bambinotattoo · 1 year
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Welp, I figured I would take some time to formally introduce myself and tell the story about me and diapers!
My name is Eric, and I am originally from Virginia. I have been in Indiana for the last several. While diapers have been a very huge part of my story, I have only been 24\7 for about 18 months. It’s easier to start at the beginning….
Once upon a time, well, pretty much since forever I have been a bedwetter. The earliest memories of getting ready for bedtime and being woke up have been as a diapered cutie. I can very strongly remember being maybe 7 or 8 and my mother walking me into my bedroom to get ready for bed and being told to get on the changing table (yes, I had a changing table even at that age). My mom had tried pull-ups and etc but I was a heavy wetter and our family doctor told my mom that boys sometimes do better in diapers because of their boy parts. Lol. So diapers I was kept in at night, and my mother or father always did their best to make being diapered normal. I was usually put in some Jammie’s and I always wanted a pacifier while being diapered or having my wet morning diaper taken off.
My mom could notice I enjoyed being babied and didn’t mind the extra attention. I am an only child and it wasn’t a big deal. There were a few times when I would ask to be diapered earlier than bedtime and I was to,d. or to use it, and I was aloud. Same thing would go if I asked to be changed into a new diaper in the morning. While my parents didn’t understand, as long as I was still using the potty, they didn’t see any harm.
On the evenings where my parents were out or away, they would have a babysitter take care of my diapering and it wasn’t a big deal. I would always wait for my parents to leave and IMMEDIATELY beg to be diapered and babied. Lol. I must have been maybe 9 or so and the babysitter I had had for several years had gone off to college and the new sitter really didn’t care about my needs. Matter of fact, she would tell me that “if your going to be a diaper boy, you have to use your diaper.” That was my first times using my diaper without need.
Here is when things got elevated or what have you. At around 12-13 I was still wearing diapers at night, but was made to diaper myself, and because of my size I was wearing small adult diapers. At this point I could be on the internet and discovered ABDL diapers and was aloud to pick them out for myself. At the time I was wearing Bambino Babies. I still had my changing table but it was strewn with clothes and etc. My parents wanted to get rid of it, but I always threw a fit. I didn’t want it going anywhere.
Either way, during the fall of that year I started having wetting accidents during the day. Something I had never done. And it wasn’t once or twice and at non embarrassing times. I was having several accidents a week and even had a few at school. Being in middle school and wetting your pants is NOT what you wanted. Especially since one of my babysitters from a few years back had siblings my age and told them about my bed wetting and baby stuff. I was already ruthlessly made fun of and had been for a few years…now I’m wetting my pants.
My mother took me to the family doctor who ran some tests, and sent us to a urologist and therapist. All of them had no real answers. My doctors recommendation was to just keep me diapered and hopefully I’ll grow out of it. Now, despite the fact that I was okay with diapers and baby stuff at night, I was concerned and frightened about being diapered all day. Even at school.
Welp, since we already had diapers, we were all set. But my mother could see I was obviously frustrated and embarrassed. When we arrived home she told me to take a shower and to come to my room afterwards. So I did, and to my surprise my changing table was cleared off and several new packs of diapers were strung about. Since I was a heavy wetter my mom wanted to make sure I was secure and decided to keep me in thick ABDL diapers and also asked me if I wanted her to diaper me. Embarrassed, beat red blushing, and in tears I started to tell her no but instinctively crawled up on the table and felt her slide a paci in my mouth. I couldn’t believe it, an almost teenager was laying on a changing table being heavily powdered and diapered while sucking on a paci. I remember her saying “I’m sure this is just a phase…but it it isn’t, there will be some changes”. I didn’t have a clue what that meant, but I was trying to stay calm and not just all out cry.
