sapphicmayhem · 2 years
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
When Sappho said "May I write words more naked than flesh, stronger than bone, more resilient than sinew, sensitive than nerve" and when Sappho said "As soon as I glance at you a moment, I can’t say a thing, and my tongue stiffens into silence," and when Sappho said "Sweet mother, I cannot weave - slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl "and when Sappho said "Bless you as often as the hours were endless to me while you were gone," and when Sappho said "Someone, I tell you, in another time, will remember us" and when Sappho said
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
i love tumblr because sometimes i get an urge to rb posts about something nobody likes and everyone just politely ignores me. everyone's like oh he's fallen into madness again, he'll be fine later i guess
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
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Arcane | Jinx icons
like or rb if you use/save
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Punishing arrogance with incest isn't extreme at all. (Aphrodite)
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Random princess: "Aphrodite who? A beauty like me doesn't need to pray to some goddess."
Aphrodite: "Bitch, go and fuck your dad."
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Greek mythology: where dad and daughter fuck for 12 days and nights straight, without daddy noticing who he fucking.
All bc of bitchy Aphrodite.
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Btw if we're mutuals and you feel like you always have to start the conversation I'm really sorry, my ADHD means I'm really bad at keeping track of people that aren't literally in front of me so it's very hard for me to keep up with Internet friends, even the ones I love the most cuz I'm either like "oh I wonder how they're doing?" and then do nothing about it or I'm like "oh so and so is messaging me yay! I wonder what's happened in the couple days since we last spoke!!" and they're like "so how was your summer" and I'm like "what?" and the last time we spoke was April.
Tl:dr; please don't read my lack of initiation as lack of caring, I'm just very bad at friendship maintenance skills like time management and task initiation
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
i seriously want her to feel like a god when she's fucking me & pushing my face into the mattress or grabbing a fistful of my hair like you are the king baby do whatever you want
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
That's so awfully fucking accurate.
ADHD is dumb af. how you gonna give me object permanence for PEOPLE. what do you mean I spent fourteen hours straight putting together this Lego set. what is the biological advantage to missing 60% of every conversation I'm a part of. why won't my foot stop tapping. i'm not convinced I've retained anything ever. oh gOD THERE GOES THE FOOT AGAIN. "This is your brain on drugs" but it's not drugs it's just the executive dysfunction. the hell am I supposed to do with a disability nobody believes is real. girl I'm tired. girl I can't sleep. oh it's the impostor syndrome again. no offense @ my brain but you're harshing my vibe. I would like a new one. can't return it though bc I used the receipt as a bookmark and lost it. my foot is still tapping.
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Caitlyn, at a cafe: can I get a venti latte with uh, nine espresso shots?
Jinx: oh for fucks sake just do cocaine
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Apol·lo: They call me coffee because I grind so fine ;)
Artemis: Oh my god.
Dionysus: Me next, me next! They call me coffee cause I keep you up past 2AM.
Artemis: No.
Hermes: They call me-
Artemis: Not you too.
Hermes: Let me finish. They call me coffee because I'm dark and bitter and most people don't like me without changing some aspect of who I am.
Artemis*just hugs him*
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Reblog this post if you are professionally diagnosed and you support informed self diagnosis and you hate people accusing others of faking disorders when they have no evidence to support that
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
The best way you can treat your neurodivergent friends is give them space to rant about their special interest/hyperfixation and ask genuine questions about it.
I've never had space to share my special interest. My friends either think I'm either being pretentious or they think "Oh that's smart people stuff. There's no way you know about that. If you really knew about that you'd be a tenured professor at Harvard." (And I'm not going to share what it is on here because I don't want to seem pretentious)
But my friend's younger sibling invited me to their discord server. And I'm like "how funny would it be if i made this your special interest?", and they were like "I made a channel for you to rant about your special interest" and I was joking but if they want to make room for me to rant? Imma take it.
And they're like genuinely interested. Asking questions. Telling me how cool it is. And how is this teenager able to give me more room to share my special interest and make me feel genuinely validated in my special interest more than any adult has?
If you love you neurodivergent friends. Simply give them space to share their special interest. Dude, it's not that hard and you might end up learning something cool. (Okay, to be fair when I get too excited about shit I have no volume control so I get aggressively loud which is impressive because I'm already ridiculously loud even when I'm not excited).
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Autism traits that aren't often talked about (part 2)
Unusual posture when standing or sitting
Mimicking facial expressions of others especially from a TV show
Having to process people's words after they said something so you pause for a few moments
Auditory processing issues
Black and white thinking
Having a hard time understanding people's facial expressions
Walking on your tip toes or sitting on your feet/legs
GI issues (IBS, acid reflux, food allergies)
Thinking in pictures
Inventing your own words or language
Unknowingly asking inappropriate questions
Not understanding the space you occupy/running into things
Making lists and schedules for EVERYTHING
Hard time keeping track of time
Good long term memory, recalling details others can't
Not understanding dry humor or sarcasm
Very high or low pain tolerance
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
Autism traits that aren't often talked about (part 1)
Strong sense of justice
Preferring bowls over plates and little spoons
Not knowing if someone if flirting with you
Rituals with no outcome
Not following gender norms
Making excessive eye contact
Trying to act like someone from a show/movie
Being clumsy and struggling with coordination
Preferring making friends with adults, rather than someone within your age group
Lack of fear
Being more drawn to cats, than dogs because most cats are autistic
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sapphicmayhem · 2 years
no one:
ND kids making up their own language in the back of the classroom:
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