javispunk · 10 months
Hii, so I saw an edit on tiktok of joel to i can see you by Taylor Swift on the background and i was wondering if you could do something based on that? Maybe like inspired by the lyrics and the moments between them that relate to those lyrics? But feel free to so it as you imagine it!!! Thx S2
Yes! I saw this edit and was thinking of doing something inspired on it and Taylor’s song, at least now I have an excuse to actually do it! This screams dbf!joel, so I had to do it. Thank you so much for the request :) I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you’d like any other kind of version on it, or some kind of series on this?? Thank you for the support.
I can see you
Summary: You’ve been in Jackson for about a couple years now and you’ve always seen Joel go on about his days, filled with patrol duty or just casually at the cafeteria. Either way, and oblivious at first, you see each other. One night at the bar, you confirm your doubts.
Pairing: dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
Content/Warnings: +18 smut (minors don’t interact!), age gap (Joel is in his early 50s, reader is in her mid twenties), fingering, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex (p in v).
Notes: This is a bit long, I got carried away. It’s also a bit of a slow burn but bare with me! Please excuse any mistake, as english is not my first language. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Leave any requests you’d like me to write :)
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You kept to yourself at Jackson since you joined in a couple years ago. You had a few people you could call friends and rely on. Besides them, your dad was also a good call. He always made sure to provide anything for you. You weren’t a child anymore, not even close to it. But you were his only daughter and that would be enough.
There would also be no effort made on your part to make more acquaintances, and that’s fine, that’s just the way you were. The people you usually had gatherings with would be your dad’s friends. And being a social butterfly, he had a few of them. But Joel Miller was his most relying one. He was a little bit younger than your dad, but they still found ways to share common interests. They’d do patrol duty together, always make way to eventually do a Saturday night dinner at yours or his - either the three of you or with more guests. You also learned about Joel’s loss and grief very quickly, something you could relate with.
For more than a year now you’ve felt safe with these people. Never once you got to complain about them, nor they did regarding you. Tonight it was just you, your dad and Joel at the dinner table. The usual setting of the table, familiar by now - your dad at your right, Joel at the other end, opposite from you.
“It should be alright if we get there by 5.” Joel spoke as he continued putting food on his fork. His signature plaid flannel shirt falling on top of his shoulders on a way that was now familiar to you.
"I'll be there sooner if I can get an early night." Your dad held the plate in his hand as he tried to collect more food from the table center. "I'm sure Adam will be there if I let him know." You received a gaze from your father as he spoke once again. "By the way, he told me he left you a message at the bar. Have you talked to him?"
"Dad... c'mon." You kept looking at your plate before turning your eyes to both man at the table.
"What? He's a great guy, he's your age. Great sense of responsability, I've seen how he handles work."
"Well, that's great for him. I don't see what that has to do with me."
Joel chuckled at your statement, still looking down at his plate. Your dad looked at him. "Honestly, I don’t understand this kid.”
Even though you were in your mid twenties your dad insisted on calling you kid, kiddo, any type of derivative.
“Well” you began as you collected your plate. “This kid has work in half an hour. I’ll just do the dishes and then go.” You headed to the kitchen with a sarcastic smile.
Once you put down your plate in the kitchen counter, you supported the weight of your body on it with both your hands. You sighed with frustration. Eyes closed, head down. The amount of hours you did the previous week at the bar left you restless and honestly wishing for a week worth of sleep. A few minutes passed, and you stayed like this. Silence prevailed until you heard Joel’s voice behind you.
“Got two more.”
“Fuck.” You jumped at the sudden voice, looking briefly at him, going back to the kitchen counter the next second.
“Sorry.” He quickly spoke. His body relatively close to yours, placing both plates on the sink. “Here, I’ll do that.” He took the sponge from your hand, slightly touching it.
There were several moments of tension between you and Joel over the last year or so. Usually cordial and kind moments like these, but they were filled with tension, you were not sure if it was sexual, but it felt so for you. Joel was at least 20 years older than you, you were not sure about his age. In a matter of seconds you recalled all of these encounters. The way he’d wait down the hall for you, or the way he’d always try to brush past you whenever you were in the same room. You would notice how he would make conversation with you whenever he could, how he would shower you with gifs - actual cool and useful gifs - how he payed attention to your interests, or how he'd get protective whenever he felt you were in some kind of danger.
"So you don't like Adam." he asked, mid-chuckle, while grabbing some soap.
You put your hand on your head, slightly embarrased. "Well..." You also looked in the direction of the dining room, searching for your dad.
"Your dad went to the neighbours. He said something about a favour. He'll be back soon enough." He noted.
You looked at him with your mouth slightly opened in a form of response, before speaking again. "Adam's alright. A bit insistent. My dad always makes a stand on the matter of relationships, I'm not sure why."
"You're almost what? 26? He probably wants you to get married. I got married around your age. That's how we'd do it in Texas."
You looked at the man's back. You didn't know much about his past. He had no pictures of his ex wife in his house. You knew he had a daughter before the world went to shit. That was the extent of knowledge you had about his grief and sorrow. Ellie would have filled some of the void in his life. But besides that, Joel was a lonely man.
"I'd get married if it wasn't the end of the world. Or if there was someone interesting around here." You laughed.
Joel followed your action, closing the running water tap. "I'm sure you'll find him." He chuckled, looking at you as he dried his hands with a cloth handtowel.
"Besides, I'm great on my own." Your voice raising an octave.
“I’m sure you are." His eyes on you. "Do you need a ride? It's freezing outside."
You shook your head no, while grabbing the coat propped on the back of the chair. "It's just a few minutes walk, I'll be fine. It will be even colder when I close at 1am. But thank you." You smiled his way.
He nodded his head, hands on his hips.
The clock marked half past midnight when you first looked at it since you entered the bar. You didn't stop to breathe since you started serving drinks at 8pm, walking from one corner of the bar to the other in a fast pace. The bar was usually filled with middle aged men, a few younger people, about your age, casually sitting in groups over a few tables. You sipping a few drinks once in a while over the hours without anyone noticing.
You think about the small amount of time you still have to work while you go around the counter and collect the empty beer bottles on the nearest table. You grab the cloth hanging from your shoulder only to wide your hands on it, before you make your way behind the counter again, your back against it.
"A whisky if it's not too much trouble." You heard Joel's voice.
You quickly turned around, a smile appearing, plastered on your face without you noticing. "Hi!" You swifted the counter dry in front of him. "What are you doing here? I thought you started work at 5." You started preparing his drink.
Joel slightly shrugged both shoulders, before removing his jacket and propping it on the stool next to him. "Couldn't sleep. How's your shift going?"
"Alright. A few drunk men making a mess, but that's mandatory."
You grabbed his glass and started pouring the honey coloured liquid.
"But you can put them in their place."
"I don't have a choice." You supported your body on your elbows, leaning on top of the counter in front of Joel. The cleavage on your shirt open and exposed to his sight, as you felt his eyes directly on it. You held his drink in your hand, giving it to him in a nonchalant movement. The alcohol probably getting to your head at this point of the night, just the slightest - you were sure the rest was your attraction to the older man.
You watched Joel's eyes on you, before he moved them up to your own. He coughed before speaking, in a way of disguising his actions. "Thank you."
You smiled, noticing his stunned tone. "You're welcome."
You would never have this behaviour at dinner nights of course. Here, where everyone was a little drunk and honestly, wouldn't remember parts of the night, you felt this urge to mess with him. You knew he kind of like you by the way he would move next to you, by the way he'd speak directly to you, the words he would use when no one else was hearing.
You held your place in front of Joel. Him taking a sip of his drink as the ice clinked when the glass turned on his hand. Eyes locked on yours. You noticed the bar emptying slowly, but surely.
"Would you mind giving me a ride home? I have to close the bar and by then it should be pretty late."
"It's alright sweetheart." he spoke after ungluing his mouth from the glass which was now resting on the counter, him looking at your smug expression, which earned a half upward smile from him, before looking at your eyes again.
"Thank you." You touched his arm in a thanking gesture, leaving your hand over it much more time than it was needed to. You never touched him. It even felt like a challenge, something that was forbidden to do. His skin was soft even though his figure looked rough from working everyday out on the cold weather on patrol duty.
His eyes looking down at your efforts, while he held his drink in front of his mouth the whole time. You eventually moved away from him, continuing your work.
You took care of the wet glasses, cleaning them, your back leaning against the back counter of the bar, facing Joel. Every few seconds your eyes would be on top of him, while you wiped dry the cups, moving your fingers in a slight but surely suggestive manner. You were not doing anything wrong. You were far away from Joel, just doing your work. Behind him, still in the distance, you saw a man approach the counter. Adam.
"Hey." He looked at you with a wide smile, hands on the counter, not noticing the man sat beside him right away. "Oh, hello Mr. Miller. How are you?"
Joel slightly raised his glass at the kid, hoping that would be enough of an answer to his question. His broad shoulders square, looking foward, miding his own business.
You also noticed the last group of people leaving their booth, putting down the money on top of the table for you to collect it.
"Hey, we're almost closing but can I make you anything?" You asked him.
"Hum, not really. I gathered you didn't get the message I left you back there." He looked over at Joel for a second, before continuing. "I wanted to know if you'd like to go to the movie night next friday? They're going to show that movie you wanted to see at the theatre."
Your mouth opened before you grabbed another glass to clean. "I'd love to, but I think I'm doing a night shift on friday. Sorry."
"I heard that movie is great." Joel's voice muffled from the glass on his hand.
You looked at him, watching his smug smile covered by it. He was doing this on purpose.
"I'm sure it is. But have fun, I think the group from the cafeteria wanted to go."
"Next time then." Adam tucked at the sleeve on his jacket. "Tomorrow I get off work around midday, if you're free for lunch."
You were free, but had no intention on agreeing on his plan. But for the love of God, you could not find a single excuse to get yourself out of this situation. You noticed the younger man's face, hesitant. As soon as Joel noticed your silence, he spoke, still facing his glass, now almost empty.
"Actually, I'm gonna need your help until later. We'll have lunch outside Jackson." Joel saved your night with a simple phrase.
Adam looked at Joel with a disappointed expression. "Well, alright. I'll come by and let you know when-"
"You should go home, kid." Joel interrumpted him. "We got an early shift tomorrow." He looked in his direction for the first time since he appeared uninvited.
