myvisualnotes · 5 months
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photo series UNTITLED / FK PRIZE finalist / 2016 / Valka, Latvia
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dianalelis · 1 year
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2021 / Siguldas dzelzceļa stacijas koprades laboratorijās bija apskatāma izstāde /Vārda pēc/ – apvienojot 3 ekspozīcijas, kuras vieno /vārds/. Ekspozīcijas veidotas no dažādu autoru darbiem: 1. = meta. laiks, autore Diana Lelis – Izstādes ekspozīcija ir kā personības meklējumu spogulis, kas parāda šo jauno pasaules reflektēšanas ceļu. Darba pētniecības pamatā ir kultūr(notikumu)analīze caur (paš)pētījumiem un esošā laikabiedru novērojumiem radošajās praksēs, mēģinot skaidrot te un tagad ārkārtas stāvokļa laiku, to minimāli izstāstot lielo stāstu koncentrētā, mediju pastarpinātā formā – klausāmdzejā. Dabai un laikam klātesot, tiek veikti pieraksti un arhivēti materiāli digitālā kodā – vides jeb lauku skaņas ierakstos un citos audiovizuālos formātos. Līdzās vizuālās uztveres dominantei izvirzot arī citas maņas, šajā gadījumā dzirdi, tas ir uzskatāms par autores mēģinājumu veidot Tērnera (Luke Turner) metamodernisma koncepcijai atbilstošu darbu.
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nooredmuudavadmaailma · 4 months
Tagasiside Dianale blogi kohta
Diana blogi, mille pealkiri on "Mina Noorsootöö Üliõpilane," pakub mitmesuguseid postitusi, mis kajastavad tema kogemusi ja vaatenurki peamiselt noorsootöö valdkonnas ning tema akadeemilist teekonda. Sisu hõlmab nii tema semestrite detailseid analüüse kui ka isiklikke mõtisklusi mentorina ja professionaalse kasvu kohta. Blogi tugevuseks on sügavamõttelised mõtisklused ja isiklikud lood, mis pakuvad haaravat vaadet noorsootööle ja akadeemilistele kogemustele. Rohkem teemade mitmekesisust võiks laiendada selle atraktiivsust laiemale publikule. Diana blogi on väärtuslik ressurss neile, kes on huvitatud noorsootööst ja isiklikust arengust.
#enesejuhtimine, suunamine ja reflektsioon
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444names · 2 years
american states + units of heroes of might and magic 3
Algrizarka Anagorn Ander Antalin Arcaptal Archeley Ardsma Aredragia Argele Argia Ariford Arksma Arpix Arpyhalin Arpyharf Azurcal Azurlorpy Bamon Bampix Basus Behelem Beherbie Behern Behobsia Bersee Berunde Blabaska Blachamana Blawal Bliceental Blizon Board Boarf Boarus Bonflissey Bontana Calbeholem Capta Captalas Captalork Cavamotal Cavampiter Cavana Cavanight Ceelem Ceeley Ceental Celawark Celem Celemen Celemon Cennegon Centaldere Centaurc Cerpeada Chamin Chaostal Chark Chdah Chdakot Chight Chmasking Congoldgon Corccher Cordma Corearf Coreend Cormental Cornmon Crusey Crylemon Crylet Crystantal Cryston Cychampi Cychder Cychie Cychin Cychio Cychund Cyclorgon Cycloter Cycloundra Deada Demexicon Demlizar Dendell Dentan Dernedwarc Derus Devilemen Dianal Drada Drastdran Drasusa Drelem Dwalorebie Dwarch Dwarem Dwarri Eadergor Efredusey Efrele Efremana Efriffin Eftal Eftan Eftaurc Eftaurebie Eftaurelem Entan Entaure Entucky Evilets Evillicut Faele Faman Famicerd Famight Famon Fampireal Finor Fireele Flinnegaii Florn Gashydrage Geleddraii Gelemon Giantaur Gichire Gnolemotal Gnomant Gnord Gnore Gnorn Gnote Gobgogre Gogue Goldder Golemental Goleye Gonegark Goyal Goyalin Goylawark Goylemon Gragassas Gragondgon Greas Gredrag Gredras Greeton Grelettlor Gremon Gridevilin Hagarpy Hamasus Hamon Handra Hantal Hantan Hardienta Hargin Hargontaii Harrith Harth Harylvern Hawarf Hawargia Helem Helemender Helemon Helemonsa Heley Hemen Hement Herseton Hodeal Hodelemlie Hodyter Hoodemon Hoodyter Hoshal Hydragon Hydran Icelemexie Icorna Idelemedus Idiarchark Ilinoldde Ilizon Ilverber Impskin Inessil Iniana Inotana Irdwarc Iroiscord Kelem Kelementa Kellin Licent Licer Liergor Liffire Liformon Linfer Linothda Lissets Lopsho Lounie Loure Louth Madknia Maelf Maergye Magarch Magas Magelfly Mageorn Magiangton Magogre Magon Magona Magonsasus Magordsman Magornich Mainicelf