#deutsch ea
ajarofpickledtears · 4 months
Die Größte Lüge des Universums
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retropolitan · 1 year
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Achtung! Achtung! Am Freitag startet offiziell die neue American Football - Saison. Zum Glück. Denn langweiliger als die Bundesliga geht es ja nun echt nicht.
Und wer nicht bis Freitag warten kann, der kann sich mit einem NFL-Videospiel seiner Wahl die Zeit verkürzen.
(Bildquelle: N-Zone - Magazin, Ausgabe Dezember 1997)
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izpira-se-zlato · 6 months
JO Paris, 22.03.24
Gig report! Compiled this morning in the car to Antwerp with help form @zadig-fate and @yoda-bor 💛 I recorded everything except Katrina (bc my camera app crashed in the middle), so I'll upload this once I'm at a place with stable wifi again :D
all my buses were delayed so I power walked to the train station. Then that train was delayed so I almost missed my Eurostar. Then my Eurostar was also delayed. "That's what I call a Deutsche Bahn special, actually." – Kris ("when your first train is late but then it's okay because the second train is also delayed")
so many people I knew in the queue. From Helsinki. From London last year. From Utrecht. 😊💛
when I grabbed my number, Jan and Nace returned to the venue (and they were so pretty in daylight and in person)
Nace said hi as they walked past 😊
their postures??? Nace has definitely worked on his posture, meanwhile Jan appears so slim and small. It's wild.
Jan and Jure returned to the venue together, looking… Pissed is too harsh a word, but frowning? So we first kinda thought they were actually pissed off. But then Nace showed up a minute later, his usual sunny self, and was immediately accosted by fans. So. I assume it was less "pissed off" and more "do not approach" (and it worked)
soundcheck was Gola and Vem da greš, which we could hear every time they opened the doors (this was my last general access gig. It's EA from here on out, baby!)
Kris and I had decided to go on the balcony and got spots right next to the sound booth, where we were joined by @thisismyobsessionnow 🫶
it was warm but the sound was really good (duh)
also we had nice cushy seats like the old people we are 😂
first opener was a duo of brothers made up of discount Jure and Käärijä if he was French. Discount!Jure had a nice chest (Jure at home)
their music was eh, the lyrics cringe
Kris says they spoke french but I spent most of their set on tumblr/discord so I wasn't listening, but it was a Choice since pretty much none from the EA crowd spoke French
speaking of EA, there were allegedly 60 EA tickets though I saw numbers up to 62 (500 people venue)
JC Stewart was fun
he was told he looked French prime minister. He got confused by president vs prime minister but he also got kinda flustered. He was shown a pic and was "oh yeah, I see it"
we got Katrina opener
Nace. Jfc.
the venue was super hot so I tried to appreciate the fit while he had it on in full – white buttoned shirt with a sweater vest over it and a proper tie and glasses, going for the full teacher look except hot???
I still spent a good chunk of the gig looking at Jure though. The elevated balcony spot gave ussuch a nice view of him
Bojan was smiley and sounded way less congested than in Utrecht (maybe he's on the mend?)
Kris on the other hand was sipping tea on stage. In particular very sassily during Demoni
Kris had guitar problems at the beginning of Šta bih ja and went to Kiki to get it fixed but Bojan didn't see and so was actually worried for a moment that Kris had gotten sick off-stage. Kris was adorable in reassuring him that he was fine
they were all so mobile again
og demoni scream. In the middle. Might have been Bojan letting out his anxiety over Kris having disappeared from stage
"Kris, honey" and then that moment. What in the BoKris was that. I just turned to Kris and said that out loud bc what the fuck
There was a sizeable crowd of Slovenians in the audience and Bojan was delighted
fairly even split in the crowd for French vs foreigners, though the French were louder in yelling
the most hilarious to me moment: Bojan did his spiel about "who here experiences panic attacks?" And the crowd cheered, and he was like "yay! Panic attacks! It's me!" And Kris next to me went "I'm the problem, it's me," and literally on the last syllable, Bojan started saying the exact same thing. One brain cell. Or maybe he has the stream on his in-ears
Barve oceana 🫶🫶💛💛
according to Astrid, I looked ridiculously happy (I was ridiculously happy)
best galaxy of me version tonight. I still don't like it though 😂 it's gonna be my metulji 😂
Bojan went into the crowd for Umazane misli
it's so fun to watch from above
Vita was his trusty shadow and also a beacon of light to spot Bojan with
this time I don't think they forgot her in the crowd
Bojan made the balcony sing while he was still in the crowd. But it was mostly just Kris, Madeleine, and me, at least on the bleachers/seated part. We still gave our best 😂
Carpe Diem was not part of their "encore" but came before
no Tokio :( might be the first show without it?
fucking Novi val
the way Jure jumped up and sprinted to trade a drumstick for a baguette, it was so hilarious
he was so happy, and he first made fun of Nace for being unable to eat it
he shared it with Jan
Jan got chocolate and they put it into the baguette and then shared it.
Jure let everyone else also take a bite, including Bojan who was ostensibly singing
Nace bottle feeding Kris. What the fuck. Can someone make sure they still don't know about AO3?
no Umazane shenanigans even though Jan and Nace had talked right before it so I'd been hopeful
so many um versions in other langauges. It wasn't the longest rendition, but we also
when Bojan said we'd get the original Slovene version, I thought it would be the one he made up on the spot when they went on stage to play it all the way back? When they were babies. So it was a small disappointment when it was just the regular Slovene version 😂
Bojan asked the Slovenians if they were able to tell that they weren't playing at home and they said no and Bojan was so so delighted
he's also given the mic to people in the audience outside of Umazane misli (ne bi smel and plastika, I want to say)
he sang galaxy of me with a guy from the front row (Josh?)
not a lot of Jance, possibly because they were looking after Kris?
still a lot of eye contact
or maybe it was the fact that they apparently were out in Paris together in the afternoon 😏
my phone was so hot by the end (and I have 4gb left of memory)
after the gig I couldn't find my hat so I was worried I'd left it, so I went back in. Which was how I got JC and Vita to sign my gig memory book
I had forgotten about wanting to grab Vita's signature so if Astrid hadn't reminded me, I would have missed out
the boys got JC Stewart sick, he said his voice was going
It was raining so the boys ran out of the venue towards a van while we cheered. Bojan took a group selfie
Jan and Jure left first with the crew in that van so we assume that the others took a second car
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schvmacher47 · 2 years
Rumour Has It (Pedri x artist! protagonist)
part 2!
view part 1 here!
my requests are open
summary: Being dragged along to the studio of Sira's favourite artist, Pedri never thought he would find himself falling in love with this place or even the owner... He quickly found himself looking forward to hearing about the process of the commission his friend placed, dropping by after practice to pick up Ferran's commission and place his own, just to get another reason to see Ana again...
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face claim: artbylavra on instagram
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ferrantorres started following ana_hernandez
pedri started following ana_hernandez
A few weeks have passed since Ferran has placed his commission...
»Dios mío, I missed you so much!« said Ana and embraced her friend with a wide grin on her lips. It’s been a bit more than a week since her encounter with the two football players, when Ana found herself at the airport, picking up her bestfriend. »It's definitely been too long!«
»If I remember correctly it was you who refused to come to Spain because of your busy exam season.« Ana grinned amused. »It's what it takes to become a doctor I guess.« Ella shrugged, grabbing her suitcase and backpack so they could head for the exit of the airport.
Ella and Ana met when they were still in highschool, 10th grade when they took part in an exchange programme organised by the German school in Barcelona. The DSB, short for 'Deutsche Schule Barcelona, has been partnering with a school in Dortmund for decades and thus made exchanges possible.
Ana still remembers how she arrived in Dortmund, it was January, grey overcast. It was a cold and rainy day when she and the other Spanish students of the German school arrived at the airport where they were picked up by their host families. Ana had been in contact with Ella before, texting so that they could get to know each other beforehand. They hit off, being on the same wavelength immediately. The month Ana spent in Germany was arguably one of the best months she ever had. Ella's family soon became her second family, her parents taking care of her as if she was their own daughter.
Spending the afternoons after school in random cafés, taking the train to Bochum to go shopping in the 'Ruhrpark' or going partying at the weekends. The highlight, despite not being into football, was definitely watching the 'Ruhrpott Derby' Borussia Dortmund against Schalke in the Signal Iduna Park Ana still remembers how Ella couldn’t believe how Ana wasn’t into football.
»If I were you and living in the city of one of the best football clubs in the world, the club Messi plays for, I would be the biggest fan on earth.« – »You already are the biggest football fan on earth, just look at your wardrobe. You have literally more jerseys of Barça than I’ll ever have. You quite literally own the fanshops of both Barça and Dortmund. If you ask me, you’ve got us both covered. I don’t need to be a fan anymore.« – »I’ll still turn you into a football fan.« – »Good luck with that, it might take you a few years.«
A few months later, after the summer holidays, the German students finally came over to Barcelona. Ella immediately fell in love with the city and all the hidden spots Ana showed her during her stay. They would often spend the afternoons exploring the secluded tiny alleys of Barcelona's old town, meeting up with friends or spending the endless hot summer nights at the beach. Ana knew how much of a football fan Ella was, being confronted with her football obsession everyday when she was in Dortmund, the city where arguably everyone was a fan and living for football. Therefore she wanted to return the favour, her family somehow managing to get tickets for the most prestigious match of the league. The Classico.
In these two months that the two of them spent together, they became best friends. The contact never broke off, they messaged each other daily or sent each other long voice messages that soon became a kind of podcast and took turns in visiting each other in the respective country during the holidays. After they graduated from high school, Ella came to Spain for a few months, first spending some time in Barcelona before finally pursuing their road trip plans until Ella had to go back to Germany to start her medical studies.
