looking for success stories, informative posts, etc etc, and you started applying the law. you would probably be living your dream life right now.
but instead, you stay on loablr and delude yourself into thinking you're "looking for the key to loa", when in reality, you're just lazy and you don't want to apply!
"b-but i can't manifest! i have intrusive thoughts and difficult circumstances and should i use states or a&p and do i have to believe it and which technique should i use and i-"
this post is calling out everyone who's said stuff like that. this post is a sign to LOG TF OUT OF TUMBLR AND GET YOUR DESIRES!! You know what to do and how to apply, so WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU DOING IT?!
and i don't want to hear anybody going "well, i got off tumblr and persisted for a week, but i still don't have my desires!" THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM- YOU KEEP LOOKING FOR YOUR DESIRES IN THE 3D.
When are you gonna realize that when people say "persist in the 4d and understand that the 3d is irrelevant", THEY MEAN IT! FOCUS ON THE 4D!! STOP SAYING "i'm persisting in the 4d but i still don't have my desires? where are they?" IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY PERSISTING IN THE 4D, YOU WOULDN'T BE LOOKING FOR RESULTS IN THE 3D- YOU WOULD BE SATISFIED WITH IMAGINATION.
again, get off of tumblr. don't say "ok well i'm just gonna scroll for a little bit longer 🤪" i'm serious, get off of tumblr. screenshot 1 or 2 posts that really make you understand the law, then apply it!
xoxo, your fav stargirl aaliyah
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heavenangelly · 5 months
How I personally manifest things - An SP
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I’m going to give you guys 2 ways I do it, since both of them are for real and fiction characters.
How I manifest real people:
I currently don’t have a sp, but if I did this would be how Id go upon it.
Step 1: Id obviously decide who I’d want to be with (and why, because I don’t like going after people just for looks)
Step 2: I’d decide that they are mine. I’d get lost in fantasies of them, imagine us together, create scenarios b4 i sleep and use SUBLIMINALS. Subliminals are def my fav way to manifest an sp. Id also write down how our relationship would be and create vision boards that remind me of us and how our relationship would be.
Step 3: Id persist in the fact that we’re in a relationship / they’re mine. I’d constantly go back to fulfilment and lose myself in the feeling of being theirs / them being mine.
How I create an SP:
I personally love creating people. It’s also because there isn’t anyone I’m really interested in, so this is a fun way to bring someone into my life with specific characteristics I want.
I also use this method to create a friend/literally any type of person I want in my life, it doesn’t have to be a romantic connection.
Step 1: I’d decide what kind of person I want
Step 2: Id write down everything I want in them. Every single thing. I’d be super detailed but you don’t have to be. I basically make a script for my desired person, writing down how they look, personality, quirks, extra info and their relationship with me. (I use the notes app for this, but you can use anything you want)
Step 3: Once my script is done, I’d imagine scenarios with us, create vision boards that remind me of us and just overall be super imaginative.
Step 4: Id persist in their existence and the fact they’re going to come into my life or will come into my life by a certain time frame. (However, I would not be obsessed with getting this person on that exact date, I would focus more on being fulfilled and knowing.)
And that’s basically how I manifest an SP! I hope you guys found this useful.
PS: sorry I’m posting this so late guys😔.
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audreyassumptions · 6 months
This worked for me after a couple nights and I successfully entered the void. Here’s how I did it <3
1. Lie down in a comfortable position (it’s rlly hot where I live so I didn’t have any covers on me or anything, I was literally just lay there with nothing covering me)
2. Listen to Edward Art’s ‘I am’ meditation on YouTube :)
3. Put on brown noise (I put the meditation and the brown noise in a playlist so it would play automatically after)
4. Focus on the black behind your eyes and continue to imagine that everything surrounding you is just empty blackness
5. Repeatedly affirm for the void, don’t keep checking if you’re there, try to distract yourself
6. You’re in the void!
This worked for me after a couple tries, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t get results earlier. It’s all about mindset. Persist and I promise you’ll get there.
Love from, Audrey <3333 ;)
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valeriapryanikova · 28 days
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angel; fallen
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laokim · 28 days
Experience an event before it happens.
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The habit of seeing only what our senses allow makes us completely blind to what we could otherwise perceive. To develop the ability to see the invisible, we should deliberately detach our minds from sensory evidence and focus on an invisible state, mentally feeling and perceiving it until it acquires the same clarity as tangible reality.
Serious and focused thought in a particular direction excludes other sensations, making them disappear. We only need to concentrate on the desired state to see it.