"Yes, sir. I'll be there." He agreed, before turning to you. "Do you need a ride? It's awfully cold outside."
Joel put his drink down and got up. "Let's go kid." He grabbed him not so gently but still not roughly by the jacket, putting an arm around his shoulders, turning him away from you and guiding him through the front door. Once he put the young man outside, he closed the door behind him and spoke from a distance. "You're already closing right?"
"Thank you for that." You continued to tidy everything behind the counter, as Joel made his way to you across the bar. "Am I supposed to marry him?"
"If you really want to." He entered the space only reserved for staff. "I'll help you with that."
"You don't have to."
"I know, but it'll be a lot quicker and we can get you home."
You smiled. "Thanks, I'll just finish some things out in the back."
You ran to the kitchen, hoping to get a moment for yourself. Did Joel help you just out of good heart? That didn't seem like something he'd do. Maybe because you were his best friend's daughter - he was just trying to be nice.
After a while you heard his voice behind you, for the second time that night. "You know, he would be a nice husband. He can almost kill a few clickers without screaming if he puts his mind to it."
"Shut up." You laughed, throwing him a napkin you had at hand, still trying to finish your work duties.
Joel grabbed it in the air, laughing along with you. He scrunched it up in his hand, approaching you and almost connecting your bodies together - your back touching his front, as he placed the napkin on the table in front of you. Arms next to each side of you, hands placed on the edge of the table, where he supported his body's weight.
Your heart started beating and you swore Joel could hear it, because his behaviour was too bold to be natural.
"But you don't wanna marry him, do you?" His voice was low and you could feel the vibration from his tone on your back.
"No, not really." It seemed like he was waiting for something from you. A sign to act his next move, without being criticised. It almost felt like he was afraid. Afraid of you not feeling the same. Not wanting the same.
Your body tensed under his. His presence hovering above you. He was significantly bigger than you. Fuck, you thought. He smells like sandalwood and the whiskey you gave him earlier. You were almost intimidated to turn around, so you decided not to.
"So you're all shy now." You watched his hands shift on the table top, before moving them to your lower stomach.
Your heart felt like it would break free from your ribcage. You looked down at his hands holding you in place. They looked huge on your body.
You turned around suddenly, trying to play his game. Your hands behind your body. "What do you mean?" You put on your best innocent smile.
You saw him do the same. You noticed his eyes were the most gorgeous you'd ever seen when he raised his eyebrows before speaking, hands now on your waist. "I mean how you made me hard under that counter top back there."
You rolled your eyes in response, while you shrugged your shoulders. "Couldn't really notice. But I do now." Your hand flew to the bulge in his pants.
A laugh came creeping in his tone. "Careful, sweetheart."
"Why?" Your head up, looking at his face from underneath.
You both stared into each other's eyes with doubt on your expression. You decided to break the hesitation, gluing your lips to his. The taste of whiskey still prominent on his mouth, as he slid his tongue inside your mouth.
Your hands immediately on the back of his head. One of his on the lower of your back and the other on your ass, putting you on top of the table. You opened your legs to wrap them around him, Joel immediately erasing the gap between you both.
His hands running from the top of your back to the back of your thigh, holding it in place around his waist.
"You have no idea how long I waited to touch you." He spoke once you both pulled back for air.
"You're gonna relive your little fantasies or do something about it?" You asked as you started to unbotting your pants while looking his way.
He immediately replaced your hands with his, taking your jeans off in a swift motion. Your shirt followed quickly. He left your paneis still on, just putting them to the side before sliding his middle finger in your slick folds. He laughed as he felt how wet you were, before inserting his finger in you. You whimpered as you felt his rough calloused skin inside your cunt, moving up and down inside you. You moaned his name quietly, trying to hold on your excitement. It seemed like his knees gave in on him as soon as he heard his name coming from your lips.
"Say my name again." You heard him ask.
"Joel..." You moaned louder when he added one more finger inside you.
"Sounds so good coming from your pretty little mouth." His thumb rubbing soft circles on your clit as he kept fucking you with his fingers.
Your eyes rolled back in protest. The amount of pleasure building on your stomach was like something you've never felt before. He began to curl his fingers and you made a gutural sound with your throat, head falling back.
Joel got on his knees and placed both hands on each side of your pelvic area, holding both your legs between his biceps and forearms. You felt a void, missing the friction his fingers stimulated inside you.
"Please." You begged him.
"Please what, sweet girl?" His head between your legs, looking you up, mouth dangerously close to your core.
"Please, make me cum." Your voice came out almost in a whisper. But it was more than enough for Joel.
His lips connecting to your core, kissing it gently first, focusing on your clit. You were a mess of whimpers under his touch as he gently made out with your cunt, visibily holding himself not to get out of his pants and fuck you right then and there. Sucking on your clit, he then moved on to your entrance, sliding his tongue inside you, licking your core from bottom to top.
He was good. Joel kept his hands on your lower stomach, trying to hold you still as you moved under his touch. It was unnerving the amount of pleasure he provided you with. You never once had your body react like this.
You looked down at him, entertained in his own little paradise. He was truly intoxicated by the scent of your skin, the feel of your core, the wetness you had started to drip a few minutes ago.
He kept his rhythm steady and intense at the same time.
"Fuck." You kept moaning as you looked down at his face between your legs. Every now and then he looked up at you and the tight knot on your stomach would grow. The look of lust in his eyes enough to make you cum. "Joel, I'm- I'm-"
"I know sweet girl, you're so close." You felt the vibrations from his voice on your pussy. "Best fucking thing I've ever tasted in my life."
That did it for you. Your orgasm loosen and spread through your entire body, your legs shaking as Joel held them tighter, keeping his tongue on you, making you enjoy your high. Your head was thrown back, your hands behind your back on top of the table, supporting the weight of your now numb body. You kept your eyes closed for a while, feeling your body tensen up and resting for a while.
You felt one of Joel's hand grabbing you by the lower of your back, helping you with supporting your body weight as he noticed you couldn't do it yourself.
"So fucking beautiful." He spoke while unbuttoning and dropping down his jeans with his spare hand. With his help now, you could use your hands. You took his flannel off, before ripping his underwear down his thighs, his lenght shot right up, hard as a rock, bouncing on its own weight.
You felt your cunt pulse once again, still sensitive from your previous orgasm. One of your hands held his cock, pulling him closer to you. You heard Joel moan as he felt your hand moving up and down him.
"You like that." You stated. Not even a question. You were letting him know you knew. With your legs slightly up, around his waist, you positioned his length on your entrance slowly, making him eager for your warmth.
Once you got his tip inside you, he couldn't control himself, pushing his cock inside you slowly and deeply. It was out of your control now.
"Fuck, Joel." You screamed as you felt him stretch you wide.
He panted above you. "Shit..." he mumbled to himself, as he looked down, seeing himself dissapear inside you with each thrust. "You feel so fucking good."
Once you got used to his girth, you felt Joel fasten his pace. He was hitting your g-spot every single time he slapped his hips on your ass. The clapping sounds making him go feral. Holding one of your legs up with his arm for better positioning, Joel kissed you again with urgency. You left your mouth hang open against his when he once again fasten his pace, letting him know you were enjoying it by letting a whimper come out every time he thrusted inside you.
"Prettiest fucking thing. Let me see your pretty face when you cum." He mumbled against your open mouth.
You felt your second orgasm creep on you. His words took you to the absolute edge. His low voice making them feel like velvet. It didn't take long for you to feel that explosion of pleasure inside you. Your whole body shaking for the second time. Your ecstasy face putting him on the edge.
He quickly pulled himself out of you, letting his warm release hit your chest, running down your tummy after a few seconds of kissing each other. You wouldn't let go. You physically couldn't get enough of each other. His hand still grabbing the back of your neck, to keep you close to him. Your hands tangled on his hair. Both of your breathings slowing down as a few minutes passed just making out in an endearing way.
Your foreheads glued to each other as you panted together.
"Please come pick me up more often after closing shifts."You laughed and he followed.
"I'll do anything you want me to."
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joelmillershole · 1 year
not gonna stop me
dbf!joel x reader
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warnings: mention of sex, very brief mention of death, dbf!joel, age gap (reader is 25, joel is late 40s), pet names (baby, sweetheart, honey), getting caught, established relationship, no use of y/n
word count: 2.6k
summary: Of course a tree would fall on your dad’s house during a storm on a night Joel, your dad’s best friend, decided to sleep over. And of course Joel would be the one to open the door when your dad came over to your apartment at six in the morning because of it. 
a/n: first joel fic so please let me know of any issues or comments about his character! I’m planning on writing more about this particular joel/reader, both the before and after of this scenario. just couldn’t get this scene out of my head. also, the incorrect use of “your” is intentional in this I promise I know the difference
 At the same time your phone pinged with a Ring doorbell notification, a loud chirp that roused you from sleep and sent you shooting up in panic, came a heavy and deliberate knock at your front door. Both sounds sent the sleeping body next to you stirring as well. Joel’s warm hand reached out to you from beneath the covers, searching for some part of you to grab. 
 “Who is it?” he grunted, words slurring together from a mix of accent and sleep. 
 “‘Ion know,” you slurred back, rubbing your eyes. The digital clock on the wall read barely six in the morning. “D’you wanna go check? Or hand me my phone so I can look at the app?” Your phone sat on his side of the bed, plugged in. There wasn’t a close enough outlet on your side to keep it next to you at night. 
 He seemed to consider it for a moment too long, so long you thought he might have fallen back asleep. Finally, he murmured, “No, baby, just c’mere. Come back to me.” 
 His hand found your wrist and pulled you back down, under the thick comforter, and towards him until your back laid flush with his chest. His arms enveloped you and held you close and tight. Nose nuzzling into your neck, Joel murmured, “Go back to sleep. We ’ont have to get up for a few hours. ‘M sure they’ll go away--” 
 Another knock, this one louder. Your phone vibrated on the nightstand. 
 “Joel, just hand me my phone so I can see--” 
 “No,” he huffed into your ear. His warm breath caused a shiver to run down your spine. “Who in their right fuckin’ mind is bangin’ on your door this fuckin’ early?” 