About a week later, I was still very diapered 24/7 and was being changed exclusively by my parents. I was still pretty embarrassed but thankfully they were letting me wear pull ups to school and at this point no one knew. Until one fateful day. I was put into my pull up as normal and the day started normal. Breakfast and off to school. During the end of the day I was sitting and working on some type of busy work I felt something warm and familiar…my pull up was VERY wet. Nothing to abnormal but still concerning, the teacher called me to the front to do something and while up front and in front of everyone my worst fears came true. I started peeing, and I was already wet. I hadn’t had any problems thus far, but I knew it was something that could happen. Before I knew what happened I heard some giggles and pointing from the students. I ignored them and went about what I was doing, that is until the teacher looks down and said “oh no Mr Eric, I think you should go to the nurse”. I looked at her confused and then looked down where I could then see and feel that I had leaked. And not just a little leak, I leaked bad. I immediately broke into tears and ran out of the class.
My mother picked me up that day and did her best to make me not think about what had happened. However, at this point, my mom was getting annoyed at my recent wetting and had read an article that recommended that she should embrace the embarrassment and maybe that will make me stop having accidents. So she explained that wearing diapers at my age wasn’t normal. That wanting a pacifier and toddle toys, wasn’t normal. So she was going to treat me like a toddler, if I was going to pee my pants like one. I didn’t know what to think and was silent. There was a part of me that was excited, but I also had just been vigorously humiliated and was very on edge.
My mother had already packed a new diaper bad she had picked up and had me lay in the backseat of her car and ch age me into the thickest diapers I had ever worn. They were the same brand, but the smalls fit, but the mediums fit better and were MUCH more noticeable. She also had put a booster pad in there, from what I could feel I didn’t think I could walk without waddling. I told her I wanted my regular ones and she stuck a paci in my mouth and told me we we going shopping for some clothes that were more diaper friendly.
She bought me a few pairs of overalls, and ordered some onesies, rompers, and bodysuit. I was so humiliated and depressed. On top of the more obvious diapers, she told me she was going to have some babysitters be around for when I get home from school. I opposed and threw a fit, to which I got my fist spanking I nearly 7 years. Tears flowing, ass bright red, and my mother diapering m as a 13 yo. Now the babysitters she hired were hired with the goal of making me even more humiliated and embarrassed. They were all girls that were only a few years older than me, and that I would obviously have a crush on. Talk about infantile.
Things went on that way for a while, I would wake up wet in my onesie and Jammie’s…and changed into my daytime diaper always with a booster and helped into a onesie and a pair of over alls. I was sick to my stomach everyday going to school. Since the accident all the kids were ruthless and made sure I knew I was a baby. Not to mention, the day after the leaking I was dressed in overalls and a noticeable diaper. I had my overalls taken down in front of everyone more than a few times. Each time to my horror, I was wet and wearing diapers that looked like a baby would wear them. It was miserable. I was also made to go to the nurse everyday at lunch to get changed. And all the kids knew it. I would have to make the walk of shame to and from the nurse everyday. Uhg
The babysitters my mom hired was actually the highlight of the situation. They were all friends and could tell how hard all this was for me. They all did their best to make me feel good about the situation and even went over and above just for me. My first ever hand jobs were completed during some of those changes. They would giggle at my little erection and instead of powdering me and closing me up fast, would take the extra time and actually made me feel my age…if even only for a few seconds. That feeling came and went fast as I was against fixed in a thick diaper and kept in nothing but a tshirt.
Wanna hear more?
Want me to elaborate or fill in the gaps?
Then follow and request. There is so much much more.
And again, this is a very true story!!
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your-store91 · 5 months
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bambinotattoo · 9 months
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That fresh diaper, way too much powder and several boosters kinda feeling! I wish I had someone to read me a story. Sad diaper boy
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imagine getting twenty four hours of a fraction of a taste of what marginalized bloggers on this fucking site have been told "doesn't break TOS" for the past 15 years and deciding to openly threaten to just nuke the entire website lmfao
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frdiapergirlsss · 1 month
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How's your summer going? Here we're enjoying the sun! ☀️
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your-store91 · 5 months
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princessofpees · 4 months
the diaper girl next door 💜
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bambinotattoo · 1 year
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Decided to humiliate myself since I can’t find a Mommy who wants a sissy boy who loves being embarrassed and humiliated.
