#derek morgan x juliet hunter lewis
dontshootmespence · 5 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 37
Seeing the hate in her eyes nearly broke him in his tracks, but he couldn’t stop to comprehend anything. He had to get away from her to keep her out of danger, no matter how much it was killing him inside.
Without thinking, he drove. He let his mind go blank and somehow, 15 minutes later, he was at Spencer’s door. “Hey kid, can I stay here for a couple days?”
“Yes, of course,” Spencer replied, opening the door and stepping back to let him in. “Shouldn’t you be with Juliet? What happened?” Spencer wasn’t great with relationships, but Derek looked miserable. Something was wrong.
“I-I can’t talk about it. Can I just stay here while I figure things out?”
“Again, sure.” The psychologist in him begged his brain to prod Derek for answers, but his friend was in pain. “Make yourself at home.”
That was two days ago. He’d walked into the apartment, taken a seat on Spencer’s couch and stared off into the distance trying to figure out what to do. He’d barely moved.
But the universe took this inopportune moment to send another complication Derek’s way. His phone rang. It was Garcia. They had a case.
He heard Spencer pick up in the other room and quickly inform Penelope that he was on his way in. Derek just lay there, letting the phone continue to ring. The idea of picking it up, of going to work seemed...unimaginable.
In part he just wanted to wallow, to be allowed to sit in his own sorrows without the rest of the world creeping in. But, in his heart of hearts, Derek also knew he would be a detriment and not an asset if he went back to work now. As much as that hurt, knowing he couldn’t do his job, it was nothing compared to the suffering settling into his head and heart in the wake of losing her.
He hadn’t slept. Every time he tried to close his eyes, the look on her face as she’d walked away kept him awake.
Everything reminded him of Juliet.
The stack of books on the coffee table. The sound of running water as he washed his hands. His own face in the mirror.
She was everywhere and nowhere and in that, he was lost.
“You staying here?” Spencer asked as he hung up with Garcia.
All Derek could do was nod. “I’m no good to you right now.”
Spencer could see that. It was fairly obvious. “I know, but,” he hesitated, grabbing his go bag and slinging it over his shoulder. “I hope you know that whatever it is that’s going on, you can tell me. I won’t tell a soul if that helps.”
The corner of Derek’s lip twitched up. He couldn’t risk it. He didn’t want to put his kid brother in danger too. This was bad enough as it was without bringing the team into this mess. “I know, kid. Go save the world. I’ll be back soon.”
Spencer swallowed hard against the lingering uncertainty and closed the door behind him. For a profiler, he was having a very difficult time figuring out what was going on in his friend’s mind.
“Miss Juliet?” Jefferson piped up from the other side of the desk. She looked up, only then realizing she’d stamped the same book three times.
“I’m sorry Jefferson. Now you’re book has extra stamps, for good luck.” Juliet gave a smile that didn’t reach her eyes and handed over the book. Jefferson waddled off to the children’s section once again to start reading his new lucky book. She stirred herself from the fog that had taken hold as best she could and went back to work, checking the book requests currently on file.
Her little ones hadn’t noticed yet but Juliet was a sight for sore eyes in the view of any adult. Dark circles hung under her eyes. They were bloodshot. And her nose still felt stuffy from crying. After finding resolve to get to the bottom of what was going on with Derek, she had jumped in head first with calls and texts and emails. At one point she even stuffed a letter in the mailbox at the post office.
Just silence and a growing sense of dread.
While the kids had their quiet time, she headed back through the fog and toward the computer, checking to see what books she had to pull from the shelves and for whom. A few of her regulars were going to be coming in soon for their weekly book - man, did she wish she had more time to read - but there was one patron coming in whose name was a surprise - Spencer.
Considering Derek didn’t have an apartment anymore since he’d moved in with her, in all likelihood, he was staying with Spencer. He wasn’t responding to any of her messages, but if she could slip something into the book Spencer was taking out maybe he could get it to Derek. It was her only chance. Something was very wrong, and she wasn’t about to give up on him. What he claimed just wasn’t him anymore.
Quickly, she took her phone out and snapped a picture of the book title, checking online for a copy of it; she would need to destroy the book and the book-lover in her couldn’t do it to one already on file in the library.
If Derek didn’t answer her this time, she wasn’t sure he ever would.
8pm rolled around at an alarmingly slow pace but finally Juliet was out the door and headed home.
It didn’t really feel right to even call it that in the absence of the man who had transformed it into one many moons ago. But there was no time to waste on waxing poetic, she had to destroy some ancient poetry to preserve her own verse of potential happily ever after.
For the second time that day Juliet did something she’d never thought possible; she walked into a massive chain bookstore and willingly bought a volume of poetry that was available just blocks away at a free, community-oriented, public library. It made her shiver. In her line of work, corporate bookstores were evil, but she also couldn’t destroy a library book if it wasn’t necessary, so she relented and hoped she wouldn’t burst into flames upon entry. Under any other circumstances she wouldn’t have even set foot inside, but desperate times called for even more desperate measures.
Surprisingly that was the most difficult phase of her totally impromptu mission. Mission Impossible movies wanted everyone to believe that the only people in need of burner phones were the unfairly attractive super-spies and their nemeses. While Derek Morgan was built like a Greek god, this was no globe-trotting Bond adventure and Juliet was sure as hell no one’s Pussy Galore. It was less sleek, sexy action movie sequence and more a perilous hail-mary with no gorgeous sports car in sight. Rotten Tomatoes would not have scored it highly.
Surprisingly all it took was a wad full of cash and some small-talk with a convenience store owner named Earl and Juliet was walking out of the MiniMart with a nondescript burner, no gold-plated spy ID necessary.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t the Road Runner so she couldn’t get back to her house in the blink of an eye, but she did the best she could, slamming the door behind her so she could participate in the sacrilegious act of defiling a book in the confines of her own home. It made her physically ill to think about, but living without Derek or living with regret was even worse.
With the utility blade from Derek’s toolbox, she dug into the pages, hollowing out enough to safely bury the phone inside. Her previous determination to do anything to save her relationship faded into a hollowness that settled into the middle of her chest when she realized what she was using. The man she loved pervaded every aspect of this house. House - not home. Not as long as he was absent. She allowed herself to wallow for a moment before banishing all doubt and sadness from existence. Juliet had learned from the best personal superhero around so it was time to become her own.
“Hey Morgan? I got this book out of the library. It’s a book of pieces by Ovid, the Roman poet.” Spencer explained from his spot in the kitchen.
Derek didn’t look up, just continued staring into the couch cushions. “That’s nice kid.” He sighed.
“Well, yes, it would be. If it wasn’t defaced. Pages have been cut out and...there’s a phone it in. Along with a message. This looks like Juliet’s handwriting actually. She must have seen the request in the inter-library loan system and gotten this to me. I think it’s for you.”
Just hearing her name hurt. All the things he’d said. All the tears they’d both shed. He couldn’t get her face out of his head. “What?” He reached out for the book, taking it tentatively from Spencer’s hand as if it were a ticking bomb that might explode at any moment. “This is her handwriting.”
Most of the book had been hollowed out, but a section at the top of one page was highlighted, her handwriting scrawled underneath.
Fortune and love favor the brave. The passage read, before her words covered up the rest.
I think Ovid might have been right. So this is me trying to be brave, for the both of us. I don’t know what happened but I know something must be wrong, because you promised I would be stuck with you forever. And Derek Morgan is a man of his word. If you’re reading this, call me. Please. Whatever it is we can figure it out as long as we’re together. Be brave my love.
Without a word, Derek swallowed against the lump in his throat. Spencer had already left the room, wanting to give him the privacy he so obviously needed right now. As he pressed the button to dial, his heart raced.
One ring.
A third ring didn’t come, but silence did. “Juliet?”
A sob wrenched through her body when she heard his voice. She knew he was lying. She knew he wouldn’t do that to her. She’d been right. “Derek?”
“I’m here,” he breathed. “I’m so sorry, I-” His voice started to shake, the look on her face when he’d broken things off burning into his brain. Honestly, he wasn’t sure he’d ever forget it.
Juliet stopped him in his tracks. “What happened? Why did you walk away? I know you were lying, but why?”
Leaning back into the couch, a tear fell from his eye. “Someone is threatening me. When my mom got sick? That was him. I thought it was a prank or something, but it wasn’t. And then I got another call saying I had to break it off with you and if I let anyone know, you, the Bureau, my family, anyone...he said he’d kill you. Baby, I had to walk away. I had to-”
“I know,” she breathed. The sense of relief she felt was akin to feeling the weight of the world leap off her shoulders.  The tears kept coming as she tried to speak. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay. We will fix this, Derek. We have to. God I just- I just miss you so much.” Juliet broke off, a sob taking over for words.
Derek felt himself beginning to weep. He hadn’t let himself feel it in so long for fear of losing himself to it forever. But she was here. He could hear her voice. And it was all too much.
They both just stayed there like that. Listening to the other cry on the other end of the line, knowing that their love was there. That this was real.
@virgoswlw​​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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Loyalty (Fluff)
Royalty AU (Part 1 Part 2)
Secret Agent AU (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 End)
I’m Yours (Angst/Fluff)
Broken (Angst)
Royalty AU (Part 1)
Royalty AU (Part 1)
Please Rest (Fluff)
Big Bang
But You Don’t Like Kids (Fluff)
Movie Night (Fluff)
Too Tired (Fluff)
Drunk (Fluff)
Don’t Listen to Them (Angst/Fluff)
Girl Talk (Fluff)
Block B
Park Kyung
Smitten (Fluff)
Welcome Home (Fluff)
Cold Nights (Fluff)
Sick Day (Fluff)
Rap Monster
Excuse Me? (Fluff)
Pranks (Fluff)
I Don’t Want to be Alone Tonight (Fluff)
It’s Over (Angst)
Calm Down (Fluff)
Video Games (Angst/Fluff)
Man-Child (Fluff)
Blackmail (Fluff)
Love is Love (Fluff)
Jay Park
Monsta X
Kiss Me (Fluff)
You’re Mine and That’s It, Forever (Angst/Fluff)
I Understand  (Angst/Fluff)
He’s Taken (Angst/Fluff)
You’re All Children (Fluff) 
At the Fair (Fluff)
Puns (Fluff)
Evening In (Fluff)
You’re Lucky I Love You (Fluff)
Someone Else (Angst)
Yeo One
Homesickness -Exchange Student AU (Angst/Fluff)
Paranoia (Angst) 
Bad Day (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 End)
Distance (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
Long Days and Late Nights (Angst/Fluff)
Honeymoon (Fluff)
You’re Safe With Me (Angst/Fluff)
Stress (Fluff)
Hate (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Cafe AU (Part 1)
Pleurs (Angst)
Mornings (Smut)
Late Night Cravings (Fluff)
 Pet Store (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2 End)
Winning Isn’t Everything (Fluff)
Romeo and Juliet: The Sacrifice (Angst)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2)
Be You (Fluff)
Not a Morning Person (Fluff)
Bodyguard AU (Part 1 Part 2)
No Thanks Satan (Fluff)
Just Friends (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
I Didn’t Mean it (Angst) Part 2 (Fluff)
5 Seconds of Summer
Black Veil Brides 
Hunter Hayes
One Direction
Shawn Mendes
Aidan Turner
Andrew Garfield
Benedict Cumberbatch
Chris Evans 
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pratt
David Tennant
Jared Padalecki
Jensen Ackles
Luke Evans
Matt Smith 
Misha Collins
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Dan Howell
Life with Eric (Fluff)
Harry Potter
Dean Thomas
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley 
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin 
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Kane Chronicles
Carter Kane 
Sadie Kane
Zia Rashid
Magnus Chase
Alex Fierro
Magnus Chase 
Samirah al-Abbas
Alex and Magnus 
Sam and Amir
The Maze Runner
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase 
Clarisse la Rue 
Frank Zhang
Hazel Levesque 
Jason Grace 
Leo Valdez
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano 
Orignial Characters 
Introducing Amelia Zhang (OC)
Introducing Hunter Zhang (OC)
The Dark Artifices
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales 
Emma Carstairs
Gwyn ap Nudd
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Julian Blackthorn
Kit Herondale
Mark Blackthorn
Tiberius Blackthorn
Aline and Helen
Tessa and Jem
The Hobbit 
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne 
Johanna Mason 
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark 
Primrose Everdeen 
Annie and Finnick
Katniss and Peeta 
The Infernal Devices
Cecily Herondale
Charlotte Fairchild
Gabriel Lightwood
Gideon Lightwood
Henry Branwell
Jem Carstairs
Jessamine Lovelace
Sophie Collins
Tessa Gray
Will Herondale
Gabriel and Cecily
Gideon and Sophie
Henry and Charlotte
Will and Tessa 
The Lunar Chronicles
Cinder and Kai
Cress and Thorne 
Scarlet and Wolf 
Winter and Jacin 
The Mortal Instruments
Clary Fray 
Isabelle Lightwood
Jace Herondale 
Jordan Kyle 
Maia Roberts 
Raphael Santiago 
Simon Lewis
Don’t Underestimate Me (Angst)
Vampire Academy
Christian and Lissa 
Dimitri and Rose 
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner 
Derek Morgan 
Emily Prentiss 
Jennifer Jareau 
Penelope Garcia 
Spencer Reid 
Doctor Who
Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor 
Eleventh Doctor 
Twelfth Doctor
River Song 
Bruce Wayne
Edward Nygma 
Harvey Bullock 
Jeremiah Valeska 
Jerome Valeska 
Jim Gordan 
The Hobbit
Black Panther 
Black Widow 
Captain America 
Iron Man 
Scarlet Witch 
The Wasp 
Soldier 76
Friendship (Angst/Fluff)
Romance (Fluff)
Us (Angst/Fluff)
Stop Running (Fluff)
Original Stories/Excerpts: Fantasy Novel
Introducing Ravenshade
Note: New fandoms will be added as I feel necessary. If you want to request something, but don’t see the name on the list, shoot me ask and I might still be able to write it. Just because it’s not on the list doesn’t mean I don’t know it.
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 35
After having a few much needed drinks over at Rossi’s place, Derek and Juliet got an uber back to their house and fell asleep. When they’d first arrived, the sinister call weighed on him, but as the night wore on and he consumed more and more alcohol, he figured he was probably just overreacting and it was a prank call or something.
His mother and sisters had come into town on short notice to celebrate their engagement, so after getting an uber back to Rossi’s place to pick up the car, they would head to the hotel to eat at the restaurant downstairs. “Ready?” He called out toward the bathroom.
Juliet emerged wearing a deep purple t-shirt, black blazer and jeans. It didn’t matter what she wore, she always looked stunning. “I’m ready.” She noticed the dreamy look in his eyes and blushed. “See something you like?”
“Always,” he chuckled. “Let’s get going. Mom’s going to lose her mind when she sees you with the ring up close and in the flesh.”
They headed downtown to the Hamilton, one of Juliet’s favorite spots. His sisters and mother were waiting by the front door. For the second time in very recent memory, she found herself crushed into a hug.
“Sarah, Desiree, Fran. It’s so good to see you all!” Juliet exclaimed, smiling.
Fran shook her head. “Oh please, you can call me Mom. You’re family now.”
Juliet blushed, ducking her head shyly. “Not officially yet.”
Derek’s arm snaked around her waist. “Are you planning on being a runaway bride?” He teased
She shook her head emphatically, eyes dead serious as she stared at him. “Not a chance. You promised I was stuck with you, Derek Morgan.”
His sisters awwed before stealing Juliet away to begin discussing the wedding. As they walked inside, Derek fell into step behind them with his mother. She was beaming and holding back tears.
Derek nodded, sighing softly. “I know. I wish he was here too.”
After they all shed a few tears, they asked for a table and were quickly seated in the corner of the restaurant. With the excitement of the engagement and of course the talk of the upcoming wedding, they all built up quite an appetite, so they ordered some appetizers to split, and a couple drinks to keep them occupied while they waited for their entrees.
“Oh my god,” Sarah mumbled. “These are so good. I want to eat five of these servings for a meal.”
Juliet laughed. “That’s why I love it here. All of the food is amazing.”
“And speak of the devil,” Fran laughed. “Our entrees are here.”
With the plates placed in front of them, the conversation died down, allowing for full mouths and yummy noises instead. Just 10 minutes into the meal, Derek noticed his mother wiping her brow. “You okay, mama?”
“Yes,” she said, pushing her plate away. “Just a little stomach bug, I guess. I’ll be right back.” Juliet rose as well “I’ll come with, I could use a bathroom.” She shot Derek a quick look before following Fran.
The older woman only made it a few steps before staggering. Juliet stabilized Fran with her arm while Derek and his sisters rushed over.
“Mama!” He exclaimed, looking down to see her face starting to turn a dark red. “Someone call 911!” Derek yelled out across the restaurant, hands shaking as he held his mother’s face in his hands.
