#dice and their perf characterization
lanthimo · 5 years
More Battlefront II OT Hero interactions
Luke: Come with me father, away from this!
Vader: First, you will join me
Luke: Never, I will never be your apprentice!
Palpy: That’s... *laughs maniacally* unfortunate
Palpatine: Join me, young Skywalker
Luke: Not a chance!
Vader being the creepy dad he is: Skywalker belongs to ME 
Luke being precious: Vader... I sense him... I sense the Darkness... and the Light
Vader: Jedi know little of power
Luke: Enough to do what must be done (my fav!!) 
Yoda: Long since I fought with a student
Luke: I will try not to disappoint you Master Yoda 
Palpatine: Grand Master without a Jedi Order (*laughs maniacally*)
Yoda: Arrogant you have grown 
Vader: The Dark Side consumes the galaxy
Yoda: And proud of your evil, are you? 
Palpatine: You have done well, my apprentice, our opponents are no match for you
Vader: You taught me well, Master 
Han: Chewie says "be careful"
Luke: I will, I promise 
Luke: Your Empire can't survive
Palps: And your Rebellion is pointless 
Luke: Yell out if you need a rescue
Leia: Same goes for you 
Han: You ought to be nicer to your generals!
Leia: Start saluting and we'll talk 
Leia: Don't get killed on my account
Han: I am not the martyring type, your worship 
Luke: Anakin is still a part of you
Vader: Anakin Skywalker no longer exists 
Han: Can't always watch you back you know
Luke: I think I will be alright 
Luke: Dark Side doesn't rule you
Vader: My master rules me and the Dark Side 
Bossk: When you are dead, I will find your partner (Chewie)
Han: if I am dead, odds are he'll find you (damn han) 
Leia: Han sent you?
Luke: He was worried, can you blame him? 
Luke: Now all we need is Artoo!
Leia: I am sure he's around
Palpatine: You have seen your destiny
Luke: I am not my father, I won't follow his path
Bonus points for Palpatine and Vader going crazy every time a Luke player comes near them like “Skywalker has arrived, he’s with the Rebels, he belongs to mE!!”  or Leia telling Vader to shove it up his ass with her iconic “I am no longer in prison!” line lol
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