#dhmis beach episode
silly-stings · 1 year
something something dhmis beach episode where shrignold shows up fully clothed and does not understand why nobody else is in three layers
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coloredlion102-blog · 2 years
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*breaks down into tears*
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ashethewitch · 2 years
I just realized the dhmis gang were canonically on the beach once
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asiadoesstuff · 2 years
I had a Dream. Of both of my Hyperfixations. 2 NIGHTS IN A ROW. 🤩
The 1st Dream was Spooky Month, and the 2nd Dream was DHMIS. Specifically your designs of the Trio. 👀
So here’s the DHMIS Dream:
Red, Duck, and Yellow go on Holiday. Specifically to this Hotel Room in this Town that I have been to in my dream many times before. They stay in a Premier Inn Hotel Room, and everything seems OK. Cue the comedy and banter between the 3, but no violence. Cute, right? Well, like a usual DHMIS Episode, something goes wrong.
I can’t remember all the details, but the Trio get knocked out by some entity.
Red is the 1st to wake up. He examines the place he woke up in: A Cage. The cage has criss-crossed metal as the walls, and strong metal gauze as the floor. The Cage seems to be hammered to the wall. Not only that, but they seem to be in a Cave aswell; a very well-lit one too, due to being able to see that the cave is an orange-red colour. Duck & Yellow are in a cage aswell.
There’s a hole and platform below the cages; the hole presumably being an entrance to the platform; both being positioned so you could have a good view of the 3 cages if you stood on the platform. Yellow & Duck wake up, both being disorientated and confused as to where they are.
Then suddenly, someone walks out from the dark hole and onto the platform: Lesley.
She walks out with both her hands behind her back with a smug grin plastered on her face. Instead of being fully realistic, she looks quite cartoonish, but still quite realistic. Cue Yellow having serious Deja-Vu, Red shouting “Who on earth are you!?” And Lesley introducing herself. She explains why they’re here: She wants to try “A new method of torture.” She then goes on to what is going to happen.
The cave is going to start filling up with water. All the way up to the top. Obviously, the Trio are going to start drowning; that’s the torture. She then leaves a snide remark: “Let’s see who’s going to drown first!”
She then says “And I won’t worry about you 3 dying, I have plenty of backups.”
With the turn of her heel and a dismissive wave, Lesley chirps “Ta-Ta!” Before quickly walking back through the dark hole.
Water starts pouring into the cave. Panic ensues. Cue the Trio trying to pull the cage open, looking for ways to get out, verge of tears, etc. No Luck.
Eventually, the whole cave has flooded; Panic Overflow. Suddenly, all the cage doors open, the Trio swimming out of the small cages they were trapped in. All 3 start trying to find ways to get out of the cave. If you could see tears underwater, Yellow would definitely be bawling his eyes out around now. Red is floating there, looking around the cave to try and find a way out. Duck is getting slower and slower…
An alert is sent: By the looks of it, Duck drowned.
And as Red sees Duck just float there like a dead goldfish, his instincts kick in.
Red spots light seeping through from a hole in the roof of the cave; that could be the way out! Swimming surprisingly really fast, Red zips over to Duck and quickly puts him over his shoulder. He then zooms over to Yellow before grabbing him and holding him with his right arm, Yellow now leaning against Red’s other shoulder. Then Red bolts through the hole in the roof.
Success! As soon as the Trio surfaces, Red & Yellow start hacking up any water in their lungs. Looks like they’re in the ocean! There’s 2 patches of land on each side of them; both being sandy and covered in rocks. The beach can be seen on the left side over the left island; too far away right now. There’s only a few clouds in the sky.
Quickly, Red swims over to the right island, swiftly crawling onto it before placing Yellow down and lying Duck out flat. Cue CPR, chest pumping etc. Red having an internal panic attack, Yellow on the verge of tears.
After what feels like ages of trying to save Duck, Duck jolts up, coughing up water. Red & Yellow are frozen. After Duck finishes coughing, he looks around at the other 2.
“What are you looking at? It’s not like I almost died or anything.”
