betabravo · 19 hours
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 14
Sitting in the back of the police cruiser, the two occupants are having very different thoughts.
Izuku PoV
This is bad. This is really, REALLY BAD.
A Pro Hero is coming to my house. A High-Ranking Hero. The highest ranking female Pro Hero in the history of Japan’s Hero Billboard Chart. The Rabbit Hero: Miruko herself. In any other situation, I would be head over heels.
Unfortunately, this isn’t one of those situations. We are about to arrive at my house. Unannounced. With my moms unaware of the arrival of not only a Pro Hero, but a Detective who had a lie detecting Quirk. And I don’t have a way to inform them beforehand.
All I can do is to play it by ear. Maybe I could get them to leave early… But how?
Rumi PoV
Sitting next to the kit in the backseat, Rumi side-glances at him. His breathing and heart rate are slowly increasing. His eyes are wide but aren’t looking at anything in particular.
She sighs, looking back out the window. The kit is showing clear textbook signs of panic. She’s glad she asked Hound Dog for advice regarding what to look out for. She’d expect the Izuku to show these signs during the questioning, especially considering that there was a Hero and police in the room with him, right after surviving a Villain attack. But no, he remained cool, calm and collected. Almost too much, as a matter of fact.
Although, him fanboying over her Quirk might have also lessened the panic. (And besides, his knowledge about her hero statistics like… woah. At least he’s not one of THOSE hero fans. Fucking furries.)
So why was he panicking now instead? Is he afraid of his parent finding out about this? Don’t tell me his situation at home is as bad as the Todoroki kid… or worse.
I’ve got to get to the bottom of this.
Sorry about missing an entire month of uploads, but life got in the way. I'm also fleshing out the story more, meaning I'm creating a chapter buffer.
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betabravo · 7 days
I'm having a similar problem with my snippets, but combined with IRL problems.
And I'm only doing one series. You have over 300 AUs with your other stories on AO3.
How do you do it?
Gentle reader, the magic system brainrot is at it again
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betabravo · 29 days
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 13
It took a while for Miruko to be done with her statement. Had to keep herself from swearing and revealing confidential info with the green kit around after all. Mostly the swearing.
At least the kit seemed to know what he was doing. But things take a turn when the questioning was over.
“Thank you for your statements. Midoriya, may I have your home phone number to get your mom to pick you up?” It was miniscule, but both Miruko and Maomasa noticed the sudden flinch in Izuku’s movements. His eyes widened and his pen stopped writing in his (still somewhat damp) notebook.
The detective and hero shared a look. There was something the kid did not want to reveal, and it had to do with them and his mom. Tsukauchi had seen this situation many times in his job. Does he have a bad home situation as well? Makes sense since he’s Quirkless after all. Tsukauchi knew from statistics that Quirkless people are discriminated more that even those with “Mutant” and “Villainous” Quirks. Rumi however… had the Table.
“Would you like us to bring you home instea-”
“NO!” The volume of it startled Rumi. She’s adapted to loud noises (a much-needed necessity for someone with enhanced hearing), but the suddenness of it from an unexpected source had her head ringing.
At least the kit seemed somewhat apologetic about it. ”S-sorry Miruko, Detective. But there’s really no need. I’ll be fine, my home, not too far anyways and-“
“Listen kit. You were just attacked by a villain. I’m sure it’ll be better if a Pro Hero or even the Detective here explain the series of events to her.”
And to give us a looksee if he’s being abused at home as well. Rumi gave a knowing look at Naomasa and he nods, understanding what she’s trying to do. “I’ll go grab my car keys and pick you up at the front entrance.”
Work got really busy, so I got a slower upload time.
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betabravo · 2 months
But just imagine it!
Kamirari with Nora's hammer/grenade launcher!
Mina with Coco's purse/minigun!
Ojiro with Sun's GUNCHUCKS!!! (RWBY Season 1 final episode fight scene *chef kiss*)
And since Hagakure is strong here, just give her Yatsu's buster sword. (My headcanon is that she's the strongest first year, in terms of pure strength.)
Statistical Outlier AU:
Can Mei give everyone RWBY weapons?
With her mechanical genius, Izuku's Quirk smarts and Momo making the parts, I think it'll be possible.
