countercharmda · 11 months
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These bloody shadow-cursed lands! There's a surprise around every corner it seems -- and not the fun kind of surprise. It's been hard to focus on the task at hand, what with finding his troupe here, of all bloody places. Hopefully Cerran won't be too far behind...
Moonrise Tower is an ominous thing in the sky, one he finally approaches. He shakes the chill of it away, before delving into the prisons below. Hells -- it's a lot of familiar faces here, isn't it?
" I had a feeling you’d show up, " says @deniesmercy , as Tanwen. One of said familiar faces, now behind bars. " It’s sort of our thing. like it’s fate or something. "
Serendipity can't help but scoff lightly. " Oh, it's something alright, " he murmurs, before crouching down to where they sit. " I take it your plan to lay low backfired on you? "
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kestrael-a · 2 years
PERCY ASKS  :  maybe this wasn’t such a great idea after all.
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cassandra laughs ,  elegantly spinning to face her brother ,  a bundled - up josie held on her hip .  “ oh please ,  @deniesmercy​ .  it’s for the children . ”  she pouts at him ,  hovering as he is on the edge of the lake .  “ hurry up ,  my lungs aren’t getting any stronger over here . ”  she has at most an hour before she needs to return to a seat beside a fire and warm her insides ,  especially after physically exerting herself .
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antlerwreath · 2 years
@deniesmercy liked for starter.
“so... it’s not weird, right?” keyleth asks, one eyebrow cocked, as they seem to be thinking through this proposed plan very carefully.  they keep running it back in their head, and - if they’re honest - it makes sense.  maybe there’s something they’re missing, some cultural or social cue that’s slipped past their perception, but how could this possibly be a bad thing in any capacity?  they start to toy with their hair absentmindedly.          “i mean, i don’t think it is.  i think it’s a really good idea.  way better than what i figured would happen with, y’know, someone else. someone not you. er, i mean, someone i don’t trust or like... like you.”
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erzmagier · 11 months
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care - taking - muse a rubs muse b's arms repeatedly to get some warmth into them
astrid hates it here -- but, of course, that is intentional. trent ikithon has never allowed her to do something that she does not despise -- because even though she's getting uninterrupted time with @deniesmercy for the first time in years, they are in fucking eiselcross, they are trailing the mighty fucking nein, and it's fucking freezing.
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the nein have finally stopped for the night, going into b- caleb's tower, which means that she and eadwulf can stop as well. it's only once eadwulf starts rubbing her arms that astrid realizes that she hasn't been able to feel her fingers in at least a few minutes. " ah -- scheisse, " she mutters, blinking a few times.
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winternever · 1 year
don't move a muscle.
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she freezes as her dad tells her to -- though she looks less scared than perhaps she should. no, kira looks . . . annoyed. they aren't stealing, not necessarily, not this time -- trying to be better or whatever for her dad's new boyfriend or whatever. they're stealing to give the artifact back to who it really belongs to in the first place, not to give to themselves. kira can't help but to think it's a little bit ridiculous, if she's being honest. but that's not hte most ridiculous thing going on right now --
" this is what happens when you don't let me check for traps first, dad, " she mutters, looking down at the pressure plate under her boots, before looking accusatorially at @deniesmercy again.
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questsy-a · 2 years
PERCY ASKS  :  you don’t have to come over here and take care of me you know.  i can clean up my own messes.
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vex doesn’t say anything for a moment ,  allows percy’s words to hang between them .  she can respect his hesitation and sentiment ,  of course ,  even if understanding it is a little hard at times .  “ i know that i don’t have to ,  darling , ”  she says ,  looking over to him .  “ i'm not doing it because i have to . ”  she crosses her arms over her chest ,  a flash of self - consciousness rippling through her before she can help it  --  though she hopes that she’s done well enough to keep it off of her face .  though @deniesmercy​ isn’t necessarily subtle  --  if he wanted her to stop ,  he would have started there .
