milich96-ocs-blog · 1 year
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I love my friends' ocs
Colored it using the latest spiderman movie as ref cause I love what they did there
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triste-guillotine · 7 months
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BARATHRUM "Legions of Perkele" CD 1998 ("In most of processes in the grimoires, Demons are subordinate to the magician, Or can be subordinated. But there is another group of rituals in which the force of evil is master and worshipped. Those connected with the pact with the devil, The witches' sabbat and black mass.")
"Castle stands on the islands of stone It is surrounded by dark waters Centuries on its place For centuries more it shall do the same
It's history so cruel The fort was cursed by eerie doom There's a witch enclosed into the wall No one knows exact place where There's a tree on the wall More than thirty feel tall It is said it's roots Grew from the heart of sorceress Every night she haunts On the corridors of fort Her restless soul Wanders in those huge halls
Autumn long time ago The colossal stone fort Inside that dark walled castle Beautiful young female dwelt
Dark sorceress, daughter of the castle lord Dark sorceress, worshipper of the Ramlord
Dark witch used black magic Gestic magic in the war In was against warriors Wielders of the curved sabres
Dark sorceress, daughter of the castle lord Dark sorceress, worshipper of the Ramlord
Another stormy night during that autumn of fights The enemy broke the gates and came with their sharp blades Sorceress casted the spell to protect the castle She performed her rite against intruders with sabres
Sky turned to dark The sorceress draw the mark Mark of the Ramlord in the air Strongest thunderstorm was created Lightnings everywhere Electricity in the air Lightning casted the shadows Of the Ramlord onto the wall Enemy saw that shape And because of that they escaped The shadow of the Ramlord On the wall of black powered fort (Behold) dark sorceress, daughter of the castle lord (Hark) dark sorceress, worshipper of the Ramlord...!"
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c0ttonc4ndybaby · 10 months
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
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transalphabf · 5 months
Corruption (2000 follower special)
You are an Angel, pure, light, and always bright. It's hard for anything to take you by surprise, for you know All that is The Will of your God.
Which was why the Demon sat across from you at the coffee shop was so... Unusual.
"Um, it is a special pleasure to make your acquantaince, Mr Demonos sir, but why have you decided to sit with me today? Do you perhaps wish for me to Save you?" You asked with a bright, if uncertain smile.
The demon smiled back at you with an inhumanly toothy smile, sharp teeth glinting in the light for a moment before seemingly becoming more human again for a moment.
"Well, angel, I've been watching you for a little while now and I wanted to finally talk to you." He explained.
You blinked, confused now.
"Watching me? Why? I shan't be corrupted by you! You won't make me Fall or tempt me to the path of dismay!" You insisted, brows furrowing.
He seemed to roll his eyes for a long moment, sclera flashing black for a brief moment as the rain rolled against the window with an especially strong gust of wind.
"I have been possessed by you, from the moment I first saw you. I can See your Halo, your wings, your very Aura, and you have transfixed me!" He hissed, almost accusatory if not for the adoring undertone.
You didn't really know what to make of that, but it stirred something deep inside of you. You hadn't come across a Demon that could See your Holy aura, he was unusual in that sense.
You could See his Unholy aura too, the long, black, curved horns that ran along his head, stopping in points just below his ears. His long, pointed ears, and the long whiplike tail that swished to and fro on the floor. To the humans around you, they just saw two men, one blond, the other dark haired, one clean shaven and pretty, the other with a beard and a little scrappy looking.
"I... Am not sure what to make of that, sir. I certainly did not mean to have some affect to you." You apologised, heat rising to your cheeks.
"Come with me to my home so I may See you in your raw glory." He asked, averting his eyes, a similar heat rising in his own cheeks, bashful about your Might. You smiled, and nodded, offering him your hand, which he took in his own warm one.
It was a quick enough journey to his home, which was opulent to almost the point of gaudiness, evidence of his avarice and pride - sins you hoped to teach him to repent of once he saw your Holiness.