»You know, I still can't understand why you're putting yourself through all that unnecessary stress for becoming a doctor..« said Ana when they reached her car. »Sometimes I question my decision as well, but« – »There's no buts, your decision is indeed questionable!« – »I have some great news though!« – »You're quitting?!« Ella rolled her eyes as she fastened the seatbelt and Ana started the engine. »No of course not you idiot, why would I quit after I've spent all of my school years working so hard to get good enough of a degree to study anything medicine related.« – »Could still have been possible, if I were you, I wouldn't like to be burnt out by the end of my twenties.« Ana grinned and drove off the airport parking lot. »If you'd let me finish for once, then you'd know that you have the next four to five months to spend time with me..« – »Wait, I think I got lost in translation. What did you just say? Or more like why?« – »Ever heard of 'Erasmus'« – »Yeah.« – »I got accepted and..« – »No way! And you're just telling me now??« Ana shook her head, a grin still finding its way on her lips. »Felt like it'd be a nice surprise... I have all the paperwork with me, I just need to drop them off this week and sign some papers for my flat and then I can start moving.« – »I still can't believe how you didn't tell me. Especially since you normally cannot shut up about anything.« Ana playfully rolled her eyes and nudged Ella’s shoulder when they came to a halt at a red traffic light.
➵ ➵ ➵
»How’s the boyfriend doing?« asked Ella, while she settled in her friend’s apartment, taking in the beautiful view of the colourful houses and roofs. It was obvious that Ana was an artist, even her apartment looked like a little art studio. Paintings were hung on walls, or were standing against walls. Sketches scattered across the dining table, pencils spread out on a piece of paper. The hallway was crammed with packages of new paint and canvases, waiting to be taken to the studio. »Ugh, don’t ask, he’s a pain in the ass.« Ana mumbled, remembering their latest argument about the most unnecessary thing ever. »The usual, men are in general annoying.« Ella sighed, spreading her limbs out on the sofa. »But what would I do to have a hot Spanish boyfriend as well. Felipe and you are literally perfect, just look at you both.« – »I mean, you technically have the next 5 months to try. Yet you’re also the one who says she doesn’t have the time to commit to a relationship.« Ana grinned amusedly. »Studip medical studies!« – »My words, yet you never want to hear them.« Ana propped herself next to Ella on the sofa. »Oh shut it, not everyone can be as talented as you and make that much money during their studies.« – »I know, it sucks to not be me.« she grinned, putting her hair in a low ponytail.
»Just shut it, or I’m going to ruin your day by telling you what I’ve planned for us this evening!« »Oh good god. I can see where this is going.« Ana buried her face in one of the pillows on her sofa, she already suspected what was about to happen to her. »Don’t be like that, it’s not even as bad as you always say it is. And besides, I need to make good use of my time here. And you’ll just have to go along with it today.« Ana pressed herself deeper into the pillow and mumbled something unintelligible. »You’re lucky I like you so much…« – »I know, and I’m going to take full advantage of that today.« Ella grinned contentedly as Ana lifted her head and propped herself up on her forearms.
Ella had already found what she was looking for and was now waving two blue and red cards in the air. A wide grin spread across her lips as she watched her friend's reaction. Ana stared at her with an indefinable look, her eyes alternating between Ella's grin and the blue and red cards. Something in her gaze changed, and Ella knew that Ana would like to snatch the cards out of her hand and destroy them.
Over the years, Ella still hadn't managed to convince Ana of her passion for football. Even though she was so committed to it and even offered to explain everything to her. But Ana more or less refused every time. The games she was forced to watch because Ella dragged her to the stadium almost every time she was in Barcelona, or because her sister insisted that Ana watched the group games in Seville, had stressed her out so much that she didn't even feel the urge to get involved with football one more time. But Ella didn't give up, hoping that Barcelona, who were slowly returning to their old form and were convincing with their new young stars, could enchant Ana and finally convince her of the beauty of football.
»I hate you.« – »You love me.« Ana gave up and buried her face in the pillow again. »I should’ve known better and gotten prepared as soon as you said you were going to visit me during your semester break. It was so predictable that this was going to happen.« – »What do you expect me to do? Come to Barcelona without seeing them play for the first time since they’ve been taken over by Xavi and are getting great again?« Ella took another pillow and threw it at Ana, who just just groaned in despair. »I expected you to spend time with me, not to drag me somewhere to watch 22 men kick a ball for 90 minutes. I would much rather go out and have a fancy dinner somewhere.« – »We can still do that some other day.« Ana huffed, pushing herself up again. She couldn't wrap her head around how someone could be that obsessed with football. Ana also wasn’t oblivious to the fact that Barcelona has been underperforming for the past couple of seasons, having to deal with Ella’s outbursts after every important match they lost. Such as the 5 Classicos they lost in a row. Yet Ana knew that she had to accept her fate and do her friend the favour of joining her to watch that football match.
That’s how Ana ended up in the Camp Nou hours later. She sank deeper into the soft material of her coat keeping an eye on Ella who was, despite not being there for the first time, seemingly amazed by the astonishing atmosphere. »They better not play like shit, or else this was the last time I'll accompany you.« Ana grumbled and crossed her arms in front of her upper body. Ella just shook her head, knowing damn well that the chances of them playing yet another shitty match were pretty high. »It’s not even that bad..« – »Oh really, must have all been a dream then when you complained about their shitty form for hours over voice messages.« – »Things can change, you know. With the new generation coming through, my hopes are getting up again. They’ve brought up some young talents from ‘La Masia’. It’s looking very promising, the younger players are fun to watch.« Ella gushed, pulling Ana up from her seat as the first notes of the anthem sounded from the speakers. »I actually know about that.« – »Woah, how? – »I have my ways..« Ana smirked, listening to over 80 thousand people sing the anthem.
ana_hernandez via story
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I thought you weren't a fan and only watching when it's the Euros or World Cup?
ana_hernandez Don't get your hopes up too high, I was dragged, or more like forced, along by a friend
You should feel honoured that she picked you to come a long to see the best club in the world play in the most beautiful stadium ever!
ana_hernandez I'm her only friend in Barcelona... You think really highly of yourself, is it a common trait when being a professional football player?
It's common knowledge that the Camp Nou is the most beautiful stadium in the world... Did you enjoy it?
ana_hernandez I think so... Well I actually expected you to play like shit after Ella, my friend, told me about how shitty Barcelona has been the past couple of seasons
ana_hernandez Jokes aside, I wouldn't have thought that players as young as you and that friend of yours could be so gallant on the pitch... I'm impressed
Glad to hear that! Are you planning to see another match?
ana_hernandez Ella already told me she's going to drag me to another one...
Make sure to wear my jersey then
ana_hernandez In your dreams Ella has tried to make me wear jerseys a million times, has never worked out, will never work out
Challenge accepted.
Are you by any chance in the studio tomorrow?
ana_hernandez I am, but not until late in the afternoon.. Why?
Just wondering...
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ananglishliker · 9 months
A further step with Anglish
Folk like Anglish for it doesn't brook the borrowed words, for it is a lutterer English. But there's something that unformithely comes along when swaping out ellandish words with those from the same tongue kinfolk: foroldness.
And this seems to be something Anglish-followers like, for I found an almost fulwrought foroldening of English staffcraft. And I'm not going to hide that I'm one of those who like foroldening, and that I liked to know about this deeper back-to-the-roots.
I'll be talking about was changed in this forolder Anglish here. I'll be reckoning the links to a more throughgone writ in the end of this writing.
Staffrow (Alphabet)
Only two bookstaffs are eked: Ƿƿ (/w/) and Þþ (/θ/, /ð/). Yes, it's not that gripping, but things truly get started with the switches!
⟨c⟩ as /s/ > s (cinder > sinder)
⟨ch⟩ & ⟨tch⟩ as /tʃ/ > c/ce (chin > cin/choke > ceoke)
⟨dge⟩ as /dʒ/ > dg (bridge >A curious mind is a terrible curse bridg)
⟨gh⟩ as yoreloreish [x~ɣ] > g (high > hig/night > nigt)
⟨ie⟩ as /i/ > ee (field > feeld)
⟨le⟩ as /əl/ > el (neetle > neetel)
⟨o⟩ as /ʌ/ > u (son > sun/some > sum)
⟨ou⟩ & ⟨ow⟩ as /aʊ/ > u/ue/uCe (hound > hund/sow > sue/loud > lude)
⟨ough⟩ as /aʊ/ & /ʌf/ > uge (plough > pluge/tough > tuge)
⟨qu⟩ as /kw/ > cƿ (queen > cƿeen)
⟨sc⟩ as /sk/ > sk (score > skore)
⟨sh⟩ as /ʃ/ > sc (ship > scip)
⟨th⟩ as /θ/ or /ð/ > þ (the > þe)
⟨u⟩ as yoreloreish /ju/ > eƿ (hue > heƿ)
⟨u⟩ as /ɜ/ > e/i (bury > berry/burden > berden)
v as /v/ > f (leave > leaf/over > ofer)
w > ƿ (water > ƿater)
⟨wh⟩ as yoreloreish /hw/ > hƿ (whelp hƿelp)
y as /j/ > g/ge (yes > ges/yore > geore)
⟨z⟩ as /z/ > s (graze > grase/fizzy > fisy)
Retchings for why it was switched to that in the link reckoning below.
Can you already see the forolderlooking from this? Here's a wordset I'll be brooking as forebisen:
Unforolded: The tough errand to dodge through the crowded boughs of a fern oak tree thared skill and lastingness. Forolded: Þe tuge errand to dodg þruge þe crueded buges of an fern oak tree þared skill and lastingness.