The next few moments went so quickly, and so slowly, that Derek felt as if he was seeing the same scene in slow motion and fast forward at the exact same time. All that registered was a pair of paramedics, the wail of sirens, and Juliet’s hand in his. Somehow they arrived at the hospital and immediately his mother was rolled away behind a set of heavy wooden doors on a gurney.
Just like that.
When he felt a hand on his back, he spun around quickly, tears in eyes. “Sorry,” he said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Sorry, baby.”
“It’s okay,” she replied. “I’m here.”
He wrapped his arms around her and took a deep breath, trying to steady out his thoughts.
“You don’t have to be strong, Derek. It’s okay to let go.”
As he thought about what was happening to his mother on the other side of those doors, a sob escaped him, only muffled by the soft waves of Juliet’s hair.
The minutes passed into over an hour, during which time Derek, Sarah and Desiree were pacing the halls wondering what the hell was going on. Juliet did her best to stay strong for the family, but she couldn’t get anyone to give her information on Fran’s condition.
Finally, a doctor emerged from the doors where Fran had disappeared just 60 minutes earlier. “Fran Morgan?” The three of them ran over, peppering him with questions before Juliet told everyone to breathe so the doctor could talk. “I’m Dr. Goldstein. Your mother is okay. Although her diagnosis is puzzling.”
The three Morgan children breathed a sigh of relief before asking the obvious. “What happened to her?” Sarah asked.
Dr. Goldstein looked at the charts, as if double checking his information. “Your mother had cyanide in her system.”
“What?” Desiree exclaimed.
Sarah began a barrage of questions. Where could it have come from? Why would someone poison their mother? None of it made sense, but it immediately clicked in Derek’s mind. Whoever had been on the other side of that phone call hadn’t been kidding.
And just like some sick twisted clockwork, his phone started to ring. Taking a step back while his sisters and Juliet continued speaking with the doctor, Derek picked up the phone.
“You son of a bitch.” He growled.
The voice on the other end chuckled. “What’s the matter Agent Morgan? Did you not like mommy’s welcoming present? I thought it was quite impressive.”
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Well that seems a bit extreme. I did give you fair warning. There was a way to keep all of this from happening. And you ignored me. Poor listening skills really ought to be listed on your performance review alongside Unit Chief Hotchner’s glowing assessment of your adaptability in the field Agent Morgan.”
Derek froze. This wasn’t some random guy sitting in his house. This person knew details that the general public didn’t have access to, he could specify points from his performance review. He had inside knowledge related to the BAU.
“Helloooo?” The voice trilled mockingly “Anyone home? If so, please deliver this message: I’m giving you one more chance Agent Morgan. End things with your pretty little fiance or more bodies start dropping, including hers. And they won’t get off as easily as dear old mom.
He could feel his blood start to run cold at the words. All he could see was his mother laying there strapped to a gurney looking like a broken ragdoll. His sisters, his team, the love of his life in that same spot over and over and over again.
His jaw tightened as he spoke. “You will get what you want for now, but make no mistake...I will make you pay.”
Immediately, he hung up the phone, not wanting to hear another damn word out of his mouth. With his head swimming in possibilities, he walked back over to his fiancee and sisters.
“So, our mother will be able to leave in a few hours?” Desiree asked. They were still confused, but above all else they were just glad she was okay.
“Yes. Once we figured out what was wrong, we had her inhale a dose of amyl nitrate and right now she has an IV of sodium nitrate. One of my nurses will probably be switching the IV over to sodium thiosulfate next and the combination of the three of them will clear any of the poison out of her system.” A doctor’s work was never done, but at the relieved smiles of the women in front of him, he returned it and left them to take in everything he’d just said.
Juliet hugged Sarah and Desiree, who’d practically collapsed into her shoulders in relief. “Thank god she’s going to be okay.”
“Of course,” Sarah breathed, her voice shaky, “But how did this happen? Did it happen at the restaurant?”
Derek knew the answer and he couldn’t say anything. If he did, he’d risk their lives. “She’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure it out.”
Juliet was still holding his sisters. With a sad smile, he stepped toward them and gathered them all into him. He looked down at Juliet and tried desperately not to start sobbing. How was he supposed to do this to her? How was he supposed to look the love of his life in the eyes and call things off?
Desiree sighed heavily but nodded. “Dr. Goldstein said we can see her now. But only two at a time.”
“You and Sarah go ahead. Juliet and I will wait outside, see if there’s any more news.”
His sisters faded away down the hall while Derek braced himself to say the words he had never imagined crossing his lips.
Right now he wished he was the one in that hospital bed, or worse. If only to save her from this.
@virgoswlw​​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 36
After Desiree and Sarah returned from visiting with their mother, Derek cautiously grabbed Juliet’s hand, glancing around and wondering if whoever had been on the phone was actively watching. He was going to do what the bastard said...for now. But he couldn’t do it before the two of them went to visit his mother. Fran and Juliet loved each other - Fran the mother Juliet never had, and Juliet the adopted daughter that fit in perfectly with her already wonderful family. He had to let them see each other before he did this.
How was he supposed to break her heart like this? What would even make sense enough for her to walk away? He had to think of something; the lives of everyone he loved depended on it.
As they walked into his mother’s room, he drew in a sharp breath. She looked so frail and weak - the complete opposite of the strong and beautiful woman he knew. However, she was nothing if not resilient. She would come out of this. He’d make sure they all would.
Fran looked up at them as they entered, coughing a little before a rasp escaped. “So, a horse walks up to the bar, and the bartender says...why the long face?”
Juliet felt tears prick her gaze as she shook her head in disbelief. She was telling a joke. A very bad joke. After nearly dying of cyanide poisoning. It was...astounding. The strength her soon to be mother in law had in that petite frame was the stuff of legends.
“Oh darling, don’t cry. Everything’s okay.” Fran murmured.
“Sorry-I’m sorry we’re supposed to be taking care of you and here I am blubbering like an idiot.”
“I don’t mind the blubbering. Now come sit. Both of you.” She insisted
Derek didn’t have to be told twice. This was one occasion where he wanted nothing more than to listen to his mother. He settled into the chair next to her bed and gently wrapped her hand in his, trying to breathe deeply and pull himself together.
She was incredible. And he didn’t tell her enough. Although to be honest, Derek didn’t know if it was even possible to say it as many times as she deserved. This woman had raised three children after losing the love of her life. She had been there every single time one of them had fallen down, ready to help them back up. She had accepted the love of Derek’s life into their family with open arms.
And now, because of him...she had been forced to survive attempted murder. And Derek hated himself for it almost as much as the son of a bitch who had orchestrated it. Because of him this incredible woman who could never be told too many times how incredible she was had nearly died.
“How are you feeling, Mama?” He asked, gently grasping her hand and rubbing it between his fingers.
Fran coughed slightly and attempted to move herself up, as she’d been slipping down from her position. Derek panicked at the thought of her moving and got up to hoist her up himself before sitting back down. “Besides being poisoned, I think I’m okay. A little groggy. My muscles feel a bit heavy. But the doctors say I can go home soon.”
“Okay, good,” Juliet said, as she wiped the tears from her eyes with the backs of her hands. “Because we need you, you know.”
Both his mother and his fiancee went back and forth like they’d known each other all their lives, while he could barely focus. With all his Bureau training, he was fairly sure that his anguish couldn’t be seen on his face, but it was all rolling around in his mind like laundry in a dryer. They looked so happy. And he had to end it to save them both.
As he flashed them both a soft smile, Derek promised himself that he would find the bastard that screwed with two of the women he loved most in the world and he would make him pay.
After about 15 minutes, the nurses came in with some more medication for his mother, so Derek and Juliet took that as their cue to leave and let her get some rest. Though he was beyond grateful she was okay, Derek wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment. The second he stood up from his mother’s bedside, his heart started racing. He had to do this here and now or whoever this fucker was would hurt Juliet. He would never forgive himself if that happened.
Juliet grabbed his hand and swung it gently in between them, leading him out of her room and toward one of the exit doors. “It was a little hot in there. I just need a few minutes to breathe and then we can go find Desiree and Sarah.”
Now or never.
Derek leaned up against the wall and rubbed his temples. He should look relieved right now, but all Juliet could see was tension and anger and sadness. “She’s going to be okay, Derek. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay!” He snapped, bringing his hands behind his head. “None of this is okay. I can’t…” The words damned up in his mouth. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Juliet flinched, as if the words had struck her across the face. The fury in his voice….it was like nothing she’d ever heard before. At least, not directed at her. “What the hell does that mean?” She asked quietly, trying to keep the rush of emotions threatening to flood her system at bay. Maybe she had misheard him. Maybe he hadn’t meant it like that. Maybe-
“It means we’re finished. That this is over between us.”
“No.” She refused. This wasn’t happening. He didn’t get to do this. “No it’s not. You got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of your life with you. That isn’t finished.”
“It is.” Every word was a piece of shrapnel being slowly torn out of his chest. Unimaginable pain after unimaginable pain. “My mama….she-she almost died today. And in that room she looked at me like I was the best man she had ever known. Like my father. But I’m not. Not if I keep lying and lying and lying like this.”
The words came out even though she didn’t want to say them. “What did you lie about, Derek?”
His eyes welled up with tears as he prepared to say the words that would rip her to shreds. He was going to be the cause of her pain. “I fucked up,” he said. He couldn’t even get the words out. He had to walk around it; the look of sheer despair on her features twisted the knives already lodged underneath his skin. “I fucked up, Juliet. And you don’t deserve that. I can’t go on living like this - like this golden boy my mama thinks I am while I string you along.”
Juliet felt her heart lurch in her throat. No. This couldn’t be real. He was overwhelmed by his mother. That had to be it. “String me along where, Derek? Say what you want to say.”
“I...I cheated. Juliet, I cheated. You deserve more than that, and I can’t keep it in anymore.” Every single word was a lie and a dagger in his own chest as well as hers. He only hoped she’d buy it and walk away for her own safety. “It was a few months back. On a case. We went out to a bar after wrapping up and the next morning…”
Derek buried his face in his hands and leaned against the wall. “You deserve more than the man I am. I’m so sorry.”
“No…” She breathed, shaking her head like an etch-a-sketch, trying to shake away the fucked up picture in front of her and start anew. That’s what this had to be. A glitch in the matrix of her life. It couldn’t be real. “You wouldn’t do that to me, Derek. I-”
She knew him through and through, but he couldn’t let her reason this out. “I was drunk! I was drunk and I slept with someone else. You deserve the world, Juliet. And I...I can’t give it to you.”
Juliet’s eyes welled up with tears. She balled her fists up and pushed him backward. “Fuck you, Derek Morgan. Fuck you.”
As she turned to go to her car, turning her back to him, he went back inside and punched the wall, watching as it crumbled underneath his fist like the foundation of his life.
It was a miracle she made it home in one piece. But as soon as she stepped inside, everything reminded her of Derek. And that killed her all over again. So Juliet did the only thing people could do in such a screwed up situation: she drank.
At some point, the sun rose and found her curled up on the couch with her head pounding. Fucking alcohol.
But it wasn’t the only thing making her head hurt. Even in the midst of trying to forget everything last night, Juliet’s mind had still being trying to make all the puzzle pieces fit together. Because at the moment, they didn’t.
She’d heard what he’d said. That he’d cheated on her. Betrayed her trust. Lied to her. But...she just couldn’t believe him. It wasn’t just love or faith talking. Juliet knew it in her bones like she knew the sun rose in the sky every morning. It was more than fact, more than instinct. It was truth. The undeniable truth that Derek Morgan loved her with every fiber of his being.
And it was a truth not even he could hope to ever obscure.
@virgoswlw​​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
19 notes · View notes
dontshootmespence · 5 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: Let @veroinnumera and I in on your thoughts for our OTP! Fuel us!
Chapter 33
It was far too early in the morning, but Derek was already on edge. Tonight...he was doing this. He was going to ask the woman he loved to marry him. It was actually pretty nauseating. Pulling everyone else out of their morning fogs, Garcia walked into the room clapping excitedly. “Tonight’s the night!” She sing-songed. “Chocolate Thunder, do you have everything ready?”
“Yup. All good to go.”
Hotch’s rare smile emerged as she looked up. “How are you feeling?”
“I definitely want to hurl. I’m pretty positive she’s going to say yes though, so I don’t know why I’m freaking out.”
“Because you’re opening yourself up to rejection. That feeling of vulnerability really sucks,” Spencer said matter-of-factly, barely looking up from his still-steaming cup of coffee. Silence fell around him to the point where he looked up. “What? You weren’t looking for an answer, were you?”
“No, kid.”
Emily moved her hand back, tapping him on the shoulder. “You two are so disgustingly in love. The proposal you have planned is the most adorable thing you’ve ever done in your life. You’re going to be fine.”
About halfway through the day, Derek gave up on even trying to pretend he was doing paperwork. His head was spinning and he needed to get it on straight before tonight. No way was he letting this be anything less than perfect. She deserved perfect.
There were only two people in the world he knew could help him. One was the woman he planned on proposing to that night, so he couldn’t call her. Instead he picked up the phone and dialed the other: his mama.
The phone rang a few times before her voice came through on the other end. “Hello?”
“Hey Mama, it’s Derek. I just...I needed you.” He smiled.
“Is everything alright? Are you hurt? Is Juliet hurt? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, I promise. Well, there might be later if she doesn’t say yes. But that’s why I’m calling actually. I-uh-I’m going to propose tonight.”
A joyful peel of laughter cut off any further explanation. He could hear the tears in her voice. “Oh baby I’m so happy for you. She will. I know she will. She’s meant to be family and meant to be your wife.”
Wife. He liked that word. But he had to get to fiancee first. “I’m actually nervous, Mama. Why am I nervous?”
“Because you love her. It’s not so much believing that she’ll say no as putting pressure on yourself to make it the most amazing night of her life thus far,” Fran replied. “How are you doing it?”
For the next few minutes, he regaled her with the details of the proposal, confiding in her that while the basic idea had been his, it wouldn’t have happened without the help of Reid and Garcia. “Those are good ones, that team of yours.”
“Yea, they are,” he said, breathing deeply as he looked at his watch. He needed to get back to work. “I’m feeling better, Mama. Thank you.”
“Any time, my baby boy. As soon as she says yes, I need a phone call, okay?”
“Of course, wish me luck.”
“You won’t need it.”
Her father’s ring was beginning to burn a hole in Juliet’s pocket. Not literally, that would be a fire hazard, especially in a library. But figuratively it was starting to make her anxious. What was the plan? Was there even a plan? Should there be a plan? Her brain was burning through thoughts left and right. She had no idea what she was doing or how any of this was supposed to work.
All those great romances in cinema always showed the proposals, but not how the fuck anyone ever figured out how to propose. Not helpful. She knew how that part worked, all loving words and happy crying. At least, that was if he said yes. He would say yes. Right?
Of course he would. Anxiety was not going to ruin this for her. She was in love and going to spend the rest of her life with the person that made her feel happier than Juliet had ever thought possible. Derek Morgan would say yes, because he loved her the same way she loved him: with everything they had.
Approaching the door to the home they shared, Juliet noticed something that wasn’t there before. It looked like...paper? She strode up and took it off the door, unfolding it and smiling to herself.
This box is mostly filled with things
That never bring you glee.
Like bills, and junk and other things,
You’d rather never see.
A scavenger hunt.
Today was their one-year anniversary and he’d planned a scavenger hunt. He was truly the most amazing man ever. “Okay, so this obviously means the mailbox,” she muttered to herself. An enormous smile spread across her face as she ran like a kid to a tree on Christmas morning toward the mailbox, opening it to see her favorite lavender candles inside - along with another piece of paper. She read the next clue out loud.
Romance, mystery, fantasy Dive deep inside to look Find the place where you and I lose all our time Getting lost inside our books
Juliet frowned to herself, rereading the paper a few times. There were bookshelves in the living room but they didn’t read there usually. Most of the time they read upstairs, in the bedroom. The bedroom? It was worth a shot.
She headed back to the front door and inside, going up the stairs rather than look around for Derek. He might not even be home yet, he hadn’t texted. Hopefully she wasn’t ruining a surprise. Oops?
Juliet pushed the bedroom door open, ready to start tearing the room apart, only to find a bouquet of gorgeous yellow tulips. She paused for a moment, smiling. If Derek was there she would’ve been hugging him so tight. They were her favorites, and he hadn’t even had to ask to check.
Picking them up, she noticed another little paper taped to the bouquet. She could do this all day. The smile on her face felt like it was plastered there.
Up and down, and up and down you climb these everyday. You've likely seen the clue on these, but passed it anyway.
Turning around, she stared out of the room and down the hallway. “I climb the stairs. But I passed the stairs. There wasn’t anything-”
She stopped herself mid-sentence when she a box on the floor with a paper attached. Before she read the next clue, she glanced into the box, assuming she’d find a pair of heels, but of course, Derek knew her too well. High heels weren’t her thing - with a few minor exceptions. Instead, she found a pair of white strappy gladiator sandals. They didn’t go too high on the leg either which was something that always bugged her. Only Amazonian tall women could pull off big-ass gladiator shoes. And women with insanely long legs. She almost forgot about the paper until it crinkled in her hand. “What’s next?” She asked softly.
