#describes him doesn’t match the guy we meet in s2 like?? at all???
opalsiren · 11 months
rikki's dad in season one: notably absent at important moments when emma and cleo's parents are present, compared by rikki to a harrison bennett-level shitty dad
rikki's dad in season two: a sweet and engaged dad with a little bit of a temper like rikki but is capable of apologising, cares heaps about rikki, her friends, and boyfriend
rikki's dad in season three: absent the entire season, not even mentioned once when rikki's life is lowkey feeling apart, notably doesn't even attend her graduation, confusion abounds
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30 signs he likes me
I'm seriously at the point now where I feel like being brave and just asking S2 out is my only option, but I'm scared. I need something to reassure me, so I'm going to write a list of all the things, major or minor, that have made me think he likes me... 1. The conversation about football. We were talking about family and the future and the following exchange took place: S2: "I'd like to take my kids to Manchester to watch the football. I'd like to take my wife to watch the football." Me: "I've never been to a football match in my life." S2, coyly: "I could take you to Manchester to watch the football." 2. About where to live. S2 was talking about his dream of moving to Manchester one day. I told him it would be really awesome if he managed to do that. He suddenly became quieter and more hesitant. S2: "So... Do you think you'll always live around this area or...?" Me: "Well, I don't really have a set place I'd like to live. It's more like, I'll see where the other important things in my life take me." S2: *happy and pensive noise* 3. Car sex jokes. When we were sitting in my car in a car park in the dark, the windows had steamed up. S2 kept joking about what passers by would think we were up to. He even joked about rocking the car to make it look like we were having sex. 4. Opening up. S2 has opened up to me about things that I couldn't imagine him opening up to many people about. Certain things he told me would have taken a lot of trust as in the wrong hands, the information could be dangerous for him. He has also opened up to me about emotions and situations from the past that haunt him, which I don't think many people know about. 5. Coat sharing. When we were in my car, I wanted something to snuggle up in. Despite already having my own coat and a blanket in the back of the car, S2 gave me his coat and didn't seem to mind at all when I buried myself in it. 6. Next time. Although next time hasn't happened yet, S2 has mentioned "next time" on several occasions. 7. The awkward goodbye. The first time we went out, S2 walked me home. Outside my house we had a really awkward moment where we just stared at each other with nervous grins until it became so awkward I gave him a high five to break the tension. In my mind I was trying to decide whether or not to kiss him, and I can only wonder if he was thinking the same. 8. Always talking to me. When we're at work, no matter how many other people are there, S2 always chooses to sit and talk to me. Even in meetings, we end up drifting off into our own private jokes or pulling faces at each other. When we were out at Christmas, S2 stayed at my side all night, choosing to leave early with me rather than stay in the group. When he was at the bar getting us drinks, he kept looking to see where I was. 9. Really sad. He doesn't do this so much now, but in the early days, when he would say or do something he thought was a bit embarrassing, he'd say something like "you probably think that's really sad" and when I'd tell him I didn't think it was sad, his little face would light up. 10. Noodle embarrassment. Similarly, once when we were sitting together at lunch, S2 had a momentary freak out because he was worried that he'd look really awful eating his noodles. I quickly reassured him that I'd just eaten mine and made a mess, and promised I wouldn't judge him. He promptly chowed down as if he suddenly felt better about it. 11. Come and watch. When S2 was teaching his class in our hall, he invited me down to watch. There was no clear reason why, as far as I could tell. It seemed like he just wanted me to be there. 12. More sex jokes. On our first night out together, S2 really ramped up the innuendos. He was twisting what I said in a deliberate attempt to get me embarrassed. When I finally hit him in the shoulder, he seemed to really love that he had wound me up so much. 13. Standing up for me. Once a student was really rude to me in front of S2 and he flew in to stand up for me. He was so passionate about it that all I could do was watch in awe. 14. Curry. Even though it hasn't happened yet, S2 went through a stage of repeatedly talking about curry. As soon as I took the bait just a tiny bit, he jumped in, suggesting we get a take away together and eat it in my car. 15. We could go to... When we were sitting in my car, he kept suggesting places we could go together in the future. 16. Not going home. The first night we were out, S2 deliberately missed the last train home. He was even reluctant to call his mum to ask for a lift home. He also suggested staying at mine or getting a hotel room. When we were in my car at Christmas, he wanted to sleep in there all night, and only asked to go home because he was getting uncomfortable in his jeans. 17. Comparing me to her. S2's friend who liked him used to always try to get him naked and to do crazy things. While sitting in my car in front of the beach, he suddenly started to talk. S2: "I'm glad my friend got married." Me: "Which friend?" S2: "The one I was telling you about before. The difference between tonight and a night out with her is, at this point she'd be telling me to take my clothes off and go running into the sea." The important thing to note here is that he had told this girl he would be with her once he'd finished uni, and had been pretty cut up when she went and married someone else. 18. Touch my finger. S2 hates being touched. So, when he walked in and asked me to feel a lump in his finger, I was shocked. He was actually inviting me to touch him. I've also noticed his reaction when I've forgotten myself and touched him at other times. He grins. Something tells me he actually quite likes it when I touch him. 19. London. Although London didn't happen, the fact that he wanted to go with me in the first place made me feel like I was more than just a regular friend. 20. Reactions to assumptions. When our colleague assumed we were a couple, S2 got so embarrassed and shrunk away, letting me do the talking. 21. The half smile. S2 does this cute little smile at me quite often, as if he's trying to suppress it, but can't. My friend even saw this when she passed us in the street. 22. Staring. I often catch S2 staring at me. A mutual friend told me he always does this when he wants to work people out. He doesn't break his gaze when he's caught either. 23. Age. The other day, S2 was trying to describe this woman to a colleague of ours and he got a little panicky when he said that the woman was younger than me. It was like he didn't want to make a big deal out of my age, which shows he has noticed that I'm a little bit sad about being 29! 24. Remembering things. During a conversation about hospitals with S2 and another colleague, I told a story about a guy I met while I was in hospital several years ago. S2 suddenly said that he remembered that story as it was the first I'd ever told him, well over a year ago. He has remembered other things about me too that I would not have expected. 25. Being a gent. S2 is always such a gentleman to me. He holds doors, he offers to help with things, he shares... He even got a little bit annoyed once when I got out of my car in the rain to fetch something after he'd offered to do it for me. 26. A walk in the woods. When we were on a school trip to the woods, S2 willingly ran off with me, leaving the kids to their own devices. Normally he's a real "by the book" person so I was quite surprised when he chose to do that. 27. Sharing food/drinks S2 has an OCD. He doesn't like sharing food or drinking from the same class as someone, however, he has done both with me more than once. 28. Telling me first. So many times it seems I'm one of the first people, if not the first, that he tells things to. For example, on Friday, he came over and told me what had happened about quitting his job before telling his own mother! 29. Secrecy. S2 doesn't seem to tell his mum when we make plans. Before Christmas, she asked him what his plans were and he said he was staying to do some work, when he was actually going out with me! If I was just a regular friend, would he really need to be so secretive? 30. Are you laughing? Whenever S2 says something funny, he checks to see if I'm laughing. Now, I could write so many more, but I think 30 is enough to convince me that yes, he does like me! Aaaagh so now it's time to be brave. Wish me luck!
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