You stood in the centre of his living room, and he sat on the chesterfield couch, dark oxblood red leather as he sprawled and looked up at you. You allowed your eyes to close, and your mortal shell dropped, your Holy aura shining through, modern clothing dropping to the angelic robes you were comfortable with, your dappled white and silver wings catching on the light that emanated from your creamy halo.
He fell to his knees before you, staring up adoringly. You smiled at him, and held a hand out to him.
He took it, and then pulled you forward, causing you to stumble closer to him.
And then his head was under your robes, his hands gripping your thighs as he licked over your cunt.
You gasped, the heat of a tongue over your previously untouched genitalia was searing itself to your very core.
He growled quietly, and threw you down onto his couch, his own mortal shell dropping away as his leathery batlike wings spread above you, his long tail coiling around your thigh, the tip rubbing at your clit, causing you to cry out before his lips fell onto yours, his Unholy hands defiling your virginal body.
You couldn't bring yourself to dislike it.
He was everywhere, kissing and biting at your skin, shredding your robes with his clawed hands, and then smoothed his hands over your chest, admiring the smooth skin he found, before he took hold of your thighs, dragging your hips up to his face as he began to feast on your sweet cunt, long tongue pressing deep into you, touching at something that made your toes curl and your hips rocking into his face as he greedily ate you out, his tail dipping down and pressing into your ass, toying with you. You cried out, experiencing your first ever orgasm, light filling the room as you came. He moaned for a long moment, and the horns on his head seemed to become less blackened.
He then pushed your legs up to your chest and his long, inhuman cock pulsed against your cunt and up to your abdomen, promising to fill you so deeply that you didn't know what would happen.
He pressed into you, the feeling so strange, so new, so holy that you couldn't help but moan out as inch after long, agonising inch filled you, heat in your core that you'd never felt before seemed to drag out forever - until he was so deep inside of you that your stomach bulged somewhat.
And then he was moving, one fistful of feathers holding you and your wings in place, the other holding your legs against your chest, his tail toying with your clit, his demonic cock defiling your most sacred cunt.
And it felt so good, each thrust grinding up against everything you never knew you wanted grinding on. You came and came, and he kept fucking you, the pulse of his cock making you go wild - and then his cock changed shape between strokes. Where it had been mostly human shaped, it turned into a ridged tentacle, and each thrust had it pulsing and changing thickness, dragging against your hole and then seemingly giving you reprieve before changing again into being insanely thick, stretching you out.
You screamed as you came, and his batlike wings stopped being so dark and horned, becoming smoother and more supple.
Finally, his cock settled on another shape, with a bulb at the bottom that seemed to inflate and grow as he got closer to his own orgasm - his knot.
And when he knotted you, you could feel his hot demonic cum pour into your sacred, holy womb. He was defiling the most special place with his unworthy cum, but all you could think of was how good he looked being cleansed by your holy aura - and how his defilement of you had brought you from being the holiest of the angels to being more. His cum seemed to pump for minutes into you, distending your womb a little so you already looked pregnant - pregnancy wasn't something you were certain angels could experience, but if you could, he would ensure you did.
And that had you cumming again, around his enormous cock.
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manukano87 · 4 months
Eyyyyy si tú, siiiiii tu, esa persona que está llena al igual que yo de tantas cosas en su diario vivir, porque no nos olvidamos por un segundo de todo, soltamos nuestras cargas y nos damos un abrazo.
Oyeee!!! Pero no me mires así, no estoy loco, no estoy mal de la cabeza, se que hay muchos demonios en cada uno pero demonos una pausa, no pensemos en nada y dame solo un abrazo.
Está bien, no quieres, entiendo, no te insisto mas porque así como te quiero abrazar también te quiero ver libre sea cual sea tu decisión, estaré ahí
Posdata : ya sabes dónde encontrarme por si quieres olvidarte por un segundo de todo.
