nigrim-lux · 7 years
“It’s a wonder you’re still alive.”
“Right?!” The vampire let out a hearty and cheerful laugh at the morbid statement. He couldn’t exactly disagree with that statement, considering his trouble making demeanor and less than pleasant reputation. It really was a shock that his existence has been tolerated by the few who were above him in rank.
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“Though I suppose the same could be said for you. Albeit I’m not sure alive would be the right term.”
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vacuis · 7 years
@demoncorrupt  lms
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“it   wouldn’t   hurt   to   stay   still   for   just   a       few       minutes.”
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swordcursed-blog · 7 years
@demoncorrupt​ ♥ for starter.
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crimson hues stared at the familiar figure, head slightly tilted to the side in curiosity.     ❛ you are so selfish ❜    family? don’t make him laugh, no matter how much he tries to save them, all humans will die, tho at this rate, the vessel he possesses will bite the dust first.
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irksight-blog · 7 years
" hey my best friend is here - oh... It's you.... Never mind "
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   ❛   ha, ha, funny. don’t tell me... you even got friends ?   ❜
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dualsnipe · 7 years
@demoncorrupt / x .
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MESSAGE TOO ━━  YO! ( ☀ ) &.sent
TEXT.   SERIOUSLY?!!!! TEXT.   oh this gunna be good !!!!
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[ text » yuu-kun ]   wait [ text » yuu-kun ]   i don’t remember this happening last night??? [ text » yuu-kun ]   DID YOU LISTEN TO IT [ text » yuu-kun ]   yuu-kun, please tell me you’ve deleted it at least
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puritysought-blog · 7 years
"What's it like, being as old as you are?"
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‘ it feels like being a regular adult, yuu-chan !! you should know best, since you are an adult, too, aren’t you ? ’
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willfainder-a · 7 years
i think iri ( @demoncorrupt / @willsmite ) is one of the closest friends i have here & i know i keep saying this but i’m so happy of our friendship. i’m so thankful i can talk with him every day & he always made to cheer me up when i’m feeling down. this beautiful & precious boy is a bless & i think i’m really lucky to have such an amazing & strong & gorgeous boy at my side.
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solitudebased-blog · 7 years
okay listen, this meme didn’t specify that i had to gush about the actual sender but i’m going to do it anyway!! this is going to be short & sweet because i’m nearing my max level of gushing for the day so i’ll get right to it. i have loved all of your blogs right the way since i started following that angry dragon son ages ago, before i even watched the show, because i knew RIGHT THEN that your writing was amazing. i believe i’ve followed most of your blogs since then from various blogs of my own because i always sought your blogs out, simply so i could sit & enjoy your writing. honestly!!! half & half son? love it. hacker son? love it too. THIS SON RIGHT HERE??? love it. keep writing good, much good, very good, love it. @demoncorrupt
lemme gush // no longer accepting though because its difficult for me
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ashencursed-blog · 7 years
// hobbit is a blessing pass it on
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  okay  but ,       iri  my   husband   is   a   blessing  &  joy !   pass  it   on ! 
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noblereaper-blog1 · 7 years
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          This is a brand-new OnS OC, sideblog of @demoncorrupted. Would you please give it a like or maybe a reblog if you'd like to interact, so I can check out your blog? Thanks!
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swordcursed-blog · 7 years
&&. @demoncorrupt
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‘  what does… food taste like…?  ’
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dualsnipe · 7 years
@demoncorrupt​ / x .