The habit of shifting attention from sensory experiences to the invisible develops our spiritual perspective and allows us to go beyond the sensory world and perceive what is unseen. As it is written, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen” (Rom. 1:20). This vision is entirely independent of our natural faculties. Open it and enhance its power!
With a little practice, we will realize that by controlling our imagination, we can reconfigure our future in alignment with our desires. Desire is the engine of action. We couldn’t move a single finger without the desire to do so. Whatever we do, we follow the desire that dominates our mind at that moment. When we break a habit, our desire to change is stronger than our desire to continue the habit.
Desires that drive us to act are those that capture our attention. A desire is merely the awareness of something we lack and need to make our lives more pleasant. Desires always aim at some personal gain; the greater the expected benefit, the stronger the desire. No desire is completely selfless. Where there is nothing to gain, there is no desire, and therefore, no action.
By assuming the feeling of our desire fulfilled and then living and acting according to this conviction, we alter the future to align with our assumption. Assumptions awaken what they affirm. As soon as a person assumes the feeling of their desire fulfilled, their four-dimensional self finds ways to achieve it and discovers methods for its realization.
There is no clearer definition of how we achieve our desires than LIVING IN THE IMAGINATION WHAT WE WOULD EXPERIENCE IN THE FLESH IF WE ACHIEVED OUR GOAL. This imaginative experience of the end with acceptance determines the means. The four-dimensional self then constructs the necessary means to achieve the accepted end.
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spotsupstuff · 3 months
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On the Echoes, cosmology, Saint's quest(/inner identity) and the Rubicon. Half of these are from February...
bonus Théta doodles:
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amermaidsecretdiary · 4 months
Understand who you are
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Out of the 8 billion people that exist right now in this world, you are privileged to know about the law and how you can have anything you want just by changing your inner self. The percentage of us (the people in this community) is 0.001%. Can you understand this? How lucky you are? Although I personally believe that it has nothing to do with luck. There is a reason why you found about this. There is a reason why this found you. And you still think that you can't do this? You still think that this is too good to be true for you? That you don't deserve it? I am here to tell you that you are wrong.
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Most of us are/were dealing with hard circumstances in our daily life when we discovered the law. It was like a gift, like someone came to you and told you "it's done, you don't have to suffer anymore".
You were gifted with the knowledge of how you can become the desired version of yourself, the person you daydreamed every single day that you wish you were. And it's too simple. You allow your true self (inner self) to be this person. You become the person you want to be in imagination. And that's it. Accept it as true because it is.
Don't you think it's worth it? Don't you think that you deserve to be who you are? It's your life. You were meant to enjoy every single second of it. Do NOT give up.
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peachkkuma · 4 months
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hello, I’m Tiffany and this is my manifestation diary! If you haven’t read my previous diary entries yet, recently I’ve come to the realization that I’ve overcome all of my obstacles and there truly is nothing in my way except for me. So I made the decision yesterday to put my foot down and take the leap of faith, in other words, stop putting off manifesting my dream life because of fear. now this account will hold not just my diary entries but also the documentation of my journey to finally and seriously manifest my dream life.
╰┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ ♡ ♡ ♡ 05.21.2024
let’s begin!
ㅤㅤㅤ𝐈. ⊰ ۫ 🐻‍❄️ ◌ ִ ੭ ˑ DEFINING THE OBJECTIVE
I want to make the end goal a bit more clear, the term dream life is both pretty straightforward and a bit vague. what would I like my dream life to include? how would my dream life make me feel? and ofc, I’m not just manifesting my dream life, I’m manifesting my dream self. what would my self concept be? how would I like to be?
tiffany’s dream life check list - what it means to live my dream life
attend my dream school
be 100% perfectly healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally, in every way basically)
have good eating habits and a good relationship with food
have perfect straight A pluses (revision to previous grades as well)
have the perfect friend group for me
healthy, super soft, hydrated, moisturized, smooth clear skin (and elimination of acne genes) (body + face)
perfect tangle free hair at all times, pretty, voluminous, bombshell hair
a healthy, perfect, loving relationship with everyone in my family
own a super cute and fluffy golden retriever puppy
high paying jobs for my parents <3
have a rolls royce with a pink exterior
grow taller
have every single clothing item I’ve saved on Pinterest
have my YouTube channel blow up
complete head to toe desired appearance
desired lifestyle
perfect eyesight
be super good at makeup and have all desired products
have a gorgeous bedroom
have a very active and lively social life
have the perfect, most ideal school, social, and home life
completely healed phone addiction
have a lot of desired hobbies that I’m very good at
have a fun and eventful life, always have fun plans and something going on
be on the right track career-wise
elimination of social anxiety and shyness
high self esteem and confidence
be more in touch with my culture
be a complete master at manifestation
huh, this is shorter and less serious than I thought it’d be, ig this was also a way of getting out of my own head. I thought manifesting my dream life would be a bit challenging for some reason, but ig a dream life rlly isn’t as complex as I thought it was. I mean now I feel silly, it’s just a dream life! nothing more than a lifestyle and a few personal fixes. I feel like I just got humbled.