 You loved when Joel slept over. He did it a couple of times a week, usually when he didn’t have to wake up early for work. You enjoyed keeping your apartment cool at night, and when he came over, it was like having a built-in furnace in your bed. Before you started your little… arrangement, you would never have pegged him for a cuddler. However, sleeping Joel did not know how to let you go -- he slept either spooning you, his arms wrapped around your middle, or when he got uncomfortable and wanted to turn the other way, pulled you with him so you could koala-wrap yourself around his back. If all else failed, he wanted you on top of him, your cheek pressed to his chest. 
 You’d never been with someone so cuddly at night. It was a stark difference from the way you first found yourself entangled with him. Sex with Joel was always rough and hard and left your limbs trembling. Having him so intimate and relaxed with you felt like a boon sometimes. 
 The knock sounded a third time, this beat with what sounded like the flat of a fist instead of knuckles. A bang, really. With a growl, Joel unwrapped himself from your body and threw off the comforter. You watched him from your spot, not moving to follow, as he grabbed his previously-discarded shirt and pajama pants off the floor next to the bed and pulled them on, grumbling the entire time. 
 “‘M gonna go yell at that fucker,” he said, stepping over your cat, who darted in between his legs on their way to open the bedroom door and flick on the hallway light. “Move, cat.” 
 While he stomped his way to the front door, you reached across the cooling empty space to unplug your phone. You squinted at the bright screen in the former pre-dawn pitch of the room. The Ring alert was secondary to the first notification, which unraveled a series of texts from your dad, the first one from around one in the morning and the last one sent about a minute ago. 
You awake baby? 
Supposed to be bad storms tonight. Wanted to make sure your okay 
You and that damn cat of yours stay safe tonight baby call if you need anything
 Only after his first couple of texts did you realize it was indeed raining outside. And hard. 
Hey I know your asleep but a tree fell on the house 
The big oak from the backyard 
I’m inviting myself over to wait out the storm hope thats ok. 
I’m here 
Wake up open up
 Fuck. You voiced it. “Fuck,” you whispered. The big oak from the backyard? That tree was huge. It had to have messed up the house big time if your dad invited himself over. He’s always valued your privacy over anything and felt bad for even coming to hang out for a couple of hours at your apartment. You moved out of his house a few months ago, insisting that it was time you get your own place. That was the only reason you and Joel even ended up together. If you were still living with your dad, you doubted anything would have happened between you two. 
 Your eyes widened at the reminder of Joel. Bigger fuck. “Fuck,” you hissed again, your turn to throw back the covers and yank on your pajama pants. “Joel,” you called, desperation evident in your tone. “Joel, wait, don’t open the--” 
 The door. You heard the click of the locks and then the slide of the hinges. You heard Joel’s sleep-heavy, gruff voice grunt out, “Can I help you?” just as the door cracked open and you stumbled into the living room a few feet behind him. 
 Your dad stood before the door, his brows knotted in confusion at the sight of his best friend opening the door to his daughter’s apartment. At barely six in the morning. With pillow-tousled hair and no socks or shoes, pajama pants on, and your cat tucked snugly and comfortably in between his legs. Your testy and oftentimes fractious cat, who hated strangers and barely tolerated even your father. 
 “Joel?” Your dad questioned, confusion lacing his voice. His brows knit even deeper. “Joel?” he said again, more intently. “What the hell?” 
 Joel stood there, frozen, hand still on the doorknob. He seemed to be at a loss for words. In any other situation, you would laugh; Joel Miller, speechless? That was definitely a phenomenon for the books. 
 But not this situation. You stood off to the back for a second, not knowing what to do. What was the protocol for this? What were you supposed to do, to say? You saw your dad start to get angry and rushed forward, putting a hand on Joel’s chest to push him away. 
 “Dad,” you said, a little breathless. “Hey. Um. Good morning.” 
 He didn’t say anything, just stared at Joel, who stared back, face pale and unmoving. You snapped your fingers in your dad’s face to get his attention. 
 “Dad,” you said again. He looked at you this time, lips pressed tightly together. “Just come inside, it’s fuckin’ storming out there.” 
 He didn’t say anything else as you dragged him inside by his arm, closing and locking the door behind him. Joel and your dad stared at each other wordlessly while you stood off to the side, unsure how to snap the tension without everything unraveling all at once. Truly the worst case scenario. 
 The truth was, you were planning on telling your dad sometime soon. Ish. You didn’t like keeping secrets from him. Ever since your mom passed when you were young, you and your dad had always been more like best friends than anything else. Best friends that looked out for each other, rather than just your dad looking out for you. Which might have been a dynamic that a lot of people would find exhausting -- however, it just felt natural to you. He’d always said you’d been too independent for your own good. Even so, he’d teared up a bit when you moved the last box from your old room to your new apartment. 
 Joel caved first. He cleared his throat, trying to rid his voice of its sleepy gravel. “Hey, man, listen--” 
 “What the fuck, Joel?” your dad snapped. “Are you fuckin’ serious?” 
 You took a step forward, trying to get in between them. “Dad--” 
 He held up a hand to you. “Don’t. I’on want to hear it from you.” He jerked his chin towards Joel. “Wanna hear it from him.” 
 Joel lifted a hand to rub his beard, face contorted in a grimace. “What do you want me to say?” he asked. His voice sounded tight, tense. 
 “Start with what the fuck you’re doing here at six in the goddamn morning. At my daughter’s apartment. In your fuckin’ pajamas.” 
 You threw your head back with a groan. “What does it look like, Dad? He was sleeping over. C’mon, I know that’s obvious.” 
 “Why the hell were you sleeping over.” 
 Joel kept rubbing his beard. Must be a nervous tick or something. You’d never seen him nervous (before now, at least), so you wouldn’t know for sure. “I didn’t want you to find out like this,” was all he said. 
 A beat of silence. You inched your way in front of Joel, facing your dad, like you were shielding him. In a way, you were; your dad had a right to be a bit peeved, you guessed, but since you were well past the stage of “Consenting Adult” and you even had your own place, he couldn’t have much to say. 
 “I didn’t want you to, either,” you said. “I was meaning to tell you soon, I just… didn’t know how to bring it up.” When your dad said nothing, just kept glancing back and forth between Joel and you, you continued. “Dad, Joel and I have been… seeing each other. For a little bit. It’s nothing weird--” 
 “Sounds fuckin’ weird, Joel,” your dad muttered through clenched teeth, ignoring you. “She’s a fuckin’ kid--” 
 “No.” You held up a hand, scowling. “I’m not. I’m twenty-five. I’m a full-ass adult.” When he didn’t acknowledge you, you snapped again. “Look at me when I’m talkin’ to you, Dad. Not at Joel.” 
 Your dad, finally, looked at you. 
 “I’m sorry we didn’t say anything sooner, but we only been seeing each other for a couple months. Just since a little after I moved out. Nothing happened before that on either side, so don’t get weird about it like that. Please.” You held his gaze for a moment. “I didn’t know you were coming over. If I had, I wouldn’t’ve sprung this on you like this.” 
 Your dad grunted. “I texted you. About comin’ over ‘cuz of the tree.” 
 “What tree?” Joel said. 
 Your dad just stared at him. 
 “The oak in the backyard,” you explained for him after a beat of awkward silence. “It fell on the house from the storm. I didn’t see the text until just now.” 
 Joel got out a strained, “I’m sorry, man.” Your dad didn’t reply, only kept staring at his friend. “Lemme help you fix it up. Once it’s done stormin’ outside.” 
 Silence again. You rolled your eyes and turned away, heading for the linen closet in the hallway. “Dad, I’mma set up the couch for you. You been up all night.” Grabbing a spare pillow and a few blankets, you carried them over to your couch and began setting up a small pallet. 
 Behind you, Joel’s footsteps echoed down into your room, the soft pattering of your cat following. Your dad sat at the edge of the couch and watched you unfold the blankets. 
 “I’m gonna head out,” Joel said, emerging from the bedroom once more. You glanced over your shoulder at him. He had his shoes and jacket on, keys dangling from his finger. “Let y’all talk a bit. Jus’ be over at my house.” 
 You narrowed your eyes at him. His already-present frown deepened, and you decided not to press it. Not with your dad here. 
 “‘Kay,” you said. “Drive safe. It’s storming.” 
 He nodded. “I’ll call you.” 
 And then he left, your cat meowing at his absence immediately after the door closed. The scrape of the key in the lock sounded and the deadbolt clicked into place, Joel locking the door after himself. 
 Your dad turned to you with a raised brow. “I see he has a key.” 
 “God.” You threw your hands in the air. “He does.” 
 “And that damn cat seems to like him an awful lot.” 
 She did. She’d been obsessed with him since she met him. She liked him a thousand times more than she liked you; she cuddled with him at night, sat on his lap during TV or movie night, and followed him around wherever he went. If he closed the bathroom door before she joined him inside, she would sit in front of it and yowl until he opened it again. 
 “I think she likes him more than me.” You waited a beat. “What are you thinking?” 
 Your dad shook his head, hands rising to rub at his temples. “Baby, I don’t -- I’m too tired for this conversation right now. I haven’t even slept yet.” You nodded and stood up to let him get some rest, about to retire to your room and call Joel. His voice stopped you mid-motion. “He treating you right, at least?” 
 Your expression softened. “Of course he is.” You sat back down, knees touching your dad’s leg and legs folded underneath you. “It’s nothing weird, Dad. I promise.” 
 “How… how did it start? Do I even wanna know?” 
 You laughed. “Remember when I bought that Ikea furniture after I first moved in? The dresser and bookshelf?” 
 He thought for a moment. His brows lifted in recognition. “Yeah, I do.” 
 “You were out of town for a week for work. I needed them set up but didn’t have a drill. You told me to ask Joel, so I did, and we just got to talkin’. Just realized we got on pretty well.” You shrugged. “Been getting on pretty well since, I guess.” 
 Your dad nodded. “It’s gonna take me a minute to get used to this, baby. And I still gotta talk with him first, too. It’s different with me ‘n him.” 
 “Okay, Dad. I understand. Just as long as you don’t kill him or something.” You patted his shoulder, standing again. “I’m gonna go back to sleep for a bit, okay? You get some sleep, too.” 
 You retreated back to your bedroom, waiting for your cat to follow you before closing the door. As soon as you slid back into bed, you unlocked your phone and sent a text to Joel. 
u home? 