It seems our clothes just keep returning
to this same machine.
At least they're better than the things
the ancients used to clean.
Laundry room. Juliet grinned, it had to be. After strapping on the shoes, she went the rest of the way down the stairs and headed for the laundry room. She blushed looking over the machines and recalling a few adventures. Later. There would be time for fun later, right now she needed to find the next clue.
After rifling through the shelves, Juliet finally opened the dryer to find another box, larger this time. She peeled back white tissue paper to reveal a simple robin egg blue dress, pulling it out she found an intricately detailed open back. Subtle, but beautiful. She’d always called her style casual and comfy, which it was at times, but Derek knew better than that, which was becoming clear right this very moment.
Luckily, the dress wasn’t too fussy so she was able to get it on without help, though she had grown quite fond of Derek lending a hand and zipping her up. Sometimes though that meant they didn’t get out of the house on time because he’d decide it looked much better off than on.
A bittersweet “aww” reverberated through the room as she realized she was toward the end of her scavenger hunt.
For your final item to begin our anniversary date:
When you're feeling less than fresh there's just one place to go To wash and get all squeaky clean and scrub between each toe.
“Bathroom!” She squealed happily. When she ran in, she caught a glimpse of the dress. She looked radiant in it. Maybe it was the dress, maybe it was the fact that she was insanely happy right now. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t about to question this feeling. Quickly, she looked around and her eyes caught a basket of bath products - lavender again. There was a bath bomb, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion for when she got out, even a purple towel.
Taking out her phone, she texted Derek. “Are you home, you sneak? I’ve found all your clues.”
She didn’t get a reply, but less than a minute later, Derek peeked his head around the door frame, flashing her a cheesy smile. “You found everything?”
“Yes!” She cried out, jumping into his embrace. “That was so much fun.”
“I have so much more planned,” he winked.
Juliet did a little happy dance as he put her down. “Oh, do tell.”
“Well, I have dinner starting downstairs. It’s a surprise what we’re having. These bath things are for you. Take a bath while I finish cooking. I’m even going to put the towel in the dryer and heat it up for when you get out. Then put on the outfit and I’m going to take the flowers and some of the candles downstairs. I figured you could use one in here.” The unrestrained joy on his face told her he was proud of himself. He should be. This was perfect. She’d remember this forever.
She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him, lingering there to capture this perfect moment. “Mood lighting. I like it. Okay, my sexy Casanova. I’ll take a bath and I’ll be down in a bit.”
Half an hour later Juliet was slipping back into the dress and shoes and heading downstairs. She was trying to be quiet, but the house was old and the stair creaked, betraying her. Derek played along though, ignoring her until her hands were over his eyes. “Guess who.” She murmured happily, pressing a kiss to his neck.
“Hmmm, I’m terrible at guessing. Give me another hint.” Derek insisted, grinning.
She rolled her eyes, removing her hands and kissing him lightly. “Oh, it’s the woman I’m hopelessly and irrevocably in love with.”
“Hi.” Juliet whispered, unable to help the smile that spread onto her lips. She felt giddy; he made her feel so excited and content.
When they’d visited his family, his mama had cooked some fettuccine alfredo that Juliet had fallen in love with, so after hanging up with her earlier, he texted in desperation for the recipe. Up until then, he honestly had no idea what he was going to cook, just that he was planning to cook. Juliet took a piece of pasta from the bowl, slurping it up and leaving a drop of alfredo sauce on her nose. “I kind of want to do the lady and the tramp thing with the pasta.”
For her, he’d do it. His heart started beating frantically. She looked so stunning. Her smile carefree, her eyes awash with candlelight. Dinner smelled amazing, and in the background of his sense, he could smell the tulips he’d picked up for her. “You look beautiful, Juliet,” he said seriously.
“Thank you, love.” She blushed, looking down at her plate. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
It was now or never. He couldn’t wait until after dinner. He’d throw it up in the process and that was not how he wanted her to remember this proposal. “You know I love you more than anything else in the world, right?” He asked, his voice wavering slightly.
“Of course, I do.”
“When we met, I figured this was a favor I was doing for my cousin. I never expected to meet the love of my life. And I definitely didn’t expect for said woman to assume I was a stripper on first meeting,” he laughed.
Juliet covered her face with her hands, remembering the epitome of foot in mouth that had happened the year before. “To be fair. You would be an amazing stripper.”
Derek chuckled. Even in a moment like this she could make him laugh. This was definitely the woman he was meant to spend the rest of his life with, if she’d have him. “We’ll have to revisit that later. But for right now, I have something else I’d like to do, if that’s alright.”
“Derek?” She asked softly, breath catching in her throat. He was going to say another perfect thing if she let him keep talking. But she couldn’t. This was it, this was the right moment. Slowly Juliet started to reach into her pocket.
“Juliet. Could you look at me for a second?” He murmured. She froze, looking up. He was shaking. She gripped the ring tight. “Is everything okay?”
He nodded but didn’t speak, slowly getting up out of his chair and reaching into his back pocket.
As if it was happening in slow motion, Derek knelt down on the floor, reaching into his pocket where he held a velvet pouch. He dropped it into his hand.
This wasn’t happening.
Yes, it was. “Oh my god,” she whispered, hands covering her mouth as the tears sprang to her eyes. “Derek?”
“Juliet Hunter-Lewis,” he started, grasping her hand, “No one on earth has ever made me feel like you do. I see everything when I look at you. The wedding, the marriage, the family, the growing old together. I’ve never been able to imagine that with anyone, but with you it’s just so natural. If you do me the honor of being my wife, I will spend every day of the rest of our lives making you feel about me the way I feel about you...Will you marry me?”
Tears starting to blur her vision, Juliet found her way out of her chair and knelt down on the floor in front of him, trembling as she pulled her father’s ring out of her pocket. “Only if you say yes too.” She laughed through the tears, smiling at the love of her life.
Derek found himself laughing too as he nodded. “Yes. Yes. A million times yes. Or whatever the biggest number Reid knows is. That’s how many yeses.”
“Then yes!” Juliet exclaimed, holding out her right hand and trying in vain to keep it from shaking. They both knelt there on the ground laughing and crying as Derek slid the ring onto her finger and then she did the same. “This is so beautiful.”
“It’s my mama’s. She gave it to me when we visited.”
That was months ago. “You didn’t ask her for it?”
“No,” he replied. “She just knew. Mother’s intuition, I guess.”
She was going to have to give Fran the longest hug in the entire world next time she saw her. “It’s amazing. She’s amazing. You’re amazing.” Leaning in, she grabbed his face in her hands and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you so much.”
Cradling the back of her head, he pulled her closer, their sweet and chaste kisses turning breathless in the blink of an eye.
“Dinner’s probably getting cold,” she laughed.
He didn’t care. “We do have a microwave.”
Something told her dinner was going to have to wait.
@virgoswlw​​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88@gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
15 notes · View notes
dontshootmespence · 5 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: How do you love our OTP? Let @veroinnumera and I know!
Chapter 34
After a night filled with newly-engaged love-making, they fell asleep, tangled up together without a stitch of clothing to speak of. It had been the most restful night she’d had in forever, and she was pretty sure Derek’s too, considering he was lightly snoring behind her.
I don’t snore.
Yes, you do, Derek. I’ll film you.
Don’t you dare.
Turning over, she ran her finger over his jawline and waited for him to wake up, smiling when his eyes popped open. “Hey fiancee,” he mumbled sleepily. “How are you this morning?”
“I’m fantastic, fiance,” she replied, laughing as she lifted up her hand and marveled at the ring. Last night, she really hadn’t had too much of a chance to look at it; she’d been too overwhelmed. But it was beautiful, and the fact that it was his mother’s ring made it all that much more special.
“I don’t ever want to leave this bed.” Derek murmured, stretching.
“Me either, but we have a wedding to plan, so we may need to get up.” Juliet grinned.
“Nope. Not happening.”
She rolled her eyes and started to move to get up, but a set of arms snaked around her waist and pulled her back. Juliet let out a squeal of surprise which devolved into laughter. “Derek Morgan! You are incorrigible!”
“And you love it.” He chuckled, rolling her over and pinning her arms gently as he began to attack her with kisses.
She really did. And she was about to let him have his way and spend the day in bed when a loud ringing began. He groaned and pulled away, grabbing his cellphone off the nightstand. “Babygirl, this better be good,” he started, smiling as Garcia started rambling. Juliet could barely hear her, but from what she could gather, she was asking about the engagement. It didn’t surprise her that he’d told them beforehand. “Yes, I asked her.” He turned to Juliet and kissed her forehead. “Yes, she said yes.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Garcia screeched through the phone. That Juliet heard. “Oh my god, you’re going to live happily ever after I’m so excited!”
Garcia was the cutest. “That’s the plan,” Juliet replied. “Talk to you soon?”
“Yes, we have so much planning to do!” She clapped excitedly and said goodbye, leaving the two lovebirds to revel in the glow of being newly-engaged.
Juliet tried to get up again, succeeding this time when she coaxed Derek with the promise of pancakes. “So, I would like to know what ideas my fiance has about the wedding.”
Derek shook his head. “I’m not falling into that trap. The correct answer to that question is whatever you want, dear. My mama taught me that a long time ago.”
Juliet hip-checked him teasingly as she handed over a spatula. “Nuh uh. You are not getting off that easily mister. Tell me.”
He shrugged, looking over at her. “Honestly, all I need is you in a white dress and someone willing to marry us. Hell I’d elope if that’s what you wanted. The only thing that matters to me is you, Juliet.”
She blushed, and ducked her head shyly. Even after all this time she still melted when he talked like that. It almost didn’t feel real. And now she got to spend the rest of her life with him. Pulling herself together, Juliet shook her head. “Now that’s a trap I’m not falling into. I may not know much but I know your mother would murder me if she didn’t get to see her baby boy get married.”
“So no eloping then? You don’t fancy a quick drive to Vegas?”
Juliet grimaced and shook her head. “No way. I want to shout it from the rooftops. Okay, well I’m going to be running things by you all the time because I don’t want you to hate anything I pick. What do you think about getting married in the fall? Next year?”
“That’s good by me. I could picture you floating delicately over fallen leaves somewhere. Maybe a light blue for a color? Not too many jewels please?” If it made her happy, he’d do it, but being bedazzled wasn’t exactly his cup of tea, or mug of coffee really.
“Do you know me?” She laughed. “I’m no sparkly princess. I’m thinking I want to go for a vintage fairy-like vibe.”
Derek had absolutely no idea what that meant. “Whatever you wear, you’ll be beautiful. Who do you want to be your maid of honor?”
“Emily,” Juliet said immediately. “We’ve gotten really close. I figure Garcia is going to be your best woman?”
Chuckling, he kissed her neck as he passed her to grab something from the refrigerator. “You assume correctly.”
A few hours later they finally made it out of the house. Derek made one more impassioned plea for taking her back to bed, but Juliet had insisted. She wanted to share this with everyone that mattered to them. Of course, Garcia had probably already told everyone, even some random strangers Juliet was sure, but still.
As they stepped through the glass doors into the BAU, an explosion of confetti went off. Juliet laughed, as it cleared she could see Penelope holding a mini confetti cannon. “Hi Pen.”
The blonde didn’t speak, just tottered over and enveloped them both into a hug. “Oh I love you I love you I love you! I’m so happy, my heart is singing!”
“Too. Tight. Can’t, Breathe.” Juliet murmured into her sequined blazer, causing Penelope to reluctantly release.
“Sorry! I’m just so excited.” She squealed, grabbing Morgan’s face in her hands and kissing his cheek. “You did it! Well, we did it. Let’s be honest this wouldn’t have happened without me. And I mean-”
“Hey babygirl?”
“Can I say hi to everyone else?”
Penelope blushed, glancing back as if suddenly remembering that the rest of the team was standing behind her. “Oh. Right. Whoopsies!”
“Congratulations,” Spencer said, smiling as he embraced Derek in a warm hug. “And congratulations to you,” he continued, turning to Juliet.
Juliet was a wonderful torrent of smiles and laughs as everyone on the team congratulated them on their engagement. Even people she barely knew came up to hug her and tell her how happy they were for the two of them. It felt like a dream, walking through a cloud city where nothing could go wrong.
Rossi insisted on having drinks at his house in the near future in order to celebrate. Penelope and JJ started asking when they were going to start having little ones running around the house. And Hotch even broke out with one of his rare but genuine smiles. “Do you have a date yet?” Emily asked.
“Not yet!” Derek exclaimed with a mock tone of surprise, “But sometime in the fall.”
Juliet leaned into Derek’s embrace and sighed. “I’ve always imagined walking down the aisle among a sea of yellow, orange, and red leaves.”
They all chatted for a little longer before Rossi clapped his hands. “Alright, that’s it. We’re not going to get anymore paperwork done tonight so who’s up for good liquor at my place? Huh? What do you say.”
JJ had to beg off to head home to her boys and Emily mentioned something vague about meeting up with an old girlfriend. Juliet had known her long enough to know she meant she had a date, but didn’t pry.
The rest of the team started to collect their things while teasing Rossi about his extensive Scotch collection. Juliet went to the lair with Garcia to grab a gift she’d made for her and Derek.
That left Agent Morgan standing alone by the front doors, waiting for the team. A ringing started and after a moment of feeling around for it, Derek fished his phone out of his jacket pocket. The caller ID read: Unknown. Frowning, he picked up.
“Hello, this is SSA Derek Morgan speaking.”
“Congratulations on your engagement, Agent Morgan.” A voice crackled through on the other end of the line.
Derek tensed, unable to recognize the voice. “Who is this?!?” He asked pointedly.
“Enjoy it for tonight. Because by tomorrow, if you haven’t broken things off...well, let’s just say you’ll be sorry.”
He looked around calmly, trying to see if anyone within earshot was on their phone, but nothing. “I don’t know who you think you are,” Derek whispered, “But I won’t be doing that.”
“Is that so?” The person asked condescendingly. “I thought you cared about your family more than that.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” He asked, his voice raising in pitch with each passing moment.
There was a lingering silence on the other side of the line before the chilling voice broke through again. “Fran. Sarah. Desiree.”
Derek’s mouth went dry. “I don’t know who you think you are but-”
“Goodbye Agent Morgan.”
The line went dead. Derek nearly jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Whoa. Everything okay?” Juliet asked, searching his eyes with her brow furrowed. Taking a deep breath, he nodded and smiled. “All good.” There was no reason to scare her when he didn’t even know if this was real.
So, he ignored the sinking feeling in his stomach and held her hand, walking out to the car with the BAU in tow ready to drink the night away.
He definitely needed a drink.
@virgoswlw​​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88@gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: How are you liking @veroinnumera and my story? Let us know!
Chapter 31
Another case solved in record time. The BAU was on a roll lately. It sucked that they had cases coming in so consistently, but humanity ensured they’d never be out of a job. Luckily, every member of the team clicked in a way that no other group did, allowing them to solve cases quickly.
Smiling down at his phone, Derek messaged her back before putting it in his pocket.
“What are you so smiley about?” JJ asked, crossing her legs across from him.
“It’s just Juliet. I promised that if we finished the case today, I would cook dinner for her when I got home.”
Rossi walked up from the back of the jet, second cup of coffee in hand and sat down across the aisle from both of them. “Our very own Derek Morgan, settled down and domesticated. Who would’ve known?”
JJ knew the look in Morgan’s eyes. It’s how she always felt with Will. “You look happy. I’m happy for you.”
“I am. I really am. I had no idea this was ever gonna come my way. And now I can’t imagine letting it go.” He sighed, staring down at her name on his phone.
“Well, as far as I know, you don’t have to. But to be extra safe, marry her. And then you definitely don’t. At least it worked for me and Will.” JJ grinned.
Derek felt as if someone had just splashed cold water on his face. How had he not already? The honest answer was that it already felt like he had. They were each other's forevers.  And maybe he’d never said it by asking her that question, but it was the truth. He knew it just as well as he knew the sun rose every morning or that it set every night.  “Right.” He murmured, mostly to himself. “Right.”
The rest of the ride on the jet Derek pretty much zoned out. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t asked her already. But now how? How was he supposed to ask the most amazing woman he’d ever known to be his for the rest of his life? It felt like there was no acceptable way - it all felt like too little.
Finally, they were back at the BAU to grab some paperwork to take home. “You’ve all worked hard. Go home and relax,” Hotch said.
Everything went by on autopilot. He picked up his things, he slipped on his jacket...How was he supposed to do this?
“Hello, my beautiful sculpted Greek god,” Penelope said, pulling him out of his trance. “What’s up?”
“Nothing. Just ready to go home.”
