kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Les Dessous de Dofus" - part 1
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I was waiting to cover this comic for a long time. I love it a lot! Chronologically speaking, it happens shortly before the movie.
Wink-wink. Nudge-nudge. We are very close to finally covering the movie on this blog...
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I love these drawings a lot. Also, I want to point out, that this is a fan translation. I want to thank whoever is responsible for this translation. It was a real service to the fandom.
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Remember this moment. It will get funny later. Like a brick joke.
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GIGI MY FRIEND GIGI WHO IS mentioned literally once during the entirety of the movie.
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Joris and Lilotte regularly beat the shit out of each other. I love them.
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This implies so much. Luis... what the fuck did Atcham do to you.
Also "I have better things to do rather than mull over my psychopathic brother" Like no. You don't. You're lying.
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To Joris, Goultard is That One Immortal Fuck Who Keeps Calling Me A "Shorty".
To Goultard, Joris is Kerubim's asocial, short, mentally ill "would-be-a-neet-if-not-immortal" young little failson, who looks at him really weird, like he killed his dog, when he comes over to drink beer together with Kerubim.
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It's kind of beautiful.
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OK I have to include this whole page because literally..., He is the legend, he is the moment.
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I hate him so much its unreal. I wish I could fight him.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Les Dessous de Dofus" - part 3
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Keke is such an evil fucking cat.
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I want so badly to believe that Joris responds to stress the same way Julith does. At least when he's like 15-17. When he's older, the fuming is mostly internal.
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Bakara was teaching her how to knit... And Julith's first idea was briefs. Like in the Julith et Jahash comic... I'm insanely sad.
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He was so desperate to Gamble that he thought of Gambling with Joris. fgjsdfhgjdsf
You did this to him yourself, asshole.
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You used to be so cool and anti-authoritarian and then, in 600 years, acceptance and love have made you into a fan of Bontarian warcrimes. How the mighty have fallen.
Also, it's wild how he just killed that guy to death over politics of baldness. Atcham and his whack-ass moral compas.
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Keke's insults are kinda metal. "You were a fucking sperm, and I was already balling". Imagine the type of shit he'd come up after a few centuries.
"I was better than you even before your mother's mother was a sperm." or "I could have had relations with your grandfather, and you wouldn't even know it."
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I am literally in love with him.
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I feel like I could write an essay about these things: Kerubim being able to speak to kings, — the way it suggests a position not unalike Joris's, in the future, or his ecaflipish sense of premonition, or the fact that Bonta sucks.
But like all of this is very self-evident.
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You heard it here, folks: Atcham hates furries. Which is sad. Considering he is, uh, one.
Atcham's entire life is just a string of failure after string of failure.
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Keke's exasperated look is so cute with the green nightgown and the kitty slippers. Also, yet again, he really does love the color green...
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I'm so normal about this page. So sane too. Haha. You had seen it already, I include it in my analysis often,  — but the way it shows baby Atcham crying, the way this nightmare is similar to Julith's and Kerubim's, the way his entire bed is torn, suggesting he gets bad dreams often...
On a happier note, it's a very cute thing to wear to sleep. I will not comment on the way his belly button is visible between the shirt and the shorts, or what it makes me feel (lust)——
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I love you, Luis.
Also, I will not comment on what seeing Kerubim change clothes makes me feel. (lust)
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If I say what this image makes me feel (lust) my followers will put me in a psychward.
This post is both embarrassing, and insane.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Les Dessous de Dofus" - part 2
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And this is how it starts.
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Yes Lilotte. Yes he does.
Pupuces drink blood, as we know from Waven and the Dofus movie. Just because Joris and Kerubim's Pupuce likes to eat kibbles doesn't mean she isn't an obligate uhh hemovore (i made this word up). She wants to drink Lilotte's blood so fucking bad.
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We can't really see if this thing Lilotte found is just a piece of fabric, or a dress. It doesn't look very dress-like, but it might be because it lacks any shoulder straps or belts. Keke does like to wear green a lot!
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Considering the fact that she, uh, found high heels somewhere, I do think this is a dress. Kerubim has bad taste in clothes.
Joris is just pogging, while Kerubim is so worried about her being bitten everywhere by pupuce... gjsfgsf. (that and the fact that she found one of his drag things. But mostly her being bitten by pupuce)
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I think Kerubim's game plan, if Julith hadn't showed up, was to hide knowing who Joris's parents were literally forever. Otherwise, this would be a pretty cruel thing to say, knowing that one day, he would have to reveal to Joris that that's his mom.
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The Bakara bits of this comic make me so fucking sad, you have no idea. Just no idea. And her boyfriend is helping her get drunk, constantly.
