#dentits near me
sabka-dentist07 · 5 months
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
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Wisdom teeth are the last 4 sets of teeth that erupt in the mouth in a lifetime. Excruciating pain is generally experienced by most people during its eruption. The decay caused due to complexity while brushing or smaller spaces during the eruption are the main reasons for the pain. Depending on the situation, the impacted tooth is removed or treated. What is the reason for removing wisdom teeth? They’re impacted. Because they are so far back in the mouth, wisdom teeth may not come in normally. They can be trapped in the jawbone or gums, which can be painful. They come in at the wrong angle. They may press against the other teeth. Your mouth isn’t big enough. The jaw has no room for an extra set of molars. You have cavities or gum disease. It may not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss.
When is wisdom tooth extraction needed? At the point when knowledge teeth cause issues, or X-beams show they may down the line, they have to come out. Other valid justifications to take them out include: -Harm to other teeth: That additional arrangement of molars can push your other teeth around, causing mouth torment and chomp issues. Jaw harm: Cysts can conform to the new teeth. On the off chance that they aren’t dealt with, they can dig out your jaw and harm your nerves. Sinus Issues: Problems with shrewdness teeth can prompt sinus torment, weight, and blockage. Excited Gums: Tissue around the zone can grow and might be difficult to clean. Depressions: Swollen gums can make pockets between teeth that assist microbes with developing and holes structure. Arrangement: Impacted insight teeth can cause issues with swarming of other teeth and even make treatment to fix other teeth important.
Phone number - 9222233111
Address - Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nashik, Pune, Surat, Satara, Vadodara
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officialbruciewayne · 1 month
Observations on Kryptonians:
Their Biology, Behavior and its Dynamic with Beauty
An anecdotal entry by Bruce T. Wayne, regarding his experiences with the Kryptonian People.
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Over the course of the last century, Earth and Humanity has become aware that not only are we not alone in our universe- but that we are not alone on our world. At an undisclosed moment in our history, our homeworld became a refuge for the last children of Krypton, a world that was lost to unknown disaster.
Kryptonians are mysterious and alien, a recipe for rejection and prejudice on this planet. Not only this, but they have exceptional powers, which lure our worst impulses of greed and exploitation. We have not always treated them with kindness.
Despite our own lack of humanity, the most notable Kryptonians of our society continue to share their unique gifts and perspectives, choosing to help wherever they can.
As a Jewish man, and a Father, the legacy of the Kryptonian people, both in entrusting our world with their children, but with it, their future in the face of diaspora, humbles me.
I would like to offer my voice of support to our kin from beyond the stars. I have some personal experience with Kryptonians, and will attempt to demystify their habits and nature, to present them to you not as strangers from the skies, but as part of the infinite diversity of our world.
Not to be feared, not be used, but to be welcomed.
ברוכים הבאים לבית שלנו
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Caveat on Kryptonian Powers
Most discussions of Kryptonian biology begin and typically conclude with a long list of the powers typical to Kryptonians. These powers are considerable, but are generally used to justify how they are treated. There is no value in me lingering on this much-speculated aspect of our Kryptonian kin.
Instead, I would like to discuss the lesser known traits that I have found to be personally charming.
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Diurnalism and Sun-seeking
Kryptonians are naturally diurnal by nature, and are drawn to sunlight. When relaxed, they enjoy basking in our sun's warmth and when injured, or unwell, should rest in either natural sunlight, or be placed near a sunlamp.
Many Kryptonians display a tanned or dark-skinned complexion, which I found initially counterintuitive since it indicates protective melanin in Humans. In a Kryptonian, this coloration is actually indicative of stored solar radiation. In layman's terms, it's a sign of good health in your local Kryptonian.
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(Art credit to @domnorian, please support the original work here, it is used here as an example)
Dentition and Diet
The intense demands of the Kryptonian body are supported by an incredibly high metabolism. Although they are primarily sustained by solar radiation, they can and do display a remarkable appetite. This energy is readily burned off by their bodies, so it should be considered offensive to shame or draw attention to how hungry a Kryptonian may appear to a Human.
Instead, attention should be paid to the variety of their diet. I have concerns that Kryptonian nutrition is not necessarily met by traditional human foods, and believe that supplements of various metals, sillica and crystalized minerals may be of great use to them. Further research is indicated, but consider they may not be fully satisfied.
This viewpoint is supported by the Kryptonian dentition, which features a diminutive but handsome set of fangs. As this is one of the more readily visible distinguishing features, some Kryptonians experience self-consciousness when smiling.
If it is of comfort to any Kryptonians reading this, Humans enjoy 'teefies' and like to remark upon the canine teeth of our companion cats and dogs. We find it 'cute'.
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Ocular Notes
It has come to my attention that Kryptonian vision is more specialized for use during flight. It has great telescopic capacity, amongst its other various modes, but this can put them at a disadvantage in our society. Being so far-sighted, Kryptonians may struggle to read letters, smaller signs and newspapers without assistance.
If you see a Kryptonian puzzling over a piece of paper, and holding it at arms' length, any offers to help should be gently made. However, Kryptonians are notoriously friendly and inclined to offer help as much as receive it. You may well make a new best friend. In fact you probably will. Statistically.
A smaller note is that Kryptonian eyes- on account of the multiple facets to their vision -all appear to be a unique type of blue. This particular shade is potentially a generative emission of scattered sunlight, though it would require more detailed research and a far longer examination on my part to confirm.
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They Purr
Yes, it is true. Kryptonians purr. It is a delight to listen to.
From my observations it seems readily triggered by the presence of children, or a desire to comfort others. As well as by their own contentment, whether physical, emotional and often both.
The frequency of the oscillations seem to differ between the two circumstances, supporting my current theory that this purring is both a form of communication, but separately resonant to encourage bone growth and soft tissue repair in the sick and injured.
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Reproduction and Courtship
Having not conducted a relationship with a Kryptonian, I speak from a limited capacity of research. That said, to Humans looking to court Kryptonians, they appear to be receptive to forms of lip contact, and saliva exchange.
Further erogenous zones are speculative, but there is marked sensitivity along the length of the throat and just below the occipital bone.
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I put it to you that Kryptonians are not powerful - they are uniquely vulnerable. An endangered culture and people who have shown us compassion alone. They deserve our protection and understanding.
This is the only home they have ever known. They are not strangers from the stars, they are our friends sharing the same sunlight.
They love us. We should love them in return.
PS. @official-clark-kent I am no reporter, but I did enjoy trying my hand at a small thinkpiece. Perhaps we could go fishing sometime?
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arminreindl · 1 year
Here I go again with croc stuff. Back to dealing with stuff thats longer established, let me tell you about Kambara, the oldest named mekosuchine and a genus that surprised me with the bulk of information behind it.
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Kambara (which simply translates to "crocodile") is a genus of early mekosuchine that as of July 2023 contains four species, all from the Eocene of Queensland.
The first of these are Kambara murgonensis (Crocodile from Murgon) and Kambara implexidens (Interlocking Teeth Crocodile), both of which found at the same locality in Murgon, Queensland. The bones of both were in fact so intermingled that it was initially assumed that they represented a single species with highly variable anatomy, before the second species was recognized 3 years later.