𝐈𝐈. ʚ ⊹ ִ⏲️ 𑁯͟ ɞ THE OUTLINE
alright, I know what I want and I know how manifestation works. but just to make sure I don’t over complicate anything or things dont get confusing, I’ll create a sort of plan or outline. Little steps I can fall back on if I get a bit lost.
step number one we have covered, have a desire
step number two, put your foot down and make the firm decision that you have it. this decision is for good, nothing u do can take this decision away so don’t u dare worry about “ruining progress” or “messing up”— u’re better than that.
step number three, once you’ve decided it’s done, it’s done. the only and I mean it when I say only thing for you to do is to act like it. imagine you, the creator of your reality, making the decision that you have something only to then be like “is it coming?” “do I have it?” BE FR!! act like you have it, think like you have it, and see the world as if you have it— because you do. you decided you did, didn’t u? It’s ur reality, what u say, goes. and no, you’re not acting like u have it to get something out of the 3D, you’re doing it for your sanity. Because you deserve a break, you deserve relief, you deserve to be the you that has it all!! let yourself be in the sowf because why shouldn’t u be certain you have it? don’t entertain anything that says u don’t. getting in the sowf is easy, u deciding u have it is all the confirmation u need. there’s no reason for u to not be certain u have it.
sowf = knowing that u have it
step number four, optional not necessary but it’s really gonna help and is fun. immerse yourself in the new story. experience it!! have fun!! u finally got what u want, u finally r who u want to be, so choose to live that life!! try methods for the sake of fulfilling urself (never to make anything appear in the 3D, u know better, 3D desperation doesn’t get anybody anywhere.) try out methods to have fun and be more familiar with having what u want.
that’s it girl, that’s all u gotta do, that’s all u ever had to do. decide it, experience it, assume it. u don’t always have to feel “good” or “happy” u just have to know u have what u want, u just have to assume. the goal is to truly know that u have it, to be faced with the 3D and still know it in ur bones u have what u want. u deserve to trust urself like that, u deserve to be fulfilled like that, and u deserve those things from YOU not from the 3D. U deserve to feel secure in urself, don’t let ur security come from the 3D. loa bloggers mean it when they say the materialization is simply the cherry on top and I get that now. For me, it’s about being able to depend and trust urself, to rely on urself, and in that way everything else comes off the pedestal.
✉️ : ahhh I forgot to finish up this post yesterday but here it is!! I’m so excited!! part two to come soon ♡
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kissablecupcake · 5 months
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Ice spice ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… Her fame!! (her old tweets)
Tom holland ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… His relationship with Zendaya, Playing Spider-Man, a role in Uncharted and working with Jake Gyllenhaal!!
proof ⬇️
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Alexa Demie ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… Her clear skin!!
Shawn Mendes ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… a perfect singing voice, selling out shows (video proof)
Bebe Rexha ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… getting a Grammy nomination, first late night tv show, sponsored brand deals, and getting her own place!! (video proof)
Kendall Jenner ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… becoming a successful model and traveling the world (video proof)
Drake ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… his house!! (video proof)
Marlin Monroe ˖⁺‧₊ manifested… her fame and beauty!!
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 340
You know what I think is fun for a cryptid batfam AU? Living Armor. 
They do not realize that people think they have civilian identities. Or that people assume human when they tell them they have no powers. They are literally their armor and vigilante outfits, that is what they are, and they aren’t trying? To hide it? 
Somehow it should be obvious in their opinion! They don’t have heartbeats! Or skin! No it’s not just shadow and lead, why would you think that??