“No, that’s not it. There’s something else.” Penelope grabbed his face in both hands and made him look right at her. “You’re off in another world. Come on, tell me what’s up.”
Derek took a cleansing breath, the words coming out of his mouth giving him more piece of mind every time he thought about them. “I want to marry Juliet. I want to propose.”
Penelope Garcia let out a delighted squeal much louder than should have been possible given her stature. She flung her arms around Derek and started jumping up and down while hugging him. And soon Derek found he was jumping up and down too. They were both laughing and grinning, happy tears forming in her eyes when she finally stopped jumping and just held onto him.
“Did I just break Penelope Grace Garcia?” Derek chuckled
Penelope nodded vigorously. “Oh yes. But I have been reborn into a bigger and better PGG, like a pokemon or something.”
There was a brief moment of silence before she sprung on him again. “Okay, tell me everything. I want Hallmark movie level detail. Why now? What happened? When is the wedding?”
Okay, one question at a time. “Why now?” He parroted. “Because I just realized on the jet that I never ever want to let her go. What happened? Nothing, she’s just everything and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of waking up next to her. And when is the wedding? I have no clue because I don’t even know how to propose yet.”
Penelope’s face dropped into that of stunned and unbridled joy. “What? You...you don’t know how to propose?” She pointed at herself and smiled. “Meet your proposal coach. Do you have a ring? Because if not, I can take you ring shopping.”
“That I have,” he said, smiling softly as he pictured the velvet pouch he had safely tucked away at home. “When we went to see my family, my mama saw it - the look in my eyes - she gave me her engagement ring.”
She couldn’t fan her eyes fast enough. “Oh my god, that’s so perfect. It is like a Hallmark movie. Alright, for proposals, do you want something big or small?”
“Small,” he said emphatically. “Juliet doesn’t like being the center of attention and I’d really like this to be a private thing.”
Garcia nodded. “Well someone will have to break the news to her that when you get married I will be staring at her the entire time so she will be the center of attention.  In the meantime, small and intimate. Okay. The house? Or is there somewhere else that would be a good fit?”
“I would like to do it at the house because that’s the reason we met in the first place. I was thinking that maybe I could do a scavenger hunt of sorts, but I have no idea how to come up with the clues. I’d leave the candles, the flowers, a dress for her, shoes for her, some nice bath things all around the house and she’d use them that day or for the flowers and candles they’d be on the table with the clues leading to them but I have no idea where to start.” This was a good idea, but how was he supposed to pull this off. Suddenly, it dawned on him - and apparently Garcia too.
Juliet loved her job in general, but this was always her favorite part of the day - storytime with the younger kids.
As the words spilled forth, she couldn’t help but picture reading to her own kids one day. Two or three kids was what she’d always wanted. A nice tight-knit family; it would be the complete opposite of what she’d grown up with.
That’s when it dawned on her.
That dream had left her so long ago. After Carter brutalized her and demoralized her and took everything away from her, she assumed she wasn’t destined for that, and yet here she was sitting in front of a group of children and picturing her own happy family. Derek had done that for her.
She wanted a family with him.
A smile spread across her face so quickly it threw off the children she was reading too. “What’s so funny, Miss Juliet?” One of the little girls asked.
“Not funny. I’m happy because I realized that I want to marry my boyfriend and start a family with little ones just like you.”
The boys made gagging noises, save for the one toward the back of the group that gave her a thumbs up, and the girls oohed and aahed, making kissy noises in the direction of the disgruntled boys. “What’s his name?” The same girl asked.
“His name is Derek Morgan.”
Her eyes widened and her lip started to tremble. “Sweetie what’s wrong?” Juliet asked, kneeling down besides her. “I-if you marry him I -I can’t call you Miss Juliet anymore. I’ll have to call you Mrs-Mrs. Morgan.”
Juliet smiled, shaking her head. “You can call me Miss Juliet forever. I promise, Okay?”
Her lip stopped trembling and she grinned “Okay!”
And so, Miss Juliet went back to the book.
About an hour later all the little ones had gone home and she was reshelving stray paperbacks.  She would keep her promise, but the idea of getting to be Juliet Morgan instead of Juliet Hunter-Lewis gave her butterflies. Not just because it meant she and Derek were family, but because it stood for who she was now: free and alive and empowered and happy and ready to spend the rest of the life with the love of her life. No more darkness and demons from her past got to haunt her anymore. Juliet Morgan only had room in her life for hope.
@virgoswlw​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88@gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: Hey babes! @veroinnumera and I still aren’t done with Derek and Juliet. Let us know what you think! 
Chapter 28
This wasn’t right. Derek couldn’t let Juliet go out there and piss thousands of dollars into the wind on a woman who has never proven herself - at least not without being really emphatic about where he stood. Juliet was going to be leaving to see her mother soon and she knew she was going to have the check in her wallet. “Hey, babe. Can I talk to you before you leave?”
“Yea, what about?”
Walking up to her, Derek slipped his hand into hers and kissed her forehead. “I need you to know that what I’m about to say I say only out of love for you, but...I don’t think you should give your mother that money. Her track record says she’s not for real and I know that she might be, but what happens if you give her the money and she leaves?”
“Why would she leave?” Juliet asked, knowing in the back of her mind that Derek was right about this. “What? I’m not good enough to stick around for so obviously she’s going to leave? Explain it to me Derek!”
He cradled her face in his hands and wiped the tears away with the pads of his thumbs. “It’s not that at all. I know what you’re worth. Everything. Everything and more, but you said yourself that your mother has been in and out of your life constantly. It’s a pattern. And she’s going to do it again.”
Juliet shook her head, pulling away. “People change though! If I’d met you five or ten years ago you would’ve slept with me and snuck out of the house before I woke up.”
Derek took a deep breath, biting back the urge to yell. She was trying to get under his skin, make him feel how she felt. And he couldn’t say it wasn’t working. But he had to let it go, for her sake. “That’s not fair. And yes, people change, but she hasn’t done one substantial thing to prove that she’s one of those people.”
“You know what? Screw you! Screw you and your perfect family! I’m sorry its such a crime that I want what you have. Alana’s no saint but she’s my mother and you more than anyone ought to know how important that is. You’re telling me to turn my back on my blood. I can’t do it, Derek.”
“No. Don’t even try. You want me to turn my back on something? Fine, how about you.” She scoffed, tearing streaming down her face. Juliet wanted to take back the words the moment she said them. She didn’t mean it. She could never mean that. But she was just so fucking angry right now and he was the only person it felt safe to be angry with.
This is what love was - remaining there for the one you loved even when they were turning from you in the heat of anger. “You may be turning your back on me, but I won’t turn it on you. I’m not the bad guy here, Juliet.”
“Oh, but my mother is!?” She screamed. The floorboards underneath her feet nearly cracked under the stomping pressure. Her jacket came off the hanger so quickly that the hanger snapped. Pulling it on, she went back to the couch, grabbed her purse and walked toward the door.
Derek wanted to go after her, but for all his profiling skills, he didn’t know what the right thing was to do right now. “Where are you going?” He asked, his eyes glistening with tears. In his gut, he knew she was headed to the slaughterhouse.
“I’m going for a drive!” She yelled. “I can’t see her like this. I need to take a breather. I’ll be back later.” She didn’t want to lose Derek. “Either support me or don’t. But I need to do what I need to do.”
As the door slammed closed, Derek fell back into the couch. She needed to do what she needed to do - even if that meant giving away her life savings to a woman who was going to turn around leave her daughter behind again.
It had been nearly an hour since Juliet had left. Derek called over and over again and left messages, but she wouldn’t pick up. When he was stressed out, he did one of three things; he went to the gym, he took a shower, or he cooked. There was no gym in the house, he’d already taken a shower, so now he was cooking fettuccine alfredo in the middle of the kitchen hoping that his brain would unscramble itself.
When someone started knocking at the door, he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Juliet, I’m sorry, I just-”
The door swung open and there she was - Alana. “What are you doing here?” He asked as flatly and emotionlessly as he could. He didn’t want it coming across that he wanted to spit daggers at her.
“Juliet didn’t show up,” she replied. “I wanted to see where she was.”
“She went to cool off.”
“You had an argument? What about?”
God, he wanted to go off on her. Call her out for all her bullshit, but he couldn’t - not when he loved Juliet. “About you actually,” he said calmly.
Alana’s eyes widened. “Me? I haven’t done anything, what could there be to fight about?”
Despite his restraint, Derek couldn’t hold back the sigh. “If you honestly believe that, then you really do have a problem.”
“I really don’t appreciate your tone.” She spat, stepping into the house.
That was it. He couldn’t hold back. “What’s your real endgame here, huh? I bet if I did some digging I’d find out you aren’t really sick. Or if you are, you have no interested in getting help. So what are you really here for? Do you owe someone money? Is it drugs? What?”
Alana’s cool snapped for a split second before she resumed her composure. “How dare you. You don’t know me. Why is it so hard for you to get through your thick skull that I love my daughter.”
“You don’t.” Derek muttered under his breath.
“I’m sorry?”
“You don’t! I know what loving your daughter looks like, because I adore her. I’m in love with her. And you aren’t. Not the way a mother is supposed to love her child.”
Alana leaned smugly against the wall. “And what’s that supposed to look like? How would you know anything about how a parent loves their child? You have any?”
“No, but I was raised in a household with a single mother who never made my sisters or I feel anything less than fucking perfect,” he spat. This woman was calling herself a mother. She may have bore Juliet, but she wasn’t a mother in any other sense of the word. “My mother was there at every football game I played. She was there at every dance recital my younger sister was in, every basketball game my older sister played in. She worked three jobs to put us all through school. Then she came home at the end of the day and she made sure she helped us all with our homework, fed us dinner, before she ever did anything for herself. Do you know what that’s like? Because from what Juliet has told me about her childhood, you flitted in and out of her life when it was convenient for you. I love Juliet. I’m in love with Juliet. She means the world to me. If you break her heart again I will make you regret the day you walked in that door and came face to face with me.”
That was when Alana changed. The moment she felt threatened everything became about survival and self preservation. Derek could practically feel the room start to freeze over as she spoke. Her tone was calm, measured...but her eyes looked wild. They were the sort of dangerous he saw every day when they finally cornered their unsub. She was trapped and ready to do anything, destroy anyone, to free herself. “And what makes you think she’ll believe a word you say? I’m her mother. You, well you’re nobody. If you make her choose she will choose me. Juliet may not like me, but she’s weak when it comes to family. All she’s ever wanted is that white picket fence life and she’ll pick me to get it. So fine, cards on the table? I’m sick. But I’m not going to spend the time I have left wasting away in a hospital. I’m going to live. I like to smoke and drink and gamble and screw. And that’s what I’ll do, as soon as I have the cash. But if you even try to tell her anything I just said, she won’t believe a word of it.”
A set of keys hit the floor, causing them both to turn around. Juliet was standing in the doorway, staring.
“Honey! You’re home oh good I was worried about you-” Alana froze mid-sentence when she saw the look on her daughter’s face as she came into the house. Juliet marched right up to her mother and paused.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?”
The words barely left Alana’s mouth before Juliet’s hand hit her face.
The slap rang out through the house.
Alana staggered backward holding her face. “Juliet what the hell!?!”
“Leave. Before I do it again.”
Derek scoffed as Alana actually tried to act like she hadn’t just uttered the words she did. “Juliet? I don’t-”
“Shut up! You were going to take advantage of my kindness, my desire for an actual family. You sit here and admit it to my boyfriend and now you’re going to act like fucking June Cleaver? I won’t have it. You’ve done it to me too many times.” The anger radiated through her. She felt like her skin was crawling. Like one of those nightmares where you look down and see bugs coming out of your skin. Every nerve felt raw. “You are sick, but don’t want to give up the drinking and smoking and whoring around so you were going to take my money to do all of that until the day you die? Fuck you, Alana! Get out of my house and don’t ever let me see your face again. You sicken me.”
Admitting defeat was not Alana’s style, so she held her cheek, still burning with the impression of Juliet’s hand and stomped toward the door. “You’re going to regret this. Not having time with your mother before she dies.”
“I have nothing to regret. You are the one that did wrong by me. Do you hear me?!” And with that she slammed the door and fell to the floor in a heap of sobs.
The words had fallen out of her mouth. She had nothing to regret. She didn’t...right?
A pair of arms came around her body, holding her tightly. She wanted to push him away. She hated him for being right, but she needed to feel safe right now, and he provided her that sanctuary.
They didn’t say anything, just sat on the floor for a long while. To anyone else, sitting there she might have looked broken and helpless, but Derek saw a strength he wasn’t even sure he had. The fact of the matter was that he needed her as much as she needed him. Today Juliet was leaning on him, but she had saved him more times than Derek could count.
And that was why they fit together. Their broken pieces matched. It would take time. How much he couldn’t be sure of. But things would be better eventually. And in the meantime they had each other.
@witchythorn​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88@gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: Let @veroinnumera and I know what you think! 
Chapter 25
The knocking came again. With an exasperated sigh, Juliet threw the door open. “What the hell do you want Alana? And better yet, how the fuck did you find me?” The acid in her voice seemed overpowering, but listening carefully Derek could hear the pain underneath.
“Your father never had much in the way of manners either.” The woman at the door tsked, rolling her eyes. “I’ll tell you everything once I’ve had a glass of wine and a smoke.” She started to step forward only to be blocked by Derek’s imposing form. Alana’s face drew into an expression of distaste. “Do you mind?” She scoffed.
Derek’s jaw twitched from keeping his mouth shut. He already didn’t like this woman, but when he turned to the side, he silently asked Juliet if he should let her in. When she nodded, he stepped aside. “Thank you,” she said haughtily. “And who are you by the way?”
“His name is Derek and he’s my boyfriend, Alana. Live in, actually.” The sooner she was in and out of this house the better off she’d be. Quickly, Juliet stomped toward the kitchen, her eyes full of fire as she picked up a glass and gave her mother some wine. When she stepped back into the living room, she saw her mother with a cigarette in her mouth and snatched it away. “You wanna smoke, you do it outside. This place is finally repaired and cleaned, I’m not about to have the entire place stink of smoke.”
Alana shrugged and took the glass, tipping it back and downing half the glass in one go. She didn’t bother saying anything, which left Juliet even more frustrated than before.
“Why are you here and how did you find me?” she asked again, more pointedly than before.
Alana’s face softened slightly. “I can’t just want to see my little girl.”
“Some mothers could, but not you.”
To anyone else, her mother’s downtrodden face would look genuine, like she was actually hurt by that, but Juliet had been through too much with her to be fooled anymore. “I came because I have some news and I wanted to tell you. I know how hard it was for you after your father passed away. I had to tell you.”
“You don’t even deserve to say a word about him.” Juliet growled, but under her breath.
Alana continued, a grave looking overtaking her features. “If the next few months don’t go the way I hope, I may be joining him. And I thought you needed to know.”
Juliet swallowed hard. No. There was no way. “Prove it.” She insisted, eyes still stony.
Her mother sighed, looking disappointed before extracting some papers from her bag and handing them over. “Look for yourself, Juliet.”
She snatched the papers, scanning them quickly before giving Derek a chance to look. He would have a better skill set for determining if this was the truth or just another crock of shit.
His eyes scanned the papers, vacillating between wanting this all to be bullshit so they could send her packing, and praying it wasn’t true for Juliet’s sake, but the papers were legitimate at least from what he could see without putting it under a microscope. “Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus,” he said softly. “It’s true.”
At first, Juliet couldn’t muster the words. Crying seemed an impossibility considering she’d barely gotten to know this woman throughout the years despite the fact that she bore her. She couldn’t be mad that she was here because she was sick; Derek thought so and she trusted his judgement. And another part of her was still questioning whether or not her mother was being truthful, which in turn made her feel guilty. “When did you find out?” She asked, giving her mother the benefit of the doubt and sitting down next to her.
“Two weeks ago,” she said, her voice much less forceful and sure than her usual obnoxious self. It was almost as if she were on the verge of crying and Juliet was not used to that. “The doctor said it’s treatable, but I’m still scared. I guess hearing that kind of information just throws a lot of things into perspective.” Tears started to fall from her eyes as she turned to caress the side of her daughter’s face. They hadn’t been this close - even physically - in many years. “I know I haven’t been the kind of mother that you deserved, but I wanted to see if maybe I could try...to be that for you. Maybe we could spend some time together?”
Juliet inhaled, trying in vain to calm the billion thoughts rushing through her head. She could feel herself starting to shake and leaned into Derek for some solace. “I don’t know, Alana. It’s late and I need time.”
Alana nodded sadly, hope cleary deflating. “I’ll come by tomorrow. Here’s my number.” She handed over a post-it with digits scribbled on it before turning to go. She paused and looked over her shoulder. “I really have missed you, little girl.”
Juliet just nodded, at a loss for anything more as her mother walked out the door.
When the door closed behind Alana, Juliet stood in silence for a few moments before her thoughts were thankfully interrupted by Derek. “Babe, are you okay? What’s going through your brain?”
