inordinaries · 5 months
to: malia jaiden
malia, recently i've been thinking about starting to try to connect with the people around me. isn't that one hell of a phrase? "thinking about starting". to think but never do is a coward's fate, and it's been mine for the past year. i'm not trying to be self-deprecating, i'm just being honest. this is why i decided to sign up for the letter exchange. writing letters is a dying practice, but one that i've always cherished for its sincerity. it's hard to read tones through a letter, so the writer is more encouraged to be honest in their sentiments.
to be honest, malia, people like me don't actually like to write letters for that very reason. i'm not saying i'm a liar. i'm not. but i'm an expert when it comes to cracking jokes and deflecting. i'm not sure why i'm like this, or furthermore, why i'm telling you this. in a way, i think you'll understand me. anyway, i wanted to tell you that i was surprised when i was assigned to write a letter to you, but as soon as i heard your name, something came back to me. i'm not sure if i should describe it as a memory because it's not a singular instance, but i digress—i never said it to you back then, but i used to admire your bravery. admire in a jealous way. it's possible, trust me. my siblings and i talked about you a lot. nothing bad, i assure you; i think everyone's guilty of what we did back then, honing in on a particular person and turning them into a character. it was destined to happen. my sister told me she saw you pick up a wild snake with your bare hands once; i didn't believe her until i witnessed the same thing, and childishly, i became more brave because i couldn't bear the thought of a girl being tougher than me. i've outgrown that immature way of thinking, but back then it was my motivation. i almost wonder if i'd still be an adventurer today if i hadn't been determined to out-fearlessness you. i wonder who you are now, what kind of things motivate you, if you still have tolerance for the creatures that most turn away from. i hope i didn't say anything too strange, and i hope that you'll write me back, but if you don't, that's okay too! sincerely, jordan cho
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chrrylpstcks · 6 months
✉️ emery to cordelia. || @ohvalleys
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Greetings Cordelia,
We haven't met yet, but my name is Emery, and I am Stardew Valley's newest transplant. I moved here from Zuzu City this week because I wanted to be part of a community that is really closeknit and takes care of each other. So you can probably imagine how excited I was when the mayor told me we're doing pen pals!
How long have you lived in Stardew Valley? Hopefully you can help me get around because I keep getting lost! And it gets so dark at night. I feel like we need more street lamps around here. Or just lamps I guess, since there aren't streets. Do you have any advice on getting to know everyone and being part of the community? This is a really big change for me, and if we're being honest, I'm SUPER excited, but just a tiny bit nervous. My mom is from a small Southern town, and we visited my grandparents growing up, but it was so different from my life in the suburbs and Zuzu City. As much as I needed this change in my life, there is also so much unknown about what could happen for me here in Stardew Valley. I can feel in my bones that it's gonna be a good change for me, but I'll still take any advice I can get. Anyway, enough about me! Tell me about you! What is your favorite color? Favorite food? What are your hopes and dreams? Sincerely, Emery Norwood
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starlitdrearns · 6 months
@chardonnavs a letter with a few words and sentences scratched out in hurried penmanship was stuffed inside an envelop that had clearly spent some time in the very back of a full drawer and delivered to danica's mailbox.
hey danica,
how are you liking the valley so far? i kind of got the impression it's a little different from wherever you were living before the other night at the saloon. i've only ever lived in the valley so i can't say i know too much adjusting to a big change like that. on the bright side, i know there's usually someone around willing to lend a hand if you need anything so hopefully that helps. not that i'm implying that you aren't adjusting well or need help or anything! it was just sort of like just in case, ya know?
anyway, what's it like where you're from? don't get me wrong, i love the valley but i always thought it'd be cool to see more places when i was a kid. can't say i really have the time to now though. not that i'm complaining! i don't think i'd know what to do with too much downtime and besides, i can still hear about other places from people who come to live here or some traveling merchants.
i'd write more, but i may have overestimated how much free time i'd have for this when i signed up at the bulletin board and gotta run!
have a good one, isaiah
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ohvalleys · 6 months
@psychcpomps ... placed directly in Elias' mailbox, the letter sits in a basic white envelope with an assortment of random doodles across the entire outside, and Elias's name scrawled on the front in looping script. When opened to reveal neatly torn notebook paper and inky black pen strokes, sand falls out. It sits atop a plainly wrapped small brown package.
Did you know horses and the sea have a special bond? My grandfather has stories about far away lands with myths about the same spirits ruling over the sea that created horses, or those who came out of the water riding on them. I have attached below some facts about horses you probably know already, but thought you may found interesting. [Twelve neatly penned facts about horses from books at the library follow, along with accompanying horse drawings and doodles of various skill.]
Learning is always a gift. I have enjoyed learning in honor of you, even if you learned nothing from this letter. I have attached a gift below for your horses. Seaweed can help horses help with digestion and reduce bad bacteria. Hopefully these seaweed treats will keep their immune systems nice and strong.
Those sensitive in changes to those around them, including those of our four hooved friends, are the same sort of people who are sensitive in changes to the air or the tides. I hope you are taking care of yourself. If you need a reprieve, know you are always welcome.
Cordelia Taumata
[Attached: A small box of homemade seaweed treats for the horses.]
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dewhq · 6 months
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i believe i sent "assignments" to everyone who liked the letter-writing task post. if you liked it but didn't receive a dm from me (here on tumblr), let me know! please write letters by 4/14. you can post them on the dash and tag the recipient, and feel free to keep the exchange going! :) let me know if you have any questions <3
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ohvalleys · 6 months
@slcwshow ... Placed directly in Joshua's mailbox, the letter is enclosed in a thick burgundy colored envelope with gold embossed lettering that says THE MARVELOUS MARCEL in a clean serif font. Inside, on quality cream-colored paper and black ink:
Dear Joshua,
As I seek to integrate myself into this town as a member of the Stardew Valley community, I find myself wondering where and when I can find the hottest, funniest, most happening members of this provincial community. And while certainly no one has made any recommendation of you as a party guy, I myself see that you are handsome. And thus: I feel compelled to introduce myself.
I am the Marvelous Marcel, known throughout Zuzu City and the rest of the Ferngill Republic for my wonderful magic, everything from slight of hand — using real trickery, not just sliding something down my sleeve! — to genuine potions and spells, I can do everything from saw a woman in half to predict your love life's future. Please, have a visit to my cart. I have attached to this letter a voucher for any of my services, 10% off. Please know I generously have given it an expiration of three weeks, which surely is enough time for you to find yourself in the Calico Desert. I also am selling my own jarred salsas.
I understand you are involved with some sort of ranch work. My, my, your muscles must be big and strong! Please, if you have not adopted a vegan diet by your proximity to cows of all shapes and sizes, allow me to treat you to the finest burger made on my portable grill. Surely, I could afford a house to be built in the valley with luxury grilling accommodations, but I am a man of the people, and a man who likes to drift about this world! Thus, I can set up anywhere for your grilling pleasure. Please be prepared to provide the ingredients. I will bring the wine, my dear!
Stay magic, darling,
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dewhq · 6 months
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letter writing is a time-honored tradition in stardew valley, especially considering people hardly have cell reception or wifi, nor, frankly, do they care for it. what's the need when you have a pen, paper, and the real b/oys in blue (post office) to help you share your thoughts, wishes, and dreams with your friends (and foes) about town? the first task will be for your character to write a letter to another person in town, but they will be randomly assigned. this task is optional! please like this post within 24 hours if you would like to participate, and if you have a mumu i will assume you mean both of your characters unless you indicate otherwise. after the 24 hours, your character will have probably about 10 days to write the letter if that context helps you figure out if you will have time :)
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