I take it 1-B is the same as canon. Let's see how Monoma gets all "1-A is weak, they have so many quirkless!" before getting his shit kicked in by a quirkless student whose proficient with their weapon. During the Sports Festival. On live tv watched by millions. :D
Also #buff Hagakure rights
Theoretically, she could. She wouldn't even need help, just a few rest runs to get things working right. Problem is not too many people want super guns, most of 1-A have some already established gimmick they plan on sticking to. Maybe Kaminari or Todoroki would feel up to it, but I'm not sure who else.
Due to some places still having... less than stellar opinions on Quirkless people, UA doesn't go out of their way to broadcast just how many of them lack Quirks. That being said, Monoma could 100% find out just by using his own Quirk, and it could become more well known within the student body. Which could give people the kick in the pants they need to pull away from the subtle Quirkist ideals they may have.
Hagakure will always be at least a little buff to me, unless I can think of a reason for her not to be.
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betabravo · 2 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 12
It took some convincing, but after Rumi took off the beanie and showed her Hero License (and maybe a bit of screaming convincing at the cops and paramedics), the kid was allowed to accompany her to the police station. They had to answer some questions since they took down a villain anyways, and the medics already gave them the all clear to leave.
(She hopes she could get him to open up to the cops about the suicide baiting. The detective Naomasa could help arrest the explosive brat with his Quirk.)
They were in the waiting room for a while, Rumi still in her civilian clothes and munching on a carrot when Izuku (how did she forget his name?) finally spoke up.
“So to continue where we left off, why were you stalking me?”
Rumi sighed, thinking of a good way to answer him. She couldn’t say anything about U.A., but there was no other choice. Might as well bite the bullet.
“You applied to U.A. right?” A nod. “Well, Nezu asked me to check on some of the applicants for the Hero Course this year, and your school came up.”
“Wait wha- why would he get you, A TOP-RANKING HERO, to check this?” Inside his head though, Izuku was panicking. There’s no way she found out about Momma. Or the other "remedial" school. But if Nezu’s in the equation, then there’s no guarantee that she’s involved.
“Listen kid, what I’m going to say next has to be kept secret. Like Top Secret, more important than dibs and pinkie promises secret. Else Nezu will come down on both of us like a shitton of angry bricks. And probably his favorite wrecking ball.  Okay?” Seriously, that might be an understatement. Nezu would probably whistleblow the Table just as a small act of revenge.
Izuku though was looking at Miruko with confusion. “Why would Nezu do that? All I did was apply to U.A.’s Hero Course? Is it because of my school record? Or my Quirklessness? Nezu could have just asked the school for that, I mean its U.A! They won’t refuse! Ormaybeithassomethingtodowith…”
 …Yeah, Rumi was NOT going to try to understand that mutter storm. But she needs a way to stop him, or the kid was going to pass out from oxygen deprivation. What could she…
“Hello, sorry to interrupt. I’m Detective Naomasa and I’m here to take your statements about the villain attack earlier.”
Looks like I'm giving Izuku more secrets than normal. I'm only realized now that I'm actually still at the 'intro' part of my fic. Over 10 snippets in. Ho boy.
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betabravo · 2 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 11
Well, that could have gone better.
It took some work (mainly trying to get her heel into the thing’s eyeball), but eventually Rumi managed to get the sludge villain to stay down.
It helped that the kid managed to recover and grab his other eye and point a pencil straight at it as well, before tossing her the phone she had dropped at the start. Thankfully she still kept the number of the Detective that Aizawa gave.
"Thanks, kid. You did good." He merely grunted in response, continuing to press the pencil at the eye. Rumi just shrugged and gave the Detective a call.
At least he works fast. It wasn’t even five minutes before a police car and ambulance came down the road. But unfortunately, there was one tinny tiny detail she forgot here.
“Raise your hands and step away from the kid!”
She was here from an unofficial information gathering task, and thus not in costume. But she can’t blow her cover in case she scares the kid off. What can she do?
She does not expect the kid to save her ass in this case though. “Wait, that’s Miruko, you idiot! The Rabbit Hero! She’s the one who called you.”
Great, so much for not letting him recognize her.
