#diaspro being an emotional vampire would be really cool!
floralovebot 10 months
i need to know about your monster high x winx idea with helia !! & about any other monster types for the other characters that you have floating around in your head !!
okay so usually when i see winx x monster high aus with the winx characters as monsters, more often than not, helia is usually designed as a vampire. AND LISTEN. i LOVE vampire helia i'm a huge vampire helia enjoyer he's always in my brain i'd give him my first born etcetc
However, because so many people immediately go vampire with him, people often ignore other monster types that could still work! LIKE. GHOST HELIA!!!!! Hear Me Out. he's sexy. case and point.
ajdhg but actually while i do really like vampire helia for a multitude of reasons and i do think it makes sense aesthetically and personality wise, i feel like ghost helia is SO good and so underappreciated!! like i have an entire au idea for this Please imagine victorian era immigrant helia dying after protecting his grandfather from idk fucking robbers or something ajdhg it's so choice!! it brings together his aesthetic, his personality, and his choices about red fountain! it also really brings out his more haunted/tragic/depressed vibes that vampire helia doesn't always do (really depends on the design and what part of his personality they're focusing on tbf).
i just,,, ghost helia <333 he has my entire heart <3
but also!! for the other characters, aisha is obviously a saltwater sea monster! it's hard to pick between fire elemental and dragon for bloom... but deity could also work for her since the dragon is like,, canonically a deity so? idkidkidk maybe she could be a hybrid! i usually see people design tecna as a robot but i really like the half robot/half human or monster idea for her more! i feel like it fits her inner troubles a lot! flora is definitely a plant monster but i could also see her being nature elemental! musa,,, is so hard for me because there aren't a lot of music focused monsters in mh,, like do we go with phantom? i kinda like the idea of her being a gargoyle but like,,, idk man,,,,, i like light elemental stella personally but vampire stella is also pretty choice!!
for timmy, i kind of like the idea of him being an invisible! i feel like timmy doesn't really give strong monster vibes so like Maybe he could be human or half human, but i feel like being an invisible would actually work well with him since a lot of his doubts and fears have to do with the others not noticing him/ignoring him/etc. sky is definitely a vampire. the whole blonde rich royal thing like cmonnn. i honestly really like the idea of sky and brandon being the same monster type as a call back to the switch but i feel like,,, half vampire half werewolf brandon is SO GOOD. it's a very direct this guy has to choose between royal duties and commoner life situation and i love it so much. riven being a fire elemental is interesting to me,, i feel like it also matches his hair algd
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charmixpower 10 months
Final thoughts on season 6 despite my better judgment
Okay so this piece of shit has a few good things in it so we'll start with that. It's going to be a very short list, so it won't take too long before we get into the meat and potatoes
Things I liked about S6:
Icy's, Darcy's, and Stormy's dynamic in this season is actually peek. After s5 I was extremely hesitant to see how these three would be written, but it's actually great! They are extremely sibling towards each other, and the way they bully each other after failures is super cute
While I don't like the fashion in this season, tying it all back to Stella's love of fashion and having her passion come though is really cute and makes me wish that the winx were allowed to pursue their interests independently
The Legendarum in concept. I like the idea of stories in a book being animated with magic and going into pocket dimensions. I just like that, it was a fun way to immediately get into a new set piece
The dark witch forms. They had a very Salem energy that I absolutely loved
The specialists new outfits. They are finally wearing armor, Godspeed
The specialist's new weapons. They have weapons that can be relevant in a fight, they're not, but like they could be. Tbh they're already using magic weapons, having magic effects on the weapons was a long time coming
Miele. She's cute and she gets to be a badass and save Flora and be saved by Flora they are so cute 馃ズ馃グ
How Flora got her Bloomix. Is it derivative of s3? Yes, this entire season is a worse season 3 except they don't have the balls to do anything half as cool as the Enchantix sacrifice. Is it cute to see Flora save Miele without her powers??? Yes!
