#derp face hobi is a fave
junghoshikie · 7 years
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derpy ㅅ vs. pouty quite serious ㅅ  
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tayegi · 6 years
Luuu how does bts look irl? Is Jimin THAT charismatic, sexy, attractive? Is Namjoon that proportionate? Are Taehyung and Jin that drop dead gorgeous? What about Hoseok and Kook?
hahaha i was just waiting for this question!!!! im going to see them w/ way better seats, so ill prob have a better answer next week, but from my past experience, this is my personal opinion:
namjoon: AMAZING proportions. like wayyyy taller and leaner and just supermodel-like. and he has a really really small face lol. like when he wears a bucket hat, he almost looks like slenderman, but in a good way, i swear!!! my sister had no bias until she saw him and fell madly in love. he has by far the best stage presence and charisma and hypes up the entire crowd
jin: it’s so weird!!! bc im used to warm, goofy, church-oppa vibes from him. but instead he is kinda cold irl? not in a bad way at all!!! just more chic than you’d think! like he’s not as approachable as he appears on screen. and his body is INCREDIBLE. like no joke, so broad and tall and perfect proportions. And unless he’s being silly and cute, he has this cold, icy beauty that’s breathtaking. i think he’s totally underappreciated as the visual. i think that if u saw them irl, he clearly stands out as the most classically handsome. and not in the friendly, warm oppa way that u guys think. like the cold popular guy at school who would savagely break ur heart LOL 
yoongi: for me, maybe bc hes my ult bias, but i didn’t see much diff on and off camera. except that it was kinda weird to see him completely energetic on stage LOL. also he’s smaller than what you’d think. Like next to namjoon and even hobi, he looked tiny. but so charismatic. like his smallest moves caught my attention and i couldnt look away
hobi: I get angry sometimes about still photos of him, bc they do not catch the vibrancy of his personality. Hobi isn’t the type of person who looks good in photos. He looks best in motion, when he’s squatting by the stage smirking at everyone and doing rude ass body rolls. He’s just so…. cool. but that word doesnt even begin to describe it. It’s just that when he moves, he has by far the most confidence. and he knows that he’s talented and hot. homeboi had this shiteating smirk on his face all night and i fucking died D: Yeah… the rumors r true. he’s def better-looking in person.
jimin: aklsdjflsdf HE WAS THE BIGGEST SHOCK OF THE NIGHT X 100000 X 100000 ^1000 INFINITY POWER. o m f g. i have never felt anything for jimin. N E V E R. he’s my fluffy son. but there’s something about the camera that must add ten pounds to him and makes his face look round and cute BC HE’S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL IRL!!!!!!! he’s so fucking… hot. and masculine. and sharp-featured, and he looks wayyyy more mature than you’d think. And this is my personal opinion, but he has the best stage presence and charisma of all of them. Like his solo song isnt my fave, but the way he looked on stage… it literally stole my breath away and i could only see him. and he was the most interactive w/ fans. Like sitting on the very edge of the stage, staring down into all the fans’ eyes and trying to fucking have conversations with them akdsfjlskdlf omg. u guys dont even understand how powerful real life jimin is…
taehyung: ok this guy is the most beautiful man on earth. and it’s common knowledge that he looks like an anime character. but u guys dont even understand how unreal he looks live. like he doesnt look like an actual human being. he looks ethereal, like a fucking fairy or something. i cant explain it. there’s something about the slant of his eyes and his profile irl that looks almost doll-like. i didnt believe he was an actual human being, even as he was singing and dancing, until he started derping around at the end. like srsly. airbrushed video game doll irl im still tryna recover
jungkook: this was the second biggest shock of the night. I fully expected to get attacked by him, but i actually wasnt…. at all. irl jungkook is actually a baby. it’s the complete opposite of jimin, but the camera makes jk look so much more mature than he actually is. and up close, u can see how youthful his skin is and tiny bits of baby fat, and he’s just so cuteeeee. Also he has crazy long legs and amazing proportions, but i had nothing but maternal feelings for him irl haha. 
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misshyyh · 7 years
21, 32?
21. name the feature you like the most about each member! excuse me how you gonna make me choose one feature?? im gonna go with my fave physical qualities on this one cause if i try and describe my fave features of their personalities im gonna be here all night. okay. jin: his laugh and they way he uses his hands when he talks. yoongi: his lisp and that cute pouty face he makes when he pretends to be offended. hobi: the wild dances he does to express himself when he gets excited (tbh the way he moves in general) and the hair color he has this comeback 100/10. namjoon: his amazing dimples, model proportions and soft smile. jimin: literally everything about him im so incredibly enamored with this kid theres nothing i dont absolutely love about him with my entire heart. tae: his deep ass voice, soft giggle and derp faces. and finally kookie: his sparkling eyes that hold the entire universe, his sense of style and top quality meme skills. yes i know that was more than one trait per member shhhh.
32. rank the rap line in terms of favorite rap style! personally i prefer yoongis rap style the most out of the three. its just so sassy and aggressive and i love his lisp. namjoons is my second fave. his flow is so nice and smooth and he has killer rhythm. and of course i love hobis style where he slips in and out of rapping and almost singing it sounds so...teasing.
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