I kinda suck at writing action/fight scenes, so I'm sorry if you came here for a feral rabbit and child beating up what's basically an eyeball each.
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betabravo · 2 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 7.1
Izuku PoV:
It all started after I had left the school grounds. I noticed that someone had peeked over the wall around the school building while retrieving my notebook (Hero Analysis No.13, with Mt. Lady as the latest addition) from the koi pond.
It could be just a coincidence, of course. There’s no reason as to why someone could be stalking me anyways. Not like I’ve let anyone know who my Momma is, not even Katsuki. He’d stop caring about me, but I only knew about it after she spelled it out to me and Mom how abusive “Kacchan” was after he beat me up when I tried to protect another child with others. (Mom had to step in to stop Momma from rushing out the door to shoot the Bakugou kid full of holes.)
But just in case, I began heading towards the shopping mall. All the while checking if… yep, there she is. Every time I stopped by a shop window to check the reflection (while seeing if they have any new hero merch), she was there. After I made 4 right turns in a row and just circled a block, she was still there. Not someone used to tailing someone then. (Granted, she never looked up from her phone the whole time, but her fingers weren’t moving and she wasn’t wearing earphones. Must be reliant on her Quirk or tech to keep track of him… focus Izuku, this is not the time!)
I need to find a secluded area to confront her. Need place with no alleyways, so there’s no chance of an ambush… Oh, there’s an underpass ahead. Great! No chance for overhead ambushes too, even better.
Taser in pocket, check. Pepper spray in bag side compartment, check. Balisong hidden in shoe, check. Alright, time to see what’s going on. I turned around, with my right hand in my pocket holding the taser and the left on my bag strap.
“Who are you and why are you following me?”
And I released the ones I missed in the wrong order. Typical.
So here's Izuku being armed with actual weapons. Fun.
FYI, a balisong is a butterfly knife.
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betabravo · 3 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 7.2
Rumi stopped dead in her tracks, looking around to see who Izuku’s talking about, but there’s no one else around. There’s no way he’s talking to her right? She’s about 50 meters away and has been looking down on her phone the whole time, using only her hearing to zone in and follow him, but still…
“Yeah, you in the beanie on the phone. I know you’ve been following me since I left the school.” Well, so much for that hope. Giving a heavy sigh, Rumi pocketed her phone and walked towards him.
But as she got closer and had a closer look, something was wrong. So wrong that she almost stopped in her tracks to reevaluate the child in front of her, because this was NOT Izuku Midorayia. Compared to the meek mumbling boy from earlier, this is a serious, no nonsense and all business attitude might as well be a different person.
And it was not just his personality. His demeanor and the way he held himself. It just oozes confidence and a person who knows what he’s getting himself into. Absolutely nothing like the kid that she saw at the school and DEFINATELY NOTHING like the what the file indicated.
“Welp, time to get some answers I guess.” Rumi mumbled while mentally organizing a list of questions to ask she’s planning to get answers to.
Like is his school self a mask, is it a split personality, is he actually Quirkless or… why is the manhole cover behind him rattling?
This is actually a part I forgot to post. Oops. Guess I'll renumber them when I've got the time. Meanwhile, here's Rumi actually showing she's smart. It's just that Izuku is smarter, and not what he seems.
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betabravo · 3 months
Snippet request: Bun for All Izumi fighting Buff Hagakure
#buff Hagakure rights
"ALL RIGHT! The final round of this year's Sports Festival is underway! For our first match, we have the Invisible Diva from 1-A, Hagakure Tooru, against the Sparking Rabbit from 1-B, Midoriya Izumi!"
"...Wow, those epithets kinda suck."
"Agreed." Her opponent moved to unzip her jacket. "Feels pretty lazy."
"What are you doing?"
"Look girl, I watched you cleave a Zero Pointer in half with just a kick," she shimmied out of her pants, going fully invisible, "I'm just using the only advantage I have left."
Izumi immediately went on the defensive, twitching her ears to try to pick up her foot steps. "Invisibility is cool and all, but I don't see how that's gonna-" She was cut off by a sudden sharp pain in her abdomen, like she had just been punched by Kendo.
She stumbled back a little, before quickly regaining her footing. "How did you..."