There are a couple of differences between, but two are easiest to point out. For one, although being in the same size range (3-3.5 meters as adults), Kambara implexidens was a little more gracile. Furthermore, and the defining difference between them, K. implexidens (left) had interlocking teeth like a crocodile (bottom left), but K. murgonensis (right) had an overbite like an alligator (bottom right).
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The next species named after these two was Kambara molnari (Molnar's Crocodile), but it's only known from much more limited material, the holotype being a lower jaw. Still some interesting information from this can be gathered. Which is that K. molnari seemingly represents an intermediate between interlocking dentition and an overbite. K. molnari wasn't found near Murgon, but in a different basin in Queensland, in the lower layers of the Rundle Formation.
Also from the Rundle Formation we have the most recently named and geologically youngest species, Kambara taraina (Crocodile Crocodile). Yeah the name is a bit redundant, but the logic of basing the species name on the  Darumbal dialect as a proxy for language of the Bailai People is a nice one. Anyhow, K. taraina is a return to form as it is also known from good material like the first two, stemming from yet another large fossil bed possibly representing a mass death site. It had interlocking dentition like K. implexidens, BUT, unlike the oldest two species it did not coexist with the other Rundle Kambara. Instead, K. taraina came after K. molnari had presumably gone extinct.
Shown below the paratype of K. taraina, the holotype of K. implexidens and the holotype of K. molnari.
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I won't get into phylogeny too much other than that its usually thought off as one of the earliest branching mekosuchines, but details vary. Lee and Yates found that Australosuchus may be more basal, while Ristevski et al. recover Kalthifrons as the earliest branch, in both cases Kambara is only the second branching. There is one slightly odd alternative. Rio and Mannion do find it as the oldest branching mekosuchine....but also regard neither Quinkana nor Australosuchus as members of the clade...and further seemingly find "Asiatosuchus" germanicus to nest within Kambara? And then there's 2 out of the 8 trees by Ristevski, which show Kambara as a close relative to modern Crocodylids. But neither of those results match the current concensus and Rio and Mannion in general has a lot I disagree with.
Much more interesting is the postcrania and the implications for the lifestyle of Kambara. Now while we have a lot of bones from the rest of the body, given they were found in literal bonebeds, we don't know much about it. Crocodile fossils that aren't skulls are rarely described in detail. But there's still some information out there. Important here are Stein et al. 2012 and Buchanan's PhD thesis (which included the description of K. taraina, the one part that was formally published). Both looked at the postcrania and found that there are some differences to modern crocs. To keep things brief, while the anatomy is not nearly as derived as in a fully terrestrial croc, it does seem to suggest that Kambara would have had an easier time performing the crocodilian highwalk (shown below).
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Again, this does not necessarily mean it lived on land, if anything the circumstances of the animals death seems to imply the opposite, but its still interesting. Buchanan suggests that this could have been used to walk through shallow water or bottom walking, and Stein et al. do point out that some adaptations of the limbs could also be advantages while swimming. The most important part to suggest that Kambara still lived in the water is the skull tho (well and it being found in freshwater habitats). The skull looks still remarkably like that of your generalist croc, somewhat flattened, nostrils on top, raised eyes, all that kind of stuff. So it presumably hunted like a modern croc and lived like a modern croc.
The exact lifestyle remains obscure tho. Again, generalist seems like the best supported hypothesis, but we don't know what kind of difference interlocking teeth and the overbite make. Theres some speculation of course. Mook for example proposed that an overbite functions like carnassial teeth in mammals, slicing and breaking, whereas interlocking dentition is better for gripping. While the difference in robustness between K. murgonensis and K. implexidens isn't that great, it could be suggested that the more robust species sliced and broke larger prey while the more gracile one dealt with slippery fish or struggling animals. Muscle attachments are also important, and those seem to show that the most recent species, Kambara taraina with interlocking teeth, had the greatest bite force and thus may have fed on larger prey than all its predecessors. But again, a lot of this requires further looking into.
We do have one singular piece of evidence for diet. The shell of a turtle from the Rundle Formation clearly bearing the tooth marks of Kambara. The bite marks show that the turtle was bitten multiple times, likely in an attempt to position it better in the mouth to bring it into position with the crushing back teeth or to swallow. Fun fact, this behavior is referred to as "juggling". But as you can see from the first figure, the Kambara in question was a bit cocky and picked a turtle way too large, eventually giving up. Sadly the turtle was very injured, and tho the wounds healed slightly, it eventually died from an infection.
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For the last section I briefly want to cover some last notes on Kambara murgonensis and Kambara implexidens, more specifically their coexistence. Now I covered the potential difference in hunting and prey preference already, but theres some other stuff to consider. For example, although found in the same locality, it is possible that this cohabitation was not the status quo. Given it is a mass death site at a locality that is known to have undergone wet and dry seasons, it is not unreasonable to assume that these animals died during a drought (another point against terrestrial life too, as they could have just left otherwise). Now even today crocs will gather in large groups in such situations, trying to make the most of dwindling water sources. This could mean that both species typically inhabited different biomes and only came together because they were forced to. The same might have also happend to Kambara taraina, causing increased aggression and explaining the many injured specimens found. Anyhow, it is also a possibility that they weren't divided by species, but by size, age and maturity. Buchanan points out that there are different habitat preferences between nesting females and juveniles, subadults and adult males in modern saltwater crocodiles. Big males prefer open water, nesting females areas with denser vegetation and subadults should avoid both as they threaten hatchlings and could be eaten by cannibalistic males. So that could also factor into the distribution of Kambara. And notably, it is pointed out that the Murgon site preserves both hachlings and egg shales, but seems to lack animals of intermediate size, which could suggest it was a nesting site. Below a picture of an American Alligator and an American crocodile, simply because they remind me of Kambara and are an example of crocodilians that overlap in range, yet aren't super different like lets say Muggers and Gharials.
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Alas Kambara suffers the mekosuchine curse, which is to say even with overwhelming material not much is actually published. Two bonebeds with all sorts of material, yet only 5 papers to its name, generally just accounting for the type description of each species + the humerus paper. A lot of the info presented is actually from L.A. Buchanan's PhD thesis, which did include the description of Kambara taraina. However, since the completion of the thesis in 2008, only the description of the species was actually published. Entire chapters dealing with pathologies, postcrania and potential ecological inferrence are all are only present through the thesis, which has thankfully been uploaded in 2017.
Nevertheless, its a fascinating animal and I hope I made some people curious. Wikipedia page: Kambara - Wikipedia
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godstains · 1 year
i don't know what to do with my hands when you're not near me.
𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃   𝐀𝐒𝐊 ( accepting! )
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤa   lamb   to   slaughter,   that   is   how   andres   remains   in   cosmos'   light   —   own   shepherd   long   lost   in   sea   of   darkness   and   deaf   to   its   prayers   and   cries   for   mercy. it's a cruel beast that andres feeds, desolation leading them to this moment here : cold and unfeeling hands somehow warmed by those unlike own.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤthis   shepherd   of   theirs-   for   whom   andres   bares   its   neck,   for   whom   andres   welcomes   the   slaughter-   with   hands   warm   as   heart   once   was,   only   further   leads   them   deeper   into   the   abattoir   of   such   love. it is cruel and it is messy. it is one such love its own god refused them for so long — and so to bask in the shadows of someone like cosmos, holy witness to this damned being's despair, andres will gladly turn away from the light.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤhands   are   clasped   in   each   other,   dweller   brings   them   to   its   face   and   cheeks   are   cupped   tenderly   by   the   palms   of   lover.   they   press   them   close   and   lids   slide   shut   to   revere   in   feeling   —   to   cherish   gentle   touch.   heavy   lungs   release   a   breath   unneeded   and   andres   returns   steadfast   gaze   to   other-   maintaining   contact   between   eyes   and   skin   and   body-   and   it   bites.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤblunt   teeth   graze   skin   of   cosmos'   left   hand,   softly   first.   eyes   are   unwavering   in   their   shared   meeting   as   it   parts   lips   against   supple   flesh,   mouth   closing   over   the   mount   of   cosmos'   palm.   teeth   bury   themselves   in   skin   of   the   other,   making   home   in   the   dip   of   his   hand.   they   do   not   penetrate, but press deeply enough only to engrave andres' devotion to this god into patient flesh.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤonly   after   a   heated   moment   does   andres   release   cosmos,   fingers   pressing   into   the   indentions   left   behind.   they   are   warm   in   their   wake,   but   not   permanent.   andres   turns   head   once   more   and   allows   lips   to   graze   surface,   leaving   trails   of   phantom   kisses   along   the   wells   of   dentitions.
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ❝   when i am not with you, count the headstones of my teeth in your hand. when they disappear, i will find you again — and i will remind your flesh of who it is that worships each inch, and every crevice of you.    ❞
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confident-smile · 2 months
Top-Rated Implant Dentists Near Me: What Makes Them the Best
In the ever-evolving landscape of dental care, the role of implant dentists has become increasingly vital in restoring the confidence and oral health of individuals with missing or severely compromised teeth. As patients seek out the best implant dentists near them, it is essential to understand the unique qualities and qualifications that set the top-rated practitioners apart.
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Dental implants have revolutionized the way we approach tooth replacement, offering a durable, natural-looking, and long-lasting solution. However, the success of an implant procedure relies heavily on the expertise and skill of the implant dentist near me. From meticulous treatment planning to precise surgical execution and custom-crafted restorations, the best implant dentists possess a unique combination of technical prowess, clinical experience, and a patient-centric approach.
Establishing Expertise and Qualifications
One of the primary factors that distinguish top-rated implant dentists is their extensive education, training, and ongoing professional development. The successful completion of a rigorous dental degree program is just the starting point, as the most esteemed implant dentists often pursue additional specialized training in the field of implant dentistry.
Many top-rated implant dentists have completed advanced programs, such as fellowships or residencies, focused on the intricacies of dental implant placement, restoration, and maintenance. These specialized training programs equip them with the deep understanding and technical skills required to navigate the complexities of implant procedures and achieve optimal outcomes for their patients.
In addition to formal education, the best implant dentists are committed to staying at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field of implant dentistry. They actively engage in ongoing continuing education, attending conferences, workshops, and seminars to maintain their knowledge and expertise, ensuring they can offer their patients the most cutting-edge and evidence-based treatments.
Comprehensive Treatment Planning and Precision Execution
The success of a dental implant procedure is heavily dependent on the precision and attention to detail exhibited by the implant dentist. Top-rated practitioners excel in this regard, demonstrating a meticulous approach to every step of the treatment process.
The initial consultation and treatment planning phase is crucial, as the implant dentist must thoroughly assess the patient's oral health, bone density, and facial anatomy to develop a customized plan that addresses their unique needs. This comprehensive evaluation often involves the use of advanced imaging technologies, such as 3D cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), to obtain a detailed understanding of the patient's oral structures and plan the implant placement with pinpoint accuracy.
During the surgical phase, the best implant dentists demonstrate exceptional skill and dexterity, carefully placing the implants in the optimal positions to ensure long-term stability and aesthetics. Their expertise in minimally invasive techniques and their commitment to patient comfort and safety further distinguish them from less experienced practitioners.
Crafting Custom Restorations
The final step in the implant process is the fabrication and placement of the custom-made restoration, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. Top-rated implant dentists collaborate closely with skilled dental technicians to design and create restorations that seamlessly blend with the patient's existing dentition, resulting in a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing outcome.
These dentists understand that the restoration is not merely a functional replacement for missing teeth, but a critical component in restoring the patient's confidence and overall quality of life. They meticulously select the appropriate materials, shade, and design to ensure the restoration is not only durable and long-lasting but also aesthetically superior.
Prioritizing Patient-Centric Care
Beyond their technical expertise, the best implant dentists are distinguished by their unwavering commitment to patient-centric care. They recognize that the implant process can be a source of anxiety for many patients, and they go to great lengths to create a comfortable, supportive, and empathetic environment.
Top-rated implant dentists take the time to listen to their patients' concerns, address their questions, and involve them in the decision-making process. They understand that effective communication and a genuine understanding of the patient's needs and preferences are essential for achieving the best possible outcomes.
Additionally, these dentists prioritize patient comfort throughout the entire treatment journey, from the initial consultation to the final restoration. They employ a range of techniques and technologies, such as local anesthesia, sedation options, and advanced pain management protocols, to ensure their patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedures.
Ongoing Support and Maintenance
The commitment of top-rated implant dentists extends beyond the initial treatment phase. They understand that the long-term success of dental implants relies on meticulous maintenance and ongoing support for their patients.
These dentists establish comprehensive follow-up care plans, which involve regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and monitoring for any potential issues. They educate their patients on proper oral hygiene practices and provide guidance on maintaining the health and longevity of their dental implants.
Furthermore, top-rated implant dentists are readily available to their patients, ensuring prompt and responsive care in the event of any concerns or complications that may arise. This level of ongoing support and dedication to their patients' long-term well-being sets the best implant dentists apart and fosters a lasting, trust-based relationship.
In the pursuit of exceptional dental implant care, the top-rated implant dentists near you stand out as the leaders in the field. These practitioners possess a unique combination of advanced qualifications, meticulous treatment planning, precision execution, custom-crafted restorations, and a steadfast commitment to patient-centric care.
By entrusting your dental implant needs to the best implant dentists in your local area, you can be confident that you will receive the highest standard of care, tailored to your individual requirements and designed to restore your confidence, oral health, and quality of life. As you explore your options, look for the hallmarks of excellence that define the top-rated implant dentists – their expertise, attention to detail, and unwavering dedication to their patients' well-being.
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An Irish proverb says, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the perfect mantras for good health.”
“Health is wealth,” is an old quote taught to us since our childhood, and as said by an author, old is gold, the importance of the meaning in the proverb subsists even in the digital generation. Dentists state that oral hygiene is the path laid for overall health. It is better not to neglect it.
Where to find?
Finding a reliable and skilled dentists Plumstead is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Fortunately, Denvolve is home to several qualified and experienced dental professionals. You can find the right dentist if you require routine check-ups, Plumstead dental cleanings, fillings, or more complex procedures.
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What is Oral health?
