youryeslife-blog · 6 years
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Are you letting fear hold you back from living the life you actually want to be living? I bet you didn’t know that I am. And what the hell for?! I know that I am capable of success. I know I am more than capable of changing lives and being financially free. So why am I letting fear of failure, judgement, & disappointment hold me back from it? Last week I took an elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower (not the real one in Paris, but the small one in Vegas #DespicableMeReference). I stood there overlooking all of Las Vegas & beyond...feeling on top of the world. P.S. I am deathly afraid of heights. But I did this because I knew it would be incredible. I knew the experience was greater than my fear. But instead of taking this experience and replicating it in my business & in my personal life, I went right back to being scared that nothing was going to work out. I let the thoughts of “no one is going to want to work with me” and “I’ve always failed at network marketing, what should make this time different?” take over. I let fear (and my ego) take the wheel. But now I’m taking it back. Fuck being scared. Fuck what other people are going to say. Fuck living a life of mediocrity simply because I’m “too shy” to talk to people or I can’t see the outcome right now (it’s going to be great btw). I am scared of not knowing HOW it will all work out. I am scared that no one will trust in my business because I’ve changed my mind too many times. I’m scared that I’m going to let the people I love down...that I’m going to let myself down. Again. But now, instead of letting that fear control this life of mine, I’m reigning it in & using it to reach out to new people. To let others know that it doesn’t matter if you’re at day 1 or 1000 on your entrepreneurial journey. Fear still happens. And it’s okay. Just don’t let it take over & push you back to being small. . .. . . . . #fear #mindset #entrepreneur #life #yeslife #money #momlife #workingmom #wahm #sahm #boymom #girlmom #momswithtattoos #momswhoworkout #cbd #hempworx #adventures #networkmarketing #workfromhome #beyou #faith #believe #girlboss #momboss #letgo #ego #highvibes
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