“I actually need a few minutes to process...can we go upstairs and get ready for bed and then I can answer?”
Derek nodded, “Of course.”
Juliet thanked the universe for Derek as they went upstairs. He didn’t ask her anything - didn’t pry at all. She went through the motions, putting on her pajamas and brushing her teeth and hair before climbing into bed and pulling the covers over them both. “I can’t believe my mom has cancer.”
“I know,” he replied. “We always assume our parents are these immortal beings for reason, so when something happens we-” He stopped short. “We don’t know what to do. What do you think you’re going to do?”
Even though she had taken a deep breath, she still felt like she couldn’t breathe - like her lungs were in a vice grip. “I don’t know...I mean, she’s hurt me so many times before, but she is my mother, in blood if nothing else. I feel...I feel like I owe it to her.”
“You don’t owe her or anyone anything,” Derek replied, “But I understand what you mean. Do it because you feel it’ll benefit you though.”
“Honestly? I don’t even know which way is up right now. Let alone whether this is good for me….but regardless she’s my mother. And I’ve changed a lot since we saw each other. Is it too much to hope that she has too?” Juliet asked, sitting down on the bed and closing her eyes for a moment.
“It’s not too much to hope,” Derek replied, swallowing hard against the awful foreboding feeling he had. “Just please...be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Me either. But if I hadn’t risked getting hurt, I wouldn’t have you in my life, Derek.” Juliet found herself pointing out before shaking her head. “I don’t know. I need to sleep on it, okay?”
Derek nodded, attempting to keep the solemn expression from her eyes. “Of course.”
Without another word they went to bed, curled up together just like every other night. But neither of them could sleep. Even with their bodies intertwined, they were miles apart.
Sometime during the night, they must’ve fallen asleep, because Juliet found herself snoring herself awake like a cartoon or a sitcom the next morning. Everything her mother had said last night, and all the things she and Derek spoke about ran through her mind. While she didn’t want to get hurt, she also didn’t want to let this possibility pass her by. With shaking hands, she picked up her phone and dialed the numbers on the crumpled piece of paper her mother had handed over. “Alana? It’s me. I’m going to give you a chance. Don’t make me regret this.”
@witchythorn @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @naturallytom @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: Will @veroinnumera and I ever stop being mean to our Juliet? Maybe soon.
Chapter 29
How long had it been since the door had slammed close on her relationship with her mother? For good. She wasn’t sure, but Derek’s arms felt heavy around her body. Their heartbeats and breathing were in sync, and she had no tears left to cry. They had dried in their rivers on her face. She still felt the same, but nothing else came.
For a moment, she just sat there - not crying, not talking, just breathing, staring off into the distance and hoping that if she closed her eyes to the world, when she opened them again this would’ve all been a dream.
Standing up felt like she had cement in her shoes.
“Juliet, I-” Derek started. He wanted to make this all disappear for her.
She spun around, ready to snap and then stopped herself. “I can’t, Derek. Just…”
When Derek decided to confront Alana, he assumed this is how it would end - with Juliet getting her heart broken. Alana’s facade was transparent as hell to everyone that wasn’t clouded by familial ties. He also wasn’t surprised that Juliet was now trying to keep him at arm’s length. Who wanted to have their heart shattered more after going through something like that?
But he wouldn’t hurt her. He wouldn’t do anything to harm a hair on her head. It didn’t matter though; he could see in her eyes she was still scared. “I’m here,” he said softly.
Turning her back toward the stairs, she slipped her hand lazily over the banister. “I know. I just...can’t talk right now. I can’t.”
                                  ��                         -----
It’s not like she hadn’t felt like this before, but she hadn’t wanted to be here again, and yet here she was, walking through the motions and hoping that somehow, someway things might start to make sense again.
The last time she felt this way was after she tried to kill herself. It wasn’t the same situation, but somehow...it kind of was. A little piece of her had vanished. With her mother in and out of her life so frequently, there was a part of her heart that hoped that one day things would change - she would have that relationship with Alana.
For one brief month, she had it.
And then Alana ripped it away.
It was as if the last year and change had all been for nothing. She’d taken so many steps forward, and now it felt like she’d had all her pieces sent back to the start in a game of Sorry! And while Juliet knew that dealing with mental health issues wasn’t a linear process, having a set back like this felt so fucking terrible.
And of course, Derek had been a saint the entire time. And she hated him more for it.
Juliet barely spoke to him unless it was important and yet there he was every morning when she rolled over in bed, looking at her with those kind, dark eyes, telling her that he loved her. No matter how much she ignored him or lashed out, he stayed.
It just wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that he got to hurt her like this, by being the perfect boyfriend.
First he’d been right about her piece of trash mother and now he was walking around the house like some Mother-fucking-Teresa.
It should have made her feel good. But all it did was make Juliet feel worthless. He was so together and she didn’t even have a clue where to start piecing herself back together.
Besides Derek, the two people she knew that had stitched their lives back together over and over again were Spencer and Emily. Maybe she needed to talk to one of them. Juliet knew that feeling the way she was feeling about Derek - begrudging him for being so calm and collected in this shitstorm - it wasn’t right.
Objectively, Derek Morgan was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and she couldn’t lose him because her brain was twisting up the wires in an attempt to unravel them.
Spencer was wonderful, but somehow talking about her relationship with Derek seemed out of the question, but Emily would know what to do. At least she’d listen if nothing else.
J: Hey. Can we get together for coffee and talk? I need to vent.
E: Where and when?
45 minutes later they were sitting in the corner at Java Jive.
“And it’s just so confusing, Em! I’m pissed off at him for not protecting me from my mother but then I also explicitly told him my relationship with her was none of his business so technically he did what I asked him to. But now I’m upset he listened to me. But I should want him to listen to me, right? And it’s good that he does, it’s healthy and shows he respects me as a person. But I also want him to just take care of me. And then when he tries to it frustrates me. What I’m trying to say is that I want what I want but I also don’t want what I want and I definitely don’t want what I don’t what, unless I do want it, you know?”
Emily just stared at Juliet in awe for a second. It felt like she had been talking for a solid two minutes - without breathing. It was fine. She was a fantastic listener. It was just physically astounding. “Are you done with your train of thought? I don’t want to interrupt if you need to get more out.”
“I think so. Honestly I started this train of thought the second my mother left and it hasn’t stopped. So you’d be doing me a favor by interrupting.” Juliet sighed rolling her eyes.
If anyone knew about not being able to identify their feelings after a tragedy, it was Emily Prentiss. “Well, I happen to be well-versed in dealing with fuckery. We need to get your true and honest feelings about everything so I propose a little game.” Juliet looked a bit apprehensive, but she nodded for her to continue. “I want you to clear your mind. Close your eyes. I mean right here. Close your eyes and focus on one sound.”
For about two minutes, Emily sat there waiting until it looked like Juliet might be receptive. “Answer without hesitation, okay?”
“Okay,” she muttered.
“Are you mad at Derek?”
“Yes, but I don’t like myself for it.”
“Are you mad at your mother?”
“Mad doesn’t cover it.”
“Good, good.” Progress. “Do you hate Derek?”
“No! God no.”
Also good. Derek was one of Emily’s best friends so that would kind of suck. “Do you hate your mother?”
“Big time.”
“Would you ever give your mother a chance at a relationship with you again?”
“When hell freezes over. And if that does happen, then still no.”
Ah, she knew the feeling well. “Do you still want to be with Derek?” She asked, her voice softening.
Juliet just nodded. “I love him, Em. I want him for as long as he’ll have me.”
“He’ll have you forever,” Emily replied. She could see without a shadow of a doubt that Morgan was in love. “I think you have your answer. You’re going to need to work through what happened with your mother, but you don’t have to do it alone. And it doesn’t seem like you want to.”
“Somehow I get the feeling you aren’t as excited about dark matter as you sounded on the phone.” Spencer frowned, taking back a book from Derek who hadn’t gotten past the title page.
“I’m sorry kid. I just needed to get out of the house.” He sighed heavily.
Spencer’s eyebrows quirked. “You didn’t have to pretend to like dark matter to come over.”
“I know. I know. I’m an idiot.”
“You aren’t an idiot. You have a fairly high IQ. What makes you say you’re an idiot when it’s blatantly inaccurate?”
Derek couldn’t help but laugh into his hands. “Kid, I don’t mean it literally. I mean, I do, but not like that.”
“How then?”
Reid always took things painfully literally. “I mean when it comes to Juliet. Her mother broke her heart and of course she’s going to need time to heal from that. But I’m there, and I feel like I’m doing all the right things and she’s barely spoken to me. And then that makes me angry. But I shouldn’t feel angry! She’s the one who got her heart broken, not me. And then I feel guilty! What I mean to say is that for all the intelligence I do have, I have no idea how to handle my own girlfriend’s feelings.”
“I’m supposed to help, right? That wasn’t rhetorical?” Spencer clarified.
In spite of it all, Derek found himself laughing. “Yeah, Reid. If you can.”
“Oh. I definitely can’t.”
“Then how can you help?”
“I said I can’t. That doesn’t mean philosophy can’t.” His friend explained, straightening the collar of his sweater-vest.
Derek huffed, his lips turning upward into a smile. “You have some philosophical quote that can help me?”
“Possibly. I find them helpful. And at the very least if it doesn’t solve the problem, you’ve become better for it.”
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a little odd?”
“Yes, at least several hundred times,” Spencer nodded.
“Okay kid, lay the Socrates on me.” Derek chuckled.
“It’s the Dalai Lama actually. He said ‘love is the absence of judgement.’’
The kid looked pleased with himself.
“How is that supposed to help me?” Derek asked honestly.
Reid sat back against his chair and smiled. “It’s supposed to help because that doesn’t just mean not judging Juliet for her emotions after all this. It’s natural. But the thing is yours are too. You need to stop being so hard on yourself for the feelings this whole situation has brought up. They’re complicated, but they’re human. Do you love her?”
“With every fiber of my body, kid.”
“And do you think she still loves you? Despite the fact that you haven’t spoken for the past few days?”
Derek took a deep cleansing breath. “Yeah, I do.”
“Then that’s it,” Reid replied. “Next time you speak, tell her that you have a lot of feelings about this too. That you want to talk about them, but only when she’s ready. And that you’ll get through it together. If you love her and she loves you, then that’s where you need to start.”
“I’m gonna hug you now, okay?”
In trying to give the other time to get home, they managed to show up at the front door at the exact same moment.
“Hey. Can we talk?”
She nodded, opening the door. “I’d like that. I’d really like that.”
@witchythorn​ @crimeshowtrash​ @literallyprentissstwin​ @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd​ @spencer-puppies-and-stuff​ @fl0werb0nes18​ @stunudo​ @spencerthepipecleaner​ @theofficeofsupremegenius​ @ultrarebelheart​ @lookwhatyoumademequeue​ @lukeassmanalvez​ @mentallydatingspencerreid​ @nobravery​ @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler​ @remember-me-forever-silent-angel​ @original-criminal-fanfics​ @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars​ @wonderboygenius​ @naturallytom​ @imagines-for-criminal-minds​ @acespence​ @sweater-vest-reid​ @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid​ @sam-carter-in-training​ @parker-hopper @spencerwreid​ @ssahotchner​ @profiler-in-training​ @were-skye​ @trollitis​ @heyboywonder​ @ficrecswithcassie​ @janiedreams88@gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid​ @tippy06​ @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart​ @ssaunitchief​ @xxm3xxj​ @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo​
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: There is some smut at the back half of this chapter so be warned and please let @veroinnumera and I know how you like this story!                                                          
Chapter 23
That’s what she’d needed - a good, cleansing cry. After everything that happened with Carter and then immediately meeting Derek’s mom and sisters, she’d just gotten so overwhelmed. Some of the tears were filled with sadness, fear, relief - some happy, how could she not be when she was so warmly welcomed into Derek’s family? But crying had rarely felt so good.
“You okay?” Derek asked, his hand resting on the small of Juliet’s back.
Dr. Corcoran sat across from them, legs crossed in her chair with her notepad resting softly on her knee. In all her years as a therapist, she’d heard clients regale all sorts of horrific accounts - sexual assault, unexpected deaths, suicidal thoughts - but this might have been the first time that all of it was rolled up into one couple. “I am so sorry for everything you’ve gone through,” she started, her eyes searching Juliet’s for the words the other woman was still holding back. She’d shed some tears, but the doctor would stake her reputation on the fact that there was more to come. “With everything that’s happened recently, where do you see your relationship?” She asked. “Where does it stand for you, Juliet?”
Swallowing back the rising emotion, Juliet attempted not to completely lose herself to a wave of tears, but she was finding it harder and harder. “I’ve always been the type of person to believe I’d never have this - someone who would be here through it all and not just willing, but able to take on the mess that’s been my life. It’s like I went from one extreme to another in such a short amount of time.”
The shakiness in her voice was an annoyance she desperately wanted to shove out of the way, but it wasn’t going to happen. It was coming and it was coming on strong. “With Carter, I feel so many things. I’m so glad he’s dead, but yet I still don’t feel safe. Probably because of my past with him. When Derek didn’t leave when the bomb was about to go off, I wanted to kill him myself because he was going to die and I’ve never loved someone so much, but then again, there he was willing to die for me and I didn’t know how to handle that. It’s like I felt everything all at once so it’s been difficult to process. I’ve never really had anyone in my life that would do that for me. And to know now that I do...it’s a little terrifying. Holding someone else’s life in your hands is a lot of responsibility. Even if that person is a superhero.”
Derek smiled wistfully, brushing his hand against hers, but not going in for full contact. He didn’t want to overwhelm her.
“There’s this tiny part of me that wants to just run away. Because maybe somehow if I’m not near him, I can’t hurt him. I’ve accepted before in my life that I could experience immeasurable pain. I’ve accepted that I could die. But to accept that all those thing could happen to, well, honestly the word soulmate doesn’t do it justice, I don’t know if I ever can. Let alone that I could somehow cause all those awful things.”
“Derek, I’m going to be that therapist and ask how what Juliet just said makes you feel?”
With a sharp intake of breath, he composed himself. “I can’t accept that those things would ever happen to you either. Given what I do, things like that can happen, but if something did, it wouldn’t be my fault. It would be the person that took action and hurt you and the same goes for you. If things hadn’t turned out like they did with Carter that wouldn’t have been on you, babe. That would’ve been on him.” It was a hard thing to say because in the back of his mind, he even questioned the whether there was truth in his own words. “Things happen. Life happens, but at the end of the day, I think the thing that matters is that I’ve never been so scared of losing someone and if I’m this scared on the one hand, then I can’t even imagine the amazing shit life could have in store for us. I guess the possibilities are greater than the risk.”
“But I hate risk. I hate not knowing what’s going to happen tomorrow or the next day or ten years from now. You could die tomorrow in something as random as a bus crash. I could get an inoperable brain tumor. There are so many things that could go wrong.”
“Could. Could go wrong. Not will. Not going to. Could. You’re right. Any of those things could happen. But there’s no guarantee they will.”
“Hear me out?” Derek asked gently, watching her features go from alert to something that vaguely resembled calm. “There’s no guarantee any of those bad things will happen. But, there is something that is. I will love you as much as I can for as long as I can. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. So happy, that maybe, just maybe, we can sometimes forget about everything that could happen, and focus on what is happening.”
Juliet’s lip quivered as she tried to figure out something to say, something that would make him feel exactly as he’d just done for her, but nothing came to mind, so she went with her gut. “I-I think I can do that. The reward outweighs the risks.”
She reached down between them and grasped his hand tightly, lifting it to her lips and pressing a soft kiss to the top of his palm. “Just promise that we’ll always keep the communication lines open. I don’t know if I could do this if we weren’t as open with each other as we are right now.”
“I will do whatever it takes,” Derek replied, reaching over to wipe away a tear from her cheek with the pad of this thumb. When she leaned into the embrace, he knew everything was going to be okay. Even in this emotional and vulnerable state, she sought his comfort and trusted that he’d provide it.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Dr. Corcoran smile. “I wish all my clients were as open as you two are,” she laughed. “Now on the other hand. How was meeting Derek’s family, Juliet?”
The tension from before faded away with a laugh. “I was so petrified about making a good impression, but they welcomed me with open arms, which again is so weird for me because I didn’t have that with my own mother. My own was such a fucking mess,” she said, taking a deep breath as she felt her heart begin to race again. “Actually, would we be able to pick this up next time? My mother brings up a whole host of other issues with me and after everything-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Dr. Corcoran said, raising her hand and giving Juliet an assuring smile. “I would be surprised if anyone could talk about all that in one session. Go home. Take a breather and we’ll pick this up next time.”
“Thank you, Doctor.”
Derek extended his hand toward the psychologist and thanked her too. “Seriously, I can’t thank you enough.”
“How are you feeling?” Derek asked after closing the door of the office behind him.