Oral health is taking good care of your teeth and gums in the mouth. It avoids bad breath, bacteria accumulation, tooth decay, plaque inflammation, or any other issues in the oral cavity.
To take good care, brush twice a day and floss regularly to keep a dentist away.
It should be a traditional practice instilled in children from their childhood and adults should practice daily for a proper dentition, in the present and the old age. You can also find dentist near me.
Why is it important to practice oral hygiene?
Oral hygiene is an asset and beneficial to people who practice healthy tips in their daily routine.  Plumstead dentist
Here are the top points that prove the significance of oral hygiene.
Periodontal disease:
Brush and floss regularly to avoid dental issues like the accumulation of bacteria, plaque, tooth decay, inflammation in the teeth, Gingivitis, etc.
These diseases are mild forms of periodontal disease. If they are left untreated, they turn into a severe form of periodontal disease. Dentist Woolwich
Periodontitis is a phase where the cavities damage the gums, soft tissues, roots, and the jawbone, which leads to the extraction of the tooth and create further complications.
Healthy Delivery:
We see many premature or underweight deliveries of babies.
Pregnant mothers should have healthy gums to have a happy delivery and a healthy baby. woolwich emergency dentist
Research says that 1 in 4 women could have premature or underweight delivery if they have poor oral health that is gum diseases.
Keep a check on your oral hygiene while you plan to conceive because the acids or chemicals generated due to gum diseases bring on the labor pains quicker than the expected delivery date.
Maintain good oral hygiene to have a healthy and happy delivery.
Health risks:
The human body is full of complexities. All the body parts are interconnected and interrelated to each other.
If you have bacteria accumulated in the gums of the teeth for a longer time, it enters into the bloodstream and releases a protein that thickens the blood.
The thick blood is likely to form clots. The heart does not get the required oxygen and nutrients, and this in the risk of heart attacks.
As the blood flows all over the body, the thick blood creates blocks and obstructs the blood from entering into the brain. It causes sudden brain stroke.
Recent research has stated that gum diseases also cause diabetes. Plumstead emergency Dentist
If you maintain oral hygiene, you can avoid these threats and live happily with a beautiful smile.
Overall, dentist Plumstead play a vital role in promoting oral health, diagnosing dental issues, providing appropriate treatments, and helping patients maintain healthy smiles throughout their lives.
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What Does Restorative Dentistry Involve?-healthewriting
The study, diagnosis, and comprehensive care of illnesses affecting the teeth and the structures that support them are known as restorative dentistry. It also refers to restoring the dentition to meet the functional and cosmetic needs of the individual. Other dental disciplines, including orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, special care dentistry, and surgical specialists like oral and maxillofacial surgery, may need to be involved closely. The end goal of restorative dentistry near me is to replace or restore teeth, and enhancing dental health and chewing function is the primary objective of restorative dentistry.
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chequerootlurks · 2 years
By Eugene E. Voiland
Chicago Tribune
Aug 12, 1997 at 12:00 am
Apparently any story with the word "plutonium" in it is worth printing ("Plutonium traces found in Britons," Main news, Aug. 2).
The article says that plutonium is found in the teeth of children in Britain. I dare say plutonium would also be found in the teeth of adults.
This article omits the fact that plutonium, like many other radioactive materials, can be measured at vanishingly small concentrations. Perhaps this is implied by the statement that "plutonium made up only around one-thousandth of all the radioactive material to which the body is exposed."
That plutonium is found in people is not new. As far back as 1974, an extensive study reported that "plutonium is present in extremely small amounts in various organs of contemporary adult humans." It went on to say the origin was from above-ground atomic weapons tests. No health effects have been observed from this phenomenon.
One can conclude that the radiation levels implied in the British study pose no risk and that the Tribune has reported an interesting but essentially inconsequential piece of "news."
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Eugene E. Voiland, 1922 - 2016, survey’s his shoes for radiological contaminants before exiting a secure area
Mister Voiland’s obituary can be found here.
In the late 90s, there were indications of alpha-particle emitting isotopes in the teeth of adolescents in the UK. [source]
One criticism to the study was that it seemed to hinge on correlation=causation, rather than a large-scale multi-country study.
The belief was that a fuel reprocessing plant directly caused the condition.
Is Uranium found in the teeth of adolescents in the Americas? A good question; but to my knowledge no one is looking.
It’s something I’d love to see a follow-up study on; including looking at children and adults around other nuclear sites, compared with the dentition children and adults -not!- near sites of radiation.
Easier said than done, yes.
You’d have to consider people living around coal and coal-burning power plants.
Plutonium is found in fly ash — coal waste.
Ultimately, this study is mainly historic now, but it still gives me pause to think; and I wonder what results would show up these days.
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intellibloghub · 2 years
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Dental implant deals near me
People who have a few missing teeth or no teeth at all can choose to get Somerset Dental Implants treatment to restore their teeth. This is an advanced dental procedure in which implants are utilized to support artificial bridges and give patients permanent natural-looking teeth.
Our goal is to give patients great oral health through services that protect the natural smile and keep it clean for a longer-lasting dentition. Hygienists take time to understand each patient’s unique smile and the particular needs it may have. After examining the smile, we prepare a treatment plan that will address smile needs and establish long-term goals for oral health.
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What Skills Must A Pediatric Orthodontist Have?
The best thing about Orthodontist Near Me is that they possess specialized knowledge to treat patients of various ages and needs. You can feel confident knowing that you have received the necessary care because they are trained in dealing with orthodontic treatment. Before starting therapy, they can design a customized strategy according to the patient's requirements. 
They can then equip you or a child with dentition-correcting appliances after that. It is one of the primary reasons, so many individuals have decided to employ this profession. So many people have discovered it helpful in their goals. 
Find a kid-friendly professional who can work with kids of all ages while you're looking for one. They can alter the loved one's care and treatment plan to suit their unique needs. It makes it crucial to start therapy as soon as possible and ensure that everything you do is perfect for you.
It's now simpler than ever for your kids to get the care they require from a qualified professional eager to assist in any way they can thank their child-friendly solutions. Additionally, special needs medical oral health is a part of pediatric dentistry.
What special skills do orthodontists need?
You'll discover that a good orthodontist near me is kid-friendly and offer a welcoming office environment when you visit them. It gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you are taking good care of yourself and that it is now simpler than ever to seek the assistance you require.
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The Pediatric Orthodontist Near Me will be able to design a customized treatment plan just for them. They can now start the necessary care with greater ease than ever before, knowing that you provide excellent care to help them achieve their smile goals. If you want to make an appointment, get in touch with the children's orthodontics near me. By doing this, you can be confident that you are selecting a qualified specialist who will be able to assist you. And also provide your child with the care and treatment options they require.
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Article Source : https://www.trucanhbusiness.com/what-skills-must-a-pediatric-orthodontist-have/ 
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finefeatherdc · 3 years
Why Do Humans Have Two Sets of Teeth?
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There are 2 sides to every story and the story of human teeth also has 2 sets of dentitions: the deciduous & the permanent!
This story is actually no big mystery. Humans grow two sets of teeth, a deciduous set (milk teeth, baby teeth) of 20 primary teeth (10 on the top and 10 on the bottom) and a permanent set of 32 permanent adult teeth, 16 on each upper and lower jaw.
