#diamonds are forever. trish&daphne.
itsnotpatsy · 6 years
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@buttercookie-art is my go-to artist and in case anyone can’t tell trish and daph are the otp. also that one j.ason momoa pic with his wife at the oscars was too good to pass up as far as a reference pic goes.
big cat small girlfriend.
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criminallyfamous · 6 years
💍 – for your muse to propose to mine during the holidays. PICK PARIS VERSE OR CATWOMAN VERSE. I’M. SOFT.
She wears this pink diamond tennis bracelet religiously. The truth is, she has more faith in Trish than any higher power. She believes in them, as a pair, as partners, especially after everything they’ve been through. These are her promise diamonds, after all. And Trish has promise diamonds too. Earrings. She tucks short blonde hair behind her ears and there they are for Daph to enjoy. And she can’t help but revel in the way they catch the light every time. Bright, like Trish.
Daphne’s proud of her. She’s never been so proud of anyone in her entire life, and she herself has a successful film career. She loves Trish more. More than any movie, award, or accolade. She’d proved that, even if she didn’t have to.
They’re finally on the other side of everything. The trial is over. Max and Dorothy are behind bars. Trish is in college. Well, not now. Now they’re enjoying Trish’s winter break in Vail. Alone, which is a rarity for them. Alice (and Tammy) are watching Mia until they come home for the holidays. Daph misses her like they gave birth to the bundle of sticks that is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi (Kluger) II but Vail is too cold for her and Daphne didn’t want her little paws to freeze.
They’re on the other side, they’re settled, and Daph is more than ready to finally make good on the promise they’d given each other with these diamonds. Whatever elaborate plan she may have devised to propose had gone out the window about an hour ago. It was simple, the moment she’d decided it had to be now, today. Trish warming her hands in Daphne’s jacket while Daph re-tied her scarf. Trish kissing her nose in thanks, those green eyes looking at her like she’d put the stars in the sky, and it was like she’d fallen in love all over again.
The ring is in the pocket of the robe she’s wearing now. It’s close by all the time now. She should really be more worried about Trish finding it, but she’s so sure. They both are. That this is forever. And the reality is that it doesn’t matter how she proposes, not really, as long as they’re together. As long as she asks and Trish gets to say yes.
It’s going to be special anyway. She may not be proposing with the Hope Diamond but the emotional weight of the piece she’d chosen makes it just as valuable. It was worth Debbie looking at her like her sanity was in question when she’d asked for help recovering a piece of the Toussaint. That Met Gala was important to Daphne. She’d come out of it with a family. And Trish was and would be part of that family too.
The water stops. Any moment now Trish will step out of the bathroom in a robe that matches Daphne’s so Daph can brush her hair. She knows. The same way she knows that Trish will find a way to join her inside her coat if it’s cold out, how she takes her coffee, that no matter how stressful something is she’ll relax if Daph reads to her. She knows she’ll appreciate the record that’s playing. The candles. The fact that both had required Daph to flex her wallet and significant star power to acquire. There’s cider chilling and the bottle is a funny reminder of how far they’ve come from the way Daphne used to pluck two flutes of champagne at parties and pass one off to Trish.
It’s all familiar. And maybe that’s the best thing about it. It feels like home.
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
Ramble about Daphne and Trish and their relationship? I love the dynamic want to hear more!
oh boy oh boy oh boy there’s not enough words in the universe.
daphne knows a trish just picking up her pieces from her absolute worst. just developing her powers and just coming off her major season 2 relapse and just having lost everyone and everything. so trish takes up the hellcat mantle. because she has what she’s always wanted, right? and she’s going to get better! do right! save people! she’s going to help others!! she’s going to—
—parkour incorrectly off a roof and keep running (accidentally) while trying to lose traction straight into daphne’s glass terrace door, shattering it completely. and these were the days before a suit, after all, only in that fucking train bandit bandana and the dark blue track suit. after not braining her with a bookend, daphne and she started talking. and talking. and talking. and before they knew it it had been two days and trish hadn’t gone anywhere. before they knew it, a very lonely starlet and a very lonely superhero had started to bond. and why? well, because that very lonely relapsed addict currently struggling in recovery had held rachel getting married close to her heart. a film depicting an addict and their private struggle with addiction in a positive light? it meant everything to someone who had spent their lives struggling with addiction, and only recently fallen back into how hard it was. not to give up and turn back to going on a bender. not to take a handful painkillers to get through the migraine. an overwhelmingly grateful, lonely new superhero couldn’t be more thankful that a single person seemed to sort of understand. to kind of care.