Honestly, Juliet wasn’t quite sure. She did feel lighter in some respects, as she always did whenever they finished a session with Dr. Corcoran, but she was still a bit jumpy too. “Okay...ish? That was just a lot at one time, you know?”
Derek closed the space between them and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head against her delicate blonde waves, which still smelled like coconut from the shampoo she’d used that morning. “Yea, I know. Is there anything I can do?”
She was so lucky to have found someone so perfect for her and at first she smiled against his muscled chest, hugging him just a bit tighter, but then she had another idea. “Actually, there might be.”
“What is it? Anything.”
Juliet blushed and leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Well, last time I took a little bit of control in bed, I felt better afterward...maybe we can do that again?”
“Have the woman I love tell me what to do in bed and help her at the same time? What’s not to love?”
Juliet had actually been thinking about the next time she had this opportunity. She did have some ideas.
“So what’s the plan here beautiful?” Derek asked, raising an eyebrow as they headed out the door.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”  She chuckled, a light flickering in her eyes. “Now drive me home.”
With a billion different possibilities running through his mind, Derek was a bit distracted on the drive home, but thankfully he managed to get there in one piece. Like a drop of cold water when it hits the hot ground, her demeanor changed the instant they walked into the house. “So first, I want you to go upstairs and strip. I’ll be up soon,” Juliet said with a smirk. She wasn’t about to give him a definitive time. That wouldn’t be any fun.
He opened his mouth to...he wasn’t sure. Ask a question? Argue? Agree? Honestly it all seemed pointless. He was going to do whatever she said regardless. It was a good thing she was so kind. So instead Derek managed a sort of half nod before backing away and up the stairs.
“Take it slow, I like the view.” Juliet murmured, an almost devilish smile forming on her lips. Derek didn’t turn around. He couldn’t. If he did, if he saw that look on her face that matched the intonation sending shivers down his spine...well, they wouldn’t make it upstairs. He would take her then and there for as long as human endurance allowed.
And today was about her. So he just kept heading up the stairs, praying she wouldn’t speak and turn his weakened resolve to rubble.
Juliet smiled to herself once Derek’s beautiful behind went out of view. Leaving a man like him speechless gave her an unbelievably powerful feeling. Although she wanted to immediately go upstairs and jump his bones in one way or another, she wanted to tease him more than anything. For an agonizing ten minutes, she milled around the kitchen, doing dishes and straightening things up before heading upstairs.
When she turned the corner to their bedroom, she bit her lip. Derek was lying down on the bed, probably exasperated from waiting what seemed like an eternity. However, he had done as instructed. “Not falling asleep on me, are you?”
“Oh no not at all,” he said quickly.
“Good, I would hate for you to miss what I have in mind.”
Derek looked at her expectantly, eyes glazed over with need as he awaited her instruction. He kept his eyes glued to her as she went toward their dresser, presumably to get the ropes they’d used last time. She looked so confident, so sure, with that weight in her hand, but then she placed it back on the dresser and looked over at him. That exact same look colored his gaze. Rope or no rope. He was totally hers.
It didn’t matter. She was enough.
And to him, she was everything. And that was all Juliet needed. Taking a deep breath, she started for the bed. “Close your eyes.”
He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to miss a moment of the vision before him. But Derek’s need for more won out, so he did as he was told.
Waiting in breathless anticipation was painful, especially when he knew what awaited if he opened his eyes, but a delicious shiver ran up his spine, his body covered in goosebumps as a single finger ran up the length of his cock.
“What to do with you,” she mused, the wickedness in her voice evident, the smirk apparent.
Derek swallowed hard attempting to quench the Sahara going on in his mouth. “Whatever you want.”
“Get off the bed, down on your knees.” Her tone was blunt, none of the typically intense warmth that usually radiated from her voice.
Again he was tempted to disobey this direct order, but past precedent told him it would be worth holding out on whatever animalistic urges were threatening his conscience now.
Slowly, Derek left his position and went to the end of the bed, lowering himself carefully onto his knees. There was something about it that felt so wrong, putting himself in such a vulnerable configuration. But feeling her eyes on him turned all of that discomfort into an oddly electrifying thrill.
“Good boy.” Juliet smiled, brushing her thumb across his lips. It was a beautiful picture, this textbook definition alpha male on his knees, looking up at her with nothing but blown pupils and a willingness to serve.
At a tantalizingly leisurous pace, she began to slide off her panties, evidence of arousal already slick on the fabric. Normally she would have demurred in that moment. Ducked her head and blushed while Derek whispered how incredibly sexy it was. But right now, she didn’t need a whisper. She goddamn knew it.
For a few moments she took in the purity of the moment, the ticks of his muscles as he tried to control himself. Then she put him out of his misery. “You are going to use nothing but your mouth to make me come. No hands. If you use hands, you get punished and I’m not telling you how.”
As he licked his lips, she sat on the edge of the bed, confidently spreading her legs, her hands grazing up her thighs. “What are you going to use?”
“Just my mouth,” Derek replied lowly.
Like a man starved, he went to working at her center, lapping at the arousal that seemed never ending. Each breathless moan drove him deeper, searching for more - that perfect spot that would bring her everything she deserved.
All of a sudden, he felt a sharp slap at his hand, which had unbeknownst to him wandered toward where she’d forbidden him. “You only get one more warning.”
“Sorry.” Derek managed to rasp out.
Juliet shook her head. “Actions speak louder than words my love” she countered, running a finger across her center, beckoning him back to his work.
She would get no argument from him. Before he set back to pleasuring the goddess he was lucky enough to call his girlfriend, Derek slid his hands behind his back in the hopes that the gesture would keep them from continuing to have a mind of their own.
But after what only felt like a few seconds, anothing stinging sensation pulsed through his skin.
Juliet sighed, shaking her head. “Well that’s a real shame. Get up.” He did as was asked, trembling slightly as he restrained himself from touching her again. “Go stand over there.” She pointed towards the curtain draped window directly across from where she sat. “Now you’re going to have to watch what you can’t handle. Remember, you brought this on yourself.”
Derek silently cursed his wandering hands watching as she leaned back into the mattress and allowed her hands to do the wandering instead.
One hand wandered underneath her shirt to pinch at her taught peaks while the other slipped between her legs, over her clit. She was in no mood for a build up. She was in control and she was going to give herself what she needed right now.
Across the room, Derek watched enthralled silently asking her hand to do what he wanted. But it was all her. When she finally slipped her fingers inside herself, curling up toward her g-spot and making her trembled, his cock twitched at sight. He prayed she was feeling charitable after that. “Now,” she cooed, “do you think you can follow the rules?”
He nodded eagerly and thanked whatever deities existed for her mercy.
“Good, then get over here and let me ride you until I have you screaming.”
@witchythorn @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @naturallytom @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 22
Hello again babes! @veroinnumera and I absolutely love these two with all our hearts! Let us know how you feel!
After his mama made fajitas that night (had to make her baby boy’s favorite meal), and his sisters teased him relentlessly over anything and everything from the Cinderella costume to his undercover nerdiness over Harry Potter, Derek and Juliet decided to sleep in his old bedroom. It was now more of an office space for his mom, but it still had some of Derek’s old football trophies and posters of his favorite athletes - things his mom just couldn’t seem to get rid of.
Underneath the covers, he started to kiss her, his lips brushing over the soft skin behind her ear. “Not here,” Juliet whispered. “With your mom and sisters here?”
“But you’re so gorgeous and I love you.” He was always one for flattery.
Juliet snickered and raked her nails up his chest. “I’ll make you a deal. Behave while we’re here and I’ll make it up to you when we get home.”
Derek raised his eyebrows and nodded. “Now I have to think of ideas.”
She had no doubt he would. Derek’s mind was never at a loss in that regard.
They quickly fell asleep, waking up the next morning about 10 hours later when the sun shone through the blinds and hit their faces. “Morning,” Derek mumbled.
“Morning, love.”
Last night they’d discussed going to visit Derek’s father’s grave. It was kind of a big step. “Are you sure you want to go?” He asked.
“Yea,” she smiled softly. “I want to thank him for raising such a wonderful man.”
Maybe it was silly, but Juliet took extra care in getting ready to go, making sure everything was ironed correctly and that there wasn’t any fuzz or loose threads hanging from her dress. She wasn’t sure if she believed in a god, at least not in the traditional sense of Bible stories or myths from other cultures. But she liked to believe there was something bigger than just them...and if that was true, then maybe Derek’s father was watching and listening somewhere out there. She wasn’t about to take a chance and not make a good impression with him.
The drive to the cemetery was quiet. Juliet wasn’t sure if it was sad or wonderful that Fran knew the way by heart. She barely had to look out of the car to know where they were going. Juliet clutched her bouquet of red grocery store roses tight to her chest. They weren’t much, and she felt awful that she hadn’t thought to bring any like she had for Fran. Hopefully Mr. Morgan was the forgiving type.
When they arrived, Derek and his family hung back by the car. Juliet proceeded up the hill on her own. At the top, the headstone came into view: Hank Morgan. Beloved Son, Husband, and Father.
She took a deep breath before approaching, leaning down to place the roses in front of the stone. Taking a step back, Juliet stared into it as if it might look back.
“Hi Mr. Morgan. Or is it Hank? I’m not sure, sorry. I should ask Fran what I should call you. Um, you don’t know me, but I feel like I know you...or at least a part of you. I’m Juliet by the way, I don’t think I said that. I get a little nervous talking to new people, especially people important to the man I’m in love with. I probably should have mentioned that too. I’m Derek’s...girlfriend doesn’t really sound right. This is cheesy and you have to promise you won’t tell him I said it, but, I think I’m his person. At least, I know he’s my person. I’m rambling now. I do that. Sorry. What I really wanted to say was thank you. You helped raise an amazing man. He’s brave and kind and strong and, well, honestly there are no perfect words to describe what your son means to me. But what I can tell you is, I didn’t think I was ever going to get to be the girl who fell in love. And Derek proved me wrong. So thank you for that. I really wish I could have met you in person, but it’s so nice to meet you now….that’s all. Hopefully I made an okay impression. Regardless, thank you. And um, have a good day.” She pressed her fingers to her lips and then set them upon the stone, smiling at it once, before turning and making her way back to the others.
When she stepped away, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders; she wasn’t really sure what the weight was, but she felt lighter. “I hope I made a good impression,” she said as she walked in Derek’s arms.
“I’m sure he loves you already. I’m gonna give mama, Des, and Sarah a few minutes alone, but I wanna talk to him too before we leave,” he said, watching as his mother smiled softly down at the place where her husband had been resting for far too long.
“Did you hear her?” Desiree asked, leaning toward her mother.
Fran cut her eyes at her youngest. “You were eavesdropping?”
“I couldn’t help it...but did you?”
Fran smirked and nodded. “I’m sure Hank would’ve loved her. I’d stake my life on it.”
Desiree and Sarah felt the exact same way. Derek had come home with a couple women over the years, and dated many more, but no one had ever captured his heart like Juliet.
“Do you want to say hi before we leave?” Fran asked, touching her son’s shoulder.
Nodding, he kissed Juliet’s temple and walked toward his father’s stone. “Hey dad. So you’ve met Juliet. She’s great, right? Great seems like such an insignificant word. Dad, I’m...I’m in love with her. I’m so in love with her. You know how you used to tell me about the day you married mom? Like nothing had ever felt more right? That’s how I feel with her. I’ve dated a lot, but I’ve never really pictured a future with anyone, but with her,” he said, hesitating and trying to find his words. “With Juliet, picturing a future seems as natural as breathing. I wanna marry her dad. I wanna be the father of her children. I wanna be old and crotchety and rocking back and forth on our porch when we’re 80. I’ve never imagined saying anything so cheesy, but she’s my person. I can’t picture my life without her. And I don’t want to.”
He inconspicuously wiped a lone tear from the corner of his eye before returning to the group. “You okay?” Juliet asked.
“More than okay.”
After they left, Derek got roped into going grocery shopping with his mother, leaving Juliet alone with Desiree and Sarah. Admittedly she was a little worried. She’d seen all those bad rom-coms where the siblings interrogate the boyfriend or girlfriend to determine they aren’t good enough. And while they seemed wonderful, Juliet found herself preparing to play 20 Questions. When they were alone, she settled herself down on the couch, taking a deep breath. “Okay. I’m ready. Fire away.”
“Fire away what?” Sarah asked, a confused look coloring her expression.
Desiree snickered. “Sarah, she thinks we’re going to interrogate her.”
She could feel the blush rising to her cheeks. “So you aren’t planning on asking me a million questions to prove I’m not right for your brother?”
“Oh my god, no!” Sarah exclaimed, clearly shocked. She went to the couch and pulled Juliet into an unexpected but not unpleasant hug. “I promise.”
With Sarah’s assurance that both she and Desiree thought the world of her, another weight was lifted. Before they left tomorrow, Juliet wanted to say something to Fran, but she wasn’t exactly sure what.
Derek was wiped out by his day with his father, emotions running high. Apparently, his mom ran him ragged at the grocery store too, so as soon as he hit the bed, he fell asleep. Her mind was racing though. Not bad thoughts, just a lot of them - like an overload of tabs on a computer.
Since her legs were a little restless, it was 2 AM, and she did actually want to sleep, she decided to grab a glass of milk - warm milk was supposed to help. Sounded gross really. “Oh, hi Fran,” she said softly as she turned the corner and bumped into Derek’s mom. “You’re up too?” That was obvious. Why had she even asked that question?
“Yea, can’t sleep.”
“Anything in particular?” Juliet wondered.
“Just missing my husband. Some days are worse than others.”
Her face fell. She couldn’t imagine how she felt. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. What about you? Why can’t you sleep?”
Juliet wasn’t exactly sure why everything came out so smoothly - why she didn’t hesitate - maybe it was because she was on autopilot so early in the morning. “I guess I’ve just had a lot to process over the past couple of days. Meeting all of you. I’m not really sure what to say, but I want you to know that whatever pain you went through raising him and the girls by yourself, they’ve all turned out amazing. And Derek...he’s the most amazing man I’ve ever met...and I have you to thank for that.”
Fran’s eyes watered. “I’ve always thought I was just a little biased.”
“Maybe,” she snickered. “But you have every right to be. I’ve never felt like a deserving person. I’ve had a lot of issues to work through, but Derek makes me feel special...cherished would be the right word I guess.”
“If he ever makes you feel anything less, I’ll kick his ass,” Fran joked.
“I think that’s the only ass-kicking the proud and tough Derek Morgan would fear.”
Six hours later they were packing their bags to fly home to D.C. “Are you sure you can’t just commute to the BAU from Chicago? I love the Morgans.” Juliet suggested.
Derek chuckled, playfully tossing a T-shirt at her head. “I wish, but I can’t handle that kind of traffic. Even superheroes have their limits.”
The girls and Fran insisted on seeing them off, so they all piled into the car for one last trip. They said their goodbyes with happy tears and hugs. While she went to go check them in, Fran pulled Derek aside for a second.
“Everything alright mama?” He asked, frowning in concern.
Fran nodded, patting his hand. “Everything is wonderful my baby boy. I just wanted to give you something before you left.”
“Uh oh, what is it? You know they probably won’t let us through security with your famous peach cobbler.” Derek warned.
“It’s not cobbler. I want you to have this.” She handed him a small velvet drawstring bag. “It’s yours now. And when the time is right...hopefully Juliet’s.” Fran explained softly, a warm exuberance coloring her tone.
Derek opened the little bag carefully to see a diamond winking back at him. He swallowed back tears. His mother’s engagement ring. The ring his father had used to start their family. “Mama-” he began, trying to find the words.
“I know.” Fran smiled, pulling him into her arms. “Now get a move on, you don’t want to miss your flight.”
Derek nodded but held onto her for an extra moment. A mother’s loving arms always felt so right.
She patted his back, slowly extracting herself. When Derek looked up he saw Juliet standing against the wall with their bags. His mom was right. He did not want to miss his flight. Not if she was on it.
@epiphanyys @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @naturallytom @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: How are you liking our OTP so far? Let @veroinnumera and I know!
Chapter 26
“Okay, Alana, we’ve determined that your taste in music is absolute garbage, but I might be able to forgive that if we can find some common ground in movies and television,” Juliet started after the waiter had placed their orders on the table.
It had been about two weeks of on and off hanging out with her mother, and honestly Juliet still wasn’t sure exactly where she stood on the whole matter, but she was trying and considering all her mother had done and been, Juliet considered that an accomplishment.
Alana tapped her fingers on the table, rolling through the shows and movies she’d seen recently. “I’m not into horror movies. I scare too easily. I tend to go for action movies, well-done romances, and the occasional crime drama. But actually my favorite crime drama is a television show called Unit 52. It’s the only thing I watch on cable TV.”
Juliet’s eyes lit up. Finally, they had some common ground. “You watch Unit 52? The one about the DCPD? Cases are great but the team is even better?”