Why humans have a deciduous set of teeth is refreshingly simple. Unlike other body parts, teeth do not change in size once fully developed. Since a full set of 32 adult-size permanent teeth are simply too big to be held in a baby’s jaw, these have to be preceded by the initial deciduous set. As the human jaw grows older and jaws begin to grow, one will observe gaps between the milk teeth which are filled up when replaced with the larger permanent teeth to give one the even appearance of an adult dentition.
As the ‘baby’ teeth are replaced by the adult teeth in the larger adult jaws, essentially they are maintaining the spacing and channels through which the permanent teeth will eventually grow.
Even though teeth start developing in the tiny embryo inside the womb, most babies are born toothless. In some rare cases, some teeth-like entities may emerge before birth, & are referred to as “natal teeth” but these soon fall out as baby teeth start erupting between the first six months and two years of humans’ lives. The milk teeth aid speech, help to shape the growing jaw, & even to chew food.
The last 3 adult molar teeth begin to form around the age of 6. These extra teeth do not replace any existing baby teeth. These molars are responsible for determining the shape of our lower jaw and face, and can affect the positioning of other permanent teeth. By the age of 13, most children will have the majority of their permanent teeth (28 out of 32) with only the 4 wisdom teeth left to erupt, which erupt in the four back corners of our mouth between the ages of 18 to 25 if the jaw is sufficiently large in size to accommodate them.
Most 6- to 8-year-olds sport a gap in their teeth when they smile. Unlike adults, they are not in the least bit worried about the missing tooth, and/or the empty cavity left behind because they & their parents are secure in the knowledge that a new tooth will shortly be growing in its place. This pinpoints the peculiar fact that, unlike most other body parts that show no regrowth, humans actually grow two sets of teeth! So, while there have been rare cases of hyperdontia, where an individual is born with “natal teeth'', extra or supernumerary teeth, or gets a third set of teeth after 90, for most of us, two sets of teeth are the maximum we will ever achieve.
At the other end of the spectrum, Polyphyodonts like sharks, geckos, crocodiles, manatees, elephants and kangaroos (a unique group of mammals in this class), are even more protected as they can replace their teeth multiple times throughout their lives. If a shark loses a tooth, it’s no big deal because sharks can have over 50,000 teeth in their lifetime. (the shark tooth conveyor belt phenomenon) Even elephants can replace four of their main teeth up to 6 times in a lifetime and Alligators can regenerate a lost tooth up to 50 times. Humans, on the other hand, have only 2 sets of teeth?
Regeneration is a very common phenomenon in the animal world. Salamanders, stone crabs, and starfish can regrow lost appendages & many predators, like the sharks and alligators, can regrow new teeth. As it turns out, humans too have the ability…….Cheng Ming Chuong, says that humans contain the DNA to regrow lost limbs and even teeth, but the ability isn’t “turned on”. So, can we Grow a third Set of Teeth?...... Maybe in the future, perhaps……. For now, sadly, the “tooth” of the matter is that we are born with all of the teeth we are ever going to grow in our mouths.
So, if you happen to lose an adult tooth in the current era, another one won’t grow and replace it. That is why it is important to take care of the teeth you do have because you won’t get another chance. However, this doesn’t mean you have to live the rest of your life with missing teeth. Thanks to modern dentistry, your dentist at Fine Feather's can replace your lost teeth with dentures, implants, and bridges. Again, there’s no substitute for the natural teeth that you were born with, which, again, a dentist near you can help you preserve. 
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darkpurpledawn · 4 years
For @racketghost 's 13 Days of Halloween, prompt "costumes"
The Dowling residence was perfectly sober, exterior-wise. It was not fitting for an ambassador, even an American one, to deck the halls with boughs of yew and spools of polyester spiderweb. But if the outside showed the same dour pomp as it did the rest of the year, the inside was filled with what seemed like four pop-up Halloween shops worth of assorted merchandise. Nary a doorway stood that did not have spiders dangling from its arch, plastic bones littered the playroom, and the dining room was covered in tiny gourds and glitter in the shape of bats. 
The decor was a compromise. Aziraphale had reluctantly allowed the roomful of bones and the mechanical severed hand that was currently being mauled by the cat in the laundry room in exchange for nixing the recirculating fountain of fake blood and promising to enact revenge at Christmastime.
Aziraphale was just adjusting one of his rubber horns when Warlock careened into the room waving a Bean Baby (surely that was the name?) shaped like a black cat and holding what was hopefully a Jello eyeball and not a sign that the young Antichrist was growing into his calling at the tender age of five.
“Warlock, what did we say about taking dessert from the table? You know your mother worked very hard on those eyeballs.”
Warlock attempted to shield his face with the Bean Baby for a moment, but then he jumped up and cried,
“You can’t be mad at me today Francis! Not for, for stealin’ stuff. You’re the bad one today!” He pointed at Aziraphale’s horns and beamed at this unassailable argument.
Aziraphale evaluated his evilness in the part of the hall mirror that was not covered in cling decals of skeletons dancing in a conga line. He was wearing his only dark suit, and had swapped Brother Francis’s humble smock for a brocade waistcoat and smart trousers. A devil’s tail he’d clumsily constructed from ribbon and felt swung from the waistcoat, and in addition to affixing his rubber horns he’d drawn on a small curling mustache with one of Crowley’s less-favored eye pencils and worn a second set of fake teeth (glow in the dark vampire fangs, to be precise) on top of the first.
“You’re even scarier than Nanny when she just woke up,” Warlock proclaimed triumphantly. “I bet you’re even meaner.”
“He’s so much worse,” Crowley’s voice drawled from the next room. “You don’t know Brother Francis like I do, he can be a real That Word Your Mum Told You We Can’t Say Out Loud when he wants.”
Warlock’s eyes grew almost as big and round as the Jello version he was holding, as he looked at Aziraphale with a mixture of fear and respect.
“Really now Crowley you can’t just--” he began, and then stopped when she stepped in the hall.
Crowley was wearing a sequined white dress with a slit that seemed to go all the way up to an area Aziraphale wasn’t sure he knew this century’s polite terms for, and a neckline determined to meet the slit in the middle. A set of mesh-and-wire wings was affixed to what back the dress possessed, and to Aziraphale’s amazement, heart-shaped sunglasses and a choker necklace with a rhinestone cross rounded out the ensemble.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Aziraphale asked.
“I’m an angel,” Crowley said, and pointed to a headband with a fluffy halo. “Duh.”
Aziraphale almost let out several Words Warlock’s Mum Would Have Certainly Disapproved of Saying Aloud when the Antichrist interrupted.
“Nanny you can’t be an angel, you just told me to steal an eyeball!” He giggled into the scruff of the Bean Baby.
“Oh I assure you, even the angels have their moments,” Aziraphale sputtered.
Crowley grinned and a gleam of yellow shone for a moment above the heart lenses.
“Now that you’re a devil, Francis, can I eat the eyeball?”
Aziraphale sighed. He looked from the adorable face of the Antichrist to Crowley, who seemed to have become an endless line of inner thigh, and hurriedly back again.
“Well.” He hesitated. “I don’t suppose your mother will want it back now that it’s been squished like that.” He glanced at the distorted sphere of Jello.
