#dentist tulsa
dentist-tulsa · 1 month
Can You Eat Popcorn with Invisalign?
Invisalign treatment has become a game-changer for those seeking straighter teeth. Its clear aligners and removable nature offer a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces. But with this freedom comes the question: can you enjoy popcorn, a movie theater staple, while on Invisalign?
The answer isn’t a simple yes or no. Popcorn can be enjoyed, but with a few caveats. Here’s why:
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mose-family-dentistry · 4 months
Decoding Dentist Vibes: Unveiling the Traits of a Great Dentist in Tulsa, OK
Finding a good dentist in Tulsa, OK can feel like searching for buried treasure – exciting yet potentially confusing. But fear not, fellow smile seekers! This guide equips you with the know-how to assess your chosen Tulsa dentist, ensuring you discover a gem, not a dud.
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Beyond the Shiny Plaque:
While online reviews and fancy equipment are helpful, judging a dentist solely on appearances isn't ideal. Here are key questions to ponder:
Does the dentist explain procedures clearly, answering your questions patiently and respectfully?
Do they pay attention to your preferences and concerns?
Do they offer different treatment options and discuss their pros and cons openly?
Comfort and Care:
Does the office environment feel calm and welcoming?
Is the staff friendly and professional, putting you at ease?
Does the dentist prioritize gentle procedures and pain management techniques?
Expertise and Experience:
Are they licensed and have relevant certifications, especially for any specific needs you have?
Do they keep up-to-date with advancements in dental technology and techniques?
Do they have experience treating cases similar to yours?
The Trust Factor:
Do you feel comfortable and confident expressing your concerns to the dentist?
Do they respect your decisions and involve you in the treatment plan?
Do they prioritize your overall well-being and oral health goals?
Beyond the Initial Shine:
Remember, your first impression isn't always the whole story. Consider these additional insights:
Look for online patient testimonials beyond basic reviews. Pay attention to details about specific experiences and interactions.
Ask friends and family for recommendations. Word-of-mouth referrals can be valuable.
Schedule a consultation. This allows you to assess the dentist's approach and compatibility firsthand.
Remember: Choosing a dentist is a personal decision. Trust your gut and prioritize the qualities that resonate most with you.
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If you are considering dental implants, it is important to know whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure. There are many factors that will be taken into consideration when determining whether or not dental implants are right for you, and your dentist will be able to give you the best advice. However, there are some general signs that you may be a good candidate for dental implants
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uticadental · 2 years
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stanthejokemanshow · 3 months
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60 pieces of right stripping legislation on the floor now INCLUDING the ban of: 'homosexuality' of any kind is BANNED IN OKLAHOMA! Drag Queen shows always in good fun, BANNED IN OKLAHOMA! Women's rights to medical treatment when they're dying from a bad pregnancy BANNED IN OKLAHOMA. The basic rights of a child to exist while struggling with a disability: BANNED IN OKLAHOMA! These are your leaders hillbilly!
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perfectsmiletulso · 1 year
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perfectsmiletulsa · 1 year
A dazzling smile is a powerful tool – it boosts confidence, radiates positivity, and can even improve your social life. But after you’ve gone through the process of teeth whitening, how do you maintain that beautiful shine? Sure, regular brushing and flossing are important for oral health, but what other steps should be taken? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide to teeth whitening aftercare, we’ll explore everything from diet choices to best practices for at-home maintenance so you can keep your bright smile shining for years to come. So let’s get started on this journey toward maintaining a gorgeous grin!
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tulsadentalcare · 2 years
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Are you looking for a dentist in Tulsa? élan by Dr. Meghan Hoodges addresses your critical concerns about dental problems and issues by the help of certified and experienced dentists of Tulsa.
Source : tulsadentalcare
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Darry Curtis hc because this day is shit and he's my comfort character
-Does that thing where he kind of dances/shimmies to music unconsciously. Steve made fun of him for it once, and ever since Darry’s tried to tone it down, but never really succeeds. (Steve never bugged him about it again because Sodapop got so mad at him for it)
-Doesn’t laugh often but when he does it’s the kind of laugh that’s completely contagious. Surprisingly Ponyboy’s sarcasm and Johnny’s dry quips end up making him laugh more than any of the rest of the gang’s bawdy or situational humour
-Makes the best scalloped potatoes known to man. Both Soda and Ponyboy practically beg him to make them for their birthdays or special occasions
-Ponyboy went with him to the gym once after windrixville when they were trying to find an activity to bond over and it ended with Ponyboy attempting to keep up with him and Darry having to practically carry him to the car. They decided Darry would teach Pony to drive as a bonding activity instead
-Was up for a promotion to foreman at his job that would have had a decent pay raise and didn’t tell Soda or Ponyboy about it. He made it to the final round of interviews but ultimately didn’t get it and was SUPER crushed. (Same Darry, same)
-His eye twitches when he’s pissed off but trying not to show it
-Sometimes when Ponyboy is out with friends or goes to bed early, Darry and Soda will have a mini conference where they discuss whether they think he’s doing ok because Darry is terrified of messing Pony up and needs the reassurance he’s doing a good job as guardian
-Taught Pony to shave and it was actually a really emotional time for him because their dad had taught both him and Soda how but wasn’t there to teach Ponyboy. It hurt even more because Ponyboy was so excited about the fact he finally HAD enough facial hair to need to shave and Darry was kind of punched in the chest remembering that Ponyboy is only fourteen, and that he’d had so much less time with their parents than he himself had.