“That’s the one,” Alana replied. “I’m not big into cable tv, but Unit 52 is amazing. I’ve been watching it for ages.”
As they ate their lunch, Juliet felt herself mellowing out a little bit. “Thankfully, we found some common ground in TV because your music tastes leave a lot to be desired.”
“What is wrong with Emotional Outfield?” Alana scoffed, smiling as she took a sip of her coca-cola.
Juliet couldn’t think of anything right with them really. They were manufactured pop garbage. “I can’t even have that discussion. I’m just going to pretend you never said that.”
“Alright, alright. Fine. But one of these days you’ll change your tune.” Her mother chuckled “God I’d forgotten how strong willed you are, its magnificent.”
At that moment the waiter came back. “Would you two like to look at a desert menu?”
Every other time they’d been confronted with this question, Juliet had politely declined and then hightailed it home. But this time she hesitated. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, or the warm fuzzy feeling she’d gotten from being called magnificent by her mother, but something stopped Juliet from going through the motions of her usual routine. “Actually? Yes, thank you. And um can I get another glass of the Cabernet?”
The waiter nodded before disappearing around the corner. She’d gone almost her entire life shoving away even the idea of caring what this woman thought of her. But the compliment had done something to her. As much as Juliet hated to admitted, she cared about her mother’s opinions.
Whoa. Slow your roll there, Juliet. Deep emotional epiphanies are not on the menu today. Just keep it light.
“Okay, top five favorite episodes of Unit 52, go!” Juliet prompted Alana.  
“Derek! I’m home!” Juliet called as she walked in the door.
After a nice lunch, she wanted to be able to tell her boyfriend that it went well - possibly soothe his nerves a little bit. He wanted her to have a relationship with her mother, but he didn’t want her getting hurt.
“Hey, babe.”
Derek came down the stairs in nothing but jeans - his delicious upper half exposed and still dripping from the shower he’d just taken. “How was lunch?”
“It was nice,” she said honestly. It was weird to experience that feeling in relation to her mother. “She has awful taste in music, but we have the same TV obsession - Unit 52.”
He knew she watched it, but he didn’t realize how much she loved the show. “You would say you’re obsessed?”
“Yes,” she replied emphatically, placing her coat back in the closet. “It’s a good show, right?”
Nodding, he pointed toward the stove where he’d already started dinner. It was a slow cook meal, but it was his mom’s recipe and he was excited to try it and show Juliet he was more than just brains and muscle. “Yea, it definitely is. I guess I just live it, you know? So I don’t get the same pull that everyone else does.”
“Yeah, of course...I wonder though, maybe it’s not the show I’m obsessed with. Maybe it’s you.” Juliet laughed softly. “I mean I guess I just feel like I’m in on the action. I love you and I love what you do, but I don’t get to be a part of it ever really. And I think it makes me feel a little closer to you.”
Derek smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulling her close. “I don’t think ‘Take Your Significant Other to Work Day’ is a real thing. But I don’t know maybe I should talk to Hotch. We can take a tour of the FBI, I can show you the office, and maybe babygirl will let you into the lair.” He teased gently.
“Don’t patronize me Derek Morgan, I’m a grown woman.” Juliet huffed dramatically, rolling her eyes but unable to help the smile on her face. “But do you really think Pen would let me see the batcave? I’m dying to see her desk and all her little knick knacks.”
Snickering, he buried his head in the side of her neck and kissed her like he hadn’t seen her in weeks. “She would love to have you in the batcave, but actually, there won’t be a lot of people in the office today, we could actually go over there now and I can give you a bit of a tour?”
“Really?” She asked, almost a little too excitedly. Fuck it, she was excited. “Don’t tease me, Derek. That would be cool. Can we?”
Shrugging, he glanced at the crock pot. “Well, dinner is going to be hours from now. I don’t even need to do anything for another couple hours so yea, why not?”
“Yay! I think you already knew this about me, but I’m a nerd, so beware, I’m going to think your workplace is cool.”
Just as he’d thought, there weren’t too many people in the office - a couple of stragglers here and there, but for the most part no one was there, which left Juliet plenty of room to freak out in. Which was lucky because she wasted no time in making a beeline for Penelope’s batcave. She had a box in hand that she’d grabbed from the house. Derek had asked what was in it, but that had earned him a death glare, so he’d stopped for fear of his life.
As the door opened, Juliet took a deep breath in, closing her eyes as she stood in the middle of the room. “Ahh it smells like genius. Oh and cookies!” Derek wished there was some way to bottle the feeling he got when he saw the joy on her face. He wanted to hold onto it forever and save it for a rainy day.
After a moment she opened the box and pulled out a mug. It was white with a fluffy, brown cartoon llama on it. At the bottom in big fancy gold lettering it read: You are LLAMAZING. “There now she has something else to put a smile on her face when all the nastiness fills her screens.” Looking around, Juliet could see Penelope’s extensive collection of knick knacks - a squeezable unicorn with a rainbow mane, a fluffy stuffed bunny, bobbleheads galore and more mugs than she could shake a stick at. And then her eyes fell on it...a mug...with Derek’s picture on it. He had no shirt on. “When was this taken?” She asked, showing it to him.
Derek bit his lip. “I was hoping she didn’t keep this, but of course she did.”
“What’s it from?”
“The Bureau did a calendar of sorts.”
“A MEN OF THE FBI CALENDAR? AND YOU POSED FOR IT? DEREK I NEED THIS MUG IN MY LIFE?” She was practically screaming. It was one of the most wonderful things she’d ever seen.
Even though few people were in the office, he still didn’t want anyone overhearing. Garcia had poked and prodded at him until he gave in and did it. “Keep your voice down and I will get you one, just...please.”
Ushering her out of the room, he closed the door to Garcia’s lair and headed out to the bullpen. “This is so cool. It’s like all the stuff on TV. That’s Hotch’s office?”
“Yea,” Derek said, “But that’s one office I am not about to go in because he might actually kill me.”
Juliet looked around, taking in the name plaques for Emily, Spencer, and JJ. “So Penelope has her lair and then you and Rossi have offices?”
“This way,” he said as they walked down the hallway.  “This is my office. Honestly, the only reason I have it is because I took over as Unit Chief for a couple months while Hotch was taking some leave after Haley’s death.”
Juliet had been having so much fun, but she could hear in his voice that he was downplaying himself and she wasn’t having it. “Don’t discredit yourself like that,” she insisted, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “You may have gotten the office because of that, but if you hadn’t earned it, they would’ve had you at a desk again. I don’t see you at work, but I know who you are as a man and if you’re half as good an agent as you are a human being, then you’ve earned this office.”
“Have I mentioned how much I love you today?” Derek asked smiling at her.
Juliet nodded. “At least three times...not that I was counting or anything. But I will graciously accept number four.” She giggled quietly, hugging him. “So you really don’t feel good about the office?” Her voice turned curious and concerned.
Derek shrugged. “I guess not. It does when you talk about it. But mostly when I’m in there I just feel like I have to go into overdrive proving myself.”
She sighed, rubbing his back gently. Slowly the circles she was making grew smaller...and then stopped. When he glanced up there was a look in her eyes. A look he hadn’t seen since she’d tied him up-
“No. No way.” Derek insisted.
“What? I didn’t say anything.” Juliet frowned, giving him big doe eyes.
“You’re the woman I love. I live with you. We sleep in the same bed. You don’t think I can’t tell what you’re thinking right now?” He prodded
Juliet shrugged feigning innocence. “I don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about, Derek. But for shits and giggles why don’t you tell me what you think I’m thinking.”
“You were thinking about making me feel good in my office.”
“I don’t understand. You’ll have to be more specific.” She couldn’t hide the look of playfulness in her eyes this time, or the commanding confidence that had suddenly overtaken her tone.
Derek was losing it. He knew how to hold up against being tortured by some of the most horrific criminals for days without weakening. But one word from her and he was a goner. “Just get in the office.” He grumbled, trying to maintain at least some sort of dignity.
With a wordless grin, Juliet slipped inside. He followed, locking the door behind him, and rolling down the blinds. She was feeling especially bold at the moment, so she reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head and throwing it to the side. “Come and get me, SSA Morgan.”
“You drive me crazy, I hope you know that.” Stepping forward, he stifled her response with a kiss and placed her on his desk, reveling in how frantic she got for him. As he removed his own shirt, she took care of her jeans, letting them fall as low as was necessary. If someone knocked, they would literally both be caught with their pants down. “Now we may be mostly alone, but keep it down anyway.”
Juliet snickered, “I will if you will.”
Derek dipped down and ran his lips over her breasts, pulling the material below them to expose the sensitive skin underneath. Seeing her like this - desperate but still partially clothed - it did something to him. He removed the last barrier between them and pushed his boxers to the ground, placing himself at her entrance and slipping in slowly.
“Derek,” she breathed, her voice strained. There was something about the angle that was amazingly killer. His cock was hitting her in all the right places. “I’m warning you this won’t be long.”
“Good, me either,” he chuckled.
He lowered a hand and began playing with her clit, eliciting a mellifluous and high pitched whimper. Derek grinned, shaking his head, but continuing his pursuits. “What did I say about being quiet?”
Juliet bit her lip. “Honestly I don’t remember. This feels too good and-holy shit yes, there.” She reached out an arm trying to steady herself, only to push a stack of files onto the floor. Oops. Shrugging it off she refocused, laying kisses on any skin she could find while starting to grind down into Derek.
“I’m so close to-”
“Go ahead.” Juliet murmured breathlessly. “Let go for me, Derek. I wanna see that gorgeous face you make when you come.”
Juliet being in control was one of the hottest things he’d ever experienced and he was pretty sure her words would play like a soundtrack into their old age, because dammit this was going to be hard to forget.
When the words left her mouth, he felt himself let go. His instinct was to bury his face in her neck, but she grabbed his face, staring right into his eyes as she cried out a few seconds later. “Mmmm...office sex is another I can cross off the list?”
“You have a list?” Derek asked, slightly out of breath. They quickly got dressed again and fixed the mess they’d made. “I think I need to see this list.”
This feeling was uneasy - the feeling of things being so right. She was in a happy relationship and reconnecting with her mother, but as she sat across the table from her mother yet again, she allowed herself to sink into it. After all she’d been through, maybe this was the universe’s way of finally making up for it. And if the universe wanted to repay her, then dammit, she was going to sit back and enjoy the ride.
@witchythorn @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @tommyhollandd @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @naturallytom @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
14 notes · View notes
dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 19
So who else is loving Derek and Juliet as much as @veroinnumera and I? Let us know!
“How many boxes can you possibly have?” Juliet asked incredulously, glancing all around her expansive living room at the copious amounts of crap Derek managed to bring with him. “I have never known a man with so much crap.”
Her sweet, badass boyfriend cut his eyes at her. “I have a lot of shirts and pictures of family and gym equipment...shut up! I have a lot of crap.”
Juliet snickered as she opened one of the boxes and saw a couple pictures from his mantelpiece. They were going to have to make a place for all of these pictures. This was his family - and hopefully in time, they’d be her family too. “It’s okay. I love you anyway.”
“Don’t even get me started,” he said, kissing her forehead. “You’re the one who practically proposed to me.”
“Shut up!”
It had been three weeks since everything had fallen apart and back together again. Well, mostly back together. Derek was still suspended because of some stupid federal government bureaucrats who refused to take their heads out of their asses. He’d been keeping busy working on other renovations, helping her out at the library, and enjoying the first real break he’d gotten from work in years. He seemed happy, but it killed Juliet inside to know he wasn’t out there doing what he really needed to be doing. Somehow these idiots couldn’t see that they were sidelining their best player. Oh, yeah, they’d also been watching sports together and not to brag but her “lingo” was getting pretty great.
Right now he was downstairs making pancakes. The smell wafted all the way up to the second floor, providing enough motivation for Juliet to pull herself out of bed. She looked around for clothes, only to realize the only articles she could find belonged to him.
Juliet paused for a moment after slipping on one of Derek’s old Northwestern University T-shirts. He hadn’t gone home for a night since everything had happened with Carter. He’d slept in her room every single night. And it looked like his closet had essentially appeared in her room. His toothbrush was next to hers on the sink. His shoes sat beside hers at the front door. All the little things said that his life was here, with her.
Was she thinking what she thought she was thinking?
...She wanted Derek to move in. Officially. Oh wow, that’s a big step. Am I ready for that? Are we ready for that? What the hell am I saying? He disarmed a bomb for me and refused to leave my side even though it meant his certain death, of course we’re ready.
This was what she wanted.
After having pancakes with Derek, she told him she had a quick errand she needed to run, which was good for him because he had to meet up with his team to figure out where the bureaucratic bullshit was heading. Of course they were good little conservationists and showered together, saving the planet’s all important water before heading their separate ways.
Since Carter had reappeared and forever disappeared, she’d been a little extra nervous getting on with her daily routine, but on the opposing end, she knew she had Derek, who was literally ready to walk through fire for her. As long as he was hers, she’d be okay. She was sure of it.
The first few stops were easy; the local party supply store to get streamers and balloons, flowers from Andra’s (a bouquet of freesias which according to Spencer symbolized complete trust), and candles from the fancy little artisanal shop around the corner.
Then came the hard part: food. Juliet wasn’t much of a cook. Over the years she’d learned how to make a few very basic things, but she stuck to them like glue. Eggs, grilled chicken with vegetables, and a few others were staples she was very confident in. Unfortunately none of those were Derek’s favorite. As she’d learned a long time ago from the very first pizza they’d shared. Derek Morgan was a “meat man.” He also loved Mexican food. So that meant steak fajitas.
Juliet had never cooked a steak before. She’d seen it done on Food Network and in Youtube videos….but she’d never actually tried to do it herself before. But special occasions called for stepping up one’s game. And if a hunk of red meat stood between her and moving in with the man she loved, then she was going to cook the hell out of it.
Figuratively. She was fairly certain overcooked steak was bad.
A couple hours later, the key was made, the food was made and she was panicking. What if the food was awful? Screw it, we’ll order out. What if he says no? Again, what the fuck brain, he loves me. He saved my life.
With the rice and beans made and set out on the table and all of the fajita fixings set out buffett style, she tried one more small piece of the steak to make sure it was okay. It wasn’t chewy or tough. That was a good thing, right?
The streamers were in place. Flowers in the vase? Check. Balloons blown up? Check, check. Candles lit? Triple check. “Okay this is good,” she muttered to herself. “He’s not gonna say no. He loves you. It’s all good.”
She was taken aback when she heard his car pull up, unlocking the door and sitting at the table to wait for him. “Well, well,” he said; he was about to get his flirt on. “This is all for me?”
When she nodded, he replied, “Then I might have to return to favor one of these days. Or later on.” His over exaggerated wink made her snort with laughter. “You made fajitas!” He exclaimed, eyes going wide. “You do love me.”
“You know I do you dork.” Juliet smiled, glancing down at the floor nervously. “I made beans and rice too. And all the toppings are on the counter. I think this is the first time there’s ever been a tablecloth on this table and-” She cut herself off. Oh fuck I’m rambling.
She was rambling, and it was quite possibly the most adorable thing Derek had ever seen. “Everything alright?” He asked gently, sitting down and piling some fajitas onto his plate. He was listening attentively but this all looked too good not to start eating.
Juliet nodded, unable to help but laugh at the sight of him tearing into his food. He looked about five. To be fair though, she looked the same way around good food. Say something. Just start talking. But nothing came out. It was like she could see the words written down on flashcards inside her head but her voice wasn’t working.
Slowly, she pulled the key out of her pocket and tossed it hesitantly to him. Given her poor aim it fell onto his plate rather than landing in his lap. Apparently watching sports didn’t make someone better at throwing.
Derek picked it up off the plate, staring at it quizzically for a moment, glancing up at her for some sort of context.
“Your toothbrush is next to mine on the sink!” Juliet found herself blurting. Wait. That didn’t make any sense. Try again. “I-I mean...would you...maybe, possibly, want to move in here? With me?” She asked softly, voice faltering slightly as she met his gaze.
This was it.
For a split second, her brain told her she’d fucked this up, but then Derek smiled wider than she’d ever seen him smile before. “You want me to move in? Is that what all this was about? A dinner to get me to say yes?”
“Maybe?” Juliet said. Plausible deniability.
Grabbing the key, he placed it on his keyring and stood up, walking to the other end of the table and taking her mouth in a sweet but heated kiss. “You didn’t need to do all this to get me to say yes, but the answer is yes.”
“Why do you look so surprised?”
He snickered and kissed the tip of her nose. “Touche. Also, I had no idea you could cook.”
“Is the steak good? I’ve never cooked steak so I was hoping it didn’t suck.”
“It definitely didn’t suck.” Derek grinned
“And you haven’t cooked for me since then.” He pointed out teasingly.
“That’s why I asked you to move in. So I could avoid cooking. It was all a ploy. I’m using you for your body and your culinary talents.” Juliet pushed back.