That truly pleases me and is aslaking seeing English truly looking like a Germanish tongue. I thought about writing in a more and more forolded way as I reckon the changes, but, for the sake of a flowsome reading for the reader, I'll leave this list aside, but, if you'd like to read wordsets looking as such, there are sere in the from leaf at the end of this upload.
This switching might be enough for some, but there are those, like me, who would like to go even further and see, too, a forolded speechcraft.
Theedness and some throughnesses (Conjugations and some details)
Before we get started with theedness, we understandendly will be brooking the forename "thou". A forolded theedness may be known for all, since it can be outlined through the twoth and the third atell:
Twoth: anward > -est; forthwitten > -edst
Third: anward > -eth
And that's all, hence you can make any wordset:
"The man giveth the boy a book"
"A woman walketh through the woods"
Underyet: there are some sunderly shapes: doth (does, spoke /dʌθ/), hath (has), saith (says, spoke /sɛθ/).
To make asks, we will leave out the ask markers "do" and "does". Instead, we'll put the tideword in the beginning of the wordset, as one does in Deutsch:
Does he know the answer? > Knoweth he the answer?
Where do you live? > Where livest thou?
Ofolder and chirten.
Also in naying wordsets "do" and "does" swind. Instead, we use "not" after the main tideword:
I know not.
He came not.
With wrayingly, the ea is putting "not" after a wrayingly forename, but before a meanname:
I love him not.
I have not the book.
If the wordset has a underwordset, "not" will be right before the latter:
The king thought not that he was in any danger.
Byings and kins (Declinations and genders)
Here is the knottiest thing to learn, though not the hardest - you'll only need some time. Byings and kins are a widegale ken, which, for me at least, is the most gripping thing in speechcraft, for it's where the tongue shapechanges the most.
The first thing we need to know is that English wonted to have kins: werely, wifely and neither. And byings: nemmeningly, wrayingly, streeningly and forgivendly. And it turns out not only the meannames, but also the beckoningly forenames, lithwords and ekends had their own kin and bying bendings. Although Anglish doesn't brook the forgivendly bying.
Unheeding the thoughts of how these bendings would have grew and going right to the retching way English would look like today, we have:
Markoff lithword
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Unmarkoff lithword
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But ekends are not that ofold though. It's said the strong-weak shed would have likely been kept. So ekends can be either strong or weak, and their bending changes for it. Although we can overlook the weak one and brook the strong one only, I'll be brooking both for the sake of a rawer forolding.
On the other hand, the ea to bend it is easy: weak ekends are those whose meanname is with a lithword, kithing forename or it's in streeningly; strong ekends are those that are unmarkoff. Here is the bending:
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With these changes, let us take a look at what our bisen wordset looks like now:
Unforolded: The tough errand to dodge through the crowded boughs of a fern oak tree thared skill and lastingness.
Forolded: Þe tuge errand to dodg þruge þe cruededen bugen annes fernes oakes trees þared skill and lastingness.
Dealnimmends (Participles)
Dealnimmends are like the ekends, and as such they would be bended with the same endings, if there were not an unbiseniness in them:
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Kithings (Demonstratives)
The kithings, since they are also ekendish, also are bent:
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Rimes (Numbers)
Believe it or not, rimes wonted to be bent in the past. The rimes "one, for some ground, were the only ones that are bent. Rimes are either mainly or endbirdly. And, since they can be brooked with lithword, they can also be either strong or weak. The mainly's benting is:
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The endbirdly's benting is:
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Ownerly forenames (Personal pronouns)
And going even further, we forolden the ownerly forenames:
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The shapes "mine" is now brooked before words beginning with a clepend as "a(n)". The same for "thou", which becomes "thine".
And, alongside with it, the askinglies are also bent!
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Kinshiply (Relatives)
Forget we not the kinshiplies:
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And since "that" and "which" have now a streeningly bying, there's no more anyet in brooking "whose" for unmanly words, so:
Þe dog hƿose oƿner is far aƿay > Þe dog þas oƿner is far aƿay In þe ƿoods þere ƿas a birdling, hƿose huse was red > In þe ƿoods þere ƿas a birdling, hƿices huse was red.
There are still other changes that make it even more forolded, reliving raw shafts of the tongue, but I think this is enough for now. It's not like you would be wrong brooking only a stitch of the forolding anyway, since it's clearly underfangendly to not fully forolden. I shall likely make another upload on these foroldenings in the toward.
Staffrow: https://anglisc.miraheze.org/wiki/Anglish_Alphabet
Theedness: https://anglisc.miraheze.org/wiki/Archaic_grammar
Byings and kins: https://anglisc.miraheze.org/wiki/Archaic_case_%26_gender
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therappundit · 2 years
*The Best of the Bestest!: The Rap Pundit’s Picks For The Finest Rap Projects of 2022
*Just a list of MY favorite favorites from a year filled with a lot of damn good music.  
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What else needs to be said at this point?  You have probably seen at least a dozen “Best of” lists by now, with many of the same albums cluttered near the top....but this is THE Rap Pundit’s list, so you know you’re bound to find more gems than chalk.
In a historically deep year for rap music (a topic worth profiling in the future), the headline story was probably the numerous side stories.  Be it the explosion of great music coming from areas that had a previously under-reported wealth of talent (especially Wisconsin and Florida), the underground scene getting more high profile exposure than it has in years (artists like billy woods, Fatboi Sharif and Lungs/Lonesword being shouted-out by numerous mainstream outlets!?), sample-driven drill officially becoming the preferred drill-flavor (at least on the east coast, shout-out Shawny Binladen, Four50, Big YaYa and the YTB), and of course the simply inescapable rise of club music’s influence on rap right now (Bandmanrill is clearly the master of this lane, but this style isn’t going away anytime soon)….if you couldn’t find something you loved in 2022, you might not actually like rap music.
But the proof is in the pudding, let’s get into it.  Here are my personal picks for the most impressive albums/mixtapes/EPs/projects/whatever of 2022…
***High Honors***:  Beware of the Monkey by MIKE, Motion Not Emotion by DB.Boutabag, Playing With Fire by ShooterGang Kony, Crack Music 2 by Skilla Baby, Beyond Belief by 38 Spesh & Harry Fraud, Gold Bricks by ElCamino, and Formal Intro by dp0mmy [+about 100 more that I plan to shout-out on future posts!]