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  ❛  you’ll tell mika for sure ! ❜    trust was a strong bond  ,  weaved inside the group through pain and suffering ,  through good times and bad .  but trust this BOY  ,  with such a thing ? right ……       ❛  i aint tellin’ you anything ! mika would end up killing you for that information too …..  ❜
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   ❛   is it something so important that you’d hide it from your family ?   ❜    his retort swift,  stance unyielding,  rooted in concern.   eyes filled with emotion as they are cast down,  all fight gone from the boy.   ❛   if you don’t want to tell me,  fine.   but let’s not pretend it’s for my sake,  alright ?   ❜
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kingartoria · 7 years
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I feel like crying in a good way cause it’s not even been FOUR DAYS since I rebooted her   &&   I was graced with so many people/old friends excited for my return.      I'm in complete shock right now,   I can’t believe I made it to ONE HUNDRED so quickly.     It took me so much courage to finally decide to return,   &&    I want to give a personal shoutout to CENT ( @anradh  i luv u )    for giving me that final push!     This was the best decision made,    &&    for once I actually feel like myself again on Tumblr.      I’ve been blessed with so many positive people,   && have created so many wonderful friendships while being here    &&    for that,   I really want to give a big THANK YOU.      You have made this experience exciting   &&   just downright amazing once again.       For once,   I’m actually having FUN running my blog    &&    I feel so safe being surrounded by all you lovely people.    I’M TOTALLY NOT CRYING RN ( nope,  im totally crying while writing this ).    I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!     
POSITIVE LOVELIES  &&  FRIENDS WHO HOLD A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART:   You guys mean the world to me,    &&   I just want to say how blessed I am to have found you guys.   Some I may not talk to as often as others,   but you still have helped me remain positive  &&   being able to talk to you or see you on my dash makes me smile.    Thank you for being such amazing friends!
  @afleurdelish​ , @roseruin​ , @finalpetal​ , @mettatoniic​ / @hisloyclty , @hyacinthsgirl​ / @hiiddeneyes , @azothbladed​ , @lapucelledelespoir​ , @warblossomed​ ,  @anradh​ /  @rialoir​ , @ladydiaochan , @scathanna / @ululeis , @ghaisgich , @bowofbenbulben  ! !    
MUTUALS I ADMIRE FROM AFAR   &&  APPRECIATE INTERACTING WITH!   This is to the people I interact with or admire from afar,   thank you for making this reboot worth while.   Everyone of you have such amazing portrayals     &&    I personally admire the work that goes into every single character whether it be ORIGINAL or CANON. 
 @zordestiya , @nordiixa , @motherfuckingredsaber , @noircisaint , @aeristheancient , @fragilefated , @fcrestmaiden , @goreus , @rosaxui , @boargored / @rcyalsword , @serialten / @popokki , @sweaterquccn , @oncexfutureking , @hyperpoint ,  @crinosgf ,  @wiltedapathy , @krulbred , @artisaen , @maluspuerum , @regalius , @warcrowned , @indulges , @wrathsinned , @demoncorrupt , @motherfreakingtwinkaleidosticks ,  @tateboshi , @talahdorei   !!   
&& ALL OF YOU!   THANK YOU !   Keep being you   &&   remember to smile cause your worth it!
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solitudebased-blog · 7 years
❛ I will not fall; I will not fade. ❜
he swallows, eyes glued to the weapon held mere feet from where he sits stunned. striking green against black, he’d heard the rumours whispered among others like him still stuck below ground & suffering in the darkness, about a human boy who had managed to escape a few years ago & joined the imperial army — could this be him? he sounded so sure, so defiant / confident in his stance with his back toward this poor excuse for a human & facing the vampire ahead. 
it was then that panic struck. if this vampire was killed then what would become of him? he’d surely be killed too! another vampire would come & he’d made sure to be good, so good, to gain their favour, to gain better treatment for himself & those he lived with.  ❛ s-stop, what are you doing? ❜  dragging his body forward on shaking arms, he reached out to grab a hold of what material he could from the back of his uniform. his fingers were weak from a recent feed he’d been subjected to, his grip didn’t hold for long but the way his eyes held their tears matched well with the sheer terror in his voice.
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❛ if you do that … if you — ❜  his voice dropped to a whisper of what it was,  ❛ please stop. i don’t want to die. ❜  he let out a choked sob. I WILL NOT FALL, but what if he does? I WILL NOT FADE, but what about the rest? so what if this boy soldier saved a few from the many? it would only lead to those left behind suffering more & he wasn’t sure he could live with that.
bb lyric starters
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dualsnipe · 7 years
@demoncorrupt / x .