daphne listened. and trish talked. and daphne talked. and trish listened.
they’re both in the same profession— sort of. trish, who could no longer stomach the acting profession after the abuse and the addiction, keeps up on the oscar noms. pays attention to the technique. watches closely how actors become their roles. and trish happens to have been on the same network as one daphne kluger— patsy owned by disney and princess diaries so the same. unintentionally, their paths had never crossed, but they’d been walking the same road. and this means daphne understands what the pain looks like. how the abuse in the industry can damage a person. she was lucky where trish was— absolutely not.
daphne encourages hellcat with every fiber of her being. she thinks it’s amazing that someone can come out the other side of this suffering and still be so kind-hearted. trish makes daphne a better person without necessarily making her feel like she needs to be better. and regardless of anything, they’re a team. trish might be the newly ordained hero but daph is her other half— just as helpful in matters trish needs saving from as it is the other way around. she’s had her life saved by daphne on several occasions, including dragging her out of the hudson river.
trish is absolutely eventually moving into daph’s penthouse with her. it’s a matter of time before she can agree to that, though she needs to find a way to section off her own space and just— make living with someone an experience she can handle, considering her anxiety triggers, her powers, and trying to drag herself back to na (which she hates, but it’s necessary). and daphne loves nothing more than waking up to a trish who often doesn’t sleep until the tiny hours of the morning, knowing that ultra-warm body’s there and heavy beside hers. knowing she can curl into trish’s body like a kitten and drift back to sleep. she always has to shower and then slip into bed, but sometimes she doesn’t even bother to change into clothes. daphne makes trish feel safer and more loved than anyone ever has. she listens and she’s patient and she cares. she never belittles what she thinks, even if it seems incredulous or, since it’s trish, it’s probably somewhat unsafe or out of control. daph finds a way to diffuse without making trish feel small or stupid. and that respect means everything, because trish is a healthier person because of daphne’s patient influence. daph has no patience for anyone but trish, basically.
their home is often a mashup of entertainment news and a constant stream of cnn. daphne keeps her up to date on the pop culture and the cinema world, and trish is perpetually politically inclined on a regular basis. it’s what she pays attention to, what she knows most about, and what she’s trying to structure a new career around. they’ve spent christmas, thanksgiving, and new years together, so far, and trish has become imbued in the oceans family, taken in by tammy, debbie, and lou who’ve adopted her as much as they’ve adopted daphne.
(also worth mentioning since daph has done get smart, she has her own limited but useful martial arts knowledge, and judging by the fact that she almost drowned on interstellar and what she had to put up with through dark knight rises, daph is no stranger to tenacity or grit, herself. just maybe a little less than trish, who has become one of the most formidable martial artists one can face in her rigorous acquisition of krav maga knowledge and her hellcat powers.)
trish willingly goes to daph when she has a problem, no matter how grievous the problem is. it took a lot of learning to understand that they’re a team and they can be there for each other no matter what. trish can fuck up massively and count on daph to help her out of it, or to help her get over the ridge for it.
let’s go for some headcanon bullets ‘cause i love those.
when trish and daphne adopt dakota, they get him a black borzoi puppy he names macaroni, who is promptly nicknamed roni. 
macaroni is a ptsd service dog who specializes in anxiety and grows up with dakota, learning to help him when it gets hard for him to express or when he needs to get out of a situation. 
daphne really likes trish’s short hair because it’s so easy to run her hands through.
daphne also really enjoys making it into a mohawk in the bath solely for the purpose of blowing bubbles off the top of her head. they both get a good giggle out of it.
daph convinces her into the yearly oscar nom watches. they’re either incredibly serious and attentive or completely absurd about how shitty or boring the content is.
mutual complaining about the straight-white-cis-maleness of the academy is household discussion. 
trish, after being taught somewhat how to dance by tammy, has coerced daph into a dance later that night to brown-eyed girl. it was very deliberate, and it lights up daph like no other. it’s the most sincere gesture she’s ever had anyone make.
every so often trish is gorgeous in a suit that compliments daphne’s outfits, colored to match her palette.