100. VACABULAREE by Valee
99. The DogFather by Paco Panama
98. u be ight by QThree
97. Traumazine by Megan Thee Stallion
96. Metatron’s Cube by Aj Suede & Televangel
95. Spaceships on the Blade by Larry June
94. Scorpion Eyes by BandGang Lonnie Band$
93. Raw Extractions by Lukah
92. Marlowe 3 by Marlowe (L’Orange & Solemn Brigham)
91. SNOFALL by Jeezy & DJ Drama
90. Tales Of A Yung Son by Four50
89. Ima Island Boy by Pros AP
88. WHERE ARE THE BUGS!? by Cise Greeny, Phiik & Lungs/LoneSword
87. Let’s Do A Drill by Asian Doll
86. GRIPTAPE by the grittiest, Raz Fresco, Eric Right
85. Triple Black Diamonds 2 by al.divino & Estee Nack
84. Where The Shooters Be by SleazyWorld Go
83. As Above So Below by VIP Skylark
81. Deutsche Marks 3 by Willie The Kid & V Don
80. THE LIZ 2 by Armani Caesar
79. Wordly Ways by Archibald Slim
78. I NEVER LIKED YOU (Deluxe) by Future
77. MARTINELLI MAC-ELEV by Willyynova
76. Jungle Life by DCG BROTHERS (DCG Shun, DCG Bsavv)
75. FACE (Deluxe Edition) by Babyface Ray
74. What They Hittin 4 by Jay Worthy & DJ Muggs
73. Sedale Threat by Wrecking Crew (Zilla Rocca, Curly Castro & PremRock)
72. Dollar Menu 4 by Mach-Hommy & Tha God Fahim
71. On High Alert, Vol. 4 by Real Bad Man
70. EA Monster by Young Nudy
69. Back For Everything by Kodak Black
68. raja’s sun by iblss
67. BussaBrick Vol. 2: BussOne 101 by Chicken P
66. 2 Headed Goat by 1100 Himself & Mitchell
65. The I&I by Teller Bank$ & Ed Glorious
64. COTI 2:  The Course of the Inevitable 2 by Lloyd Banks
63. The Broadcast by Fil Jackson
62. The 13 Tape 2 by Jugg Harden
61. HTR Vol. 1: The Legend of Tawny Tone by Koncept Jack$on
60. MEMPHIS MASSACRE III *or* CRUNKSTAR [I still can’t make up my mind!?] by Duke Deuce
59. BEFORE SHIT GOT WEIRD by The Cool Kids
58. ENDLESS by evrymN
57. 25 Features, Vol. 2 by Los & Nutty
55. Before The Winner Comes The Fall by Grunge Gallardo
54. Valley of Dry Bones by Stik Figa & Conductor Williams
53. Paint the City (Gangsta Grillz) by Icewear Vezzo & DJ Drama
52. Lost In Austin by kingdoughmane.
51. Gold by DJ Muggs & Rigz
50. Black Vladimir by Meyhem Lauren & Daringer
49. Dog$hit & Ammunition by WTM Milt
48. Laughing so Hard, it Hurts by Mavi
47. Metal Lung by Shrapknel (Curly Castro & Premrock)
46. Da Under Dog by MarijuanaXO
45. The Forever Story by JID
44. SHADOWSELF by Sleep Sinatra & Ohbliv
43. CHAINLINK by Phiik & Duro
42. $oul $old $eparately by Freddie Gibbs
41. Church by billy woods & Messiah Musik
39. SOGW2: Estee Nack & The Order of the Golden Fleece by Estee Nack & Sadhugold
38. Blame Kansas by T.F, Roc Marciano & Mephux
37. Joe Fog by Errol Holden
36. ill be right back! by amani & robalu
35. LIVE FROM THE OTHER SIDE by Mikem Nahmir & The Fades Formation
34. The Elephant Man’s Bones by Roc Marciano & The Alchemist
33. Her Loss by Drake & 21 Savage
32. Frank by Fly Anakin
31. SOUTH CENTRAL by G Perico
30. Sewaside II by Mike Shabb
29. King’s Disease III by Nas & Hit-Boy
28. Cold Cuts by Wiki & Subjxct 5
27. Melt My Eyez See Your Future (The Extended Edition) by Denzel Curry
26. Intros, Outros & Interludes by Domo Genesis & Evidence
25. Few Good Things by Saba
24. BABYST5XNE GORILLAS by Baby Stone Gorillas
23. Fair Exchange No Robbery by Boldy James & Nicholas Craven
22. Continuous Improvement by Papo2oo4, DJ Lucas & Subjxct 5
21. Kiss The Ring by Rome Streetz
20. MOB by Babyface Ray
19. I Love Y.O.U. cuz Y.O.U. Ugle Vol.1 by Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire
18. It’s Almost Dry by Pusha T
17. Smoke Detector by Rich Jones
16. The Soufside Villain by Marco Plus
15. Tana Talk 4 by Benny The Butcher
14. Continuance by Curren$y & Alchemist
13. Cheat Codes by Black Thought & Danger Mouse
12. Languish Arts and Woeful Studies by Ka
11. Spirit Roaming by AKAI SOLO
Aaaaaaaaand now, my top ten...
10.  I Told Bessie by ELUCID
[A well-oiled machine of an album, I Told Bessie lurches along from one ear-grabbing soundscape to another, each gifted contributor putting their stamp on some precious reflection from ELUCID (all producers were in top form here, but Child Actor, Messiah Musik and Sebb were especially potent).  As one half of Armand Hammer, ELUCID has no trouble being a tour guide through his own stroll down memory lane.  He is a superior narrator that knows his way around a vast array of different styles of instrumentals, which means that Bessie never gets too dark or too bright, adding easy replay value to even the heavier moments of the album.]
9. Component System with the Auto Reverse by Open Mike Eagle
[Open Mike Eagle has circled around the epicenter of the underground rap scene for some time now, always a worthy contributor, albeit not one to necessarily be recognized during award season. That should change with his latest effort, a brilliant piece of nostalgia, personal reflection, and an earnest love for hip-hop.  Also, great writing aside, the beats on here are simply phenomenal.]
8. SICK! by Earl Sweatshirt
[Forgot that this dropped in 2022?  The first AOTY contender to drop is all too often the album ending up with the short end of the stick come December, and that seems to be the case with SICK!.  Less sonically aggressive than much of his previous work, Earl still manages to cram so much thoughtful writing into quick, fun-size doses.  The most effective music isn’t always the music that begs for our attention, and this feels like an album where the listener is fortunate just to catch Earl’s thoughts before they float away, to make room for more poignant passing thoughts.  Perhaps Earl’s best gift as an artist is his ability to leave fans wanting more.]
7. Bokleen World by Mike Shabb
[By now the buzz is just starting to nip at Mike Shabb's heels. The Montreal MC/producer was not on my radar before this year, but hot damn has he made an impact in 2022.  If it wasn’t his TWO great solo albums that he dropped, it was the acclaim from tastemakers like Westside Gunn, who got his production skills the attention they deserve.  More importantly, Shabb is coming out of Montreal, Canada, making him a representative of a scene that is starting to make waves well outside of the Canadian border.  I loved his release from earlier this year, but for me it was Bokleen World that showcased all of the many dimensions of an exciting young artist.]
6.  MOOR CHORES by Lord Kayso
[Another artist that I was completely unfamiliar with at this time last year, Brooklyn’s Lord Kayso is closing out this year as one of my favorite artists.  There’s something about his delivery and the way that he colors in his world that feels simultaneously intimate but distant, much like how a young Nas was portrayed as a writer’s-writer, watching events in his community unfold from a project window.  Kayso reflects on his world with a casual delivery that doesn’t seem to be emotionally affected in the moment, but the fact that he’s sharing these personal stories at all confirms that he’s a man with a great deal on his mind.]
5. For All Debts Public and Private by Defcee & Boathouse
[Last year Defcee & Messiah Musik really surprised some folks (myself included) by dropping Trapdoor, one of the best albums of 2021, in December...so let that be a lesson to anyone that thinks they can finalize their annual Best Of lists by the time Thanksgiving wraps up.  That's a tough act to follow, but Defcee & Boathouse managed to strike in 2022 with another fantastic project in For All Debts Public and Private. An impressive list of some of the underground's finest join forces with Boathouses impactful backdrops and Defcee's revealing bars, all to create an album that is as thoughtful as it is prone to high levels of replay value.  When it comes to dissecting one's life and perspectives, I don't know if any MC's pen is touching Defcee at the moment.]
4. Deathfame by Quelle Chris
[Detroit's uber-talented virtuoso Quelle Chris has been accumulating one of the deepest catalogues in music for some time now, but Deathfame is truly one of his finest works top to bottom. An under-reported trend for Quelle is that he somehow finds a way to become more and more versatile as a producer with every album.  Never allowing his sense of humor to drown out his messages, and never being so devoid of humor that his messages come off as bitter, a great Quelle Chris album has become a most welcome tradition over these past few years....and I hope it continues!]
3.  Aethiopes by billy woods & Preservation
[Gonna keep it moving here…billy woods is just flat out the most prolific writer in rap music right now, Preservation is a genius and their chemistry is off the charts.  Add a handful of standout guest verses - EL-P, Boldy, Breeze and hot damn, Despot!? - and you have an AOTY worthy album.  Too many memorable quotes and verse of the year contenders to list, but for some reason there’s a special place in my heart for “trying to pay rent - but that’s not black empowerment, that’s you trying to pay rent”.]
2. 10 (a.k.a. HWH10) by Westside Gunn
[Maybe my favorite Westside Gunn project since FLYGOD, which for me (as a bit of a Griselda stan since 2015), is saying a lot.  Reminiscent of Kanye’s “anyone around, come to the studio right now!” energy during better times - his MBDTF G.O.O.D. Friday roll out - for the latest (last??) installment of his controversially titled music series, Gunn managed to pull together a somewhat surprising list of features for a mixtape of loose and FUN bar-fests over the most varied, ear-grabbing production that we have heard from the Griselda collective in a minute.  I’m not actually sure who was in the studio and who wasn’t, but when the outcome puts Run The Jewels, A$AP Rocky, Doe Boy, Black Star, Busta and Rae & Ghost together on the same project, you get a straight-up dope tape that reminds me of why I fell in love with underground rap music in the first place.  Classic Soundbombing vibes, for me.]
1.  Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers by Kendrick Lamar
[When it comes down to releasing new albums, no other rap artist needs to check as many boxes as Kendrick Lamar.  JAY-Z, J.Coke, Drake, you name it - none of them have to incorporate mainstream bangers, nuanced “conscious rap”, alternative choices, catchy lyrics, superior production, clear expression of ideas, and manage to touch the bar set by fans with incredibly high expectations for an artist that doesn’t release new music as often as his peers…but such is the life of anyone who is considered to have the highest ceiling in their field.  Yet with Mr. Morale, Kendrick unleashed the album that *he* wanted to release: a sprawling conversation piece that stumbles through dozens of sticky topics without digging his heels into any one stance for too long. 
 It’s the perfect expression of ideas from anyone that came out of the last few years of isolation with a creeping sense of doubt, mistrust for the information circling around him, and a general awkwardness for how to interact with the world once again.  I’m not sorry that many of the thoughts he shared on this album weren’t met as “correct” based on our expectations of what many of us want him to represent, but more importantly, Kendrick shouldn’t be sorry either.  Much like other prominent people of influence in the world today, we should be discussing the nuance of everything we’re told, and the great points often come from those exchanges - way moreso than the regurgitation of curated policy that is deemed acceptable by the loudest of audiences.  So yes, I believe Kendrick Lamar’s Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers to be hands-down the best rap album of 2022.  All messages aside, how anyone could miss the well-crafted delivery and high quality production that is easily the most engaging of any mainstream rap album in 2022, is still pretty surprising to me….but I suppose conflicted opinions are exactly what should come from a talented artist stewing in his own conflicted opinions in recent years.   Oh well, I guess even the best in their field can’t please everybody.]