Derek came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Somehow I think I can find a way to be okay with that. In fact I love when you use me.” He whispered, trailing kisses down her neck.
She giggled, he was trying to be sexy which it was but it sounded straight out of a daytime soap opera and she couldn’t help but laugh.  
“Oh? So you think this is funny? I’ll show you funny.” He warned jokingly, before lifting her up onto the couch and starting a tickle attack.
“No! Please! I’m sorry!” Juliet gasped in between uncontrollable shrieks of laughter.
It felt good to be home.
@epiphanyys @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @spxcxrrxid @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 18
@veroinnumera and I are at the halfway point for what we have written and we still have more to go! We love these two. They are the OG OTP. Please give us feedback. It is crack.
And then the phone rang.
He was about to throw it against the wall, another random number - but something made him answer it. “Morgan,” he practically whispered.
“Agent Morgan,” Carter said coolly. “I’m still out here. Come and find me.”
The dead silence on the other end made Derek throw his phone against the outside of the building. Spinning around, he grabbed Reid’s phone and dialed Garcia. “Track the call that just came into my phone, now.” He instructed, voice breaking as he listened to her start typing “please….please babygirl.”
Penelope could hear the strain in his voice. He was breaking. “The last location of this phone was at 12 Yenton Drive, Manassas. The house belonged to a woman named Kerry Grimm.”
Nothing was said. No goodbye. No thank. Just drive.
“Where are you going?” JJ asked.
“That was Carter. I’m going to find him. Come or don’t, but I’m going.”
Derek broke into a sprint toward the BAU’s car, revving the engine and peeling down the street. “We have to go after him,” Hotch said. From experience, he knew that Morgan was about to do something he was going to regret.
Once again it felt like the gas pedal couldn’t be pressed far enough into the floor to go as fast as he needed to.
But eventually Derek pulled up at a quaint looking colonial painted canary yellow. It looked like the type of place out of some tourist guidebook or advertisement. But today it was his worst nightmare.
Without even checking the lock, he kicked the front door in. After it thundered to the ground, an eerie silence fell over the entire dwelling. Gun raised, he began to search the house. The only sound was his own blood roaring in his ears.
He wanted to find this-this-there wasn’t a word terrible enough for him, and he wanted to kill him. To watch the light leave his eyes and know that he was gone forever.
Derek peered around corner after corner, finding nothing a well-furnished house with a couple of knick knacks. And then he passed the back window and saw Carter pacing back and forth calmly, hands behind his back.
On ingrained instinct, he yelled. “FBI! Hands up!”
Despite what everything in his brain was telling him, his instinct - deep down in his muscles - was to bring him in to face justice. “Carter. Hands up. Now.”
“I don’t think so, Agent Morgan. Would you like to know the last words she spoke before she died?”
His finger twitched over the trigger, his jaw clenched so hard he thought it might crack. “No.”
“Derek! Please! I can’t breathe!” Carter said in a high-pitched voice.
Within a split second, Carter pulled something out from behind his back, leaving Derek no choice but to shoot. The bullet pierced his heart just as Derek screamed until he was hoarse - his world shattered.
Carter fell onto the grass, grinning as blood began to stain his clothes. “You just shot an unarmed man,” he panted. “And now you’ve killed her all over again.” His eyes rolled back in his head as his chest fell one final time. He was gone.
Derek fell to his knees, catching a glimpse of the glinting metal object in Carter’s lifeless hand.
No. No. Her voice wasn’t going to leave him. He was going to hear her pleading for the rest of his life.
It was louder this time.
And it wasn’t a gun Carter had been clutching….it was a timer.
He sprinted to the shed as Juliet called out for him over and over again. Prying the doors open, ignoring the places where the metal had cut into his skin, Derek raced inside.
And there she was.
Across her chest, bright red numbers ticked downward. 5:00, 4:59, 4:58…
“Baby, I’m so sorry, I’m gonna get you out of here.”
His eyes quickly scanned the bomb. He was going to have three chances to disarm it. If he failed three times they’d both be blown sky high. “He’s a narcissist. The code will have a special meaning to him.”
Thoughts sped through his mind at a mile a minute.
“His birthday?” Juliet offered.
Derek punched in the numbers Juliet told him, feeling the blood rush through his veins as 30 seconds instantly drained from the clock.
Juliet gasped. “Please, Derek. Get out of here. I can’t die knowing I took you with me.”
“I’m not leaving you.”
“Please!” She screeched. Her throat was raw from screaming. “Please, don’t let me watch you die!”
“I will not leave you,” he said firmly.
They would either go home together or he would die right here.
“The day you met?” He wondered. “You were his obsession.”
Reluctantly, Juliet gave him another set of numbers, watching his face drain of color as another 30 seconds disappeared. They were down to two minutes.
“Go. Please go,” she pleaded, voice breaking as her vision began to blur with tears. “You need to live, Derek. There are people who need you. So let me go.”
He shook his head, fighting off the tremors that threatened to overtake his body. He couldn’t lose her. Not again. Not like this. “A long time ago, I promised that you were stuck with me. I’m not breaking that promise, Juliet.”
They smiled at each other for a second, laughing through the tears. Fate sure had a sense of humor.
And she had before….
“Derek! The day I tried to kill myself. Maybe that’s it. He thought he’d won.”
That had to be it.
With 59 seconds left, Derek slowly punched in the numbers, taking nearly 10 seconds to press the final one.
And then it stopped.
28 seconds left.
Juliet’s head collapsed onto his shoulder. “Oh god!”
“It’s over,” Derek soothed, untying the ropes around her. “It’s over. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.
Derek held her close, his heart still racing just as fast as before. She was alive. That was all that mattered. “You have nothing to be sorry about, do you hear me? Nothing. He made his choices.”
As she cried on his shoulder, relief flooding through her system along with a whole host of other emotions she couldn’t quite name or care about in the moment, the rest of the team showed up on site.
The next several hours were a blur of questions from police and doctors checking her pupils for reactivity. Derek didn’t leave her side once. It was as if the idea of her being out of sight was unfathomable. Juliet didn’t mind. She was just as terrified of letting go of his hand, which had probably gone numb after being gripped tightly in her own for hours. But he didn’t seem to mind.
Rossi insisted on driving them home. Reid offered but even in this state Derek knew better than to give the kid keys.
Home. He had called it home. And it felt like it. It felt like he belonged curled up on that couch in that living room inside that house, because she was there. And that was the only place he ever wanted to be.
“We don’t have to say or do anything at all, just...sit with me?”
Juliet swallowed back a sob and collapsed into Derek’s arms on the couch. What had just happened? Carter was gone. That’s what happened. She should be thrilled. But she wasn’t. All she could do was stare off into the distance.
They spent hours like that and she curled into the warmth and strength of his body. She practically wanted to cry when a knock shocked her out of her daze.
Peeling himself away slowly, Derek strode to the door and looked out to see Hotch. “Morgan, it’s me. Open up.”
“What is it, Hotch?” He was too tired for this.
His boss hesitated to speak - a rare occurrence. “I need to take your badge and gun. The director wants you investigated regarding the death of Carter Morconi.
@epiphanyys @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121 @jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @spxcxrrxid @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj @xocriminal-minds-imaginesxo
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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Chapter 16
Thank you so much for reading and loving Derek and Juliet as much as @veroinnumera and I do. We still have a lot more to post and even more to still write! Please let us know what you think :D
What if he meets some gorgeous police officer on a case? What if he gets bored of dating a librarian? What if he realizes he’s way out of your league?
The thoughts bounced around Juliet’s head with the force of a ten pound bowling ball. They were painful and heavy and becoming too much. There was no way she was getting any sleep tonight. Checking the time on her phone, she paused a second to stare at the background. It was a picture of Derek reading to the little ones, the day he’d come to help out. She’d taken under the guise of needing photos for the library’s website...but it had been so fucking adorable she had to hold onto it. Maybe...Before some terrible thought could follow, Juliet dialed his number. If she felt like shit she was allowed to share it with the man she loved. It was okay to be vulnerable. It was still terrifying though.
Thank god they’d wrapped everything up. It had been over a week and he was more than ready to go home. Derek had missed her. Everytime a text came in from a member of the team regarding the case, her picture would flash and remind him of home. He loved his job, but now that he had someone in his life that he loved just as much, it was hard being away all the time, especially on these long cases.
When the phone rang in his pocket, he hoped it was her, smiling when her name popped up. “Juliet? The case is closed. We’ll be coming home tomorrow. How are you? I’ve missed you.”
The sound of his voice put a smile on her face. “That’s great! And I’m fine. No. I’m not fine, that was a lie. Sorry. I’m still working on this open communication thing. And now I’m rambling...long story short my brain is treating me like crap, so I thought I should call you.”
Derek hated the fact that her brain did what it did to her, but he sighed happily knowing she’d called him before the thoughts had spiraled out of control - hopefully. “I’m glad you called,” he said softly, leaning back against the wall. “Your brain is an asshole and I can promise you that none of what it’s saying is true. I love you and I miss you.”
“So you haven’t met a very sexy police officer? Who for some reason my brain suggests looks like a Victoria Secret model and has a British accent, because that accent is insanely attractive?”
“Absolutely not,” Derek replied firmly but softly, putting on his best British accent as he continued. “I haven’t met any sexy police officers and even if I had, I wouldn’t pursue anything because I have a sexy librarian at home waiting for me.”
Juliet snickered on the other side of the line. Calling had been hard originally, but it was for the best. If she hadn’t called, she wouldn’t have been able to hear his absolutely horrible British accent. “Is that it? Your accent?”
“Accents aren’t my thing!” He replied mock defensively. “I’m a kid from Chicago!”
She laughed softly. “Alright. But it’s okay because you have other things, Derek Morgan.”
“And what are they?” Derek asked, half jokingly half extremely curious.
“I’m not telling you! You’re head is big enough already!” Juliet exclaimed through giggles.
“If you don’t tell me I’ll start speaking in a British accent again.” He warned teasingly.
“Okay! Okay! Fine! You win just please don’t speak in a British accent!” She pleaded.
Juliet tried to stop the blushing even though there was no one there to see it. Knowing Derek, he could hear her face flushing through the phone. “Well, as Penelope has said, you’re built like a Greek God. I have imagined many dirty things since you left. On top of that, you’re intelligent and strong and funny and kind, so basically I have the whole package.” Yea, and you-Shut up, brain!
She had to stop it in its tracks. “You going to sleep? How early are you getting up tomorrow to get back on the jet?”
Derek felt his head swell up a bit, but got himself back to earth quickly. “Seven AM. I’ll need a lot of coffee. Talk to you tomorrow on the way home?”
“Yes, and Derek? I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Somehow she didn’t think that was possible, but she wasn’t about to fight him on that either.
“Actually, the cement industry is worth roughly $9.9 billion. Due to the inherently transportable nature it thrives in almost any geography, which is part of the reason there are cement mills in 34 of the 50 states. But, that’s actually pretty ironic because we still import about 10% of our cement!” Reid exclaimed, leaning back in his seat. “Morgan? Morgan are you listening to me?” He asked frowning slightly at the agent across from him who was just staring at his phone and smiling.
Derek’s head snapped up. “Sorry, Pretty Boy. I’m just excited to get home.”
“Juliet?” Reid asked, already knowing the answer. “What’s she saying that’s got you so happy? Or is it just going home?”
It could be. But it wasn’t. Juliet had decided to “come out of her shell” a bit and text him exactly what she wanted to be doing to him at the moment. Of course he was on the jet and couldn’t do anything about it. If she had done this last night? He definitely would’ve taken the situation into his own hands so to speak. “Not just going home. But I’m not giving away the details.”
Reid took a few seconds to get the gist of what Morgan was talking about, but then his eyes went wide. It was called sexting, wasn’t it? “Oh, OH! O-Okay forget I asked.”
Emily wandered over from grabbing coffee. “You’d better not screw this up Morgan, or I may just ask her out myself.”
“C’mon Prentiss! Don’t be like that.” Derek groaned.
“Like what? She’s hot and intelligent and I’m not blind.” Emily teased. “But seriously, you better not screw this up.”
JJ popped up from her seat and turned to him. “I second Emily. I mean, I have Will and I am happily taken, but she’s gorgeous and funny and smart, so don’t mess up.”
“How would I mess it up?”
Everyone within earshot (which was everyone but Hotch), turned to give him the side-eye. “Okay, so I have a bit of a reputation! This is different!”
Rossi snickered, remembering the looks well. Granted he had three ex-wives, but he remembered that lighter than air feeling of being in love. “We can see that. Any plans for when you get back?”
Derek shrugged. He hadn’t really thought about it; he was just excited to get back. “Well, she does,” Emily laughed.
“What?” Derek asked.
“JJ, Penelope and I are stealing her for a girls’ night.” He was about to put up a fight when Emily cut him off. “Deal with it!”
“Just don’t make a move on my girl.”
“Well, there’s gel nails and then there’s acrylic nails. You can do those however you want - crazy colors, French tips even. You would look great with French tips. Actually you would look great with any nails because look at you, and you could go short or long, and then-”
“Oh god, Penelope stop,” Juliet laughed. “Too many options. Also, can I call you babygirl too because I’m kind of jealous that Morgan has a babygirl and I don’t?”
Garcia curtsied, her smile wide. “Absolutely. I’m the residential babygirl. When was the last time you had your nails done?”
“Ummm...does me dipping my hand into a can of paint when I was five count?”
“What?! You’ve never had them done?”
Juliet shook her head feeling like a deer in the headlights. “N-no? I mean I guess I just never really got the point?”
Penelope clutched at her chest as if experiencing pains before pulling Juliet into her arms and patting her on the back. “Oh my sweet sweet child. It’s okay, babygirl is here now. You’re safe.”
Unable to help herself Juliet burst out laughing, voice muffled by Penelope’s sweater. Unfortunately it sounded like she was crying. “Oh my god Juliet, are you okay?” Garcia asked full of distress.
All Juliet could do was nod she was laughing too hard.
JJ and Emily shared a look as if to say young people these days despite the fact they were all roughly the same age. “Okay, okay c’mon. Let’s get this show on the road.” Emily pressed gesturing to take their seats.
After much deliberation and a little convincing on Penelope’s part, Juliet decided to go with slightly longer than normal for her nails in a light turquoise color she was really drawn to. “Mmm, this feels nice,” she said in a daze as the technician was finishing up with a hand massage. “I could get used to this.”
Emily was in the same position, practically falling asleep on the hand that had already dried. “I shouldn’t get used to this or I’ll sleep all the time.”
“And the problem with that?” Juliet asked.
The french manicure looked great on JJ, as it always did. Penelope of course went with the hottest of hot pinks with a little jewel on each thumb and Emily went with one of those striking reds you associate with a seductress who could just as easily kill you as kiss you. “What should we do now?”
Juliet looked toward Penelope, the resident queen of all things pampering. “Facials. We’ll practically fall asleep in the chairs.”
“Is that really a good idea?” JJ laughed.
But none of them seemed to care. They were relaxed, talked all the girl talk (including the BAU ladies wondering what Derek was like in bed) and nearly fell asleep as they’d all been afraid of doing, but it was a great day that Juliet hoped to be repeating more than once.
They parted ways and she called an Uber. The only option available was Uber Pool which Juliet wasn’t a huge fan of. Making small talk with strangers was among her worst nightmares. But it would be a short ride and she didn’t want to bother Derek to pick her up. The app said she was looking for a girl named Kerry with short blonde hair, green eyes, and a 2010 Toyota Camry.
A few moments later a car matching the description pulled up at the top of the block. The windows were blacked out. Weird...but people are entitled to their privacy. She shrugged it off and walked over opening the backseat door. The girl looking back at her through the driver’s mirror looked like the picture but she seemed...anxious. “Hi Kerry, I’m Juliet.” She smiled, extending a hand.
And that was when everything went to hell. The left side backseat door thudded shut as another figure entered the car, immediately stabbing a needle into her extended arm. As everything went hazy Juliet only had a split second to look up and see the one thing in the world that had ever truly terrified her.
@epiphanyys @crimeshowtrash @literallyprentissstwin @jazz91121@jennferjareau @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @fl0werb0nes18 @stunudo @spencerthepipecleaner @theofficeofsupremegenius @ultrarebelheart @lookwhatyoumademequeue @lukeassmanalvez @mentallydatingspencerreid @nobravery @criminal-anatomy @matthew-gray-reidler @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @lovelukealvez @stories-you-wont-hear @speedreiding @marvelfanlife @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @wonderboygenius @spxcxrrxid @imagines-for-criminal-minds @acespence @sweater-vest-reid @criminalmindskeepsmealive @spenncerreiid @sam-carter-in-training @parker-hopper @spencerwreid @ssahotchner @profiler-in-training @were-skye @trollitis @heyboywonder @ficrecswithcassie @janiedreams88 @gingeraleandcontemplation @cynbx @fortheloveofspencerreid @tippy06 @cleocc @bestillmystuckyheart @ssaunitchief @xxm3xxj
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