“Gonna be horribly farsighted, that one,” Crowley muttered.
“But you do owe your mother an apology,” Aziraphale said, attempting to be stern underneath several layers of false dentition.
Warlock pouted. It was an expression he’d picked up from Crowley, who had picked it up from somewhere Aziraphale refused to ponder.
“But you’re a devil, what do you care if I apologize to mum?”
“You would be surprised,” Aziraphale said, and wondered why his throat felt suddenly full, “how much we devils can care for others. Just because I’m, er, evil today doesn’t mean I can’t be kind as well. Now why don’t you go find your mum?”
Warlock wandered off, chewing thoughtfully on the cat’s polyester paw.
Crowley was staring at Aziraphale. She looked suddenly bashful under all the sequins.
“Erm, you look nice,” she said. “Haven’t seen that waistcoat in ages, what was that, Venice, beginning of the 19th?”
“Oh, something like that,” Aziraphale said, as if he couldn’t perfectly recall the pistachio gelato they shared or how the light had reflected off the canals as they strolled to the shops.
“Gotta say, the horns leave a bit to be desired. You’ve got a standing army of hair grips and they don’t seem to be keeping those things on your head.”
“I could have miracled, I suppose, but it didn’t seem, well, appropriate.” Aziraphale felt a strong urge to brush the sequins on Crowley’s dress so the all fell the same way, a thought motivated entirely by a desire for order and not at all by anything else whatsoever. “Crowley how are you wearing that?” He gestured to the rhinestone crucifix.
“Oh that reminds me what I had to tell you,” Crowley said, smoothing out the sequins herself in a manner that in no way alleviated Aziraphale’s desire for order. “I’ve taken a heap of allergy pills, don’t let me near the Poltergeist Punch.”
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floxalopex · 3 years
I don't know if somebody already did this specifically. But yh the heck let's go.
WARNING 1: THIS IS NOT A POST FOR SENSITIVE PEOPLE AND/OR MINORS. (it contains gore and sexual themes and more).
And yes, SALT. Lots of salt.
WARNING 2: this has nothing to do with Christianity specifically. Atheism isn't hate towards your god(s) and/or its believers. Although there are many forms of atheism (some of which are so strong and violent they make me furious) think about mine as a general form of indifference. I hate the Church state, yes, but sorry I have that "at home" so please don't blame me. I don't like Abrahamic religions in general, but I've grown up with one.
I'm thankfully not a cult survivor, but I can understand some things.
WARNING 3: living in a very religious contest I have many beloved friends and relatives (starting with my mother) who believe in their god a lot. So if my words are too disrespectful tell me, I really don't want to hurt anybody.
I've seen many similarities between the cult Horde Prime put his clones in and your very average, very white, very western idea of Christianity.
1) Theophagy:
First of all, I really don't know much how this thing is lived in other Christian countries, but in mine they put a lot of emphasis on the Eucharist.
As far as I've seen I think it's pretty obvious how much in ancient cultures there's a very carnal and very grounded idea of the spirit. That can result in believing the soul to be the "psyche", so literally "the breath of life", the coordination of your sinapsis togheter (to me a very poetic definition of how our whole being ourselves is just us being our central nervous system) or it can lead to you eating the ashes of your granpa so you get his good qualities (something some cultures still do today). They said that the head of Orpheus was buried in the island of Lesbo and that's why its land was filled with amazing poets like Sappho. There's this very, sorry, brutal idea of the embodyment of the soul, the talents of a person, that even a piece of corpse is considered a magic thingy.
This is no different in the very old, very ancient, very rural Christian religion (at least in the most common version of it, we have many flavours of one truth apperentely).
When I was in High School we studied a lot Bacchus and the Baccanalia, because there are several commedies about it. My teacher, being very religious, was almost ashamed to admit that a lot of acts of those festivities (let's say that the most normal thing was for women to give their milk to animal cubs) were actually not very dissimilar in their rawness to certain habits of the religion.
So, what about Horde Prime? (me *yh, what about it, stupid ADHD?*). I have seen a post in the past explaining that yes, even though spacebats have the dentition of a frugivore bat and not haematophagus bat, the scene of Prime recharging in his throne with all those disgusting cables filled with green liquid referred as "the life force" of his clones...well, it's surely something.
Looks like a sort of sci-fi vampire thing. Which is very cool and I love this headcanon. So again I kept thinking...what is THAT amniotic fluid? I am a student, so correct me if I say something wrong.
Amniotic fluid is a combination of water 99%, proteins, glucids, fats and some salts (...it's even effective for electric conduction...the heck is that pool).
The most similar body fluid is plasma, so blood less cells. Even the serum, so plasma less proteins, is very similar.
Now, stated that Prime is a manipulative jerk, stated that I don't know much about aliens' physiology, stated that that fluid can come from blood potentially, in Church they say this:
*and Jesus said: "This is my body/blood which I offer in sacrifice for you"*
Apart from it being very creepy, there's this idea in the whole religion-thingy: if you are human you are a selfish monster, so monstrous you made our Lord and Savior die for your sins for how messed up you were.
So basically you don't become a sinner, you are concived as one. Humanity is sin itself, it can never lead to something good.
So are the clones. That's why Prime, in his benevolence, feeds them with himself. To make them pure, to protect them from the outside world. To make them remember who their strenght comes from.
If you don't want to read all of this just go for the Futurama soda episode, it's basically the same thing. Bleah.
2) Corpse feticism and more.
Again, don't know you guys, but here we are filled with mummies. I went in a place in Palermo and ...my gosh why did I do that.
We have everything here, hands, heads, feet, teeth so many of them, dead babies, dead virgins, dead popes, dead elders, all of them for half the prize, but only if you call today.
We are. Filled. With these atrocities. At least we don't touch them anymore.
Sometimes I wonder if, apart from the "hygene", people in Middle Ages used to die at the honorable age of 13 also because they kissed those... thingies there.
So, can we please talk about Horde Prime collection of "previous selves"?
This man has a whole room filled with corpses of himself. In the Vatican you can find corpses of dead popes as well, preserved and even dressed in a very good way. In Italy in general we have these, I remember a whole room in a town near my city filled with skeletons of "saints". Personally I find it very disturbing because you are basically not allowing that body to rest and serve its last biological purpose, especially if you consider that most of these "saints" were mentally impared young kids who were killed brutally and died as "martyrs". In ancient Greece the WORST thing you could do to a corpse was to leave it unburied, without dignity.
It's getting darker now.
I like both headcanons for Prime, that of a spoiled (maybe even sexist) royal of a lost culture who wanted to conquer the universe and that of him being a sort of ancient evil spirit, but I personally like to stick with the latter.
Imagine the old bodies of the clones Prime used for himself. Pushed to their limits. Clones dying young is horrific as well, but like these people were forced to go on. Not to die. Not to age as much as possible. And now that they are dead they can't even rest. They are a show off for anyone to see. Their brains preserved and their literal dead flesh still tormented for reading.
One may ask me, then what about corpses in formalin for medical use? Well, one thing is a donor or a dead fetus or a corpse nobody claims. That's the story of the skeleton in my university, a young male who didn't eat much. A very lonely man. Well at least now he is well loved and appreciated, ah if only he knew that.