 His reply came quickly. 
Just got home
 You pressed the button to call him. He picked up on the first ring, gruff voice sounding muffled through the line. 
 “Hey, sweetheart.” 
 “Hi, Joel.” Your voice sounded small. “It’s gonna be okay, I think.” 
 “You talk to your old man?” 
 “A lil’. He’s gonna talk with you.” You paused. “I wish you didn’t leave.” 
 A sigh. “I know, honey. But it’s for the best right now. We’ll take it slow while your dad is there. Sucks about the house -- I’ll hav’ta get my guys to help patch it up once the rain’s over.” 
 You nodded before you realized he couldn’t see you. “Okay. I’m gonna sleep some more, okay?” 
 “Okay, honey. I’ll talk to you later. Sleep well.” 
 You smiled. “You too, Joel. Bye-bye.” 
 The soft beeps through the speaker indicated he hung up. You rolled onto your other side, facing the side of the bed he normally sleeps on. Your cat sat in his spot, tail flicking in irritation, eyes reflecting the soft light from in between the blinds. 
 “Shut it,” you murmured, closing your eyes. “He’ll be back with you soon.” 
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hellishjoel · 11 months
MORE OF “off to the races” RIGHT NOW 🫵🏻
A continuation from this ask, do we like the sound of off to the races? dbf/neighbor!joel makes me go awol
Your heart raced as you nearly leaped off the stool, closing the distance between you two as you stood between his legs. Your hand moved higher on his thigh, so close that you were nearly touching the leather of his belt. Your mouth returned to the sweet spot of his pulse while your injured hand reached up to the opposite side of his neck to gently hold him there.  “Joel,” you whispered his name breathlessly, asking him for more, feeling his head drop down beside yours. You feared you embarrassed yourself, he wasn’t reciprocating, he wasn’t-- The thoughts brewing in your head bubbled down to a boil as his firm arm wrapped itself low around your waist, keeping you to his front as he pulled down to look at you with a stern look on his face.. You were so fucked.  Your desperate eyes met his, trying to gauge what he thought. You hated how you looked like you wanted him so bad. He was your neighbor, your friend’s dad, but you wanted him to be something for you too.  “I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doin-”  His words made your chest go tight and your eyes filled with pure horror. What have you done?! “But you need to be the one to walk away, because I don’t think I can.” His words surprised you. He didn’t think he could walk away from you right now? Holy shit.  Your heart was pumping so hard under his watchful gaze, seeing his eyes look from yours to your parted lips. But he didn’t kiss you, you don’t think you would let him. It felt too intimate. You just didn’t want another boring summer in Danbury and you were determined to have a fling.  Who knew it would be with Joel Miller. But you wanted him. 
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mountainsandmayhem · 3 months
Masterlist - all 18+
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Little Dove (18+, Minors Do Not Interact)
After your daughters go off to college, you and Joel become empty nesters in your early 40's. The two of you take advantage of all this alone time, falling into a Sub/Dom relationship and exploring new kinks. No outbreak, these are characters in their 40's with real bodies. See each chapter for content warnings. Tags include: use of nicknames (little dove, baby, etc.), unprotected p in v, edging, bondage, spanking, consensual non consent, cum play, toys.
BDSMaid (18+ Minors, Do Not Interact)
After recently graduating from university, your best friend offers you a job cleaning luxury homes for clients you’ll never know. It’s only temporary and a good way to save money for when you go back to get your law degree. That’s what you’re promised at least. Easy. Simple. Mundane. That is, until one of your clients is home and everything that you felt was missing in your life starts to fall into place. This goes against the NDA you signed and you could get fired. Or worse, you could fall in love.
Moulin Rouge - AU (18+ Minors, Do Not Interact)
Joel takes up a job as a maintenance man at the Moulin Rouge. He's glad to finally have enough money to get by day by day, but when he sees you, the Sparkling Diamond, the whole world melts away and all that matters is you, even if you are promised to another. A/N: I'm writing this with @mermaidgirl30. She will be posting it on her account. See each chapter for content warnings. Tags include: oral, p in v, fingering, praise, use of nicknames (Darlin', baby girl, etc.), non consensual touching and misogynostic language (not by Joel).
Wings. Fire. Magic. - AU (18+ Minors, Do Not Interact)
You just needed one dragons egg, one egg and you could turn the life of you and your family around completely. But when Joel Miller captures you, it turns out that it's his life that gets turned around. See each chapter for content warnings.
One Shots
Shhh…Just A Little Bit More (DBF!Joel) Shhh...Just A Little Bit More 2 (DBF!Joel) Shhh...Just A Little Bit More 3 - Soft (DFB!Joel) Shhh...Just A Little Bit More 3 - Spicy (DFB!Joel)
Happy Easter, Joel Miller (Husband!Joel) Sunday With Your Dad's Best Friend (DBF!Joel) A Lesson In Learning (Dom!Joel) God Bless the She Devil Who Made Joel Miller (BFD!Joel) Right Person, Wrong Time (Joel Miller Fluff)
Tess’s Treasures (MFFF)
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One Shots
Wonderful Tonight Netflix & Chill Aisle Amore
Just One More, Baby
Beach Babe
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anchoeritic · 1 year
coming off anon to BEG for a dfb!pedro looking like this. u can write whatever you want but I NEED SOMETHING 😫
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ch3rryw4v3 · 11 months
Genuinely don't think I can consume anything other than dfb!joel content.
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
idk if you’re taking requests but there’s this song by nickelback called animals and oh god.. it just screams dfb! Joel. Just listen to it or even read the lyrics and… bestie go wild😵‍💫😵‍💫
Everyone say thank you to this anon because THEY are the reason I made the dbf Joel playlist. Bc they are extremely right about this. Most of Nickelback’s songs scream dbf Joel to me.
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sunduls · 4 years
Prediksi Skor – Stuttgart Vs Hamburger SV 29 Mei 2020
Sunduls.com – Prediksi skor Liga Jerman pertandingan laga ke-28 Stuttgart Vs Hamburger SV yang akan berlangsung sengit dalam Jum’at 29 Mei 2020 pukul 01:30 Wib di Stadium Mercedes-Benz-Arena.
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Head To Head Stuttgart Vs Hamburger SV 30.10.2019 Hamburger SV 1-dua Stuttgart (DFB Pokal) 26.10.2019 Hamburger SV 6-dua Stuttgart (Bundesliga 2) 31.03.2018 Stuttgart 1-1 Hamburger SV (Bundesliga) 04.11.2017 Hamburger SV 3-1 Stuttgart (Bundesliga) 31.01.2016 Stuttgart dua-1 Hamburger SV (Bundesliga)
lima Pertandingan Terakhir Stuttgart 24.05.2020 Holstein Kiel tiga-2 Stuttgart (Bundesliga 2) 17.05.2020 Wehen Wiesbaden dua-1 Stuttgart (Bundesliga dua) 10.03.2020 Stuttgart 1-1 Arminia Bielefeld (Bundesliga 2) 29.02.2020 Greuther Furth 2-0 Stuttgart (Bundesliga dua) 22.02.2020 Stuttgart dua-0 Jahn Regensburg (Bundesliga dua)
lima Pertandingan Terakhir Hamburger SV 24.05.2020 Hamburger SV 0-0 Arminia Bielefeld (Bundesliga dua) 17.05.2020 Greuther Furth 2-dua Hamburger SV (Bundesliga 2) 07.03.2020 Hamburger SV dua-1 Jahn Regensburg (Bundesliga dua) 29.02.2020 Erzgebirge Aue tiga-0 Hamburger SV (Bundesliga 2) 22.02.2020 Hamburger SV 0-2 St. Pauli (Bundesliga dua)
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Stuttgart Vs Hamburger SV Stuttgart: Gregor Kobel; Pascal Stenzel, Nathaniel Phillips, Marc Oliver Kempf, Clinton Mola, Gonzalo Castro, Wataru Endo, Philipp Förster, Silas Wamangituka, Nicólas González, Mario Gómez. Manager: Pellegrino Matarazzo.
Hamburger SV: Daniel Heuer Fernandes; Josha Vagnoman, Timo Letschert, Rick van Drongelen, Tim Leibold, Louis Schaub, Adrian Fein, Aaron Hunt, Sonny Kittel, Joel Pohjanpalo, Bakery Jatta. Manager: Dieter Hecking.