There was a faint giggle. "Did you think I passed the Entrance Exam on good looks alone?" She shot out a kick in the direction of the voice, but she was already gone. "Swing and a miss! Wanna try again?"
Too many people watching for me to be taken out in the first round. She shifted back a bit into Quirk Nerd Mode, listening for any movements, no matter how small. This fight was sure to be long and frustrating, but at least it was going to be fun.
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betabravo · 3 months
Mistakes and errors canon HPSC has done:
Relying on Japan being in peace just due to All Might. (They only tried to fix it after Kamino.)
They didn't do any checks on Pro Heroes in general. They more or less just did PR. (Like Endeavor's domestic abuse and Quirk Marriage situation. A lot of what Shoto went through might not have happened if they got Endeavor to go to therapy after Touya "died".)
Neglecting letting Hero Schools to give proper student support to the Hero Students. (To be fair, UA didn't do so either.) There were no situations where the other courses interacted with each other cooperatively.
It is weird to me that MHA explicitly has issues with the students effectively being child soldiers, with the HPSC having to force the hero schools to make Work Studies mandatory, when All Might himself disagrees with the kids being put out into them at such a young age, and yet people either expected or even wanted these characters to murder the villains.
If only there was a page of the manga where Uraraka, a child, has her face splattered with blood as she stares in horror at the completely ruined city destroyed by the combined hubris of the HPSC and All For One, while another traumatized Hero simply walks off, unable to process the situation.
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betabravo · 3 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 10
Rumi wasn’t panicking. Nope, not at all.
It’s just that the kid she’s following is being swallowed up by the living sludge. Which her kick had no effect on. And she dropped her phone earlier so she can’t call for backup. Plus it’s now fully covering him so she can’t attack in any way without harming him. Shit.
Okay, maybe it’s fine to panic a little. At least things couldn’t get any worse.
A loud shriek snaps her attention back to the sludge. Her eyes widen as she sees it… convulsing? It looks like its trying to move but can’t, before expelling the kid who… was that a taser in his hand!?
It then clicks in her mind. The kid had TASED the bastard, while STILL SUBMERGED in it! It was basically a kamikaze attack, but it caused the sludge to take damage since it was trying to merge or surround him. At least the pain caused the kid to be spat out, but then he started screaming. Wait no, he’s saying words. What…
“AIM..E-EYES!” Oh. He was telling her where to attack. Looking back at the liquid, Rumi saw that it was still somewhat paralyzed from the taze. And it was looking at her with one eye. Welp, target acquired.
I keep changing my writing style and format from first to second to third person view, and chat fic. Oh dear.
What am I going to do with myself?
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betabravo · 3 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 9
Izuku PoV:
Well, shit.  This just took a turn for the worse.
All I wanted to do was confront a stalker, but no… It turned into a villain attack, because OF COURSE it did.
This sludge villain is apparently trying to take over my body somehow. Probably using his liquid body to enter me and control me from the inside. So I just won’t let him.
Guess I’d have to use Overdrive now. I inhaled quickly, gulping in as much air as I could before the villain could catch me and began thinking.
(Listen Izuku, the reason holding your breath is used for shooting is to steady your hands, and by extension the firearm. But there are other, less known uses for it. Normally, if you hold your breath and stop thinking, your body can move purely off reflex, making it useful for a barrage-type attack. But in our case, it’s somewhat the reverse. By cutting out breathing and body movements, you give your brain a temporary boost in processing speed. This isn’t even a Quirk and anyone can do it, but it’s still a skill. A tool in your arsenal.)
So I’ll use it. Villain seems to be a liquid state, so physical attacks won’t work on it. But why did it have to open the manhole cover partway? If it was fully liquid, it could just go through the holes on the manhole cover. Meaning there are parts of it that can’t liquify. Judging by its movements and how it left the manhole, the most solid parts are its eyes and teeth. Priority target: first the eyes, followed by teeth.
But as it’s about to hold me in its grip, me attacking it is impossible. So need to get myself away from it so my stalker can attack. I can even tell her to aim for the eyes. But since physical attacks won’t work… this is gonna suck.
As I gasped from holding my breath and the villain start to surround me, I pulled the taser from my pocket…
And slammed it into my chest.
