strivingstag · 1 year
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STATUS: open LOCATION: leaky cauldron
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the streets of diagon alley are much calmer as the weekend comes and goes with the sun inevitably rising and the moon unavoidably falling, which james welcomes with open arms. new faces are enjoyable until he can't walk into a store and grab food to bring back to his flat with little struggle or he's standing in line for an hour at his favorite pub instead of being immediately seated. ( call him spoiled, he'd likely agree. ) he takes advantage of the school children being gone with their supplies and high hopes, sitting in his favorite wooden chairs with a half - empty pint in his hand. he's chatting with the waitstaff, boyish grin pulled out as he lays his usual charm down to reduce the price of his bill, when the bell to the front door jingles and catches his attention. the grin gradually shifts from juvenile to pleasant surprise, leaning back in his chair with raised eyebrows. " aye, fancy seeing you here. joining me for a drink? "
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vcnce · 1 year
the bar was unusually empty, not that emmeline was complaining; it was nice to have a peaceful night out every once and a while, especially considering how hectic work had been. em curled tighter on her side of the booth as she readjusted the sketch pad resting on her knees, her purse rustling against her shoes from the movement. absorbed in the lines of the picture, em almost didn't notice when someone approaches. she doesn't even glance up as she spoke, "free seats everywhere. did you need something?"
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frnklongbttm · 1 year
where: outside magical menagerie who: open
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After visiting the animals and such within the store, Frank always grew a bit bummed. While he and Alice had their own pet he did want to have more. He was a strong believer of "the more the merrier." Alice often had to remind him they didn't have the money to take in strays, as much as they would like.
Franklin gave one last look towards the door before turning from it and almost running into a familiar face. "Oh, yeesh, I ought to look where I'm going-- turning? My apologies." he said after having had grabbed them by the shoulder to keep from running into them.
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rooklymistaken · 1 year
where: twilfitt and tattings who: open
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It started as a simple errand day. A stop at Gringotts to deposit things, pick up something for his mother -- heaven forbid she do anything for herself now -- and to stop at twilfitt to get his favorite robe fixed. Augustus, while it didn't show much, was a very sentimental bloke; especially when it came to gifts he was given from his sister and this robe just so happened to be one of them. He was looking over some robes, glancing at prices when he ignored someone clearing their throat. When he felt a tap on his shoulder he rolled his eyes as he turned his attention to the person bothering him. "I'm not a worker," he stated with a glance over them.
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dcarborn · 1 year
busy, busy, busy. it had been going nonstop all day and so, therefore, caradoc had been going nonstop. they had one kid who got hexed with a continuous growing tongue, a bunch of drunk college students come in with wounds from a potion that exploded, etc. so on and so forth. doc blew a piece of hair out of his face, swirling past another healer on his skates before stopping before an occupied bed. a bright grin splits across his face as he shoved his hands deep in his pockets. "sooooo, what seems to be the problem today?"
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diagonalleyhq · 2 months
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO : we are now open for interactions , please remember to tag open starters with the extras blog , but also with diagonalleystarter. we're so excited to see your muses be brought to life ! have fun !
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