Getting to see other magic schools do indeed exist, that was definitely fun
How the Musa/Riven arc ended. Like literally just the final episode of it where Riven left. That's the only good part of that arc and BOY IS IT GOOD. S4 gave me poisoning and this episode fixed it. Riven fear of not being able to help Musa against enemies, and him doing introspection without being smacked into it (I'm looking at you s3-4, he can do it on his own) is everything to me
Diaspro not being plot integral this season thank God, s5 was enough late season Diaspro. She's the fairy of the dragon flame, therefore fire is good for her was also a hysterical ass line
The trix disguising themselves as freshmen and going on trips with the Winx was funny, though why the fuck were they're only there freshmen I hate it here
Selina poisoning Flora has got to be the Selina and Bloom highlight, very cunning on Selina's end, and Blooms look of horror was peek
The vampires are really funny, but the zombie pirates were hilarious
The fun way they twirl the mythix wands sometimes, mythix can get so silly sometimes and it's super cute
Aisha and Nebula, they are so cute
Tecna and Timmy's fun raft adventure
Helia struggling with Flora's evil plants
Riven howling like a wolf, now bark like a dog boy
The werewolf fight in general was funny and entertaining
Icy vs Flora was emotional and action packed and very good! I loved that nature itself helped Flora recover
The elite girlies of CT fighting eachother and training was always cute
Timmy impressing Tecna's parents was cute
Stormy going mad with power in the Legendarum as Frankenstein's bride
Musa getting voice spells
Things I disliked about S6:
Daphne was characterized so badly here. She's nothing. She might as well have been sleeping beauty of the winx world and her personality would have been the same. There's absolutely no hint of the all powerful Nymph that's literally chiseled into the walls of buildings to commemorate her achievements. Now she's just clumsy, not as strong as the Winx, and is good at history. That's nothing. You could literally replace her with an entirely different character in this season and that would probably make more sense
Special mention to how Daphne is condescended in the beginning of this season. Why'd they do that to her
The beast of the depths. You literally made that one up for this season. It's very obvious that none of this was planned ahead of time nor are they even pretending that they give a shit about the timeline. Set it on fire.
The parties. The parties. The parties. Oh my god the parties. Anytime literally anything happens there's a completely useless party attached to it. Instead of developing literally ANY of the EXTREMELY underdeveloped subplots, they write in two billion fucking parties. I am tired
The fashion in this season is ugly, out of character, and has zero personality. Like. I feel like they were dressed by an AI, fucking randomly generated ass outfits. Terrible layering, over use of colors, and it's like they're always wearing outfits in the same fashion line. They never look like they own their own damn clothes, everything they wear is matching. It's like there's a hive mind, while yes I appreciate the incorporation of Stella's desire to be a fashion designer having them never wear their own clothes just makes them feel flat, like they don't exist outside of eachother
The pixies were more redundant and annoying than ever
Cloud tower being taken over in s1 was cool, it was meh in s3, and it's just plain boring and nothing in s6. Stop doing this over and over again I stopped caring the second time. "Oh well this time we'll make the school flying AND invisible." I hate you
The Legendarum as it was written. I swear to God it could have just been called the plot device machine, it just does whatever the writers want it to do
I just realized how did the pixies survive in the Legendarum that long???? Griffin literally flip flops her morals in this season again too, are you okay with tormenting sentient creatures or not please pick one
Why on earth did the witches of Cloud Tower support the Trix???? Why make witches in this show even more one dimensional. As well as the Trix's elite students weren't even memorable, this was more interesting when s3 did it with the mind controlled witches because they had to find why they were acting like that
Did you remember that Roxy was in this season because I fucking didn't. She's so aggressively sidelined it's not even funny
The trix just show up where ever the winx are... On accident. Sure, they just have the most insane coincidences. God what even
What is a paladin anyways?? Still unclear on this
Okay I should probably say something more on Nex and Thoren. Thoren is literally a nothing character and the only thing we'd lose if he was removed is Sky being a bit pissy, Diaspro manipulating him specifically and not like... Nex or Roy or whatever. Nex is like. A bitch. He acts like s1 Riven but with less self esteem and paranoia issues. Like Riven is a self absorbed asshole who hates himself and who had an arc realizing that punishing everyone away was bad and that he needed to learn to trust, Nex is just a self obsessed asshole with a desire to embarrass and put people down, even being willing to actually injure them over stupid ass contests. Even when being manipulated by Darcy Riven was never that aggressive, he mostly just gossiped and did dragon fighting. Nex is literally a more dickish, aggressive, self obsessed, competitive, and uncaring, Riven. And you want to convince me that AISHA, AISHA "who said you were driving?" WOULD PUT UP WITH THAT SHIT ARE YOU KIDDING ME????