Managon Manal Mandragonk Mansylah Mantal Mantalan Mardwargia Maredron Margin Margontal Marus Masante Mashiorele Mashoder Masissida Masta Medus Melem Mentah Mentalin Mexaskelf Might Milina Milver Minferd Minfly Minge Minolicon Miskin Misset Misseton Missiamp Missiska Monta Nagon Nebird Nectico Necticorpi Necticuth Nectitern Neddem Neddras Nedragon Nedusas Negarchda Negog Negole Negon Nesour Nesout Nessidem Nesterd Newjer Newyver Newyverna Noide Noidian Noissanter Nolemon Nordsmad Nordsmaern Notalgre Obgonal Obgonk Oblachie Oblah Oblie Obsilemen Obsilich Oglorgon Ohiroleman Oklabasill Oklacky Orchdergog Ordiang Ordwal Orgona Orgye Oridental Orizon Orksmag Ormona Ornedusan Ornia Orther Peado Pegaital Pegangtord Pegar Pegarchund Pegon Phodyte Phomin Phour Phout Piormentah Piowark Pirgine Piterbie Powari Powern Pshie Pskelet Psyle Rebrasus Relemexie Remon Rhootal Rhore Roglord Rolem Rolfly Royal Roylawalf Rusey Scorgon Scorka Scorpyhar Sindra Skant Skanta Sotan Souisin Sounia Sounie South Southda Spridia Spriower Staureel Stdra Stdragon Stdragonk Stdran Stdras Sterbirem Sterienta Stern Stonk Storth Stvird Swolem Swolemen Swore Tental Tergia Termon Texierd Thcalfly Thdelemonk Themen Ticel Tichanarf Tichmask Ticolemote Trogre Trolem Trolfrelem Trolizarf Tronk Troylemon Unicenicon Uthdakot Vamiscord Vamisk Vampixie Vampsk Verseets Verusad Viliantaur Vilin Warchan Warge Wargon Wargye Wargyelfri Warka Waroll Warpyhal Washiental Wesourebra Wigain Wigaite Wigarge Wighoen Wightygon Wolddrain Woldgon Wolemen Wolemlin Wolfly Wolfra Wollho Woloder Woodyte Wootaitlem Wootauri Wooter Wordmagmag Worna Wragman Wragole Wragon Wrangain Wrant Wyomaernix Wyomare Wyominga Wyomissa Wyordsmado Wyver Wyverbas Wyvergon Zeadement Zearus Zeater
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finnish-art-gallery · 3 years
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Volskien kuningas Metabus uhraa tyttärensä Dianalle, Louis-Jean-Désiré Delaistre, Finnish National Gallery
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cheerfulimp · 7 years
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Black Canary doodling
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deadandnotburied · 5 years
Negeri Ini Sedang Diperkosa
Negeri ini sedang diperkosa!
Bahaya, bahaya!
Negeri ini sedang diperkosa;
ditindih politik yang licik,
digigit hukum yang sakit,
ditelanjangi ekonomi yang penuh birahi,
dianal sosial yang amoral,
dilumat budaya sampai tak berdaya!
Negeri ini sedang diperkosa,
dan kau masih mengharamkan sistem pemerintahan yang katamu produk kafir?
Pergilah ke psikiater.
Jangan hanya pergi ke ulama, pastur, biksu, atau rumah ibadah! Jangan!
Yang negeri ini butuhkan adalah akal sehat,
bukan nafsu memperkosa dengan dalih mabuk akan tuhan dan agama.
Negeri ini sedang diperkosa,
dan kau masih menuduh negeri ini dibangkitkan ideologi yang katamu biadab?
Mulut senapan sama sekali tidak mempan untuk menyebarluaskan pembodohan.
Mereka memang bisa mengangkangi perpustakaan jalanan, menyetubuhi berita harian, dan menidurkan sejarah,
tetapi tidak dengan pengetahuan.
Ketika kau tahu negeri ini sedang diperkosa,
lawan! Bicara!
Bicaralah, tentang rayuan pulau-pulau palsu.
Bicaralah, tentang petani yang dibelenggu semen dan bandara.
Bicaralah, tentang lahan komunal yang berganti menjadi lahan privat milik pemodal.
Bicaralah! Sebelum semua ruang diukur dengan uang.
Jangan teriak "NKRI harga mati",
bila kau masih mendapati
agama dipolitisasi,
kepentingan berujung privatisasi,
keadilan bagaikan lamunan basi.
Nyatanya, negeri ini harga korporasi sampai mati.
*) sebelumnya, puisi ini pernah dipublikasikan di linimasa Instagram, namun kuhapus dengan alasan personal. pada awalnya, judul puisi ini adalah “Negeri Ini Telah Diperkosa”, namun ada kawan yang memberi komentar bahwa realitanya ‘negeri ini’ sedang dan masih diperkosa. komentar tersebut kuanggap sebagai sebuah masukan berharga. terima kasih, rezy.
Btari J. Asmaralaya
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Dianal Sect.