Next stop....best songs. 👀
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⚜ 𝒬𝓊ℯ𝓈𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝒷ℴ𝓊𝓉 𝒪𝓉𝓉ℴ𝒦𝒶𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓃 ⚜
ENGLISH I thought I'd answer questions that popped up under "More Questions" on Google. I do it in English and in my home language "German". It really gets on my nerves that this information is either outdated or incorrect. DEUTSCH Ich dachte, ich beantworte mal Fragen, die unter "Weitere Fragen" bei Google aufploppen. Ich mache es in Englisch und in meiner Heimatsprache "deutsch". Mir geht es nämlich auf die Nerven, dass diese Infos entweder veraltet oder falsch sind. ~*~ E. Were Otto and Kallen married? Otto and Kallen were engaged, but not married. When Kallen is about to be hanged by Schicksal for her "crimes", Otto's father offers his son the opportunity to persuade Kallen to marry him, in order to put her under his control. But Kallen rejects this, but finally says "Maybe in another world...". This implies that she would have married him in a different situation. In GGZ Re:Zero, Otto is shown a future where he and Kallen are already married. D. Waren Otto und Kallen verheiratet? Otto und Kallen waren verlobt, aber nicht verheiratet. Als Kallen für ihre "Verbrechen" von Schicksal gehängt werden soll, bietet Ottos Vater seinem Sohn die Möglichkeit, Kallen zu einer Hochzeit zu überreden, um sie damit unter deine Kontrolle zu stellen. Doch dies lehnt Kallen ab, sagt aber als letztes "Vielleicht in einer anderen Welt…". Dies Impliziert, dass sie ihn in einer anderen Situation geheiratet hätte. In GGZ Re: Zero wird Otto eine Zukunft gezeigt, in der er und Kallen bereits verheiratet sind. E. Why was Kallen hanged? Kallen uncovered Schicksal's crimes and stole the black box used for experiments. The overseer thereby feared his overthrow by the nobility and gave Kallen Kaslana the choice of either marrying his son Otto Apocalpyse and thus putting herself under his control or dying. Kallen preferred death. D. Warum wurde Kallen gehängt? Kallen deckte die Verbrechen Schicksals auf und entwendete die Schwarze Box, mit welcher Experimente durchgeführt wurden. Der Überseher fürschtete dadurch seinen Umsturz durch den Adel und stellte Kallen Kaslana vor die Whl entweder seinen Sohn Otto Apocalpyse zu heiraten und sich somit uner seine Kontrolle zu begeben oder zu sterben. Kallen zog den Tod vor.
E. What did Otto to save Kallen? Otto created an alternative timeline through the "Inmaginary Tree", also known as the World Tree, in which Kallen lived. D. Was hat Otto getan, um Kallen zu retten? Otto schuf durch den "Inmaginären Baum", auch Weltenbaum genannt, eine alternative Zeitlinie, in welcher Kallen lebte.
E. Who did Kallen love? Was Kallen in love with Yae? Are Kallen and Sakura a couple? How did Kallen feel about Otto? It's not really clear who Kallen ultimately has feelings for. The problem is that the characters and their stories changed a lot. In the webcomics published from 2016 to 2017, Sakura and Kallen, as well as Bronya and Seele and Mei and Kiana have romantic feelings for each other. Otto is named in "Azure Waters" as Kallen's fiancé, whose love remains unrequited. But that Info wasn´t in the discription of the 2021 following english Webcomic. In a 2016 quiz, Sakura is named as Kallen's true love, which relates to these webcomics. From 2017 onwards, the characters gain more depth. In "EA Inversion", Kiana denies that she has feelings for Mei. At some point, the English version of the webcomic "St. Freya High", in which Kallen expresses her romantic feelings for Sakura, disappears from the Honkai site. The game shows a different version of the events that were printed in the webcomic. Just without the feelings for Sakura. Instead, it is implied that Kallen would have married Otto under different circumstances. And in GGZ Re:Zero we see a version of the future in which Kallen and Otto are already married. Otto and Kallen are a couple in "Kallen Fantasy Online", in the webcomic "Secount Key" and I one of the events with Zhuge Kongming, Otto and Kallen are their parents. In the latest fan video they seem to be a couple. I conclude that Kallen and Sakura were a couple in an earlier version and she now has feelings for Otto in the new version. D. Wen liebte Kallen? War Kallen in Yae verliebt? Sind Kallen und Sakura ein Paar? Was empfand Kallen für Otto? Für wen Kallen schlussendlich Gefühle hat, ist nicht so wirklich ersichtlich. Das Problem ist, dass die Charaktere und ihre Geschichten sich sehr gewandelt haben. In den veröffentlichten Webcomics von 2016 haben Sakura und Kallen, sowie Bronya und Seele und Mei und Kiana romantische Gefühle füreinander. Otto wird in "Azure Waters" als Kallens Verlobter genannt, dessen Liebe unerwidert bleibt. Aber diese Infos waren nicht mehr in der Beschreibung des 2021 nachfolgenden englischen Webcomics. In einem Quiz von 2016 wird Sakura als Kallens wahre Liebe genannt, welches sich auf diese Webcomics bezieht. Ab 2017 bekommen die Charaktere mehr Tiefe. Kiana verneint in "EA Inversion", dass sie Gefühle für Mei hat. Irgendwann verschwindet die englische Version des Webcomic "St. Freya High", im welchen Kallen ihre romantischen Gefühle für Sakura ausdrückt, von der Honkai-Seite. In Spiel wird eine andere Version des Geschehens gezeigt, welches in dem Webcomic abgedruckt wurde. Nur ohne die Gefühle zu Sakura. Stattdessen wird impliziert, dass Kallen unter anderen Umständen Otto geheiratet hätte und in GGZ Re: Zero sieht man eine Zukunftsversion, in der Kallen und Otto bereits verheiratet sind. Otto und Kallen sind ein Paar in "Kallen Fantasy Online", im Webcomic "Secount Key" und ich einem der Events mit Zhuge Kongming sind Otto und Kallen ihre Eltern, im neustens Fanvideo scheinen sie ein Paar zu sein. Ich schließe daraus, dass Kallen und Sakura in einer früheren Version ein Paar waren und sie jetzt in der neuen Version Gefühle für Otto hat.
E. Are Kallen and Sakura married? No. A oneshot of a webcomic that can ONLY be found on the Japanese Twitter page and does not show any serious scenes, is not proof of a wedding. Then the content of "Gemina Inversions" would also be considered canon, which is absolute nonsense. And letting yourself be buried next to someone is not proof of a wedding, too. D. Sind Kallen und Sakura verheiratet? Nein. Ein Oneshot eines Webcomics, welcher NUR auf der japanischen Twitterseite zu finden ist und keine ernsthaften Szenen zeigt, ist kein Beweis einer Hochzeit. Dann wäre der Inhalt von "Gemina Inversions" auch als canon zu betrachten, was absoluter Quatsch ist. Und sich neben jemanden verbuddeln zu lassen, ist auch kein Beweis von einer Hochzeit.
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aldi-spice · 1 month
Ich bin’s, der retirement home anon
Hierdurch wusste ich das mit dem Deutsch; leider erst nachdem ich die riesen Texte verfasst habe. :D
Naja, finally jemand, der gleicher/ähnlicher Meinung ist - bisher habe ich nur absolute Liebhaber der neuen (nach 2020) Spiele gesehen und konnte das halt nie so wirklich nachvollziehen.
In A wonderful life remake habe ich auch nur eine Saison gespielt und es dann nicht mehr ausgehalten. Mir hat auch die fest vorgegebene Farm nicht gefallen. :/ In Verbindung mit der 360 Cam hab ich mich null zurechtgefunden, obwohl es dieselbe Map wie in HMDS ist. :(
Verraten durch Coldmirror shm, na ja zumindest war es gutes deutsches Kulturgut.
Ich hab zum Glück keine post-2020 HM/SoS fans gefunden, ich weiß nur noch wie damals PoOT rauskam und das halt das neueste, nicht Remake HM Spiel war, weshalb wir alle gehypt waren. Aber irgendwie ist das Spiel dann doch nicht so toll gewesen, ich kann mich auch kaum an den Plot oder die Charaktere erinnern.
A wonderful life hat mich halt noch weniger begeistert, es kamen so viele farming Games raus, vielleicht liegt es auch an farming Game Burnout, aber ich konnte mich einfach mit dem Spiel nicht anfreunden. Ich fand die Charaktere auch nicht so interessant und das mit der Farm hatte mir auch nicht gefallen lol. Ich find es schön, das mache das Spiel so genossen haben aber ich bin halt keiner von denen. Und tbh ich glaube die haben sich selbst ins Knie geschossen indem sie eigentlich nur noch Remakes gemacht haben und keine originellen Spiele mit eigenem Plot. Ich fänds schön wenn wir mehr originelles sehen würden, deshalb find ich es auch gut, dass sich Spiele-Entwickler von HM inspirieren lassen und ihren eigenen Twist drauf machen, weshalb mir auch FoM so viel Hoffnung gibt.
Es ist jetzt halt schon ewig her seitdem ich ein farming Game gespielt habe, wo ich wirklich sagen kann es ist halt einfach nur gut. Es ist auch das erste Spiel, was ich in der ea spiele, weil es einfach so gut und sich anders anfühlt wie die vorherigen farming Games.
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bdpst24 · 1 month
T-esports Championship
feltuningolt küzdelmek és 100 ezer eurós díjazás várja a legjobbakat Különleges versenyekkel várja az e-sport közösség tagjait a Deutsche Telekom által szervezett esport bajnokság, a szeptember 9-én induló T-esports Championship. Az online eseményeken és a Hungexpon rendezett döntőben a Counter Strike 2, League of Legends, Brawl Stars és EA FC 24 játékok bajnokságában a versenyek összdíjazása…
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months
Almanya-Türkiye “Müzik Dersi Diyalogları” projesi başarıyla tamamlandı
Almanya-Türkiye “Müzik Dersi Diyalogları” projesi başarıyla tamamlandı
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi (BUÜ) ile Almanya’nın Bavyera eyaletinde bulunan Würzburg Müzik Üniversitesi (Hochschule für Musik Würzburg) ortaklığında 2 yıldır devam eden “Almanya-Türkiye Müzik Dersi Diyalogları” başlıklı uluslararası proje 2024 bahar dönemiyle birlikte sona erdi.
ALMANYA (İGFA) – İlk kez 2022 yılında BUÜ Müzik Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı öğrencileri ve Dresden Müzik Üniversitesi (Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden) müzik pedagojisi öğrencileri arasındaki değişim ile başlatılan projenin ikincisi Würzburg Müzik Üniversitesi Müzik Pedagojisi bölümü ile bu yıl yapıldı. Türkiye ile Almanya arasındaki okul ve gençlik değişimlerini teşvik etmek, gençlerin karşılaşmasını, güçlenmesini ve sosyal katılımını desteklemeyi amaçlayan proje, “Gençlik Köprüsü Türkiye-Almanya” (Deutsch-Türkische Jugendbrücke) tarafından ikinci kez desteklendi.