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diariesofababy · 4 months
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I just can’t risk having another accident at work again.. do you think my diaper will be that noticeable ?🥺💗
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empressdaniellee · 2 months
You thought I was innocent until I brought you back to my house 🫠
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elleindiapers324 · 4 months
Little Elle moaned as she tried to squeeze into her ‘big girl’ skirt.
“If you want to be a big girl and we’re a skirt then here is your favourite denim one”
I was excited, daddy hadn’t let me wear any of my ‘big girl’ clothes since he forced me back into diapers and has been treating me like a baby, making me wear onesies and shortalls usually.
“Mph…Uhh” I struggled to get it over the diaper
“What’s wrong sweetie, is your diaper too big” daddy said in amusement
“Hehe” I squealed when I got it over my diapered bottom and buttoned up. Though I turned around in horror as my diaper was bulging out the bottom.
“You can keep trying to pull it down princess but there’ll be no hiding the baby you truly are once you wet your diapers. Now stop tugging and go put your shoes on. It’s a lovely day to go to the park”
“Daddy I..I don’t want to wear my old clothes anymore” I said after realising there’s no way of hiding my diapered behind
“Well it’s too late for that little girl, everyone in the park will see your soggy little bottom because you argued about wanting to wear your old clothes. Stop complaining or I’ll take that skirt off and you can walk out in that diaper alone”
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smollittlethingabdl · 4 months
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I've been gone from tumblr for so long! I hope you'll all give me a warm welcome back! I'll be posting my pics here as well as on other platforms~
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bambinotattoo · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I hoper you have a great day today. Treat yourself and each other great today.
So this past weekend I wasn’t feeling that well, not well at all. Which Is kinda rare honestly, either way. Over the last few weeks/days I have been noticing myself experiencing episodes of light headedness and even passed out a time or two. Which is effin scary cause I live along ( future Mommy, now is the perfect opportunity to tell me it’s okay, your here to take care of me!! “A boy can dream”.
So as you can imagine passing out and falling down can be pretty dangerous, actually crashed into my bedside table on Saturday and broke it into PIECES. CHIPPED A BONE IN MY HAND TOO. I’m not a big fan of hospitals and all of that, but thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go and just make sure things are okay. Being a full time diapered baby, sometimes it can be tricky. I generated speaking will only go if I have a friend or sitter to kind of help be a buffer. Just in case I say something dumb, or someone gets suspicious. I will also usually change into a “Normal” diaper and avoid wearing anything to “babyish”. Just easier that way.
Well, lol, this weekend I was feeling so gnarly that decided they can think what they want…I am coming comfortable and as myself. I was wearing a pink Princess with a booster, a bright blue onesie and some pastel blue full zip and baby patterned pair of footed Jammie’s. Fuck it, right. Lol. As well, the only diaper bag I had packed was my pink clear acrylic see through backpack style one. To put it lightly, it was Halloween in my bubble and boy did I get the stares and looks. I just put my paci in and ignored them. Thankfully the waiting room was fast and I was taken back with in 15-20 minutes
By the time I was escorted back, I had filled my diaper almost to the point of leaking. Hell I was sure the front desk girl could hear me release embarrassed pee pee streams the whole time we checked in. Which always happens. A great way to know if your really got me flustered is immediate bladder evacuation, followed my a beat red face and a goofy smile. The nurse that brought me to my room was trying to mind her own business and just get on with things, but offered to help get me into a gown since there were s many snaps on the Jammie’s. She then discovered the onesie, which of course had been leaked on showing I was blatantly a helpless little pissy pants. I ended up just standing there silent, looking scared to death I’m sure, while this attractive woman near my age stripped me of my baby clothes exposing just my saggy, stinky, diaper. And a pink baby one at that. She looked up at me with a little distaste and I started wimpering. She quickly began to console me and wrapped me in the gown and had me sit down.