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urfavstargirl · 6 months
child-like imagination ♡
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remember when we were young children, with no limiting beliefs?
remember when we would be playing a game with friends and someone would say "ok let's pretend we're dragons now!"? there was no "but i'm not REALLY a dragon, so why would i act like a dragon? i'm not seeing scales on my arms, am i? i'm not flying, am i? this is so dumb, why am i even imagining i'm a dragon!?".
as we grew older, we stopped playing those games and we started to think "pff, those little kids playing house aren't ACTUALLY mothers, fathers, etc."
and now as we use imagination to manifest, there are similar thoughts, like: "how can i imagine that i'm gorgeous when everyday i look in the mirror and feel disgusted?" "how can i imagine i live alone when i'm living with my parents?" "how can i imagine that i'm a straight a student when i'm failing all my classes?"
you know the inner world is the true reality, stop caring about what you see in the outer world. release the need for logic. release the but, how, when, etc, like when you were younger.
love, aaliyah.
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b4ddprincess · 3 days
let's see this from a diff perspective rq
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(ignore these random pics i found on my phone guys, they turned out to be aesthetically pleasing tgt 😍🙏🏽✨️)
referencing to this post, one of the notes i wrote on one of my side blogs (privately) was:
be aware of your thoughts, not your body. you will manifest a shift in your state of consciousness to become pure consciousness.
if i want to put this into a perspective for others to understand pure consciousness without making it sound overcomplicated, i would use examples like the loass/law of being, and sleeping.
so a lot of us are familiar with the ✨️law of assumption✨️
the law of assumption requires us to be in our imagination. to decide that we are no longer desiring, but rather we have our desires (in imagination). the 3d will reflect our imagination when we naturally persist in this assumption. the law of assumption also requires us to know you shouldn't pay any mind to the 3d regardless of what you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell.
and all of us, if not, most of us, or at least some of us are familiar with ✨️sleeping✨️
when we are sleeping, our state of consciousness had shifted to a sleep state where the sleep cycle restarts.
before we induce sleep, most of us get comfortable, relax, close our eyes, swat mosquitoes away from our ears, get comfortable again, and we don't hyperfocus on whatever's going on in the physical world.
doing this, we embody the sleep state, to manifest a shift in our state of consciousness to induce sleep state (law of being): you closed your eyes, and you moved your awareness away from the physical world therefore manifesting a shift in your state of consciousness to induce sleep.
to apply this to pure consciousness, you must embody pure consciousness to manifest a shift in your state of consciousness to induce pure consciousness.
you know that you shouldn't be aware of the physical world (your body, what you're smelling, hearing, tasting, nor seeing). your awareness should only be on your imagination, whether you're affirming, daydreaming, having internal dialogues or letting your thoughts wander.
when you are pure consciousness, you're conscious and you're only aware of your imagination cuz there is no awareness of the physical world in this state. if you're focused on the time that has passed and on your body, then you won't manifest a shift in your state of consciousness to be pure consciousness, cuz you're not embodying the state.
there's no need for effort 🤦🏽‍♀️
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yourmoonie · 1 month
Manifestation is funny because...
Consciously practicing manifestation is hilarious because one moment I might catch myself "overthinking" over something small, for example: like how my coffee order is taking forever, and then it hits me that i can just manifest it away or ground myself and BOOM everything else changes. It's such a wild realization that even the little things are within my control and I use the power of my imagination to enjoy my day to day life.
Coffee is taking long? No problem, I will manifest
Stuck in a traffic? No problem I will manifest on spot etc etc
When you truly grasp this, you start to see how much power you hold. The key is to stay aware of your thoughts and assumptions because they shape your reality, no matter how trivial or significant. Remember, you are the creator of your own experiences, so why not create something amazing? Your life is a reflection of what you believe—choose wisely, and watch your world transform.
So, why not take control and create the life you desire? Stop doubting, stop hesitating, and start affirming with confidence. If you decide you have your manifestation, then you do—no delays, no obstacles, no excuses. Believe in your power, stand firm in your assumptions, and watch your world transform in ways you never thought possible. Your reality is yours to shape, so go out there and manifest the life you truly want.
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crowleycorvid · 1 month
Thinking about Hutchins and Harumi I'm so ill. Garmadon Rulez did something to me. He sang her to sleep every night. He took her to libraries so she could research despite her parents disapproving. He gave her that journal to help her cope with her trauma.
He didn't have to do any of this. None of these things were because of his obligation to the royal family really and in fact he sort of went behind their backs taking her to the library of domu (even if it took some convincing). He was the first to suspect her of her plans but didn't tell anyone, not even the ninja when he definitely had a proper chance to. I think he genuinely just cared about her. And that's making me so
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