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Çalışmalara dair bilgi aktaran BUÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Müzik Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Sezen Özeke, proje ile katılımcılara uluslararası deneyimler kazandırırken aynı zamanda eğitimde yenilikçi yaklaşımları teşvik etmeyi ve Avrupa’daki yükseköğretim kurumları arasında işbirliğini güçlendirerek öğrencilere küresel bir perspektif kazandırmayı hedeflediklerini vurguladı.
Prof. Dr. Sezen Özeke; “Projemiz 12-15 Haziran 2024 tarihleri arasında Dublin’de gerçekleştirilen 31. EAS (European Association for Music in Schools – Avrupa Müzik Eğitimcileri Birliği) konferansında sunularak övgüler aldı. Yapılan sunum, EAS’ın düzenli olarak yayınladığı kitapta bir bölüm olarak yer almak üzere seçildi. Almanya ve Türkiye’den müzik öğretmen adaylarının buluşmasına olanak sağlayan proje, Yunanistan ve İspanya’daki ortak kurumlarla genişlemeye devam ediyor” açıklamasında bulundu.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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hjgdigitalmonster · 10 months
I'm listening to RT DE | Wirtschaftseinbruch: Kinderbuchautoren gehören nicht ins Wirtschaftsministerium on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ea/pb-vkt7r-150713b
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mysowa · 1 year
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1 godzinę temuedytowano ARGUMENT Moduł 2. NIC O NAS BEZ NAS Die Villa Rotschild von Stefan Kosiewski 20230903 ME SOWA
Sep 3 MAFIA POSTKRYPTOSYJONISTYCZNA CB28 Nihil de nobis sine nobis Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip von Stefan Kosiewski Kurzdarstellungen zur EU. Rechtsgrundlage, Ziele, Sinn 20230902 Günter GRASS Co musi być powiedziane.
1. Available to everyone
Aug 20 20:40
Die Villa Rotschild von Stefan Kosiewski Frankfurt am Main 2023 EPICKI MODUŁ KASETONOWEJ BRAMY PUMA PUNKU
2. Moduł zawierający w zarysie zapowiedź treści kolejnego rozdziału świętej księgi
Die Villa Rotschild von Stefan Kosiewski Frankfurt am Main 2023 EPICKI MODUŁ KASETONOWEJ BRAMY PUMA PUNKU - Stefan Kosiewski
ARGUMENT 20230903
Kultura: Strona kalendarza
Szczęść Boże Państwu!
W niedzielę, 3 września 2023 przed mikrofonem we Frankfurcie nad Menem kłania się Państwu Stefan Kosiewski.
W kalendarzu pierwszego programu telewizji niemieckiej ARD Teletext w okienku 406 czytamy: Gedenk- und Feiertage: 3. September/ Pamiętnice i święta: 3 września
Europejski Dzień żydowskiej kultury. Das europäische Judentum soll den Menschen näher gebracht werden/ europejskie żydostwo winno być przybliżone ludziom. Na imprezach ukazane zostaną: żydowska kultura, historia i zwyczaje. Weźmie udział wiele synagog, łaźni rytualnych, szkół, cmentarzy, muzeów i instytucji.
Dzień odbywa się corocznie w pierwszą niedzielę września. Po raz pierwszy obchodzony był 1999 roku jako znak przeciw zapomnieniu i dla docenienia żydowskiego dziedzictwa w Europie, które ponazistowskim ludobójstwie prawie znikło.
ARD Text, der Teletext des Ersten Deutschen Fernsehens | Startseite
Die Villa Rotschild von Stefan Kosiewski Frankfurt am Main 2023
Die Villa Rotschild von Stefan Kosiewski Frankfurt…
ARGUMENT - moduł zawierający w zarysie zapowiedź treści kolejnego rozdziału świętej księgi niebopolityki, didaskalia «wskazówki i objaśnienia autora dotyczące sposobu wystawienia dramatu, umieszczone w tekście»
, analityczne uwagi typu: co należy wziąć pod uwagę na poziomie przedmaturalnej klasy szkoły średniej, z której - historyczny to fakt (!) - wyrzucono wicepremiera Jarosława Kaczyńskiego na zbity pysk za młodu z trzema ocenami niedostatecznymi, ażeby debil nie obniżał brakami we wykształceniu osobistym poziomu nauczania państwowej klasy polskiej szkoły średniej oraz nie zatruwał dyskusji publicznej w kraju europejskiej kultury i cywilizacji chrześcijańskiej; tu por. ad rem przetłumaczone przez sztuczną inteligencję z języka niemieckiego: abi-unicum-de.translate.goog/deutsch-im-abi/eine-eroerterung-schreiben?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=pl&_x_tr_hl=pl
Argumenty, generalnie mówiąc zawsze są (ale nie dla każdego) na: Za i Przeciw.
Argumentem za bezbożnym świętowaniem przez żydostwo od 1999 r. nie jak winno się tradycyjnie świętować w sobotę, dniu świętym, jak Mojżesz przykazał żydostwu, git szabes, ale w kolejnym dniu, niedzielę, akurat przeznaczonym odwiecznie przez chrześcijan całego świata na tradycyjne świętowanie Dnia Zmartwychwstania Pana Naszego Jezusa Chrystusa, jest niewątpliwie - diabelska Zła Wola dążąca na siłę do permanentnej konfrontacji z myślącymi inaczej (tzn.: ortodoksyjnie, po katolicku czy po luterańsku, ew. ewangelicznie) sposobem forsowanym przez nowożydnich, oświeconych, agnostyków świętujących po żydomasońsku i upamiętniających na swój ezoteryczny sposób rozumianą przez siebie żydowską kulturę, bez liczenia się z obiektywną prawdą żydostwa i odwiecznymi potrzebami duchowymi gojów.
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Przeciwko takiemu wciskaniu na siłę grup ludzi abo jednostek nieokrzesanych, mówiąc językiem warsztatów kamieniarskich, do sal modlitewnych synagog, do sklepu mykwy, piwnicy z zimną wodą na samą myśl o niej mrożącą w grzesznikach krew, przeciwko wpędzaniu na w Halloween na kirkuty, żydoskie cmenatarze z macewami rozmodlonych pielgrzymek różańcowych, Rodzin Podwórkowych mantry toruńskiego Radia Maryja w eskorcie tajnych oficerów izraelskiego Mosadu, cicho przemawia zduszonym głosem Zdrowy Rozsądek; sięgając po brzytwę Ockhama zadaje pytanie sataniście: kto ci kazał? Mów! Kto podkusił starca zaraz po odbytej niedawno kolejnej operacji odbytu do lekkomyślnego lotu do Mongolii ostatnio, jeśli tam katolików tyle, co kot zapłakał, na lekarstwo nawet nie starcza dla miejscowych postkomunistów, podobno 1,5 tys. tylko ochrzczonych; to się przecież w pale nie mieści przy dodatkowych kosztach lotu (ponad 130 tys. EUR) niemieckiej Minister Spraw Zagranicznych do Australii, po skasowaniu z rozpiski przez tzw. Siłę Wyższą lekkomyślnych wojaży Frau Niedźwiedź z Kozłem w nazwisku po babce z PRL-u za Gomułki przesiedlonej ponoć w ramach łączenia rodzin w obozach dla Dipisów po wojnie sześciodniowej. Starzec rozgorączkowany wtajemniczeniami, z hakami na niego jeszcze po dyktatorze Videli, pojechał po operacji w tych dniach do Ułan Bator nie z misją polityczną (nie za swoje chyba?) bezceremonialnie wciskając się na wojnie hybrydowej, z kateterem ofiarnie, między młot na Kremlu a kowadło na Placu Niebiańskiego Pokoju. W rozmemłaniu międzywyznaniowym, farmazońskim świętowaniu kultury islamskiej w Sądny Dzień czy w Sabat nie przystoi jednakoż mądrym ludziom i nie idzie w parze z kulturą czczenie kultury żydoskiej w każdy pierwszy piątek, miesiąca września czy innego miesiąca roku kalendarzowego, święty dla wyznawców Allacha pod Słońcem i Księżycem wyznaczającym wciąż święta Wielkanocne w Izraelu i na Ukrainie na przekór zmianom politycznym wprowadzonym do Kościoła św. przez robiących za europejskich nazistów Żeleńskiego tylko po to, żeby przykryć, zadymić wielomilionowe afery korupcyjne na dostawy umundurowania, które minister wojny Rzeźników przyjął na klatę idąc w zaparte na zakład sposobem Kukiza (Sława Ukrainie na nazistowskim Majdanie w Kijowie, piosenka wyśpiewana wspólnie z Wałęsą, Jackiem Kurskim, Jarosławem Kaczyńskim i Ryszardem Czarneckim, komandosem brytyjskim, śmierdzącym aferzystą finansowym w Parlamencie Europejskim ostatnio). Do diabła z takim kolędowaniem, zastępowaniem Chrystusa na Ziemi. HERODY Herodenspiel
Argument rzeczowo rozwijający strategię komunikacji międzyludzkiej: między osobnikami bezwzględnie narzucającymi się w niedzielę chrześcijańską (od słowa: nie działaj, nie rób nic, nie zachodź, broń Boże, pień fleksyjny, w miejsca profanum, katechetycznie zakazane pod karą grzechu ciężkiego!!!) z przedmiotami ewidentnie tam noszącymi cechy kultury żydowskiej, jak mosiężne świeczniki hiszpańskie w damskiej sypialni we Frankfurcie, a jakże, osobiście widziałem w mieszkaniu nad lodziarnią przy Paulsplatz, ponoć jeszcze z XVI w. - w ramach oferty, a ludźmi oświecanymi przedmiotowo, ramowo nauczanymi po łebkach od święta tzw. wiedzy o kulturze żydowskiej.