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devengeance · 2 years
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the first thing she notes when she wakes up is searing fucking pain throughout her entire head .  she groans ,  loudly ,  though that only makes it worse ,  and wants to prompt another groan .  it’s at this that she realizes she’s not alone ,  the sounds hitting her ears almost as sharply as her own  --
“ good! you're awake. i was beginning to worry... ”
okay ,  well ,  at least it’s a voice that she knows .  her eyes crack a quarter of the way open ,  taking in the white haired lord in his chair across the room .  “ head injury ,  hangover ,  or both ? ”  she croaks out towards @deniesmercy​ ,  though she isn’t quite sure what she’s hoping the answer to be .
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ruidusborne · 2 years
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@deniesmercy​ gets a kiss.
that all of them survived the day is nothing short of a miracle.  beaten, bloodied, and bruised, they save who they can, and they don’t stop until they have exhausted every last measure in their arsenal to protect the citizens of emon.  all the while, imogen can think of nothing but finding percy and examining every inch of him for mortal wounds that may have been missed.
it’s some ungodly hour that she goes to him—at the first possible moment of any semblance of privacy.  her hair is up but spilling out of its confinements at this point, and she looks as ragged as the rest of them.  she doesn’t care.  when she sees him, worse for wear but alive, she verbalizes her relief with a profound exhale, directly ignoring any acknowledgment of her sudden appearance.
the distance between them is fleeting, devoured in the quick steps she takes to meet him.  she thinks she murmurs his name before her hands are on his face and her lips are against his.  in her desperation, she forgets to ask.  she holds him there for several seconds until she’s shaking so badly that she has pull back.  imogen can’t even find the strength to speak what she’s feeling aloud.  so, in his head he hears, ‘you’re alive. you’re alive’ until there are streams of tears pouring down her cheeks.
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arc-erzmagier · 2 years
(definitely anonymously) what would it take for you to believe that the de rolos do care about you and only want you to be safe?
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“ nothing within their power . ”  the answer is quick and a cop - out all the same ,  though she’s going to stick by it .  to be honest ,  at least to herself ,  astrid isn’t certain that she knows how to feel safe any more ,  which makes their intentions for naught ,  anyway .
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countercharmda · 11 months
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It's been a grueling path to get here, one that had involved slaying the avatar of a god and rescuing a daughter of Selune. But they've all made it to the other side in one piece, haven't they? With new allies. It'd be nice, Serendipity thinks, to return now that the curse has been lifted from the land.
The celebrations that follow that night are minimal, but he's surprised to find one of his companions missing. Concern furrows his brow when he comes across the other on the edge of camp.
" I just….need some air, " says @deniesmercy , as Tanwen, when they finally notice him. " ...clear my head. "
With a soft hum the bard nods, and moves to sit nearby. ( Close, but not too close. ) " That's fine. Just checking on you. " He pauses for a moment, taking in the sight of the stars. " Must've been a while since you've seen the sky so clear, eh? "
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kestrael-a · 2 years
PERCY ASKS  :  “You don’t have to obey them anymore.”
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cassandra sits quietly in an empty sitting room  —  well .  empty save for her brother .  it’s been an incredibly difficult learning curve ,  to be used to other people in the castle again  --  the party ,  new servants ,  new guards ,  council members  --  and sometimes it still makes her head spin .  but nothing is as difficult to process than @deniesmercy​ being around ,  and wanting to be around with her .