Lihat hasil Prediksi Skor>>
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
Former Man Utd defender Guillermo Varela dreaming of chance to play at Old Trafford again – for or against old side – The Sun
GUILLERMO VARELA is dreaming of a return to Manchester United – ideally as a Red Devils player. If that is not possible, he would at least like to play against his old club at the Theatre of Dreams once more. 11 Guillermo Varela would love to play at Old Trafford once more – and say thank you to the fans for their supportCredit: PA:Empics Sport11 FC Copenhagen and Manchester United are both through to the knockout stages of the Europa League this seasonCredit: Getty – ContributorEither way, he wants the chance to show the Old Trafford faithful how much they meant to him. And with his FC Copenhagen side into the Europa League knockout stages, the chances of a reunion are rising. First, the Danes must get past Celtic in the last-32 while United take on Club Brugge. Varela told SunSport: “It would be a dream to go back to Old Trafford. It would be a beautiful moment – I wait for this. “Maybe we will get drawn to play Manchester United – we don’t know. But if we do, it would be a dream. “Maybe we will meet again soon. Maybe in the Europa League, maybe in the Premier League. “I’m still only 26. I of course want to go back to the Premier League at some point. “In the future, maybe I can come back and play for Manchester United – I hope. “I would say thank you to the fans. I want to say thank you for a beautiful four years, thank you for your support.” DENMARK DELIGHT The Uruguayan arrived as a fresh-faced 20-year-old straight from his homeland in 2013 and was on the United payroll under three different managers. But unfortunately for him, it did not work out as planned and he ended up heading back to former club Penarol, almost unnoticed by most supporters. In footballing terms, it was a backwards step. But sometimes in life you have to take one step back to take two steps forward. And that is exactly what Varela is doing – taking his first step forward. He is doing it at FC Copenhagen, moving at the beginning of 2019, and is taking it alongside a few familiar faces. Former Premier League players Viktor Fischer, Dame N’Doye, Bryan Oviedo and, until his release at the end of December, Nicklas Bendtner – who decided to move back home this year – are all enjoying life at Telia Parken under former Wolves manager Stale Solbakken. I was younger so it was difficult to come to Manchester United and try to play at 19 years old – I’m not Rashford!Guillermo Varela Speaking at FC Copenhagen’s training ground in the Frederiksberg suburb to the west of the Danish capital, Varela added: “We have a good connection when we play. The Superliga is hard to play. I think it is similar to the Premier League. “I spoke to people about Copenhagen before coming here. In my country some players know Copenhagen. “Nicklas is funny, very funny. He’s good. We like him. He came in the summer. “I like the life and the people. I have some friends here which is better for me. “The weather is very difficult, though – it is very similar to Manchester, it is cold and it rains a lot.” But unlike in Manchester, Varela is one of the first names on the teamsheet. He was David Moyes’ first signing but, despite having a “good relationship” with the Scot, was not given a chance so went on loan to the Real Madrid B team where he regularly worked with Cristiano Ronaldo et al. Varela said: “I was younger so it was difficult to come to Manchester United and try to play at 20 years old – I’m not Rashford! “I was with the Castilla team under Zinedine Zidane for one year. I would train two or three times a week with the first team. It was magnificent. With Cristiano, Karim Benzema, Gareth Bale as well. “I spoke with Cristiano about Manchester United. Chicharito moved at the same time with me. We lived separately but he was very helpful.” 11 The right-back was David Moyes’ first signing at Manchester United but things did not work out as plannedCredit: Getty – Contributor11 Varela is enjoying himself in Copenhagen, both on and off the field, after coming back from Penarol at the beginning of 2019Credit: Getty – Contributor11 Varela will always be grateful for ‘crazy’ Louis van Gaal who gave him his 11 United appearancesCredit: AFP or licensorsSpanish-speaker Juan Mata was particularly accommodating as Varela settled back in Manchester and was finally given his chances under “crazy” Louis van Gaal – 11 chances to be precise. Those 11 appearances for the Red Devils all came in a three-month spell in the 2015/16 season, starting with a 0-0 draw at home to West Ham in the December and ending when Philippe Coutinho got the better of him in the Europa League last 16. Varela has no regrets over the Coutinho goal – “it is football” – but instead looks back fondly on his brief run in the senior side. He said: “Van Gaal gave me the chance to play so I have to say thank you. He is a crazy coach. He was always angry with the players but it was good. I enjoyed it. “I played 11 matches. I enjoyed every single one. I played one game in the Champions League, I played in the Europa League. “Playing for Manchester United is amazing. Of course, it was a dream. MAN UTD NEWS LIVE: Follow for all the latest on the Red Devils “Growing up, it was always about Manchester United, ahead of Real Madrid and Barcelona, because of Diego Forlan playing there. So for a player from Uruguay, it was a dream to play for Manchester United. He was my hero. “But I had to play more. At Manchester United, playing only one or two games a month was not good. I had to play every game and at Manchester United that was difficult.” Van Gaal’s time at Manchester United ended two days after winning the FA Cup – and with the Dutchman’s sacking, Varela’s Old Trafford career was over too. Jose Mourinho came in but after just a month in pre-season together, Varela was back out on loan, this time to Eintracht Frankfurt. Things started well in Germany but a serious left ankle injury meant he missed eight months of action. TATT WAS A BIG MISTAKE Frankfurt reached the DFB-Pokal Cup final against Borussia Dortmund but Varela hit the headlines for his off-field antics, specifically with a tattoo and an angry Niko Kovac. Reports he missed the final due to the tattoo causing an infection were false, but the heavily-inked Varela happily opened up to give his version of events. He explained: “I got a tattoo at the top of my back on my neck. It was during my injury, while I was not playing, about three months before the final in May. “[Manager] Niko Kovac said to me, ‘I don’t want you to get any more tattoos.’ “I said, ‘Why? I’m injured…’ “He said, ‘Yes, I know but you have to respect the players and the staff.’ “I said, ‘Okay, I understand but I am injured.’ Then when I started to play again I got this one done on my arm [a woman’s face]. “He said to me, ‘No, no, no. You stop here because we have the final in one week and I told you before you have to finish with your tattoos so now you are out.’ 11 Varela sat down with SunSport reporter Joshua Jones at the FC Copenhagen training groundCredit: Joel Dugdale11 His final game for the Red Devils was a 1-1 draw with Liverpool in the Europa League as Philippe Coutinho scoredCredit: AFP – Getty11 The Uruguay international missed much of his season on loan with Eintracht Frankfurt through injury – then was not allowed to play in the DFB-Pokal Cup finalCredit: Getty – Contributor
“I didn’t get infected, that’s not true. It was just because I got it.” Varela can smile about it two-and-a-half years on, largely because he has put it all behind him as he resurrects his career in Denmark. Now he wants to make a more permanent mark by returning to England, proving himself in the Premier League and going some way to finishing his unfinished business from his time at Manchester United. 11 It was the inking of the woman’s face on his arm that landed Varela in trouble with Niko KovacCredit: Joel Dugdale11 Varela got this tattoo at the top of his back during his injury lay-off while on loan at Eintracht FrankfurtCredit: Joel Dugdale11 Varela played twice for Uruguay at the 2018 World Cup as his country reached the quarters, losing to FranceCredit: Getty – Contributor
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/former-man-utd-defender-guillermo-varela-dreaming-of-chance-to-play-at-old-trafford-again-for-or-against-old-side-the-sun/
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torentialtribute · 5 years
JERMAINE JENAS: Spurs should play Harry Kane for 30 mins against Liverpool
Harry Kane will start the Champions League final in Madrid on Saturday. I just can't envision him not walking out with the team at the Wanda Metropolitano as part of the starting XI.
However, I don't think he should start. There is no way he will be 100 per cent fit. By which I mean his conditioning and sharpness will not be at their best. He may be able to run unrestricted, but that's not the same.
I know he scored six in the first seven games back from injury earlier this year, including in the first game against Burnley
Harry Kane, pictured in Tottenham training this week, is likely to start against Liverpool
But for a game of this magnitude I think Spurs need to pick their moment to use him. There was a rhythm to pretty much every big game I played in. The game starts at a hundred miles an hour when everyone is fresh and quick. In that period, you don't get much space.
When you get into the next 30 minutes, people are tiring and stepping back a little. However, when you hit the hour mark, gaps start to appear as fatigue begins. Gaps between midfield and defense become bigger. And, crucially, this is the period of the game that is usually decisive.
If I were Mauricio Pochettino, I would use Lucas Moura and Son Heung-min to run the center-halves to death, pulling them into the channels as much as possible. Those two have proved they can score goals and how dangerous they are.
Then, as the hour approaches, you can deploy Kane, either replacing Moura or Son, or, if you are chasing the game, you can leave them all on. If you play it that way, you're saying to Harry: 'Give me everything you have for half an hour (or more if extra time). You shouldn't have to worry about the injury. Go out there and be as intense as you want to be. ' Which is Harry Kane at his best.
Do you get the better of Virgil van Dijk when you're not 100 per cent? Wait until the fatigues a bit and even up the odds. In that final half-hour, the last thing Joel Matip and Van Dijk want to see is a fresh Harry Kane coming on.
When Harry Kane returned from injury, in February, after a month out, he still ran further and produced more sprints than his Premier League average for the season.
However, that was against Burnley and not a Champions League final vs. Liverpool!
Kane in action against Burnley during Tottenha m's 2-1 defeat at Turf Moor in February
Who can stop Trent and Andy show?
There is no doubt the battle of the full backs will be crucial. Those assist stats from Trent Alexander-Arnold and Andy Robertson are phenomenal. And Tottenham must be ready for them. The last time they played in March, when Tottenham lost in the last minute to Toby Alderweireld's own goal from Hugo Lloris's error, is a case in point.
In the first half, Spurs played a back three as Kieran Trippier and Danny Rose ended up deep in a back five. That can't happen again. Even if it's a back four, they need to get high up the pitch and get in the faces of Alexander-Arnold and Robertson.
I would have no worries about Rose. In the second half of the season, he's up with Moussa Sissoko as Spurs' best player. Trippier has had a lot or stick after his extraordinary World Cup. He didn't have the best game in the first leg against Ajax and was at fault for one of the second-leg goals.
But I've been there when you're playing injured. He could just tell the manager he's not really fit and hide. But he's not done that. Kieran has dug in all year, put himself out there even though his groin clearly isn't right.
But he will have had three weeks to get right since the end of the season. In the second half at Ajax, when he played a lot higher, you saw the best of him. Tottenham will need that.
Liverpool full backs Trent Alexander-Arnold (right) and Andy Robertson are phenomenal
Winks the middle man to close down Firmino
The decisions on Harry Winks and Roberto Firmino are simpler: both must play. Spurs don't have any other midfielder who covers the ground like Winks.
There is a tactical need for his mobility. In the Premier League, 42 per cent of Liverpool's assists have come from Trent Alexander-Arnold and Andy Robertson at full-back. So Spurs will have to ask Danny Rose and Kieran Trippier to play aggressively high up the pitch, if they did in the September meeting between the sides even though they lost, and keep Alexander-Arnold and Robertson occupied. That will leave Jan Vertonghen and Toby Alderweireld to deal with Liverpool's front three – so they will need help from Winks and Moussa Sissoko in midfield.
I expect Firmino to play because, well though Divock Origi did against Barcelona, ​​the Brazilian offers so much more. The dynamic of the team is so much better with his aggressive pressing but, as well as being a scorer, he drops deep to link up play. And when he drifts into those deeper areas, that's exactly when you want the mobility of Winks to close him down.
Harry Winks, 23, could play a crucial role for Tottenham in midfield in Madrid on June 1
Winks may be tasked with keeping tabs on Roberto Firmino, who likes to drop deep into space
Pressure's all on Klopp
October 22, 2017 probably saw the worst performance from a Jurgen Klopp team since he came to England. That was the day Tottenham beat them 4-1 at Wembley.
That day Liverpool's back five was Simon Mignolet, Joe Gomez, Dejan Lovren, Joel Matip and Alberto Moreno. That tells you destiny. Only one of those is likely to start in Madrid and Matip has really stepped up his game since playing alongside Virgil van Dijk: no coincidence that, or course. Liverpool have gone from conceding 50 goals in the season Klopp arrived, to 42 in his first full season, to 38 in 2017-18 and now 22 this season. Even in 18 months they have improved hugely.