Argument nie wszczynający bynajmniej dyskusji żadnego rodzaju, ani liniowej, ani tekstowej, ani dialektycznej.
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Argument jasno stawiający sprawę tytułowej Willi Rotszylda von Stefan Kosiewski, bynajmniej zatem nie domu, wartościowego owszem, po latach nawet, piętrowego z poddaszem, z pruskiego muru i czerwonego piaskowca, zbudowanego w 1904 r. w Bad Soden am Taunus przy Königsteiner Straße 86 za pieniądze i dla potrzeb dra Dawida Rotszylda z Rotszyldów z Frankfurtu nad Menem, który 22 marca 1912 poślubił i wprowadził do tego domu Frau Stephanie Abeles, która urodziła mu córkę i żyli w tym domu długo i szczęśliwie aż do przejęcia władzy przez narodowo-socjalistyczną partię Hitlera. Po czym wyemigrowali 1933 r. do Szwecji, gdzie Dr. David Rothschild, jak to się mówi: stanął w bramie 1936, ale wartości literackiej.
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sobota, 2 września 2023 o 16:29
· Uroczystość w Berlinie została zorganizowana przez Deutsches Polen Institut w Darmstadt i Fundację Pomnik Pomordowanych Żydów Europy.
"To właśnie te instytucje pracują obecnie nad szczegółowym projektem Domu Polsko-Niemieckiego. Ma on upamiętniać polskie ofiary wojny i okupacji oraz ukazywać historię sąsiedztwa obu krajów".
Nihil de nobis sine nobis
Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip von Stefan Kosiewski
Kurzdarstellungen zur Europäischen Union. Rechtsgrundlage, Ziele, Sinn.
Jul 20 2021
Stefan Kosiewski do Krzysztofa Miszczaka o zmianę paradygmatu w stosunkach niemiecko-polskich AD 2021 - Stefan Kosiewski
Stefan Kosiewski do Krzysztofa Miszczaka o zmianę paradygmatu w stosunkach niemiecko-polskich AD 2021<<
Pochwalić trzeba, gromkimi brawami, niebywałą odwagę organizatorów,
którzy (po wezwaniu Przedstawiciela Ambasady RFN 23 sierpnia AD 2023
do Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych w Warszawie, w sprawie ustalenia
wspólnych kroków i podjęcia państwowych działań po dobraniu się do dupy
18-letniego Polaka na dworcu kolejowym w Monachium przez 20-letniego
Afgana i pedała) nie bali się zaprosić do Tiergarten Ambasadora Pawłosia.
Bez owijania w bawełnę powiada się to niniejszym, co jest do powiedzenia
mniej więcej tak właśnie, jak powiedzieć chciał Laureat Literackiej Nagrody
Nobla, Niemiec i Gdańszczanin, Günter Grass po tym, jak już się wydało, że
prywatny przemysł stoczniowy RFN za pieniądze szarego podatnika niemieckiego
buduje ze stratą dla budżetu państwa podwodne okręty atomowe przekazywane
Izraelowi na własność jako prezenty wzmacniające bliskowschodni imperializm.
Zachęcić trzeba też (gromkimi brawami; Aplauz!) obu żydowskich organizatorów
do zdobycia się na odwagę zaproszenia zainteresowanych Polaków do udziału
w budowie Domu Polsko-Niemieckiego; vide łac. maksyma: NIC O NAS BEZ NAS -
Niczego nie wolno robić (tzw. trzecim) w polskich sprawach w RFN za plecami
organizacji Polaków w Niemczech, bazujących na 100-letniech tradycjach ZPwN.
Niczego fałszywego i bezprawnego ponad głowami milionowej grupy mniejszości!
Nie robi się po prostu takiej nieprzyzwoitości, ażeby ubezwłasnowolić naród.
Demokratyczne zasady Unii Europejskiej/ Rechtsgrundlage nie zezwala przecież
na budowanie ponad głowami żydowskiej mniejszości przez cywilizację trzecich
Najbardziej nawet wzniosłych SYNAGOG w drodze olewania żydowskich zrzeszeń,
jak by je zwał: >>"Żydzi", politeuma Żydów (Berenike), katolikia (Hierapolis
we Frygii), laos (Hierapolis we Frygii, Mantinea, Larissa Pelasgiotis, Nyssa,
Smyrna), ethnos (Smyrna), synodos (Sardes, Nysa), synagoga (Pantikapajon,
Fokaja, Akmonia, Berenike, Boliler koło Filadelfii w Lidii, Oksyrynchos)<< Żydzi
we wschodniej części basenu Morza Sródziemnego. Maurice Sartre, Wschód
rzymski. Prowincje i społeczeństwa prowincjonalne we wschodniej części basenu
Morza Sródziemnego w okresie od Augusta do Sewerów (31 r. p.n.e.-235 r. n.e.)
Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. Wydawnictwo. Wrocław 1997:433
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>>W każdym razie zgromadzenia te posiadały swoich przywódców (archontów),
skarbników oraz własną radę (gerousia). Tam gdzie były one liczne i wpływowe,
Żydzi próbowali uzyskać większą autonomię w mieście i mieć przyznane prawa
zorganizowanej wspólnoty nie podlegającej politycznej kurateli miasta, skupiając
się w łonie politeuma", ibidem. Takoż i Polacy w Niemczech nie gęsi i język swój
mają i Osobowości Prawne zgodnie z obowiązującymi zapisami TRANSPARENZREGISTER:
Die Rechtseinheit Polnisches Kulturzentrum
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bazując na konstruktywnych, ponad 100-letnich tradycjach Związku Polaków
w Niemczech, do wspólnych prac nad projektem Domu Polsko-Niemieckiego.
Kim jesteśmy? Skąd przychodzimy... An Bundesanzeiger Verlag Transparenzregister Polnisches Kulturzentrum e.V. Wer wir sind 20230604 Woher kommen wir - Stefan Kosiewski
Die Rechtseinheit Polnischer Schulverein "OSWIATA" in Frankfurt am Main
Die Rechtseinheit Polnisches Kulturzentrum c/o Stefan Kosiewski
Zastanawiające jest tylko jedno, dlaczego Ambasador Pawłoś nadużył zaproszenia
do odbębnienia czczej prowokacji roszczeniowej przed wyborami na jesieni 2023 w tzw. Polsce po Magdalence 1989, po Myśli żydokomunistycznego gen. Janiszewskiego?
Polnisches Kulturzentrum e.V. Frankfurt am Main Polski Ośrodek Kultury jest zarejestrowaną sądownie reprezentacją Polaków zamieszkałych we Frankfurcie nad Menem i Landzie Hesja, prowadzącą działania statutowe o zasięgu ogólnofederalnym. VR 11226 Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main Steuernummer 47 250 9479
Wiersz opublikowany 4.4.2012 przez Süddeutsche Zeitung i La Reppublika na polski przełożył Stefan Kosiewski za brzmieniem dosłownym podanym przez telewizję
"Was gesagt werden muss" - Written by european magazine (») 4. 4. in category Poetry, read: 236×
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Günter Grass: Co musi być powiedziane.
Dlaczego milczę, przemilczam za długo,
co oczywiste jest i w grach bojowych
ćwiczone było, po których jako pozostali przy życiu
jesteśmy w każdym bądź razie przypisami do tekstu.
Podtrzymuje się prawo do pierwszego uderzenia,
które podbity przez pyskatego bohatera
i do zorganizowanej radości pokierowany
irański lud może doprowadzić do zagłady,
albowiem w zasięgu jego mocy budowa
bomby atomowej jest domniemywana.
Dlaczego jednak zabraniam sobie,
ten inny kraj nazwać po imieniu,
w którym od lat - choć w tajemnicy utrzymywany
- rosnący potencjał nuklearny jest, do dyspozycji
lecz poza kontrolą, albowiem żadnemu badaniu
nie jest dostępny.
To powszechne przemilczenie tegoż stanu rzeczy,
któremu podporządkowało się moje milczenie,
odczuwam jako obciążające kłamstwo
i przymus, który stawia przed oczyma karalność,
we wypadku naruszenia;
werdykt "antysemityzm" jest łatwo wygłaszany.
Teraz jednak, ponieważ z mego kraju,
który od własnych swych zbrodni,
które są bez porównania,
raz po raz dopadany i wzywany do wytłumaczenia się,
znowuż a czysto dla geszeftu, jeżeli nawet
zwinną wargą deklarowana jako zadośćuczynienie,
kolejna łódź podwodna do Izraela
ma być dostarczona, której specjalność
na tym polega, by wszystkoniszczące głowice
tam można było skierować, gdzie egzystencja
jednej jedynej bomby atomowej nie jest dowiedziona,
jednak jak obawa przed siłą dowodu chce być,
mówię, co musi być powiedziane.
Dlaczego jednak milczałem dotychczas?
Ponieważ myślałem, moje pochodzenie,
jest obciążone skazą nie do wymazania,
która zabrania ten stan rzeczy jako niezbitą prawdę
przypisać krajowi Izraela, z którym jestem związany
i chcę pozostać.
Dlaczego mówię dopiero teraz,
postarzały i ostatnim atramentem:
Mocarstwo Atomowe Izrael zagraża
i tak zresztą kruchemu pokojowi światowemu?