The point is, we respect them. We are grateful for the informations they give us. Gosh, I know I'm creepy, but I even cuddled one bone once. We know they probably suffered. Like, search for HeLa cells. That lady has my highest respect.
But Prime? Those are. Vessels. Just that.
Anyways, apart for the "respect the deads thing" I found Hordak's behaviour in that room that of high distress. Like, ehm, any normal person? Search for "Convento Dei Cappuccini", that place I was talking about in Palermo. The fact that I heard kids cry and "MEMENTO MORI" everywhere.
Everyone and everything is afraid of death, I just accepted that fear because it's normal. That doesn't mean I want to be reminded of it every week, especially if I'm a 7 yo kid.
Honorable mentions: that horrible art collection.
3) Double standards
When I went to catechism my teacher used a very feather hand on males and an iron fist on us ladies. We weren't allowed to wear trousers, to play football, to raise our voice. We were forced to be very clean, to sit with our legs as closed as possible. I heard it was worse before, at least we could play volleyball and weren't forced to knit.
We were however "encouraged" to sing and bake stupid cakes for Sundays. Mind you, I'm very feminine, but one thing is liking ribbons one thing is being a slave.
The boys...well, they could literally do anything. They broke things, used petards, beat each other. They were NEVER reproached, the teachers would say "oh, they are just boys". Like once I was so engrossed. I remember I had to sit behind a guy with his butt almost uncovered (because the lower you put the helm of your trousers the cooler you were) while I had to stay still with my head high, chest out, belly in and legs closed for 2h. The problem was: I almost pitied him. I was like "poor thing he doesn't know how to behave properly". That's so crazy, I was piting a free soul while I had my hands handcuffed because I truly believed the bullshit they put into my mind.
Now, imagine how did Horde Prime's clones feel about Catra and Glimmer.
They can dress as they please. Eat non amniotic fluid. Catra can even go wherever she wants.
To me, they didn't feel envious. As they should! That's how far an indoctrination can go.
Take Yudi interaction with Catra, he believes everything he is saying.
But I think deep down he knows, they all know, the truth, juding by his bitter reaction after being possesed. He knows he is the slave here, not the free man. But he wants to believe the other way round.
I think that yes, of course Prime kept Glimmer and Catra (and Hordak) because he needed them to conquer Etheria. But that is also a good way to show to the poor clones of how lost people far away from Prime's light can be. Slaves of their bodly needs and slaves of their individuality.
4) Sexual abuse
Do I need to explain this? Plus all those sick touches Prime gives not only to Hordak, but to Glimmer, Catra and Adora as well?
I don't know much about other countries, again, but here the Church is a real cancer. If a priest gets accoused of raping children he just gets put into another Church far away, and generally he keeps being a pedo even there and the game goes on.
I wouldn't exately say that Prime is a pedophile but clones are pretty innocent and neotenic to me so...idk.
Of course, Prime is his own state and his own rules, so yh. Raping all day. That's why I don't like to ship him with anything rather than a 100 m fall. Not even with his clones, sorry I know its kinky maybe but he is a monster.
Also, the way the clones feel like...honored to be raped. That's so sad. Maybe he convinced them this is the only right way they could experience sex and intimacy. I really don't know.
One thing I'm sure of is that Christian religion likes to often put shame on some "impure" acts. That's the name. The most impure of all is masturbation. If you are a male ...mmm well it's okay dear, it's not your fault you are male and so a sex starved animal. But if you are a girl? Ihhh oh dare you bitch.
Mind you, I fall in the ace spectrum but I did too have puberty and needs, and these thoughts in my head made me only conflicted.
Last thing. More of an asking. And more irriverent, so please stay away if you don't want to read.
So basically I understood I was atheist at 5 yo, just because I read two different versions of the birth of the Universe, one in my science book and one in my Bible (MY Bible, I still have it, was a gift of my aunt) and preferred the science version. I still felt conflicted, like once during a religion lesson at School (well...I don't blame Mussolini much in this case, I mean the Vatican wasn't still recognizing country indipendence and we needed a compromise) the teacher told me to stop drawing dinosaurs with Adam and Eve because they never existed. I mean...yes that's anachronistic but still I felt very sad, dinosaurs were cooler than that story. I remember I even made an experiment "if I say I don't believe in god will I get thunderstruck?". It didn't happen so I was like "oh cool, science wins". But then CATECHISM ecc ecc. The fun fact is that they think atheists are those who don't study religion, while I was the most zelous of the class.
I just wonder...my baby boy Hordak is a man of science, what were his thoughts after his separation from Prime. I mean of course he still believed, but also not as much after some time. Entrapta is a support system for him of course, but he accepts her affection quite easily on canon. Which is amazing, still... maybe he was already doubting his devotion?
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wtf-triassic · 5 years
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By Tas Dixon
Etymology: Swiss Reptile 
First Described By: Peyer, 1955 
Classification: Biota, Archaea, Proteoarchaeota, Asgardarchaeota, Eukaryota, Neokaryota, Scotokaryota, Opimoda, Podiata, Amorphea, Obazoa, Opisthokonta, Holozoa, Filozoa, Choanozoa, Animalia, Eumetazoa, Parahoxozoa, Bilateria, Nephrozoa, Deuterostomia, Chordata, Olfactores, Vertebrata, Craniata, Gnathostomata, Eugnathostomata, Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Rhipidistia, Tetrapodomorpha, Eotetrapodiformes, Elpistostegalia, Stegocephalia, Tetrapoda, Reptiliomorpha, Amniota, Sauropsida, Eureptilia, Romeriida, Diapsida, Neodiapsida, Sauria, Helveticosauridae 
Time and Place: Around 242 million years ago, on the Anisian-Ladinian boundary of the Middle Triassic
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Helveticosaurus is known from the San Salvatore Formation of Italy and the Besano Formation of Switzerland
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Physical Description: Helveticosaurus is one of the weirdest of Triassic marine oddities in terms of relationships - once thought to just be one of many different turtle relatives, it now seems to be a completely separate, just outside the group containing all living reptiles swimming creature utterly removed from the rest. It was a lopsided sort of creature, about 2 meters long with a widened torso - almost circular - short neck, and long tail. Its forelimbs were much longer than its hind limbs, and the tail was thickened at the top, sort of like the tail of a marine iguana, much like the contemporaneous Thalattosaurs. The head was small and rectangular, with sharp and pointed teeth filled throughout the mouth. It was probably covered in thick scales, and the hands and feet of Helveticosaurus were probably webbed to some degree. 
Diet: Given the sharp, pointy teeth, Helveticosaurus probably was a carnivore, eating a variety of fish, invertebrates, and probably its fellow marine reptiles. 