Still, that afternoon will give Mauricio Pochettino hope. That was Spurs at their best: pressing high, getting in your face and combining that all with superb technique. The duel between these two mangers, both absolutely at the top of their game and among the top coaches in the world, is intriguing. The biggest compliment I could give them both, is that the biggest players from all around the world because to play for them
Or course there is that old line about not them having won anything in England. Well, Klopp won the Bundesliga twice and the DFB Cup in Germany. And we all know about the financial limitations Pochettino works within.
Kane scored twice as Spurs thrashed Liverpool 4-1 at Wembley Stadium on October 22, 2017
Look at culture both have been created at their clubs. That's a rare gift only to have the greats. Because of the charisma they have, their clubs are exciting and welcoming places to be. A big part of that is the way they play: high-risk, high-tempo and with plenty of goals and flair. There is nothing not to like. It certainly feels like football has moved along the way since the AC Milan – Juventus Champions League final at Old Trafford in 2003 which ended 0-0. I don't see that in Madrid!
Both of these coaches have the crucial combination of tactical and emotional intelligence. A lot or coaches have one but not the other. The best have both. Of course, you would lean towards Liverpool, given their league form and their experience last year. They will want to put that right and maybe have the extra determination to do so. But maybe there is a reason why Klopp's team have lost six consecutive finals. Certainly there will be more pressure on them.
Tottenham are going into the unknown. They can be fearless and play with freedom. After getting just one point form their first three games, after needing PSV to win and that late Lucas Moura equalizer at Barcelona, ​​after seeing Raheem Sterling's late goal ruled out by VAR at Manchester City and after that extraordinary comeback at Ajax, they certainly have something to draw in the difficult moments of the match
They will face tough times, when they are not getting ball, when they are under pressure and maybe they are a goal down. That's when you look at each other and say. "Come on! We've created miracles. We've come too far. We've had too many extraordinary moments to lose now. ”
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp, pictured in Marbelli this week, will be under pressure on June 1
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
Opinion: Jurgen Klopp should target genius deal for 6'4" colossus after Dejan Lovren injury blow
Jurgen Klopp may have rubbished the suggestion that injuries will cause a panic-buying spree in the January window, but it should tempt the German to sign another centre-back and Mats Hummels is the answer.
What’s the word?
TalkSPORT pushed the Reds boss to see if Klopp would look to the market to strengthen his side, noting the injury Dejan Lovren sustained in Liverpool’s shock FA Cup defeat to Wolverhampton Wanderers.
The Croat lasted five minutes at Molineux before he limped off, leaving 16-year-old Ki-Jana Hoever to make his debut alongside Fabinho in a makeshift partnership.
Klopp is already without the services of Joe Gomez and Joel Matip, and if the German head coach opts not to strengthen he would risk throwing Liverpool’s best shot at a first Premier League title away.
It was clear in the FA Cup that Fabinho will not offer a top-class substitute in the heart of defence alongside Virgil van Dijk, so the 51-year-old from Stuttgart should look to a 30-year-old from Bergisch Gladbach as the answer, that being 6ft 4in colossus Hummels.
Who has the loudest fans in Europe? PSG certainly state their claim in the video below…
Could it happen?
It would be a difficult move for Klopp to pull off, especially on a permanent basis, but the German is not featuring regularly for Bayern Munich under Niko Kovac so a loan deal may solve everyone’s problems.
Hummels and Klopp worked wonders together while at Borussia Dortmund, clinching two Bundesliga titles and the DFB Pokal, before parting ways in 2015 when the boss left for pastures new – ultimately ending up at Anfield.
The BVB captain stuck around at the Westfalenstadion for an extra year before joining rivals Bayern Munich, but has recorded just eight league starts this season – featuring a further four times in the Champions League and once in the DFB Pokal.
Instead, Kovac has relied on the future of Bayern’s defence Niklas Sule and former Manchester City flop Jerome Boateng, leaving Hummels in an unusual situation as a backup.
The £36million-rated ace would prove the difference on Merseyside between a title going begging for Liverpool and a 19th top-tier trophy, with the 70-cap international the ideal ball-playing centre-back.
Hummels and Klopp also continue to share a special relationship, highlighted when the 30-year-old Tweeted in his direction upon their respective clubs drawing each other in the Champions League.
I ? u my former coach ?
— Mats Hummels (@matshummels) December 17, 2018
from FootballFanCast.com http://bit.ly/2VGfECE via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2sfXB8Y via IFTTT
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jordstyle · 6 years
Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Schalke Live-Streaming: Online anschauen, Vorschau, Vorhersage & amp; Chancen
90 ‚+ 1‘ ‚ Spiel beendet
Filip Kosti? Taleb Tawatha 89 ‚
Gélson Fernandes Marc Stendera 86 ‚
82 ‚ Breel Embolo Amine Harit
Luka Jovi? Mijat Ga?inovi? 80 ‚
Sébastien Haller 79 ‚
72 ‚ Salif Sané
Luka Jovi? 71 ‚
63 ‚ Suat Serdar Weston McKennie
Luka Jovi? 59 ‚
52 ‚ Mark Uth Yevhen Konoplyanka
31 ‚ Nabil Bentaleb
Filip Kosti?
Gélson Fernandes
Luka Jovi?
Breel Embolo
Mark Uth
Suat Serdar
Marc Stendera
Mijat Ga?inovi?
Taleb Tawatha
Amine Harit
Weston McKennie
Yevhen Konoplyanka
Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Schalke Live-Streaming: Spieldetails
Wenn Sie online gegen Eintracht Frankfurt vs Schalke schauen möchten, folgen Sie bitte den Live-Streaming-Anweisungen.
Spiel: Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Schalke
Wettbewerb: Deutschland Bundesliga I
Datum: 11-11-2018
Anstoßzeit: 17:00 Uhr (britische Zeit)
Watch Schalke vs Eintracht Frankfurt Live Streaming über The Bet365 Live Streaming Service.
Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Schalke Live-Streaming: Spielvorschau
Schalkes letzter Sieg in der Commerzbank Arena kam in der Saison 2009/10. Joel Matip und Ivan Rakitic gehörten an diesem Nachmittag zu den Torschützen der 1-4.
Seitdem hat Frankfurt sieben Spiele ohne Niederlage gegen Schalke bestritten. Der Lauf umfasst vier Unentschieden und drei knappe Siege mit 1: 0.
Sie kommen auch in guter Form ins Spiel, da sie in den letzten 5 Spielen der Bundesliga nicht besiegt sind.
Ihre letzten Spiele waren tendenziell hoch mit über 2,5 Toren in 5 der letzten 6 Heimspiele. In den letzten drei Auswärtsspielen von Schalke in der Bundesliga gab es dagegen weniger als 2,5 Tore.
Sébastien Haller dürfte für jeden Sieg für Frankfurt entscheidend sein. Er hat 7 Tore in dieser Saison, 5 Tore und 3 Vorlagen in seinen letzten 4 Spielen in allen Wettbewerben.
Eintracht Frankfurt: – Mijat Gacinovic (Verletzung), Goncalo Paciencia (Torn Meniscus), Marco Russ (Verletzung), Chico Geraldes (Rückenverletzung), Lucas Torró (Pubitis), Carlos Salcedo (Syndesmotischer Ligamentriss), Timothy Chandler (Knieverletzung)
FC Schalke 04: – Cedric Teuchert (Probleme mit dem Hüftbeuger), Ralf Fährmann (Leistenstrang), Hamza Mendyl (Knöchelverletzung), Bastian Oczipka (Leistenoperation)
101 Great Goals sagt voraus: Eintracht Frankfurt 3 – Schalke 2
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Bet365 zeigt jedes einzelne Spiel der Bundesliga im Verlauf der Saison, auch dieses Wochenende. Und sie streamen auch die Bundesliga II und den DFB-Pokal.
Watch Schalke vs Eintracht Frankfurt Live Streaming über The Bet365 Live Streaming Service.
Der Beitrag Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Schalke Live-Streaming: Online anschauen, Vorschau, Vorhersage & amp; Chancen erschien zuerst auf XBET.TIPS.
Source: https://www.xbet.tips/eintracht-frankfurt-gegen-schalke-live-streaming-online-anschauen-vorschau-vorhersage-amp-chancen/
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anchoeritic · 1 year
Idk if this is stupid but I was reading your Joel fics (love them btw, holy shit) and I saw dfb!joel in the title and I cannot figure out what it means 😭
Ik I’m being slow but it’s been 20min and I cannot think of anything. It’s also super fucking late and I’m sleep deprived so sorry I’m advanced!
Ps: A little birdie told me that you should keep it up with the possessive!joel fics (you didn’t hear this from me)
thank you so much, sweetie!! i appreciate your love sm. you’re not slow andnsjs i’m just too lazy to write out the whole name. dbf means dad’s best friend <3
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earnyourbacon · 7 years
erzählt von Sebastian S.
Vor drei Jahren bin ich zum ersten Mal beim Mammutmarsch an den Start gegangen. Damals musste ich nach 50 km aufgeben. Damit hat mich der Ehrgeiz gepackt. Das muss doch zu schaffen sein… letztes Jahr kam dann die Enttäuschung. Der Marsch wurde abgebrochen, da war ich gerade mal bei km 59. Zum Glück fand sich eine kleine sehr nette Gruppe, die den Abbruch nicht auf sich sitzen lassen konnte, wodurch die 100km doch noch erreicht werden konnten. Doch bei aller Freude, die 100 km geschafft zu haben, war ich doch nicht richtig glücklich. Offiziell hatte  ich das Ziel nicht erreicht. Somit war sofort klar: 2017 wird der Mammutmarsch auf jeden Fall bezwungen.
