winternever · 10 months
moved kira to my multi for the time being.
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winternever · 10 months
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i wholeheartedly believe i deserve a sword. i am true. i am loyal. i despise trecherous men. what else do you need? knight me already.
independent fantasy multimuse written by katie (they/she, 25) . template .
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winternever · 10 months
"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD DO THAT" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
when did you learn how to do that?
that was... weird.
that was you, right? you did that?
i'm imagining things, aren't i? that didn't just happen.
i'm going to pretend like i didn't see that.
who on earth taught you that?
that was a bit scary, i have to admit.
i didn't know you were capable of that.
could you always do that, or was that something you just learned?
just felt like you could spring that on me, i guess?
i have... so many questions.
so... when were you going to tell me about that?
i must be dreaming.
i guess i don't know you that well after all.
did they teach you how to do that?
where did you learn that?
so that's what you learned while you were away.
all right. start talking.
you can't just pull that out without telling me!
warn me next time!
that was... that was incredible.
was that magic?
we'll talk about whatever that was later.
a little warning next time would be great.
wait wait wait, before we go any further, i need an explanation.
don't just walk off! tell me what that was!
and here i thought i knew you well enough.
i don't like it when you keep secrets.
next time, tell me beforehand. that way i'm not freaking out the whole time wondering what's going on.
you don't see that every day.
can you do it again?
show it to me again.
i liked that a little more than i should.
give me a second to pick my jaw up off the floor.
you never told me you could do something like that.
you can't just do that stuff and expect me to be okay with it!
so that's what you've been learning.
could you teach me how to do that?
how long did that take you to learn?
i'm beyond impressed by you.
now that's more like it!
that was excellent.
you really are extraordinary.
i've never seen anyone do anything remotely as cool as that.
that must have taken you years to perfect.
show me again, and this time, let me see if i can do it, too.
when we're through with this, i'd like you to teach me how.
i never thought i'd see the day.
my heart's pounding.
you're starting to really impress me.
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winternever · 10 months
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this isn't the direction she'd expected this to go -- though, to be fair, she hadn't been certain what her dad's intentions were at all when he'd opened his mouth. she's prepared for anything -- for another plan to bring zia back, for an attempt at convincing her to go off to waterdeep or baldur's gate or somewhere for safekeeping, or something -- but this . . . she isn't sure what to do with this.
she shifts a little on her rock, crossing her legs beneath her. it's nice for her dad to be next to her after so long -- though she's stayed as close to her side as she can manage since being with the group again. both because she's missed him more than anything else in this world, but in part because of the guilt that's wrapped itself around her bones. how could she have thought that he would have left her for riches? how could she have believed forge for two years without questioning? it helps that she knows that her dad and holga don't blame her for it, but it's going to take a while to pry the feeling away. she's strong enough to do it, though. she knows she is.
she thinks about his question for a moment, staring into the crackling licks of the fire. "it felt great," she admits with a nod, glancing back towards him. "it felt awesome." doric going all owlbear was the coolest thing she'd ever seen -- not to mention the exhilaration at succeeding, at being the one to cut off sofina's attachment with her magic. she feels the thrum of adrenaline in her bones again at the sheer reminder. ". . . why?"
it nearly steals his breath away, the look on his daughter’s face. a heavy and too familiar weight settling on his chest that he is the one to cause those walls to slide into place, that he is the one to force a valiant effort at matching his tone and demeanor upon her. a part of him wants to let the conversation fall flat, or to turn it into something else.
( there is another conversation to be had, certainly. about the thoughts and feelings that had invaded edgin towards the thayan paladin that always crosses paths with their party. something that makes that ever present weight on his chest all the heavier. something that tears viciously at the jagged edges of his grief, determined to take root despite every effort. it’s a betrayal to her memory, isn’t it? the way he’s beginning to feel? zia wouldn’t see it that way. edgin knows that. he does know that. and yet— )
but, well, there’s no turning back now, is there? they’ve promised to communicate. or rather, edgin has made a private vow to be as honest as possible with his daughter, especially on matters such as this. and kira is expecting something painful of him now. something that will cause another rift. another selfish choice, at least in her eyes. ( and maybe, despite all of his reassurances to himself, it is selfish. ) the bard stands, ignoring the way his knees crack in protest, and moves around the campfire to sit directly next to his daughter. be honest, edgin.
“i know you love our life,” he begins. “you’ve always fought to be a part of this group, and fuck forge — sorry, sorry. that ass— sorry. he was right to convince me that you should be here, in the thick of it with us.” deep breaths, edgin. deep breaths. “i love our life too. it’s not what my wife would have wanted for you, or for me, but i do love what we’ve built. it’s just … it felt good, didn’t it? taking down sofina?”
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winternever · 10 months
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kira holds back a sigh as she moves closer to the table, staring down at the map. she knows how to read maps, of course -- she'd be a bad adventurer if she couldn't. she hasn't seen this particular one before, and dark eyes sweep over it in its entirety before focusing on where xenk's pointing.