Cue Red tackling Duck into a hug, Yellow doing the same. Duck squawks on the sudden impact of embrace. Cute moment of Red & Yellow crying of happiness whilst Duck being confused at what’s happening. He pushes them away, shouting.
“Hey! Get off me! What’s gotten into you both!?”
Red & Yellow are giggling; Glad Duck seems to be OK.
After having a talk about what on Earth just happened, Red says “I think we should swim over to the beach. Do you need help getting there?”
Duck pushes himself up from the ground, saying “Of course I don’t! I am very capable of swimming myself, you’re not the only one who ca-” Before promptly falling over with a shriek.
Yellow points out his legs “feel all wobbly”, so that means he can’t swim in his state.
After Red managing to convince Duck he needs help moving, Red places Yellow on his shoulders and carries Duck bridal style, getting into the water and swimming to the beach.
Surprisingly, nobody seems to be that concerned or surprised of a talking red mop, a duck and a small yellow child, all not wearing clothes made for swimming, glide through the water and crawl onto the beach.
Coincidentally, Red spots a blue beach towel with nobody on it. No-one’s gonna mind if the Trio sit on it, right…?
Red sits down on the beach towel, then places both Yellow & Duck on his knees; Yellow on his right, Duck on his left.
They then start up a conversation with eachother, chatting and bickering as the camera zooms out, before fading to black.
And that’s the Dream! 😊
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gugf · 2 years
Beach episode that we've been robbed of!
Btw imagining them taking pictures of each other is the literally cutest thing in the world.
(Note: Red is probably doing a selfie, but duck would still ask to photograph him anyway)
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charrators · 3 years
wait a second.
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justanartisticduck · 3 years
Ok, let me hear some of your interpretation of the main dhmis trio!
(Thank u for sending this in <3 )
Okokok so here’s a bunch of random headcannons I got of this family because I never really get the opportunity to talk about my favorite fam:
they all have movie nights every week, usually Red and Doi, while Robin is off at college, will usually watch whatever they find interesting, but on nights Robin is back in town they will watch movies that they planned on watching together or they will watch new episodes of their favorite shows! Usually movie nights are fun, especially when Robin is in town!!
usually whenever a member of the trio is upset the other two will go and comfort them, Red usually gives the biggest hug, Doi gives hugs aswell but usually makes drawings to help bring the upset person joy, and Robin will hold their hand and give them encouraging and kind words and, whenever everyone is sad, they all get into a huge cuddle pile and usually seconds later you can see them all giggling happily!!
Also, random gaming one, when the trio plays smash bros Robin ALWAYS chooses falco, Doi chooses Pikachu (with a party hat) or Pit, and Red chooses random. Usually red wins against everyone else but usually he lets Doi and Robin beat him. Robin had spent hours reasearching special mooves and tricks for their character (hence why that’s the only one they play) and usually they can be really skilled! (but somehow they keep falling off the edge of the map or keep getting KOed- they get so angry-) Doi usually gathers powerful items and only fights if they have a good item in hand (besides everyone always seems to spare him as it is so it’s easier for him to defeat everyone!)
Usually there is a specific order the trio falls asleep in, first is Doi (because he literally cannot stay up past 10 its like physically impossible for him-) then Robin, they stay up late as it is, usually finishing up housework or classwork, then finally Red. Red usually stays up about an hour after Robin, usually jsut to make sure he can wake them up in case nightmares come back or sometimes to finish any last minute things he needs done.
Also on the topic of nightmares.. usually the trio get really rough nightmares, especially around the time of a certain date we know of.. they have gotten used to these nightmares after a few years of getting them and along with that they have grown used to when teh nightmares go on for one another, usually they comfort eachother till they all drift back to sleep, multiple times they have all fallen asleep on the couch together in a huge cuddle pile, the nightmares usually go away for a few nights after some cuddles!
Ok this is probably gonna be the last one but the three of them love taking trips, more specifically to places with beaches, the beach has always been a place where jsut for a moment everything can feel.. ok, where for just a moment they can all just be happy! That’s why they love the beach! It’s just because it’s a place where their troubles can jsut leave them for a while..
anyways thats all I can come up with rn lol, i hope you enjoyed reading some of these! Also thank u so much for the ask!!
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