“I know it’s none of my business, but that diaper is pretty wet isn’t it”
“Um, y…ye…yea”. As I started getting more upset.
“Hey little guy, it’s okay, it’s okay. Is that your diaper bag over there”
“Um, yes. Yes it is.”
“Okay, here in a lilts while when I get a few seconds would you mind if I changed you?”
This wasn’t the first times something like this happened, it pretty common. Just never had I come to a medical situation with this much ABDL swag before. She just smiled and told me to try and calm down and things would be just fine. She exited the room and I was left alone awaiting the doctor and etc
The first doctor came and went, nothing to crazy, but wanted me to consider seeing a Urologist while there. I sure maybe, but knew it was a no.
Several minutes later and the fist nurse came back in and closed the curtains behind her.
“Okay little guy, let’s get you more comfortable…huh?”
I just nodded and signaled for my diaper bag. I pulled out a Tykeables, my wipes, powder, and desitin as I had been nursing a rash for a few days. She giggled at the powder and ointment and said I need to make sure and change more often to ovoid that. I told her I know, and joked about needing a full time caregiver to make sure.
She actually popped my paci in, gave me a smile and told me to relax, and everything will be done quickly. I couldn’t tell her that I loved being changed without sounding like a creep so I just smirked, laid back, and started rhythmicly sucking my pink pacifier. She got the VERY wet diaper untapped and began to wipe me down with the SUPER cold wipes (I’m used to my wipe warmer). Right as she was going to slide the new diaper unde me and as she was saying
“Okay, life your butt”
There was suddenly commotion near the screen that separated my spread eagle bottom with a diaper being slide under, and anyone walking past and or etc. she immediately shouted
“Hey, hey…I’m busy in here…DO NOT COME IT. Private private stop”
And guess what, they did not stop. To my horror and here annoyance the doctor from earlier and THREE resident doctors started piling in. He saw what was going on and didn’t care at all. I am laying there, more red faced than I had even been while getting a change while the doctors just hung out waiting for her to finish. I tried closing my eyes to block out the more than uncomfortable situation, right up until when the doctor said
“So, why are your wearing diapers that look like that? Aren’t those the like fetish ones people wear?
The doctors and nurse changing me all tried not to laugh.
I wasn’t able to communicate that well through the fog of humiliation but did manage something to the effect of…
“I don’t like it when they leak. These kinds are thicker and make me feel more secure.”
The doctor made his snide remarks the nurse finished up and I was dry, and covered again. After a battery of tests the doctor wasn’t concerned about my passing out and all that, but did want to keep me for 24 hours for observation. I argued and pleaded to not be held over, but the decision had already been made and there was already a bed on the 8th floor being prepared. The nurse that changed me went out above and beyond and explained that she was talk to the nurses station where I’m going and let them know of my special needs, that way there wouldn’t be any confusion. I asked if I could have a friend bring some some supplies because I only had 1 more diaper in my bag and my onesie wasn’t the cleanest. I did, and my friend Ashley who babysat a occasionally was giving to drop by later with a care package.
After getting up to my room I began calming down and accepting the situation I was going to make the best of it. Around that time a nurse I hadn’t met yet comes in knocking and wanted to introduce herself and figure out all the details and etc.
“H there, Eric? Yes hello, my name is Nora and I willl be your nurse tonight and until 6am or so. I hear your an extra special little one, yea? Lol.
I really didn’t know what to say or what she expected me to say, but I just smiled blushingly and nodded my head.
“You really are a shy one, they were kidding. Lol. Okay, so, this is a hospital, I am a nurse, and diapers and changes are absolutely normal and nothing weird! I hear you like the babyish ones and even the cute toddler clothes too”.
Still blushing, she just smiled and started coming near me.
“Well, let’s just see what we have going on, shall we? I will be checking you everytime I’m in the room. So just be prepared for it. Are you used to that or are diapers a new thing”
What ya think, y’all want the rest?
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