-Doesn’t talk about the gang or his brothers at work. Not because he’s ashamed of being greasy or anything (a lot of guys on his work crew are east side guys) but because work is his only escape from being a leader/grown up and having to take care of everyone. In fact, he’s one of the youngest full time guys on the crew, and because of that he gets a lot of ‘shut up and listen to your elders’ kind of jokes from the guys in their thirties and forties, which he finds ironically funny on good days, and gets lowkey pissed off about on bad ones
-Has skipped meals when money is tight so that his brothers have enough food
-Didn’t regret fighting Paul at the rumble even though they’d been good friends in high school, because after the Curtis parents died Paul told him to let Pony and Soda go into care and to look out for himself and not ‘kids who aren’t your problem Darry’ and Darry never forgave him for it
-The gang and his brothers think he doesn’t have time for girls, and he doesn’t, not really, but he goes to the same diner during his lunch break each day to flirt with one of the waitresses there- a girl he went to high school with who was also meant for bigger things but got stuck in Tulsa just like him.     (listen I’m multiship trash who also has a soft spot for tarry but this idea lives rent free in my head ok)
-His way of dealing with issues when he’s unsure is to just ask himself what his dad would do and if he doesn’t know what his dad would do he panics
-Is TERRIFIED of the dentist and so its the only thing he’s kind of lax about with Pony and Soda because he refuses to be a hypocrite and not go when he makes them go, but also…he’s terrified
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wutbju · 5 months
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It might be that I consumed BJU's Class of 1950 Tim LaHaye's Left Behind when I was an adult, but this one didn't scare me like the Thief in the Night.
But the appeal is similar. It commodifies fear and indulges our self-righteousness that "we are not like those who are left behind."
It's the same as this picture which used to hang in my dentist's office in Tulsa:
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Who would have plane crashes in a painting on the wall of an office??! Think about it. That's bizarre. That's . . . lurid.
But the painting forces us to stand outside the horror of the crashes and destruction. It's not our terror. It's for those who don't believe.
Instead of the male gaze, it's the fundamentalist gaze. It's separatist. It's self-righteous. The horror exists for us to consume and judge. Those who are being hurt are not-us.
Just like in Reefer Madness, yes? Unless you are stupid enough to smoke pot or stupid enough to not get saved.
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thetomorrowshow · 1 year
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I posted 2,047 times in 2022
That's 851 more posts than 2021!
423 posts created (21%)
1,624 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,811 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#q - 983 posts
#minecraft stuff - 737 posts
#art - 589 posts
#empires smp - 202 posts
#ask - 176 posts
#jimmy solidarity - 120 posts
#empires superpowers au - 116 posts
#3rd life smp - 116 posts
#mas speaks - 106 posts
#esh au - 103 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#like he walked in. 'hey guys keeping it short today bc i have to go to the dentist on tuesday. were there any questions abt the work?'
My Top Posts in 2022:
TFC's sister posted a link to his obituary on twitter. It's very lovely, but I wanted to point out this specific part:
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[ID: Edward moved to Tulsa in 1972. He went out on his own for many years, without contacting friends or family. Much about where he was and what he was doing during this time remains a mystery. In fact, Edward was not seen again until 1992, when it was discovered that he was living in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he was employed by Pizza Hut, as a delivery driver. He had also lived in Arkansas, before returning to Tulsa. End ID]
I can't get over this. This is the most TFC thing I've ever seen
1,980 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Jimmy has murdered a human on rats smp. Jimmy killed the gardener and has now promised scott the gardening job in exchange for keeping quiet about it. jimmy has yelled at the janitor that he's going to cut his arms off and threatened to kill him too. I repeat jimmy solidarity has murdered a human. this is the LEAST SAFEST RAT
3,150 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Got my dad to watch mcc (scar pov) with me, here are some highlights of the occasion
he's colorblind and struggled telling teams apart, but appreciated color indicators on some blocks in games
did not understand survival games until he saw the border and then went "oh it's like fortnite!!"
asked questions about every ten seconds which was actually quite lovely, but included:
asking me how mcc teams are decided
asking me who scott smajor was no less than five times
asking me to explain the concept of hermitcraft.