Literally everyone and their mom can steal powers in this season, it's so fucking easy it means nothing
Remember how in s2 there was a large amount of focus on the not Bloom main character because the main characters of Winx were the WINX CLUB and not Bloom, remember how s3 had a lot of focus on the not Bloom characters. S6 wants you to remember that Bloom is the most important specialest baby in the world and doesn't care that there's other main characters. Fuck narrative balance and giving the cast a chance to shine outside of Bloom I guess, Bloomix is a thing
How literally everyone got their Bloomix power except Flora. Triple back flip I'm going to hurl
What stated the Riven/Musa arc this season, like at the beginning he's just dismissive and overly competitive, it's only towards the end he says hes doing this because he wants to be able to help Musa. They should have written him like that the entire time
How quickly they rushed everyone getting their Bloomix, it was giving me charmix flashbacks
Bloom getting her Bloomix last in her own episode is trying to be s3 so bad. Okay Nick writers please sit down. That was so good and impactful because Bloom didn't have a home planet, this time Bloom should have gotten Bloomix first and you could have done something with Aisha's magic rejecting the dragon flame or something. Stop trying to be s3
Thoren/Daphne is underdeveloped, Riven(/Musa) is underdeveloped, Roy v Nex is under developed, Selina is underdeveloped, these are all season long arcs and they suck ass. Please, spend more time on your subplots over PARTIES
Allowing the pixies to have combat spells midagated how annoying and intolerable they are but it was also extremely weird. No Piff cannot attack people your making that up
Eldora's diary
Saying that Bloom had friends on earth, s4 did that too and look how that garbage turned out
Selina's lack of motivation and lack of consequences for her actions
S6 wastes so many episodes showing us places on earth when we could be going to new planets, I wanna see Romeula
Eldora's personality is the most annoying thing I've ever had to deal with
Eldora and Selina knowing Bloom, this literally makes no sense. And she was also an Alfea teacher because of course she was
You'd think Bloom would grow out of running to earth whenever she's upset, but no
The girls get into so many arguments this season over bullshit. Like yes I don't want them to be perfect friends but this is a bit much
Why is everything important in gardina?? The winx world conspires to make Bloom the only narratively relevant one
The extremely annoying amount of "Wow!" "Cool!" "Awesome!" The girls do constantly
Eldora can summon counter myths to fight the Legendarum, she does this once and never again
The entire mother's day thing, like they didn't do anything interesting with it, got rid of the day of the rose, and did another stupid party
The mythix wands, they are about as thin as paper, they're excessively pink, and why do they already match the Winx that makes no sense
The way the Winx need to keep proving themselves, like you can bring in conflict other ways. I would love to see a choosey artifact just once be like "oh the winx, go ahead ma'am's" that would be so funny
The 3d in this season is so ugly and I hate everything to do with it. Mythix is extremely ugly and bland and WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FLOWERS ITS SO FLOWERY I HATE IT
The time limit on the Legendarum world only exists for fake stakes, the pixies were in there for how long??
The spell "friendship flame" Bloom just being allowed to make people Faries makes me irrationally angry
The two things used to make the Legendarum key are so arbitrary it pains me
Magic just came back to earth but everyone is acting like it's been around forever
Stella being stupid and self centered again. Like Stella was full of herself but she was also usually aware of people's feelings and only accidentally hurt people by not thinking, she also is the glue that holds Winx together!!! She's the one who gets them all together!!!! You don't get it!!! She'd never act like that she does have a brain!!!