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myvisualnotes · 5 months
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travel notes – PARADISE BAY / Malta
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ositos-cix-blog · 4 years
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Fotos en cuarentena #quédateencasa #cuarentena #covid_19 @dianalls.02 #chiclayo #pomalca (en Pomalca, Lambayeque, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3nLwRAzoP/?igshid=s5sn9nvnc7tf
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finnish-art-gallery · 3 years
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Volskien kuningas Metabus uhraa tyttärensä Dianalle, Louis-Jean-Désiré Delaistre, Finnish National Gallery
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A Lifetime Ago ||-/Dianalicity
Felicity stood in the metropolitan museum of art, eyeing a piece of ancient Greek terracotta. Hades abducting Persephone. If only these humans knew how willingly she came. It felt like eons since she had seen her beloved. Eons since she had lost her somewhere in the world. She knew in her heart that Hades was still alive. If she weren’t, Felicity would feel it deep in her soul. It would be a loss that she wouldn’t survive. She had been all over the world, looking for her wife, but as time went on it became harder and harder to search. They were hiding on earth, hiding from her father and his wicked ways, but they were hidden so well they could not find each other. Hermes the little sneak didn’t warn them they would be separated. She sighed heavily and pushed away her thoughts. 
Felicity was there to relax. She had just moved to New York. New scenery and a new change of pace. But of course, she had to check out one of the most popular museums even if it did bring back painful memories. She did have to admit, though, she found it funny that Hades was portrayed as a bearded man. It made her wonder what her love thought of it. She giggled, the sound echoing off the walls of the nearly empty room. 
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jewelrycollections1 · 5 years
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For Details : DianaL Boutique Beautiful Sparkling Hummingbird Pendant Necklace
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amandayatesgarcia · 7 years
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Even at the age of five I knew I was an Amazon from Themyscira. #Hippolyta #Antiope #DianaLives #LoveConquersAll (at Regal Cinema)
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sydneyromineblack · 7 years
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🔹It's a Grein thing🔹#DoubleTrouble #LittleSisters #TwinLife #DelaneyD #DianaL
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latestanalysis · 3 years
Global Road Marking Materials Market Size, Share, Industry Trends, Growth Insight, Competitive Analysis Report to 2027
Global Road Marking Materials Market
Road marking materials are used on pathways and roadways to convey guidance & information to pedestrians & drivers. These materials provide visible signs on street, curbs, motorways, parking areas, and airfields. They are categorized into two types such as paint based markings and performance based marking. The increase in spending on new infrastructure & roadway projects across developing countries which expected to fuel the global road marking materials market growth.
Market Drivers
The increase in industrialization with expansion of production capacity is a key driving factor expected to boost the global road marking materials market growth over the forecast period. Also, the growing government safety standards resulting in increasing in its application in roadways & airways is one of the prominent factors which expected to drive the target market growth. The technological advancements like intelligent road marking systems will positively influence the market growth.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Road-Marking-Materials-Market/request-sample
Furthermore, ongoing trend observed in the global market is the increase in preference towards eco-friendly road marking products across developing countries is anticipated to propel the global road marking materials market growth. The increase in use of bio-based materials & government safety standards will opportunities for road marking materials market in the near future.
Market Restraints
Conservative approach of road contractors is the main challenging factor which expected to hamper the global road marking materials market growth. Some road contractors prefer basic & low cost products while other contractors demand high performance solutions at low & competitive prices. This strategy may limit the growth of global road marking materials market during this forecast period.
Market Segmentation
The Global Road Marking Materials Market is segmented into type such as Paint Based Materials (Epoxy based, Water based, Solvent Based, and Polyurethane) and Performance Based Materials (Thermoplastics, and Cold plastics). Further, market is segmented into application such as Road Marking, Factory Marking, Car Park Marking, Antiskid Marking, and Airport Markings.
Also, Global Road Marking Materials Market is segmented on the basis of five regions such as North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
Regional Analysis
The Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the highest CAGR over the forecast period, due to the increase in demand for safer roads and the increase in investments in the construction sector enhance the demand for road marking materials in this region. Also, the growing urbanization across China and India is another factor expected to elevate the global road marking materials market growth during this forecast period.
Market key Players
Various key players are discussed in this report such as AUTOMARK INDUSTRIES (INDIA) PVT LTD, The Sherwin-Williams Company, SealMaster, Ozark Materials LLC, Kestrel Thermoplastics Ltd, Kataline Group, Geveko Markings, Ennis-Flint Inc., Dianal America Inc., Crown Technology LLC, etc.
Market Taxonomy
By Type
Paint Based Materials
Epoxy based
Water based
Solvent Based
Performance Based Materials
Cold plastics
By Application
Road Marking
Factory Marking
Car Park Marking
Antiskid Marking
Airport Markings
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Browse Full Research Report @ https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Road-Marking-Materials-Market
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QualiKet Research is a leading Market Research and Competitive Intelligence partner helping leaders across the world to develop robust strategy and stay ahead for evolution by providing actionable insights about ever changing market scenario, competition and customers. QualiKet Research is dedicated to enhancing the ability of faster decision making by providing timely and scalable intelligence. We use different intelligence tools to come up with evidence that showcases the threats and opportunities which helps our clients outperform their competition.
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