despair-games 2 years
Student Profile;
Taylor Lifeline
Ultimate Birdwatcher
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Taylor Lifeline is a student at Hopes Peak Academy, in a branch within a different country. The despair disease has a mild likelyhood of contaminating him. Taylor is also the elder brother to Oliver Lifeline
He is Friendly and a natural born leader, he can be found helping people out in the woods as a camp councillor, He never backs down from a challenge and always lends a hand to those in need of help.
Taylor is often considered an unnamed hero of sorts - Someone who can be relied on. However, he accepted the title of Ultimate Birdwatcher.
"Ah, my title? Yeah, birdwatcher felt much more fitting for someone like me. I'm just some random kid who works at a camp after all, nothing special, really. I'm just doing my job."
Although he couldve been granted the title of hero, birdwatcher felt more fitting to the young boy - a sentiment to how he sometimes is too humble.
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Interestingly, during the interview we managed to get some information from him about his general life and what its like to do what he does. Taylor spoke about his interests beside bird watching, such as stamp collecting and participating as a general nature / animal rights activist .
"Well... There's a lot but a general idea of my interests are things like stamp collecting. I like doing tree barber work and generally taking care of the nature around me. I also take part in a lot of activism for preservation and animal rights."
From there, he went on a slight rant regarding the welfare of animals, we didnt quite catch it all but he's certainly a passionate young man, his discussion with the interviewers on animal testing was an interesting one.
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Lastly, we must state his medical records, so that we cannot be held liable if he fails to account for his own needs and take precautionary steps with the academy to ensure his safety.
Allergies: None Known
Medical Disorders or disabilities: Blind in his right eye.
"Disabilities? I'm blind in my right eye if it counts, from a tussle with a bear - I'm lucky it was just a cub"
We suspect given everything we have seen, Taylor will be a rather interesting student to have in the academy. We hope to see more of him soon.
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vixenpen 4 years
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(Art by: @despairgamer)
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despair-games 2 years
Student Profile;
Oliver Lifeline
Ultimate Ornithologist
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Oliver Lifeline is a student at Hopes Peak Academy, in a branch within a different country. The despair disease has a high likelyhood of contaminating him. He is the younger brother of Taylor Lifeline
He is intelligent beyond his age, and he is well aware of it, working hard to make something of that, ending up in university at the age of eleven (11) years old. He is often frustrated with others as they 'just aren't intelligent enough' to understand what he wants to say.
"I don't care about being an ultimate, I'mjust filling out the final six years I have left in education. However, being an Ornithologist was an important choice to me. I certainly wanted something that could allow me to assist with my older brother's work. I don't think there are many people as worthwhile as him to see as a role model."
We see here from the interview, he looks up to his brother - more than likely not with his intelligence (looking at their grades, Taylor is going to be heavily relying on his ultimate) but his ability to lead and care for others without fail.
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Unsurprisingly, during the interview, when asked what things oliver likes, he responded with a flurry of different games that make you think to win. However, one surprise was that he said despite how he feels toward most things - he still enjoys watching an episode of feel-good children's cartoons.
"To be simple about it, I require things such as chess or other games that stimulate your brain in the STEM areas. However, one or two episodes of children show nonsense is nice too."
From there, he had a nice discussion on the importance of STEM, and showed quite a bit of disdain towards artistic fields of work and study when asked about them, stating while he doesn't mind the content - its not very important to him.
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Lastly, we must state his medical records, so that we cannot be held liable if he fails to account for his own needs and take precautionary steps with the academy to ensure his safety.
Allergies: Allergic to most medications.
Medical Disorders or disabilities: None known
"I'm allergic to pretty much most medication, so I carry around everything I might need."
We suspect Oliver will be a rather interesting student to have in the academy. We will ensure we will see more of him.
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despair-games 2 years
Student Profile;
Wylar Kaffeb酶nne
Ultimate Barista
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Wylar Kaffeb酶nne is a student at Hopes Peak Academy, in a branch within a different country. The despair disease has a low likelyhood of contaminating him.
He is sarcastic and blunt, often doing things out of spite, when he doesn't have any other good reason to do something.
However, he has many talents because of this. As he states in his student interview
"motivation to become the Ultimate Bariasta? Well. It came from how my father told me a cup of coffee I made was sh*t."
Thus out of spite, he worked so hard on becoming at least good at making coffee, he secured the title as the Ultimate Barista.
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On the flip side, he told us a little about himself. From this we can conclude a couple of his interests include videogames, the japanese language, culture, and ironically herbal teas. It seems he enjoys anime too, as he brought it up during the interview.
"...Two Bitz has always been something I liked to watch while making coffee. Though, I like drinking tea while gaming or watching anime a lot more. Considering I'm British, I guess it makes sense that I prefer tea."
Wylar also seems to have strong dislikes for certain things, we won't list any examples of what he specifically said to us - As they were far too crude - but we can verify he certainly does not like liars.
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Lastly, we must state his medical records, so that we cannot be held liable if he fails to account for his own needs and take precautionary steps with the academy to ensure his safety.
Allergies: None Known
Medical Disorders or disabilities: Generalised Anxiety Disorder
"Medical information? Beyond my [GAD], there's nothing to talk about. That should be on my application, anyway."
We suspect that wylar will be quite the interesting student to have on board. We hope to see lots of him soon.
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