God I hate the entire thing around Stella being queen for a day except how Stella looked in a crown, it was all awful
The music cafe was nonsensical and stupid and I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT ALFEA
Musa not having any spells in Mythix
Acheron feels like discount wizard of the black circle and Valtor with the worst pacing and battle out of all the finale's I've seen thus far it's so bad
Daphne why are you getting married
In conclusion I hate it here
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redheadscribe 3 years
Fate Winx Saga Review
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This is the Winx Club
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This isn't
Ah Winx Club, I remembering waking up early in the morning to watch it on Saturday, I thought that it was a cool show and my favorite character was Bloom during the first three seasons when it was under 4Kids. I thought that the characters were cool, the setting was pretty awesome as well and overall it was fun. Years later I was pretty shocked that it is still going on though from what I heard it has lost a lot of it鈥檚 quality with season eight being a mixed bag and an okay art style. Now Netflix has acquired the rights and there were two separate shows that they produce.
The first being World of Winx, an animated spin off show showing the girls hiding out on earth helping people and dealing with an evil version of Tinkerbell? In all honesty I was a little confused like how was this a spin off? Was it a spin off from season four as Roxy is a supporting character in this universe? That part confused me but overall it was a pretty good show but at this point I don鈥檛 think Winx Club fans wouldn鈥檛 mind a reboot that got the She-Ra treatment. Needless to say Winx Club is a popular show that was big in Italy and other countries but it is not what it used to be. Especially when we have this show to talk about Fate: A Winx Saga.
When I first saw the trailer I was pretty confused because none of the shots in the trailer reminded me of Winx Club. Also none of the characters were recognizable as they white washed and replaced Flora, and also white washed Musa. The only three characters that were recognizable were Bloom, Stella and Aisha. However there personalities have changed so much that I can鈥檛 even say that this is a faithful adaptation. I know in adaptations there has to be certain changes that you have to make because either to budget or they can鈥檛 fit it in and some stuff has to be cut. The least the show could do was get the fashion right, I mean the only one who should be wearing red is Musa while Bloom is the one that wears different shades of blue. Then again the fashion overall is a big joke and they really should fire the costume designer as I looked and she has had no experience dressing up teenagers. Rants out of the way lets see how they butchered the characters.
Let鈥檚 start with the leading Pyromaniac herself, Bloom. What the hell did they do to my girl? As a fellow redhead myself it is safe to say Bloom was the one I lean towards to the most even though I did see myself in Tecna, and Flora. Bloom is a stuck up bitch in this show and has to make it all about her, which was one of the problems in some of season four and later on. She is also unbelievably gullible and really stupid. She basically believes anything that Beatrix, a psychopath and a known liar about the whole Not Domino city, yeah I don鈥檛 care about the name of this said city in other world. She is a problematic Pyromaniac something that cartoon Bloom season 1-3 would be horrified about, and surprisingly bland.
Now, this Bloom could have worked if there were either more episodes or just better writers. Think about it, she is a girl who discovers that she has these unknown powers and when her emotions get the better of her and harm her family she could be a little distant and closed off. She is angry and confused because she doesn鈥檛 understand what is happening which can lead her to feeling a lot of emotions. Though I do hate the fact that they ruined Mike and Vanessa but I forgot that this is a teen drama and as a teen drama parents are assholes, it is the law of teen television. There could have been a nice arc of Bloom dealing with the fact that she has been lied to her entire life, feeling angry and betrayed but then going back to the Bloom we love from the first three seasons as she realized that she was the same person, she just now has a place where she can feel at home while also having awesome fire powers. However we got the worst of Bloom that is shown post season five.
Now lets get to Stella, and I will try my best to contain my rage when I am writing this. Did a person who worked on this show really thought that it would be a great idea to change Stella and make her Diaspro? You know we could鈥檝e added Diaspro and Stella in the same show, she and Stella could鈥檝e been friends due to the two girls being royalty, but then both Stella and Sky would realize that she is a toxic person and break away from her. This is not Stella and the cartoon Stella wouldn鈥檛 be caught dead in some of the outfits that she was wearing, maybe the last episode outfit but that鈥檚 about it. They could鈥檝e done something with her wardrobe, they could have her dress up as a old woman when her mother was around trying to impress her, and then dress up in clothes that the original Stella is known to wear. Stella is a stereotypical mean girl and there is nothing nuanced about her portrayal. This is not Stella this is Diaspro with Stella鈥檚 name.