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
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the trish walker instagram edits ft.
a giggly girlfriend.
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
trish and daphne
Name: dakota kluger (yes, trish is very gladly taking daphne’s last name)
Gender: cis male
General Appearance: relatively short for his age, auburn hair waved long down his back into a ponytail he prefers to have braided, pale and thin. eyes are a very clear shade of almost translucent green. charmingly childish in expression, silently wide-eyed, leans toward ringer tees and oversized tees of every possible kinds. tends to lean toward blue and yellow, which often means favored yellow hi-tops, blue shirts of all kinds, the soft white-and-blue of faded jeans.
Personality: quiet but exuberant when addressed kindly or spoken to directly, dakota’s the kind of kid who gets along with the other children remarkably well for a natural sort of charisma he carries about him and an easy smile in spite of his childhood. he’s very prone to silliness and can be a little hyperactive when allowed, the sort who only really shines when faced with those he’s most comfortable around. an introvert at heart, however, he’d prefer to spend all day reading books and doodling. the sort of boy who gets invited to all the class birthdays, enthusiast of bowties and bright colors, perhaps too prone to coloring on the walls in bouts of excitement, art shared, need to confine it to the refrigerator. intelligent though not tremendously well-spoken, his vocabulary’s moderately impaired and he has an ear for making up words. genuinely surprisingly happy, he has a tendency to be shy in spite of himself when meeting new people, though shakes it off fairly quickly. educationally far behind other kids his age, this is supplemented with personal tutoring and painstaking attention from both parents that eventually allows him to catch up. trish learns his social situation, thankfully, is so beneficial because he was, at least, surrounded by other children. he has no shortage of fascination for people.
Special Talents: an excellent little artist with a talent for colors and a penchant for shapes, he does very well expressing words through images, a human game of pictionary. he’s very good at getting his points across expressively. he can also do a handstand, which he is tremendously proud of. a very patient listener though an active fidgeter, he can parrot back most anything said to him, and he’s always very very locked onto what’s being told to him. a very meticulous follower of instruction once he’s informed. can touch the tip of his nose with his tongue.
Who they like better: there is no such thing in the kluger household, no one or the other. daphne and trish have mostly equivalent understanding, as though dakota’s young, he’s not so young that it’s impossible for trish to understand. daphne is the less stern parent, though more likely to be a bit sterner when he’s out of hand at first, and trish, though good at deflecting, is regimented and a little tighter where scheduling is concerned. daphne is much beloved for being the one willing to follow just about any flight of fancy– the boy loves, loves, loves her and this indulgence is something so rewarding, the attention so lovely, that she returns it in spades. his favorite thing to do with daph, who is mommy, happens to be piano lessons, since daph knows loosely how to play fairly decently, and honestly he likes trying to make up melodious sounds. with trish, who is mama, he likes getting to finish drawings– she’ll sketch a line and he’ll complete it, and then she’ll do the next one, and on and on, until it makes a tangible shape or something like it. he has no preference– he knows only that these are his moms, and even if he misbehaves, even if he’s scolded for something, the important thing is he knows how loved he is.
Who they take after more: his charisma and willingness to speak, charm glowingly welcome, is all daphne, as are larger portions of his personality. he’s let her take point in most conversations, and learned from her how to inflect tone in ways that most would likely consider dramatic, mimicry of his more outgoing parent. while he’s definitely more like daphne in a social setting, his penchant for quiet alone time has been mostly learned– yes, learned– from trish. she reinforces the idea of being alone with yourself and it being okay, and as a result he has a very, very developed playroom that’s more or less filled with every activity imaginable. he likes reading best, and he’s a few grades above his level. he’s more than frequently found sneak-reading with a flashlight under the covers of his gratuitous spaceship bed, something both his parents let go for… at least twenty minutes.