Die Vorbereitungen dafür starteten dieses Jahr schon sehr früh. Schon im Januar bezwang ich bei der “Polarnacht” die ersten 50km. Ab da ging es über die nächsten Monate konstant weiter. Allerdings fragte ich mich jeden frühen Samstagmorgen, den ich mich zum Training aus dem Bett quälte, wofür ich das eigentlich gerade mache. Um es mir zu beweisen? Nein, das habe ich schon geschafft! Für die Urkunde, die irgendwo verstaubt? Definitiv nicht! So kam ich mit Nina und Joel darauf, das ganze einem anderen Zweck zu widmen. Denn es ist ein enormes Privileg, sich freiwillig dafür entscheiden zu können, einfach mal aus Spaß an einem Wochenende zu versuchen, 100km zu Fuß zu gehen. Viele würden alles dafür geben. Man kann zwar mit Geld nicht direkt die Welt retten, aber man kann die wichtige humanitäre Arbeit von NGO´s unterstützen. So entstand dann recht schnell der Gedanke, den Marsch zu einem Spendenlauf zu gestalten und damit die Arbeit von “Ärzte ohne Grenzen” zu unterstützen. Einen Monat vor dem Mammutmarsch war es dann so weit, das Training war erfolgreich abgeschlossen (sogar mit dem “Turmdiplom” zertifiziert) und die Spendenaktion lief erfolgreich an.
Am 27.05.2017 kam dann der große Tag. Am Abend vorher entstand auch bei mir langsam Aufregung, Vorfreude und eine gewisse Angst vor der langen Strecke an einem der heißesten Wochenenden des Jahres. Mit einem mal wieder viel zu schweren Rucksack, ging es mit Joel zusammen los Richtung Erkner. Ein kurzer Zwischenstopp musste noch an der Seestraße gemacht werden, um noch Kumpir essen zu können und gestärkt starten zu können. In der glühenden Hitze ging es mit der Bahn nach Erkner. Dort saß schon ein Teil unserer “EarnYourBacon”-Gruppe. Wir meldeten uns an und holten unser T-Shirt ab. Als kleine Überraschung für die TeilnehmerInnen des letzten Jahres gab es zusätzlich einen “returning hero” Mammutmarsch Sportbeutel, inklusiver Getränkemarken für Kaffee an den Versorgungspunketen. Jetzt stand nur noch das obligatorische Gruppenfoto an, dann kann es los gehen, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.
Nach einer kurzen Ansprache vom Veranstalter, in der er unsere Gruppe als Ehrengäste erwähnte, ging es dann tatsächlich um 16:15 Uhr endlich los. Am Start liefen so viele Menschen durcheinander, dass es schwierig war sich nicht zu verlieren. Die ersten 16 km vergingen wie im Fluge. Am Strandbad Müggelsee war der erste Versorgungspunkt. Hier wurde aber nur kurz das Wasser aufgefüllt, eine Banane gegessen und das Klo aufgesucht und schon ging es weiter. Durch die kurze Pause gelang es uns, etwas aus dem Chaos von vielen Menschen heraus zu kommen. Da es nun schon 20 Uhr war und das DFB Pokalfinale parallel lief, suchten wir uns einen Radiosender, um es wenigstens akustisch miterleben zu können. So liefen wir die nächsten 90 Minuten und merkten gar nicht, wie die Kilometer flogen und wir uns nun zu viert (Joel, Sascha, Jan und ich) immer weiter von den anderen absetzten. Um uns herum nun kaum noch bekannte Gesichter. Mit der nun einbrechenden Dunkelheit wurde es dann doch allmählich kühler. In T-Shirt und kurzer Hose konnte es nicht mehr weiter gehen. So waren wir zu einer Umziehpause gezwungen. Sonst wären wir vermutlich durchgelaufen zum nächsten Versorgungspunkt bei Kilometer 44. Dort angekommen trafen wir dann doch einige bekannte Gesichter. Nach und nach wurden es immer mehr. Mir war allerdings um die Zeit nicht wirklich nach Essen und so wirklich schmecken wollte mir auch nichts. Ich versuchte so viel wie möglich in mich reinzustopfen, mein Körper würde es brauchen. Den anderen ging es ähnlich und so zog unsere vierer Truppe recht bald wieder weiter.
  Es war nun spät in der Nacht, ich war durchaus schon etwas müde und nicht mehr für Kommunikation zu haben. Es war also die Zeit gekommen, Podcasts zu hören. So liefen wir recht stille weiter durch die dunklen Wälder und merkten nur daran, dass wir immer mehr Menschen überholten, dass unsere Laufgeschwindigkeit immer und immer schneller wurde. Gegen 4 Uhr hatten wir dann auch schon den nächsten Verpflegungspunkt bei Kilometer 59 erreicht. Hier gab es eine leckere Kartoffelsuppe und Kaffee und dann ging es auch direkt wieder weiter, denn für lange Pausen war es zu der Zeit zu kalt. Beim Loslaufen sagten wir uns noch, dass wir den nun kommenden Abschnitt etwas ruhiger angehen wollen. Doch kaum erblickten wir die ersten Sonnenstrahlen hatten wir dieses Vorhaben offensichtlich schon wieder vergessen.
So ging es schnellen Schrittes durch die Märkische-Schweiz, die sich vermutlich nur im flachen Brandenburg “Schweiz” nennen darf. Langsam machte sich die Geschwindigkeit bei Joel durch Kniebeschwerden bemerkbar. Zum Glück waren es nur noch wenige Kilometer zum nächsten Pausenpunkt (74km). Diesen erreichten wir auch noch vor 7 Uhr. Hier war zu unserem Glück Santosh als Helfer eingeteilt, denn der Rucksack war von Anfang an viel zu schwer und mit unnötigem Gepäck bestückt. Dies konnte ich nun alles endlich abladen. Kurz bevor wir weiter wollten kam, Steve angelaufen. Er hatte seine Gruppe zurück gelassen und wollte sich nun uns anschließen, in der Hoffnung in seiner Geschwindigkeit unterwegs zu sein (wer Steve kennt, weiß, dass niemand so schnell läuft wie er). Wir liefen also zunächst zu fünft weiter.
Die nächsten Kilometer waren die Hölle. Nicht wegen der zuvor gelaufenen Kilometer oder der Wegbeschaffenheit, sondern wegen der Millionen Mücken. Trotz aufkommender Hitze lief ich weiter in langärmliger Kleidung, Kapuze über den Kopf gezogen und wild mit den Armen wedelnd durch die wäldliche Moorlandschaft. Erst als es endgültig zu warm war und wir das Mückengebiet weit hinter uns gelassen hatten, traute ich mich in kurze Kleidung zu wechseln. Am besten hätte ich mich allerdings den Nudisten anschließen sollen, denn jetzt wo die Sonne richtig am Himmel stand wurde es enorm heiß. Zu unserem Pech war bei Kilometer 90 auch noch jeglicher Baum verschwunden.
Die nächsten Kilometer, gefühlt weitere 100, führten uns immer weiter gerade aus an der Hauptstraße entlang Richtung Gusow. Einen kleinen Lichtblick gab es noch mal bei 92km. Wir waren uns erst nicht sicher ob es eine Fatamorgana war oder ob wir wirklich in der Ferne eine Tankstelle erblickten. Zum Glück spielten unsere Sinne uns keinen Streich und wir wurden mit Eis beglückt. Gestärkt waren wir bereit für die letzten 8 Kilometer auf der “Straße der Hölle” wie sie so nett getauft wurde. Auf einem Straßenschild war das nächste Dorf in 4km angekündigt. Als wir dieses erreichten, durfte es nach meiner Rechnung nur noch 4km bis zum Ziel sein. Da sprach uns eine Frau vor ihrem Haus an, was denn die ganzen komischen Leute in ihrem Dorf wollten, als ich ihr sagte was wir hier suchten, versuchte sie uns zu motivieren mit den Worten “zum Bahnhof sind es nur noch 6km”, worauf ihre Freundin nett ergänzte “naja ein paar mehr sind das schon noch”.
Das Problem zeigte sich als ich auf mein Handy schaute und sah, dass die beiden recht haben sollten. Es waren nicht wie ich dachte nur noch 4km sondern doch noch über 6km, wie frustrierend… Naja es half ja alles nichts es musste weiter gehen. Die Schmerzen in den Füßen wurden zwar doch nun immer stärker, aber an aufgeben konnte ich sicherlich nicht denken. Es ging immer weiter geradeaus und das nächste Dorf wollte sich einfach nicht nähern. Ich beschloss, nicht mehr weiter auf mein Handy und die Navigation zu achten, sondern einfach nur noch zu laufen. Am Straßenrand standen nun immer wieder nette Menschen, die uns anfeuerten. Ein Pärchen, das am Vorabend auch zum Mammutmarsch angetreten war, aber aufgegeben hatte, fuhr mit seinem Auto immer ein Stück weiter voraus, um immer wieder anzufeuern. Das konnte die Schmerzen zwar nicht lindern, die Strecke verkürzen konnten sie leider auch nicht, aber die Motivation hoch halten und die Laune verbessern definitiv und dafür bin ich allen auf die letzten Kilometern dankbar! Ich wusste aus dem letzten Jahr, dass die letzten Kilometer sehr grauenvoll sein können und wie es ist, wenn man die 100km Marke erreicht hat, aber das Ziel noch weiter entfernt ist. Aber hatte das wohl etwas verdrängt.
Die Freude Gusow erreicht zu haben wurde schnell getrübt dadurch, dass das Ziel auch bei 100km noch einen Kilometer entfernt war. Nach jeder Kurve dachten wir, wir seien da und wurden enttäuscht. Irgendwann war es dann doch so weit. Wir bogen um die Ecke und da stand schon das Veranstalterteam und erwartete die Ankömmlinge lautstark! Nur noch wenige Meter zur offiziellen Ziellinie… Schnell die Konfettikanone aus dem Rucksack gekramt und dann zu viert unter Konfettiregen und Applaus der umstehenden Zuschauer die Ziellinie überqueren! Geschafft, 101 Kilometer in 21 Stunden!