Now let鈥檚 get on to Aisha, she is a fine characters but this isn鈥檛 Aisha as she has none of Aisha鈥檚 personality she is not even a princess of Andros and well she has no story outside of helping her white friend. Aisha was a standout of season two and had one of the best character entrances in the series. She doesn鈥檛 get a story of her own and she is relegated to just being the best friend that get鈥檚 Bloom out of trouble. The actress Precious Mustapha deserves way better than what they are giving her.
Now it is time for everybody鈥檚 favorite white-washed duo Terra/Flora and Musa. There have been videos and posts that are going over how stupid Netflix and Rainbow for doing this. Just to give everybody context, Musa鈥檚 appearance is based off of Lucy Liu and Flora is based off of Jennifer Lopez. I think that speaks for itself in how Netflix and Rainbow screwed this up especially when there are plus size Latinix actresses they could have casted. Now let鈥檚 get into their character, weirdly enough they are the ones that have the most interesting friendship dynamic, Terra is a fine character but she is not Flora and Musa is a lot more cold hearted and instead of being a fairy of music she is a mind fairy who is an empath. Now music in a way can evoke emotions and connect people on a deep level but her empathic powers are so undefined. Terra is a fine enough character and her family is pretty interesting.
Now lets get into the boys, Sky, Riven, Dane, and Sam. If there is one thing that I could applaud the show is that anyone can be a fairy or a specialist, it鈥檚 just a pity that they excluded the witches. Then again the witches do get the short end of the stick even in the cartoon. Sky is bland, and the actor only ever had one expression throughout the whole show. Riven is, well Riven has always been a jerk but cartoon Riven had some more well likable features than TV show Riven. Dane, he鈥檚 fine I would have liked him more if he wasn鈥檛 taking so many stupid pills when it came to Riven and Beatrix, boy he needs to find a better man to crush on becuase, Riven is not worth it at all, even if I didn鈥檛 like his performance I could definitely see him crushing on Sky way more than Riven. Sam is a fun character and I was glad to see a male fairy added to the school but that鈥檚 all I can say about him the boys are okay. If there was one thing that I enjoyed about World of Winx is that they didn鈥檛 include the boys and there was nothing lost from it, it was just the girls kicking ass and taking names.
There is not much to say about the school staff and Dowling is a fine character that is a lot like Faragonda, only really ever helps Bloom and reassuring her she is special. I wish there was more done with Terra鈥檚 father and all but nope any positive family interaction is bad in a teen show. Overall the school staff, I don鈥檛 think that we can even call them a school staff they were a joke.
Now let鈥檚 get into the villains, if there is one thing that fans of the first four season can agree on is that the villains were always a standout for each season one. That being said the only effective villain is Beatrix, even though they could have just done the Trix. Let me just say this, The Trix were a great villain for the first season and well they went downhill like the whole cartoon show. Also what is the deal with Rosalind and Sky鈥檚 father. To be fair Sky鈥檚 dad in the cartoon show has always been a jerk but a jerk that raised a psychopath like Beatrix is too much. I am a little nervous about how they will do if they actually introduce The Trix, Lord Darkar, and Valtor or even the Wizard鈥檚 of the Black Circle. Needless to say the villains were just bland.
That is if they actually even use the villains from the cartoon show because so far we have the rather bland Rosalind, I just don鈥檛 care for her and there is no need for her to be in the show, Daphne does not deserve this. Then there is Sky鈥檚 father and I don鈥檛 care and Luna and wow does every teen show have to have terrible parents. How is a cartoon show from the early 2000s is more diverse and interesting than this? I just don鈥檛 care at all about the villains except for Beatrix.
There is also the fact that the show is only six episodes and that really does hinder the show as the show could鈥檝e used more episodes to flesh things out then maybe just maybe this show would鈥檝e been interesting. I also see that there are some writers and producers from the Vampire Diaries that are attached to this project and well that explains why some aspects of the show seems dated. Overall Fate, is a bland show that definitely does have better writing than Riverdale but that is not saying much. The characters are bad, and the fashion is terrible something that was a main aspect of the show. The world is generic getting rid of the epic sci-fi fantasy world and Rainbow should鈥檝e just rebooted the animated show.
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