Personal Head canon: one dark, dark, dark evening hellcat had headed down into the very forbidden sewers of the city (how many times had daph said she wouldn’t put up with a kitten trekking around in the refuse of new york) after hearing about an underground drug smuggling operation whispered above on the streets, courtesy of contacts and some very special super-hearing. she’d trekked through and through and through the labyrinth, and things had gotten stranger the further she went. it had started to look deliberate, labyrinthine. it had started to look like a place people were.
by the time she found this ludicrous structure of wooden boards and tin roofs, she’d skulked around, discovered a very small populace squatting down, down, down in the dark sewers with the biggest meth lab operation she’d ever seen, and by then? she’d certainly seen a lot. cowl radio had only half worked to drop a contact location to a police in, one acquired and shared with younger brother spidey, not so little anymore. a legal operation would arrive, but she’d wanted to get a head-start, case out the possibility of what was happening, the diversity of the operation.
it had turned out it was a village of sorts, of people trying to make a living off the mass production and the distribution of their product. a village filled with people, children, even, living lives far below the pay-grade of any child. trish had known that all too well all on her own, corralled the cluster of children, the small group, and begun to lead them outside as carefully as possible. the ruckus could wait– this was more important, and it seemed all the ‘grownups’ were busy doing what it was they did. she couldn’t fathom the understanding for why this operation had happened down there, though she was sure eventually she would find out.
the police raided the underground situation way deep down beneath the city itself, the underbelly of the place, and dragged out droves of people, adults tried for accounts of child endangerment, neglect, drug trafficking, the list went on.
and then the mighty hellcat went about contacting one alana stark, trying to be absolutely sure all these kids would have safe places to go. a sharp tug had accidentally sent the great cat toppling, tumbling over when she took two steps forward against the sudden force of her own step. dangercat not alert, not a thread, but a little boy, long hair and eyes a green not too unlike hers. he’d smiled at her warmly and then squeezed his arms around his middle shyly, asked in a small voice, h-e-double-hockey-sticks-cat? and the hero had turned over, not even gotten up, just rolled with a mouth full of bright, pointy fangs. h-e-double-hockey-sticks-cat the hero had said back, brightening the child’s smile.
throughout the overseeing process the little boy hadn’t let go of a clawed glove, small hand tightly squeezed in a palm. (she would learn from his time then with a child psychiatrist that he’d known about her, mythical cat hero over the aboveground, drawn outrageous little pictures, images, like she’d been the hero without ever knowing.) she’d watched alana make as many arrangements as possible– iron man, anyway. and once everything had been set, the boy’s smile dropped, and he’d looked down, maybe, maybe, maybe beginning to tear up.  she’d knelt, pressed her hands into his, asked lightly, you okay, little man? his head shook. does something owch? another head shake.
big kitty.
she’d watched the other kids talk, seen them in little throngs and groups, watched how none had spoken to him, not really, but he’d stuck to her like glue the entire evening. logical, of course. spooked, new, though they hadn’t seemed mournful to be out.
so the cat had asked, soft and a little hopeful, do you maybe want to come have pancakes with me? for a little while. a wife to ask about it, of course, pancakes could not yet become home with. couldn’t just make such a decision without important input.
outside a manhattan diner, the cat watched the boy shred apart soft pancakes with his hands, tearing with little fingers into strips and dunking into syrup slathered all over a plate. he couldn’t be more than five years old, though she didn’t know for sure– not with that kind of malnutrition or deprivation to light. kept her eyes on him through the thin glass, still assured to pay attention.
i think he might’ve been the one who didn’t have anybody. i think he has a hard time with the other kids– i don’t know how it worked. it was fucked up. i think he hoped one day i would help, somehow. he knew who i was.
a beat in the silence and then daphne’s voice, why don’t you bring him home, hero?
Face Claim:
jacob tremblay!