did not care about the game chat until he realized that's where i was getting stats from and then started leaning as far forward as possible to read it
i don't think he ever really grasped the concept of rocket spleef. he had fun watching though
thought antfrost's skin was a bird
asked me if ace race was only for ace people (definitely trying to connect with me after i recently came out as ace. much appreciated, very sweet)
complained if people punched scar off during tgttos
asked if scar would be interested in coming to our family server to build
desperately wants minecraft slushies. i wouldn't be surprised if i joined the family server tomorrow to find he'd added a texture pack for them
i think his favorite game was meltdown, he got very excited about scar's killer aim
he says that most of the streamers he watches are british and hearing american accents on twitch was weird. ok
got happy every time scar wasn't last in team rankings for a game
guys he got so into dodgebolt. he was jumping up with every hit. he was very disappointed when i accidentally changed the channel during the second round and wouldn't let me touch the remote again. he actually cheered at the final shot
he didn't know anyone playing but he still really enjoyed it. he wants to watch again next time :)
3,197 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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new copypasta dropped and this is my favorite one
6,304 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what makes me the most angry about the hbo max ordeal?
Librarians saw this coming years ago and tried to prevent it. Corporations refused to work with them, afraid of the loss in profits there might be.
27,396 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dentist-tulsa · 1 month
5 Signs You’re a Good Candidate for Invisalign Treatment
Your confidence can soar and you can leave a lasting impression with a brilliant smile. Invisalign transparent aligners may be the solution you've been looking for if you want to straighten your teeth in a discrete and comfortable manner. But how do you know if you're a good candidate for this innovative treatment? This blog explores five key signs that indicate Invisalign could be the perfect fit for your smile goals.
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datascraping001 · 1 year
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping
If you’re looking for an electrical and roofing contractor online, it’s about to be much simpler. That’s because many of these contractors usually have information on their websites about the services they provide. It’s important to find a Contractor Data Scraping Service or software that can help you get everything you’re looking for in one place.
Electrical and Roofing Contractor Data Scraping Services
This offer is perfect for any contractors looking to collect data from local businesses. We will provide you with the most up-to-date information about your industry and save you time in the process. Updates come out weekly, and we make it easy to order custom reports. Moreover, this offer provides an automated system that scrapes data from Home Advisor's directory, so it's easier than ever to get accurate information.
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Contractor Data Scraping
The DataScrapingServices team employs a variety of techniques in data scraping, including web scraping, third-party services, and APIs. Our top priority is customer success, and with this in mind, you’ll find affordable rates for every budget. You can also rely on us for support when it comes to gathering key contact information about those in your network or for individual use. We know that accuracy is important when recording key contacts, so we utilize our data-scraping expertise to collect this information quickly.
List of Data Fields
DataScrapingServices is an expert in scraping data from various websites using contractor data scraping services.
Contractor Name Contact Name Street Address City State Zip Phone Fax Email Website Business Category Review Business Ratings
Popular Contractor Directories List
We extract contractor data from the following list of directories:
Angi.com Buildzoom.com Contractorleadshq.com Everycontractor.com Easyleadz.com Fountain.com Homeadvisor.com Homestars.com Houzz.com Manta.com Merchantcircle.com Superpages.com Thumbtack.com Yelp.com
Popular Contractor Service Category
Architect Contractors Dentists Doctors Electricians General Contractors Home Builder HVAC Repair Physicians Plumbers Real Estate Agent Repair Solar Panels Roof Cleaning Roofing Contractors Wedding Vendors
Why choose us?
With our Contractor Data Scraping Services, you’ll be able to obtain the latest Contractor data from any website or directory, regardless of whether it’s on a mobile or desktop device.
Using our Contractor data scraping services, you can collect information on potential contractors.
With our Contractor data scraping services, you can collect home contractor, local contractor, and roofing contractor data for your real estate market conditions.
Best Contractor Data Scraping Services in USA: New York, Los Angeles, California, Chicago, Illinois, Houston, Texas, Phoenix, Arizona, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, Austin, Jacksonville, Ohio, Indianapolis, Indiana, Charlotte, North Carolina, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, Denver, Colorado, DC, Oklahoma, El Paso, Boston, Massachusetts, Detroit, Michigan, Memphis, Louisville-Jefferson County, Kentucky, Baltimore, Maryland, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Albuquerque, Tucson, Fresno, Sacramento, Kansas City, Missouri, Mesa, Atlanta, Georgia, Omaha, Nebraska, Colorado Springs, Colored, Raleigh, Long Beach, Virginia Beach, Miami, Oakland, Minneapolis, Tulsa, Bakersfield, Wichita, Arlington, Texas, Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee, Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Columbus, Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Website: datascrapingservices.com.
Skype: nprojectshub
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thesunshinereporter · 9 months
Best Dentist Tulsa Practice Announces Recent Name Change
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uticadental · 2 years
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stanthejokemanshow · 3 months
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