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I had spoken to some select people (in my dms) a lot on the parallels between Ivory Dofus's dragon, Jahash, and Kerubim, as well as Ebony Dofus, Julith, and Atcham. Joris has always been a person associated with neither light nor dark.
As well as parallels between Bakara (who I assume is around 10, in this design) and Joris (who is 10 at this time canonically). Makes me want to to believe that, in the Julith et Jahash comic, Bakara was 7. It'd be cute if they're similar like that.
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Now, onto something more topical: Jahash and Kerubim are both idealists, who can make fun of themselves a little bit, but the idealistic view of their career as a hero differs for the two of them.
For Jahash, it is defending Bonta and its innocents.
While for Kerubim, it's about new experiences and sightseeing. It's about defending those who have nobody else, like widows and orphans.
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And god, by now you probably know what Kerubim saying that he likes to defend orphans out loud does to my brain chemistry.
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He doesn't want any orphan to suffer in life like he did.
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Keke, a boomer, thinks that selling weed and catnip is illegal, but considering the fact that this guy went to the guards, — I think it isn't. Also, on the topic of funky plants that exist in the Krosmoz universe:
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This is how my headcanon that Joris, Kerubim and Atcham smoke together can still win.
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Like, there's a lot of weed near Bonta. Like a Lot of it.
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They both haunt one another at night.
Julith having a stuffed doll of Jahash is just... so sad. Kerubim took everything from her, minutes after her husband has died.
And even if Kerubim thinks that she was an evil person, — he wants to protect the widow and the orphan. What happened here is the opposite of everything he stands for.
No wonder he's so protective over Joris, considering the guilt he must feel about killing his mother. He lost his parents too. He knows that, if he doesn't raise Joris himself, Joris has nobody.
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My hot take, is that Bakara hates Joris, — and by proxy, Kerubim. Because the man took Joris in and loves him.
Sure, she couldn't have raised him, being a child herself, — but not having him in her life is a decision she makes on purpose, until the circumstances force her to interact with Joris.
Even as an 18-20 year old woman, she never contacts her nephew, despite knowing Kerubim and where they live. Even while crossing them on the street.
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Think about it this way: She hates Julith. She thinks that she took advantage of her brother. That Julith had a child with him, for some perverted, monstrous reason, while lying about loving him, before destroying Bonta and causing the man to die.
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While she probably knows that Joris isn't to blame for anything, her desire to never speak to him is... quite understandable. And probably for the best, for the sake of both of them, and their mental health.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Live-read: "Les Dessous de Dofus" - part 4
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Yes, this is funny, because they both take themselves so seriously. But also, the fact that Kerubim talked to the king, implies that he's doing this weird fucking superhero thing to patrol the streets at night to calm his own nerves.
Kerubim's responses to stress are very fascinating becase they're usually "it'll solve itself" and "if I don't solve it right now I will lose my fucking mind", and usually, the more serious things go into category 1, and the more random, non-threatening things go into category 2.
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I would give actual money to know if Kerubim says "tu" or "vous" here. And there IS a right answer to pick between the two.
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Actually, I am not going to pay for that. At least in part because I can't, due to being in a country that isn't a part of SWIFT.
Anyway, yeah, he does in fact use tu for Atcham here.
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I love him so much, its insane.
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If I said that this exchange between Bad Portrayal of Gay People and the boufbowl guy implies, through parallels ("he's a god" "no he isn't, he goes to toilet", "umm well actually--") that Joris's feelings for Khan are of romantic nature (a childhood celebrity crush.) I feel like everyone would say I'm insane and urge me to get my head checked.
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[shaking head at luis telling keke his wonderful figure is bad] i would treat him right. babygirl
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"He must have drank a glass of water... Silly accident." I love you so much, Luis.
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Atcham learns intersectionality.
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I understand that the joke is probably that this thing shows random things, but somehow, if this thing does, to some degree, show people's wishes, — Joris's reflection being buff and covered in boufbowl stuff, and Kerubim's having a frilly dress with an umbrella while making soup, fits together in a very beautiful way.
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He's such a beautiful artist.
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(guy who's insane voice) do you think that Atcham would like to be a good person and is haunted by the fact that, simply by existing in opposition to Kerubim he is expected to perform atrocities? Or do you think that to him, being the catboy Joker, is the only way he can be taken seriously and not belittled all the time, which is a good price to pay?
Do you think he actually has strong beliefs? Would do horrible things for love? Does he feel good about the warcrimes he commits in Waven, together with Kerubim and Jo——
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Even while disguised, Kerubim can make him so angry it makes him look stupid.
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And here's the cat from the beginning of the comic. Yeah he's 10. Yeah Atcham framed him. It's insane.
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God, please, let this say cunt in french too. 🙏
No, I won't check it this time. I don't want to be disappointed.
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One of the three most beautiful Krosmoz characters, everybody.
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