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 ❛ if youre tired ,  i can keep watch now .  ❜
 he knew it was more ,  more then the kind where sleep was needed .  he knew more then anyone  ,  the pain of “LIVING”  ,  of enduring  ,  of surviving . never calling it living ,  because he never felt truly alive. only enduring the living pain for tiny sparks of light  .  without many words  ,   the small covered shoulder below him would gain his hand  ,  gloved and tight onto yoichi’s shoulder . comfort in the best form he could allow from his twisted ,  large beating heart .  giving the a gentle smile ,  trying his best to calm them both down .  a heavy breath taken ,  shaking breaths always present yet suppressed at a time like this .   ❛ you know ,  this pain you are feeling … the tiredness will fade, yoichi. we will endure ,  we survive no matter what … im not perfect ,  far from it … so lets just rest tonight okay? you’ve done your sister proud …. and me proud, all of us are proud of you .  how? we are still breathing ,  we are still enduring … thanks to YOU.  thank you ,  yoichi ..  ❜
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   ❛   aha,  that’s not really  ..   ❜   the kind of weariness i meant :  it is an exhaustion settled deep within the marrow of bones laid over with good intentions,  overflowing,  blooming like wayside wildflowers.   it is to hold fragile lives in even more fragile hands,  to wake up each day knowing it may be their last.   such is the way of the apocalypse.   in his introspection,  he realises :  yuuichirou’s words  --  it is exactly the weariness he means.   ❛   --   actually,  never mind me.   i’ll keep watch with you, make sure you stay up.   ❜   cheeky words,  laid forth with the slight upturn of lips’ edges,  fist bumping gently against his comrade’s side.   his heart beats steady,  the pressure   (  the pleasure !  )   of contact easing his apprehension.
   ❛   i know.  i just  ..  i wish we could turn back time  --  to return to when we were whole.   but i guess that’s just a pipe dream now.   but yuu - kun,  you give yourself too little credit.   you saved me.   i’m here  ..  i wouldn’t be if it weren’t for you.   thank you.   ❜  
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dualsnipe · 7 years
" don't worry, I can still hold my sword! Don't look so upset yoichi ! "
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       i .   WARNING   /   crimson  blood  dripping   –   the  blood  is  but  a  metaphor  for  his  heart  for  the  way  it  is  falling .   all  it  takes  is  a  single  moment  for  their  lives  to  change   --   the  swing  of  a  blade  through  skin  &  bone  &  all  their  souls ,  broken  gasp  torn  from  throat  at  the  sight  of  fresh  blood  gushing  from  veins  sliced  open .   BETRAYER   /   BETRAYED ?   
                           ❛   you  could  have  died ,   yuu - kun !   ❜   
       ii .   WARNING   /   quiet  words  with  sharp  ring   –   fists  clenched  by  his  sides  coiled  tight   ;   nails  bite   ;   leaving  a  sharp  sting .   he  chokes  on  pent  up  vitriol ,  the  silent  horror  of  how  much  they  could  have  lost  still  fresh  imprints  against  tender  minds .   how  were  they  supposed  to  trust  anyone  but  each  other ?   how  could  they  stand  to  lose  any  of  their  number ?   
                          ❛   you  c - can’t  die   ..   you  can’t  leave  us !   please   ...   ❜   
       iii .   WARNING   /   now ,   his  tears  are  falling   –   body  trembles  in  the  wake  of  a  disastrous  storm  stirring .   it  wasn’t  supposed  to  happen  like  this .  memories  replay  :  cursed  blade  glints  as  it  slices  through  sinew   ;   the  permanence  of  yuuichirou’s  partial  immobility  presents  them  with  conundrums  anew .   he  prays ,   to  the  silence   /   to  the  violence .   keep  us  safe .
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