"so . . . we're looking for a book of fairy tales?" she struggles to hide the disbelief in her voice. they live in a world of magic and gods, of course, but this feels like . . . a lot, doesn't it? her eyes flash up to xenk's face for confirmation.
xenk was sure that this encounter was going swimmingly. he had kira's attention, she was clearly invested in the history he was teaching. " thank you, and i am sure the people of reithwin will thank you as well, once they have been aided. " if any still live, that is. xenk finds the map he was looking for, and unfolds it, spreading it across the table. " anything is too broad, but there are several elements in this which require investigation. the lord of that region appears to be immortal. we need to know why. "
xenk traces a large circle around reithwin and the surrounding area with his finger. " local legends and customs often speak truth of ancient beings or practices that hold powerful magic. as good a place to start as any. "
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winternever · 11 months
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kira startles a little as the bowl is pushed into her hands, staring at it for a moment before looking up at anais. "wh- i'm fine." she's been doing pretty well, all things considered -- even though she misses her dad and holga with every fiber of her being, enough to distraction.
@winternever — starter call / accepting!
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        “Here,” Anais says abruptly, offering Kira a bowl of whatever Gale's cooked up for the camp this evening. "It's good. And you should eat something."
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winternever · 11 months
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gods help anyone that stands in my way; for i am not merciful, and i am not kind, and i am not afraid to make you wish i was.
independent astrid becke from campaign 2 of critical role. written by katie (they/she, 25). template.
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winternever · 11 months
DND 5e SKILLS STARTERS !             send my muse an ABILITY CHECK for a starter revolving around that skill, with the outcome determined by a d20    ——    (   dice roll generator !  )      
animal handling
sleight of hand
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winternever · 11 months
this update is. what i've got so far i think
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winternever · 11 months
kira is a bla.de of fronti.ers fangirl okay. this is a fact now
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winternever · 11 months
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vine vc a KNIFE!
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winternever · 11 months
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the girl recoils at the squirming of the thing in her head, scrunching her face as she does. what's happening? she doesn't remember much since being taken from xenk, but there was a fleshy ship and clearly there's something in her brain . . . and there's something in this person's brain too. she looks up at them, considering her options for a moment, before -- " kira. kira darvis. "
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        pale peridot eyes glance to their companions, but as anais opens their mouth to speak again, the parasite in their head writhes, reaches out, connects with its fellow inside the young girl's brain. the feeling passes in a moment, leaving the rogue with a frown. "you were on the illithid vessel." something about the taking and infecting of a child...irks anais even more than the rest. "what is your name?"
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winternever · 11 months
sorry to be so bg3 verse on main but like. kira knows the emerald grove. she was part of the group that got the druids sovereignty through doric helping save neverwinter. doric, her tiefling druid friend, who was raised by the emerald enclave.
so, yeah, i bet that the grove welcomed kira in after the crash, but she stays with the tieflings in solidarity and because what the grove under kagha is doing is wrong. and has stolen food and other supplies from the druids for them where she can.
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winternever · 1 year
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it's been . . . nice, to be with everyone again, including the new inclusion of doric. to sit around a fire, to talk and joke and to be involved again. but kira feels the forge-sized hole in their group, and she feels it inside of herself as well -- roiling with the guilt of having trusted him in the first place, of having let him teach her and mold her in his own image, as he'd liked to say.
but she still knows the weight of her dad's eyes on her, will always know that, and she's already looking his way when he starts to talk to her. she hates that she's already on edge -- the look in his eyes and his tone make her bristle. though she tries to tuck that away, keep it hidden, at least for now.
" um -- sure, " she says, trying to match his tone with her own. she's not nearly as good at it as he is.
it's been ... difficult, in a way, being reunited with his daughter after so long imprisoned, forced to work in the unforgiving, unyielding frozen expanse of icewind dale. it'd been foolish to think that things would pick up exactly as they'd left off. that kira had not changed in the years he'd been away. she's not a stranger to him, but there are moments, awkward pauses in conversation or certain looks that she sends his way, that leave edgin squinting, peering desperately for the daughter he'd left behind underneath the change he'd not been around to witness.
( it's easier to see her when holga is around. it's not her fault. and he would never blame her for it. but it hurts nonetheless. )
he is trying though. trying to be a proper father this time around. trying to be better person on top of that. ( annoying how xenk's words continue to echo in edgin's thoughts. a harper shaking off his slumber. it had felt good, hadn't it? doing the right thing. )
"hey, kir?" there's a forced lightness to his tone as he meets @winternever's gaze over the campfire. not unlike the one he'd adopted back then when he'd promised the job would go off without a hitch. this isn't for a selfish reason, he reminds himself. "do you think we could talk about something? it's ... important."
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winternever · 1 year
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kira glances over as well, taking stock of the tieflings. all of this -- even trying to steal from this person before her -- makes her stomach turn. she's good at it, and she knows she has to do it, but . . . but this isn't stealing from those that can spare it. whatever questionable morality her father and holga had taught her, that much had always been true. but they're not here right now, are they? " right, okay. "
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        "but some people are, so you must be more careful," anais replies, evenly. pale green eyes flicker around the cave, landing on a nearby trio of tieflings. she nods in their direction. "their distraction makes them easier targets, but their coin purses seem light. little risk, but little reward. understand?"
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winternever · 1 year
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The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)
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winternever · 1 year
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dungeons & dragons honor among thieves (2023)
nobody hurts my bug
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