thesadboy · 1 year
One of my personal asoiaf headcanons is that Daeron and Myriah were the sweet kind of grandparents, the ones who would absolutely dote on their grandkids. Everytime they got to see their grandchildren, Daeron would say "You've gotten fatter/stronger/smarter/more handsome/beautiful" while pinching their cheek (and the fat part is meant positively, he would be happy they're healthy 🥺) while Myriah wouldn't hesitate to kiss their cheeks, even sometimes lifting them up in a hug (and make no mistake she didn't stop doing it even as she grew rather old).
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thepoedexfiles · 6 years
On the whole “starting your journey”
Contrary to popular belief, not everyone gets to receive a starter pokémon plus a pokédex from a professor. Only students who have studied under the professor’s teachings have such a privilege. 
Otherwise, you can actually start at any time in your life as long as you have the following:
-written parental consent (for those aged 13-18)
-records stating capability of taking care of pokémon 
-a copy of the trainer exam (you can also take said exam at any given time)
-(optional), a letter stating that a legal adult will accompany you throughout your journey (for those younger than 13) 
-at least one pokémon 
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thesadboy · 1 year
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@duskdragonxiii's Throckmorton saga is something I have become a bit unhealthily fixated on, so I made my own takes on two Houndour line hybrids based on Throckmorton's puppydaddies lol
Details below the cut
Houndour + Eevee
-This crossbreed has longer ears and a shorter snout, having inherited the traits from its father's pre-evolution. As a result, while it has better hearing, it also has some breathing problems
-The bone around its neck is slightly reminiscent of Eevee's neck fluff and it protects it from fatal attacks
-Its tail has a similar shape to Eevee's but is smaller and shorter, likely helping avoid some accidents when the young pup practices its fire type moves (bigger tail=bigger target for flames)
-The pup is attracted to places with a moss rock, often taking the chance to sleep on or near one or even pee on it. There's also its fixation on Leaf Stones, usually sniffing it curiously and carrying it around or peeing on it. It's believed to either be a case of genetic memory from its Leafeon father or mistaking it as a way for it evolve.
-A bit hardier than purebred Houndour
Houndour + Sprigatito
-Its ears are more perked up than its purebred kin, likely owing to its father's pre-evolution
-The shape of its back bones and the marking on its outer skull slightly resemble Sprigatito's fur in shape and these have made this crossbreed a popular pet.
-Its tail that is considered quite unique from the combination of Houndour and Sprigatito's tail shape, making it another trait contributing to the crossbreed's popularity as a pet.
-Aside from Houndour's snout marking, it also has face markings similar to Floragato and Meowscarda
-Like its father, its body produces a pleasing aroma, albeit a more "burnt" or earthy one like burnt pine or incense.
-While it also retains Sprigatito's habit of washing its face, it's been shown to prefer warm or even steaming water over cold water because of its fire typing.
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thesadboy · 4 years
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I don’t care if it won’t make sense! Ilima is their SON NOW
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thesadboy · 5 years
I HC'ed that my MC's from Love Hacks and TRR (Daisy and Lily respectively) are sisters. So their conversations over the phone when they keep in touch would be like: Daisy: Hey Sis! I've got good news and I just felt like you deserve to hear first! Lily: Sure! What is it? Daisy: I finally got that job at ClickIt~! Lily: Oh my God, I'm so happy for you! You'll do great!! Daisy: What about you? How have things been for you lately? Lily: Oh you know...I got invited to attend a social event, courted a prince, had to fight my way out of shady stuff and witnessed an assassination attempt before becoming Queen of Cordonia but everything's fine!
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thesadboy · 5 years
When I played HSS:Class Act, I made MC and twin look like they could be Katie and Leo's children lmao. But in all honesty, I was dead-ass serious about this headcanon but then they showed the parents and I was like "Damn, well okay then." AND THEN they revealed that the twins are adopted so then I was like, "Okay, nvm lmao." So yes, Katie and Leo are either dead, bad parents, or have put their kiddos in an orphanage for their safety.
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thepoedexfiles · 6 years
Real world animal names are also used in the Pokémon world, but in order to categorize Pokémon. As such, this helped some professors study the relation between certain Pokémon species. 
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