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inspiredwriter · 2 years
*Donnie y April están escondidos en el bosque*
Donnie and April :* estan escondido los arbustos*
April : revisa su teléfono* No puedo creer que tu hermano envió los videos que grabamos a los chicos lo boy a matar 😠
Donnie :*sigue enojado* Sí yo también es un traidor 😠
April :* le tapa la boca a Donnie* shhh silencio creo que están cerca🤫
Donnie :*asustado*si no queremos que nos maten😰
Donnie and April :* escucha los chicos que están cerca y ven que están muy molestos*
Leo : *enojado* Donnie, April no se van a esconderse para siempre😡
Mikey :*enojado* Sí lo vamos a encontrarlos muy pronto De dónde esten😡
Stefany and Anastasia :* vienen corriendo*
Stefany :*enojada* los han encontrado😡
Leo : no están en otro lado del bosque ni tampoco estan en la laguna😡
Donnie and April :* se asustaron poco pero escuchan lo que están diciendo* 😨😨
Anastasia :*enojada* Hay que seguir buscandolos no estoy molesta con mi hermana pero sí estoy molesta con Donatello voy a hacer el añicos😠
Mikey :*enojado* tranquila nena yo le haré añicos a mi hermano para que aprenda no grabar a nosotros bañadonos😠
Stefany :*enojada* si pero tengo tantas quejas con April por también grabanos a Leo y ami 😠
April :*susurra a Donnie* que vamos a hacer nos van encontrar aquí 😰
Donnie :*susurra* descuida tengo una idea💡* Tóma una piedra y lo lanza a los arbustos*
Stefany :* Escuchar el ruido del otro lado de los arbustos* chicos escuche por allá deben ser Donnie y April 😡
Leo : bien vamos por allá 😡
Mikey and Anastasia : si 😡
Donnie y April :* ven a los chicos que se van al otro lado del bosque por el ruido y salen de su escondite*
Donnie : muy bien tenemos tiempo para escondernos 😔
April : sí regresamos en la cabaña podemos escondernos en el cobertizo así dejara de Buscarnos😨
Donnie : buena idea mi Sirenita✨👌
*Donnie and April regresan a la cabaña iban hacia el cobertizo*
April :* abre la puerta* rápido entra antes que regresen😬
Donnie : claro.* entra el cobertizo*
April :* entra y cierra la puerta* bien los que demonos un tiempo hasta que se calme😔
Donnie : si por ahora está muy oscuro Dónde está interruptor
April : sí debe estar por aquí * toca la pared para buscarlo* creo que ya lo encontré
Donnie : ¡HAA! April ese no es el interruptor😳
April :* lo suelta* lo siento es que está muy oscuro no puedo ver nada😳
Donnie : no te preocupes es difícil buscarlo con la oscuridad* está buscándolo y lo encuentra* creo que lo encontré😊* enciende el interruptor*
April : muy bien tenemos que. Voltea y una máquina de lanza pelotas* es una máquina de pelotas y ¿son globos llenos de pintura?
Donnie : sí debe ser los globos de pinturas que uso Mikey y Anastasia con Leo y Stefany 😨
April :* va hacia la puerta pero no abre* porque no abre alguien la Cerro por atrás😰
Donnie :*asustado* creo que es una trampa😱
Donnie and April :* escucha la máquina que se encendió* si es una trampa 😱* la máquina de pelotas lanzan los globos de pintura a ellos manchadolos de pintura* ¡¡¡HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 😫
*Mientras afuera estaban Leo, Stefany, Mikey and Anastasia están escuchándolos en el cobertizo los gritos de Donnie y april*
Anastasia :*sonríe* ven sabía que ellos estaría en el cobertizo escondiéndose jajajajajaja😈
Stefany :* sonríe* yo sabías que se esconderían en el cabertizo y sabía que están escondidos en los arbustos todo este tiempo jajaja 😈
Mikey :*sonríe* sí al menos hicimos este plan para vengarnos mientras estában escondidos puse globos de pintura en la máquina de pelotas y cerralos en el cobertizo jajajajajaja😈
Leo :*sonríe* Espero que ellos aprenda su lección jajaja😈, Mikey ¿Cuántas globos de pintura pusiste a la máquina?