Ponieważ musi być powiedziane,
co jutro może być już za późno;
także, ponieważ my - jako Niemcy obciążeni dosyć -
możemy stać się dostawcami zbrodni,
która jest do przewidzenia, dlatego nasza współwina
nie byłaby do zmazania żadną
z łatwych wymówek.
A przyznając: nie milczę dłużej,
ponieważ obłuda Zachodu
obżydła mi; przy tym jest nadzieja
na uwolnienie się wielu od milczenia,
sprawcę jawnego niebezpieczeństwa
wezwać do rezygnacji z przemocy a
również domagać się,
żeby niezakłócona i stała kontrola
izraelskiego potencjału atomowego
oraz irańskich urządzeń atomowych
przez międzynarodową instancję
umożliwiona została przez rządy obu krajów.
Tylko tak można wszystkim, Izraelczykom i Palestyńczykom,
więcej jeszcze, wszystkim ludziom, którzy w tym
przez szaleństwo okupowanym regionie
ciasno ze sobą żyją zwaśnieni
a w końcu także nam pomóc.
MAFIA POSTKRYPTOSYJONISTYCZNA CB28 Nihil de nobis sine nobis Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip von Stefan Kosiewski Kurzdarstellungen zur EU. Rechtsgrundlage, Ziele, Sinn 20230902 Günter GRASS Co musi być powiedziane.
0 notes
gameforestdach · 1 year
Der Spiele-Gigant Electronic Arts (EA) hat angekündigt, die Online-Server für mehrere ältere Spiele bis Ende des Jahres endgültig abzuschalten. Dies stellt die deutsche Gaming-Community vor große Herausforderungen. Hauptpunkte: EA wird die Online-Server für mehrere ältere Spiele einstellen Diese Spiele sind durch Xbox-Abwärtskompatibilität verfügbar, aber ihre Online-Elemente werden nicht mehr unterstützt werden. Die Entscheidung ist mit dem starken Rückgang der Spielerzahlen begründet Welche Spiele sind betroffen? Zu der betroffenen Spielliste gehören Titel wie Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3 und Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14. Einige dieser Spiele werden noch durch die Xbox-Abwärtskompatibilität unterstützt, ihre Online-Elemente werden jedoch in Kürze nicht mehr verfügbar sein. Hintergründe der Entscheidung In der offiziellen Stellungnahme äußerte sich EA, dass die Pensionierung älterer Spiele notwendig sei, um mehr Ressourcen auf neuere, aktiver gespielte Titel konzentrieren zu können. Die wenigen Spielerzahlen - üblicherweise weniger als 1% der Spitzen-Online-Spieler über alle EA-Titel - haben dem Unternehmen diese Entscheidung anscheinend erleichtert. Daten der Serverabschaltung Die genauen Daten der Serverabschaltung für bestimmte Spiele sind wie folgt: Crysis 3 Key: 7. September 2023 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14: 10. Oktober 2023 Restaurant DASH: Gordon Ramsay: 30. Oktober 2023 FIFA 18-21: 6. November 2023 Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company, Battlefield Bad Company 2: 8. Dezember 2023 Dead Space 2: 8. Dezember 2023 Dante's Inferno: 8. Dezember 2023 Wie hat die Community reagiert? Die Reaktionen der Community sind gemischt. Einige Spieler zeigen Verständnis für die Entscheidung von EA, andere fühlen sich jedoch von dem Unternehmen im Stich gelassen. Der Abschied von geliebten Klassikern ist nie einfach und viele Fans dieser Spiele sind natürlich enttäuscht. Abschlussgedanken und Aufruf zum Handeln Denkt ihr, dass EA die richtige Entscheidung getroffen hat? Werdet ihr diese Spiele vermissen? Lasst uns in den Kommentaren eure Meinungen und Gedanken wissen! Hier findet ihr die Quelle des Artikels.
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lorenzlund · 1 year
Krieg' Ass Gefangener (engl. POW) und der krieg' Ass Berichtserstatter/-reporter.
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Und die dann erneut danach vielleicht eingeleitete sehr grosse Ballfahndung!!
'Werden sie Fahnder bei uns!! Bei sicherem Gehalt. Und bestimmt diesmal auch keine Verhandlungssache!!"
Eine ploetzliche Bildschirmnachricht selbst vom Zoll. Sehr wahrscheinlich war sie fuer mich bestimmt! ('Dann geh doch!' war ein schonmal sehr beliebter auch Schlager! Dann Geh' halt!)
the balls by men
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'Der Zoll sucht nach Schwa(*)zarbeitern /-innen am/vom (B)au', Schwa(*)zwaelderkirschtorte, 'Torten' (von auch Maennern). Baugesetze und Bestimmungen *Demnach haben Haueser immer eine ganz bestimmte Form zu haben und auch zu wahren. Andere sind nicht erlaubt!
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the Bike : bi- + e(c)k (the egg), das E-bike fuer den Biker, ums Eck (bringen), Ratlosigkeit. 'urploetzlich ratlos!' Einraeder und das Zweirad.
der Dieter Thomas Hack als Schnellbrecher beim ZDF.
'Wir fordern macht wieder mehr auch Hitparaden!'
*die selbst auch Militaerparade
'Wir muessen reden/sprechen!'
*Ob es wohl bald schon vielleicht wieder regnet?
'It's Raining in my Heart'
'Saw you crying in the Rain'
'Den Blick stets auch nach vorn richten und nie zu sehr nach hinten, oder vielleicht nur nach hinten!!'
Erstes Deutsches Fernsehen ueberhaupt!
Zweites ...
Die aktuelle Tagesshow!
Tagging-Themen. the englisch tag. tackern, an..., the Ass. Tag-es. The men.
Heute wird nachgerichtet! (Heuteshow)
Einer der im Zuge der Gebietsneuregelungen neu entstandenen Bundesstaaten heisst nun Low-er Niedersachsen! Was fehlt ist das High-er Saxony!
'Nieder mit ...!!'
Angelsachsen und alte Sachsen, es gibt sie beide!
'Saechsische Zeitung am Cock-en-ende'
*the cook (engl.), Kochmuetze, cock (der Hahn), Robert's Kochinstitut (Gruending in Paris),(Deutsche/Saechsische) Lebensmittenueberwachung,
'Vielen Dank fuer ihren Besuch!'
'Schoen dass sie hier waren!' '... sie da sind!!'
'Ein Greis geht doch immer!'
'Eiskalt erwischt!!" (Coca Cola). 'Asiatisches Streetkitchen- und Fingerfood!' (der erwischte Schwer-Erbrecher danach). 'Truckfood' (die US-Variante), 'Fuck!!' 'Backstube'. Deutsche Stube oder Wohnzimmer. 'Backshop'. Fasten ur Feet! *Beschleunigt u.a. den Gang zur Toilette, dass wir nach ihr suchen!
,Carbonara & e una Coca Cola!!!'
*Spaghetti. 'Ist 'nen geiles Zeug,ea macht uns Lull & Lall! ...!' (die Band Spliff bereits in den 70ern)
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ecmcable · 2 years
The Ultimate ECMSpy Cable with EAS™ Technology endures LIVE Function Stress Test.
We strapped our NEW "Ultimate ECMSpy USB Cable for Buell Motorcycles" made with our proprietary EAS™ Technology, to a dangling 35-lb weight while it was connected LIVE to a PC USB Port and performing a Loopback Test throughout the whole test.
Our tenacious cable with an embedded FTDI USB Module encapsulated right inside our Translucent ROCK SOLID BackShell for DEUTSCH connectors survives the gruesome longitudinal stress with flying colours...well, as you can see, with at least Blue & White flashing colours.  
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lascllow · 2 years
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Title it something like “nhl 04” and MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL THE GAME INTO THIS DIRECTORY. Enter serial code provided in the original download folder. Open the drive, scroll down to “install” and run it as administrator. It should now be mounted in your (F:) drive. Open “cd1” folder then open “IMAGE” (CCD) file.
#Nhl 2004 pc iso isozone mod
This is because the mod you’ll be downloading WILL NOT WORK in the default path. Before we start: DO NOT INSTALL THE GAME TO DEFAULT Program Files path! Read this carefully, I’m about to do you guys a solid here. Looking for fast connections Hope this helps happy gaming! I can confirm this works. Go to and join a new online league 4 vs 4. Do not start it after install, you have to copy and paste the cd fix in the.rar file and then you will not need a cd and the game will run. The serial and cracks are within the rar. So whoever downloads it tell me if it works, since it’s already installed on my pc i not need to install this. Hello walter and welcome, Here’s the uploader’s description for the game: this is a.rar oh nhl 2004. Mouse NHL 2004 Download Link file size: 1.1 GiB.Video card: 32MB DirectX compatible nVidia GeForce 256, ATI Radeon 7200, Matrox Parhelia, SIS 315 or Xabre Class.NHL 2004 Game ScreenShots NHL 2004 System Requirements Minimum: Download game PC iso, Direct links game PC, Torrent game PC, Crack DLC game PC, Google Drive game PC, New game pc 2017, Game VR PC. (This is not the first time that European teams involved in a game of EA? EA released both Elitserien 95 and Elitserien 96 for the Mega Drive in Sweden only and Elitserien and SM-Liiga 2001 as an expansion pack for the PC in Sweden and Finland included these groups.) Ratings of teams in Elitserien and SM-Liiga was comparable to the roster NHL, however, future doses had lower league teams of the NHL.ĭownload the game NHL 2004 USA ISO for PS2 / Sony PlayStation 2. The game NHL 2004 has added 3 European Elite Leagues: German Deutsche Eishockey Liga, the Swedish Elitserien, and the Finnish SM-Liiga. It is the successor to NHL 2003 and is widely considered to be an important turning point in the NHL series. NHL 2004 is a sports video game of ice hockey developed by EA Black Box studios.
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