Hinter dem Ziel warteten schon einige TeilnehmerInnen, unter ihnen auch Ingo und Steve. Beim Abholen der Urkunde erfuhren wir, dass bisher erst 32 Personen vor uns das Ziel erreicht hatten. Von 1250, die sich 2017 der Herausforderung gestellt haben, schafften es dieses Jahr 282 ins Ziel. Hinter dem Ziel saßen wir nun gemütlich im Schatten und warteten auf die nachfolgenden EarnYourBacons. Dank Santosh konnten wir die Wartezeit mit einem schönen Bierchen überbrücken. Im Laufe der nächsten Stunde wuchs unsere Gruppe immer weiter an, unsere Vorbereitung zeigte großen Erfolg! Nach ein paar Minuten des Ausruhens ging es mir auch schon wieder viel besser und Laufen ging auch wieder ganz gut aber ich sagte mir: Das war’s, nie wieder! Jetzt ist fast eine Woche vergangen und ich freue mich schon auf die 100km auf der Horizontalen rund um Jena am 09. Juni 2017.[:]
[:de]Mammutmarsch 2017 – Alle guten Dinge sind drei![:] [:de] erzählt von Sebastian S. Vor drei Jahren bin ich zum ersten Mal beim Mammutmarsch an den Start gegangen.
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frontzecker · 7 years
Nach gutem Start weitgehend abgetaucht: Sebastian Maier © ImagoMit 38 Punkten aus den ersten 20 Spielen liegt Hannover 96 auf dem zweiten Platz und damit zahlenmäßig voll im Soll. Bei genauerer Betrachtung fällt aber gerade im neuen Jahr auf, dass die Niedersachsen keinen guten Fußball spielen und nicht wie ein echtes Spitzenteam auftreten.Die beiden Heimsiege gegen den 1. FC Kaiserslautern (1:0) und nun am Montag gegen den VfL Bochum (2:1) waren jeweils eher glücklich und dazwischen setzte es eine herbe 1:4-Pleite bei der SpVgg Greuther Fürth sowie das Aus im DFB-Pokal gegen Eintracht Frankfurt (1:2).Problemzonen gibt es in der Mannschaft von Trainer Daniel Stendel einige, wobei die Außenverteidigerpositionen schon länger als Schwachstellen ausgemacht worden sind, aber dennoch im Winter auf Nachbesserungen verzichtet wurde. Die bereits 24 Gegentore sind auch kein Ruhmesblatt, haben doch neun Ligarivalen weniger Gegentreffer zugelassen. Am meisten Sorgen bereitet im Moment aber das vermeintliche Prunkstück – die Offensive, die mit 35 Toren gemeinsam mit dem VfB Stuttgart und dem 1. FC Nürnberg die beste der Liga ist.Nur auf Martin Harnik ist VerlassAbgesehen von Martin Harnik, der einigermaßen verlässlich trifft, sind alle Offensivkräfte nicht in bester Verfassung. Insbesondere über die Flügel kommt derzeit wenig, weil Felix Klaus und Noah-Joel Sarenren-Bazee nach ihrer Form suchen. Und als Sturmpartner von Harnik konnten sich bislang weder Niclas Füllkrug noch Kenan Karaman und Artur Sobiech empfehlen.Möglicherweise auch deshalb, weil es den Spitzen schlichtweg an brauchbaren Zuspielen fehlt, die zwangsläufig nicht kommen, wenn die Außen nur wenig Akzente setzen, da das zentrale Mittelfeld mit Manuel Schmiedebach und Marvin Bakalorz mit Spielern besetzt ist, die viel laufen und arbeiten, aber sicher keine Kreativgeister darstellen.Seit dem elften Spieltag nicht mehr im EinsatzNicht wenige im Umfeld von 96 fragen sich daher, warum mit Sebastian Maier einer der kreativsten Spieler im Kader nahezu völlig außen vor ist. Im aktuell praktizierten 4-4-2 gibt es dessen bevorzugte Zehner-Position zwar nicht, doch eine Umstellung auf 4-2-3-1 wäre vielleicht eine Option, um wieder mehr Schwung ins Offensivspiel zu bekommen. Dass Maier grundsätzlich die Fähigkeiten dazu hat, als Spielmacher eine bestimmende Rolle zu spielen, hat der Neuzugang vom FC St. Pauli an den ersten beiden Spieltagen mit zwei Toren und einer Vorlage gezeigt.Danach verlor Maier schnell seinen Platz und kam seit dem 11. Spieltag nicht einmal mehr als Joker zum Zug. Ändert sich daran in den nächsten Wochen nichts, dürfte sich der 23-Jährige im Sommer anderweitig orientieren.Steigt Hannover trotz nicht immer überzeugender Leistungen auf? Jetzt wetten!Quelle: Liga-Zwei.deLink: http://ift.tt/2koxdrX via /r/fcsp
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trevorbmccalli · 7 years
Afrika-Cup beginnt – Aubameyangs Titeljagd: Tickets gibt es für 75 Cent
Die verpasste Titelverteidigung von Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (27) bei der Wahl zu Afrikas Fußballer des Jahres passt zur derzeitigen Stimmung in Gabun: Die Wirtschaftskrise und die politische Unzufriedenheit haben das Ausrichterland des Afrika-Cups fest im Griff. Die Verantwortlichen hoffen, dass die Nationalmannschaft schon beim Eröffnungsspiel am Samstag gegen Guinea-Bissau von den Problemen ablenkt.
Dieses Mal will das Team um den Dortmunder Superstar weiterkommen als 2012. Damals schied Gabun als Co-Ausrichter im Viertelfinale gegen Mali mit 4:5 im Elfmeterschießen aus. Zu den Favoriten gehören Aubameyang und Gabun aber nicht. Titelverteidiger Elfenbeinküste mit Eric Bailly (Manchester United), Senegal mit Sadio Mané (FC Liverpool), Algerien mit dem neuen Fußballer des Jahres Riyad Mahrez (Leicester City) oder Ghana mit Abdul Baba (Schalke 04) werden die größten Chancen eingeräumt.
Bei Ghana gibt es aber schon vor dem Start Zoff. Die Stars beharren auf einer Prämie von 9500 Euro pro Sieg, der Verband will aber nur 7600 Euro zahlen. Freuen darf sich dagegen Simbabwe, das nach fünf Jahren endlich wieder einen Sponsor präsentieren kann. Ein Mobilfunkanbieter spült 240 000 Euro in die Kasse.
Der afrikanische Fußballverband versüßt den Sieg mit einer Prämie von knapp 3,8 Mio. Euro. Zum Vergleich: Das DFB-Team strich für den Erfolg bei der Weltmeisterschaft 2014 25,7 Mio. Euro von der Fifa ein.
Die Gruppen beim Afrika-Cup im Überblick
Gruppe A
14. Januar 2017 17:00 Libreville Gabun – Guinea-Bissau 14. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Burkina Faso – Kamerun 18. Januar 2017 17:00 Libreville Gabun – Burkina Faso 18. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Kamerun – Guinea-Bissau 22. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Kamerun – Gabun 22. Januar 2017 20:00 Franceville Guinea-Bissau – Burkina Faso
vorheriges Element nächstes Element
Gruppe A  
14. Januar 2017 17:00 Libreville Gabun – Guinea-Bissau 14. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Burkina Faso – Kamerun 18. Januar 2017 17:00 Libreville Gabun – Burkina Faso 18. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Kamerun – Guinea-Bissau 22. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Kamerun – Gabun 22. Januar 2017 20:00 Franceville Guinea-Bissau – Burkina Faso
  Gruppe B  
15. Januar 2017 17:00 Franceville Algerien – Simbabwe 15. Januar 2017 20:00 Franceville Tunesien – Senegal 19. Januar 2017 17:00 Franceville Algerien – Tunesien 19. Januar 2017 20:00 Franceville Senegal – Simbabwe 23. Januar 2017 20:00 Franceville Senegal – Algerien 23. Januar 2017 20:00 Libreville Simbabwe – Tunesien
  Gruppe C  
16. Januar 2017 17:00 Oyem Elfenbeinküste – Togo 16. Januar 2017 20:00 Oyem DR Kongo – Marokko 20. Januar 2017 17:00 Oyem Elfenbeinküste – DR Kongo 20. Januar 2017 20:00 Oyem Marokko – Togo 24. Januar 2017 20:00 Oyem Marokko – Elfenbeinküste 24. Januar 2017 20:00 Port-Gentil Togo – DR Kongo
  Gruppe D  
17. Januar 2017 17:00 Port-Gentil Ghana – Uganda 17. Januar 2017 20:00 Port-Gentil Mali – Ägypten 21. Januar 2017 17:00 Port-Gentil Ghana – Mali 21. Januar 2017 20:00 Port-Gentil Ägypten – Uganda 25. Januar 2017 20:00 Port-Gentil Ägypten – Ghana 25. Januar 2017 20:00 Oyem Uganda – Mali
  Aus der Bundesliga sind neben Aubameyang und Baba noch fünf weitere Spieler dabei: Herthas Salomon Kalou (Elfenbeinküste), Bremens Sambou Yatabaré (Mali), Ingolstadts Marcel Tisserand (DR Kongo) und von Schalke noch Nabil Bentaleb (Algerien) sowie überraschend der junge Bernard Tekpetey (Ghana).Die 2. Bundesliga ist mit Nürnbergs Edgar Salli, Kaiserslauterns Jacques Zoua (beide Kamerun), St. Paulis Aziz Bouhaddouz (Marokko) und Düsseldorfs Ihlas Bebou (Togo) vertreten. Deutsche Trainer sind nicht dabei.
Aber es haben auch Stars verzichtet. Allen voran Liverpools Joel Matip und Schalkes Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting (beide Kamerun), die sich lieber auf ihre Vereine konzentrieren.
Gespielt wird in den größten Städten des Landes: Libreville, Port-Gentil, Franceville und Oyem. Das Finale findet am 5. Februar im Stadion Angondjé (38.000 Zuschauer) in Libreville statt. Aus den vier Vierer-Gruppen qualifizieren sich jeweils die zwei Erstplatzierten fürs Viertelfinale.
Eurosport überträgt alle 32 Spiele live im Fernsehen. Wer vor Ort dabei sein will: Hin- und Rückflug von Deutschland nach Gabun gibt es ab 700 Euro. Es werden ein Visum und eine Impfung gegen Gelbfieber für die Einreise benötigt. Hotel-Zimmer starten ab 50 Euro pro Nacht. Die Preisspanne für die insgesamt gut 500.000 Tickets reicht von 75 Cent bis zu 60 Euro.
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Der Beitrag Afrika-Cup beginnt – Aubameyangs Titeljagd: Tickets gibt es für 75 Cent erschien zuerst auf Nachrichten von Heute.
Afrika-Cup beginnt – Aubameyangs Titeljagd: Tickets gibt es für 75 Cent
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