today in particular has been a rough day for cassandra .  it had not been a requirement for her to tell archibald what she had done ,  but she certainly couldn’t have lived with herself otherwise  --  even though the  way the light dies in his eyes as she explains could kill her on its own .  she’s avoided everyone since then ,  seeing the way that archie wouldn’t meet her eye in every eye contact that is made .  she’d thought this sitting room was far enough away that her absence would be unnoticed  --  but percy has caught her out .  “ i know , ”  she says ,  voice shaking ,  “ but i have to piece together what remains from the consequences of what i’ve done before . ”
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adveanture · 2 years
      *      DENIESMERCY      /      ft.   percival      —      “      i   did   it   for   a   reason.      ”
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vax’s   heart   still   races   in   his   ears.         his   hands   tremble   at   his   sides,   clenching   into   tight   fists   while   hot   tears   burn   his   eyes.            “      and   what   reason   is   that?!      ”            he   snarls   at   @deniesmercy​​.            “      you   gave   him   what   he   wanted.      you   didn’t   think   of   me      —      only   of   what   you’d   want   in   my   place!      ”            he   hates   the   look   of   interest   that   glides   over   syldor’s   face   when   percy   titles   vax’ildan   in   the   same   home   that   sees   him   sent   to   bed   without   supper   time   and   time   again,   scolded   for   daring   to   speak   of   his   mother   in   syldor’s   house,   and   countless   other   indignities   in   the   years   he   is   imprisoned   in   syngorn      —      and   here   is   another   to   add   to   the   pile.
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erzmagier · 11 months
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"how did you get an invite"
astrid has been out of her head for a little while over here -- she'd been invited to this party, but that doesn't necessarily make her feel like she is welcomed, after her inviter had gotten wrapped up in another conversation. she has a drink in her hand, and her eyes are slightly unfocused --
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-- and all it takes is the grating voice of @deniesmercy to snap her back into herself, at least a little bit. she rolls her eyes, taking another sip of her drink as fjord speaks and approaches her. " if you have a problem with it, take it up with caleb, " she responds dryly.
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widaugast · 2 years
        As you can probably notice, I have resumed my drafts again!  I have archived a chunk of my drafts that haven't been written in  ---  on either end  ---  since August, but have chosen to keep others.  The list below is all those I’ve kept, and if you’d prefer to drop anything, simply let me know via either Discord (which most of my partners should have) or Tumblr IM!
@stagsworn --- x.
@deniesmercy --- x.
@thelyss --- one and two.
@allbecomeloved --- x.
@faithcascades --- x.
@tcaleaf --- x.
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questsy-a · 2 years
DADDY  ASKS     :     i  know  you’re  upset ,  you  have  a  tell .
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gwen  looks  up  at  her  father’s  words ,  visibly  upset  but  trying  to  deny  it .          “ i-i . . . ”          she  scowls  a  little ,  turning  towards  a  reflective  surface  in  @deniesmercy​ ’s  workshop  to  see  her  own  face ,  and  try  to  figure  out  what  it  is  that  he  can  see .     it’s  been  strange ,  to  be  back  now  that  vesper  is  home  --  and  that  no  one  had  bothered  to  tell  either  gwen  or  uncle  tary  that  vesper  had  been  found .          “ what  is  it ?    tell  me ,  i  wanna  know . ”
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erzmagier-a · 3 years
LORD  DE  ROLO  ASKS     :     insight  check  [ 19 + 3 = 22 ]
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astrid  looks  up  at  @.deniesmercy ,  her  face  unreadable  as  she  reads  his .     it’s  hard  to  do  this ,  to  trust  someone  --  someone  that  isn’t  bren ,  isn’t  wulf .     she  isn’t  certain  that  she  does ,  honestly  --  trust  him  --  but  she  doesn’t  have  any  other  choice .     the  last  adult  that  they’d  trusted  had  twisted  and  broken  all  three  of  them  in  different  ways ,  had  ended  in  poison  and  crushed  windpipes  and  flames .     but  they’ve  kept  going ,  because  they’ve  had  to  --  well .     astrid  and  wulf  have  had  to ,  bren  is . . . something  is  wrong .     and  they  can’t  fix  it .     and  maybe . . . just  maybe  lord  de  rolo  or  his  sister  might  know  someone  that  does .          “ he . . . needs  help , ”          she  breathes ,  blunt  and  tired  all  at  once .
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