Behavior: Helveticosaurus had an extremely unique method of locomotion in the water. It was able to both undulate its body - sweeping it from side to side and using the tail to move through the water like living crocodilians and marine iguanas - and paddle, propelling itself forward with grand movements of its front limbs. These limbs were well built for swimming, and if Helveticosaurus hadn’t been an evolutionary dead end, it may have had one of the more unique methods of marine movement in the oceans. As a predator, it would have needed to use its weird swimming to reach for prey that one of the many other things it lived with could not get to. It also may have been able to come up onto the shore, perhaps feeding on animals nearby or going there to mate or escape danger in the ocean. That said, there are so many questions remaining about this oddball - did it lay its legs on land or give birth like most marine reptiles? Did it live on both the land and in the ocean for any length of time? In addition to this, the strange short face may or may not have allowed Helveticosaurus to be a suction feeder, sucking up the various small animals around it and snapping into them with its long teeth. This is just extra, and I’m giving up on trying to understand this thing now. Also, it couldn’t swim very well - at least, not like modern penguins or turtles - it didn’t fly, but made a good business out of doggy paddling and brute-forcing the action, making it one hardcore badass of a reptile. 
Ecosystem: Helveticosaurus lived near the Pangean coast, in the shallow marine waters of the Tethys sea. These marine habitats were probably open ocean, as little evidence of reef material is present in the same places as Helveticosaurus, though that is conjecture. Here it lived alongside a wide variety of brachiopods, as well as marine snails and Ammonites a plenty. There was also the Nothosaurs Nothosaurus and Lariosaurus; the Thalattosaurs Hescheleria, Clarazia, and Askeptosaurus; the Tanystropheids Tribelesodon Tanystropheus and Macrocnemus; the other Helveticosaurid Eusaurosphargis; the Placodonts Paraplacodus and Cyamodus; the Ichthyosaurs Cymbospondylus and Mixosaurus; the Pachypleurosaurs Serpianosaurus and Pachypleurosaurus; the Suchian Ticinosuchus; and an extremely wide variety of fish and sharks (to the point that it is literally impossible for me to list them all.) 
Other: We have no idea what Helveticosaurus is. We used to think it was a generic marine reptile, maybe a Placodont. Then, perhaps, an Archosauriform. Finally, now, we place it far apart from the rest, not even a proper Crown-Reptile. Still, the story isn’t over - maybe it, along with all other uniquely marine reptiles, are in one separate group? Who knows. These things are odd. I just can’t. It had two other relatives, one not named, the other Eosaurosphargis, which was even flatter around the middle. Honestly, it looks like a more plausible and marine Godzilla, in a weird, twisted way. Here we are. Triassic, what the fuck. 
~ By Meig Dickson 
Sources Under the Cut
Carroll, R. L. 1988. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution 1-698. 
Chun, L., D.-Y. Jiang, L. Cheng, X.-C. Wu, O. Rieppel. 2014. A new species of Largocephalosaurus (Diapsida: Saurosphargidae), with implications for the morphological diversity and phylogeny of the group. Geological Magazine 151 (1): 100 - 120. 
Li, C., O. Rieppel, X.-C. Wu, L.-J. Zhao, L.-T. Wang. 2011. A new Triassic marine reptile from southwestern China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31 (2): 303 - 312. 
Mazin, J.-M. 1981. Grippia longirostris Wiman, 1929, un Ichthyopterygia primitif du Trias inférieur du Spitsberg. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 4: 317–340. 
Motani, R. 2000. Skull of Grippia longirostris: no contradiction with a diapsid affinity for the Ichthyopterygia. Palaeontology 43: 1 - 14. 
Naish, D. 2008. One of so many bizarre Triassic marine reptiles. Weblog entry. Tetrapod Zoology. 
Nosotti, Stefania; Rieppel, Olivier 2003. Eusaurosphargis dalsassoi n. gen. n. sp., a new, unusual diapsid reptile from the Middle Triassic of Besano (Lombardy, N Italy). Memorie della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano Ile 31 (3): 1–33. 
Neenan, J. M., N. Klein, T. M. Scheyer. 2013. European origin of placodont marine reptiles and the evolution of crushing dentition in Placodontia. Nature Communications 4: 1621. 
Peyer, B. 1955. Die Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen. XVIII. Helveticosaurus zollingeri, n.g. N.sp. Schweizerische Paläontologische Abhandlungen 72: 3–50. 
Pieroni, V., and A. Nützel. 2014. Rasatomaria gentilii gen. n. n. sp. - a new Middle Triassic pleurotomarioid gastropod genus and species from Rasa di Varese (San Salvatore Formation, southern Alps). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 120:281-286. 
Rieppel, O. 1989. Helveticosaurus zollingeri Peyer (Reptilia, Diapsida) skeletal paedomorphosis, functional anatomy and systematic affinities. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 208:123-152. 
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An Irish proverb says, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the perfect mantras for good health.”
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“Health is wealth,” is an old quote taught to us since our childhood, and as said by an author, old is gold, the importance of the meaning in the proverb subsists even in the digital generation. Dentists state that oral hygiene is the path laid for overall health. It is better not to neglect it.
Where to find?
Finding a reliable and skilled dentists Plumstead is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health. Fortunately, Denvolve is home to several qualified and experienced dental professionals. You can find the right dentist if you require routine check-ups, Plumstead dental cleanings, fillings, or more complex procedures.
What is Oral health?
Oral health is taking good care of your teeth and gums in the mouth. It avoids bad breath, bacteria accumulation, tooth decay, plaque inflammation, or any other issues in the oral cavity.
To take good care, brush twice a day and floss regularly to keep a dentist away.
It should be a traditional practice instilled in children from their childhood and adults should practice daily for a proper dentition, in the present and the old age. You can also find dentist near me.
Why is it important to practice oral hygiene?
Oral hygiene is an asset and beneficial to people who practice healthy tips in their daily routine.  Plumstead dentist
Here are the top points that prove the significance of oral hygiene.
Periodontal disease:
Brush and floss regularly to avoid dental issues like the accumulation of bacteria, plaque, tooth decay, inflammation in the teeth, Gingivitis, etc.
These diseases are mild forms of periodontal disease. If they are left untreated, they turn into a severe form of periodontal disease. Dentist Woolwich
Periodontitis is a phase where the cavities damage the gums, soft tissues, roots, and the jawbone, which leads to the extraction of the tooth and create further complications.
Healthy Delivery:
We see many premature or underweight deliveries of babies.
Pregnant mothers should have healthy gums to have a happy delivery and a healthy baby. woolwich emergency dentist
Research says that 1 in 4 women could have premature or underweight delivery if they have poor oral health that is gum diseases.
Keep a check on your oral hygiene while you plan to conceive because the acids or chemicals generated due to gum diseases bring on the labor pains quicker than the expected delivery date.
Maintain good oral hygiene to have a healthy and happy delivery.
Health risks:
The human body is full of complexities. All the body parts are interconnected and interrelated to each other.
If you have bacteria accumulated in the gums of the teeth for a longer time, it enters into the bloodstream and releases a protein that thickens the blood.
The thick blood is likely to form clots. The heart does not get the required oxygen and nutrients, and this in the risk of heart attacks.
As the blood flows all over the body, the thick blood creates blocks and obstructs the blood from entering into the brain. It causes sudden brain stroke.
Recent research has stated that gum diseases also cause diabetes. Plumstead emergency Dentist
If you maintain oral hygiene, you can avoid these threats and live happily with a beautiful smile.
Overall, dentist Plumstead play a vital role in promoting oral health, diagnosing dental issues, providing appropriate treatments, and helping patients maintain healthy smiles throughout their lives.
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