Ho boy, here's a version of Izuku not caring about his own wellbeing. But to be fair, there's not much else he can do.
First fight!
Fun fact: I'm posting this on my birthday! :D
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betabravo · 4 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 8
Izuku was not prepared for this. He thought he knew what to expect, but he forgot the advice his Momma always said.
“Always expect the unexpected. Plans rarely, if ever, survive enemy contact. So adapt and learn on the fly. That’s what you’re good at, your strength, your advantage. Use it.”
He was ready for a question, a threat, or even an apology. He did not expect the stalker to widen her eyes, suddenly drop her phone and sprint towards him. Taking a step back, Izuku started to pull out the taser as his mind immediately went into overdrive.
Was she going to straight up attack him, must be a straight up CQC frontliner then. Possible Quirks are stat enhancements like strength or speed based, or a Quirk that requires contact or a close-range proximity to activate. Perhaps I should’ve picked a spot with possible witnesses or cover or obstacles or…
Only years of training with his mothers got him to hit the floor, shifting to see his stalker flying over his to land a flying kick on… some kind of slime? Or sludge? It seems to be not completely solid, since the kick didn’t do anything as she just went through it to land on the opposite side.
He glanced down to see the half-opened manhole cover seeing more of that slime flow out of it, with 2 huge eyeballs and a set of teeth coming out the larger hole.
“Gah! What the hell lady!? Can’t a guy run away from heroes in peace!”
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betabravo · 4 months
I have an idea for Miruko. Simply put: bad cop.
Not exactly a criminal/spy, but someone who uses police resources for own "gain", has ties to criminal underworld, stuff like that.
For reference, the manga Strike It Rich has a character who does exactly this. (Same author as Kengan, another awesome action/fighting manga series. It's about underground fights, so Rumi (or rather Tiger Bunny) would fit right in.)
Seen some Quirkless AUs where they make Miruko a cop and like... no? She wouldn't?!?
Like, either a professional fighter or masked vigilante, those are tho only options that make sense for her.
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betabravo · 4 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 7
Rumi stayed near the wall, typing into the group chat about what everyone was planning to do. Not murder or anything illegal like that, of course. They are all still Pro Heroes after all.
But that’s only if it could be proven, and they’d need Nezu's help with the plan anyways.
That’s when she hears it. The almost silent shuffle of shoes on the ground, the splash of something being fished out of water, and the mumble about how if anyone had recorded the conversation SOMEONE is going to jail.
Rumi peeks over the wall (barely), to see the green bush-like hair of Izuku Midoriya. He was wringing the notebook dry, continuing to mumble about a new hero that debuted today and her Quirk. Apparently, he likes to write down stuff about Quirks and such, judging from the sheer amount of quirk-babble coming out of his mouth.
And here is where she makes her third mistake: Letting her emotions take over her reasoning.
But how could anyone NOT! Especially after knowing what she knows about that cute kid and what he’s been through… wait, where did that come from?
She peeks past the corner and sees the boy exit the front gate. He seems completely lost in thought, looking downcast and continuing to mumble away. He’s out of hearing range now, but if she takes off the headgear now, she’d be swarmed by fans and the vultures. (She loves Eraserhead’s term for them, it’s accurate. Apparently it started as a codeword for the media, but it fit so well that it stuck.)
She wants to confront the kit about the other hot-headed kid, but she couldn’t do it in such a public place. It’ll attract attention, and not the good kind either. Not to mention she plans on keeping her ‘employment’ as a UA staff secret from the HPSC as much as possible. (Not to mention her side gig.)
Staying a safe distance behind Izuku, Rumi basically stalked him. She re-read the file the school sent UA about Izuku Midoriya.
Name: Izuku Midoriya (15, M) Quirk: Quirkless Family: Mother – Inko Midoriya (40) Father – Unknown (Left home when Izuku was 4, no contact after, wife has officially filed for divorce) GodMother – Unknown (Not married to Inko, basically an aunt. No information given by Inko or Izuku besides her gender.)
After that was a load of crap saying how Izuku was a bad kid, but Rumi recognizes bullshit when she sees it. Especially after she saw Izuku with her own eyes.
Izuku then turns the corner to a secluded area, heading towards an underpass. He then does something she didn’t expect.