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
daphne has been kidnapped for her known connection to hellcat before (apart from consistently wearing hellcat paraphernalia in public photos, she’s been photographed doing things as mundane as fetching coffee with the costumed hero, and the internet speculates constantly she’s cheating on trish walker with none other than the feline vigilante) and has been a major pain in the ass.
for one, she has martial arts training in several light disciplines from some action movies and dark knight rises, so she’s by no means physically helpless. beyond that— she’s really mean and verbally sharp, and has been returned to her penthouse before by lighter criminals who couldn’t be bothered with the vast but logical list of shit they’d be in upon hellcat finding them/the consequences of kidnapping one of the world’s most prolific and reputable actresses. the few daring or stupid enough to go through with it have received an uncharacterostically violent thrashing from the hellcat.
daph always offers both cheery encouragement and sarcastic commentary through the whole thing.
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
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that one time i commissioned @buttercookie-art to draw daphne and trish because @criminallyfamous is the best and these soulmates make me cry.
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
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“you’re the bravest person i know,” says daphne, and trish doesn’t feel like it. most days, any days, not this day, not that day, not yesterday, today, or tomorrow. she might a little bit when hands reach up to palm her cheeks and trish turns her head to brush her lips just at the center of a hand tenderly, to keep her there with eyes fluttered shut. her eyelashes tickle daphne’s skin like little butterfly wings, “even if sometimes you don’t feel like it. that’s okay. i do.”
daphne’s the bravest person trish knows, so it must even out. maybe she can be a little bit brave if she has some of daphne’s courage. and does she borrow some, sleeping next to her curled in every night, her name scrawled at trish’s hip in her signature and a favored soft pink, with the ring glistening in a vivid twinkle at her left hand. does that mean trish gets to keep a little brave too?
“say i do a bunch more times,” trish whispers, giggles with indulgent glee, and daphne smiles just the smile no one sees but trish, “it’s my favorite thing you say besides my name.”
v: la vie en rose
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
So i made that edit and now i’m emo which means i gotta talk about the importance of the difference in relationships between griffin and daphne and namely that... one sucks and one doesn’t and why.
to some extent trish is at fault for hiding herself completely from griffin to the point where he wholeheartedly bought the false edition of her. then again, as daph points out, she didn’t feel safe enough with him to give her herself, and the one time she does he ridiculed her and basically takes a shit on her recovery overall. trish doesn’t feel safe giving griffin pieces of her because he’ll make her feel worse about herself. when she’s honest with him about where she goes for those days trying to help jess? he calls her stupid and jumps down her throat, demands she be safe, limits her choices. and like... if your girlfriend just bounced totally for two days or so you should be more relieved she isn’t dead than calling her stupid and making demands. if you love someone why is your chief feeling not relief to know they’re alright, especially knowing their history with addiction and reckless behavior and also knowing how high their stress levels have been? add in that... well, trish is gay as fuck and has no feelings for men/only feelings of envy for griffin who saw her as a celebrity prop and not a person and it was a cocktail for misery. and then he proposes like a day later? what????
on the other hand, after being fucking impaled on a length of rebar through the thigh and ghosting daphne for two days lying about having the flu once she finally answers her back, daph’s response is to show up out of concern to look after her and only get angry at the point when it’s clear trish is lying and deliberately pushing her out. even then, when she finds out and trish concedes to let her stay and trish bemoans having to sit it out until she’s in working order, daph asks her what her gauge for absolutely necessary instances are. and when trish says that the bodega up the block being held up is cause, daph doesn’t belittle it or ridicule it. she doesn’t have trish’s heroic heart by a long shot— that’s uniquely trish— but she respects that trish does and if she should feel she has to move past her injuries for that, then it’s valid. though she does rationalize something like that can be handled by the authorities. but at no point does trish feel small or degraded about it. in fact, it’s more respect and agency she’s been given most of her life.
daph doesn’t try to make trish’s decisions for her, even if she might know or think she knows better, because it would be unfair to trish to infantilize and control her that way.
i’m just in my feelings hard about this one i live for someone who supports trish’s batshit tendencies but knows how to go ‘and i respect you but what if we thought about it this way—‘
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itsnotpatsy · 6 years
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When they ask you what your favorite moment is, you will say her. You will always say HER.
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