Back In The Saddle||@derpingdemigod
Liliel waited outside a bar,watching people walk by. Some staggered, clearly intoxicated, and others walked as if they were late for an appointment.  The moon and the bright lights illuminated the busy street. She smiled serenely, looking at the crowd with new eyes. No longer a human but an angel, her view of the world changed.  She'd have thank her new-found friends, those Leviathans, for that later.
She turned around, hearing someone walk up to her.
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hellsbraveknight · 12 years
Alessia stood in her apartment with a pen and piece of paper. It had been a while since she last spoke to Mirra. If Alessia ever needed Mirra she had told her to draw the Flamel Cross. And that's exactly what she did. She jumped up onto the kitchen side dangling her legs and waiting for her old friend to appear.
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 Mirra, I'm sorry...I didn't know this would happen if I talked to you..*holds up the chain*
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Coffeeshops||Liliel and Mirra
Lights shined brightly in the busy city, signaling nightlife activities. Liliel sat in a nearby coffeeshop, watching couples walk by, holding hands with each other.  She sipped her latte, mulling over her blackout the other day.  They were occurring more frequently now, after she brought Dean back.  But why?  What it some curse the angels placed on her for rebelling? Either way, she had to figure out a way to get rid of the nuisance.
She continued this train of thought until she heard footsteps drawing near her.
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hellsbraveknight · 12 years
Alessia stood up in a rage. She picked up the glass on her table chucking it against the wall, watching as it shattered. She did this again with a few glass object scattered around her apartment. She walked into the kitchen pulling out a full litre bottle of vodka and took a huge gulp. On the kitchen counter was the symbol Mirra gave her.
She pulled out a clean sheet of paper and got a pen. She carefully traced the flamel cross and sat down tapping her nails against the counter top. 
"I'm waiting" she sniffed, hoping Mirra would appear soon.
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