He stuffs his right hand into his pocket and turns around, facing her. “Who are you and why are you following me?”
Here's part 7. I don't have a plan for Izuku's father to appear in this series. (At least not yet)
Let's see how far I can take this.
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betabravo · 4 months
Snippet: Homeroom Miruko x Red Flag (Deus MHA AU) Part 6
(UA Staff chatroom)
Caerbannog: @Everybody Bakugou Katsuki should NOT be allowed to enroll into any hero school. Ever.
RatOverlord: So he isn’t secretly good at manipulating the staff into giving him glowing reviews?
NightOwl: Nezu, don’t scare away our new staff before the school year has started.
NightOwl: Miruko, deets. Now.
Momnight: Hey that’s my line! Where did you learn to talk like that?
NightOwl: You, Midnight.
Momnight: Understandable, please continue.
Caerbannog: Well, the tldr version is that I was walking towards the school, chilling while eating my icecream, when I just hear an explosion and see a blackened notebook fly out the window.
Caerbannog: And lo and behold, I hear a kid ranting about a quirkless kid for even daring to apply to UA like him. (No prizes for guessing who the 2 kids in question are.)
NightOwl: Sounds like a problem child already.
Caerbannog: And I hear the most fucked up thing from the Katsuki kid. And this is a quote that I’m typing with such anger that I’m surprised the phone screen isn’t cracked.
RatOverlord: You can thank Power Loader for the modifications to our hardware and software, but please continue.
Caerbannog: “If you want a Quirk so badly, I got an idea. Just dive off the roof and pray for a Quirk in your next life.”
Caerbannog: He’s basically everything the Table hates with a passion. Not sure if I dislike Endeavor or this bully more.
RatOverlord: … All who agree to help perform an unpleasantness, say aye.
NightOwl: Aye, I’ll help Miruko gather info about him and the school.
Momnight: Aye, need help to detain (read: abduct) someone, u know how to reach me.
Alucard: Aye, I’ll check online for others in the area with weak or villainous Quirks that have faced discrimination from him or the school.
Bunshin: Aye.
KingBumi: Aye.
Exosuit: Aye, I’ll hack their servers n see what dirt I can dig up.
Macarena: Aye, I’ll keep an ear out during my radio show for such stories that’re submitted, get the word out.
Mercy: Aye.
SPACE!: Aye.
BigGoodDoggo: @RatOverlord If they get in, I want Midoriya to have a session with me. Preferably immediately after orientation. Please let your class attend @NightOwl, at least let them know I’m here before giving the kid (and any others like him) trauma. Also aye.
ShokuKing: Aye, I’ll make bento boxes for all your stakeouts. Miruko gets extra carrot soup and Eraser gets stronger coffee.
NightOwl: There’s stronger coffee? And no one told me!?
Cowboy: Can’t I just shoot him? Aye.
RatOverlord: @BigGoodDoggo Granted. @NightOwl Consider this an order, attend orientation with your FULL class of 20 students. Your expulsion scare can come after. @Cowboy Snipe, no.
Cowboy: Snipe, YES!
RatOverlord: At least let me make a plan to hide our involvement first.
NightOwl: And we’ve scared her off. Great.
Caerbannog: You guys are the BEST! Where have yall been all my life!? I’m so in!
NightOwl: Nevermind, this is worse.
onePUNCH!: What is going on with this chat group.
Mercy: Word of advice All Might. If you can't beat them, join them.
Mercy: Welcome to hell, fellow demon. We like to have fun here.
And here's part 6, in a chat fic format. And now Deus's Red Flag AU has the original idea where Katsuki's red flags are shown and the consequences that occur.
I had fun thinking about the nicknames everyone can use in the chat.
I'm up for suggestions for how the other teachers can help bring Katsuki and Aldera down.
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betabravo · 5 months
Thinking about a different thing, but Miruko having long, well maintained hair is one of the biggest flexes in My Hero.
She's a close range melee fighter, and having long hair like that would normally be a detriment, seeing as anyone could grab it and yank her back. She doesn't even tie it back, she keeps that shit long and flowing. She's just that confident in her fighting abilities. It's honestly kinda beautiful.
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