Mikey : puse 80 globos parece que hay que esperar cuando terminé de lanzar globos a Donnie y April * saca su teléfono* bueno hora de grabar nuestra venganza para enviarlo a Raph jajaja 😈
Anastasia : *saca su teléfono* buena idea mi doctor esqueleto jajajajajaja 😈
Leo and Stefany :* saca sus teléfonos* buena idea jajajajajaja 😈
Leo, Stefany, Mikey and Anastasia :* fueron a hacia el cobertizo para grabarlos por la ventana * jajajajajaja🤣😆😈
Donnie and April : ¡NOS VEMOS A VENGAR!😠*grita mientras la máquina sigue lanzado globos de pintura a ellos*
April: *wipes paint off her face* Ah, I can't believe we were scammed like kids😒
Donatello: *Gives the girl another towel* That's for sure.. But when we get back to New York, Raph will be waiting for revenge worse than this😡😤
April: *Smiles meekly* I have no doubt about it, my sweet genius😏😏😊 *Pushes towels aside* But now we need to go wash up, otherwise this paint will harden. Do you mind doing this with me?😏
Donatello: *blushes* O-of course...😳😳 Just let's close the door this time please😟
*Donatello and April go to the bathroom holding hands*
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selfsabotagequeeen · 2 years
Mi anhelo es a la vez mi perdición,
Sé que cuando te tenga no sabré que hacer.
Por eso nena, disfruta al demonio que vive en mí,
Sin prometernos nada demonos todo.
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moon-01s · 2 years
Si vines de Twitter por su supuesto fin demonos un abrazo 🫂
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lunvnegrv · 2 years
eres una de las personas más bonitas que conozco de esta dimensión llena de dolor u.u abracémonos hasta que terminé todo esto y miremos la lunita hasta darnos cuenta que todo lo infinito también termina
que hermosa eres en serio u.u agradezco al universo por conectarnos de esta forma, demonos cariño y ayudemos a nuestro amor propio, vamos a sonreír plenas con la luna mirándonos sentir amor 🖤
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triste-guillotine · 2 months
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BARATHRUM "Venomous" CD 2002 (Heil Sova !)
1. Witchmaster 2. Sinister Autumn 3. Hills of the Nurn 4. Black Flames and Blood 5. Lusifer 6. Would you Sleep with the Demon 7. Soaring up from Hell 8. Black Death 9. Gloomy Fallen Angel 10. Venomous
"From the ruins of once so great realm We rise for the new millenium of the strong Bold and brave warriors to wield steel of old To bring ancient glory once more to unfold !
Symbol of sixmillion Monument of devastation
The broud bearers of the broken armed cross Marching over fields and Alien Gods A mountain of skulls to tell the story Their victims united to witness his glory !
Marching hordes on the hill of the Nurn I hope they all in their graves they turn ! In torchlit rows through the Jetblack night Warriors of dark holocaust's bride ?"
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piano-sideblog · 5 days
Basta d peleas entre países latinoamericanos de quien tiene mejor comida o acento mejor demonos todos un besito
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sonicspeeddemon · 1 month
I know probably no one cares about this but me but for all the updates they have done there are still tons of characters in one piece pirate warriors 4 that are still completely outdated
No king of hell zoro
No ifrit jambe sanji
No awakened Kidd and law
No demono fleur robin
Heck there’s still missing plenty of major players missing
No king
No queen
No aramaki
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dutona-demono · 2 months
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crazyboredasians · 6 months
Estoy planeando en hacer gráficos, no packs pero tipo Large Piece o cosas así con quienes me ha gustado rolear // Esto es super bonito, espero que les guste mucho 😭 Me encantaría hacer algo así pero me llevo mal con el photoshop. Qué tipo de regalos os gustarían aparte de gráficos anons? Demonos ideas para regalar cositas // Cartitas, playlist, poemas, drabbles de la ship, y en deviantart pueden encontrar editables para PS por si quieren regalar moodboards u otro tipo de gráficos para enlazar en la firma (he visto algunos que llevan el tiempo que tienen en pareja, o cosas más para amistad con frases y demás).
HELL YES A LOS POEMAS. Yo soy de esas. Buenas ideas!
✰ pride
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Demonos besitos po
Cuando 1D regrese 🥰
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